9 VICTIM OF "DOPE" HABIT TAKEN IN Friday, February 1, 1918 Stora Hour! A. M. to 6 P. M. -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. -Phone D. 137. Satarfay at Borgess-Naslh Till 6 P. M THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARf 2. 1&18. CHARGEBY WIFE Or. Munson Released on Bond 'Through, Efforts of Devoted . Women; is Removed to Sanitarium. Dr. H. 0. Munson, arrested list Friday night in bis office, 601 Paxton block, 'on a -charge' of ' selling, mor phine and cocaine, has been released on. $5,000 bond. His is a story of a promising young physician dragged from his career by the insidious inroads of the "dope" habit. It is also a story of the de votion of woman. For his wife and mother came to his rescue in his ex tremity, lt'-was tney who obtained the bond for his release from jail and it is they who took kirn from the United , States marshal's office aftet the boiid was signed and concyed hitn to a sanitarium for treatment in the hope of redeeming him and win ning him back to a life of honor and self-respect. Dr. jlunson, when brought to the marshal's "office after spending five days in jail deprved of morphine, Was a physical wreck. He walked u,. and down the room. Says He's Punished. "Oh, I surely am being punished 1 1 surely am being punished!" he kept saying to himself. "I never suffered in my life as I have suffered in these days." . Marshal Flynn finally persuaded him fp lie down on the lounge. When the bond was approved and signed he was liken to a waiting automobile by his wife ard mother. Dr. Munson was graduated from Creigbtbn Medical college some years ago and had a good practice unt.l the "dope" habit fastened itself upon him. He was accustomed to taking 10 grains a day. " Changes in Food Rules Announced to Hotel Men Announcement of the change in food administration rules was made by Gurdon .W. Wattles, federal fcod administrator tor Nebraska, yesterday . afternoon at a meeting of 125 hotel and frestaurant men at Hotel -Paxton. T.hat, a. g eater .saving of pork and bacon will be effected in the homes through observing breakfast as the .meatless meal and further that public Aarmflf n nrpc will ma ona i pfl tn mnvn ' given as the reason for the change by . the auministrator. . The, hotel and restaurant men pres t entiunanimously agreed to rigidly ad k here, to- the meatless day and porkles3 day and the meatless meals program. .,Xhey also pledged themselves to be , gin observance of the new regula tions today. ,;, E.V. Parrish, publicity manager ot the foffd administration, reviewed the new rules and regulations, emphasiz- riog-the interpretations of the pound- vtorpaund sale of substitutes with iwbeat. flour. - - ;" nv "The ruling jneans," said he, "that .retailers must -sell a total amount of substit Jtes in weight with the amount of wfteat flour sold." -"Suggestions that all public eating places should serve a vegetarian lunch , oinlinner, which the customer might take in Heu oi regular orders, was made by Richard Kitchen, assistant state chairman of hotels and restau rants, 'i Clement E. Chase Honored .' V By Two Universities Clement E. Chase, now chief en gineer in charge of the reconstruction of the high bridge across the Hudson fiver at Poughkeepsie, has been awarded by the American Society of - .. . . i 1 1 AV engineers me zoning wuuu pn.ee for 1917 for his paper entitled "The Cherry Street Bridge. Toledo, O." The same paper brought Mr. Chase the Fuertes medal from Cornell uni versity. .' lr, Chase also has charge of the steel inspection for the Pennsylvania road of the new railroad bridge over the ;.Ohio " at Louisville, Ky., which is to. have a 645 channel span, a record-breaker for its type of construc tion,. ' M ilwaukee to Run ' : Homeseekers' Excursions General Fawenger Agent Haynes of the Milwaukee announces that every Tuesday from March to Decem ber, inclusive, this year, the company will run homeseekers' excursions from the.' east-mto tlfe Dakotas ana Mon tana. Special rates will be made with a mew to settling the vacant land in the states of tha northwest. Officials of the other lines assert that" if the Milwaukee runs homeseek efjs excursions intc the northwest, it will" be a break from an agreement entered into wit' the Western Passen ger association and will likely result in all western and southern lines fol lowing -suit. . McGuire Says He Will Protest Granting Soft Drink Permits ' City Prosecutor McGuire has no tified Superintendent Kugel of the police department that he will pro test granting 1918 soft drink licenses to all persons who were convicted of law violations in connection with these parlors since May 1, 1917. Mr. Kugel stated he received a list of 60 who would be-affected if the i 1 .i .:.. u - cuy council snouiu suaidiu wic yij tesls of the prosecutor. It will bevdiscussed by city coun cil committee of the whole r ext Mon "day morning. .School Engineers Are t Given More Employment , Buildings' and grounds committee of the Board of Education met a delegation of engineers of the school buildings Thursday night to discuss a 25 per cent wage increase asked by the engineers. "We explained that the engineers will be paid this year on a basis of 12 months, instead of 10 months, and that explanation cleared away a mis understanding. The matter of. grant ing a raise of pay has not been dis posed of," stated Chairman Warfield of the committee. ACl earawayof Women's Boots and'Party Slippers IN most instances the reductions are to ' less than the regular price. Women! Boots About W Z i2 Price .VSh tin I Short line of women's nov elty high cut boots, reduced to $6.95 a pair. Women's Skating Boots, ' $4.45 Black and pearl gray, high cut or low cut skating boots, reduced to $5.45 and $4.45. Dancing nd Party Slippers,. $3.75 Including: t Black satin beaded vamps, i D.J.- White satin beaded vamps, KedUCeG Black kid beaded vamps, q Black kid beaded vamps and straps, Silver cloth dancing slippers, 1 flJO fti Gold cloth dancing slippers, J Burfeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor I CANDY for That Sweet Tooth The sort of candy that makes you want more. Special for Saturday until 6 p m., we offer: Peanut and cocoanut brittle, at 29c a lb. Caramels, fresh made, pure ingredients; special at, 33c a lb. Burrtn-Naih Co. Main Floor Women's Burson Seamless Cotton Hose, Specially Priced at 39c BURSON hose are shaped in the knitting, not pressed into shape, made with ribbed top, in black only, or hem top, regular or extra sizes. Black, white or cream colors. All sizes, at 39c a pair. Women's Cotton Hdse, at 50c Full fashioned, fi$ regular made foot, double garter top, black, white or balbriggan ; Regular sizes 50c, extra sizes 59c. Women's Silk Lisle Hose, 75c Black or white, fine quality, full fashioned, full regular made, double top, 75c a pair. )Vomen's Silk Boot Hose, 75c Pure thread silk boot hose, full fashioned, full regular made, black or white, 75c a pair. Children's Black Cotton Hdse, 35c Fine ribbed, black cotton hose, seamless, ill sizes. Very special at 35c a pair. s Infants' Cotton or Fiber Hose, 35c Black or white, cotton or fibre hose, seamless; special at 35c a pair. Burgeaa-Naih Co. Main Floor flEARAWAY of Women's Kid Gloves, $1.29 Pair THE assortment consists of French kid and lambskin jloves sample pairs, also soiled and mussed gloves from our stock, which have been greatly reduced for quick disposal. They include silk lined and unlined mocha and cape gloves, every pair of which has been greatly reduced to $1.29 a pair. Burfeti-Naah Co, Main Floor Practical and Useful Gifts For the "Boys" at Home and Abroad MANY of our boys are in France and thousands more will soon be there. That they may be kept closely in touch with the home folks is desirable. The frequent shipment of comforts to those soldiers will add to their Kfe at the front a real joy and will help to keep ud their spirits. In our soldier and sailor shop on the Third Floor, you will find a most com plete assortment of soldiers' and sailors' supplies that we believe will be very helpful to those selecting gifts. A few suggestions : Bed Socks Wool Socks Sweaters Helmets Wristlets Scarfs Orders taken for hand-knit socks, sweaters, helmets, wristlets, etc. Burteai-Naab Co. Third Floor Puttees Khaki Handkerchiefs Toilet Kits Service Kits Sanitary Cups Emergency Kits, etc., etc. CPECIAL 3 Announcement We Invite You to Vitit .Our Pattern Department Saturday To Meet MISS MATTHEWS Special Representative of The Pictorial Review Co. of New York , Who Will Explain the Many, Pictorial Review Patterns Which Make Them Superior to All Other Patterns The Patent Cutting and Con struction Guides Furnished Only With Pictorial Review Pattern Save Time, Labor and Material in Every Case. They Show Just How to Lay Out the Parts of the Pattern on the Material to Cut and How to Assemble the Parts in Completing the Garment. Don't Fail to Meet MISS MATTHEWS and learn of the many advan tages contained in Pictorial Review Pattern Not Found in any Other Pat tern. Biir'eM-N-xh To Mi'n F'c-r WIRELESS Stories for Boys, al 35c What boy is not interested in wireless stories? We have a popular series, by Captain Wilbur Lawton, which we know the boys will like to read. Here are a few of the titles: "Ocean Wireless Boys of the Iceberg Patrol." "Ocean Wireless Boys on War-Swept Seas." "Ocean Wireless Boys on the Pacific." "Ocean Wireless Boys on the Atlantic." Bures-Naah Co. Fourth Floor Women's Winter Coats Sacrificed in the Down Stairs Store, at $10.00 COATS in which the material alone would cost more, and is worth more than the price we ask. You'll find a large selection of good, serviceable materials in styles and colors of wide variety." All greatly reduced for quick dis posal, at $10.00. Children's Coats, Reduced to $2.00 Heavy and medium winter weight coats at less than manufacturers' cost. Sizes from' six to twelve years; Very special, at $2.00. Big Clearaway Sale of Mens, Women's, Boys' and Girls' SHOES In the1 Down Stairs Store THE season's most remarkable -values. An -opportunity to make vour dollars do more than double v duty. Women's Shoes at Less Than Cost of Soles and Heels, at $1.45 Good shoes, too, but odd pairs and small sizes, yet there are several hundred pairs, and no doubt you can find your size and the style just suited to you. Women's Shoes at Less Than Half the Regular Price, at $3.95 Short lines that have been transferred from our Second Floor section, including patents, dull calf and kid skin, low or high shoes. Button or lace styles. Women's Novelty Boots Reduced . For a Quick Clearaway to $4.65 High cut, with gray, brown or brocade cloth tops, welt and turn soles; Louis Cuban leather heels, all sizes, at $4.65. f!7 Misses' Shoes, at $2.29 Misses' and children's sizes, patent gun metal and tan Russia button shoes, reduced to $2.29 a pair. v Boys' Shoes, at $2.65 High cut, tan or black calf skin shoes for skating and school wear, reduced to $2.65 a pair. Boys' Shoes, at $2.95 Big boys' black velour calf skin shoes, button or lace style, double soles, at $2.95 a pair. Men's Shoes, at $3.45 Men's tan oil grain calf skin work Shoes. Spe cially reduced, at $3.45 a pair. Burgaaa-Nath Co. Down Stafra Star A Clearaway of 9 M e in and Overcoats " Specially Reduced for o EVERY man with a thought for economy, should take advantage o this remarkable offering. You may wonder why we do it, especially with the price of woolen cloth advancing to about a pro hibitive figure, and with the U. S. government tak ing over the output of many of the big woolen mills. Well, to be candid with you, our stock of men's suits and overcoats is too big, and we are-putting this section, like others of our store, on a war-fitting basis and willingly accept the sacrifice that we may accomplish this end. , Every garment possesses all the points there are to a suit, thorough satisfaction with the way they fit, the way they're made and the way they look and wear splendid ly tailored throughout. In style and fabric everything that' is new is represented. The tailoring shows, the. mas ter touch of America's greatest designers. All sizes rep resented, from 33 to 46. There's a wide range of material?, . including plain serges, good staple styles that will be desirable for the coming season. All reduced to the one price, Saturday, at $21.50. Burfta-Naah Co. Fourth Floor Saturday to MTi ROYS' CAPS Reduced to 25c and 50c pWO big groups of boys' caps, with fur or plush inbands that pull down and fit snug over the ears and fore head. Plain blue serges, Scotch plaids, checks and fancy mix tures, reduced to 25c and 50c. Boys' Hats Reduced to 25c and 50c With turn down inside ear bands, the materials are velvets, corduroys, chinchilla and wool fixtures. Plain and fancy col ors. H Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor T Boy s Wool Suits Reduced for Saturday to $795 , THE suits are all wool materials, made pinch-back, and 3-piece, beltj single or double breasted styles with patch or plain pockets. Two pairs of pants, full lined. A wide range of : patterns from "which to choose. Plain colors, fancy checks, stripes and mixtures. Ages 6 to 17 years. Specially reduced for Saturday, to $7.95. Boys' Mackinaws Reduced Every coat has been subjected to a sub stantial reduction to effect a quick clear away. Blues, greens, browns and reds, plaids, $3,95 and $5.95. , Boys'i Overcoats Reduced For ages 3 to 18 years, in blues," grays, browns and fancy mixtures. The savings are really exceptional at the reduced prices, $4.95, $6.95 and $9.95. . ,Burn-Nah Co. FouVth Floor . . These, Sample Lots of Men's Shirts Marked With Greater Reductions to Insure an Immediate Clearaway Saturday 95c and $1.15 TO be frank, it is almost a crime to offer such splen did, high grade shirts as these are, at such a great sacrifice, and right in the constantly advancing market, too. But one reason for it is to give you the benefit of a close margin and "keep business going as usual." , We could have marked them at the price they were intended to sell and made a big profit, but that's not our way, so out they go. They're made of the most desirable materials for spring and summer, 1918 materials that always go into high grade shirts, such as madras, percales, pon gee fabrics, mercerized cloths, silk fiber, etc. ; all made coat style with turnback cuffs and stiff cuffs, and offered at 95c and $1.15. p,. ... '-n F'o-r C KATES, Skis, Flexible Flyers These are great days for out door winter sports skating, skiing and coasting, and we doubt if there is a better assort ment of skates, skis or sleds, than you will find here in our sporting goods section. Skates for men, boys, and girls, big assortment at low prices. Skis of pine or white ash, all sizes, specially priced. Flexible Flyer coaster, spe cially priced. Burgeta.Naah Co. Fourth Floor Salle of Men's Neckwear Specially Priced at 50c SATURDAY we will place on sale a large assortment of men's neckwear which was delayed in transit, owing to the congested shipping conditions. These should have arrived in time for the holiday business, and would have been marked at a much higher price than they can be bought for now, but for Saturday we . have rer duced theentirelot to the ex tremely low price of. 50c. By buying a little in advance of your actual needs, you will benefit by generous saving ad vantages on what you: will re quire for the coming year. Burfeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor PURGES 'EVERYBODY? STORE Bee Want Ads Bring Results.