Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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    THU bee: UMAHA, SATUKDA I, jamuaky zt, iyic.
M 1 IT 1 YCM
Ella Fleishman;
iaeiaiae ienneriy
" H dp "Our Country" win this war to mak all people free,
C ven though we suffer tome, 'ti for Demoeraer.
Let a all jnat do oar best to throttle greed and watte.
Prepare to thrash the enemy with swiftness, ipeed and haite.
Union it strength, ao let ns try oar duty to fulfill.
N ow it the time to visit our store and purchase if you will.
Coffee, tea, canned corn and peas, the WASHINGTON MARKET doe ketr.
Leaving bo doubt of it up-to-date stock if into oar store you peep.
E zeeptional bargains w offer today, so study our price list and see.
Special inducement for you to buy the best for your family.'
A Bother point we wish to impress, "oar quality is certainly great"
M ak tracks to the WASHINGTON MARKET at once, don't wait until it's too late
Choice Sirloin Steak, lb ...22V,
Choice Porterhouse Steak, lb 22 Vie
Choice Round Steak, lb 22c
Choice Pot Roast, lb , .17c, 20c
-Choice Rump Roast, lb 20c
Choice Rib Roast, lb..; 20c
Boiling Beef, per lb 12Ve, I4c
Lean Pork Chops, lb 28c
Extra Fancy Veal Roast, lb.... 20c, 25c
Lamb Stew, per lb I7'jc
Lamb Chops, per lb... 25c
Lamb Legs, per lb 22 Vic
Pork Tenderloin, lb... ....37',e
Beef Tenderloin. Ib , 27,c
Try Our Home Made Link or Bulk
Sausage, per lb l7'je
Ground Bone, for chickens, 8 lbs. . . .25c
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb...42',c
Winchester Sugar Cured ' Breakfast
Bacon, per lb 32 Vic
Morrell's Skinned Hams, half or whole,
per lb., at.;.... 29 ',e
Beef Tongue, per lb ..22c
Good Oleomargarine, per lb. ....... .25c
All Brand Creamery Butter, lb.... 49c
No. 2 can Tomatoes, 2 can for.... 25c
Nomis Sifted Peas, per can 15c
Gallon Cans Syrup, each 75c
Bulk Oatmeal, 4 lbs., for 25c
Rolled Oata, per pkg 10c
Corn Flake, 8 pkgs., for 23c
Regular 86c Coffee, per lb 28c
Tea Sittings,' per lb. 15c
Extra Kaney Head Rice, lb 9V,e
Hand Picked Navy Betas. Ib 15c
Extra Fancy Dried Peaches, lb 15c
Extra Fancy Oregon Prunes, Ib 15c
Seedless Raisins, per lb 15c
One of the Largest Mall Order House la the Middle West.
United States Food Administration License No. C-27634.
1407 DOTJGLvA-5
woj4VfTity cwsocmv
Turn f-DZL WtST
household arts vspt central high school
We Are Open for Business with a New and Complete
' Stock of Everything in Eatables.
PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB. .............. . .212c
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb
Steer Round 8 teak, lb..,
Steer Porterhouse 8teak,
Steer Pot Roast, lb
Steer Boiling Beef. lb...
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb
Steer Rib Roast, Ib. . . ,
Pig Pork Roast, lb.,,
Pig Pork Butts. Ib...
Young Veal Roast, lb
Young Veal Chops, lb.
22 Vic
lb ..23V.C
...17 Vic 19V.C
24 Vic
.24 Vie
....18 Vie, 20o
Young Veal Stew, lb
No. 1 Mutton Legs, lb
Fancy Mutton Chops, lb
runuy jnuiwn vnops, id. ,Ms
Fancy Mutton Roast, lb. , . . . .1 , . ,16Vi
Mutton Stew, 8 lbs., for .25c
Skinned Hams, Sugar Cured, lb....28Vie
Armour' Star or Swift' Premium Skin
ned Hams, per lb 31c
Armour' Shield Extra Lean Bacon, per
lb., at .: 41 Vie
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 37',e
Sunkist or Blue Bell Floor, sack... 2.85
Tall Hebe Milk. can.. ....lie
No. 1 can Tomatoes, per ran. , 9c
Tall Carnation, Pet or. Cottage Milk
2 esns for 25e
Sugar Corn, per can 10e
Psxton's Gas Roasted Coffee, 2-lb can,
per ean, at...... 5Se
1-lb. ean Criseo, per ean 29
Hueo No. 1 Pork and Beans, can.,.. 9c
No. t Peaches, per can.,.,, .12e
Catsup, per gallon ,81.00
Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lbs.,. $1.00
Karo Syrup. 10-lb. ean. .......... ,69c
Diamond C Soap, 8 bar for 28c
Omaha Family Soap, Star, Ivory, Fels
Naptha or P. s G. Naptha Soap
per bar. at.. .c
too pkgs. Oatmeal, per pkg 25c
Elastic Starch. !S pkg ,. ..9c
Fancy Ettcin Butternut Butter, lb.... 49c
Country Butter, in Tuba, lb 4ftc
All 8e pkgs. Crackers, 1 pkgs. .... ,13c
All ISe pkgs. .Crackers, 2 pkgs..... 25c
Special assortment of Chocolate Cakes
and Wafers, per lb., at ..15
Come and take advantage of these special far Saturday only.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters For Business
A Hoover Dinner.
Would you be pleased to sit down
to a meatless, wheatless, almost fat
less and almost sugarless dinner? Or
would you feet with the skeptic that
the dinner might just as well be "eat
less?" To plan and serve uch a dinner
was a problem recently carried out by
the advanced cooking class at the
Central High school. The result was
a dinner that was more than just eat
able. It was good. A casual guest
who did not know the menu was con
servation to Hie last degree would not
have realized that the dinner was out
of the ordinary. Please let me say
that we did not limit ourselves to the
cheapest possible foods we merely
saved on the four staples. Ten people
were served and only one-half pound
of sugar was used and one-fourth
pound of butter. The decorations
carried out the patriotic idea in a very
simple manner.
Clesr Tomato Soup With Rice
Corn Dodgers Green and Ripe Olives
TJakfid Halibut With Parsley Hollandalse
Potato on the Half Shell
ftamekln of Corn and Green Peppers
Oatmeiil Bread
Hoover Ralad
Liberty Wafers
Apple Compote Lace Cookies
(The starred foods were purchased,
not made.)
T e. tomato juice 2 T. sugar
1 small stalk celery 3 t. salt
1 slices onion Cayenne pepper.
Bay leaf
Simmer all ingredients 10 minutes,
then strain. Put a small quantity of
caoked rice in each bouillon cup and
fill with the soup.
t Ti gelatine, 1 o. shredded cabbage,
tt o. cold water, 1-3 o. sugar,
e. weak vinegar, 1 o. cut celery,
1 o. boiling water, e. pimento, finely
t t salt, cut.
Soak gelatine in cold water, add
vinegar, sugar and salt and boiling
water. Set aside to stiffen, then when
it is beginning to set. add vegetables.
Turn into individual molds. Serve
on lettuce and top it with a generous
spoon of stiff mayonnaise garnished
with bits of pimento or greui pepper.
(War Time Style.)
t T. cornstarch 1 t. salt
3 T. oleomargarine Juice of 1 small
1 eggs lemon
t o. milk U c. minced parsley
Melt the fat, add flour, then milk
and stir to boiling. Add eggs just
before removing from flame. Cook
two minutes, stirring constantly, Add
lemon juice, salt and parsley.
1' medium sized po-1 t. fat.
tato for each per-Salt. peppfr.
son, Grated cheese.
1 T. milk,
Bake the potatoes, cut lengthwise
and scoop out contents. Mash, adding
all ingredients except cheese. Pile"
mashed potato back into the potato
shells and sprinkle lightly with grated
cheese. Return to the oven till cheese
Ramekin of Corn and Green Pepper.
Grease individual baking dishes, fill
with alternate layers of canned corn,
greased bread crumbs and minced
green pepper. Season with salt and
add milk till milk is just visible'in the
dish. Then top with a layer of crumbs
and bake 20 minutes in a moderate
oven. Garnish with a ring of green
pepper just before serving.
10 apples. Jam. '
2 c. water, Whipped 'cream,
3 c. corn syrup.
Wash, core and pare apples. Cook
very slowly in syrup and water until
clear, about 40 minutes. Remove to
serving dishes, fill core with jam and
pour syrup over. Serve with whipped
cream. A patriotic touch is added by
sticking a small silk flag into each
1 egg, 1-3 e. cocoanut,
tt c. sugar, 1-1 t. alt.
3-8 T. melted fat. hi t. vanilla.
3-3 c. rolled oats.
Beat egg, add sugar then remaining
ingredients. Drop mixture by tea
spoonfuls onto a greased pan. Bake
in a moderate oven. , .
popular Dried Fruits Are
Plentiful and Low Priced
At this time, when fresh vegetables
are at their scarcest, many people are
cutting their table bills and getting
wholesome food by buying dried
fruits, which are plentiful and low
priced. Dried pears, for example,
make an appetizing dish when cooked
and one that is very inexpensive. A
splendid quality of dried pears is on
the Omaha market at only 20 cents a
pound. Dried prunes and peaches at
15 cents a pound, dried apricots at 25
cents a pound and dried apples at 20
cents a pound are among the other
dried things that can be cooked into
many appetizing dishes, made into
dumplings or sauces and cut down the.
eating expenses materially.
Layer figs at 25 cents a pound are
among the economical eatables. Pulled
figs and dates are also plentiful in
I spite of earlier fears that they would
be scarce.
Some extra fine grape fruit is here.
Riff anrl inirv this nnnriincr fruit
is low in price at present. Oranges of
many sizes are another wholesome
fruit that is plentiful and good now.
Most of the staple-vegetables are
on hand, though some of them come
from the far south and others are
raised it hot houses. Hot house
radishes at 5 cents a bunch, fine head
lettuce at 10 cents a head, crisp cab
bage at 4 cents a pound are some of
the good vegetables. Potatoes still
hold to their old price of 35 cents a
Celery and celery cabbage have
never been finer than now and the
prices of both are moderate. Squash
is still on the local market. Some very
early j tomatoes brought from the far
south) have appeared here. Also a few
early' pears are here.
Draw a
How can Tim have any
When he Iras no top to
. l:
$MwjM$M4jTeft Jff
Making four
J ob Pay
1 "How can I make my job pay
That i$ the question so many are
asking. First, figure out for yourself
logically what you want to do and the
best method of doing it; second, take
a cheery attitude.
The grim necessities of business
life make us realize that with so many
purposeful people journeying definite
ly toward accomplishment any idler
or unpiloted dreamer or unintelligent
pretender at work is "going to get into
the way of heavy machinery and be
Before going to work today, take
an inventory of yourself. Find our
just what you - abilities are, just what
your desires are, just how great is
your earnestness; and then, having
studied your equipment, march down
to offer your services with a clear
idea of what you have to offer.
The equipment anyone ought to
bring to work is clear knowledge,
intelligent willingness to work hon
estly at any job, sane desire to learn
to do your work as well as it can
possibly , be done, and clear-eyed
vision as to its possibilities.
Now, when you set about enrolling
yourself for new work or seeking ad
vancement in your old work, why not
measure the job as well as yourself ?
Why not find out all about the
"fords," the "bridges," the "ferries"
aU the means of getting across the
river the methods of acquainting
yourself with your job? s
Study the work you want to do and
your fitness for it. Then enter upon
it cheerfully. You will find truth in
the old proverb: "Well begun is half
done." .
Prepare for your job by studying it
and yourself it and your ability to
do it.
(Another Article Soon.)
A city federation ot women's clubs
has been formed in Denver for the
more effective prosecution of move
ments relating to the public welfare.
Advice to the Lovelorn
i7l V .
Convenient 3-Inch length assures
proper cooking.
When Ordering of Your
fi.rnrm Ra Sur Trt Sav
"Quality Brand" Then You're Safe.
Its Suoerlor
Quality Furnishes
Added Nourishment.
Aid the Food Adminis
tration by Eating More
Of This Healthful, Dell
clous Macaroni.
g? m IliMNMAlA tjl.M.MMtt,
Uiwtr UNrnart MiigAao. , mink.
IT, I 'mdumyr rtwrtaw minwcapoh ,
I f "S.V?r t 7-i 1111 lit rf'ailit'- r-.J?
1 f Af o v Tc s. y f J v ti.'f jf'f ' iTii Vii t
Qn' v call trrcm Puritan because they ' ' 1 5.Sfey : '
Qjil represent conscientious adherence .' ' 'jfojl
. Qjtj to the most exacting sandards. . -fulf
a I , You, by calling for Puritan, can Vf -yT$ Q I
ml secure from your provisioner the lliT ; Cf " 55v -s. .
. '(! best hams and bacon obtainable Ifft ii'jSS?7
I - anywhere. 1 ; "SPA MT.
I Th.TTll" v I! tVVtZCT '
. ... COMPANY . f . . .(A -jvV
ill '' If r 0W ooem't hndlTuriian leleptioo. ........,, "f 1
AM , r. W. CONRON. Mfr, 1321 Jo. 5t Omaha, Nfc. " W ; J
' V A Telephone DouU 2401 , jlf I (m f
; A PURITAN (jAM5 AND BACON ar. anohJ Uilf ta ' (' jlf ' J
' A A it Omaha Plant, tnsarlnf fresh, hrlfhtljr nked IMI - y F .
' ' Vl BieaU at all times. " -' , It) ' - . ,f "
: ;Pti rit an : ME
Hams :md Bacon 'Jdl :
Saturday Specials at the
Meat Department.
1917 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens At Wholesale Prices
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb 22 ',e
Steer Round Steak, lb 23 '3e
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb 23V,c
Steer Pot Roast, lb 17lac, 19'ic
Steer Boiline; Beef, lb 14'jc
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 19',c
Steer Rib Roast, lb 17',c
Pld Pork Roast, lb 249c
Pi(f Pork Butts, lb 28c
Young Veal Roast, lb lS'ac, 20c
Young Veal Chops, lb 19Vie
Young Veal Stew, lb MVjc
No. 1 Mutton Legs, lb 23','jc
Kaney Mutton Chops, lb..,. 22'ac
Fancy Mutton Roast, lb IBVic
Mutton Stew, 3 lbs., for 25c
Skinned Hams, Sugar Cured, lb. . . .23 Vic
Armour's Star or Swift's Premium Skin
ned Hams, per lb 31c
Armour's Shield Extra Lean Bacon, per
id., ai 41 Vjc
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 37 ,'.?
Money-da-vmg urocery Department
48-lb. sack Sunkist Flour, sack... $2.85
Beat 'Em All Soap, 6 bars 25c
Spotless Cleanser, 6 eana for ,25c
Bulk Rolled' Oats, 4 lbs., for. ...... ,25c
Skinner' Macaroni or Spaghetti, S pkgs.,
now at 25c
Fancy Head Rice, S lbs 25c
Campbell's Assorted Soups, can 11c
16c quality Corn, Pea or Tomatoes
i per ean, at 12c
Quart Cans Log Cabin Maple Syrup.. 29c
Quart Jars Large Queen Olives 35c
35c Jar of Apple Butter 2 Be
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
rancy jonatnan Apples, per box...II.B5
Fancy WJilte Potatoes, 16 lbs to peck, 35c
Large Sweet Oranges, dozen 40c
Large Grapefruit, each 7',c
Butter, Eggs and Cheese Department
rancy cigin ouner, 10 ...48c
Fresh Country Butter, In 2-lb. rolls
per lb., at 46c and 49c
Best Peanut Butter, lb ISVsC
Country Butter in Tubs, lb 48c
Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb 30c
Burnam & Morrell's Baked Beans, 20c
cans, per can 15c
Tall Cans of Wilson's Milk, 2 cans... 25c
Walter Baker's Chocolate, -lb. cake
per cake, at ,20c
New Ford Dates, per lb 25c
Comb Honey, per comb 24c
Extra Fancy Large Prunes, Ib 17 Vic
Extra Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb.... 15c
Fancy California Apricots, lb 26c
The usual Saturday Sunshine Special
something worth while, lb 27c
Graham and Crispy Crackers, regular 15e
pkgs., 2 for 25c
Young Radishes or Leaf Lettuce, S . . 10c
Large Celery ....5c and 10c
Red Globe Onions. 3 lbs 10c
Old Beets or Turnips, 8 lbs 10c
Cottage Cheese, 2 lbs., for 25c
Cooking Butter, per lb 42c
Don't fall to visit out Buttertne De
partment. A complete line of Swift's
Famous Butterine.
Coffee Department
Morning Hour, per lb ....20c Liberty Cup, per lb 30c
Public Market Special, lb..... 25c I Hotel Blend, 35c per lb: 8 lbs., for 11.00
Mari. Floor Fir N'l."Banfc Buildinf.
Christian sad Jew.
Pear Miss Fairfax. Omaha Bee: I am II
and dearly love a man of 2a. He has asked
mo to marry him, but not for four years. I
am wlU'.jg to wait, but my mother objects
to our match, as we are not of the same
faith. Do you think my mother Is doing
right by objecting? P. L.
This Is a question too personal for me
to answer with any show of authority.
You mother has a right to her own atti
tude in the matter, but 1 do not happen
to agree with her attitude. What keeps
such marriages from falling Is toleration,
broad-mindedness, sympathetic understand
ing. If you have them you are safe to
proceed; If you do not possess them, you
are likely to find only unhapplness In your
All Is Well.
Kan Francisco, Cal., Dear Miss Fairfax:
Since coming Into the service I have been
corresponding regularly with a young lady
with whom 1 have been keeping jretty
steady company for several years.
Now, the other day I received a letter
telling me she was to be married shortly.
Said letter Is enclosed and if It will not
take up too much space I wish you would
run it to show some of the people of our
home state Junt what kind of people they
are haborlng. Sincerely, A SAILOR.
Dear Jim: This is to let you know that
I am to be married shortly. (I think, that
you realize as well as I that after you
joined the navy we couldn't be any more
than friends.) Hoping that you will not
censure me for this and still remain a
friend. NAN.
Why complain? You are saved from a
miserable life, perhaps. Do you think you
would, have been happy with a woman of
her caliber? Then, too, she may neverhav
foved you.
All Trifles!
Dear Miss Fairfax: I was engaged to a
young man several months ago. Last month
a friend invited me and my fiance to a
party. I asked his sister to come along.
My friend did not approve of the sister's
actions and when they arrived home called
her attention to It. "
She accuses me of telling her brother ana
despises me. She caused so much trouble
that we finally agreed to part, a I could
not tolerate It any longer.
Me Is easily influenced and listens to his
family's tales. I do not take an Interest
In him any more, as he did not know enough
to uphold me. Do you think It was right
tor him to listen to such trifles?
I don't see of what this girl could have .
accused you legitimately. I suppose she
was humiliated by her brother's reproof
and felt that you had suggested to him that
his sister needed a Uttle advice: But a
thing of this sort ought not to be sufficiont
to part two people who care for each other.
You should not Judge hlin quite so harshly
for his failure to defend you. A groat many
men have a way of listening to their own
people and going to almost any extereme
to arold unpleasantness at home.
Cash and Joy Debt nd Worry
42--Basket Stores-42
QC lbs elegant smooth
white KO
potatoes ........
Eat Them at Least Twice a Day.
Karo Maple Flavor Syrup,
ltt-lb. can 18c
Buckwheat Flour, 3 lbs 30c
4 cans Sweet Corn 48c
5 lbs. Black Walnuts 20c
Brazil Nuts, lb 17c
1 f small cans Iowa CC
vl or Wilson milk. OOC
Only 10 to customer.
5 packages corn flakes 25c
2 cans chili con came ' 24c
Tip Baking Powder is so good
everyone ought to use it. C
1-lb. can, at...... IOC
MAPLE Log Cabin QQ.
SYRUP half gallon ..OJJC
cat), ' 45c can, 23c
Our Independent coffee has a
flavor that makes you eager for
another cup. Steel cut, Of
1 lb. 35c can &&C
10 rolls crepe toilet paper... 40o
Carload buying makes this
price possible.
3 cans peas 39c
3 lbs. fancy whole rice 25c
vouvvii ui iuriiiua. . . .ac
At Our- Moat Shop
Government Inspected
Tender, fine grained, full flavor
ed meats that you will enjoy
eating and that give you full val
ue in nourishment. We do not
buy the cheap, thin, off gradj
Fresh beef tenderloins, lb. .. 25c
Sugar cured bacon, 3 . 07
to 4 lb. strips, lb. Of C
Veribest mince meat for 6 good
pies ' 56c
Veribest mince meat for 3 good
pies 31c
Boef Extract,
50c jar ."v....
Deep sea boneless codfish. . .18c
Mackerel, average 14 oz. fish,
each . 15c
Fancy large mackeret, each, ,33c
See us for fresh fish on
meatless days.
Potted meats, just the thing for
nourishing lunch sandwiches. 4
small or 1 large
cans, 7
Veal loaf or deviled ham also
make inviting
sandwiches, can
Mazola, the wonderful new short
ening and frying oil, gal., 12.15,'
H gal., $1.10, quart, Ofn
57c, pint, wvt
Much cheaper and bettor than lard.
Buy the large can and save most.
am also
J AX lbs. No. 1 red
globe onions .
Hundred of Low Price Like These Every Day in Your Own
Neighborhood, at the
In Omaha, Florence, Benson, South Omaha, Council Bluffs
United States Food Administration License No. G-28403-
that sold at $35, $37.50, $39.50,
go Saturday at $21.75.
1508-10 Dougla Street.
We are making Ice Cream, a real economical
food,, making it honestly without waste and we
are supplying a . public need. For instance for
Dessert next Sunday we have a special blend of
which "will lend toothsome variety to your v menu.
.llftlf Z IhoCroamy'
All lea creams
Scores of dealer will be ready to
supply you.
In Modem Language.
A girl was required to write i briel
sketch of Queen Elizabeth. Her paper
contained this sentence:
"Elizabeth was so dishonest that
she stole her soldiers' food."
The teacher was puzzled and called
the girl. .
"Where did you get that notion?"
"Why, tliat's what it says in the
The book waj sent for and the pas
sage was found. It read:
"Elizabeth was so parsimonious that '
he even pinched her soldiers' rations." '
Wa Close Saturday at 7 P. M. Open at 7 A.M. Come early so all will be waited on.
Mlik-Fsd Chlek
ens, per Ib . . .
Mutton, Ib.
Mutton, Ib.
Choice Steer Beef
Steak, Ib
Veal Routs or
Chops, per Ib . . .
Muttoa Chop, lb JBe
Sautag, P' Ib. ...... .c
Liver, per lb.. ..10c
S. C. Bacon, lb 28Vte
S. C Re Back Bacon, per
Ib, at 34Ve
S. C R Lean Bacon, per
lb, at ... ....sayse
S. C Skinned Hams, per
. lb, at 26,
S. C Picnic Ham, lb. 23Vtc
Salt Pork. Ib 2Sc
Beel Roasts, Ib 17 Vie
Bee! Boil, lb ISVic
frankfurters, lb....l7Vtc
Minced-tlam. Ib 20c
Cooked Boneless Ham, per
Ib, at 25c
Fane Canned Corn,
Peas or Tomatoes .
3 lbs. Rice, Barley, Tapi
oca or Brown tCa
Bean W
Quaker Oat or Large Pack
a; Pancake Iflft
FJour. n
Large Package Corn Flakes,
Macaroni or 7ll
Spaghetti '26
No. 3 Largo
. Potatoes or
Pumpkin. . .
Navy Beans, lb...
Small Can Milk...
Tall Can Milk....
4 lbs. Oatmeal...
Gallon Can Syrup.
. .69c
25c Bottle Olive ISc
10c Bottle Olives 7c
kS5c qt. Jars Jams C
or Apple Butter....
Soda Crackers, Ih. .... 10c
25c No. 3 Baked Bean
at 12V,e
15c can Baked Beans. .7Vic
20c No. 3 can Hominy. .10c
ISc can Milk Hominy, 7y,c
Horn Made Bread,
per loaf
Fancy Orang,
on sale, doi . .
Fancy Roman t EA
Beauty App's, box
Lima Bean or
Kamo Soup, can . .
2-lb, S-ot. can
better than
lard, at ,
Saw t ay
Fancy Raisins,
Prunes. Peaches, lb.
Large Can Mustard
6 large pkgs Matches or
Toilet Paper, 4C.
Fancy Onion or
Potatoes, peck.
Calumet Baking Powder
per lb, at. .' 19c
S bar Soap 25c
8c pkg .Tooth Pick 2c
35c pkg. Soda Crackers, 19c
filled at same prices. Largest cut price mail order grocery and meat
market in the state. Writ for price list.
United States Food Administration License No. C-1310S.
113 North I6th Street. Opposite Poatoffke. Two Phono Dougla 1089