Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 18

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Ella Fleishman.
Adelaide K.ennerly
Lawrence Phipps, jr., who recently
received his commission as second
lieutenant in the aviation section of
the signal officers' reserve corps, left
Saturday for Macon, Ga., where he
has been assigned to duty. Mrs.
Phipps accompanied Lieutenant
Phipps and will remain in Macon for
two or three weeks.
Mr. Le Brand Christian, who has
been ill with pneumonia, is much im
proved, f N
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCune have
as their guests.
, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank
McCune and Mr.
Buffalo, Wyo.
Will McCune of
Miss" Audrey Corey, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Corey, who has
been ill for several weeks, underwent
an operation Saturday morning at the
Lord Lister hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Stafford of Ne
braska City and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Templeton of Rockford. I1L will be
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Templeton this week to attend their
golden wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schantz leave
today for Chicago to attend the auto
nfobile show.
Mr. Boyd VV. Carey, son of Mrs.
J. O. Mickey, left Friday for Paris
1.1 A O f i- I ! a .1
iiuu, j. v, to ocgin naming jgr inc
United Mates marines.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens leave
' this week for St. Petersburg, Fla., to
spend the rest of the winter.
'Edwin Swobe returned Sundav
. from San Francisco, where he was
called by the illness of his father,
Colonel Swobe, who, however, is
much better. Mrs. Edwin Swnbi.
who was in Chicago with her mother
'lui-inra 11. CmnW. .W. ....... 1... .1.-
- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love returned
Wednesday from Excelsior Springs.
Mrs. E. II. Sprague has postponed
her departure for California until
next Wek, when her sister, Mrs.
Frances Ferns, of Chicago, and little
daughters, will accompany her. They
win join anotner sister who lives in
Los Angeles. '
Mr. W. H. Smailes left Thursday
evening for Atlanta, Ga., where he
will enter the aviation section.
, Mrs. George C. Flack is now at
Kelly field t San Antonio;
Mri Robert L. Horner has recently
returned from a trip to St. Louis and
St Jjoseph.
Mrs. Charles H. Marple left Tues
day for Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. Ben Wood, jr., has closed her
.home and gone to the Blackstone,
'while her husband is in. training at
Fort Omaha. ; ;. ,; V t
' W. A. C. Johnson, who has been
! to Salt Lake City, Ogden and Den
ver for two weeks, is expected back
Mrs. S. V. Chase, 'who has been
visiting her daughter. Mrs. R. Beech
er Howell, left Tuesday for Summer
ville, N. C, to remain for the rest of
v, ,lhe winter.
Mis. Campbell, sister of Mrs. Fred
" Hamilton, left Friday to join her hus
band at El Dorado, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burke are ex
pected home from Hot Spring, Ariz.,
the first of the week,
- Rosemary Hall, the school at
Greenwich, Conn., where Miss Ver
nelle Head attends and where sev
eral Omaha girls have gone in the
past, has been moved since the holi
dayn to Miami, Fla., to escape the dis
connects 6f a coalless east.
Miss Catherine Kennedy of Sioux
City, who has been the guest fcf her
f sister. Mrr. J. H. Muldoon, for the
past mon?.' returned to her home
.Thursday.. : .... ' , ,
Mr.' aftv. Mrs. Ward Burgess are
expectel iiome from New York today.
Mrs. J. E. Cummers, who has been
laid up with a broken hip for nearly
three months, is now able to sit up
in a chair and will soon be on
. crutches. : ' : ; '''
' Miss Dorothy Lalk of Chicago i
ri.ed Wednesday and is the guest of
her cousin, Mrs. Clarke Powell, and
Mr. Powell.;'; . ,
- Mrs. T. M. Orr and her mother,
Mrs. Russell, left Sunday for Florida,
where the latter will remain for the
winter, Mrs. Orr returning next week.
Mrs. Gerry , Cannon ace Ruth
Clarke, who it with her brother,
Louis S. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke, re
turns this week to Washington where
her husband. Captain Cannon, is in
the ordnance department Miss Hor
tenie Clarke of' New York will re
main here about two months.
Mrs.' John Hudson returned Wed
nesday from Montana, where she vis
ited her son. .-: .
1 Mrs. G, W. Hamilton ! and Miss
Marion Hamilton, are in St. Augus
tine, Fla. Miss Hamilton went to
Atlanta to te bridesmaid at the mar
riage of Miss Frances Burnham,
daughter of Colonel and Mrs. W. Pi
Burnham, formerly stationed here, to
Lieutenant Curtis. Miss Burnham
ind her sister were schoolmates of
'. Miss Hamilton at the Sacred Heart
academy. ' ' .-
Mrs. Mary L. G Dunn and Mr
Pearson of Minneapolis were here
the guests of the former's son, O.
W. Dunn, and left Wednesday for
Coronado to Join Mrs. O. W. Dunn.
Lieutenant George Thnmmel is very
111 at his home. -
Mr. and. Mrs. F. W. Clarke and
Miss Helen Claike expect to leave
Wednesday for Del Monte, Cal., stop
ping enroute at PortlanJ, Ore., to see
Lieutenant. FW. Clarke; jr- and his
wjfe, who. are at Vancouver barracks.
: -Mf. Howard Bittinger was recent
" . ly graduated from the Military School
of Aeronautic, Cornell university,
Ithaca N. Y., and is now stationed at
Love Field. Dallas. Tex.
MASS. MJ, V, fIVVW IV I UWftlllVlj
J&rau W H. Cranmcr of Denver andi
"Cinderella" a White Elephant Gift
4 A ' & SI mis dh JtsSmfo
QhJl ; V V I
. n
Engagement of Miss
McCaffery to Edward
Callahan Announced
, Phot by Sandbar.
The engagement of Miss Marguer
ite McCaffrey, daughter of Mf. and
Mrs. Hugh McCaffrey, to Mr. Ed
ward Callahan of the quartermas
ter's corps at Camp Dodge, is an in
teresting announcement of the week.
The weddinc will take place Wednes
day, February 6, at St. Peter's church.
Rev. Father McCarthy will officiate.
The bride's sister, Miss Evelyn
McCaffrey, will be her only attendant
and Mr. William Schall, brother-in-law
of Mr. Callahan, will be best man.
Miss McCaffrey is a graduate of
the Sacred Heart high school of this
city and also the Sinsinawa convent.
Mr. Callahan is a graduate of St.
Mary'f college.
the latter's children are at the Marie
Antoinette in New York. Captain
Cranmer is at an artillery post near
New York.
Miss Adele Moores is settled at
Seabreeze, Fla., one block from
the seashore. Miss Moores is with
her sister, Mrs, Arthur Grafhs, and
son, Arthur, jr., of Auburn, Ind.and
they expect to remain the balance of
the winter. 1 " ' . :
Lecture at Browncll Hall. '
Mile, de Han, instructor in French
at Brownell Hall, will give a talk on
"Belgium in the Great War'' in the
gymnasium Sunday at 7:30 o clock.
Mile. drllan was in Germany at the
outbreak of the war, and after that
in Belgium, France, Italy and Eng
land. She came to America two years
go. ; m
News of Campfire Groups.
The Campnre war chest, for the
suoDort of a war orphans' home, baa
gained $56 tinea ' October. Three
groups, those of Loutse Curtis,
Bertha Vaughn and Lucile Lyon,
brought in $3.24 during the past week.
U Hotel 6aJve3
Drop mrk and onm and Blay awhila
ilown Tu wcgr." writ, or wira roe
ooia fcwnatlm at tba notal Oahaf
board Ttaa Kaur Una" for a
quick throuth rua to OilrMtfia. Batk
lu. flahlni. auBtlu. Bmtnrtna. aoinaa
anUUnf rou want bt aut'door racf
atlon: artrnblat you eould aiaa (a
In ttaa oomforu of bona fum'ou nt
tba apaelouai hnurtuua. flra-proof.
aitnion miLai
H01CL SALVtZ tatvottoa. Ttxaa
Wrlta P. X. Sndta, Maaar, a
OalnrUw Conmmlal Anaooiatlon.
, All road aaU km-rara awriat UokaU
to Oalnttea. Art roar trait. It's a
UtoiouftUj oomfurubl. and daUxatful
UlB. . -
for fatal, barUa and any trara! la-
1 3
rormauoa aat a
XLldK ft Ms. A. S I
U.klaa dl I
jrtal ySp r Ma'ilat J
1 Phil DMhra.
tO. Alasaadcr Ifouii;'. ,
S Jmrt Powell.
4 William Baumer.
. 8 KdwarS Botera.
ft Marian Ilaumtr.
7 Rlrhard Thompaon.
Laura Wliltnrr Iodge.
9 Moorehcnd Tukey.
10 C'ladarrlla.
"Cinderella" has been given to the
White Elephant sale by Mrs. Phil
Dodge, who is chairman of the chil
dren's clothing booth. Dundee chil
dren, who are intimately acquainted
with Cinderella, declare she is the
"sweetest little donkey that ever
Among the recent gifts to this sale
is a season ticket for the 1918 base
ball season. It was donated by "Pa"
Rourke to the sports booth in charge
i of Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d, and Mrs. E.
r itf..ii .1
o. vvesiDrooK.
Mrs. Chandler Trimble has charge of
the fund.
Anew group organized has the
following members: Gertrude Hislop,
Ethel Achaly, Minnie Taylor, Ethel
Church, Mildred Pope, Lillian Soren
son, Helen Updike, Evelyn Bratner,
Mildred Nelson and Helen Paulson.
The Campfires have collected 3,000
sheets of music and 500 books for
the soldiers. A special honor will be
given the girl collecting the most of
, Ruth Hateroth's Bluebird group,
the Lohehas, composed of girls be
tween the ages of 6 and 12, are acting
out fairy tales their guardian tells
them. Among them are "Snowwhite,"
the "Three Bears" and' "Three Little
figs." Un their twelfth birthdays,
the Bluebirds are invited to become
Nell Ryan, former guardian is at
Fort Sill, visiting her brother, Lieu
tenant Herbert Ryan.
Miss Ruth Hatton, another guar
dian who attends the state university,
is home for the week-end.
Significant of the importance of
women in industry in wartime is the
appointment of Miss Hulda Mul
hauser of Cleveland as assistant man
ager of the newly organized employ
ment service of the United States
Department of Labor. Miss Mul
hauser's work will concern the plac
ing of women in positions previously
held by men now in the military
service, as well as the placing of wage
earners made idle through industrial
Miss Nora Stanton Blatch, grand
daughter of the late Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, the noted suffrage leader, is
one of New York's first women con
tractors and builders.
Put up in pound or half-pound packages.
Made fresh every day
': Delivered tomorrow
That's Our Surprise for You
Lift up the receiver of your phone any day, call ,
Your order will be delivered promptly next morning. Or watch for
the Milk White Wagon our drivers always have a supply of our products
ready for delivery.
Alamito Dairy Products
Scientifically Pasteurized Milk.
Special Jersey Cream.
Guernsey lVfilk. ,
XX Cream Excellent for whipping.
. Something new Alamito Cream
Pasteurized Butter.
Dairy products are highly recommended by leading physicians as be
ing more nourishing than foods we must do without these days in order to
help the boys somewhere at the front
Phone Your Order Today.
A son was born last week to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Frohm.
Mr. Hannah is seriously ill at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Schewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frazell have as
their guest Ralph Winchester, St.
Joseph, Mo.
Mrs. A. J. Grover, Mrs. A. R. Lef
fingwell and Miss Harriet Grover,
Council Bluffs, were guests last Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Grover.
James Hartman is quarantined at
his home with smallpox.
The Ladies' Aid of the Jennings
Methodist church will meet Thursday
with Mrs. F. E. Hensman, 4601 Center
Mrs. M. Miller, Mrs. R. Rolfson and
Miss Virginia Lightcap were guests
on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs, W. R.
Blackett. ,
Mrs. John Blake and Miss Ella
Roberts entertained at lunch Wednes
day, when covers were laid for Mes
dames F. W. Jensen, F. N. Butts, E.
G. Grover, J. Blake, and Misses Ella
Koberts and Evelyn Grover.
Mrs. H. W. Stewart entertained her
Sunday school class at her home last
week. Those present were: Misses
Katherine Pattersen. Mvrtle Taeoh
sen, Meta Christensen, Effie 5anbery,
riautis ocu, jnvc xiarvcy ana juiia
uoyie. .
Mrs. Charles King, Grand Island,
formerly of West Side, was the guest
or Mrs. George button last week.
Mrs. George Sutton has received
word of the safe arrival in France of
her son, Leo Heath.
Miss Margaret Bate has resigned
her position as a school teacher in
Yonkers, N. Y., leaving behind her a
record of having taught in one school
house 52rears.
E. J. Davis
1212 Fu nam St. Tel. D. 353
Alamito Dairy Co.
Mrs. Theresa Hobden
New President of C. 0.
Story Tellers' League
Omaha Story Tellers' league will
meet one week ahead of schedule this
Thursday with Miss Grace Hunger
ford in the Maryland apartments, 1136
Park avenue, on account of the visit
to Omaha the first week in February
of Miss Marie Shedlock, noted Eng
lish story teller, whom the kinder
garten association, headed by Mrs.
Orietta Chittenden, is bringing here
for a series of story telling hours.
Mrs. E. L. Potter will lead the pro
gram, of folklore stories while Miss
Hermine Blessing, Mrs. P. M. Pritch
ard and Mrs. H. G Shields will tell
Philip Johnston, who is recuperat
ing from an attack of pneumonia,
is at home on a month's furlough.
Richard Peters is at home from
Lake Forest for a short visit.
Dr. H. B. Lemere attended a medi
cal meeting the first part of the week
at Des Meines, la.
Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick are
J visiting at present in Denver. (
Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis have
returned from the east.
Mrs. J. B. Ruth has been ill at her
S, a aafe uij
Dn.Bara F Baji
-a I
This institution Is the only one
in the. central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.
home for the past'two weeks.
Mr. A. C. Crossman is ill at the
Wise Memorial hospital.
Mr. W. B. Howard is in Denver on
business. '
The Thursday bible class met with
Mrs. J. W. Marshall. It meets this
week with Mrs. R. C Peters.
The funeral of Mr. T. J. Fitchie,
who died after a few days' illness, was
held from the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Harry Adams, in Nebraska City.
Mrs, Fitchie will make her home with
her daughter for the present.
Mr anrf Mrs. W. G. Temoleton
will celebrate their golden wedding
anniversary at their home oy an in
formal tea Wednesday afternoon and
King Arthur's Round Table was
written by the author of Ten Knights
in a Bar Room. '
Omaha people can prevent appen
dicitis wtih simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as mixe Jn Adler-i-ka.
JSruuiN VLi jiusnes me
TIRE bowel tract so completely it re
lieves ANV CASE sour stomach, gas
or constipation and prevents appen
dicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant ac
tion of Adler-i-ka surprises both doc
tors and patients. Leaves stomach
clean and strong. Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug Co. Advertisement.
Hair Under Arms
lleSTliraefe ,
The original liquid liair remover la
the aafeat, quickest and moat eco
nomical war to remote it. -
$131 a weelf
Cluster Rings
" Diamonds
Are Mounted So
- Am to Look
VVv Like One Large
Single Stone
in Platinum
The Loftis Seven-Diamond Cluster Ring has seven fine Diamonds, mounted so aa to
look lika on Urge amgle stone. The Diamonda are selected for their beautiful' luster
and brilliancy by the most skillful diamond experts. The secret of the rare beauty. !
thia ring Iiea in the perfectly matched atones, aa oi , uie uiamonaa, aei in piaxinum,
being uniform in aize and brilliancy, thus producing the, appearance of a Jarge, hand
some solitaire costing tnree or tour times
Open a Charge Account with Us and Wear and Own iv
a Handsome Genuine Diamond, Fine Watch, etc.
Call or Write for Catalog No. 903 Pbone Douglas 1444.
Gray; faded hair turned beautifully
dark and lustrous almost over night,
is a reality, if you'll take the trouble
to mix sage tea and sulphur, bnt
what's the use, you get a large bottle
of the ready-to-ose tonic, called
"Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" at drug stores here. Millions
of bottles of "Wyeth's" are sold an
nually, says a well known druggist,
because it darkens the hair so nat
urally and evenly that no one can
tell it has happened.
You, just dampen a sponge or soft
brush with Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur and draw it through 'your liair,
taking one small strand at a time.
Those whose hair is turning gray, be
coming faded, dry, scraggly and thin
When they are
fresh and pure, are
aa delicious a con
fection aa anyone
can eat.
We keep always
a splendid stock of
chocolates here and
we sell enough to
keep the stock al
ways good and
fresh. .' -'
16th and Howard. Dougiai 846.
For Shin Affected by
Winds and Weather
This is the season , when she who -would
have a spotless, lily-white, satiny complexion
should turn her thouprhts to mereolized wax,
the firm friend of the winter, girl. Nothing
so effectually overcomes the despoiling ef
fects of piercing winds and biting cold tem
peratures. The wax literally absorbs the
chapped, reddened or coarsened cuticle, bring
ing forth a brand new skin, clear, soft 'and
girlishly beautiful. An ounce of mereolized
wax, obtainable at any drug store. ' applied
nightly, will gradually improve .the wprst
complexion. '.". ;. i
She who coddles herself all day to ! an
overheated house and finds her skin flushed
and flabby as a consequence, can. quickly
freshen up for the evening by just bathing
her face in a lotion made by dissolving an
ounce of powdered saxolite in a half pint
witch hasel. She'll find this most refreshing.
It smooths out wrinkles and draws fa the
laggy tissue. Advertisement, v '
Bee Want Ads' Bring Results.
Wonderful Vahws
a -m. CL ...
ana most vnowj- m
King tot te
Least Amount
of Money
is 14 Karat
Solid Gold
as mucn. -; ' ' ' ' r
Main Floor, City National Bank Block, . .'
409 South 16th St., Corner 18th and Harney Ste., Omaha,,'
" Opposite Burgeaa-Naah Co. Department Store, . '
nave a surprise awaiting them, be
cause after just one application the
gray hair vanishes and your locks be
come luxuriantly dark and txautiful.
This is the age of youth, pray
haired, unattractive folks aren't want
ed around, so get busy with the Sage
and Sulphur tonight and youll be
amazed at your youthful appearance
and the real beauty and healthy con
dition of your hair within a few days.
Inquiry at drug stores here "shows
that they all sell lots of "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur" and the folks us
ing it are enthusiastic. This prepara
tion is a delightful toilet requisite.
It if not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease-Advertisement.