Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 15

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" ti;p? - m l A fmmi :;
Think a - Minute s an
JJ- chaplm for,thc 1.13th Engineers
it Camp Dodge, stepped in where
angels fear to'tread, .lon?ay night,
in his talk at -the annual; meetina oi
the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation. ' ' ' a - '
lieutenant Boyd told his audience
6f hurch and religious workers, in a
graphic manner, how pleased' he' hadj
paradise, a congregation made up en
tirely of men. v i
"Just think ,of it no , Ladies' aid,
i no missiorfary feocieties, no jealousy
' : among members' wives why I was
the happiest preacher imaginable, he
, told his audience. '
Lieutenant Boyd . squared himself
with the women by. telling thtm his;
happiness was short-lived. He soon
found, he said,' he couldn't run a con-
gregation without women.
EDWIN T. SWOBE 'enjoyed a mo-
on his journey.home from California.
As he entered 'the" dining car. and
was seated at 'the tabJe, the waiter
brought him -The umlay Bee. He
. unfolded the newspaper- "disclosing
the society section onUhe front page
S of .which a beautiful woman's photo
!' graph looked ' forth. v " -
"Great-Scott 1 . What . ."a stunning
.: wQmant" J-.maCat the -same table
When his own amazement had been
; overborne, - for ; the photograRh , was
: planned for-a surprise to Mr. Swobe,
the: Omaha 'rrtan had the pleasure of
informing the unknown admirer: ,
I rhe'lady fsy wife." ,; K'
; A i. Neither do we, so we particularly
enjoyed the little story about two
American soldiers m t ranee, in a let
ter written' to an Omaha woman by a
orounK ladvwho is dome her. bit over
seas comes'this true story. TWo Sam
mies werejhelpmg mi the-restoration
work of an" abandoned French town,
s Walkm throueh the streets they, no
ticed the 'sign, A Louer, on, all the
. empty houses. (We might insert Kght
here for those-benighted sours, like
ourselves that A Louer translated into
" plain United ' SUtes is 1 o.
.'Said one Sammy to the other: v
"This env. A Louer. he must be, a
regular John D. Why he owns ever
u ...... ;
i Compraney voo?- Eh bien.
TA casting around for some time in
search of her. "calling," or vocation
or tsient, anything tending' toward a
big brilliant career. It took the White
Elephant sale to bring this dark se
cret to light.
Mrs. . O., S. . Goodrich", Wednesday
afternoon, i took charge of the eve
rting gowns and evening wraps.
Helene volunteered to act as ' living
model. She donned the most beau
tiful robes and held the attention of
the admiring crpwd while she "swag-
gowns were readily sold, from the
form of Omaha's "living model.", '
V HE Boyd theater box office is the
A , regulation 2x4 cubby hole, .. but
there's room enough for airy per
siflage. , i ... ;
ilanager Harry Co;kren and Miss
gered tip and down the promenade
Xp the dictates of New York's latest
style. Lucile's, Hixon's and other
(,...v.v-i- v-:.y;r5- vrrronv 'wv Ptnll )f,v 11
'f . - - bwVA- ' yAW-iV. v'vi-ir Ills) 4" Mrs. C. V. Standifor d of
' Reception for Mrs. Edward MaoDowell eiven bv
- . - HIT T II .1.1 i , 1 . - . . -
, : - iviacuoweii eiuo at nome ot Mr. and Mrs. Au
' gust M. Borglum. .
Musical-tea given by Mrs. Louise Jansen Wyley. .
x 'Wier Dancing club partjf at Harte hall.
Luncheon for Mrs. Ida Herbolt, Mrs. F. J. Stack,
i hostess. - . ;.:
Afternoon tea for Miss Roberta Lewis,' Misses 'Mel
. .. ... oria and Elizabeth Davis, hostesses.
:: Luncheon parties at the Prettiest Mile club.
Tea given -by Mrs; George Englcr and Miss'jGrace
: Slabaugh. r
. ; Callahan-McCaffrey;weding-;at,St.-Peter's Catholic f
church. - ' , , s ; . ; i
irmuy ransn Aia, ivjrs.
Rockford College' club,
social evening at the Prfittipst. MHa rliiT '-
vuiuch xtvcu uy lufs.
' Wagoner at Boyd
- Tuesday Morninsr
.(-OrJginaI Cooking club,:
- Dinner party given by
FRIDAY 'iwv -
; valentine aa-ncmg party given by Mr. -Dick Smith
- r and Mr. Will Nicholson at Harte hall. ' .
A . Friday. Night Dancing club at Metropolitan hall, i "
v ; Dancing party given by Carter Lake dlub at Rome
hoteJ. . , 'i
SATURDAY ' ' : j.'
Junior Musical club recital, -Mrs.-Harry Doorly,
hostess. - -
; Qui Vive club dancing party at Turpin's academy. 2
; ' Dtnner-dance at the Prettiest Mile club. f
............. .......... rTTTTmnmri r i ' rvVVrfV2rvV.
Aenes Savage ar"so busy, countine
the odd change and pennies that ac
crue since the war-tax schedule went
into effect that they don't have time to
read the war newsT '
, "Let's call uf The Bee and ask if
the war is over yet," Miss Savage
suggested to Mr. Cockrell the other
day. N
. Just .then the telephone went -out
of commission, so the telephone com-
' r - ,1l A il I I II luMiFBK iruOa Photo ;Ta' lf-- ' - " till
n. s. warKe, hostess.
Mrs. John H. Beaton, hos-
iiavia aione ana mh. Knir.h
theater under auspices, of , j
Musical clnh. .: rl
MrVWard Burgess, hostess" I
Mr. and Mrs. Lyther Drake. $
;- ; -i 4
pany sent 6ver a man-to repair the
phone. ; x -
"What's the matter -ith your
phone?" he asked. ,- J
"Nothing .except that the receiver
won't receive," murmured Miss Sav
age sweetly. -,' .
v strenuous days for' the society
editor. With the older women doing
, ? II --a" III.V" - -'1H t
.. I I I I I - Iff. CL- II II II
' ' .i. 1 1 ii 1 1 iff i , , uni ii.
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Hardv announce -the ensrive.
f ment of their daughter, Esther
t Hugo GNHeyn of this city. No
.. for the wedding. .
4. bu recently come to Omaha. Miss
compushed musician, having studied at Brenau uni-
versity, in Gainsville, Ga.. . She js a member, of , the
Alpha Gamm Delta sorority. Miss Hardy " is a
very attractive-girl of the pronounced brunette type.
.' Mr. Heyn is an Omaha man. ; After. having grad-1
nated from the Central, High school,' he attended
Nebraska university. Mr. Hevn is also musically in-:
f clined and was. captain of the High school band
f during -his school day's. He is engaged in business
X in the city and the young couple will make thejr
T home here. : . " ;V , ' ' ' ' '
2 t Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Abts oi Columbus, Neb., ah
T nounce the engagement " of - their daughter.. Miss'
I Clara Catherine Abts, to Dr.'Arthur
Denver, rormeriy ot umana. nne
take place Tuesday morning aT St
Catholic church in Columbus.1
J- ' The" announcement will be of
2r Columbus and Omaha people, as
war work and the young girls Icarn
ing to -write "Yours of the J4th re
ceived" in shorthana the parties are
few and far between. . Finally, in des
peration the society scribe approached
one of the men reporters and asked
him if he had picked up' any. society
chatter on his rounds. .
."Why, yes," he said,' his face light
ing up,-"I know a 'man -who 'brought
a load of hogs to town last .week."
We will draw the-curtain over the
young lady's, remarks and thoughjst
T-ESTER HEYN advertised in, The
J Bee for an office' boy last weeW
t youth of 20, wlio had neves
worked before, applied. '"v i
"I'll make your business a success,"
he promised Mr. lleyh in his letter.
IJ AROLD' Mulligan, athletic coach
1 at Central high school, out-vies
even Harold Lockwood in the hearts
of the dear, little school girls. . ,
GabbT was watchinz the Lincoln-
Frances,, to Mr.
date has been set
' ' -
Hardy- is an ac-'
ical college of
r .l. m.r r
first lieutenant
and expects to
f. Offerman of
viiuc, nut uc inn
will be ring bearer.
wedding ' will
. .
interest to both
the young people
Omaha basket ball eaiwe last Friday
wheni he, overheard two of them: dis
cussing the first-mentioned Harold.
v"Do you know, I heard Mr. Mulli
gan will have to go to France' and
I've felt so badly eversince, I don't
know what to' do. No. ( They .shall
not take, him from me!" she exclaim
ed, striking a dramatic pose..
THERE were many worried minds
'' under fluff pompadours among the
high school giris Friday-tor there
was the Lincoln-Omaha basketball
game and the Junior Prom -both on
the sa-Tie night! What should they
do? Should thev dance or should
they root? 'Really, it was a most
critical situation for one could not
go to the game for part of the even
ing in a sleeveless dancing frock and
sit in a chilly gymnasium and then
dance the rest of the time. It was
either the dance or the game that
was all. However, we are afraid that
the jazz music-lured most: of them
are well known in bbth, cities. Miss" Abts, who is the .
daughter of a family prominent in, both business and'
social circles in Columbus, is a talented musician.'
She is a graduate of St. Frkncis academy in Colum
bus, later studying music and art at St. Mary'-of-the-Woods,
Indiana, where she graduated in 1917.-
Dr. Offerman is thi son of Mr,' and -Mrs.' T. J.
Offerman of this city. He is a graduate of the med
Creighton university and a member-
,n? . rr . ,
oi, ine rm ucia r iricrnuy. u present ur. uner
pan is the .resident surgeon at St. Joseph's hospital
in theTiiedical officers reserve corps
sec. active service soon. , v - T
.in necking wiiu me npuii uj iiic.uiucb 111c wed
ding will be very, simple and informal, -Only the
members of the: families and a few intimate friends
will be present. Miss Mary Abts, sister of the bride, I
will be bridesmaid and Mr. Jack Ahts, brother of the r
man. iiic uiun-iuiuuiy nun
Dr. Offerman and his bride will
leave Tuesday afternoon for Chicago and St. Mary- f
of-the-Woods, Indiana, where. Miss Abts has many X
coiicgc menus. x ncy wiu mine ineir norne in ucn
ver for the present until Dr. Offerman is called to
ictive military service; .....
and that the "biggest Rame of the
season" was, not w4ll attended by the
feminine element of Central "High:"
jt the Central High school was
taking tickets at the Central High
Council. Bluffs basket ball game when
a rustic , appearing , man approached
and presented a season ticket to the
Young Men's Christian association
league. . '
"Ez there "a game here., t'night?"
he inquired.
"Yes' replied Director Cairns, "but
that ticket won't admit ' you. This
is a high cliool game."
"Ez there guils prayin' t'night?"
asked the rustic. , .
The director explained that, there
were not.
"You ought to, you ought to," the
old iellow laughingly said with a
knowing wink as he departed.
And now Director Cairns is not so
sure that the oM fellow is not right. .
- .
Grogory, S. D., is the guest of T
her sister, Mrs. : Kajpn lowl.
Numerous ' affairs have- been ' )
ilanned in honor of this popu
ar guest, Mrs, Towl entertain-
ing at a luncheon at the Black- ;
stone in the early part of the .
week. Mrs. Standiford will re-
main with her sister during the '. '.
r . i. i t i ,
monin .oi rcoruary.
Lovely, Brides . in .;- White
'Satins Give' Waytp ;
! Khaki Uniforms; :
,;r';':.SvW'";';.;:,v .:
.: war-time . brides : and ; bride-
A grooms fairly take your "breath
away these days.- There is' so" much
dalh 'and military efficiency in-' the
way they tie the knotand then te
uniforms, aren'i they fascinating? One
is very likely to overlook, the white
satin loveliness of the bride, so hand
ksome is Lieutenant So-and-So in his
welr-htting khaki. Omaha has its full
quota of these interesting couples. As
the weeks fly by more and more of
our girls became the central figures in
these war-tirne nuptials - ; and then
away they go to Fort So-ana-So to
stay as long as Uncle .Sam will, let,
them. , . t . ' . '
v , . . Military Wedding. - - .
An interesting wedding of the week -is
that of Miss Marguerite McCaffrey
and Mr. Edward Callahan of the quar- '
termaster's . department , at .Camp
Dodge. .The ceremony will take
place Wednesday morning at St Pe
ter8 church. In keeping with the
war-time spirit, the weddingwill be
an informal one, and a wedding break
fast will be served for. the members ,
of the immediate families at the home
of. the bride's parents.' The bride- V
elect has accepted no invitations for
prenuptial affairs and - aside from a ;
surprise party which was planned for
her by her friends 110 parties have
been noted on the social calendar for.
this popular young woman.- r "
' ; . Miss Barretf ;
''Another wedding of great interest
will be that of Miss Nan Barrett and
Mr, Tack ' Hughes, which will take
placethe latUr part of the month. At
.(CoettaMi Fa Tir Oo. Om 4 "
" ' "