-.m , HE BEE, M .C. i Want Ad Rates Count Six Wordi to the Lint.) . Jf Ad lafcea for Leas Tbaa Two Lint : Loral. - CASH WITH ORDER ' l par tin i ........ ...1 t!m . i pr Un..t or nor cousecuUr Insertion ' V CHARGE) , to per tin 1 tire . to pr llne..l or more eooiecullv insertions J per lie ........to consecutive insertions situations wanteiI S5a ptr tin .T ......... .per week CARDS OF -THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 140 por Una . ....ttvb Insertion (Minimum charge (9 cent.) ' Out-of-Town Bala Cash With Order (Count SU Words to lint) Financial Help Wanted Agents Wanted lie par Una 1 time to per tine t or mora Busloesa Chance consecutive Insertions to per line 1 time An Other to ptr line t or more Classification consecutive Insertion U8B THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veatently brine or tend In your want ad. ; Ask for Want Ad Tok-r and yon Kill receive the tame good ervlce at when , delivering your want ad at in! office. PHONE TTI.f.n l()00 x ' WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVENING EDITIONS 13:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS ........ 10:09 P. M. Contract Bateau nm Application. MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAMBRA. ' 24TH AND PARKER -, ANN MURDOCK, in "THE IMPOSTER." . GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY -GEORGE WALSH, in THE PRIDE OP NEW YORK. " and OOOD COMEDT. South. APOLLO, S9TH AND LEAVENWORTH . MARY PICKFORD. in , "THE LITTLE PRINCESS." ROI1LFF. 26S LEAVENWORTH - RAY STEWART, in "THE MEDICINE MAN" West v DUNDEE. IfST AND UNDERWOOD HAZEL, DAWN, and ' BERT I.TTEL, In -THE LONE WOLF." DEATHS; & FUNERAL NOTICES. PA8MGRE James, died Jan. to, tall. He It survived by three daughter, Mr. J, War. rn Moore. Mr. C. J. Lyon. Mist Emma Pa amor of Omaha, and ont son, Charles It. Patmore of Kansas City, Mo. . Funeral from late residence, 1825 N. -, 23d St., Feb. 1, 111), at 1 p. m., Interment Fort Lawn cemetery. JORDAN Harry U. Age 54 years, died 12:30 a. m., January 30th at bis borne . 1111 South ltd. street. " Funeral, Friday, February 1st, t:00 p. m. at houss. Private on account of V illness in the family. It it requested that Nio flowersabe sent. , BROSU18 Charles Fj died . Wednesday morning, January 30th at his residence 111 N. 17th street. Age (8 years. Funeral notice later.' r" 1 , BIRTHS AND DEATHS, '- Births Raymond E. and Beasts B. Hol 'llngwood. 1147 Chicago street, boy; John and EUaabeth Krlgler, 1024 Martha street, girl; Ray and Emily Barnes, 3824 North Fifty-fourth street girl; Harry Clyde and Anna Bertha McTenfleas, 1503 Corbytreot, triri: Arttinr ana victoria Peterson, jooj North Thirty-fourth street, boy; Floyd M and Anna Hmith, 1033 l'ark avenue, boy; Otto and Fanny Baytdorfer, 4401 Harney street girl. i . Deaths Llizte Dlook, 4t, 'hospital; Jacob nvaclna, S3, 5847 South Twenty-second street; Mrs, Laura Avery Morrison, 4.8, hos pital: Alice Btine, 56, 2101 Vinton; Walter tl, Poner, li months, 5314 South Twenty- first street; John Perkack, 55, 6614 South Seventeenth street; Isjoull glssakian, 14, ; hospital. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses to wed havt been issued: I Name and Residence. Age. ltane Zlmmer, Omaha 4 Lottie Honlg, Omatta 60 MoKlnley Hall, RKtgsfarm, 111,.,,;...., 21 Lela Oreen, Dunlap, ,1a. , 20 " Bril.DINO PERMITS. Nebraska Clothing company, 1416-13 Far nam street repairs, 16,000. i FLORISTS. , BK1NU a memlier of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery assoclstton, we are la position to deliver flowers st short notice anywhere In thellnit fitate. br Canada Hess A Swoboda, Flot ata Fon LEE X. MRMONfn 1114 Douglaa St. , Douglas 1314 ORG EST saaortment of fresh flowers. HJJDFRSON,JS19FAJNAM PARKKR FLOWER SHOP. 411 8 14 tTbl T H B rKUWKRY. ftfll at. 1 Ih Bt. D. 3H84. ROVlKRa Florist. 818 fl. iTth D 3(00 BATH. National Florist, 1804 Fsrnam St. A, DNAiyiUE. !J Harney, jjoug. loT FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 24 A Har. D. 137 . L . DODDER "CO, KunerslDlrectort , t l Fero. Mgr. 3d and Cuming Hit Phone Pouglss 677. Auto amhulsnce. STUI.SE H1EPGN, Uiiderlskers and7S- balmera. 701 8. ltlh, Douglas 1224. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mbatmtr. 2624 , Leavenworth. D 1461 LOSTFOUND REWARDS OM'IIA a. COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET-' RAILWAY. COM PANT. Parson bsvlng lost torn artlrle would do well to csll up the office of the OmskT Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascsrtala whether they left It In the treat ear. ', Many articles each day art turntd In and the company Is anxious to restore thtnv to the rightful owners. IF YU lore anything snd will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found byan honest person, if you find any thing of islus the boi.eet wsy . to ad vert ie for the nwjief ' LOST Between Brandela Store, Henahaw Hotel and Boyd Theater, package con 's, talning tlx yard of green plaid glng ham. Return to Mrs. Ed Rector, .North COST One bay mare, weight 1300 lbs., star on forehead, last seen In Keystone' Psrk, Benson; will pay 310" If returned to 2612 Leavenworth, (Coal Yard.) LofeT Two bounds. One white end yellow, one grey and white. , Liberal reward Phone Colfag 404. ' LOST iwo bounds., one yeUow and white, and one giey and white. Liberal reward Call Colfax 4034. LOST Jan. 17th on Farnam sUeet rosary , twada. South 221. Reward. t-OR SALE Mitcellaneoua i Furniture and Household Goods. . illoUSANDS OF DOI.LAR8 WORTH OF I FURNITURE. RUCS, STOVES. ETC . , Our Burplut Stock. JBDST h. BOLD REOARDI.E8S OF COST ' Buy Now and Get Ffftt Chotoe I Tbecbolce! home furnUhmg thatnonsy eaa buy W make a specialty of complete home outfits. also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fare to all out-of- towa buyers within 69 miles of Omaha oa purchases of 22 or mere. ' f STATE FURNITURE CO.." ;L Doa-.1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta.. I - Omaha "Tea Can B tt for Less at t t Stats." OUR FURNITURE SALE. t ' Mahogany candlesticks, electrlo lamp. eftmfolds, cbstra and tables, rbiffonlera. uttcaae. bag and trunk, cbloa does la rugs - THE LOYAL FUItNITtJftE CO.. tit N 14th tit. Douslss 41TT. OiAHA PILLOW CO Feather mattresses mads fsora your own test her, aummer and winter s'dee; cost less ant last longer thaa cotton or half bed. Phone ut for earn pie t 107 Cumins Douslas '-447 leAttOAlNS IN STORES AND FURNITURE Bed .oprlnga mattresses, bedding of all kind, tables, ehalra, china and kitchen cabinet, rug and linoleum iH.19-1447 N th St. Webster 1407; Open till I m. LuOK stove, bard coal burner, dining table and chairs, dresser, commode, kitchen e-abln't chiffonier, refrigerator, bookcase, bed, hanging lamp. - Phone Walnut 1212. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. RUSH right down nd get you share of all kind of furniture at crti:eo 80 N 16tb Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANO for rul . lied t'roks Salvage Cora- mrtte 1409 llarnejv Douglas 12S. Sewing Machines. t SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles aod parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'b NEBRASKA wYCLE CO.. ISth and Harney Sta. Doug. Kit. .Store and Office Fixtures. WIS HAVE moved to newlocatl4fl. We buy aell and make desks, safes, showcases. shelving etc Omaha Fixture' Supply Co.. B. W Cor. 11th end Dong. Phone. D. 2734, Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywuert Rental auipllea on purchase R.nilnKio Typewriter company. . Nineteenth and Douslas streets. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented andtjrepalred. Rent an Oliver a months for $. Central Typewriter Bschann, 190 Farnam. OLD Dutph line ribbon and carbon. You try It before you buy it.rrom mail, im nrsi Nat l. Bk. Tyler 2l. Guars teed typewriter, 110 and op. Write for list. Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Podge. Miscellaneous. A FINE looking Ice box 6 ft high. 3 ft. wide and 2 ft. deep. One 20 ft. counter In 2 sections wKh foot rails, one cigar case, a back bar 14 ft. long by 10 ft. high, all In good condition. For aala or trade for a typewriter and roller top desk an auto. Douglaa 8108. FIVE wheel rtpres wagon. A , 2 sealed .buggy one set draft and one set buggy harness all in good conoiuon. can Tyler lilt. ' FOR HALE Elliott eddrasalng machine good as new; cheap; leaving city. 314 Omaha NatlonslJsnk.jMM SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME Trade those artloles of furniture, cloth' Ing, personal belongings, etc, that you havt no need of. Got something you can time. Kpeclal rate for ads In Swappers' column 25c for 3-llne sdv. 3 days and 3o per answer for all letters received. Business aids ngulsr rstet. WILL TRADE $30 Vlctrola and records for pump or antomatlo shotgun. - will take cash. Box 1484, Omaha Bee. ' FILMS developed. 10c a roll, one-day eerv. Ice.-, Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk. 1th snd Harney WANTED TO BUY IPMlIMQ Sguare deal guarantesd I For - your used suits, o'coatt. shoes, rugs, tools, trunks, or suit eases, I will call and pay best pricea Doug 3636; Res Doug. 8032 DESKST)ESKS DESKS 'New desks, used desks, bought, sold snd trsded J C. Reed. IS07 Farnsm. n 4144, WANTED TO BUY Car of corn, No, price f , o. b. American Fork, Utah. Alpine poultry Association. It u Asnoy tsec, American Fork, Utah. ' ROOKS bought Kleaer Tiysl Hotel Bldg ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon and Pleating. T ACCORDKI N. sld, knife, si-nburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles; h mstltchlng, picot eaginav. eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL UUTTON AND PL-.'.TING CO., 300-308 Brown Mg, Bouglas 1134 VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Buttons Co.. 336-7 Paxtin nlk Douglas tiot Baths. UBIiLLE Hath Institute; electrlo and plain baths; massages of all klnda; expert at tendinis. 1604 Harney, Douglas 7044. MA8SEC8E eult Mist baths, manicuring, physics Wnlker. 2!4 Neville Blk Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages leaa man :u ma., is cents, uoog. itis Tilfr. nf T Vf A V Kmglaa 235. AX1JU JiUX TV AX A w, o. W. Bldg, THE OMAHA TRANSFER SO. Brass and Iron Foundries, Paxton-MIKhell Co., t7th and Martha Carpenters and Contractors. LKHSARD & BON. 3DJ i'umln Ty. 1433 Chiropractors. Dr. TT C. tawretu'e. "Paird Hldg. O. 3441 Cemeteries. WEST LAWN otters sympathstlo tervlct It auuaen sorrow, perpstsui care, no assess ments. Lots on easy terms Tel WSI, 330, Dancing Academy. Hd T.iivQ School. Popular Ballroom " ajyiAc Danes Class Monday Evt ,. in 3 istn. rnone walnut 1037. .EARN 'to dance In 12 lessona Rate. 84.00. Keen Dancing Mcademy. Douglas 7850, Drainafe Contractors. TRACTOlfralnage and trench work of all kind, w ar equipped to handle your drainage work at low cost quick tervlre. and courteoua treatment. Lewis Brot Drslnsge Contracts, Fremont Neb. 'Detectives. OMAtlA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 300 First Nst Bk. Bldg. Phont Tyler 2510, JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured Ir. all rsses, Tyler 1184. 8. D JOLLY, 313 Paxton Red 1138. Dressmaking. COMPETENT dressmaker wlsbe work b the day. Harney 4683 - T ERR Y Drraemrtttlng Co.. 20th and Fame m pTeesmaklng. M las Sturdy. Douglas 63947 Dentists. r. Brsdbury. No psln. 21 W. O. W. Bldg DR TEFFT. the well known Omaha den tlst. ha moved to 4t Brndel Bldg. Tsff Dent Rmi, 308 Rose Bldg. D. 3184 Fixtures and Wirine. hTTRTtftM Bi'"1"1' wsshlng machines. UU1H,UH .lectrle Iron and reading lamps. 2328 Cuming St Doug. 261. Historical CoBtume , The largest stock of theatrical and masque rada coat urn ft In the country for rent or sale Theo. Mohen ft Son. 1614 Howsrd. m Household Specialties. , !. F. ADAMS. 2J S. lth. D. 1007, Under new management, We want to see old friends and rneit nw. Open Rat. evening Your credit le good. Agent wanted. I Insurance. - INSURANCE Fire, towado. automobile. C A. Ortmmel, 34 Omaha National Bank NATION L AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO 1-14 City Nst Bk Bldg. Doug. 281 Jewelry DIAMONnS w p,r bMt pri0 wl,n UmiUUiHUO privilege to buy back at. email profit OROBS, 403 N lth Bt LARSEN JEWF.l.RY STORE. 204V N 16th St Phone Red 3527 Lowest caah prices Lumber and .Building Material. SAVK HALF" on beams, columns, brick H Oroas l.umheB snd WreeU Co Web 2384 Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonsllltl la grippe, pneumonia, disessea of women, young women suffering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son, 414 Brandels Rldg. Rea phone. H 4741; office. T 2960 Oxy-Acetylene Welding. f Expert Welding of All Metal. H W I.KVICrtINO, 80 8 l!th Sf D 3573 v Plumbing and Heating. TOPP & CO. 1716 Vinton at reel Plumbing ' and heating; general repair wbrk our specialty Oil burner experte. Tyler 1118 Patent Attorneys. PATENT8 procured, bought end sold. . INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. , ' (S3 Brandel Blcy Douglas 4631. 8TUROES A STURGES. U 8 and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg Printing and Office Suppl'csA Ws ters-Bs rnhsrt Ptg. Co , (34 B. 13th St. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER. CKS. H., 1303 Hemey. Doug. (OK, Eijert tuning and repairing. Pianos rebuilt and reflnlshed. Estimates free. W. R Dalbey. piano tuner, Douglaa 0297. ilanos fp.r Rent. 13 60 per mo A. Hoape Co.. 1513 Douglaa Removal. Dr. F W Boland. phys . aur.. 416 Bee Bldg Safes. Q A T?l?Q BARGAINS, 1312 Farnam. O JJO j j. Darlght Safe Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L., 21 8. 20th Tailor. D. 2422. Trusses. "CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfect lysfav Experts. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney fit Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. (26 Voice Culture. Albert Habenatro Basso eantanti, teacher of slnRing, technique and repertoire Stu dio. 4311 Securities Bldg. Tyler 2467-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDTjINO announcements and printing;. Douglaa Printing Co- TeL Douglas (44. AUTOMOBILES l HAVE a nice assortment of Fords, Max wells, Overland and Butcks for yon to select from; ail late models from 2160 up. Guaranteed to. give good service; payments If desired. MEEK ADTO CO. OMAHA OARAGE, 20th and Harney. Tyler 654. Standard idotor Co. x Used Allen touring car, good condition. Bargain. 2020 Farnam St. Carl Chang strom. ... ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with. out driver, by tue mile or by the hour. Fords, lOd per mile. Douglas 7310. Ne braska Service Oarage. ' LARGE assortment to pick from. AH late moaeis, rron iieo up i MEEK'S OARAGE, (OmahaGarage) x 20th Harney. Tyler 666. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-WUaon. Ine , Wt have the beat bargains. See ua at once. Harney 871 Farnam and 26th Ave WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 100 USED CARS; quick action, no delay Auto Ex change Co.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6036. iUARANTEE TIRE AND VULC A N IZLN G CO., all kinda of tire repairing and work guaranteea. oougiaa 7B62 I in Douglas St BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co.. 10th and Howard. Ford Agents.' Dong. 8608 1316 FORD Coupe; demountable rims, fine condition; 1360. Auto Parts Co., 2105 Far nam tit. Douglas 4360. am St WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS ten & MinKiy. Doug. 1640. 2318 Harney St OAKLAND aenalble Six. . . MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2i?00 Farnam St BARGAINS in used cars. ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. A FEW 1318 Ford touring cars. Ons user 117 Ford touring. 4001 8. 24th St So. 4840. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED, Ever resdy Bsttery Station, 1204 Farnam. 1100 reward for auto or tractor magneto csn't repslr. Baysdorfer, 210 N 18th. FORD Sedan, ulmost new, self startor, etc. A bargain. 2563 Farnam atreet, Tyler 2330. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FOHD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 10c a mile. 35o per hour, minimum charge (except Sunday and holidays. FORD LIVERY CO., Douglsa 8(22. 1314 Howard Si Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A CAR RIAGE WKS, 2625 Leavenworth. Ty. 701 Tires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co Repair a' Specialty., , Out-of-town work given prompt attention, Guaranteed Tires at V, Price, v . Without Any. Old Tires. 20x8 ...37.70 82X3H... 810.05,84x4. ..818.00 S0X3H. . .18.60 85x4... 315.30' 33x4. . .312.26 cpeclal Discount to Dealer. Auto Parts H Price. ' Beoond-Hand Tire and Tube. Agent Wanted. ' BOYLAN TIRE & RADIATOR CO Phone D. 2(14. 1614-16-1 Davenport Bt TIRES AT HALF PRICK. ALL SIZES NEW 30x8 Firestone, 38.00; Ford tubes, 82; NEW SOxS'A Non-Skld Firestone. 318. KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING, TIKE price wrerkars. This Is no 2 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 8. 13th. Asia, wanted. Omaha. lNh bII,T-NU" tire., guaranteed 3.600 ml lea save money, vulcanizing and retreading. Auto ana rnaiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRR AND AUTO WORKS, 181-21 Cuming St. Tyler 17. SAVE (0 PER CENTS ON YOUR TIRES." V u u. Tire and Vulcanising Co., 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-AV. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumntle tires ant! eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup ply Co., 2061 Fsrnsm St. Starters and Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing aam for alx months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE! CO., 8i? Hart.ey St. Tyler 234. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. ) Anything electrical about your auto. f1 S. Ith St Dnugla 64i. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 290? for auto reoalrlno'' ukuaj ft HEAL, w. Farnam Garage. 1527 rarnnm now open, uive u a trial. EDWARDS. B. 8.. 2114 N. ltth St. Web ater 1102. For bed reault with repair worn consult us. ' RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran- icoa. -rrawver Auto co 1910 Fafnam St Motorcycle and Bicycles H A R 1. E Y DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLKb Bargain In used machines. Victor H. Roo. he Motorcycl Van, 7th and Leav. en worth. BUSINESS CHANCES 16.000 STOCK OF CWTHINO Cta"THrvn avn SHOES IN BVm AT CRESTON. IOWA. uwing to the dissolving of partnership wo will tell at- auction our high grade tork of; Clothing, gent' furnishings, rubber goods, men- and ladiea' U. wear, a complete stock of men'a. ladiea anil children's shscs, hats and caps, eto eto. mi siock naa positively to be sow, with absolutely nothing reserved. The isle to take place on the premises February 4th, 118, at 1:30 p. m. Tha stock to be of fered t. departments reserving ths fight to aell in bulk to the highest bidder, at tht clost. Ten per cent at close of bid, balance at close of Inventory. T. W. CURRY A COMPANY. GOINO OUT OF BUSINESS. I will sell at publh sale my foundry and machine shop, real - estate, power ma chinery, tools and stock. Sal bill will b sent on request - OEOROB KUCERA, s 122 North Cedar St. Grand Island, Neb, t. FOR SALE. Blacksmith and waaron shou. , esstarn Nebraska. We get 76 events for new com mon shoe and 81 tor neverallpa. Other price accordingly; absolutely first-class. 30 to 31.008 will handle. Address Box T 273, Omaha Bee. MILLINERY stock and futures for sale In a good prosperous town. Term reason able Must sell st once to work for gov ernment For psrtlculsrs write to Bog Y 841. Omaha Bee WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR country mixed scrap Iron. Writ for price. A. B. ALPIRN. Tflt and Douglsa Dougla 342. TO GET in or out of business call on OANGESTAD BROS.. 534 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. P. 4980. I BRAr VlNO PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 861 Nst'l Bldg . HOSPITAL In town of 3.000, to leaao; good place for two nurses. Broke-aagtow Hos pital. Wrnken Box Neb. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Ex change. 108 8. 14th 8t. BUSINESSES furnished and sold. Ail state F. V Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ONLY pool hall In Nebraska town tut 700. Write C Rledwyl, Beemer, Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. Ill W. O. W. Bid Red 12U - PERSONAL THU Salvation t-rat Industrial Home ao- licit your old nothing, furniture, mate lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bam. 1 119-111 2-1114 Dodge St 11 . M AHA bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub bath, massage of all kind 22 Neville Blk. Doug 7.18) 16th and Harney Sta HERMAN M. BROCKMAN Anyone know ing whereabouts of same communicate with Box Y 378, Omaha Bee. MECHANO Therapy massage tor youi ' health'j sake. Miss Hnlraat. 323 Neville Bk Manicuring (Healer) end scalp treatment For appoln tment call Ty 103 T03 8 4th MIS9 FI8HER. sulphur, steam hatha and massage 87 Bran Thaa. Bldg D 165 MAR BRUOMAN. srlentlfie masseuse and hatha, tot Karbactt Blk. Bed 1131., PERSONAL varoK sna tuo baths sis usees of all kinds. Rm. 1, 1584 Harney. Doug. 7044. PRIVATE licensed maternity bom. 441 N 1MB St. Phone Cqlfsx 3042 MINNIE NAOLE at La Belle Bath Institute. 1604 Hariey. Dooglas 7044. BC1ENTIF1C msssage. Phone Douglas 4372. (18 Paxton block. Manicuring and m a .. E. EROTT, massage. 1423 Farnam R l 702 a 18th. D. 0628 MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most tclentlflo treat ment for all disessea Dr Cbarlee Barnes,- (13-624 Rom Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He I curing thousanda WHY NOT YOU T Delay are dangerous. If you can't call. writ. Hour: ( a. m. to ( p. m.s T:t to 1:20 vn!ng. Sunday by appointment . 1LEH, fistula and other rectal disease cured without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until . . i iir -i t - s . . I vutv. "in- iw. uwm. vo revvai uiaeases with teattmonal. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Building, Omaha. nun una auccessmuy trsatd without a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr trans H.wray. 30 Bee Btfg OXYGEN Sample treatments free to the afflicted. 113 St 26th. Tel Harney 6677. SITUATION WANTED Male. RELIABLE colored man with reference- wanta position. Can drlvs any kind of car ana ao some repair work; married. Tel. Douglas 733. . 2560 Cuming St. SALESMAN Road, sober, alert clever. In dustrious, with own car, on commission above draft age. A-l reference. Box Y ,71 YJ., . ' PAINTING, Paperhangiug and Decorating. Lowest estimates given. Call H-619S. WANTED, by experienced taechanlc, a posi tion in shop or on truck. Colfax 2631. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wishes work In store or traveling. Box 183, OmSha Bee. WHITE man want day work. Call Henry, lyier 44, ootween 7 ana p. m. Female. FIRST CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer with several years' experience, wanta po altinn roll H.m.v !ua WHO I sttlon. PLAII snd fancy clothes carefully launaerea called for and delivered. wen. 4283. . j EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes position, call Colfax 63 after 1 p. m. COLORED woman wants dsy work.. after 6 p. m. Webster 1699. Call PA i or chsmber maid work. Web, 1867. FOR an experienced nurse call. Web. 2060. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work. csii give references, weoster . 1303. BUNDLE washing and lace curtains nicely none, wtbster 1727; Colored lady wants day work. Har. 6406. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 2638. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269 Colored woman wants day work. fjb. 698. BUNDLE washing wsnted. Webster 131 WNTKD Dsy work. Webster 4639. LADY wsnt day work. Tyler 1655. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TOUNG MANWANTE1). For clerk, one who desire a permanent position with a reliable company1: and an opportunity for a good future. ir a irnnd fnt.r APPLY WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., 8th and Farnam. Inquire for Mr. Patterson. you Men who hire and fireT Advertise for "help" the sam way you advertise to tell merchandise, and the difference In return will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you in preparing your ' advertisement. WANTED Young single man, not subject io arait, lor DooKKeeping in northeast Colorado bank; town of 1,000 people: pre fer one who can speak some German. (No banking experience1 required). Also want male uteno. for western Iowa bank. (Previous experience not necessary). THE CHARLES E. WALTER8 COMPANY. 1424 First Nstl Bank Bldg., Omaha. GENTLEMEN Bookkeeper with aood Der- aunaiuy io assume run cnarge or office work In a modern hardware store tn an I up-to-date little city. Permanent nosl'lon 1 SeMerL addreas T R nv u-rriin u. , I aoaress T. E. Gay, Hardin. Mont. t wAnTCiu uy large manufacturing eatab-1 Itsnment In southeaatarn Nihmii, ton flrat.eis.a .t.n.nh. .uV.. r flrst-cltst stenographers, either male or female: state wage wanted and give avauaoie' references in reply; permanent positions to those" who qualify. Box Y 360, omaha Bee. TYPEWRITER OPERATOR, first-class. wnoiesaie nouse, o-i76. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bid. ouwaMM-isn, must come well recom mended, $100. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. ESTABLISHED accounting firm has open ing tor senior, capable of taking charge of work and writing reports. Box 1625, Optaha Bee. MOTOR. CAR CO. wants young man In service department who has bad some ex- perienod with electric cars. Apply Mr Doame, 2527 Farnam. WANTftD Ry. mall clerks. 375-3160 month. Omaha examination soon. Sample questions I free. Franklin Inst Dept., 235 M. Rochester. STENOGRAPHER take charge amall office. I7B-I86. 1 WESTERN REFERENCE A BONh ASS'N BOOKKEEPERS 7$100.00 STENOGRAPHER.... 100.0 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEK BLDO. BOOKKEEPER, $100. Steno., $100. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nafl Bank. Professions and Trades 4 WANTED We can. use a-limited number . 01 . men between 21 and 40 years of age as 1 CONDUCTORS . ' AND " MOTORMEN. Steady healthful employ- mcnt. ' Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. $ , Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA -.tV COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED LABORERS! WAGES 15C PER HOCK, APPLT WITHERSPOON-ENGLER CO.. CHICAGO A N. W ELEVATOR CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. LOUR and FRED packers wanted: good wages; S hours per dsy. Write or wire MANET MILLING CO., Omaha. Neb WANTED Young man or boy 18 or 1 years of age to work as asslstsnt in stock room of large automobile i distributors. Excellent opportunity to leant automo bile business and chanc for advancement. Answer In own hand writing, giving age, present or previous employment it any. aleo salary desired and reference. Box 8S96, Omaha Bee. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now Call I r writ Barber College, 1114 XJauglaa St help wantedMale 'Professions and Trades. V WANTED. Hog butchers, also laborers, 27 per hour. Goof chance for advancement: i I APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, MORRIS & CO. SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED Bookbinder, ruler, forwarder, finisher; vacancy caused by death; been paying zv. Lire jot for good . man. Kearney Hub, Kearney, Neb. - WANTED Experienced druggist who can furnish first clasa references. Sherman ft McConnell Drug- Cor, general office. 2d floor, mth and Farnam. WANTED All round printer for country bop, man wanted over or under draft age. Steady job, want to keep good man long time. Blade, Seward. .Nebraska. X Salesmen and Solicitors. TRAVELING salesman, N4b., U25. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the harbor trade. Special rate. Call or writ. 1402 Dodge. N TR1-CITY BAKJER COLLEGE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL . Learn in six weeks, no books; easy to learn: . free catalogue. National Auto Eohool. 2814' N. 20th 8t., Omaha. Neb. AMERICAN, AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE ior Fa mam Boys. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY -Apply CUDAHY OFFICE South Side WANTED Good fcfflce boy. Fleld-Hamll- ton-Smlth Paper Co. 1114 Harney. v Miscellaneous. MAN to work around yard and house, take care oi, norse ana cow; one preferred who ha some experience with automobile; good wages, board and room. Applicant must be able to. give good reference for iteadiness. honesty and willingness to work. . . When applying state salary ex- 1 w.cJ :; n . ' . -i WANTED An older man to take car of Call between 7 and 8 tonight. Doug. 4013. WANTED A licensed, union night flretaan. Hotel Sanford, 19fhand Farn..m. LABORERS, for Inside In the city; no otficeV HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba,ber College wants young men anaedlea to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 S. 14th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. 3 TYPISTS 340, 350, 360 ,375, 380 r 360 BOOKKEEPER AND STENO. . . TEACHER, LIGHT WORK. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. THREE bookkeepers, 3100; typist and cler ical (small Office) 365. - CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City, Natl. Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, $86; two reception room gins (doctor's office 340: file clerk, 310. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City Natl, Bank Bldg.. WANTED an fhexperienoed girl to occupy1 r trice at irregular hours, work not constant (.34 Brandels Theatre Building. nirvr.piT. i ,i.i, 1 ' u,.u.v.o- sary, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. WANTED An experienced stenographer. vtasmngton Market, 1407 Douglaa dt, STENOGRAPHERS, $85, $75, $66 $50. WATTS.REF, CO., 113S 1st Nafl Bank. STENOGRAPHER, splendid future, $65. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladle to learn local ana iong-aitance teiepnont operating, rermaneni positions, oppor tunitles for advancement, aood waaea. A ' miarv la nalit nhfla Unmln. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially Invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to G F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas street. WANTED A lady masseuse at La Bell In stitute, 1506 , Harney ,8t. LEARN barber trade - 1402 Dodge St . Household and T)nmMtiv TED-gir, for TewTnp general wasning, regular anernoons on v.mti 0f three. In amall modern Dundee home. Call Vrlnut 1765. . j1.- . : : wAr,u competent white girl for gen eral housework; also second girl; small family; good wages. Call Harney 4042. 1320 South 34th Street. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen- JraP housework. W ages $A per weeu. Irs. Joseph P. O'Keefe, 4154 Cass St. Walnut 838. - WANTED Competent girl tor general housework; must be good cook. Mrs. J. J Hughs, 118 Fifth Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED An oxpWIenced maid for gen eral housework; $10 per week. Mrs. Ar thur P. Guiou, 401 S. 41st St. Harney 363. WANTED Competent girl or woman for general housework; -good home: good wages,- 2 In family. Call Harney 1421. WANTED White girl for general house work; must be good cook; 310 Week ref erences. Phone Harney 876. WA.vrbu a housemaid or second girl, no cooking. $8 a week. Telephone Walnut 635. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. GOOD girl for light . housework; dandy home lor a girl that appreciates one. Phone Harney 285. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Phone Mrs. R. E. Wilcox, Walnut 2864. (201 California St. I GIRL wanted for general housework. 2 in family; ao washing. Wslnut 8303. I COMPETENT white girl for general hcmse work; no washing. 1. S. 38th 8 I YOUNG girl for general housewo.k; good home; small family. Call Har. 3809. EXPERIENCED , cook and aecond girl St. Regis Apt 209 H. 70. Miscellaneous. WANTED Middle-aged woman to work in cafe. Must Uve close. 2323 Vinton! street WANTED Competent woman for laundry work. Apply Clarkson hospital. I WANTED A janitresa for lactory. oalu; ner, mp and Jackson. EDUCATIONAL "BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. . Every day I enrollment day. Book keeping, aborthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service ail commer cial and English branches 'Catalog free BOYLES COLLEGE. Dougla 1665 18th and Harney 8t Van Sanl School of Builnvaa. Day and Evening Srboole. 220 Omaha National Bank. Bldg. Dounlss (8901 FOR RENT ROOMS furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that the weather conditions for the next tew weeks will probably not permit room hunters making an ex tended hunt for rooms. Thev win stay Inside and watch the want-ads If you wish your room rented, phone ut your ad NOW. Tyler 1000. FOR RENT Lovely front room in private. family; walking distance for gentleman Phone Harney 407. , LARGE comfortable room In private family Id Hanacom park district Block to car line Walk.ng dlstsnre Tel Hr ll STEAM-HEATED room 33 wk . aleo apt with kltrhenete. ogden Hotel Co Bluff LA ROE.' modern, wsrni room;, private home; board If desired. Harney 1533. HousekeeDin Rooms MOD. turn rrae. at Sunshine apta equipped light bskp Dot snd cold water for men nnly Office 408 N 171 h ' MODERN housekeeping rooms, good loca tion, iiu ueai, U9 cauurcu.. uir, FOR RENT ROOMS Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail ; to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms in all parts of the city. New liBta issued every week. . , ' . Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackaon, trans lent guests,- 31 . day, permanent .guests, 35 week. Dougla 2735. Rooms Wanted. WANTED By two young ladles of refine ment amending school, a "furnished roo-t, suitable for light' housekeeping, In a private home, close In : references fur nished. , Call Webster 1141. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. LUOAKT, all modern famished or unfurn- i lahtd apartment Tel. Webster 4323 FOR RENT HOUSES West. 208 H. 41st, HOT WATER PLANT, 326.00. t 3019 Marcy St.,. 7 Ten me. mod., 335 00. "n.Y .-x. rntkftitlt UUtliLAS 654. ?OR RENT 3840 Franklin St., 7 room modtrn. 37.60 per month. ScOtt & Hill. North. 15.00 5-R COTTAGE, 3304 Franklin. 16.00 6-R.. 2107 Ohio. 322.50 6-R., modern house, 1807 Lothrop, w. a., uat 647 Omaha Nat Bank. D. 1294. Miscellaneous! THREE rooms, 1817 Xorth 17th. Bath and gas, 312.50. - i Five rooms 1110 Farnam streer. 316.00 Five rooms 516 South 13th street, 317.5 our ronton zois Clark street, 310.60 BENSON & MYERS CO. 424 Omaha National Bank Bid?. D. 746 FOR RENT Houses, eottsges. and apartments. PORTER .ft SHOTWELL. 202 8. 17th St., Doug. 5013. Offices with Home Builders -ROOM, all modern house, close In, 345, JOHN J. MlfLVIHILL (Realtor). 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 98, PAY your RENT nnly to Shopen & Co. tiesiiors nnug 22l Miscellaneous. 3411 N. 24TH- : 6 rms 327.50. 809 S. 31st, t rms.. 330.00. 209 S. 36th, 8 rms., 346.00. I ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bid-. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. COLLEGE TERRACE Fireproof. 23d and California. Just finished. 335 to 345. Beat In the city for the money. 0orne Realty vo., jyier e. iui umaim Nan. UK Bldg HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th and Farnam; one, 5 rooms with kitchenette, u. irn. CHARMING location; 6-room Apt; by Feb ruary 1st rnone Harney 2316. North. 4 AND 5-room apta., new, are now ready In tne Aiapie court, steam heated, all mod em, all outside rooms; winter rate, 330 to 335. 18th and Maple. T.l. D. 280! T MisceUaneous. , PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. MODERN atore near poatofflce, low rent. G, r. oieootns, ttiio cnicago, Office and" Desk Rooms. OFFICES. (20 ner ..month snd up. FIRST NATION AA, BANK BLDG FR8T TRUST CO.. Agts Tyler 6 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RF.XT In the way of' four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartmefft 7 Preference will be given to those in better districts of the city, want to deal direct 'with own ers. No agents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016. YOUNG couple Wants furnished flat, refer- ences. box ibis, Omaha Bee ; Furnished Houses and Apartments FURNISHED apartment wanted, close-In; young couple; . .references. Box ' 1544, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY MRvrca .FREE Phone Dougla 288 for complete list o, vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. v 16th and Jackson Sts METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Tout moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Stort. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 77Sb. 1 VI RF.PROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked1 rooms for household goods anC pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. ror .eai aervice.in moving, parking and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4333. J. C REED SgYaS: o.. Moving d Storage. 1Z"7 TarnArr Bt W. W48 rintig 4 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED V West. GOOD DUNDEE HOME $5.(00 buys a goad 2-story, 6-room mod ern house, with sleeping porch; built only two years; finished, in oak and white enamel, with oak floors first floor, located on Curulng street between 60th and '51st; lot 69135 feet, Can sell house with two lots, 100x135 feet, for $6,750. This prop erty Is priced especially low ' for qutck sale and mu-t be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE & CO., Phone D. 756. North SACRIFICE SALE PRICE, $1,900 31X.T 5-foot corner' on 24th St.. between Cuming and Lake ' Sts., 6-room cottage sewer, water and gas. , Lot alone la worth more than price asked.. Can give terms. ?6vo win Handle.-' - TRAVER BROS. CO., M First Nat Bk. Bldg, 16th ard Farnam CLIFTON HILL ' Six Rooms, New, Modern One or Two Lots This Is Something different. Has front vestibule,, living room, din-haz room, kitch en, pantry, ' rer. entry, ana a large den ; equipped with built-in bed on first floor. . Sliding glass door separates living room and den. On second floor there are two large bedrooms and bath. Full cement basement. Price $3,300: 3330 cash, bal ance monthly. Call Walnut 3672 evenings', .and Tyler 60 during this week. S-HltIM, strlrilv , modern, large lot full basement, paving all . paid, nicely deco rated. A big rjali. at the price. $2.(60 Located 3331 Ames Ave. Terms. NORRIS A NORRI8. 400 Bee Building' -Phone Dougls 4270. I i AK BUNGALOW. ' Five rooms. braneVnew. aU modern-, very attractive,' prlee - $3,160; only small amount cash llslanre like rent. D 3140 Miscellaneous. LET me -show you -my- brand new aturcu bungalow; finely finished, excellent" Iocs tion A real bargain at 33.850 Rea- - sonsble terms. CaU owner. Douglas 1722 W FARNAM SMITH A CO.. Real Estate .and Insurance. , 1320 Famnm Bt Doug 1064 WE HANDLE real estate. W4iy not yours 7 ""INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 13-14 City Nat.' ' Doug. 2819. HUUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIOH SONS A . CO.. BEK BI.DO. R S. TvUIMBTfLI. J " 306 ist Nafl ,k. Bldg Doug 1734 REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous LARGE garden lota near car line, paved treat 8125 to tlti. $1 down. Iraug. 6074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty i BUILDINGS FOR SALE FOR REMOVAL . X. V. corner 43d Ave. and Cum ing, One 5-room house. One one-and-a-half-story barn, 20x30. Submit bids to GEORGE & CfO. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., T Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge StB. Douglas 415. . YOUNG DOHERTY. I City Real Estate. ,Tougl8s 1571 823 Brandels Theater. H A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property.! REAL ESTATE To Exchange Wl.SU to exchange first class lot, located in goou restaeniiai aiairict, j,a aim f t,n Streets, wish to exchange ror a good auto truck. Phone Webster 3113 J. O. llibblea ton. 2224 Fratt street. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage.- FIVE very .fine garden lota, oloso to car line. close to school Just outside the city limits, where you d not have to pay city taxes: . an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or garden: the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once: price 39" each: terms. 50c a week on eech lot Call Walnut 34H tndav or tn the evening 1j ACRES in Keystone Park with 7-r. mod. house and out buildings. $10,000. F. 4. Wead, 310 Sooth 18th St. Benson. $100 CASH $24 MONTHLY Five rooms, strictly modern, oak floors, guaranteed furnace, full lot, convenient to car. In Benson. See this teday. Phone Douglas 3628. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT SNAP Brick Flats Close In , A two-apartment brick flat close-in, Just off of Harney St.; rents $M; worth $8,000; now offered at $7,250, but want an offer quick. GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS) 918-20 City Nat Douglas 3962. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT FARM We have pr - brick btislnet. block almost new. In center of Omaha's big busiv ness, net Income under lease $5,000 per year. Owner wants good central Nebraska farm. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery 213 City National. WANTED TO BUY House: inust.be mod em iinrougnout; about 5,uoo. Describe fully, giving location, telephon number and price. Box 1472, Bee. WE HA V several good reliable buyer for 6 and 6-rooia house and bungalows wlta $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 196. 701 Om, Nat Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. PER CENT FIRST FARM MORTGAGES ju i uyiuveu .leoraaaa lanns. interest payable seml-atnuaHy. 31.000, aecurlty worth $6,20i,.00. $3,000, security worth S11.0C0.0O. Others up to $15.-09. tot exceeding 44 per cent of al of ecr.ritlcs. PATNl!) INVESTMENT COilPANT, 637 Omsha Na'l Bank Bldf. Omaha. . n , . , . , . . . $5,000 MORTGAGE on" well located apart ment; nouse, aue April I, 1919; Interest 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, sub ject to first mortgage, $10,000; value of building, $33,000. We will guarantee in terest and principal day U becomes due. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. $1,200 MTGE., bearing 6 pet semi-annually; secured Dy mortgage jfalued at $4,900. Taimaae-Loonils Inv. Co.. W. O W. Turin- DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. . OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, IVt and Per Cent 3. n. DUMONT CO., Keellne Bldg. B 14 and 6 per cent mortgages secured bv Omaha residences or Nebraska farm. E. II. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. K 1 MONEY 5V2 " (V HARRISON & MORTON 916 Omara Nat. Bk. Bldg. M. W BINDER. Money on band for mortaaa-e 'loana. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 2718. 100 to 310.1100 'MADE promptly F li. Wead. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam Sts. NO DELAY IN CLOSINO LOANS. W T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. MONEY . to loan on Improved farms and ranches. KloKe Investment Co., Omaha, faOW RATBS C G. CARLBEBG. 312 Bran- aeis Theater Bldg D' 685. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. IL THOMAS ft SON. Keellne Bldj. FARM AhD RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. , FEBRUARY 5 Our next excursion to our famous Delta lands, at McGehee, Arkansas. Call or writ ' t W. S. FRANK, 1 ' 201 Neville Blk.. Omaha. Colorado Lands. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado; $12.(0 to (18 per acres-- We control 25 choice quarters. Send for booklet Kloke t Investment Co., Omah. FloridaTl-ands, POTATO, -tjbRN, STOCK LAND. 20.000 to 26,000 acres are now being planted to Irish potatoes In our Im mediate district in North Florida. Tho largest potato district In the U. S. These potatoes will go to market in April and will be followed by crop of corn that should yield as Well and grade, better than In the north. If you think It Is not a real corn, hog and cattle country, write me for-what J. Ogden Armour, who has a big packing plant in this vicinity, hat to say. . E. A. BENSON. OWNER, 642 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Iowa Lands. 160 ACRES improved, lhi miles from Maple ton, la. Price, $80,000. Terms. $12 1'00 down, balance 5 years. 6 per cent; 6 per cent off If full payment In cash Is made. Mrs. J. H Stewart. P. O. Box 916. Sootts bluff. Neb PRICED to sell by March 1st. Good 80 acre Iowa farm near Exira Andubon county. $150 per acre, easy terms fair Improvements. Paul Peterson Brandels Theatre. Omaha, Neb. Tel. Doug 1805 or Walnut 3106. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS Ji down. $5 monthly buys 40 acres, goodfruit nnd poultry land near town, southern Missouri, price only 3220. Address "Box 282. 8-rlngfieId. Mo. Nebraska Lands. - ACT now. On account of ill( health. 1 will sell mv farm of 40 acre. 2V4 miles west of Sutherland on Lincoln Highway; (0 acre under the plow. 63 acres under cultiva--tion. This Is the flnrst land In the Platto valley. First-class for. alfalfa, beets or cor An Ideal stock and host farm. Jpos session March 1. See me or write direct for term. W. A. C. Yule Sutherland. " !'.KK?- nrly itrel. Improied. between n0 WeM Point. 'Neb., at only 3190 on easy term G A KulU Oakland, Neh KANIHES of all BtlTt-U SSlI L- i rw - term A A Patsman. lot Rrl,.h sail. V..J ,,..! f"r oulrfc reeult with C -jL-J!n '"' ' Bids Omsb eryTstent Advertising Is the Road' to Success. it s