Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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    fciia t-ieishm&n. g
War.Tim Paatrw Ql
The great American dessert has
been threatened since food conserva
tion first nade its appearance. The
"""old-fashioned pie takes wheat, takes
lat (lots ot t) and takes sugar three
counts against it. Is it possible to
irake a pie without ihe three sta
ples? Unfortunately it is riot, but i?
is very possible to decrease the quan
tity ot each considerably.
Since the fillintr is usually of ma
terials that are plentiful, one can
choose a deep pan and increase the
quantity of filling. Then the upper
crust can be omitted entirely or
cnangea into lattice work strips a
uis saving 01 pie crust immediately,
' Savine the Sugar.
Cornysyrup is an excellent sogar
substitute for weeteniiiff the filling,
but unfortunately it is more expen
sive than sugar. If naturally sweet
fillings are selected the. amount of
suarar is cut down. Sliced banana
with a few cranberries makes a good
filling that requires very little sugar.
Qnned fruits can be 'used frequently
without extra sweetening.
Saving the Fit.
As togthe fat. We can get away
from our old favorites,' butter and
lard, and still produce excellent re
sults. Meat drippings that have
mild flavor may be usedvJr any of the
new vegetable fats. Probably oleo
margarine gives a result nearest like
butter arid there are now excellent
vegetabl or nut margarines to be had.
Even cooking oils produce good pas
try' if one is careful to work in
enough water to develop the gluten
of the flour. The gluten forms the
framework of any dough and it is
only present when water is. mixed
with the flour. It is interesting to
know that a group of my high school
students could scarcely tell the dif
ference in pastry made with several
kinds of fats. All the pies were pleas
ant in flavor. No matter what kind
of fat is used, it is possible and pa
triotic to use less than the usual
amount. At first the pies may not
suit as well, but one soon becomes ac
customed t the different texture.- '
' ,So far as I have discovered, it is
not possible to makfj real pie crust
Miss Gross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer, as
far as she is able, any questions
that her readers may ask.
without some wheat flour: but the
amount of wheat flour can be reduced
to one-haJf with very satisfactory re
sults. Barley flour pastry looks al
most like ordinary pastry, and tastea
aimosc iiKe it. Rye nour pastry, or
whole wheat pastry is good also,
tough neither of those kinds are
really conservation pastry, according
to the latest rulings. Still either is
more in line with conservation than
white flour pastry,' The whole wheat
flour, m particular, made a good fla
vored crust, thoiizh the douth was
harder . to work with thin ordinary
pie douga. These tacts were worked
out by my advance cooking students
at the high school. In substituting
any kind of flour, one-third of the
substitute makes excellent crust; and
one-half is possible to use with just a
little experience. A government pub
lication recently suggests a cornmeal
crust for pumpkin pie. This crust is
nothing more than a ihin-layer of
cornmeal on the pie tin. The tilling
is poured, onto this layer. To dis
tribute the cornmeal evenly over the
pie tin, work the tin with a rotary
War Time JPastry.
(Sufficient for two crusts in a me
dium sized pie tin).
M e. white flour. 4 e. fat.
tt e. substitute flour. 8 T. (?) cold water.
1 t. aalt
Sift salt and flour, and cut in fat
till mixture looks like cornmeal. Add
water to make a tiff dough. Roll out,
using the minimum of flour on the
Potato Pastry.
i& t. baking powder. 1 e. cold riced po
1 e. flour. tatoea.
1 t. aalt. , I T. jnilk.
I T. fat. I T. water.
Sift salt, flour and baking nowder.
Cut in fat. then add potatoes. Add
milk and water to make pie dough of
the usual consistency.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Note: The sincerity and honesty of our
Bachelor-Farmer1, letter printed under the
"Advice to tne lovelorn" haa bronchi-many
answer. They are printed Just aa they
were received and we regret our Inability
to'use them aUpepace la limited. i
Mlsa Fairfax, Omaha, Neb. Dear Madam :
Have read of the advice of the Bachelor
Farmer. You can send me hla addreaa,
but do not put my name and addreaa in
print, al I am too well known. lour truly,
MRS. I. 0
"Gets Her Goat."
' Somewhere In Burt County Mlaa Filrlaa,
Omaha Bee: In regard to the letter of
Mr. A Reader must 'say that I too, have
been muoh Interested in the "Advice to the
Lovelorn," and have had many hearty
laughs, over the questions and answera, but
this . particular letter of February 2, ex
pressed In American alang, " Gets my goat."
It Interests arid surprises me and I
can -not compel myaelf to atlll the lmpulae
to express my comments.
What can this man mean? Ia he bent on
stirring a commotion among the unlucky
maids, from Whom the war ia stealing a
"hubby," Just to see how many he can
induce to nibble at hla bait (a asctlon and
wealth). If so the altuatitm becomes amus
ing. I'll wager that if he's expecting muse
ment he'll get ft. So many women are
so atupldty silly! (undoubtedly I'm one of
them and don't know it). Perhaps he Just
means to furnish the common maaa of Bee
readera a little amusement.
Surely, "Mr. Man," you are not in earnest
you; can't be without cheating yourself
aa wel aa all to whom your entreatlea are
Before going further, let me aay that I'm
one of a large fatherlesa " family. 'Being
only 20, I haven't seen much of life or thla
wonderfuLjold world of oura. But -1, like
many others, have worked for what little
I have gained In hla world, namely, high
school education, one year college and two
years of teaching. Would like te ask "Mr.
Man, have you toiled ourway through this
world, do you know the meaning o that
bitter word "defeat"?
From your -letter I conclude .that you
have had almost everything of what you
have wanted in life. Just for the asking,
and have lived your life lust aa you pre
ferred. And now when the queatlon if a wife
arises, you want one made to order. What
kind of a reply do you expect one of this
type? I'm you,r girl; take me; I'm Jgst what
you want. No, my dear man you won't
not from a respectable woman, the kind
jou'want for the mother of your children.
Not through Advertising will you get a
girl worth the price you will pay. Because
only cheap girls will fall for such things. A
true, good girl, seeking happingss In her
home, wants to know the man ahe (a to
marry, socially, personally, physically, men
tally, religiously, etc. You state that you'll be
married within a year. I will say, any glr(
who wants to know her husband, (you and
a stranger) In that length of time, will
have to do soma "wideawake" research
work. ' '
Why aja. you so bent on informing ua
that you will be married before 31, Don't
be so sure, if it's your fate you will, if not
you won't. Let me sincerely advise you,
young m n watch your step, you have
started something .' ! ! Don take tjie first
nibble at your bait. "She" may be worse
than yourself (what do you think of
that?) or even make your life, section, and
home a perfect hell! Hoping Mr. leader
will take my criticisms in the truly sincere
nlood in which they -are meant.
P. S. riease Miss Fairfax, publish If yod
see fit and thereby let me know whether
I am the dune; I really feel this morning,
when mailing this. E. M. S.
Wild and Daring.
Mr 'Stranger Dear Friend: Please don't
think this wrong. I'm not the kind that
does this kind of thing, but you aroused
"TrTy curiosity when I read your letter in
the paper, though I can't tell you why.
I'm 18. rather tall, dark hair and eyes.
I'm of a "butterfly1' disposition, and mar
rying 1s far from my mind Just now, but
I just wanted to what kind of a man
you are.
I cannot Bend you my real name, as it
would never do for my people to know
that I would do such a thing. I've always
, been beyond such thlnga and I can't help
but wonder where I get my nerve to do
this. FI1 send you the name of one of my
many chums. '
I'm captain ,vf our "basket ball team"
and president of my class. You probably
Won't want to make the acquaintance of
' what you call a popular girl, as moat glrla
of IS never lack beaua, as ySu already
know. Don't take thla wrong. I'm nbt
bragging, but 1 wanted, you to know before
you wrote me.
I want your picture before I write any
more, I am popular, because I'm at the
head ot all our good times and I'm daring.
This Is a dars that the bunoh made me
before I wrote you. They've never dared
me anything and I'll not back out this
I do not hate farm life, but Tm not
thinking of marriage. I write to alx aol
dler boys, but care for no one. I'll not
sign my own name. It can be aent to my
churn. I will be to you ub "Mlsa Some
body." Please don't think I'm bold, aa I'm of
an aristocratic family and I'd never have
this known. .MISS SOMEBODY.
Do Not Advertise. ' .
Dear Mlaa Fair'": In accordance to the
long letter In your column I would aay to
the writers "Do net put an ad In the paper.
Somewhere, eome time, yon will find i only
girl and then you will be thankful that you
I, too, believe there la no really, truly love
before marriage, but that a 'wonderful love
develops when the couple' Interests be
come common or aa one and they learn to
becompantonable to each other.
The writer of that letter la oertalnly dif
ferent frdm any irian I ever waa acquainted
with.. I believe "Dorothy Dlx" would term
him aa "The new Adam," and he would
certainly make, a worthy friend.
Really I believe it would be a wee bit of
heaven on earth to be a companion through
life with a person like thla one. Sounds
like I might be a grandmother giving ad
vice, don't It, but I'm ONLY 11.
To a Lonely Bachelor.
Your letter Interested me greatly for I,
too, am a lonely aoul, Life! life! particular
ly eight life, ia what I cravel I would
enjoy living on a farm I feel sure, but, don't
you think after the cowa were In bed we
could aeek the white lights? My nature
demands excitement and I have always
been forced to do the conventional things
While I longed for a Bohemian existence,
I feel sure that your nature and mine would
blend perfectly, I can see that you are
really wasting away from a consuming
loneliness but you do not realise it Some
jazi music, an occasional Martini cocktail
and a pretty girl would do more toward cur
ing that all-alone-ln-the-world feeling than
any amount of Husking corn. Every cloud
has lta flannel lining and here awaits one
to take you by the hand and lead you away
frbm your dreary monotony Into 'the great
world where happiness awaits you I
To Bachelor-Farmer.
My Dear Mlsa Fairfax: In reply to the
"bachelor-farmer" whose letter appeared In
the Saturday Bee would like almost to aay
"ditto." At present I am considered a suc
cessful and popular woman, but as I near
the end of. the "twenties." I woder if I am.
As a child my fairy tale books alwaya told
how "the knight" appeared and ao I have
wended my happy way studying and travel
ing and watting for my one Ideal to appear.
Today I think perhaps some of my many
In this blank and open
Draw a husky boyish
face ,
For our romping little
Who is wide awake in
Strawberries, Luscious
Big Fellows, 75c a Quart
Spring is here. The early sign of
spring arrived on the Omaha markets
this week. Strawberries I Yes, sir,
great bjg fellows, apparently well
ripened. They come from the far
south, of course inthese arly days
of February. But they're here. The
price is 75 cents a quart box.
Apples, the variety is great and the
price surprisingly low tor the high
gentleman friends might have made me
happy. ,
success can never take the place or home
and children. And enough of my life haa
been apent on the farm to ctmvlnce me that
I will alwaya prefer rural life to the city.
But auppoalng thla bachelor and myself
should ever care to meet How could we do
It according to conventions? I km ao
qualnted practically all over the state. Per
haps we have mutual friends.
However, thla seema ao abaurd for a con
ventional proaperoua "old maid" to write
that I feel tempted not to mafl It and ft
certainly causes me .to "grin." . ,
If the bachelor cares to anawer, however,
he can put a notice to that effect to the
Wonderful Opportunity.
Dear Mlsa Fairfax: Would any young
affectionate, home loving girl undertake to
make an Ideal young man happy?
what a wonderful opportunity to love.
live and think.
It will be i too bad If our bachelor' friend
will be obliged to advertise for a woman to
undertake a life position aa he haa to offer,
xou aay you have gone over your llat of
girl frlenda and cannot (Ind "the" girl.
Maybe you have not looked at the right
place for 'her. . Maybe ahe is a buaineaa
girl you have met and not a achool friend.
So look again. ESTHER.
An Answer. ,
In answer to the "bachelor's tragedy."
which la no "grinning" affair, I would aay:
Love la fed by chivalry and chivalry Is
sleeping, not In thla man's mind or those
of his makeup, but in our world at large
We lack the courage of our beat convtctlona;
we fear to atand alone.
I, myself, am more of a hermit than I
have any desire to be, because death and
other circumstances decreed that I be home
less, and because a woman cannot "aeek"
without being misunderstood by perhaps
the very one that la moat worthy,
'.'There la no place In the world fpr an
honeat woman," I heard a girl aay lately.
There la one place, I aaid, where all honest
women Reserve to be and that la In some
good man's home.' But how a good woman
alone In the world, ia to find her right place
is my tragedy. JESSY. '
A Solution.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been reading
the lovelorn lettera. I like to read them,
but really I think some boys and glrla ask
silly questions. I read the farmer-bachelor
letter. I think some thlnga he aaya are
real sensible, but I am afraid he likes hla
self better than anyon else. I think If he
will only forget hla self he will be married
before the year la out. Miss Fairfax, I don't
know what you will think about my letter.
I never wrote one like this before. I wlU
put my name and address, but please don't
put It In the maper, will you? ! am writing
to some of my frlenda and I thought I
would, write to you.
Mr. Farmer: Can you Imagine the anowa
lightly shadowing the earth without and
our hero toasting hla tootsies bealde the
hearth within; feeling sentimental, too: all
alone and no one' to love him? Pathetic!
Why didn't you 'phone me, Ralph?
Seriously, though; your etory appeala te
me and I ahould juat love to hate you
write me. Won't yqu, please?
I am a terribly nlo little plnmp girl of
27 summers, and ao many of the boys like
me, but "Resolved," never, If I remain In
single blessedness 'till 80 shall I marry for
aught ! but love.
Here's hoping I am lucky enough to at
least receive a little answer. Bye. CECIL. .
1917 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens at Wholesale Prices.
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 22Vjc
Steer Round Steak, lb 23jc
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb 22 'jc
Steer Pot Roast, lb. . . . . .17jc and 19,c
Steer Boiling; Beef, lb Mlac
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb v.19'ic
Steer Rib Roast, lb... J..17Vtc
Pig Pork Roast, lb 23V,c
Pig Pork Butts, lb 2S'ac
Young Veal Chops, lb lSVie
Young Veal Roast, lb...l7'tc and 19Vie
Young Veal Stew, lb 12 V,e
3 lbs. Mutton Stew for BSc
No. 1 Mutton Legs, lb 23 Vic
No. 1 Mutton Chops, ft) 22Vic
Fancy Mutton Roast, lb 16Vte
Skinned Hams, Jb , .28Vac
Cudahy Puritan Bfegular Hams, lb., 20c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, lb 23 Vic
Swift's Winchester Bacon, lb 41Ve
Cudahy Puritan Bacon, lb.. 41 Vie
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 30 Vac
Special Prices In Our New Grocery Department
Tall Hebe Milk, per ean .lie
ISc quality Tomatoes, per ean He
16c quality Corn, per can '. 10c
15c quality Peas, per can 12c
3 -lb. can Sauer Kraut, per can 14c
Tea Sif tinge, per pkg ISc
16c quality Corn Flakes, pkg. 9c
IIuco Pork and Beans, in tomato aauce,
per can, at 9c
4 lbs. Bulk Rolled Oat 25c
25c ean Pears for 14c
20c can Peaches or Pineapples, 2 oana
f,or 25c
26c can Salmon, per can 17Vic
Hand Picked Navy Beans or Lima Beans,
per lb., at 15c
33c Bulk Coflee, per lb ..25c
25e Bulk Coffee, per lb 17ie
tl.O gallon Catsup, per gallon 99c
10-lb. can Calumet Baking Powder... 99c
IO-lb. can Kard Syrup, percan 69c
Meadow Gold or Wedgewood Butter, per
lb., at 50c
Best Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the peck...33e
Best Gano Apples, bushel basket, $1.69
Regular 46c Sweet Oranges, per doz., 35c
Large Grapefruit, each , . . 7e
Dried .Peaches or Prunes, 2 lbs,... '.25c
Pine Tree Matches, per pack 5c
6 pkgs., for 25c
113 South 16tK St.
Phone Douglas 2307.
"Ends the Quest for jhe. Best"
Holiday Brand
in FlavoV and Nutriment Equal in
Excellence to the
teRfi coco-Wl nest Creamery Butter
i flr- pHtx l
W" " SSs. TT It m, ft,.
, Save 35 to 40.
All Pure Food
Dealers Sell It
Distributed By
Omaha Cold Storage Co.
(U. S. Food Administration License No. G-13775)
quality of the . fruit. One stdre is
offering excellent Winesapi as low as
$1.50 per bushel box. From that price
they go up to as high as $4.50 per
bushel box for the Delicious bratid, a
big apple weighing sometimes as
much as a poun each,
Chocolate Bar
Days in Oregon
"Chocolate Bar Days," when con
tributions are taken to buy chocolate
bars for the Oregon buys -n the serv
ice, is the latest plan of college girts
at the Oregon State Agricultural col
lege. Women of the home economics
department of this school are also
supplying boxes of food to the college
boys who have gone, at a remarkably
small price. They have sent 200 boxes,
filled with war cake, fruit, confec
tions, nuts, popcorn ball.'i. oatmeal
cookies, and salted peanuts, to the
Oregon men at the cost of 20 cents a
box. The candies were, all made of
sugar substitutes, such as honey and
corn syrup.
A card index of the 1,000 University
of Washington men now ir. tne army
and navy is being compiled by girls
at. the University of Washington in
Seattle, so that the former students
may be supplied with the college daily
paper. This file of college boys in
service is in working order at many of
the colleges. Promotions, changes of
addresses from camp to camp, etc.,
are noted in order that weekly letters,
in addition to personal mail, will
be sure to reach them. j
Doughnuts Must Go!
The memory of living man runs not
back to the time when doughnuts
wre not only considered fashionable,
but likewise a necessity. And now
comes the word that doughnuts are
to be frowned on. They are to be
Grapefruit, is especially fine, big 'placed on the unfair' list because it is
and Juicy at present. The nriees vary
accoding to size from 7jj cents to 20
cents each. Oranges in many sizes
are here, prices running from 30 to
60 cents a dozen.
Potatoes still hold toMheir former
price. Some stores have them as low
as 30 cents a peck for the home
grown kind. For western potatoes
45 cents a peck is being asked. ,
Figs and dates are plentiful. Black
figs, pulled figs, stuffed figs, and the
ordinary layer figs, all are on hand
and are excellent and economical
Green vegetables like onionsrrad
ishes and lettuce are plentiful and
fresh every day from southern gar
dens. Cauliflower and cabbage have
never been finer. Cucumbers at 25
cents each, artichokes at 20 cents
each, endive at 65 cents a pound are
some of the "luxury" vegetables.
felt that the making of doughnuts,
whether the real thing or the wide
spread . counterfeit, takestoo much
fats that should be conserved or oth
erwise used. i '
. Doughnuts form in essential part
of every lunch counter display. Thou
sands there "are who hop off trains
merely for the purpose of dashing
into some station restaurant to invest
in sinkers and a cup of coffee. The
shqrtage in sugar has forced some of
them to take their toffee without
sweetening. This was bad enough.
But when the time comes that they
must look in vain and call without any
chance of being answered, for the
time honored doughnut, then things
certainly have come to a pretty pass.
One and a quartet million women in
England are now doing work former
ly done by men,
FRESH EGGS, Doz. : . .50c
On Sale Daily, Consumers' Dept. 1116-18 Douglas St.
Pullets, per do., $18 to $24 Cockerels, ee.., $2 to $2.50
Large Stock to Select From.
ii aa
1 1 "fW (Tajiajjii 1
United States FpoA Administration License No. G-011BL
Saturday Specials at The
New Public Market
1917 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens at Wholesale Prices.
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 23ic
Steer Round Steak, lb 23tc
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb... 22Vie
Steer Pot Roast, lb. .l73e and ltic
Steer Boiling Beef, lb 14y,c
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 19VsC
Steer Rib Roast, lb lTVs
fig Pork Butts, lb........ 28'ac
Pig Pork Roast, lb 24V,e
Young Veal Chops, lb 195c
Young Veal Roast, lb. . .lS',c and 20,c
Young Veal Stow, lb 12'0
No. 1 Mutton Legs, lb 23V,C
Fancy Mutton Chops, lb 22'ac
Fancy Mutton Roast, lb IBVjc
Skinned Hm, lb 28Vif
Cudahy Puritan Regular Hams, lb. .294t
Sugar' Cured Picnic Hams, lb 23Ve
Swift's Winchester Baconflb. . . ; . .4! Vic
Cudahy Puritan Bacon, lb 41 Vie
Sugar Cured-Bacon, lb 36 Vie
3 lbs. Mutton Stew for 25c
Money-Saving Grocery Department.
Graham Flour, fft-lb. sack $1.33
Rye Flour, 24-lb. sack 11.30
California Sardinea, 7-oi. eana 7c
15c quality eana Peas or Tomatoes .. 12e
Fancy Dry Lima Beana, lb , .15c
Hand Picked White Navy Beans, lb.. ISc
Beat 'Em All Soap, 6 bars for 25c
Diamond C Soap, 6 bara for.. 25c.
4 lbs. Rolled Oats 2Sc
White or Yellow Com Meal, lb...
Farm House Apple Butter, regular 85c
quality, per jar..,.. zbc
Oil Sardines, 4 eana for 25c
Skinner'a Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles
8 pkgs., for ...25c
Large Queen Olives, 35e quality, jar, .27c
Preserved bottle Pears, S2e quality.. 27e
Fancy Comb Honey, frame. ....... ,24c
Sultana Raisins, per lb iSc
Fancy Head Rice, 8 lbs 25c
Tall Pink Salmon, per ean 20c
Burnem MorreU's No. 2 eana Pork
and Beans, per can lfc
Be J- Sunshine Chocolate Fingers, 2 lba....25c
Ferfecto Sugar Wafers, 2 pkgs 25c
Large pkgs. Sunshine Crackers, regular
80c quality, per pkg , ...,29c
Butter, Eggs and Cheese Department.
Best Peanut Butter, lb r.'19,ic
Fresh Cottage Cheese, 2 lbs 25c
We have a complete stock 'of sweet,
sour and dill pickles; also milk, cream
and whipping cream.
Fancy Elgin Butternut Butter, lb... 49c
Fresh Country Butter, In 2-lb. rolls, per
lb., at 45Vie and 48 Vie
Fresh Country Butter, in tubs, peri lb.,
at 47c and 49c
Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb 32'ac
Fresh Frujte and Vegetables.
Best White Spuds, IS lbs. to the peek
per peck, a,t 32Vie
Extra Large Head Lettuce, each, 7c Be
Leaf Lettuce, S for 10c
Carrots, per -bunch
Green Onions, per bunch
Extra Fancy Celery
Fancy Radishes, 3 bunches for,.
Morning Hour, per lb. . .
Fancy Santos, per lb :
Purity Blend, per lb v ,
Hotel Blend, per lb., 35c 3 lbs. , for. . .
. .19c
. .23c
The Nebraska Seed Co.
One gallon equal SO gallon of the beat buttermilk for feeding
poultry. ,
Quart, 50J ' Gallon, 81.50
Don't Fail to Visit Our FaVioua Delicatessen' Department.
One Delivery to Each .Customer to Any Part of the City.
Mafo Floor Firot Natt Bank Building.
The, food drink
without a fault
Made of high grade cocoa!'
beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a perfect'
mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals. It is
absolutely pure and whole
some, and its flavor is deli
cious, the natural flavor of
the cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this
trade-mark and is made
only by
Walter Baker S Co. Ltd.
Mo. u. a. pat. err.
EsubtiU 1780
8 u!neu Is good, thank you. ii a phrase ire often hear,
U ntll we hve to believe jt Is so, for it carries far and near, 1
Soma prices that we auote ere really extremely low;
In fact, all get a bargain and at small prof lta they go,
Now, In thla week's exceptional bargain!, are goods of every brand,
E arnestly we ask you to read them, your attention It will command,
S elect your ajoods, then- eome to ua, tor wa will treat you, well.
Show that by your early trading your colors sr. ean tell.'
I nttrestcd housewives, pleas, do not fail to eome,
S oon to the Washington Market, and your ahopplng la quickly done.
. ' ' ' '.
O t the habit of earryiag your packages bom., and you will be doing your bit,
O visit our branch at MsCrory'a, it aure ii, making a hit.
O ur motto Is high quality, low prices and honest weight, ,
D on't forget we are sanitary and very much up-to-date.
Choice Sirloin Steak, lb 20c
Choiea Porterhouse Steak, lb 22 Vic
Cholc Pot Boast, lb 17VC and 200
Qholca Rump Roast, lb 20e
Bolliwrspeef. per lb. A ' J2,e
Lean To-1; Chops, per lb 24 Vie
I.amb per lb , l.,.28o
Lamb Legs, per lb 22 Vic
Ground Bones, for chickens, ( lba..28c
Winchester Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon,
per lb., at 32Vi
r- : ' '
Extra Fancy Skinned Hams,,
whole, per lb
Good Oleomargarine, per lb....,
All Branda Creamery Butter.,.
Bulk Oatmeal, i lbs
Boiled Oats, per pkg. . . . "
Extra Fancy Head Rice, lb....
Hand Picked Navy Beana, lb...
Extra Fancy Dried Peaches,,..
Extra Fancy Oregon Frunes...
Seedless Raisins, per lb
Fresh Pork Tenderloin. , . ......
half or
... .S2VIO
' One of the Largest Mall Order Houses In the Middle Weatr "
United Statea Food Administration License No. G-27834.
1 JLll
sw saaa v sa
1407 houqLajs
,mi most im-o-Atm
Jino Mtvar MtKr im
4MDJ4iVffl4a.y tfAOCMV
; We take great pleasure in announc-'
ing to the public that we have opened a
strictly Sanitary and up-to-date Grocery
and Meat Market with a full line of Gro
ceries. Nothing over 10c, including
corn, tomatoes, hominy, etc. Our meats
are high in quality and low in price.
Something new. Pay us a visit. 1
McCrory's Meat Dept.
In the Basement
214-216 S. 16th St. Between Farnam and DctCglas
per lb . . i
per lb
per lb .
per lb.
per lb.
per lb.,
per lb.
on sale,
per lb.,
Boston Market Specials
Read Thla Ad and Save 30 on Your
Grocery Bill.
Stop Early, A. W. Clos. at 7 P. M.
Fancy Can Corn or Tomatoes 10c
Fancy Can Pear or Peachea 7'aC
No. 3 can Sweet Potatoes or Hominy, 10c
Large can Mustard Sardine. ...... .10c
No. 2 can Kidney or Lima Bean. . . .10c
No. 2 can Hominy or Kraut 7 Vic J
10c Clas Mustard or Olives 7C
Quaker Oat. or Pancake Flour 10c
4 lb. Oatmeal or Cracked Rica 25c
3 lb. Barley or Choice Rice 25c
3 lb. Fancy Brown Bean .25c
Quart Jar Olives ITVic
Quart Jar Jam. or Apple Butt.r. . . ,25c
California Plum, or Peaches, can.... 11c
No. 3 Larg. Can P.ara, Plums, Peaches,
per can, at.. 15c
Macaroni or Spaghetti, pkg 7VjC
Tall Can Salmon . 15c
2-lb. 5-oz. can Sawtay. 49c
4-lb. sack Pancake Flour 28c
8 pkg. Matches or Toilet Paper 2Bc
Home Made Bread, per loaf. 6c
Creamery Butter, per lb '......47c
Choice Egg, per dozen E3e
1 -lb. can Calumet Baking Powder. .. .19c
Swift' Cleanser, per pkg ...4c
Kamo Soups, per can 9c
per lb.
J 91c
Round, Sir
loin or
Steak, lb
per lb.,
Roast, lb.
per lb.,
per lb,
s. c ...
per lb. . .
per lb,
S. C. No.
per lb . .
Mail orders filled at .an. price.. Largest cut price mail order grocery and meat mar
ket In the etate. Write for price list. U. S. Food Administration License No. G-13IQ5.
113 North 16th St.
Opposite Posloffic.
Two Phones-Douflo 1089.
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in-TJie Bee
' n