Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 A
, " (
Harry. Williams Pleads Not
Guilty in Police Court; Women
Are Kept in Custody as
r Witnesses.
Frank Martin, Harry Williams, B.
C Kirke and Sam Stone, gunmen,
diamond bandits and alleged murder
ers of Detective Rooney, were ar
raigned in police court Saturday-afternoon.
Tom McKay, wounded bandit, who
Is in a hospital, and "John Doe," the
sixth gunman, who escaped after a
pkched battle between detectives and
robbers, were named in the (Com
plaint. Deputy County Attorney Ab
bott read the complaint against the
gunmen. r
First degree murder was the charge.
AH wete bound over to district court
without bonds. ,
Williams, spokesman for the band-
Its, pleaded not guilty for all of them.
Mrs. Kirke and her sister, Anna
Uhl, who were arrested in the house
with the bandits after the battle, were
arraigned as state witnesses. Mrs.
.Kirke's bond was fixed at $1,000. The
Uhl girl's bond wa fixed at $700.
' Kirke was the only member of the
gang to smile during the proceedings
in police court.
The rest of the alleged Murderers
and gunmen maintained glum expres
sions. . ' Few spectators were in the court
room when the bandits were ar-
i raigned.
, , . , .
; January Came Within
One of Makinq Record
5nly one January in the last 30
years was colder than the January of
this year. According to the statement
'issued on the month's weather by the
weather bureau, the mean temperature
for January, 1918, was 13 degrees
above zero. January, 1912, had a
. . - ,rt J -
mean temperature vi iv ucgrccs.
January, 1888, the month of the big
Jblizzard, had a mean temperature of
only 8 above zero. 1
There was a total 'deficiency of
244' degrees in he temperature of
January this year compared with the
normal temperature of the month
taken from the records of the last 46
The highest temperature last month
'was 51 above and the lowest was 22
below zero. vThe highest ever
recorded in Omaha in January was
63 above zero in 1895. The lowest
ever recorded was 32 below rero in
The total! wind movement during
the month was 7,978, an average of
nearly 11 miles an -hour.
German Aliens to the"
. Number of 300 Register
Three hundred German aliens have
called this week at the city council
cnamucr 10 receive rcgiai.uuii m-
davits which are to be returned next
--week with photographs.
The, law requires that these aliens
must register during the week of Feb
ruary 4 to 9. Blanks were issued this
week as a matter of convenience and
to equalize the work.
The registrars will be on duty in
the council chamber next week, from
8 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m.
eah day. Alt German jilietn of
Greater Omaha are expectca to reg
ister at the city hall. Those residing
in the county, outside of Omaha,
should report to their postofficcs
and Clowe Grabble
Of Gibson Face Police Judae
While Clyd. and Clowe Grabble
tof "Gibson were endeavoring to ex
plain 'to Judge Fitzgerald in police
court how they had come to imbibe
too freely of "J. Barleycorn" John
Killcullin, arrested on the a like
charge, stood at their elbows, caution
ing them not to "lie like that." He
was warned to be quiet and subsided
with, "Well, half the lies they tell
nowadays are not true anyway. All
were fined..
Both Complaints Against '
George Levey Dismissed
Both complaints against George
Levey, former proprietor of the
United Trading company, were dis
missed by Judge Fitzgerald in police
court Saturday morning. In the first
complaint, that of obtaining money
under false pretenses, the judge ruled
"the evidence showed that Levey ob
tained the money under "future prom
ises and not under present facts.
In the second, he said that there had
been no evidence of. personal repre
entatiori by Levey of the existence
of a lottery. . '
"BHP Bock Says Dame Rumor
Pointed Wrona Finaer at Him
W, E. Bock, Omaha city passenger
agent of the Milwaukee rauroaa, as
serts that, so far as he has personal
knowledge, there is nothing to the re-
ort current among railroad men that
e is to become assistant general pas-
resents. Mr. Bock .adds that he is
satisfied with his present position
and is content to let well enough
Proverbial Prognosticator of
Climatic Conditions - Sees
His Shadow and Scoot?
Back Into Hole.
Six weeks of cold weather!
The groundhog saw his shadow
af8:45 o'clock this morning, scanned
the horizon and then jumped tack
into his home beneath the cold
The coal dealers chuckled several
chuckles when they heard the
Some people think that the ground
hog has an awful "crust" to come out
and sec his shadow on,porkless day.
Colonel Welsh of the weather de
partment refuses to have anything, to
do with the little animal which ap
pears every year on February 2 and
becomes frightened at his shadow.
If the ground hog is the real
weather prognosticator and its move
ments on this date control hot and
cold, storm and sunshine, Wyoming
and most portions of Nebraska are
in for six weeks more of winter.
Practically everywhere, according to
the morning repot ts to thewailroads,
it was clear an! calm. If the ground
hog came out, it had no difficulty in
seeing its shadow.
While it was clear and calm all
the way through to the Rocky
mountains, : it was slightly cool in
Nebraska, temperatures of aero to
18 above being reported. In Wyo
ming temperatures were 20 to 30
Detectives and Doctors Rush
To Scene of Supposed Murder
Someone sent in a riot call to cen
tral police station late Saturday after
noon when it was reported a murder
had been committed at 2209 Cuming
A score of detectives heaVily armed
and two doctors went to the scene pi
the supposed murder in automobiles.
Frances Brenican, colored woman,
was sitting in a chair when detectives
arrived at the house.-
"Nobody's murdered, boss," ex
plained the negro woman, "but a good
foh nothin' nigger crawled into my
window a few minutes ago and I
yelled bloody murder."
Tse not huh, though, as you all
kin obsoive." '
"H ," muttered the detectives.
Auto'Club Keeps Men in ,
Service in Good Standing
The Omaha Automobile club has
voted to keen in good standing in the
club the members who are now in S
war service. These include five ma
jors, three captains and one general.
Complexions Win A
. Beauty Contests
Why Stuart's Calcium Wafers Ban
ith Pimple, Blackheads,' and, Skin '
Imperfection. Ihey Uo
Work Wonders.
One thing you should remember,
Stuart'a Calcium Wafers are contin
uous in action. They work constantly
in the blood. Their influence is
mainly in the skin. Here they assist
to neutralize imourities, convert them
so they pass off as invisible vapor.
The skin now becomes clear, pimpjes
dry and flake off, boils cease, black
heads are gone, yellow muddiness
disappears and you soon have the
complexion that people talk about
No creams, lotions, bleaches or other
external methods can do this. ' Get
a 60-cent box of Stuart's Calcium
Wafers at any druir store. Becrin to-
4ay. Or if you wish first to try them
send the coupon for a free trial package.
F. A. Stuart Co., 564 Stuart
Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Send me
at once, by return mail, a free
trial package of Stuart's Calcium
City, '. State
At IT Thousands of
Dollars' Worth
'Composing Our
.Surplus Stock
AT 25 TO 50
W must dispose of this
stock regardless of cost.
Wt hsve cist prices so deep
that in many cases you will
boy tho furniture for less
thaa wholesale prices. If
you are thinking of burin
furniture this is th op
portunity you have been
waiting; for. Deliveries free
to Omaha, South Omaha and
Council Bluffs. Railroad
far free to out-of-town
buyers within fifty mile of Omaha on
purchases of IZ0 or more. Accommoda
tions arranged to salt your convenience.
We make m specialty of complete horn
outfits, also hotels and rooming; hoasea,
Comer 14th and Dodge Street.
Opposite Union Pacific Bldg.
5c raijiiii
w jr- j Pill! Ii IK I . If 1.19 B
Values la Bods and
SortafS. Larea Vena is Mar
tin Beds Chllless and guaranteed con
struction, continuous posts, similar to
cut. regularly worth $9.60: also heavy
sanitary link spring worth
and spring regularly retail
While they last we offer
bed and spring both
Also bedroom suites and dresser at
special ssl prices. v
SS.OO: bed
for IIS.SS.
New Spring
Silks Here
In complete assortment of
the choicest new colorings
. and weaves all offered at
Hn t 1
f v
16-oz. Loaves
White Rye and Graham
Special Cash - f&n
Price V4t
Remarkable Saving Opportunities for Home Furnishers in
Our After-Inventory Clearance Sale
Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum and House Furnishings
Store Closes at 5 P. M.
-So do your shopping early
in the day if possible.
Sale Begins Promptly at 9 A.'M. Monday--Come"Early
and Get First Choice of the Many Splendid Baagains
Only Comparatively Few of the Many Specials Listed Here
Grocery and Meat Depts.
Open till 6 P. M. After 5
P. M. Use Dodge St. Ent.
fr. Dependable Furniture for Every Room at Prices
20 to 40 Less Than Actual- Worth
All Up-to-Diate, Thoroughly Depenpable Furniture in ;
This Salle The Opportunity of a Life Time Monday -
Floor Samples, Parts of Suites, Odd Pieces and New Furniture Just Received
Beds and Mattresses
$10.00 Vernis Martin Bed, 2-Inch continuous post, heavy 1-inch fillers, the Sim
mons make, in this sale.." zZ5
$3.50 Vernis Martin Beds, 2-inch posts, thin fillers, only...i $6.50
$12.B0 Vernis JUartin Beds, straight posts, law thick fillers $9.50
-piece Beds, ineuding spring floor samples ,...$6.00
$32. B0 Walnut Wood Bed. 4-poBtfr style, odd pieces..... r. ...$19.50
$18 and $21) Mahogany Wood Beds, nicely finished $1475
Cheap Sanitary Couches, not full sise, only $3.50
2-inch Post Brass Beds, straight or continuous style post, $20.00 values, our Cash
Price in this sale, only " $14.50
The best Felt Mattress made, $20 value, fancy art tick, full weight, roll edge, made
in layers, at only $15.00
$18 Bus Ribbon Mattress, guarantede 20 years y $12.50
$U Crown Fet Mattress, full weight, only.....' $11.00
Good felt Mattress or Colored Cotton, only $9.50
"Standard Combination Felt and Wood Wool Mattress.... $6.95
Good Combination Mattress, Our Cash Price this sale $5.95
Cotton Top Mattresses, full weight and site $3.95
Box Springs and Others
$1$ Box Spring, Begat quality, 12 springs, fancy art tick, plain edge. Our. Cash
Price in this sale, only i $13.95
$24 Box Springs, Climax. 90 springs, only $18.50
$28 Imperial Box Springs, the best quality, roll edge, fancy art tick, guaranteed
16 years. Our Cash Pric. his sale $20.00
Genuint Layre Felt Pad or Mattress to fit these box springs, $12, $15 and $18
quality, this sale $9.50, $12.00 and $14.50
$4.75 Good Bed Springs, well made, not guaranteed , $3.50
Good Link Fabric Springs, 6-Inch- raise, only $4.00
$8.76 Spring, 6-inch raise, wide band, fully guaranteed $5.00
The $10 Won't-Sag Spring, advertised universally $7.00
$8.00 Coil Springs, gaaranteed 20 years f. $5.75
$12 Double Deck Coil Springs, the' best on earth ' $8.75
Odd Pillows, goose feathers, $8.60 quaity, per pair s 50
Mixed Goose and Duck Feather Pilows, per pair $2.75
Good, Clean, New Chicken. Feather Pillows, per pair $1.50
Drissers and Chiffoniers
Cheap Golden Oak Dresser, 86 Inches wide, with 12x20 mirror, $12.00 value. Our
Cash Price in this sale $8.95
89.S0 Golden Oak Chiffonier; four drawers, no mirror.. ...$7.50
Extra large Chiffonier, no mirror, $13.00 value $9.50
Good Dressers, extra large, 42-inch top, with large plate mirror,, fumed, golden
or waxed oak, Oash Price $19.00
$26.00 Mahogany Dressing Tables, three mirrors $16.50
Single Mirror Dressing Tabes, in oak, Cash Price $9.85 '
$10.00 Sominoe or. Commode, oak or mahogany. Cash Price ......$5.95
Bed Davenports o Duofolds
Goden Oak Duofolds or Bed Davenports, In the best quality Spanish craftsman.
Our Special Cash Price $29.50
Same Duofold, In genuine Spanish leather. Cash Price ..$35.00
Golden or Fumed Oak Duofolds, in real leather, well made, beautiful designs,
Our Cash Price... $3930
Same style in craftsman covering. Cash Price $35.00
16 per cent discount ,on all odd DrrtieVs, Chiffoniers, etc., in period style bed
room furniutre, William and Mary, Queen Ann,' Adam, etc.
Kitchen Cabinets and Tables
$27.60 Kitchen Cabinets, sliding top, aluminum spice jars, etc., Our Special Cash
Price, complete, only $22.50
$35.00 Kitchen Cabinets, Cash Price, complete, only $27.50
$20.00 Kitchen Cabinets, stationary top, ash price $14.50
$16.00 Kitchen Cabinets, white wood top, Cash Price ." $12.50
And as low as $90. Bases only, Cash Price $5.50
$6.00 Breakfast Tables, drop leaf. Cash Price, only $4.00
Dining Chairs and Rockers
Regular low back, wood seat Kitchen Chairs, Cash Price $1.00
Wood seat Dining Chairs, cheap quality. Cash Price , 2J
Full boxed, wood seat Dining Chairs, Cash Price $1.75
Leather tack seat, boxed Dining Chairs, Cash Price $2.50
Full leather slip seat Dining Chairs, Cash Price, only. $2.7S
The above Chairs are yell made and strong, but are not as niceyl finished and
poished as our best qnaity, genuine hand-polished, full leather slip seat d!ner,
in golden or fumed oak, that sell for $4.75 and $4.50 each. Cash Price. .$3.75
Sewing Rockers, Bed Room Rockers and Chairs, any finish, several odd patterns.
Special Cash Price, each .' $3.00
Large Arm Rockers, leather spring seat, $18.00 value. In golden oak only. Cash
'Price, each, at . $14.00
$9.00 Leather Seat Rockers, with arms. Cash Price , $5.95 a
$8.00 Leather Seat Rockers, fumed oak, Cash Price i .$5.89 S
Good wood seat Arm Rockers, Cash Price $3.50 and $4.50'
Cheap wood seat Arm Rockers, Cash Price, only .-$1.95 If
Novelties and Rids9 Furniture
Leatherette Card Tables, best made, Ca'Blj Price. ' .'...$2.00
Folding Sewing Tables, Cash Price for this sale $1.0
Folding Nursery Seats, Cash Price, only ' $1.00.
Nurlery Chairs, withqpt table. Cash Price, only $1.00
Nursery Chairs, with tabe. Cash Price, only ..$1.50
Kid's Reed Nursery. Chairs, $2.50 value , $1.50
25 per cent off on all Folding Screens, 3 and 4-paneL
26 per cent off on ail Odd China Closets and Book Cases.
25 per cent off on all Odd Ladies' Desks.
26 per cent off on all Odd Pedestals, Taboretts, etc.
20 per cent off on all Library Tables, any style.
Buffets and Dining Tables
$48.00, $47.60 and $50.00 Buffets, golden or fumed oak, your choice of aeveral
patterns. Cash Price, only $37.50
Extra large, 60-inch Buffets, $56.00 values, Cash Price $44!sc
$37.60 and $40.00 Buffets. Cash Price for this sale, only $32JS0
Cheaper made Buffets, al Isises, Prices ,..$20.00, $25.00, $30.00
45-inch Round, Extension Dining Tables, Cash Price... 1 $12.00
48-inch Round, Extension Dining Tables, Cash Price ,.$2Q.00
48-inch Round, Extension Dining Tables, Cash Price $24.00
.J) 4 -Inch Round, Extension Dining Tables, six-foot, several patterns, $40.00 values.
Cash Price, only ". $29.50
- .
Thousands Upon Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Perfect Rugs at
About 1-3 Off Actual -Retail WorthBest Quality, Choice' Patterns
9x12 Best Wilton Rug Worth $65.00, ' 8-3x10-6 No. 600O Wilton RugsWjorth
Clearing Sale . . .' . $55.00 ' $43. Clearing Sale $35.Q0
- 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rug Worth $32
Clearing Sale .... . . . , v. . . $23.50
I 8-3x10-6 Colonial Velvet Rug Worth
$35. Clearing Sale $28.00
, ' 9x12 Willow Grass Rugs Worth $13.50,
Clearing Sale .....$10.00
' Best Oil Opaque Window Shades Odd
sizes, worth 90c each. Clearing Sale
Price, each ,55c
9x12 Axminster Rugs Worth $44.00
Clearing Sale ! $25.50
9x12 Colonial Velvet Rug Worth $38,
Clearing Sale. $31.50
9x12 Palisade Velvet Rug Worth $34,
Clearing Sale. $27.00'
All Remnants of Inlaid Linoleum Worth
up to $1.50. Clearing , Sale Price, per
square yard. .75c
Let Us Measure Your Windows and Give You tin Estimate on Your Shades.
Read the Big Special February
Grocery Opening Sale
. best White or Yellow Cornmeal Fancy California Bartlett Pears.
10 lbs.
for 4Se
8 lbs. Fancy Japan Rice 25c
4 lbs. rolled White Breakfast Oat
meal for 25c
6-11). sack Bran Flour 4S
5 lbs. Cracked Hominy 25c
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. 7ljC
24-01, jar Pure Fruit Preserves. . .24c
The best Domestic Macaroni or Spag
hetti, pkg. .'. .....7 Vie
S lbs. California Brown Beans.... 25c
2-lb. can Corn Syrup , 18c
SVi-lb. can Corn Syrup 22c
6-b. can Corn Syrup .......... .40c
10 -lb. can Corn Syrup 70c,
14-oa. can Condensed Milk. . .,12'e
6-oa. (an Condensed M ilk . J ...... Te
Schepp's Shredded Coeoaaut, lb.. .32c
No. 2 can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for , ZVti
No. JMfcan fancy Rip Tomatoes
for 12Ve
No. 3 can Golden Pumppkpin. . . .10c
No. S can Hominy or Sauer Kraut
for 15c
( bars Swift's' Pride. Diamond C, or
Beat-'Era-AH Laundry Soap for 25c
Shelled Popcorn, per lb... 9c
Jello, for dessert, pkg. Vc
Fancy Queen Olives, per bottle, 10c,
15c and .....Tj........... 20c
Choice I-Crown Muscatel Raisins, per
lb. . ..( M....12',e
Choice California Prunes, lb,..12ytc
Fancy California Seedess Raisln per
lb. 15c
Fancy Californit Muir Peaches, per
lb. 15c
Fancy California Layer Figs, lb 20c
lb. 20c
Fancy California Layer Figs, per
Pkg 12Vie
Fancy Muir Park Apricots, lb... 25c
Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb....lSc
Condensed Mine Meat, pkg 10c
2 4 -os. jar Mince Meat.n 25c
Our famous GoMen Santos Coffee, the
talk nf Omaha, lb 20c
Diamond H. Santos, a fin family
Coffee, per lb 23c
Porto Rico blend, a very fin drink.
per lb ,27c
Ankoa Blend, equal to coffee sold at
40c a lb., our price ....30c
Cho'ce Sun Dried Japan Tea, lb.. 35c
Chnica Basket Fired Japan Tea, per
lb. - 40c
Choice English Breakfast Tea, lb. .40c
Fancy Ceylon. Oolong or Gunpowder
Tea, per lb. , i 59c
The best No. 1 Cooking Potatoes.
J5 lbs. for 35
Fancy Cabbage, per lb She
Fresh Shallots, Turnips or Carrots.
per hunch 5c
I lbs. fancy Red Cooking Onions. 10c
Old Rutabagas, Carrots, Turnips or
Beets, per lb. 2Vic
Fancy Bermuda Onions, lb 5c
Fancy Head Lettuce, head 7 Vic
Fancy Cauiflower, per lb 12VtC
Taney Parsley, large bunches 5c
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb. 7 Vie
Less than half the price of oranges.
Special Fancy Yakima Valley Jona
than Apples, par box $ISS
L I I i
Remarkable Clearance Bargains: in
- Enameled Ware
Thousands of Pieces of Heavy Coated Enameled
at About Half Their Actual Retail Worth. Alt '
Are Perfect. Mosty Large Pieces.
. v
12-qt. Coffee Boilers,
regular price" $1.5,
now 98
4-qt. Rice Cookers,
wrth $1.35, Cash
Price now 89
12-qt Berlin Kettles,
worth $1.95, Cash
Price, no,w 98
6-qt. Berlin Kettlas, worth
?1.10. Cash Price 692
10-qt. Berlin Sauce Kettles,
worth 11.25, at 89
12-qt Berlin Sauce Kettle,
worth $1.45, at 89
2-qt. Cupa that sold at 45c,
Cash Price 25
Many Other Routing Specials in Monday' Big Sale
You Can't Afford to Miss It
Saving: Cash Prices in
Meats '
SJrJoin Steak, lb VJVt
Round Steak, lb ..21t
Shoulder Steak, lb 17
Homemade Corned Beef, per
lb- 17
Loin Pork Chops, lb. . . . :25t
Standing" Rib Roast, lb;..18i
Roll Rib Roast, Ib.,..23
Pot Roast, lb.H5 and 18.
Veal Chops, lb.: 20
Lamb Chois, lb .25t
hamburger Steak, lb..l7'
Homemade Sausage, lb... 15
Pork Neck Bones, lb.... 6
a ) n
' ' v 1 ., .,- I j . i i ;.j
Jri I