MINOR RAIDS ON FLANDERS FRONT FORECASTS GREATER i BATTLES IN NEAR FUTURE fArlillery Fire, Infantry Sallies sage Coming Conflict on West Front; French Bag Ten German Airplanes In Three Days; Artillery Active On Italian Front. (By the Associated Press.) On the western front in France and in Belgium and on the 1tlUn front, where the contending armies of the chief bel- i;rnti in the world war hare displayed little activity for some time, official reports announce a resumption of hostilities of unusual activity for winter 1 While the operations mentioned in?officer rom Canip Bo he statement irom tne various army headquarters are of little consequence from s military view, yet the general xtent of the activity indicates that J, UVlV lit IMIUIVUI f wwjwww Intensity of the artillery fire has in creased all along; the western front and raiding parties and air fighting have been resumed under more favor, able conditions. ? RECAPTURE GROUND. The success of a German raid on British trenches west of LaBassee is jimnounced by the British official com .municatiort, which claims, however, that 'another hostile party was dis persed west' of Villers Guislain. In 3he Nieuport sector the Fiench war office announces the recapture of feround gained by the enemy in a :raid Wednesday morning. I The French statement also says that the artillery is active in the Chautne wood front and in the sector of Hill 344 and claims the' failure of an enemy attack at the former -place. During the period from Jsnuary 1 to 20. ten German airplanes were brought down by the French. More .intense artillery firing between the 'Adige and Brenta valleys is reported in the Italian official statement which also tells of small engagements on the right bank of the Piave and on the southeastern slopes of the Monte Spinoncia. ' - King Albert, in his reply to Pope Benedict's peace note, declares that Belgium will consent to peace only -upon the guarantee of absolute po litical, economic and territorial inde pendence. The note of the Belgian government concludes witn the dec laration that the replies of the central empires ; to the pope's note have failed to make mention of the "undis puted rights of Belgium that his holi ness has not ceased to recognize and proclaim." 1 Germany Hears of Strikes. : Evidence of unrest among the peo ple in Austria and Germany continue ; to reach the outside world through Switzerland and Holland. News of the Austrian strikes and. peace de mands appear to be generally known 'in Germany, despite the efforts of the censorship to the contrary. The Aus trians' hfcpe that the German work ers would follow their lead, however, lias not materialized, due probably to the ever powerful military party. Chamberiain Lays i Blame for Deaths To War Department I ' Continual from Fat One.) . prepare for war when it seemed cer tain. , , . V "There were omens in the sky, he continued, "that America couldn't keep out What was the ordnance de partment doing? Nothing. t It was lying supinely on its back. "I'm not blaming anybody in par ticular." the senator continued. "I have high regard for General Cro atier. But we haven't been able to do what England, France end all our other allies have done and that is to retire these gentlemen who have not proven themselves up to the mark. "This isn't s question of personali ties. , This is not a question between the president and myself. It's a ques tion of America and every man ought to make it his whole purpose to see that America is saved?' v i Machine Gun Squabble. ' s "Take the machine gun," said the Senator. "It's an old controversy and much may be said on both sides. The Lewis gun has been manufactured here for the British army and there are 70,000 of them; on the battle fronts. 'Every British officer I have seen jbas expressed approval of that gun. America, was oreoared to produce ' them, but with the country standing on a seething volcano, the ordnance department was trying to decide on a gun. "The War deoartment didn t even adopt a gun until May and finally adooted It in June. (1917). The Browning gun is a good wea pon, but the Lewis gun is doing good work. Why not manufacture the Lewis gun? , Germany Knows Conditions. "The secretary of war testified, be fore the committee," he said, that in September the United States had nine Browning guns, "with which to go out against the. millions ot Uer many." i He denounced the cry that invest cation gives . information to the enemv. "Germany knows more ' about America today , than the men con nected with the departments, Sena tor Chamberlain d-clared. ' "But while the house burns," he shouted. "America determints through the ordnance bureau what instrumen talities are to adopted! He conceeded that the rifle as finally adopted was aa improvement over the British gun, but declared it took days and montns to oerfecL" . t "Why shouldn't America know these things?" the senator demanded. Some people in the west, he added, believe America has all it needs. "If they only knew the actual con ditions, he continued, they would give their lives, their all, te protect America. Casual reading of the sec retary of war's statement gives the imoression that we had every thine. But when we get the testimony of the .,, men on the ground, different informa tion is obtained. Citing the testimony b: an army and Air Fighting All Pre months. wie. lex., wno declared there was not a sinsrle trench mortar there, and that other neces gary equipment was lacking, Senator Lhamberlatn declared: "That is true ol every camp in the the civilians who have come here and itiven their time and service, we wouldn't have been anywhere." Soldiers Haven't Clothing. Turning to the quartermaster gen eral's department, Senator Chamber lain declared that from Secretary lia ker s general statement the country would believe that "everything was lovely and the goose hung high so far as clothing is concerned." "But when you talk to the men that command these boys you find it isn't there," he continued. "On a per cap ita basis it is there, but not when it comes to effective distribution. They simply haven t got the clothing. "I realize the difficulties of the quar termaster general. He has done the best he could under the present sys tem. The president inherited that svstem and has done the1 best he could. The president isn't responsi ble for the system. But the fact re mains that we haven't the clothing." ! Baker Was Misinformed. Senator Chamberlain said he pro posed to show by Secretary Baker s own testimony that the secretary did not know of actual clothing con ditions. "That is why I say," he continued, "that the president did not know the truth. And I did. He must have gotten his facts from the secretary, who in turn got them from somebody else and somebody must have lied. "And that's why I say the president has not been given the truth. Striding; out into the center of the aisle with an attitude of defense, he shouted: Has No Fear. . "I feel it my duty to my country and my conscience to tell the truth. "I have no fear of God, man or the devil when my conscience prompts. And no man in the country can keep me from telling the truth. "The only fear is that this discus sion may have a bad effect on the country. But if the conditions exist, they ought to be corrected and quick ly. Great Britain found the same con ditions and corrected them quickly. r f s - II &o aiq t ranee. , Senator Chamberlain passed around among senators photographs of wood en machine guns, rifles and heavy ord nance used at cantonments and asked senators fo study them carefully. "They are of some use," he explain ed, "in training men. But, if I had a boy training fof the battlefield,. I would not want him to have his train ing with nothing else than a wooden cannon. . Shortage of Overcoats. The commander of Camp Sherman, Ohio, told him there was a shortage of 7,000 overcoats there. He referred that, statement to Sec retary Baker. "In his usual placid way he said, 'That's not true,"' remarked the sen ator. ; Senator Chamberlain then read from a letter from Secretary Baker a later report showed 7,000 overcoats were needed at Camp Sherman, but that iney were in course oi enipmcni. "That's the way ever since the war started, 'in course,' but not getting there, he shouted. Wants Conditions Known. Then placing in the records s chart submitted to the military committee by Secretary Baker showing short ages of material at all camps varying from one to 90 per cent, Senator Chamberlain declared he wished that condition to become known to the people. Reading from the table to show shortages of overcoats running as high as 75 per cent, the senator re minded the senate that troops were in the midst of winter." Thousands Are Dying. "I am going to show that these hundreds and thousands of men dying in the cantonments are due to the War department, he declared, I am going to call attention to the statement of Surgeon General Gorgas that nearly '! epidemics could have been prevented if the War de partment had been effective." Eight' Thousand Men in Hospital Men at Camp Bowie, the senator delared, were packed together like sardines," and despite frequent warn ing disastrous epidemics broke out in December with e.OUU men passing through the hospitals. "Men died," he asserted, "without proper nursing because of inefficiency of the system. I challenge you to read the record. Don't take my word for it "All the cantonments are arteries of information and I hope to God that every young man will write his father or mother and tell them just what the conditions are, not to stay pa tnotism. but to stimulate those in authority to do their duty." Senator Chamberlain said if Sur geon General Gorgas' recommenda tions for ereater space had been ob served, disease, at least, would have been reduced. "Have these recommendations been followed?" asked Republican Leader (iallinger. "They are attempting to .in some places, but the recommendations have not been carried out If these are the conditions existing with soldiers in their home countries, what must be the fate of the boys sent to Europe to meet the dangerous and treacher ous conditions of warfare," replied Senator Chambeilan. Senator Chamberlain read a letter showing that camp authorities failed THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY to notifiy a family of the death of a soldier and that the body came home wrapped only in a sheet. "If I were to print all the letters I get along this line1," he continued, IJthey would shock not only congress butftse American conscience. I do it only to snow the country that there is inefficiency and I'm going to do it if ft costs me my political life. "Let the American mothers know conditions and they will see to it that the public servants either do their duty or retire from public life in dis grace. "Let's let the sunlight in on these things." he pleaded, "and never fear that the American people will not follow the" president into the thickest of the fray wherever their duty calls them." Challenges Statement. Senator Kirbv of Arkansas said in reply to Senator Chamberlain, who assailed the war department Detore the senate: "I challenge the statement of it all. The examination before our commit tee does not warrant much that has been said today or the statement that the military organization has broken down." Senate and galleries were moved to expression of emotion as Senator Chamberlain read a letter to Senator Wadsworth. The writer, whose name was not given, said he was notified through friends that his son was ill six days after he had been taken to the camp hospital. Appalled by Filth. He was first permitted to see the boy through a window and the first sight appalled him. The room and bed were filthy, he wrote, and the pa tient had not been bathed for eight days. His requests for a nurse or to per mit himself to aid his son were re fused, the writer stated, but finally he was told he might provide clean clothes. When he returned his son's face and hands had been washed, but still were dirty. The next dav he returned as an attendant was trying to give the pa tient water from a bowl. When tne father intervened the attendant said: "I guess I better get a funnel," and actually returned with a paper funnel. The father stopped that and sug gested a spoon. His Son Died. Fifteen minutes later the son died. At headquarters he was told that he might have his son's body that night. Having provided himself with a pass to the hospital, he did not knock when he entered, but as he tried to open the door it struck a heavy ob ject. It was his son's body and the door had struck the head. Wants to Rouse Country. "I want to arouse the country and every mother and father in the land to write to the president of the United States and appeal not in a spirit of revenge, but in order that the example of a beloved son, brother or husband may arouse the country to save the lives of our soldiers," Senator Chamberlain declared as he finished reading the letter. After speaking nearly three hours, Senator Chamberlain concluded with a plea that he was only doing his duty in arousing the country to its danger and that he would support the presi dent although "grossly maligned." - Because leaders desired to prevent further debate, the senate adjourned until Monday. TEUTONS RETIRE FROM ITALIAN ADVANCED LINE (Br Associated Pre.) Italian Armv Headquarters in Northern Italy, January 24. The en emy has evacuated territory on the northern mountain front behind Monte Tomba, extending from the Piave river westward. Their defense lines have now been moved back to Monte Sp'noncia. Italian natrols makins reconnais sances in the last few days found that the enemy patrols and sentinels had been withdrawn and later discovered that the enemy had abandoned the entire region. This retreat is s sequel to the vic tory French troops recently obtained nn Monte Tomba. inasmuch as the en emy's position thereafter became un tenable. The retirement of the enemy is im portant as showing that he has given up his effort to force a passage to the Venetian nlan bv wav of Monte Tomba and the west bank of the Piave, at least for the present. He is now constructing defensive works in the rear. London, Jan. 24. "There is noth ing of special interest to report," says today's offi-'al communication. Allied Reports Show Big Decrease in Sub Sinkings Paris, Jan. 24. The sinking of two French vessels of more than 1,600 tons and one of lesser size is shown in the weekly report of French ship ping losses. Four vessels were at tacked unsuccessfully. Rome, Jan. 24. The weekly report of Italian shipping losses gives the sinking of only one small sailing ves sel One steamship was attacked un successfully. Hertling Expresses Hope Negotiations Will Not Fail Berlin, Jan. 24. The imperial Ger man chancellor, Count von Hertling, in his address before the Reichstag today, said he still holds fast to the hope that the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiation will reach a satisfactory conclusion at an early date. Special Bargains Ladies' Coats Black, brown, green and navy, $22 values, on S. $12.98 Children' Coats Fur trim med; sizes 4 to 10, tfo QQ on sale 40a7O $5.00 Silk Waists, (t) AQ on sale V ai70 $15 Serge Dreaaes, dQ QQ on sale ....P7a70 75c Silk Hoae, AQ on sale iOC $1.00 Underwear, CQr on sale U7C Children's Lefiinis, OA 75c values, on sale.. 07C J. HELPHAND , 314 N. 16th St. DEFENSE BEGINS TESTIMONY IN NETHAWAY CASE Women Remain to Hear Evi dence Despite Judg's Warn ing, But Witnesses Whis per Replies. . After the introduction of testimony bearing on the alleged degeneracy of the negro Charles Smith, charged with the murder of Mrs. C. L. Netha way, the prosecution unexpectedly rested its case yesterday afternoon. Smith showed his first uneasiness in the court room Thursday during the introduction of this testimony. He scribbled on a paper during the taking of the evidence and glared at Adult Probation Officer Andreesen when the latter sat down opposite him after testifying to Smith's re marks while in jail. Prosecution Rests. ' . The prosecution rested its case at 2 p. m., and the defense called Will iam Seivers, of Fort Calhoun, who said that a boy at the scene of the murder called his attention to a place where it appeared something had been dragged down toward the place where the body lay from the cornfield above. Mr. Edwards testified that he saw the two paths and said that he un derstood they were made by the sher iff and his deputy coming down from the Nethaway home, northwest of the place where the body was found. Edwards testified to lifting Mr. Nethaway from the lifeless form of his murdered wife, when he fell to kissing her after showing Edwards the wound in her neck. The defense called Andrew Anderson, Florence postmaster, who said that Nethaway's tie, collar and neck of his shirt were bloody when he undressed that night in Anderson's presence. Suggests Women Retire. The defense was not allowed to in troduce in evidence a duplicate of a letter or paper found in the vicinity of the cut several days after Smith's arrest. Florence Smith, a clerk in a downtown store, was called to identify the letter but was excused. But one woman left criminal court when presiding Judge Sars called a halt in the testimony and gave warn ing that the next batch of evidence promised to be unfit for the ars of girls. Judge Sears said he wished to spare the women in the court room and then suggested that they retire. One lone girl hung her head and left the room. Several hundred other women and girls leaned forward in .their seats and braced themselves for the testi mony. They were disappointed, for the testimony was given in an undertone and was audible only to attorneys and court room attaches. Testify to Interview. Testimony was given by Felix Dolan, police detective, who accused Smith of degeneracy on the night he was captured at Blair after the mur der last August DolanV statements were substan tiated by the testimony of Captain Dempsey and Adult Probation Officer Andreasen, who interviewed Smith in his cell. Smith was seen at 12:30 at Brigcrs crossing and going west up , the tracks leading toward the bridge over tne cut wnere Mrs. Nethaway s body was found, witnesses testified. He asked what train he could take to get to Sioux City. He was told a train would pass through late in the after noon. The fireman of 'the second section of No. 18, which passed through the cut, testified that she saw Smith board the train a half mile north of the Nethaway home about 4:30 p. m. The first section went through the cut at 3:20 that afternoon. Brother! and Bisters. "Skinny" Jones, who barely tipped the scales at lit poundi, wait poking tun at hli older alatar Mamla tor being- a heavyweight Ona day whan they wera on the atraat to gether ha auggeated that they get welched. She itepped on the scales and the Indleatoi flew around to 184. "Help! Help!" cried "Skinny." "When are you telng to atop growing T Tou are getting hopeleetly fat." "What d. you weigh T" Inquired Mamie by way of changing the question. "Skinny" atepped on the acala and dropped In nlckel.i For aome reaaon the machine tuck, ao ha had to put In another nicke., and then the Indicator moved feebly ahead to 13d. "Well," aatd Mamie, aa ahe etarted away. "I had rathe - weigh 184 than have to apend 10 cents before I could weigh anything T" St. Louis Globe-Democrat You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or. bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. COLOME, SOUTH DAKOTA, October 6, 1917. Bankers Life Insurance Co., ; Lincoln, Nebraska. Gentlemen: I have just been handed your check No. 68967 by your Superintendent of Agencies, W. W. Day, in settlement of my policy No. 4817. Thisiwas a Twenty Payment Life Policy for $1,000.00, on which I paid an annual premium of $35.05, total amount paid your company $701.00. Amount of check received from you $1,070.60, which is Three Hundred Sixty-nine and 60-100 Dollars more than I paid in, after having my insurance for 20 years. I know of no other company making settlements near this and am very much pleased. Thanking you for your prompt and splendid settlement, I am Yours truly, GEORGE T. THOMPSON. Every old agent knowa, and every new agent quickly learna, that the policy set tlement which we ere making by the hundred (similar to the above illustration), af ford unusual field opportunities. Any one deairing to better hi condition may find it to hi advantage to apply. If interested, call at Branch Office, 1321-2 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Dougla 2949. 25, 1918. BLISS IN PARIS AS U.S. ENVOY TO ALLIED COUNCIL How to Meet Proposed German Offensive in West First Cdri gSideration of Supreme War Body. (By Associated Bress.) Washington, Jan. 24. General Tasker H. Bliss, chief of staff, who arrived in Paris today, will represent the United States army on the su preme war council. Secretary Baker in so announcing tonight disclosed that the general is accompanied by high officers of every branch of the service to advice him about any ques tions that may arise. General Bliss attended the first meeting of the council and decision to send him back to Europe as a permanent representative in that body was made because it was rec ognized that General Pershing's du ties in organizing and commanding the ever increasing American ex peditionary, forces were too great to permit him to undertake the presen tation of American views on military operations and to sit with the council in framing plans of strategy that cover all fronts and all armies. No word of the departure of Gen eral Bliss had been published until the news of his safe arrival came to day. . , Forecast U. S. Operations. From General Bliss the war council will obtain an up-to-the-minute re port on what the United States will be able to contribute to operations on the western front this spring and summer. His report has been forecast to some extent i by President Wilson's statement to congressional visitors that there would be in Europe in June twice the. number of American troops which it had been originally planned to send by that time. General Bliss also can inform his conferees exactly the situation in which the United States may find op portunity for the delivery of supplies of all sorts to the allies. Push Big Offensive. While Secretary Baker's statement merely said that General Bliss had arrived in France to represent the . . .1, i army on tne council, mere nave peen THOMPSON.BEL0EN - CQ Qhe fashion Center Jor Silk Boot Hose, 85c Silk where they show and lisle where wear is necessary in the tops and doable-soles, which are of lisle. An excellent value in black and white, 85c a pair. Flannelette Kimonos in a Sale Friday Kimonos, sold up to $2.95 at regu lar prices, Friday, $1.19. Basement Hair Ornaments Inexpensive, but very artistic and worth-while. Barrettes, combs and hair pins, studded with rhinestones are general favorites. Also plain shell hair pins and barrettes are fashionable. Notion Section Jergen's Hand Lotion, 25c i Fine Powder Puffs, 10c Toilet Goods Section For Children Drawers and knickerbockers, sires 2 to 12 years, priced 20c, 25c, 35c 40c and 45c Children's black sateen bloomers, 3 to 12-year sizes, 50c and 75c. Third Floor ASSETS, $12,600,000.00 intimations that renewed recommend ations for vigorous offensive opera tions on the widest possible scale were included in the instructions the general received before sailing. Probably the primary consideration before the council when it reconvenes will be the widely advertised pro posed German offensive on the west ern front. A mass in information has reached the allied powers from many quarters indicating an impending drive against the British or French lines, or both, which will be carefully reviewed. May Be Bluff. The posibility suggested by Colo nel Repington the British military critic in his initial article in the Lon don Post today that the German con centration may be "to support nego tiations" rather than for an assault is in line with views held by some American officers here. They feel that the German high command is endeavoring to set up the boggy of a great attack as a preliminary to an other peace drive. The possibility is suggested here that the allies may anticipate the Ger man attack with a great drive as the British once did in Flanders. Thoughtful. Mrs. Smith had just put her head out side the front door when Mrs. Jones espied her. "Where did you get that black eye?" inquired the latter. "Oh, Bill just " "Tea; that husband of yours Is a brute!" "Oh, no, be ain't!" and the ill-used wife bridled up. "He's a bit hasty. I'll admit; but after he gave me this black eye he sat holding a cold frying pan on It for an hour to reduce the swelling. Not many husbands would do that, you know!" Philadelphia Ledger. by Reds for Plot in First Assembly (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, Wednesday, Jan. 23. The Bolsheviki authorities today arrested scores of persons, includ ing party leaders whom they charged were involved in a revolu tionary plot organized among the majority faction of the social revo lutionists in the constituent assem bly which controlled the assembly in the single session which was held before it was suspended by the Bolsheviki. A battalion of death in reported to have been ready to support, this movement A soldier and a member of the red guard were arrested today charged with the murder of M. Shingaroff and Prof. Kokoshkine, former members of the Kerensky government, who were slain in the marine hospital last week. A sailor who is said to have been the leader is still at large. A Sale of High Shoes Friday for $3.85 That You'll Find Profitable to Attend Stylish models in women's high grade footwear at notable reductions. Shoes of bronze, black and blue kid, also pat ent leather both lace and button styles. Do you know of a better company to In sure with? Write for particulars of the above policy. FRENCH CAPTURE MANY PRISONERS IN TRENCH RAID German Lines Penetrated Along Wide Front After the Artillery is 1 Silenced. (By Associated Frees.) With the French Armies in France. Wednesday, Jan. 23. The French on Monday executed a brilliant i?id on the German lines eastward from Vien-ne-le-Chateau, near Four de Paris, along a front of 3,000 yards and reach- ing a depth of 500 yards. An intense artillery preparation made the progress of the troops easy and they were able to destroy all enemy works, shelters and mine gal leries before returning to their own line. Fifteen prisoners were captured by the French, as well as three machine guns. The French suffered few cas ualties and none killed. Rio Grande Receivership Fight Starts in Denver Denver, Colo., Jan. 24. Appoint ment of a federal receiver for the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad com pany is to be determined by a hear ing which began in United States dis trict court here today, with Judge i Robert E. Lewis of Denver presiding " and Judge Walter H. Sanborn, senior judge of the Eighth judicial district, here to sit as advisory judge. A judgment for $38,270,343.17 and ' interest was obtained against the road by The Equitable Trust company of New York in the federal courts in New York last June as a result of the default of the Western Pacific Rail way company on bond interest, which the Denver & Rio Grande company guaranteed. Packers to Hold Conference With Men at Washington Washington, Jan. 24. A proposal for a foimal conference between union packing house workers and the packers as a method of settling their differences was considered today by the president's mediation commission at the request of the labor representatives. Wbrnat3 Sizes are badly broken, for which reason we advise early shopping. Qualities sold regularly to $6 a pair. Friday, $3.85 a Pair All Sales Final TWENTY PAYMENT LIFE POLICY Matured in the OLD LINE BANKERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ef Lincoln, Nebraska Name of insured George T. Thompson Residence Colonic, South Dakota . Amount of policy ....$1,000.00 , Total premiums paid Company $701.00 SETTLEMENT Total cash .paid Mr. Thompson. .. .$1,070.60 And 20 Years Insurance for Nothing