1 - 10 1 Jini Bfcti : OMAHA. SAT UrtDAY, fcBK"UAK-r ir, 118. We're Proving Every Day By Superior Value Giving That Cash Buying at a Cash Store Pays 1,000 MEN'S HATS 1 Regular prides to ?5. On sale Saturday at, your choice. ...... J .. . ... . . . . ........ $125 Children's Gloves and Mittens That sold at 70c, jn fur tops and cloth Kfia top gauntlets. Our Special Cash1 Price. . ....vU ' A Complete Line of the New Styles. PERRIN'S AND BACMO WASHABLE GLOVES For ladies. All the new colors; Best value obtainable. Our Special Cash Price .... . . ..... .$2.25 to $3.00 High and low crowns, broad and narrow brims, blacks, browns, pearl grays, carbon, ivy and army colors". All size from 6 5-8 to 7. All have leather sweat bands. Now is your chance to get a good Spring Hat at a remarkable bargain price. THE CASH STORE Shop Early Store Close at 6 P. MSaturday. FT" nn n .. f II w A Rousing Sale of OVERCOATS Nearly 300 Young Men's $17.50 and $20 Overcoats Sizes 33 to 38 Only- , Only a few vf a kind, TJ) '- To close Saturday. Our CashPriee . : A Remarkable Sale of Men's Separate Trousers Saturday we place on sale over 3,000 pairs of Men's Trousers in big assortment of the newest patterns and styles IN TWO BIG LOTSi 1,000 Pairs of Men' Trouieri That sold at $3.95. Our Special Cash Price Saturday. ....... . $2.45 2,000 Pairs of MenY Trousers That sold at $5 and $5.50. Our Special Cash Price Saturday. . . . . .$3.95 Every Pair Guaranteed. ' Don't Miu These Saturday Bargains. Savings on Winter Underwear Offered Buyers In Our February Clearance Pricings Saturday. Men's $2.25 Heavy Fleeced Union SuiUtamb's-down quality.'Any size to 50. Cash Price Saturday. .;$1.65 Men's $1.15 Heavy Underwear Two-piece kind, heavy lamb's-down fleeced shVts and drawers. AH sizes. Our Cash Price Saturday, each 85 Men's Union Suits Heavy fleeced and cotton ribbed. Regular price, $1.75. Cash Price, each.'. ..... .$1.35 Men's$1 Heavy Underwear Shirts & drawers, heavy fleeced and cotton ribbed. Cash Price, each . : . . . (5 j Men's $1.50 Heavy Flannel Overshirts Blue and gray colors, all sizes. Cash Price, each. ......... . .$1.00 Men's $1.25 Domet Flannel Night Shirts Full sizes, bodies warm and comfortable, any size neck, each, $1 Men's $1.50 Domet Flannel Pajamas Cash Pr., $1,15 Men's Silk Underwear Big open-end shapes, fancy col ors, large assortment to select from. Cfsh Pr., ea., 65 Saturday Specials in Ladies't'; Underwear Ladies' Wool Union Suits High neck, long sleeves; low neck, short sleeves or low neck and no sleeves; worth up to $3.50. Our 'Special Cash Price Satur day.. $l.g8 and $2.50 House Dress Aprons Dainty stripes and figures; gowns worth to $2. Cash Price, Saturday. . .$1.00 Black Sateen Bloomers . All sizes. Cash Price 45 Silk and Satin Camisoles 'All sizes and extra sizes. Garments worth up to' $2. Special Cash Price.. 98 Odd Lots of Ladies' Mus lin Garments Wortfl to $2.50. Cash price Satur day, at 98 Outing Flannel Gowns Heavy quality, all sizes and regular sizes, worth to $2.50. Cash Price, $1.25 Remarkable Money-Saving Values In Our .Hosiery Sale ' ' Saturday women's Silk Hose One big lot, stripes and clocks, broken sizes. Worth up to $2.26. Our Special Cash Price ..... i v... $1.00 Women's Silk Boot Hose All good colors, seconds of $1.00 quality. Our Special Cash, Price ....... .50 Misses' Fine Ribbed Mer cerized I Lisle Hose All ' sizes, 39c quality. Our Spe cial Cash Price. . , , ,25 Boys' Cotton and Fleeced Hose Fine ribbed, med ium weight,' extra good wearing quality. 40c val ues. Our Special Cash Price 25 A Spring Dress 'Hundreds of Beautiful es Greatly Underpriced Saturday - ,"., ,7k Dainty Designs in Taffetas, Mes- " u' -l r saiines, : oauns aiui serges ; many styles . in the season's new color ings and in all sizes; remarkable values. A i. SO e are showing hundreds of Classy AXf . AiT) New Dresses" in a broad range of "lTfT-. styles suitable for streetafternoon and general wear, in finex Taffetas, Satins Georgettes,' Silk and Wool Combinations, etc. v AH Sizes Real Bargains. , , NEW SPRING SUITS ARE HERE; A big assortment of QOQ50 (PQ pT - & A And charming, styles at. puVy tyOU) tpQD Up. Two Specials in New Dress Skirts Saturday Dress Skirts In fine nov elty striped Silks, with . fancy pockets and novelty belts; all the season's newest colorings. t 'a 1 At $5.95 BLOUSES Made to sell to nr $5. Casli Price .tO Come in Georgettes, Tub Silks and Crepe de Chine; many styles, in all sizes. a j. Q 1 A Dress Skirts--In big as P V ; sortment of distinctive de signs, in Satins, Taffetas and Wool ma terials; plain colors and fancies. ; ' ; Hush Goats :, Women's Long Princess Slips and Petti. coats Made to sell at $5 and $6.vqQP Our Cash Price . . .......... , . L&L Women's Bungalow Aprons-Worth $1.25. Several styles for selection. On " Q(n sale Saturday, Cash Price. . r. ... .OtC Worth n $35 and u $40 Sizes for small women and misses; all wonder ful values, at our Price'. ... 119.50 BLOUSES ric(495 Made to sell $7.50. Cash Prict Beautiful designs in Georgettes, Crepes and novelties, all styles and colors. : Wonderf nL values at the price. - i ; :: ;-: .; Women's Lone : Flannelette Kimonas Made to sell at $1.50. , On sale QAn' Saturday Cash Price.., ..1 .... lOuO Women's Long Seco Silk Kimonas--That i sold at $3 and $4. Our Cash $-f 'QO Price Saturday. . ,V.r.:. . 122 r Interesting Sales in Children's Department All Children's Winter Coats That sold at$5 to $8.95, all sizes, 3 to 14 (ft q qq years, go in one lot at'Our Special Cash Price Saturday. Ji;. ..,l,tyt0 ew uingham Dresses Npbby designs m all. sizes and colors ; attractive values. A "y.,:::s...$i.98to$5 Children's Bath Robes Satin trimmed or plain, sizes 8 to 14jrears. Two specials at pdr:.c::"..:$i.50-$2M : February Clearing Sale of Pictures One TKousand Pictures Values to 75c; all new and good subjects, large and small sizes. Saturday. .35 $2.00 and $2.50 Pictures Suitable for any room gilt or dark frames. Saturday Special . . .... ... .981 Ready-Made Frames In all the popular sizes, each, at. ,. . . . .194, 254, 39, 45 nd 69 30 OFF ON ALL PICTURE FRAMING FOR t SATURDAY OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED 'i Jill 'I'i'T'j ' ZE Saturday Shoe Sale SI of Man's Fin Shoi In button and blucher patterns, 'welt soles; shoes ' tht are worth up to $4. In sizes from 6 to 11. Our Cash Trice .....82.95 Mtn' Gun Metal Calf ' Button or Bluchar SKo With Goodyear welted soles, in all sizes from 6 to 11. $5 values. Price, only S3.50 Th "Harden Special" Shoes for Men In all the wanted styles, black only: all sizes and widths; made from cai'aKin, fitted with best qual ity of silk and "Union Made." Our Special Cash Price. .$4.50 Women's Brown Vici Kid Lac Shoe With leather French heels and cloth top to match; in all sizes from 5 to 9; widths , from B to . Our Special Cash Price ............... $6.00 'Women's Queen Quality Shoot Tan or black; sizes 2 to 4; A to D widths; former price to $5. Cash Price. ..... . .$2.50 Muttt' and Children's Kid and Gun Metal School Shoes Shoes that wear and give the best of satisfaction. Good f 3 values. Our Special Cash Price . . . . ...... $2.00 Little Gnt'a Storm Shoes High cut, with straps and buckles; good $2,50 values. Cash Price v ................ . J . .$1.75 STETSON and CROSSETT SHOES for MEN ' GROVER and QUEEN QUALITY SHOES for Women GET THE BEST MORE PER PAIR LESS BY WEAR The Best pf Every thing at Lowest : Cash Prices in Our Sanitary Market ; : Fancy Ifla Crmmmy Butter,' fcUi, per Ifc Sirloin StMk. per Ib.........J7',, Standlne Sib Bo it, lb.....;... IS BolM Sib Roaat. lbA...,..J41 PortrbUf 8taJ(, lb. .Z2c u4 ZS Sound Steak, lb. . . '. . '. . . !, . . XI Vie Shoulder Steak, lb. .... . . . , .lS'io Vd Round Eteak, per lb. .'.Z3Ve Vyl Chop., lb... ............ .30 Veal Rowt, lb.'...v..18e aa4 21c Veml Stew. lb.. ,.1S . Faoer Beef Hindquartera or Fore- Quartert, per lb.... 1S',C fancy ' Eprtnc Lamb, (oreqaerterav per lb, t. ............... .ISc Hindquarten. per lb. ...... 21 Va tantb Chop, pife lb. ...SO aae t IavcA fitev. lb:... ......... ...ISc M VartetiM of Sauaafa. . . ,.,........,....4le Fork Loin Boast, lb ..V,c Pork Lota Cndpa , lb. . J ..... .25 , Pork Spare Rib", lb...... 19c Pork Keekbonea, lb........... Vie Hamburger Steak," lb... .....17 Vic Homemade Perk Sauaasc lb....lSc Braakfaat Bacon, lb......... 37 V,c Retnlar Hami. per lb. ........ .SSe t lbs. Sauer Knot for........'.2Sc Faner Mlnee Meat. lb.... 10c Strictly Fresh Erira, doien,,. .SSe Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb.... 28c Young America Cheese, lb. ... . .SOc tiew York Cream Brick or Llmbur ger Cheese, per lb. ......... 3S All brands of Buttcrina at lowest cash prices. ' McLaren's Nippy and Derlled Cheese specUl, at ...,.,.........Sc Our First Presentation Of High-Class Millinery Specially Arranged for ,. Saturday We Feature the New and . Correct "Andrea" Models These Hats are truly dreams, not only be- cause of the beautiful shapes, but the softness of the fabrics and the wonderful rich blend ing of the colors. ; - , A profusion of the quaint bonnet and bus tle Hats, with ribbon and beautiful Slower trimmings; not only will you find these fav ored styles, but scores of other equally new and.attractive models. A visit to our Millinery Department will quickly convince you of. the .superiority of these "Andrea" models, both tu si,yie aim uecomingness. j $7.50 to $18.00 N A Special for -Saturday Only-- CDQ 500 New Trimmed Hats, worth $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50, at, i . . fqrf f A purchase which just arrived in time for Saturday. All new, never shown before, in cluding combinations of straw and satin, all satin, crepe combined. with fancy silk straws, all crepe hats, etc. These hats come in all the newest shapes and colors. Your chance to select a new Spring Hat at an exceptionally low price. .- vVrv ? v 1 , GROCERIES 4 b(. Best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal. .2Sc It lbs. Best Whits or Yellow Cornmeel SBc Hand Picked Navy Beans, per lb.. ...,15c Fancy Japan RiceJ )b. ............... .9c The Qest Macaroni or Spsshetti, pkg. .7Vie - H-ov cans Condensed Milk........l2V,c t-oi. cans Condensed Milk..... ........ 7e I cans Mission Brand Sardines, in Tomato Sauce, at ....................... .23c t-lb. cans Corn Eyrap. ............ t ..ISc H-!K1mm Corn Symp 22c No. S cans Fancy Sweat Sugar Cora. 12 Vie No. S'i cans Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, 12 Vic No. S cans Golden Pumpkin 10c bars Swift's Pride, Diamond C or Beat Em All Soap for ...,.2Sc Ul-lb, sack Bran Flour 45c 7aney Queen Olives, bottle.. 10c, 15c, 25c Z4-OS. Jars Pure trait p reserves...... zsc 29-ot. jars Pure Strained Honey.,..., 40c DRIilD FRUITS , V Choice- California Prunes, lb. ...... . 12' ',e Large Fancy California Prunes, lb.... ,16c Choice S -C"wn Muscatel Raisins, lb., 12Via Fancy California White Cooking Fiss, per ' lb, at V........1SC Fancy California Muir Peaches, per lb, ISc Golden Sultana Raisins, lb ISc Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb ISc Fancy California Bartlett Pears, lb.. ..20c Condensed Mince Meat, Paj. ........ We OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND -COFFEE MARXET -Golden Santos Coffee, per lb.........e Maricaibo Blend, a delicioosly flavored Coffee, per lb.... v;;""',V . Ankola Blend, equal to Coffer Bold at 40 a pound, our price.. ..........30 Breakfast Cocoa, per lb..............2Sc Choice Sun-Dried Japan Tea. lb.. .....35c Choice Basket-Fired Japan Tea, lb.....40e The Best Tea Sif tings, bulk, lb Oa . Lowest Prices on Drugs and Toilet Goods 50e Face Powder (Madame Jse'bell'e or Jardin de Rose), Our Cash Price. only .... 25c 15o Rose Talcum Powder. ......10c ' SOe Liquid Face Powder, (flesh or white). Cash Price......... ...30c $1.00 Rlegers Toilet Waters. Our Special Cash Price..... 60c SOo Almond Cold Cream. .......25c 1 1.00 Hair Brushes, (guaranteed Extra quality, hand drawn, Siberian bristles). Price 50c $2.25 Combination Rot Water Bot tle and Syringe, (guaranteed two years). Cash Price. $1.69 ' EXTRA SPECIAL. 10c Creme Oil or Imperial Pcoxide Soap, 4 cakes lor. . . . 4 .... U. ,25c Our cash savinar prices are-more noticeable in our Dreseriotion desart. raent than- anywhere else. We use only high quality drugs and chemicals and give them to you at the vary lowest prices Try Hayden'a First It .rays. w, -,- : vv, : Corsets and Yarns Odds and Ends of Yarn In all colors ' regular 0c per skein yarn. Saturday Cash ; Price, per skein!,. ... .... .... . ...18t "' Extra Heavy Knitting Yarn In khaki, navy blue, battleship gray. Cash Price, per v hank, at . . , 81.15 , Natural) Wool Lizht and dark srrav. khaki. in regular weight knitting yarn. Our Cash Price, per hank. .............. . .$1.10 Qirla' and Misses' Corsets Mediurn low bust, all light-boned, four supporters. Just what you want for growing, girls. Cash Price, only .$1.25 $1.50 Corsets In low rubber. -tops, long skirts, four supporters, in pink and white i Cash Price ..... .j,. ........... .$1.00 $3 and S4 Corsets In medium bust, long skirts, heavy spoon-shaped front stays, six supporters,, in pink and white. Cash Price, only ...........,.......$2.50 Children's "M" Knit Waists 2 to 12 years. Our Special Cash Price, only t. ..... .1 .......... .j. . ..... ....... . .25t Children's Muslin Waists All sizes. Our Special Cash Price only 256 and 506 February; Sale 'of French .China , AT M OFF, THE REGULAR PRICE 100 piece Sets of Beautiful French China Dinner sets, serv ice for .12 persons; spray designs; regular $55 values. Special in Our February Sale at.............. ... $34.50 $30 100-piece Dinner Set Spray or gold band; service for 12 persons. Our Special Cash Price. , .$19.50 $4.50 31-piece Breakfaat Set Special Cash Price. . .".$2i68 Decorated China. Cups and Saucers Special, per pair.. . .156 4, 5, 6 and 7-piece Decorated Plates Special, each. . . . ..5 75c per Doxen Water Classes 6 for. , , ; .256 REMARKABLE BARGAINS IN FLOOR LAMPS $18 Floor Lamps 6-feet high, with two sockets, fine mahog any standards, 24-ifich shades. Our Special Cash Price, com plete, only . . . ... . . . ..... ..... . . ................ .$9.50 $8 Beautiful Metal Table Lauipa--Special Price ...... $4.98 '- 'Fourth Floor. . ... . . v: '"..:";"...',,' ,!i;-v:.- T- v . k&kikMsMMsisisidi-) T;t;i iii, if"-"-'i..L.!f:!-i. L.iHiLiJ..: 1 .i "."rr; w t ; l.lii i i rrs1 Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays t nniriril -iij"; "X ' -