Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ititi b'tttt: UJMAHA, MUM LI A I, JAMUAKI Zl, 11V.
Nebraska Holds Record for
Excellence and , Conference
Breaks Record for At
tendance. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.)
That the Nebraska Four-Minute
Men conference broke the record
and that the state organization is
not excelled by any in the United
States was the expressed judgment
of government speakers at the war
conference just closed. Mac Mar
tin of Washington, representing the
division of Four-Minute Men, stated
that the Nebraska conference had
broken the record for size, the regis
tration being about 175. .The Kan
sas conference Wednesday had an
attendance of 5Q and the Missouri
conference Tuesday of 5l Minne
f sota with 165 is second.
In effectiveness of organization
New York. Illinois and Nebraska
lead the country, Mr. Martin re
The Nebraska Four-Minute Men
organization is considered at Wash
ington as a model," said Gurney E.
Newlin, representing the Council of
National Defense and the United
States Shipping board, in addressing
the Four-Minute Men luncheon at
the Commercial club today.
Thanks to Theater Men.
Prof. M. M. Fogg, state director
of the Four:Minute Men, also spoke
on the importance of the work the
fwernment has entrusted to the
our-Minute Men. The conference
unanimously adopted a" resolution
expressing its thanks tQ theater pro
prietors for their co-operation.
Concerning the meeting this
morning of the state and county
councils of defense and of the Four
Minute Men, Mr. Newlin said:
"The meeting was the most intel
ligent, constructive discussion and
showed the most whole-hearted,
sincere enthusiasm of any of the day
meetings at the three war confer
ences I have attended this week."
Greetings from Chairman E. B.
Wilson of Des Moines and the field
secretary, Prof. Glenn N. Merry, of
the Iowa Four-Minute Men, were
received by the Nebraska confer
ence. The telegram announced that
Iowa had organized its last county
Laurel Man Knits
Sweaters for Soldiers
Laurel, Neb., Jan, 20. (Special.)
In the person of M. A. Price, Laurel
has a man who leads the women a
close second knitting for the soldiers.
He has finished two sweaters and a
scarf and lias made one of a pair of
socks. A few years ago Mr. Price
suffered an accident that confined
him to the house for several months
and it was then he learned to keep
his fingers busy. Mr. Price was for
merly postmaster at. Laurel but now
operates a farm. His only son of war
age recently joined the first balloon
squadron at Fort Omaha.
Hamilton Defense Board
Commends School Authorities
Aurora, Neb., Jan. 20. Special
Telegram.) The Hamilton county
council of defense today tommended
the local board, of education for dis
continuing German in the grades and
requested the board to drop it from
the high school course. 'The resolu
tion was offered by Charles M. Gros
venor. A resolution of a peremptory
character offered by Clark Perkins
received but one vote besides his own.
Chobar Pleads Not Guilty .
To Murder of Blender
York, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Louis Chobar, who is con
fined in the county jail awaiting trial
on the charge of. murdering A. A
Blender November 28, came into
court yesterday afternoon and pleaded
not guilty. Judge Corcoran appointed
G. W. France and an assistant who
has not been named. Trial was set
for February 18 at 1:30 p m. before
Judge Good.
Cornstalk Disease Appears.
Kearney, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.)
The cornstalk disease has made its
appearance in Buffalo county, several
losses of cattle taking place during
the week. The Trott brothers, 'ocat
ed seven miles southeast of the city,
lost five head of catle. Several losses
of a single head have also been re
ported. No additional losses of hogs
through poisoning have been reported
and Dr. A. JL Francis, federal veter
inarian, states that few cases of hog
cholera exist in this county.
News Notes of Table Rock.
Table Rock, Neb.. Jan. 20. (Spe
cial.) The shop of G. Strader at Elk
Creek, was smeared with yellow paint
one night last week. He has offered
a reward of ten dollars for the ar
rest and conviction of the perpetra
tors. " ,
9 fRcv. C. P. W. Wimberly, recently
pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Table Rock, who accepted a call
from the Presbyterian church at
Richmond, Mo, three years since,
has accepted the pastorate of the
Christian Church at Rich Hill, Mo.,
and a local pastor of the Christian
church, is to immerse him and his
family. The affair Jias caused a
great sensation in this vicinity.
Mrs. Hays, wife of Silas Hays, died
r.t her home in Table Rock this after
noon, aged 80 years, after an ill
ness of several days. She is sur
vived by her aged husband, Silas
Hays', who is 94 years of ae.the old
est person in this vicinity, and several
Mrs. Avery. wli? o. William Av
ery, who resided here for a great
many years, moving to Burlingame,
Kan. a -few years ago. died at her
Kansas home and the interment was
at Eurluigame. She. was near sev
cntly' years of age, and had been an
invalid for several years.
Six thousand, one hundred and
seven retailers of the state have sign
ed pledge cards, according to infor
mation which came yesterday to Gur
don W. Wattles, federal food admin
istrator, from Washington.
The result of the second week's
drive for signatures amounted to
1932, which coupled with the- signa
tures obtained during the previous
and opening week swelled the grand
total to more than 6000.
The Nebraska drive Is a part of
the great drive throughout the Unit
ed States, according to Mr. Wattles.
When signing these pledges the re
tailers promise to sell their goods at
fair and moderate prices and to co
operate with the government in en
forcing the rules and regulations of
the federal food administration.
When the final drive Is over Ne
braska retailers, in Mr. Wattles opin
ion, will have signed up nearly one
hundred per cent strong. In fact he
would not be surprised to see every
retailer in the state a member of the
United States food administration.
Charles Witte, Pioneer.
Of Elkhorn, Is Dead
Charles Witte died at his home in
Elkhore Sunday morning after less
than a day's illness of heart disease.
He has been prominently associated
with public and social affairs in Doug
las county having served as postmas
ter of Elkhorn for 16 years and as a
member of the Douglas county board
of agriculture for ten years. He
was president of the association for
three years.N He was a member of
the Modern Woodmen of America,
Masons and Knights of Pythias. He
is Grand Prelate of the Grand lodge
K. of P. in the domain of Nebraska.
Mr. Witte was born in Davenport,
Iowa, in 1857 and came to Douglas
county with his parents it the age
of 17 years. He was married in June
1881 to Miss Mary jane Hopper. He
resided on a' farm near Elkhorn un
til 1893 when he moved to Elkhorn
and engaged in the general mercan
tile business. He remained active in
busines until 1911 when he retired.
Funeral services will be held in
Elkhorn Tuesday afternoon at 1
o'clock. Besides his wife he is sur
vived by four children, Arthur Witte
of Elkhorn, William Witte of Ben
nington, Mrs. George Cunningham of
Elkhorn -and Mrs. U W. JiicKiey ot
Keith County Defense
League Backs President
rratalta NMi Tan. 2(1 f Snecial.)
The following telegram was sent
to Governor Neville today by the
Keith County Defense league:
"In view of the opposition in high
places, we deem it of the highest im
nnrfanr that the. country at large
back up President Wilson and Sec
retary Garfield in his luel conserva
tion order.
The message was signed by E. M.
Searle, chairman, and Eugene Beal,
secretary. .
Aurora Soldier Mechanic
Falls Victim to Pneumonia
Aurora, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special
Telegram.) Elmer Fox died today at
San Antonio from pneumonia. He en
listed as a mechanic in the aviation
Fined For Having Liquor.
Kearney, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.)
Frank McCartney, I. C. Van Hous
en and Frank Baker, charged with
having liquor in their possession, were
each fined $100 and costs yesterday.
McCartney and Van Housen are al
leged to have brought the booze into
the state from Wyoming and will
in all probability have a government
charge to face. One hundred and sev
enty pints of whisky were taken from
these men.
The marriage of William E. Glover
and Antonia M. Claussen of Man
ning, la., took place at the apart
ment of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hendee
at the Hamilton Saturday afternpon,
Rev. B. R. Vanderlippe, pastor-of
the Clifton Hill Presbyterian church,
Beatrice Neb., Jan. 20. (Special
Telegram.) Walter E. Smith and
Miss Nellie May Hansen, both of Ax
tell. Kan., were married here today
by Dr, C. C. -Cissell.
William Kilgore Dead.
Ogallala, Neb., Jan. 20.-O. P.
Kilgore of Brule, this county, re
ceived word that his son, William
Kilgore, had died of scarlet fever.
He belonged to a United States ar
tillery company and his father be
lieved he was some place in France,
but the telegram did not state where
he died.
Val Peter Gets Permit.
Washington. Jan. 20. (Special
Telegram. The application of Val
J. Peter of Omaha for a permit to
publish the Omaha Tribune, Freie
Presse of Council Bluffs and Volks
blatt of St. Joseph, Mo., under section
19 of the trading with the enemy act,
has been granted by the postmaster
Organize Home Guards.
Grant, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.)
A home guard was organized at Grant
on January 17 with 55 signing the
muster roll. The following officers
were elected: Fletcher L. Keller, cap
tain; E. A. Gooden, first lieutenant;
Frank A. Yenne, second lieutenant;
E. E. Jackman, chairman; W. H. Ed
wards, secretary.
York Man in Capital.
Washington, Jan. , 20. (Special
Telegram.) Joel M. Roberts of York,
Neb., is in Washington for a few days.
Soldier' Horn Noted.
Grand bland. Neb., Jan. 40. (Special.)
Hiss Goodwin, who haa bad charge of the
men's dining room on the econd floor of
the main building, has been tranaferred to
the large dining room of the convalescent
Mr. and Mrs. RIdgley hurt been entertain
ing a son of Mr. Ridgler for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carl enjoyed recently
a pleasant visit from their ton and his wife
of Juniata, N'eb., who are farming near that
place. . ' . ,
The1 painter are putting on the fnishing
touches to the Iron work In the new ma-1
chin shop.
Wyoming Trying to Prevent
State of Colorado From Draw
ing Off Laramie River
Near Its Source.
By Edgar C. Snyder.
WMhlngtoa Hare a f the Omaha Bm,
1811 O. Rirccc.
Washington, Jan. 20. (Special.)
A case of considerable interest to Ne
braska was argued before the su-
preme court ot me united states in
ing to prevent the state of Colorado
t j : ce it. - c 1.1..
irom drawing on wic water oi uic
t !
j-aramie river wnicn nas his source
in rVvAlrarlrt f 1 win er tYirAiterh IVvn
ill vVi aawT V w
ming and emptying into the. North
Platte river about 30 miles wist of
the point at which the North rlatte
rivr enters the state of Nebraska.
The bill In equity alleges that in
ISriS tin iteMlpmenr rf tVi . vallev rf
the Laraiiie in Wyoming began and
trom that time on to the time ot the
rrtmniMirpm.nt nf th wrftner rrtm.
rilainM n( th cettlerc in tli vallev
of the Laramie had improved and, by
the practice ot irrigation, had render
ed highly productive the lands in
that valley and had'ouilt up there a
community or iu,wu. irrigating
000 acres of land.
Tf i further TkWnomA list tUmmm
lands within the valley have become
worth more than ten millions of dol
The state of Colorado, through the
Greeley-Podre irrigation district, and
the Laramie-Poudre reservoirs and
irrigation company, has run a tunnel
about eleven thousand feet through
a narrow ridge of the Green moun
tains, which senerate 'tfn Parti ta
Poudre river from the . Laramie riv
er, these two rivers forming the
Platte, a tributary of the Laramie
river into the Poudre for use upon
the lands lying within the boudany
of the Greeley-Poudre irrigation dis
trict, a district lyuvg.wUhin the val
ley of the Poudre and the South
Platte from fifty to eighty-five miles
east ot the oreen mountains and
north of the town of Greeley.
The state of Wyoming in its bill
states that if this tunnel through the
mountains is permitted to operate
that it will carry away the waters
of the stream to the amount of more
than one hundred thousand acre feet
per anum to a point more than one
hundred miles away from the Laramie
valley and from which no part of
the waters can return. Colorado
answers the allegations of the plain
tic by stating that the entire diver
sion cannot exceed seventy thousand
acre feet annually.
The contention of the citizens of
Wyoming is that a clear preponder
ance of the evidence that long be
fore the commencement of any pro
ceedings by the citizens of Colorado
to take the waters in controversey,
Wyoming' had appropriated the en
tire available waters of the Laramie
river and that the threatening diver
sion of these waters by the citizens
of Colorado will prove highly disas
trous to the plaintiff in the case.
Able counsel presented every pos
sible phase of the case during the two
days allotted far argument by the
supreme court and so much of in
terest has the people of Nebraska in
the case that one of its assistant at
torneys general came on from Lin
coln to hear the argument.
Applicants as Aviators
Must Apply This Week
; President of the aviation board an
nounces that in order to secure ex
aminations in Fehrnarv nf Omili.
- - . ... j vyiunna
Applications must be . placed during
ine commie week-.
j Men 'of good education within the
draft ace will hp rnneAtreA ,,!
ators and gas engine experts and a
limited number not under thirty-one
or over thirty-six of high standing
with good business experience for
supply officer and adjutant.
To those passing all examinations
and graduating from schools of train
ing the commission of second lieu
tenant is issued.
Lobeck Would Offer
Inducement tQ Colopists
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, D. C, Jan. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Representative Lo
beck has introduced a bill creating a
bureau of colonization and ap
propriating $500,000,000 to carry the
same into effect, the scheme being to
give farms to those desiring, to be
come farmers and provide them with
the necessary farm machinery, stock,
etc., the amount advanced being re
turnable to the government within
20 years at a reasonable rate of in
Gentleman tp Sail Soon.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Thomas P. Gentle
man of Omaha, recently appointed
to a secretaryship at the embrssy at
Paris, France, will sail for his new
post on Wednesday from an .Atlantic
T. W. C. A. Note.
A vesper talk will be given at 4:30 Shins
day afternoon by Mrs. James Hodge. There
will be muslo by Mrs. Walter Dale. At the
social hour which followed. Miss Grace
8hearer will be hostess.
The annual meeting of the Toung Wo
men's Christian association will be held
January ti at 6:30 o'clock In the cafe. Lieu,
tenant Harry Boyd of Camp Dodge will be
the speaker. The West Sisters' orchestra
will furnish music Plates will be (0 cents
and alt reservations must b In by Jan
uary i5.
The Rainbow clubs will hold their aeml-
annual meeting In the gymnasium Saturday
afternoon January 29. This meeting will be
In the form of a patriotic rally and at this
time ho.iora won by the girls since Septem
ber will be awarded.
The Business Women's club will bold
theU- regular meeting Tuesday evening with
supper at :16. The topio for the evening
is Municipal uovemmenv lo do given
by Mr. L. J. TePoel. Miss Vera DuBola will
tell a story. Miss Mabel Fulton will sing.
The Many Centers club will hold a regular
meeting Monday evening. Supper will be
served at ( o'clock.
The Athletic club held Its annual election
of officers Wednesday evening, resulting as
follows: President, Martha Helms; vice
prsidnt, Mae Mickel; secretary, Jennie
Sharky; treasurer, Julia Moylan. This Is
the club that so successfully carried on the
campaign for the summer camp.
The Pleasant Hour Red Cross auxiliary
meets every Thursday afternoon on the
fourth floor of the Toung Women's Christian
association, from J to 5 o cluck. A welcome
awaits all girls In domestlo service who
wish to do Red Cross work. 1
Senator Kahn Before Security
League Denounces Pacifists
and Urges Soldier Life for
Youths Under 21.
(By Associated Trees.)
New York, Jan. 20. The National
security league paid tribute here yes
terday to Senator George E. Chamber
lain of Oregon and Representative
Julius Kahn of California at a lunch
eon given in their honor, the speakers
referring to their efforts in congress
in the interests of national defense.
Senator Chamberlain, responding to
toasts, discussed the military policy ot
the United States, or, as he called, it
"the lack of military policy, lie ad
vocated the adoption of universal mili
tary training.
Representative Kahn denounced the
pacifists. "The strong arm of the gov
ernment," he said, "should reach out
and get those people. A few prompt
trials and a few quick hangings -would
orove most salutary at this time.
"We have been in this war 10
months we are not near ready. The
administration has sent to the two
committees on the military affairs
the committee of the senate and the
committee of the house a bill to
amend the draft law so that every
young man who has attained the age
of 21 years since the 5th of June shall
register for service. If I can shape the
legislation, I shall write it so that
every boy of 16 and over, up to 21,
shall register.
"The psychology of that alone
would be great. It would be notice to
the imperial government of Germany
that the United States intend to mort
gage their man nower for a six years'
war. These young men would become
eligible to military service when they
attained their majority, when they be
came 21, but I would train them when
they became 20, so that they would
be full-fledged soldiers when they be
came Zl. And then I would insert in
the legislation this further provision,
that when the war is over, that the
training of the young American shall
not cease in the piping times of peace,
but that as boys become 18 years of
age in this country they shall be com
pelled to take military training for at
least six months.
North Presbyterian Church
Pastor Installed Tonight
Rev. J. M. Wilson, recently called
to the North Presbyterian church,
willje installed tonight as its pastor.
The ceremonies will occur at the
church and will probably be attended
by most of the Presbyterian clergy
men of the city.
At the installation of Rev. Mr. Wil
son. Rev. E. H. Jenks. pastor of the
First Presbyterian church, will pre
side, lhe sermon by Kev.
A. F. Ernst, pastor of the Lowe Ave
nue Presbyterian church, with the in
stallation prayer by Rev. Charles Her-
t ' -l - A i. ti 1 : i
run oi inc vjmaiia ihcuiuk"-" sem
inary. The charge to the pastor will
be by Rev. Robert L. Wheeler, pastor
of the: Wheeler Memorial church.
South Omaha, and the charge to the
members of the church by Rev. D. E.
Jenkins, president of the University
or wmana.
As does
You are conserving'
Reds Hold Real Power,
Says British Envoy
(By AMorlatvd Press.)
London, Jan. 20. Sir George
Buchanan, British ambassador to
Russia, who now is in London on
sick leave, today stated that while
the Petrograd dispatches indicated
that the social revolutionaries had
an actual majority in the con
stituent assembly, that did not al
ter the fact that the Kolsheviki
have the real power. The Hol
sheviki doctrines are spreading
throughout the whole of Russia.
Sir George declared. He added
that while he was unable to fore
cast the future, he was convinced
that Russia was not finished, be
cause such a vast country could
not be destroyed.
The food situation in Petrograd
was very serious, he said. "The
general opinion there is that the
food may fail absolutely this
month," Sir George concluded,
"and if vfamine comes one may
expect anarchy, and with that
everybody would be in peril."
Father Sinne Makes Plea
For Better Church Music
An overflow conjugation at the
nooday mass at St. Mary Magdalrnes
church Sunday heard Rev. Bernard
Sinne, pastor, preach on the influence
of music in the Catholic church. He
asserted that music was one of the
most important functions of the
church, and that Catholics did not,
as a rule, appreciate the great in
fluence for good.
v "I have attended a number of serv
ices in Omaha and its suburbs, and
I am compelled to say that the choral
work in a vast number of the churches
does not reflect credit on the diocese.
I have heard the wedding march
played when I did not blame the pros
pective bride for turning pale, so
much like a funeral dirge did it sound.
We have the talent. What we need
are instructors, capable men who un
derstand church music, and can
teach it."
Father Sinne expressed an earnest
wish that this condition be improved,
and that a move be inaugurated in
all the Catholic churches of the dio
cese for better music. "A campaign
of this kind would be endorsed and
loyally supported by the archbishop,
clergy and laiety of the entire city."
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
Emperor Alone Can Make War or
Peace, Declare Prussian Lords
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, Jan. 20-The right of the German emperor to the
exclusive making of war or peace has been reaffirmed in the Prussian
chamber of lords in the adoption of a resolution presented by Berlin
representatives, said a dispatch today from Berne. As quoted in the dis
patch the resolution said:
"The chamber of lords firmly hopes that when peace ii concluded
the government will see that the rights of the emperor o! Germany are
safeguarded. These rights are conceded to him by the .constitution and
peace should be commensurate with the sacrifices which have been made
for the politic and economic interests of the country." .
Accompanying the resolution was this commentary:
"The president of the United States has asked if the German ne
gotiations at Brest-Litovsk are in the name of the majority of the reich
stag or in the name of the military party. For our part we affirm that
it is the German emperor who in the terms of the constitution haa the
exclusive right to make war and peace."
What Other Food
Saves Wheat
Saves Sugar
Saves Fuel
Saves Time
Saves Milk
ordinary cereal.
Saves Waste eatable to the last
Hitchcock Introduces Bill That
Will Strike Black Marks
Off Where No Disloy. ,
alty Shown.
Washington, Jan. 20. (Special Tel
egram.) Senator Hitchcock has in
troduced a bill striking from the army
and navy lists ol deserters those who
left the army and navy in times of
peace a,nd against whom there are no
charges of disloyalty and whose rec
ords in the War and Navy depart
ments show that during their connec
tion with those two brandies of the
government their conduct was exem
plary. Discontinue U. S. Guard.
The organization ' known as the
United States guard has .been discon
tinued. Several Ncbraskans of draft
age and with military experience who
have filed application for commis
sions in this organization have been
advised that their applications will be
held up until further orders of the
secretary of war.
Urges New System.
F. J. Luscombe of the Taston
Mitchcll company wis before the
Navy department urging consideration
of the metallic system of packing for
the various departments of the gov
ernment. Kleffner Meets With Success.
George J. Kleffner of Omaha, who
is here in the interest of the civil
service retirement bill, stated that
after a talk with Senator McKellar,
chairman of the committee on civil
service and retrenchment, he was in
formed by the senator that the bill
which had beeii prepared by the ef
ficiency committee of the government
and now before the McKeilaf com
mittee would be reported favorably
in a few days. Mc. Kleffner fur
ther said that the house committee on
civil service will take up the bill just
as soon as it passes the senate.
Army Orders, . . . '
Washington, Jan. Is. (Special Tolefrram.)
First Lieutenant Kdward 1'. McCluskey,
quartermaster corps, national army, will
proceed to Des Moines for duty as a aupply
officer of ths depot brigade.
First Lieutenant Huh K. IloBers, modlral
reserve corps, now on leave of absence, will
proceod to Camp Podge, Pes Moines, la.
To Conserve
- made partly of barley.
- contains its own sugar
from its own grains.
- fully baked.
- ready to serve direct
from the package.
- requires less than the
Porkless Saturday ( and Meat
less Meals Are New RcqueVis
of the Food : Ad
ministration. :
Leniency will not be shown people
who violate the rules and regulations
of the federal food administrator.
T'rriallv i this statement aoDlicable
to hoarders of foodstuffs, according
to Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food
administrator. '
Mr. Wattles, because of the reports
that have been coming to him that
some people of the; city: and state
are viotatmg the provisions of the
hoarding act, says that all such com
plaints will be investigated to the
letter and that violators . must ex
pect to take the penalties. ''t
TVi t-,-, net rerent regulations re-
garding hoarding are that the pur
chase of any food supplies for a per
iod i" excess of 30 days,! shall be
construed as hoarding. And further
that in the matter of some commodi
ties, such -as sugar - and (lour, the
purchase of other than .the usual
amounts shall be likewise so con
strued. ... , ,
As Act of Patriotism. ;
"Our patriotic citizens are respond
ing to the requests of the government
in the matter of conservation," said.
Mr. Wattles. "Housewives of Omaha'
and of the state are observing meat
less and whcatless days religiously,
knowing that they are doing a pa
triotic act. - ' ' '
"It is not fair and will rot be per
mitted for others who, because of
ignorance of the requests, thought
lessness or for other reasons, to
nullify the benefit of the patriotic endeavors.-
Any reports of violations
will be dealt with as investigations
develop their truth. -
"We have a war to win. That Ts
our business now. One of the great
est factors that enter into this war
is the supplying of substantial foods
to our soldiers and the soldiers of
our associates in the war and the peo
ple of those countries. ' ".
"The federal food administration
has outlined- its policy a policy ,
which is fair to all and works no
hardships on any one. It is broad
policy, serving tne ui- iuiviww
the greatest number.
"This policy must be carried out .
and it will be carried out in Nebraska
withont fear or favor." "
Porkless Saturday.
Mr Wattles rmnhasizes .the new
ri,iirmn (nr til ovincr of meats.
which asks a meatless dav each week,
a meatless weal eacn day eacn wees
and a nrtrlrlesa SattirHav. ' He nrcret
that every householder In Nebraska
immediately, adapt nimseit or Jierseit
to the new regime and to begin at
once ID uuicrvc uic puiaicsa aiui-
day and the meatless meal.' v
"What is greater than serving our
fellow men?,rasks Mr, Wattles. "That
is what we are doing and preserving
for ourselves all that democracy
typifies." ' ' : U-f
you eatt