o ' . THE BEE: OMAHA, ' JANUARY - 1918. Want Ad Rates 'b'i "(Count Six Words to'the Line.) 1.0 Ad Taken for I.cs Than Two Lin local. v.; CASH WITH ORDEB to per line 1 time To. per line.. I or more consecutive insertion CHARGE . fa per line 1 time So per line.. or more eoneecutlve lneertione per line SO consecutive Insertion SITCATIONS WANTED Sie per line...... v. Pr week ": CARDS OF THANKS AS FUNERAL NOTICES too per line .....each Ineertloa (Minimum charge SO cents.) Oot-of-Tewo Bate Cash With Order (Coant Six Word to tint) Financial - f Uo per lino X time A, t ' Wanted P " Business Chance I consecutlv lneertione $o per Una 1 time Sc per Una I or mora All Other Classifications consecutive Insertion USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con venlently bring or eend In jour -want ads. Ask for Want Ad Taker and yon will recti v the same good service a when delivering your want ad at this office. mONE TILER 1000 ' WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS ....1...... 12:09 M. MORNING EDITIONS ........ 10:00 P. M. Centre rt Rate on Application. . MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALUAMBRA. 1 24TH AND PARKER. RUTH STONE, IN "THE PHANTOM HUSBAND." GRAND, SIXTEENTH AND B1NNEY. . BILLIE BURKE, IN "ARMS AND THE GIRL." South. APOLLO,- . 28TH AND LEAVENWORTH. "BABBLING TONGUES" AND GOOD COMEDY, ROHLFF. . 26T11 AND LEAVENWORTH. ,'. ANN PENNINGTON, IN "ANTICS OF ANN." West. DUNDEE, 518T AND UNDERWOOD. , - RAY STEWART, IN "ONE SHOT ROSS." DEATHS &v FUNERAL NOTICES. RHIENHAIIT William, awed 2s years, died at the Great Lakes training station. Funeral from the reeldenco of bis par ante, Peter Rhlenhart 440 Commercial , Ave., Wednesday mornlflt to the Holy '.Angels church at I o'clock. Interment at 'Holv Senulcher cemetery. ' SCHWARTZ Alice Carry, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. R. Plnkerton, 100 Park Ave., Monday at I a. m., g-44 year.' ' , Funeral services Tuesday, 0 p. m. at .Latter Day Saints' church, 24th and Ohio, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Francesco , and Sluseppa Muaclo, Til Pacific street, girl; Richard and Em ma Jensen, Irvlngton, girl; Carmela and Maria Girarlno, 1120 North Sevontheenth - street, boy; Qulsepp and Domenlc Cala mi; 1142 North Seventeenth street, boy; Outseppj-and Palms - Russo, 1110 South Sixth Street, boy; Salvator and Maria Aletta, 1111 South. Sixth street, girl; Be bastlano and Nanilata Panclullo, 1271 South Four ath street, boy; Salvator ami RoraJ ilorello, 3229 South Fifteenth street, boy; Antbon and Magdalene SSanlak, rural route ' I, boy; John and Helena Szapanto, 2170 Frederick street, boy; Matthew and Anna Fortlor, 1001 South Thirteenth street, girl; Harold and Katherln Moescfller, (414 South Thirty-sixth street, boy; Joseph - B. and Anna L. Ellas, 1014 Bsttwn street, girl; Jsm-- R. and Nellie Saunders, 2422 Ohio street, boy; Edward C. and Martha Karak, 1111 South Tenth street, girl;. Joseph A. nd Nora Qulnn, 1710 South Eleventh street, boy; John P. and Hannah Sullivan, 2201 Locust street, boy; Frank C, and Ctiarlott Dewey, 111 North Thirty-fifth tret, girl; Mildred R. and! Frances Stearns, 4001 Un derwood avenue, girl; W. L. and Ros Vtn ter, lilt Capitol avenue, girl I Louis? and Rosalie Kulawlk, 4411 ft South Thirty-second street, girl. Deaths Thomas Ragan, IS, hospital: Otta I Finch. 78, 2420 North Twenty-fourth street; Ed Sears, 31, hospital; Robert W, Wilkes, I months, $38 North Twenty-third street;'; Barbara, Stearns, . 1 day, Omaha; John Clotfelter, to. Fifteenth and Jackson trets; Adolph Klein, 00, Omaha; Chris ,'Xewgaard, 43, hospital; Iks Wilson, S4, hos. pits); Edna Pekla, 21, 1414 South Twentieth street; Stanley B. Maokey, 111, SOS South Twenty-sixth vtreet; Wllll&jn H. Stephens, 7(1. hospital; Charlton C Troxel!, 68. 1111 . X.nmet street; John O. Brandt, 11, Alamtto 'rm' I n in, mi linn , MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage , licenses have been Issued! , , Name and Residence. '. . Age. John J. Lyons, Macy, Nob. 2( Elsie Webatet Macy, Neb II Fred Peters, Red Oak, la.... Nora Johnson, Red Oak,-la 25 Otto D. Borner, Council Bluffs,' la 27 Amelia H. Schulti, Omaha.....,,,.,.,,. II Tillman Sawyer, Alnsworth. Neb,...,.,. 24 Bess E, Shater, Alnsworth, Nob,.....,.., 24 Edward W. Sayre, Omaha. I.. 40 Sarah F. Carki, Omaha IS Ambrose Porter. Omaha. II Christina Lafayette, Omaha IS , nr1-riv -"i f1!1 " 111 'u i ' iiiuu mi. . u BUILDING PERMITS. S.-COH.I Church of Christ, Scientist. 131-3 North Forty-first, brick basement for church, 26.000; II, A. Wolff company, 1421-3 Farnam, repairs and alterations. 220,000; Benson ft Carmtchael, 4330 Marcy, frame dweUing, l?,000. FJUNERAIDIJRECTORS. . '"STACK & FALQONER Independent rndertakers, 24 V Bar. D, SIT, K. L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Director, F. L, Fero, Mgr., and Cuming Sts. rnone i.ougias ((. auio ambulance. TiLLSK RllPEN, undertakers and m balmeni, 101 S. 18th, Douglas 1234. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and . -embalmer, 2624 Leavenworth. V. 1440, FLORISTS. LL1XO a member of the National Florists ;. Telegraph Delivery association, w are la i position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the Unit - tales 'or Canada. lies A Swoboda, Florists. IroiUcnelle .Florists, LEE L. LARMON 1314 Douglas St Dougta 8314. LARtiiilST assortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 8. 14. D. 2102 4 HE FKKNEHV, 601 8. ltlh St D. Wi. KOUKKS. Florist. 210 S. 16111. D. S400. BATH. National Florist, 1804 Farnam St, Av DONAGHUE, SS2 Harney. Doug. 1001. LOSTFOUND REWARDS " O.MXiiX A COUNC1L BUUFFS SXKtET h ; ... RAILWAT COMPANT. - i '.' Person' havina lost soma article would ? do welt to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs Street Railway company ,-to ascertain jwhother they left It in the treet car. -. ; ' .s -t I; Many article each day are turned m nd the company Is anxious to restore i,thm to the. rightful owner. LOST Black beaded hand bag, In or near r Ilrar.ii-ls storer contained pass case, with JTJ. K. T. Ry. pass, some money and f-bunch of four keys. Phono Dougla20at, ' nr return to eoa He Biag. XF VOL) lore anything snd will advertise 'it 1 here you win surely recover tt if louna .fby-an honest person. If you tlud any- ; j' thing of vsluehe honest way la to ad' if (tertls for the owner. JjOST Voung Airdalo dog, about 4- months old: answer to name of "Jerry"; ,wears irblack leather collar, brass-trimmed. Suit- tM ,A 14 Ba tain a. uST New Vork stale chauffeur's license and registration card. Please return to "Joseph, Glllon, lsll Dodge St,. Omaha, bUS'I on So. 10th car, about T:lt Sumly ,-f'5fng. Beaver muff. ' Reward. Call XTfler 1S2I. . ( . . .' i FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furn -ire and Household Goods. .S ' . vUR CHRISTMAS tiALB. j Mahogany candlesticks, electric lamps, 1 d unfolds, chairs and tables, chiffoniers, '.suitcases, tags and trunk, china closets. 'rugs. .-, THE LOT At, rUBNlTCRD CO.. ' Hi K. ISth.et. lougUill7T, FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE, RIK3S, STOVES, ETC Our Surplus Stock. MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest home furnishings that money can buy. W make a specialty of complete horn outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad far free to all out-of-town buyers within 10 miles of Omaha on purchases of $3v.or more. . STATE FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. "Ton Can B- It for Less at t.-e State," v BARGAIN8.IX STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, china snd kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum. 1839-1147 N. 24th St. Webster 107. Open till- p. ra. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer snd winter sides; cost less anl last longer than cotton or hair beds. Phono us for sample. 1007 Cuming. Douglas 24(7. - FOR SALE Pool- table, piano, roller top desk, alar a lot of tables, chairs, ate. U. Rothhols, 4111 So. 24th, street, Phoa 8o. 287. . RUSH right down nd get ypu share of all kind of furniture at sacrifice. 40N. 14th. FOR SALE Cpmplete set of furniture for 6 rooms: also Vlctrola. Call Doug. 7104. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, aell needles sad parts of all sewing machines. 7 MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' 15th and Harmty fit. Doug. IMS. Store and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. We buy. sell and make desks, safes, showcases, shelving etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phone. D. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Bent anywhere Rental supplies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company, Nineteenth and Douglas Street. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented snd repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 months for $6. Central Typewriter Exchange, IPOS Farnam. Guaranteed typewriter, 110 and up. Writ for llt. Midland Typ. Co., 1404 Dodge. Clothing and Furs. BEAUTIFUL suit, just like new, all wool ergs, with black pin stripe, sis 14. Com and see. Webster' 2471. i ' Miscellaneous. TWO largs slxed hot air furnaces; S es- tlon of Ideal steam boiler; never used; repairs and section for International Car ton O boiler. Bos 711, Omaha Be. FOI SALES New No, 4 multlgraph with complete l-ro!Ier Inking attachment, up pile of all kind: ohang In business; sell cheap. bo 16, Bcottsbiurr, no. CASH REdlSTER, stove, lunch counter; also table and chain, for sals cheap. D. 4111. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME Trade those article of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, eto.,1 that you hav no need of. Oet something you can use. Spealal rat for ads In Swappers' colomn 26o for 8-llne adv. S days and lo per answer for all Utter received. .' - Business ad regular rates 'ILMS developed, 10c a roll, one-day serv. Ice. ; Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk 16th and Harney. WILL exchange dental work for oriental rug or good 'Cabinet phonograph with records. Addreas Bo 435, Omaha Bee. LARQE store loo box to trad for type writer, or mil top desk. O. W. Ovee, 2301 Cuming, Phone Douglas 3104. FOR Sal On smalt screw cutting lathe, ultabl for electrical or experimental work. Address T14, Be. . TWO fin oil painting for Edison hornless phonograph or vlctrola, xoio Avenue a, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED TO BUY JENKINS SqFo jar deal , guarantees For your used suits, o'coats, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks, or suit cases, I will call and pay best prices. Doug. 3S36; Res. Doug. 1033. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks.used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. a. Reed, 1307 Farnam. V. S144. DIAMONDS i carat aed upwards, bought from tesponslbl parlies. Albert, Edboira Jewelry. . '" WANTED TO BUT Small roll top sanitary desk. 714 N. 30th St. BOOK S moughtl Kleser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS PLUMBING Repair work; bursted water ft . H I. .. .... 1.. wnrV m.,Mfl WaK SSA9 GRADUATE French, teacher, private les sons. Tyler204! Accordeon and Pleating. ACCORD EON, side, knife, sunburst, . box pleating, covered - buttons, an sisesiana styles; hemstitching, ploot sdglng, leys let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200-201 Brown Bldg. Bouglas 1134. VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 334-7 Pax ton Blk. Douglas 31V. Brass and Iron Foundries, I'axton-Mltchelt Co., 2?th and Martha Sts. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute electrlo and plain baths; massage of all Rinds; expert at tendants. 1(04 Harney. Douglas 7007, MASSEUSE baths, manicuring), physical cult Miss Walker. 224 Neville Blk. - - Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul, every thing for you. Packages l6ss than 20 lbs., IK cents. Doug. 74S1, THEONLY WAYuS!'d.. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. i Carpenters and Contractors. LESHARD s SON. 3021 Cuming. Ty. H31. Chiropractors. 1 Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Raird Bldg. D. 1461, Chiropodist. - 7 Carrie J. Buford, 420 Faxton Blk. R. 4417. Church Notices, MOUNT HCPB SPIRITUAL CHURCH, 2311 o. istn, jtev. una i. ttmttn, pastor, serv Ice Hunllay and Tuesday evening at I Private consultation dally, Tyler 3344. """Dancing Academy. De Luxe 2 Popular Ballroom Dances Class Monday Eve. Ill 8, IHth. Phone Walnut 1037. LEARN to dance In 13 lessons. Rate, 14.00. Keep Dancing Academy. Douglas 7350, , riralnairei fnnrarrrir ,( TRACTOR drainage and trench work of all kind, we are equipped to handle your drainage work .at low cost, quick aervlce, and courteous - treatment. Lewis Bros., Drainage Contractors, Fremont, Neb. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 300 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phono Tyter 2410. JAMES--AXLAN, 313 Neville Elk Evident: secured in all cases. Tyler Ills. S.-P. JOLLY, 413 Paxton. Red 1186. Dressmaking. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work by the nay. Herney 46K. Dressmaking, Mine Sturdy, Douglas 4336. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam. ' Dentists. . Dr. Bradbury. No paTn. Sal W. 6. W. Bldgl DR. TEFFT, the well known Omaha "den tlst, baa moved to 40S Brandcls Bldg. ' " ' Taffa Dent. Rme., 301 Rose Bldg. D. 2184. Fixtures and Wiring. nTTRlTM Eloctrlo washing machine. ayUAVAYAlU alectrlo Iron and reading lamps. -ISIS Cuming St ' Dong. 251 S. - Harness and Leather Goods, HARNESS. SDDLES AND TRUNKS, t W make them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Wrf pay two profits for In ferior goods, when yon can get high grade .good at first coat 7 ALFRED CORNISH e uu., jsjv varnam St., umana, P. en. Historical Costumes. The largest stock of theatrical and masque rade costumes In ths country for rent or eaie. Tneo, neoen t Soa, 1S14 Howard. Household Specialties. C. F. ADAMS,"e:2 S.Tl6th. D. 2007. UndSf new management W want to aoo'old friends and meet new. Open Sat evening. Tour credit Is fod. Agente wanted.- S Insurance.- NATION !. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO, 013-14 City Nat. Mk. Bldg. -Coug. 341. INSURANCE Fire, tornado, automobilo. C A, GrliumeU 142 Omaha National Bank. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jewelry. DIAMONDS J8S CI at small prdflt GROSS, 403 H. 14th Bt LARSEN JEWELRY STORE, 204H N. 16th Bt PISon Red 1637. Lowest cash price. Lumber and Building Material. 6AVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2184. Masseurs. MISS BARTLETT7 masseuse at the Central Bath Institute, 1504 Harney. Dong. 7007. MISS HALRAN. 223 Neville Blk. Oxy-Acetylcne Welding. Expert Welding of All Metal. H. W. LEVERING, 30 S. 12th St. D. 3B7S. Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonsllltls la grippe, pneumonia, disease of women, young rworaen coffering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son. 414 Brandtis Bldg. . Res. phon. H. 4741; office. T. 3440. i Mr. J. R. Mustek, sulphur, steam and euco- lyptu b4tb,s. 02-3 Security Bldg, Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER, CHA8. H., 1103 Harney. Doug. 4010. Expert tuning and repairing. Piano rebuilt and reflntshed. Estimate free. V. R. Dalbey, piano tuner-Dougls287. Pianos for Rent. 23.40 per mo. A. Hoepe Co.. 1412 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 424 B. 13th St Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, boufcht and sold. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., '183 Brandels Bldy. Douglas 64S1. STUROES STURGES, U. 0. and foreign patents and trademarks. 830 Bee Bldg. Removal. Dr. F. W. Boland, phy., sur., 414 Bee Bldg. . Safes, v Q A LTCJ BAKUA1NS, 1212 Farnam. OrirCiO j, j. Derlght flafe.Co, Tailors. Dledrlck, P. U, 214 H. 20th. TallorT D. 2422. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 307 fl. 11th. D. 428. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP CO., ITU Vlntou street. Plumbing anl heating; general repair work our specialty. Oil burner experts. Tyler HIS, Trusses; ' "CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. Th W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney Bt Voice Cuiture. " Albert Haberstro Basso cantante, teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Btu dlo, 433, Securltte Bldg. Tyler 2447-J, Wedding Stationery. T" WEDDING announcement and printing. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 414. AUTOMOBILES SOME REAL BARGAINS. 1417 Ford Sedan, nearly new, A. B. C. tarter. 1 1117 Ford Roadster, used 10 day. . 1417 Ford Touring, Al shape. 1414 Ford Coupe, f 1117 Maxwell, brand new. , 1217 Maxwell, used two week. All the above cars are guaranteed to be tn Al condition and may be sold on easy terms If desired. . MEEKS AUTO CO., Omaha Oarage, 20th and Harney. Ty. 415. USED CAR BARGAINS. , Largs assortment to aelect from, All 1st model, from 1140 op, M. C. MEEKS, -Omaha Oarage, 20th Harney. , Tyler 4S4. Douglas 1101 ALL kind of car for hire, with or with, out driver, by th mil or by th hour. Fords, lOo per mile, Douglas 7300. N- wrwwa per vice uarage. QUALITY USED CARS. Btudebaker-Wllaon, Inc. W hav the beat bargains. Be u at once. Harney 871. Farnam and 24th Ave. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH 100 USED . CARS! Olltiik r,tfnn. nn IaIbw A.. a tn chang' Co., 2107 Farnam Bt. Doug. 4035, GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING - CO., all kind of tiro repairing and work guaranteed. Douglas 7462. 1104 Douglas 5t STANDARD MOTOtl CO. . Used car and -truck at bargain prices, 2020 Farnam St. Carl Changtrom. ' BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. , .McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. 3408. A FEW 1814 Ford touring cars. On user 1317 Ford touring. 4001 S, 34th St So. 4360. OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. bargains in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. .Harney 414. BATTERIES CHARGED AND ItEPAIREpT Ever ready Battery Station, 1J00 Farnam. 1100 reward for auto or tractor magneto we can't repair. Baysdorfer, 210 N, 18th. WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS Ten Blnkly, Doug. 1440, 2811 Harney Bt Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT TOUR AUTO. WM. FFEIFFER AUTO CAR RIAGE WK& 2525 Leavenworth. Ty. 701. T Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 10 a mil, S5a per hour, minimum chart. (Except Sunday and holidays. FORD LIVERY CO., . Deugla 3613. 1314 Howard Ru Tires and Supplies. Boylan Auto Radiator Co. . Repair a Specialty. Out-of-town work given prompt- attention. Guaranteed Tire at H Price. Without Any Old Tire. 20x3 ...37.70. 83X8H., .310.05 24x4.. .$13.00 20x3 ... 18.44 85x4H.. .115.30 33x4. ..113.25 Special Discount to Dealer. , Auto Part H Prlc. Second-Hand Tire and Tubes. 7 ; Agent Wanted. BOYLAN TIRET & RADIATOR CO. Phon D, 3914. 1514-14-11 Davenport St TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2 In 1 lire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 1103H Jackson. Agts. wanted. Omaha. Neh. 'B1LT-NU" tires, guaranteed 3,600 mile, av money. Vulcanising and retreading. Auto and radiator repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AND AUTO WCRK9, 1813-31 Cuming St. Tyler 17. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL 6IZE3. New 30x3 Firestone, 27.30; Ford lube, 3X. New 80x5 4 Non Skid Firestone, $13.00 KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. WJl CUMINO. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON TOUR TIRES. 0 G. Tire and Vulcanising Co.. 241$ Leavenworth. Tyler 1361-W, BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tire and eliminate your ttr troubles, roweil Sup ply Co., 3051 Farnam St Starters and Generators Repaired. W repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six months. -OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO 2212 Harney St. Tyler 3844. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. , Anything electrical aboVjt your auto. 21S 8. ltlh St. ' Douglaa 6481. . Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 207 for auto repairing. , DELAY at BEAU W. Farnam Garage, 3621 r arnam. jnow open, uivo n a in si.. EDWARDS, IS. S., 2414 N. 19th St Web ster 1103. For best results with repair work consult as. RADIATOR repair work, all work guaran teed. Trawver Anto Co., 1910 Farnam St Motorcycle and jSicydo HARLEY- DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor 11. Rous, Th Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav- SSKSSBBBBBCdiaBBanSSCSeEaBSSSaaBSSBSSIMSHM BUSINESS CHANCES PARTY who will listen to my proposition ' can", get rich fluick by Improving and selling cheap lands by use of one or .. many different machine Invented by mo. ' These' cheap lands can be-mad . worth double, th prlc now paid for them. In some oases 30 times th prlc now paid. ' I watot to deal with an honest man with a vision to see and do things: no groat mount of money Is needed. It1 pay- t lng proposition from th start Call ' Tuesday or Wed. at 2020 Harney. Bt or writ Albert C Borllngame. LOTS of power at small coat; aimplo con tructed wind motor bo been Invented: wilt numn srreat amount of water and operate machine; wanted, party to pat- ant. manuractur na msr m, tn take nart Interest In patent. xt vou hav 3300 or more to lnvet-e what I have to, offer. Albert C Bur- llngara. 2010 Harney Sfv BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Half Interest or all if preferred. In on of th best eaulpDed billiard rooms ! in city. 12 new Brunswick tables, 2-chair barber shop: doing good business. Call or aVdrea A. Bwacmon, 204V South 14th St FOR SALE Two-chair ahop. Two pool ta ble, 4 showcases, big stock of cigar and tobacco. Cheap rent; good business. Inquire L. H. Douglass, Verona, Neb. MILLINERY stock and fixtures for sat ' in a good .prosperous town. Terms reason able. Must sell at one to work for gov ernment. For particular writ to Box T 142, Omaha Bee. CALLED for aervlce and will sell st a bar gain, hotel and furnltur in good county (seat town in Iowa, Address Box T 240, Omaha Bee. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co..201 Nat'l Bldg. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), theater eupplied. Omaha Film Ex change. 108 8. 14th St" OWNER leaving city, must sell good paying soft drink parlor at a lacrtflc. 714 N. 14th St - TO GET Is or out" of business call on OANGESTAD, 248 Be Bldg. Doug. 3477. FOR SALE Small millinery stock, fixtures, Rea. p.lce. Buckley Sisters, Lyons. Neb. BUSINESSES furnished and sold. All state F. V. Knleet. Bee Bldg., Omaha, .-ven. FOR SALE Complete carpet and rug weav- Ing outfit. Box 123 Albion. Neb. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1121 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 8285. Rooming Houses. ATTENTION HOTEL MEN ITer J your opportunity; you will buy If It you see It Hotel and short order house, well located, clearing over 3300 a month, will pay for Itself tn less than a year. Martin Investment Co., 683 Bran dels Bldg. - i ROOMING house of 8 rma close In; full; cheap for cash, leaving city. Ty. 8036. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most scUntlflo treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 5Tl-t?4 Rose Bldg. Ex amination tnd consultation free. H 1 curing thousand. WHY NOT TOUT Delays are dangerous. If yea can't call, writ. Hour: I a. m. to t p. tn.; 7:30 to 1:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment RUPTURE successfully treat d without surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. wray, 106 Bee Bldg. &5CYOEN Sample treatment free to the afflicted. 118 B. 26th. Tel. Harney 6477. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licit your old elotblng, furniture, maga- - sine, W collect V dlatribut. Phono Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge SL OMAHA bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub , baths, massages of all kinds. 228Cv'v111 Blk. Doug. 73,81. 16th and Hsrnsy Bt. REWARD for th return and Information concerning the whereabout of Jo Bar- nado, who left thl city S or T month ago.- Chicago paper pleaas copy. Ad dress Box 3160, Omaha Bee. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. 1088. 702 B. 24th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam bath and massag. 870 Bran. The. Bldg. P ibb Manicuring nB mass.. 1633 Farnam, R In. MINNIE NAGLE at LaBalle Bath Institute, 1506 Har'rey. Dotaglas 7046. LUELLA WEBSTER, maesag and inanl- curing 612 Psxton Blk. Red 2400 MAE BRUGMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and baths. 20S Ksrbaeh Blk. Red 2727. 5 TH and masssg. 1802 Farnam 6U room 2. Phon Drtgla 1741. VAPOR and tub bathe. Massages of all kinds. Rm. , 1604 Harney. Doug, 7044. IMMANUEL private maternity home. Bed car. 2506 Bristol. Webster 208. PRIVATE licensed Vnaternlty hom 4414 N 88th St. Phon Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Be Bldg. Phone Foug!as 6373. ELECTRICAL household appliance r paired and for sale. Phone Walnut 468. E. Br6tT, mas8age,7n3 S. 18th. D. 4626. MISS WEST, manicure, massag. 310 N. I7tb. SITUATION WANTED Male. YOUNG man, 21, desiroua of entorlng med ical school, wishes evening employment: ha two yearn' bookkeeping experience. Phone Harney 4488. A MARRIED man wishes a place to work on farm, or to rent a good farm OB fhare. 644 B. 26th Ave.-Harney 2810. FIRST CLASS AUTO "MECHANIC. WEB. 2475. COLORED boy want Job -on farm.. Write Roy White, Box 84, PapHHon, Neb. " Ashes and cinder hauling. L. Dotson. R. "233. Female. PLAIN , and fancy clothes carefully laundered , Called for and- delivered. Web. 4282. 1 SITUATION wanted as nurse to care tor ln valld or children In your horn. Call Har ny 2606.' SITUATION wanted as nuree to care for In , valid or children In your home. Harney 2506. ' COLORED woman want day work. Call after 6 p. tn. Webster 1494. DAY work "wanted by colored girl cooking or cleaning, web. 3293. BUN. WASH. rea. whit woman. D. 7700. COLORED woman wants day work. Web. 020 COLORED woman wants day work W. 1760. COMP. lady steno. wlxhea position. Col. 410. DAY or chamber maid work. Web. 1867. Laundry and Day Work COOKING- oy cleaning by colored gtrU Web. sum FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref. Call V. 8712. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 2633. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6972. EX-COL. ladya wants risy work. Web. 6326. BUNDLE washing wapted. Walnut 2260. Colored woman wanta day work. Web. 698. FIRST class day work. Webster 2713. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1814. WANTED Day work. Webster 4689. ' LADY wants day work. Tyler 156S. HELP WANTED MALE" Stores and Offices. STENO. ....$80-340 STENO. AND CLERIC $00 BOOKKEEPER . $90 THE CANO AGENCY, $00, BEE BLDG, WANTED Bright young man for cigar department Apply General Ofnce Sher man & McCcnnell -Drug Co., 2nd .floor, 14th A Farnam. OMAHA , government clerk examination coming. 4100 month; tnonaanaa wantea; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 236 L., Rochester. N. T. BOOKKEEPER, $130, $100, $90. $86, $76, Office Clerks. ISO. 875. 365. Jt. 4e. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bank. TYPIST, 4S5 (good future); bookkeeper, $9j0; stock clerk, $40. Co-Operatlve Reference Company. 1015-16 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. AK'TKIl Kinerleneed all around book- keeper,' good alry; wholesale house. Write Omaha Bee, Box 667T. BOOKKEEPER, $100-$1!E. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. 73S First National Bank Building, y BOOKKEEPER, large Implement house, $86. TUB MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator. Call room 60S. TJ. P. Headquarter Professions and Trades. .; . . .WANTEL V- LABORERS! WAGES. 6C PER HOUR. ' . . APPLY i-V WITHERSPOOV ENGLER CO.. CH1CAOO N.. W. ELEVATOR CO., . COUNCIL, .BLUFFS, IA.. - ' V- ''" ' " . WANTED". V - - ; . ' ', ; V. . CARPENTERS , . WAGES 40C PER HOUR. APPLY ' -' . WITHERSPOON ENGLER CO CHICAGO at .N W. ELEVATOR CO, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. , LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writ Barber College, 1124 Douglas St HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use a limited number of fnea between -21,and40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND Y MOTORMEN. : Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and cfjme well recommended. , Applyin person at of fices of superintendent of , transportation, Room 205, second floor, Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL B STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Janitor for achool building; must be capable of firing boilers; good wages for competent msji. Addresa Box no. j, Bcnuyier, kp. LINEMEN wanted at once for new con struction work; 45 cents per hour; 10-hour day. Apply Nebraska Electrlo Co., Crelghton, Neb. WANTED Plumber's helper, boy who has .had some experience. H. Fred Fischer, 1318 William street. WANTED Registered druggist. Reference required. v ' Harley Drug company, 1101 O St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A fireman to take care of an apartment boiler. Call between 7 and 8 p. m. Douglas 6013. WANTED Practical broom makt-r! OMAHA BROOM FACTORY, 1344 South 20th St. Salesmen and Solicitors. AN OLD. reliable company needs a sales man who can produce results. Tour in come will depend upon your ability, prob ably not less than 14,000 per year. Box - 699; Omaha Bee. . WANTED Two neat younn men; roust be able to meet the . ''bile. We teach you salesmanship. Call before 10 a. m., also after 2 p. Xp.; ask for sales manager, 311 Balrd Bldg. Agents and Canvassers. AN AGENCY with, the Northwestern Na tional Life means a good Income. We have a few openings In Nebraska and western Iowa. 700 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. Trade Swhools. BOTH men and women to learn th barber trad. Special rate. Call or writ. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAR.3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn In six weeks, no book; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb, AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE ' 2064 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED 50 LABORERS AT c FORT OMAHA. Wage S6 per hour;, double pay Sundays; I hour' work. . . E. A. WICKHAM, u U. S. GOVERNMENT CON-, v TRACTOR. J WIN A BRAND NEW REMINGTON . . TYPEWRITER Semi-annual accuracy contest, neio at . - - REMINGTON OFFICE, Ith and Douglas7 street, January 17th. Phone Douglas 1284. MEN WANTED High class, college trained preferred. Competent to develop ability to organize and train subscription book salesmen. Must be men of character and lorce seeking advancement with old well established firm. Glv reference, quail flcawons and phon number for personal Interview. W. A. Pottlnger, 2301 Pratrle, Ohlcago, ATTENTION, farmers If you want help w can supply you. Bluff City Employ- mem Bureau, gm w. Broadway, p 481. LABORERS, for inside tn the city; do office .ipe. Apply 333 8. 10th St , , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and general assistant wanted xor Wyoming bank (no hanking oxpertenco necessary); salary $1,000 per annum; town of 3,000; also similar posi tions open (but bank experience required) In town of 1,600, N. B. Nebraska, and tl ?. M t A A ft t.. the charles' b. Walters company, im f irst national bk. Bldg.. Omaha. STENOGRAPHER for small, fine uptown office. Don't apply unleea yon are neat, experienced and know how to meet client. $65 to start THE MARTl CO., 1817 W. O. W. Bldg. GENERAL Office clerk, omo experience, $66. - WESTERN? REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, 734 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and blller, $65; stenogra pher (uptown office), $60. Co-Operative Reference Company, 1015-16 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. GIRL for office work and watt on trade. Stat Dry Cleaning Works, 11$ and 120 North 13th Street. . - ' . STENOGRAPHERS, $80, $80, $76, $C5, $50. w Aii-a Kmr. w U3t First Nat. Bank. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator. Call room 603, tj. P. Headquarters. Professions and Trades. WANTED 16 GIRLS FOR PACKING AND LABELING. THIS IS PLEAS ANT KMPLOYlTENT; IN A CLEAN DAYLIGHT FACTORY. SKINNER 'XIFO. CO., 14th and Jackson, LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Household and Domestic. WHITE girl to assist with housework, three In family; small, new house; no washing; good wages. 104 So. 42d St. Harney 4590. WANTED Girl for general housework at detention home, $40 per month. Call at Health Office. Tyler 2646. WANTED. EXPERIENCED COOK Mrs. M. G. Colpetxer, 402 3. $3th St. Harney 44. COMPETENT whit girl for gen. housework; small family; good wages. Wal. 3636. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, good pay. Box 126, Tamora Neb. ' Miscellaneous. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Lady between - 21 and $0 years, not over S feet good looker, to travel with recognised vaude ville act; good alto or soprano singer; popular songs; good talker; act easy to learn; no wardrobe; 60-60 can make from $35 to $40 per week with this act; don't - take up . my Utile aa I want on who mean business. Address Castle hotel be tween the hours of 11 a. m., and 13 m., - and from 2. p. ra., to 3 p. ra. Room 414. O. Hlllyer, phon or call. ' - CHRISTIAN Protestant woman free to .travel; good education and personality necessary. Excellent Income. Perma nent - Stat age, reference, telephone. Ad dress W A. PotUnger, 2301 Prairie, Chi cago. ' ' 1 -" . '" EDUCATIONAL f BOYLES COLLEGE ; DAY SCHOOL. . NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day t ' nrotlment day. Book, beeping, ahorthand, aunotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog fre BOYLES COLLEGE. Doaglas 1664. - 16th and Harney St Van Sent Scbooi of Business. Day and Evening School. ICO Omaha National Bank Bldg. - Douglas 6834, - HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba.ber College want young men and ladle to learn th barber trad. Call r writ for free catalogue, 110 S. 14tb B(., vmana. tsmv. GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical work; men-women wanted; $90 per month: list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. $37 K, Rochester. N. Y. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! ' If yon fall to find th room you x desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of, vacant rooms In all parts of ths city. New lists Issued every week. MODERN furnished room at th Sunshine apartments, equipped for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. For men only. Low rat. Office. 408 N. 17th St FOR F. EXT A strictly modern furnished room; eVery, convenience; breakfast If rtestreA. 2202 Plnknev. Web. 4371. STRICTLY modern, warm front room, walk ing distance, call mornings or evenings. 2209 Davenport. - NICE large room, priiat family, two doors from 24th street car on, Plnkney atreet. Webster 1K49. STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk., also apts with kttchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. Housekeeping Rooms. MOD. furai. rma. at Sunshine apt, equipped light bskpg. iftrt and cold water tor men only. Office 608 N) 17th. l SiST ST. 8., 1302 Two lovely housekeeping rooms-f reasonable. Harney 6948. Board and Rooms. ' HOME for children; given personal mother's care. Rates $5 per week and up. Phone , Benson 30J J. i , Unfurnished Rooms. ONE nice large unfurnished or partly fur nished room with heat and light; prefer . C. S. or only those wlth flrBt-class ref erences. Close-in.' Call Doug. 2732. . Rooms Wanted. WANTED By young business man, room in - private family. Give full particulars. Box 784, Omaha Bee. . FOR RENT FURNISHED, Apartments. THE CHIODO New Fireproof Apartment- -" ' 26th Ave. and Marcy St. . -Apartments of four, five and sixNrooms. Four rooms have McdVnmodattons of five. . South and east exposures, delightful sun parlors, and all rooms or large, airy and well lghted. If a strictly high clas apartment One-half block to car. Twelve minutes' walk' to 16th and Farnam St. Must be seen to be appreciated. Rent from .owner. Office 204 Balrd Bldg. Phon Dougt 1422. 17th and Dougla sits. Houses. T SNAP 5-room modern cottage, completely XUrnisneu, new lumaiuro nu piaje, $32.50 a month. . Call S. 2314 after S p. ra. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FLAT, 2305 Leavenworth, 6 rms.; $20.00. 208 S. 41st, hot water plant; $26.00. JOHN N. FRENZElt wuulas one. 5-ROOM new bungalow, all modern, $25, 4031 Seward St. Phone Douglas 2802. North. FOR COIiORED. Good warm 6 -room cottage, clos In. 2117 Izard St, only'$15.00 per. month. J. B. ROBINSON, Realtor. t 442 Be Bldg. tr Doug. 8097. ' South. JL LEASED from owner, mod. res. at 1136 So. Slat, newlv nanered. 840 Per month. Han- seom park district Harney 1044. -r- Miscellaneous. $ ROOMS, 1110 Farnam St..., $17.60 6 rooms, 1110 N. 23d St.... 12.60 ' $ rooms, 3014 Mason St, modern... $0.00 10 rooms, 1029 S. 20th Ave., mod.. 26.00 .10 rooms, 2414Cass St.. modern.... 40.00 BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 74S. ! FOR RENT Houses, cottages, and apartments, PORTER at SHOTWELL, 203 B. 17th St - Doug. 1018. -Offices with Homo Builders. 604 a list, rms ....$30.00 ' 616 Park Are.. 7 rms $40.00 $011 Capitol Ave., 7 rms $15.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO Tyler 1538. - 333 Securities Bldg. HOUSES In all part of th city. CREIOH. SONS CO.. 508 Be Bldg. PAY your r nt only to Shopen & Co. Realtor. Doug. 423S. R. a TRUMBULL, .10$ 1st Nat Bk. Bldg a 1734. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MOVE TO THE HAMILTON Fireproof, right down-town; plenty of beat; on to six room; reasonable. D. 1472. - North. ) FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Beautiful qak-flnlshed bungalow In Mlnne Lusa addition, all furnished, $40 per month. References required. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., Doug. 8140. NEW 4-room modern apartment in Maple court; 18-Maple; winter. $32.40. D. 2802. Miscellaneous. 6-R., CLOSE-IN, modern except furnace, electric lights, gas heater, walking dis tance, no car fare, brick bldg.,4i07 N. 21st $21.60. - , V HASTINGS ft HETDEN, 1614 Harney St 2523 DAVENPORT ST., 4 rms., hot water heat, $17.00. E. It. Benner Co., D. 8406. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, " Specialists In Apartment Management FOR RENT Business, PrVty Stores. FOR RENT Building Wholesale District s. American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co. Bldg., i nortbweat corner- 12th and Harney Sts., about 24,000 square feet , (jEORGE & COMPANY, , (REALTORS) ' v . " ' ' . . ' SOS City National Bank Bldg. MODERN store room with basement 60" H N. 16th Bt, $40. Nebraska & Wyoming Investment Co., 822 . Brandels Theater ' Bids. Douglas 1671. V H "A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist fn downtown business property. MODERN store and basement; 624 S. 16th St; $70 Nebraska and Wyoming Invest ment Co., 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. f Douglas 1671. - YOUNG & DOHERTY,, ,v . city neai restate. Doyglas l?l. . 88$ Brandels Theater. STORE room. Sun Theater Bldg. World Realty, Realtors. D. 624if. Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG- . FIRST , TRUST CO., Agts. Tyler 500. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE WANT more bouses and apartment to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of ths efficiency of our rental service. If . If yon want to keep your plao rented see . Payn A Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men 614 Onjaha Natl Bank Bldg. Doug 1014. LIST your home with us for rent The demand is good and w ihav waiting Ilt - J. H. DUMONT CO, (Realtors. 41$ Keelln Bldg. Phon D. 6)0 MOVING AND STORAGE -. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, ' Packing, storage and moving. . 314 N 11th 8t Phon Doug la 344. FIPELITY Vervicb FREE Phon Douglaa 348 for complete , list oi, vacant house and apart cjtnts. Also for storage, moving. - 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND - . STORAGE .CO. Expert, services; prompt attention. Tonr ? moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furnltur Store. 17th and Howard. - Tel. Doug. 7735. MOVING AND STORAGE 6eparate locked room for househoio good and pianos; moving, packing and '"oMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., . 8(1 S. 16th. Dougla 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For leal service m w,, v toring call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. fi DVWTi Express Co., Moving , j. SXEjCjLI packing ai.d ' Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 3718. Doug. 14. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ONLY son entered service U. 8.; homo broken up. house for sale, S-room mod ern throughout, bargain. Owner, Colfax 2679. ' North. BEMIS PARK Your Own Terms, $2,750 4-room cottage located In center of thl high-grade district, surrounded by beau tiful hqmes. Owner leaving city. Will sell on easy terms or rent to good party. Possession January 1. ' GLOVER & SPAIN, ' REALTORS) - Douslas 3912. 919-20 City National. 1200 CASH, , BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. Six rooms, all on one floor, stairway to ( floored attic, oak finish In living room, frame and stucco exterior, east front lot, 'located high and sightly, all modern, Just oge block west of Foritenelle Blvd. 2122 North 47th Ave. Price $3,800: $200 oowsk balance llke-t. C G. CARLBERCI. 310-312 Brandels Theater BMg. AFTER looking at MIN'NE LUSA 300 dif ferent Ibuyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. 1 IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying, CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 'Tyler 187. MINNE LUSA BARGAIN. SACRIFICE SALE. - " Seven-room semlbungalow, oak finish and strictly modern In every detail, ois block to car. Price for Immediate s&lst $3,200. i a OSBORNE REALTY CO., ?01 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 6-ROOM. - trietly modern, large lot full basement paving all paid; nicely deco rated. A big bargain at the price, $2,950. Located 2331 Ames Ave. Terms. : , NORRIS & NORRIS. v 404 Be Building. Phon Dougla 427. 6-R. cottage, lot 63x122, garage, 22d and Miami, only $2,200. W. H. GATES, " - - 647 Omaha National Bank B14V Douglas 1294. NEW, Modern 4-room house; paved tref ; Harney car line. All oak. Will Mil $261 down ' Call D. 8628 day or Wal 677 NO cash required; will sell all modern, oak finished bungalow tor $30 per month straight Price $2,750. Douglas 3140, Miscellaneous. BUY A BARGAIN NEARLY NEW HOME . Dandy two-story five-room, ' strictly modern home; oak finish, bookcase., extra closets Full basement.. Choice v' east, front lot. Only one-half Block to car two blocks to school. A snap for $3,500. Terms. Owner has left city. Im mediate possession. ObBORNB REALTY CO., ' 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. .Tyler 4$. LET me show you my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion A 'real bargain at $3,850. -Reasonable terms.' Call Owner, Dougla 1722. XIUU&CS Creigh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, Real Estate and Insurance. -133$ Farnam St 1 Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE To Exchange ' 20 ACRES IN CALIFORNIA Located ln th San Joaquin valley, be tween Lo Angeles and San Francisco, about S miles frajsr Waseo; good alfalfa land, where yon can grow most anything. Will trade tor Omaha property. Prlc $150 per acre. E. T. Heyden, 1614 Har tley Bt Phon Tyler 60. Evening or Sunday. Walnut 262, FOR SALE OR TRADE. : 16$ acre, near south Missouri tin; I room house, good barn and other out buildings; 35 a. ln cultivation, S In al falfa; orchard; fin well - with gasoline . engine; Stock and machinery and farm at a aacrlflce. -- . . W. P. O'BRIEN. 410 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. For Exchange Farm, 197 ft a., Fremont County, Iowa, for wild land, central or eastern Nebr., or eastern South Dak. ' Geo. A. Dlssmorw, 6th and Locust, Xe Molne. la. ,Jmmmmm , REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. PARTY who listens to my proposition can get rich quick by Improving and lllnt cheap lands. By use of one or many dlf ferenf machine Invented by too the lands can be mad worth doubl th prlc now paid for them, ln om case 2 time the price now paid.' I want to 41 'with an honest man with a vision to e and do things, no great amount of money 1 needed. It' a paying propo sition from th start Call Tuesday or Wed. at 2030. Harney Bt. ALBERT C. BURLINOAMB. ' LAROE garden lot Dear car lln, paved street $125 to $195. $1 down. Dong. $074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. FIVE very fine garden lots, clos to car lln, close to school Just outside th city limits, where you do not have to pay city taxes; an ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or garden; the owner ha moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once; prlc $92 - each; terms, 60c a week on each lot Call Walnut 3466 today or ln the evening, j REAL ESTATE Investment ' INVESTMENTS New brick, income paylngtiver $2,600 - per annum, no maintenance coat except . taxes, $5,000 cash will haC'.e; thl Is th greatest value we have ever offered and, will pay over 12 per cent on investment V TRAVER BROTHERS CO, 51$ First Nat Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED , - WANT FARM , ' We - hat pn - brick buslnesj block ' almost new, In center of Omaha's big busi ness, net Income under lease $5,000 per year. Owner wants good central Nebraska farm. . S. S. & R. E. Montgomery ' 2(3 City Nation?!. ' WE HAVE several good reliable, buyer for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call, Osborne Realty 'Co.. Tyler 196. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. LIST your acreage, with us, We specialise. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. $12-14 City Nat Douglas 2814. FINANCIAL. FINANCT AT. . The investor will find real security and safety In our 6 per cent First Mortgag Bond secured by Omaha business block, sold ln denominations of $100 and $-00, Interest payable semi-annually. If not con venient for you to call at our office w will mall upon request detailed inform-. tlqn concerning same. 1 TRAVER BROS. CO.. ' 819 First National Bank Blffffi FOR SALE $9,609 equity at 6 per cent for flv year secured by 460 acres improved Garden county Jd. Also $2,000 equity at 6 per cent for five year secured by 160 acres Deuel county land. Address S 2".!ortil 30ta Bt- Omaha. Phon , Webster 2729. Real Estate, Loans and. Mortgages. PER CENT FIRST FARM MORTGAGES On Improved Nebraska farm. Interest payabl semi-annually. $1,000, aecurity worth $6,I0C.00. $3,000, aecurttv worth tll.0C0.00. v Other op to $15,000. not exceeding 40 P.?P-L of '" of ecurlti. .?AlBJNVESENT COMPANY. , 637 Omaha- Natl Bnk Bldg. Omahal and Pr cent mortgage secured kr Omaha residences or Nebraska farm. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 536 Keeline BUr. CtaTSXS! CF 5 PER CENTOITmoRE: vOn dollar sUrts on account. OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG. ASSOCIATION. $4,000 MTG.. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually""-secured by mortgage valued at $14,600.00. Talmag-Loomls Inv. Co., W, O. W. Bldg. 4 V 7 I . T 4)