Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Important Saturday Offerings
We Have Re-Grouped Several Lots of Dresses and Coats for Women, Small Women and Misses
WOMEN'S COATS, worth up to $35.00.
Excellent styles, every one of them,
in Broadcloth, Kersey, Bolivias, Gunny
burls, Tricotines, Jerseys, etc. Made with
the big collars, some. of self material,
others of velvet or fur.
The colors are Black, Blue, Gray, Bur
gundy, Brown, Green, Taupe and Copen
hagen. All good colors.
and priced them all at
the one figure for Sat
urday's selling.
All the garments in
tEis offering have
from their fair valua
tion, and you will f inH
rare bargains on Sa"t
urday in these three
groups: .
trimmed with soutache braid; some
with peg top skirts, others plain tailored,
with sleeves of satin and white satin col
lars, daintily embroidered. .Still others
with accordeon pleated skirts and half
belted effects with white satin collars.
Button trimmed. Many other excellent
styles to choose from.
Warm Knit Underwear
For Winter Weather
WE HAVE HAD quite a prolonged spell of cold weath
er, and the winter will be with us for many; many weeks
to come better get a goodly supply of this right good
Underwear, at the modest prices we quote.
Women' Union Suit, fine ribbed cotton, high J 1 A A
neck, long sleeves, p. garment , . . . V wU
Women' Union Suit, silk and cotton, low neck, sleeveless,
medium low neck, short sleeves, ankle length d 1 f C
garments, regular size, a suit Vi l O
Out sizes, tfQ A A
a suit pUl
Women' Union Suit, heavy ribbed cotton, high heck, long
sleeves, ankle length; medium low neck, short sleeves, ankle
length; low neck, sleeveless, ankle length. These d1 7t
are very good values; regular sizes, sj) 1 I O
Out sizes, t ff
a suit JdSUU
Women' Union Suit, medium and light weight cotton, all
styles, regular sizes, JJ
a suit, $1.25 and J1.0U
Boy' and Girl' Union Suit, heavy cotton, all d 1 A A
sizes, a suit P JL iUU
Boy' and Girl' Union Suit, medium weight 7Q
cotton, all sizes, a suit JC
Children' Vests and Pant, heavy fleeced lined, OC
sizes 2 to 10 years, a garment , fciOC
Third Floor '
Boys' Suits.... (JjC
Boys' Mackinaws Y
Two splendid offerings in the Boys' De
partment for Saturday. Excellent styles, good
materials, make and finish, and just $5 00 to
pay for your choice of the Tot DON'T HESI
.TATE, but take full advantage of this offer
ing the present wholesale prices make it
very positive that you will have to pay more,
much more, for clothing next year.
Boys' Suits, $5.00
An assortment of Suits, at a
price that means big savings.
Smart, new models, most of them
with double seat and knee trous
ers,, sizes 6 to 17 years.
Second Floor,
Boys' Mackinaw, $5
Here are good warm Macki
naws, from plaids to plain col
ors, styles with !full belts and
others with half .belts,, sizes. 5 to
18 years.
Men'a Bid;.
Women's Stylish Shoes
$5.50 to $8 Shoes
We have grouped those stocks
where sizes have become broken, to
gether with discontinued lines and in
order to make new owners for them
quickly, have priced them downward
for this sale. This is in keeping with
our unalterable policy to keep our
stocks clean 'and complete and not to
carry over from one season to another.
Women's $5.50 to $8 Shoes, $3.95
Black calf, black kid, patent kid, patent
talf, white and (colored kid, all leather '
and some with cloth tops. Lace and but
ton styles. Some are welted and stitched and some light hand turned
soles. Some, are English walking shoes, soma have wood Louis and
leather heels. Mostly black; a limited assortment of colors.
Women's Shoes, $2.50 to $4 Shoes and Romeos"at $2.00.
Ladies Comfort Shoes and Kid Romeot, at $2.00. Fdrmer prices
$2.50 to $4.00. Several hundred pairs of common sense toes,
light soles, lace snoes and kid Eomeos with elastic sides, plain and
patent trimmed vamps, all sizes in this lot; a pair .'$2.00
Children's $2.25 and $2.50 Shoes at $1.75
Patent Kid, Black Kid and Black Calf; Button styles, sizes up to 6,
a pair .$1.75
Girls' and Children's $1.25 and $1.50 Romeos at 98c
Red felt with black fur trimming, leather soles, sizes up to 2, a
pair '. 98c
Main Floor Rear
Saturday Hosiery Offerings
. From the Most Complete Stocks
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery in fancy sport stripes and plaids,
double soles, neels and toes, a pair, at $2.00 and $2.50
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, lisle hem tops, double soles, heels
and toes, in black, white and some colors, a pair .$1.00
Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery, lisle tops, double poles, re
inforced heels and toes, in black, white and colors, a pair....75d
Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, lisle tops, double soles, heels and toes,
in black,. white and colors, a pair '.65
Boys' and Girls' Heavy and Light Weight Cotton Hosiery, in black
only a pair 25
Main Floor
f yj 1 Bargains
I Misses' and Small Women's Dresses i
XI have readjusted
stock to make this group
include some of the
I most interesting moder-
ate-priced dresses of
the season. Dresses of
wool and Silk, with a
fine showing of Serges
I in blues, blacks and
I grays.
Second Floor.
SOME combinations
of Wool Serges and
Satins and Silk Dresses
with Georgette sleeves 1
and satin collars. YOU S
a -price which is very
low c o n s i dering the
wholesale market quo-
tations for fabrics.
Second Floor
Drugs and Toilet Needs
At Very Special Prices Saturday
IF YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE of this sale, you will
be obtaining those things , which you need, and at the
same time making a substantial saving. In all proba
bility not many months from now it will be an impossi
bility to quote anything like the low prices we offer you
now. . .
Hay's Hair Health, 50c sire 29
Madame IsabeU's Exquisite Face Powder, 60c size.. . .25
D jer Kiss Face Powder, special, at .............. . .48
Madame IsabeU's Vanishing Cream, 25c size. 16&
Nature's Remedy Tablets, $1.00 size. . ., .59tf
Squibb's Paraffin Oil, $1.00 size, at.... ....79
Epsom Salts, 1-lb. package, at. ...... ; ............. .8
Rubber Sheeting-, a yard wide, special, at. . .39
Graves' Tooth Powder, 50c size, at ............ .' .... 33
Hospital Cotton, 1-lb. roll, special at ..40d
Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, regular $1.00 size, at. 69
Rubber Gloves, regular 55c value . . . ...29tV .
Sloan's Liniment, 25c size, at . 16d
"Tit" for sore feet, 25c size, at .181
"Gets-It" Corn Cure, 25c size, at ........... .....18
Lusterit Nail Enamel, 25c size, at .16
Madame IsabeU's Toilet Water, $1.00 size, at 69 '
Simplex Nail White, 25c size. , .161
Thermos Lunch Kit's, regular $2.75, special at.... $2.39
4711 White Ro.e Glycerine Soap, Bpecial at. ...... . .16f)
, Main Floor, Rear
Silk and Wool Skirts at $5.95
Values in This Lot Up to $13.50
and Wool Skirts, and for quick dispersal we have
. set a new low price on them for Saturday.
'A very fine lot of Serges, in blues, grays -and
blacks, also Satins, in beautiful plaids and Silks in
charming solid colors.
These are shirred, belted, pocketed and button trimmed.
Worth up to $13.50) special at $5.95
Second Floor
Here's an Opportunity to ObtainFilrs
At Prices Which Are Very Low
THE COLD WEATHER that has prevailed for many days now brisked up our
fur business in great shape and so we find ourselves with some odd Scarfs and a
few odd Muffs, which we desire to clear away before the season ends. At the prices
we have put upon them, they are such excellent values that they should sell in a jiffy.
Fur Scarfs
At $25.00
Black Isabelle and Taupe,
value to $42.50
Kolinsky, value to $35.00
Blended and Natural
Squirrel, value to $39.00
Fur Scarfs
At $18.50
Isabelle Fox, value
to ..-.,..$35.00
Blue. Wolf, value
to $29.00
Blue Lynx, value
to $25.00
Muskrat, value
to ...$29.00
Black Fox, value
to . $29.00
Pointed Fox, value
to ........ r..... $30.00
. Muffs
$35.00 Beaver Muffs,
at' $18.50
$25.00 Hudson Seal
Muffs, at .... $18.50
Fur Coats Beautiful Garments
33 1-3 Per Cent Underpriced
Also Specially Interesting Prices on Children's Furs.
Second Floor C
For This January
WE HAVE Just "received a very
charming lot of Graduation Dresses
made of white Organdie and Voiles,
trimmed with dainty laces and em
broideries and with beautiful rib
bon sashes. 'The very latest styles.
At $5.95 to $15.00
Girls' Silk Dresses
Also very appropriate for graduation and
dress wear, j Made of Taffetas, Messal- .
ines, Pretty Plaids, combination stripes
and some with Georgette sleeves, also the
stylish bustle effects. All dainty, color
ings,' At $15.00 to $25.00
Girls' Tub Dresses
Pretty plaids and . stripes and solid color, in combination
Gingham and Chambray. High waist effects, large collars and cuffs.
Embroidery on belts, collars and cuffs. About fifty styles in the lot.'
At $1.95 to $8.95
Second Floor
January Clearance Sale
Odd sizes in a good assortment
of models.
Materials used in this lot of cor
sets are Coutils and fancy Broches.
We advise an early selection so
that you may obtain just the model
you have been wearing. Look at the"
values and selling prices.
This lot includes Corsets - worth
$3.50 to $5.00. All $9 00
marked to close, at .... vy v
Gossard Front Lace Corset, in all popular sizes dJO CA
.up to 25, regular $5.00 values, at . . . . . ,
Bando Brassieres, $1.00 values, 75c
Third Floor
Buy Another War Savings Stamp
Help Omaha's Big Drive (Over the Top"
:S Jl C
1 "A PM fin
That Have Been Selling at 95c and More
WE MAKE A SPECIAL SATURDAY offering of good, warm
Gloves for children. ' Lined Kid Gloves, Gauntlets or Mittens. All
sizes for children from 2 to 14 yets of age.
Milton, Glove and Gauntlett, good quality, all lined with fine warm'
fleece special, a pair .. .79 I
Main Floor
Camisole Ribbons 49c and 69c
Wonderful value in ribbons for camisoles, Saturday.
8 and 9-inch dark and light colors, special, a yard. : .69c
6 and 7-inch Roman S tripe t and Persian Effects, special a yasd. .49c
t- ., Main Floor , -