Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Shop Early Saturday and Share in These Sales )
: Store Closes at "6 P. 11 for Patriotic Reasons , I
Buy ,
Boys' Clothing
and Profit Jy
These Prices
ij We are offering"
you big savings in
our Boys' Depart
ment for Saturday.
Boys' Suits that are just the thing
for chodl wear and the proper
weights. Each suit has two pairs of
pants and each pair of pants has
double knees and seat, which will
give the boy twice the wear of the
' ordinary pants. The colors are gray,
brown, blue and mixtures. Two
tables full of these suits, g gQ
6d.cll B,t
Boys' Wool Mixed Flannel Waists,
in khaki and gray colors, military
collar with button. Buy them now"
and get two for the price of one for
next fall'. Just 250 waists, sizes from
6 to 16 years, each, J QQ
Boys' AH Wool Sweaters Here is a won
derful opportunity to save money. v They
are good weight, with big shawl collar.
Two pockets, in gray, dark gray,, red,
brown and a few striped effects. Sizes
from 8 to 16 years. Very d0 QC
special at .... $fVD
Second Floor, Men' Building
Sale, of "1881 Rogers" Silverware
About Half , Regular Prices Saturday
In spite of the fact that silverware has greatly increased in price recently, we
are again able to quote sale prices in many instances as low as we have eve:
' quoted them. - " ,
In the three leading patterns Grecian, LaVigne and Plymouth
1881 Rogers' Teaspoons, set of six; regular price 7Qr
pi.iv, otuc jjint, a set.
1881 Rogers' Dessert Spoons, set of six, regu- d1 CQ
lar price $j2.00,sale price, a set . . .
1881 Rogers' Sugar Spoons, regular price 50c,
sale price, each
1881 Rogers' Butter Knives, regular price 50c, QQ.
sale price, each
!-60c: 39?
1881 Rogers' Berry Spoon, regular price $1.39, QQq
SiX IV pilCC, CtlV.Il
1881 Rogers' Orange Spoons, set of six, regu- j 1 OQ
lar price $2.00, sale price, . a set
1881 Rogers' Cold Meat Forks, regular price KQr
75c, sale priceT each '..
1881 Rogers' Pickle Forks, regular price 69c,
sale price, each '. .v.. .
1881 Rogers' Three-Piece Child Set, regular 7Qg
price $1.25, sale price, a set
- V
1001 jriogers varavy laoics, regular fi
price $1.00, sale price, each
1881 Rogers' Baby Spoons, regular 99 C
price 40c, sale price, each , .....
1881 Rogers' Salad Sets, regular price $2.15, M OQ
sale price, a set
1881 Rogers' Educator Child Set, regu- KQr
lar price 80c, sale price, a set
1881 Rogers' Knives and Forks, reg- GO Qft
ular price $4.75, sale price ' u-s7v
1881 Rogers', 26-Piece Chest, solid oak or mahog
any finish, with sliding drawer containing 6
knives, 6 forks, 6 dessert spoons, 6 teaspoons, 1
butter knife, 1 sugar shell. Regular jg CQ
price $9.00, sale price . . . . . '
1881 Rogers 47-piece Chest, solid oak or mahog
any finish, with sliding drawer, containing six
knives, six forks, six tablespoons, six dessert
spoons, 12 teaspoons, six butter knives, one berry
spoon, one gravy ladle, one meat fork, one butter
knife andv one sugar shell; regular M O QQ
price-$18.50, sale price.
Main Floor
New Arrivals
In Blouses
Very Fascinating Styles at Very
Modest Prices for Saturday
Crepe de Chines, Tub Silks and Jap
Silks, lace trimmed and semi-tail-
ored models; some have M QC
frills, specially priced, at vAwu
. Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine
and Net Blouses. New collar ef
fects, some trimmed wjth dainty
laces or embroidery, fcO 95
at ...........
Etra Quality Georgette Crepe
Blouses. Hand beaded models, oth
ers hand embroidered, some with
the new '$5,00 l $6.95
square, neck w
Colors are Orchid, Maize,
Peach, Rose, Nile Green, Flesh,
White and Navy.
Second Floor
Women'sWinter Suits
Final Clearance
Whether you have an immediate need
jr not, it is good judgment to buy one of
,hese Suits. Made of materials that can be
worn right into Spring, and also excellent
for early Fall wear.
$18, $20 and $22.50 Suits, $9.50 -$25,
$30 and $35 Suits, $ 1 5 .00
$40, $45 and $50 Suits, $22.50
A little matter of subtraction and you have the
savings you can make in each instance,- and all are
considerable. 1
Second Floor
Furs-Almost Half Regular Price
Here's Real Opportunity For You
Our entire stock of Furs, consisting of high
grade Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs and Muffs, now of
fered at very near half regular prices.
' It will pay you to buy for next winter as well
as this season. Furs have a real cash value and
a little alteration next season will give you an
outfit at alow price.
Second Floor
And Toilet Needs
Mary Garden Talcum Pow
der, special, at , . . . .39
Pinaud's Vegetal Lilac,
special, at 69d
Syrup Hypophotphite, $1
size, at ..)'.. 59d
Nature's Remedy Tablets,
50c size,-at 296
Peroxide Hydrogen, 4-OZ.
bottle for 56
Powdered Boric Acid,
pound for 156
Lotus Hair Color, $1.00
size (or 596
Hughes' Ideal Hair Brush,
special, at 986
Jap ' Rose Face Powder,
special, at 296
Imported' Rouge, 50c size,
special, at 296
Djer Kiss Vegetal, special,
at ,...986
Epsom Salts, 1-lb. pack
age for 86
Rubber Sheeting, yard
wide, special, a yard 33d
Woodbury's Facial Soap,
a bar at 186
Main Floor,, Rear
Knit Underwear and Hosiery
Knit Underwear
."omen's Fine Wool Separate Garments Vests
and Pants; fine merino, regular and dp PA
extra sizes; very special, a, garment'. . P ww
Women's Silk ni Wool Separate Garments, me
dium low neck, short sleeves, Mests and Pants to
match; at a Vfiry special clearing djl 1Q
price, a garment P 1 e 1 47
Women's Fine Ribbed Cotton Union Suits', me
dium weight, not all styles in all makes, but a
splendid assortment of regular and out sizes;
garmentsof well-known makes; very d- tJA
Kiwifl clearinc. a suit P eJVT
Women's Cotton Ribbe'd Union Suits, high neck,
long sleeves; low neck, short' sleeves; 7Q
regular sizes, a suit,' at JC
Children's Cotton Union Suits, medium and heavy
weitrht. for boys, girls and children; these are
I very well made garments and all styles, 7 C
all sizes; very special, a suit, atv I J
Children's Vests and Pants, heavy fleeced cotton,
sizes 2 to 8 years; special, a gar- OC-
ment at
Third Floor
Excellent Hosiery Offerings
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose in black only,
full fashioned lisle tops, reinforced QO
coles, heels and toes; a pair, at fOt
Women's Medium and Heavy Weight Cotton
Hose; some with ribbed tops; others'all ribbed, f- tan, cordovan, all shades of gray and cham
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in all colors; seamless,
double heels and toes, a pair, '59c
Women's Silk Hose in all the shoe shades, brown,
pagne; a pair,
also double heels, and toes, in regular
and out sizes; a pair, a
Women Wool Hose.'in black only, fine grade and great CQr
value; a pair, at
Women's Fine Cashmere Hose, in all sizes, with double
heels, toes and soles; a pair, at
Children's Cashmere Hose in black, spliced
heels and tes; a pair, at
Main Floor
$1.50 d $1.75
39c .nd 59c
. Handkerchiefs
Men's and Women's Handker
chiefs, plain and fancy embroid
ered, worth 12V&C, .each,
Men's and Women's Handker
chiefs, fine cotton, fancy em
broidered. The women's initial
handkerchiefs are aft linen;
regular 19c, at . .126
Women's All Linen Handker
chiefs, fancy embroidered, spe
cial for Saturday, each.,19'
Men's All Linen Initialed Hand
kerchiefs, some are hand cm-,
broidered, very special, ea. 25
Men's Plain Linen Handker
chiefs, good, large sizes, special,
each, 19
Main Floor
WpnWs Smart Tailored Dresses
The Newest Arrivals
The first showing of the new arrivals in up-to-date
smart Tailored Serge, Jersey and Tricotine presses, will
be given here on Saturday.1 . " r -
The models that will be most popular in the Spring
Wardrobe. "
Smart Braidings, Embroidered Motifs, Buttons
and Stitchings make these particularly effective.
New lines in plain bodice with ( tunic or gathered -straight
Navy, Tan and Gray are the favored shades and ,
very smart.
, $22.50, $25, $35 and Upward
Good Coats, at $15.75
Gray Coats, Velours, Broadcloths, Kerseys and
Gunnyburls. Many are fur trimmed styles that rep
resent all good mqdels of the season. -
A Special Lot Dresses," $13.75
To Make Room for New Spring Stock
Serge, Jersey and Velour Dresses, at this, special price. Effc'vi styles that may be
wonffor Spring-tailor-wear. Very attractive offering, at . . . . . . . . $13.75
' II "
Second Floor
Cut Flower'
Specials for Saturday
blooming Primroses, each, 19c
Large Bunches of Violets, a
bunch 19c
Fine Assortment of Spring
Flowers, such s Narcissus,
Jonquils, Fuchia, Sweet Peas,
x Blooming Plants of all kinds.
Funeral and Wedding De
signs our specialty.
Prompt attention given to
telephone orders. , (
.Main Floor, Pompeian Room
Two Remarkable Shoe Offerings
At Greatly Reduced Prices
We have taken two groups of Women's Shoes that have stayed
their time, and cut the prices so low that they will go out in a jiffy
on Saturday.
Nine-inch Boots, each style, and beautiful Footwear.
Be among the lucky early buyers on Saturday.
$14.00 Shoes, $8.85
Ivory Kid Vamps with cream
cloth tops, button style,, kid cov
ered Louis heels and hand turned
soles. . " '
$14.95 Shoes, $4.95
Allover Orange Kid with the
hand turned soles. '
Two very unusual bargains for early comers. Lim
ited quantity. Main Floor, Rear
. ' 1 -
The New Suits
For Misses and Snail Women
are extremely charming. In many instances, their very
simplicity reflects that "youthfulness" which is so eagerly '
sought after and yet so elusive that many makers fail ea
tirely to embody ft into their garments. v ,' :
Youth, eternal youth, speaks plainly in these - ..
modes for Spring. Eton effects, ijew Flare Mod
els, etc. Others are braided. Some belted mod- . -ely.
In Serge, Tricotine, Velvet and Gabardines.
All the Newest Shades.
Prices $25.00 to $65.00
Second Floor
M t
' v