Sunday, January 13, 1918- Stare Hour: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. V -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- New Vict Rotorta far January Arc JUaoV. -Phone Douglas 137 urgess-Nash Present for Monday Their Fourth Annua off N By far the mbst important event of the kind announced this season-For with the market constantly advancing on raw cotton the prices in this sale are undoubtedly the lowest possible for years to come. Thrift wise women will buy a genuine supply YES! that is a broad statement, but the merchandise is here and everything is in readiness to back it up to the very letter. Furthermore, there is no reason why it should be other wise, because we have made several very large and fortunate purchases at a most opportune i o r l j time and the assortment, the range of selection and the values, are the best we have exper ienced. Piles and piles of crisp, new undermuslins, made under the most sanitary conditions, here all ready for your choosing a season's supply at the lowest prices possible for years to come. Its the irreat undermuslin buvinor timpnfth - - C? - w vv v. . t vr ' Night Gowns Scores of Dainty Styles 95c to $10 MADE of the sheerest nainsooks, voiles, batis tes, longcloths and muslins in Gretchen, empire, kimono, slip-over, "V" and high neck effects. Exquisitely trimmed with new handwork, dainty embroideries and beautiful laces, white and French piijk, 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.85, $2.50, $2.95 to $10.00 Envelope Chemise An Exquisite Selection ' 95c to $5 A REMARKABLY wide range of dainty new ef fects from which to make your selections. Distinctive new styles, made of new fab rics, all exquisitely trimmed with hand embroidered mot ifs, kindergarten handwork, laces and embroidery. The price range is very extensive, at 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 to $5.00. Combinations In M any, M any Styles 95c to $5 CRISP, new and dainty styles, made of the fin-, est materials, batistes and longcloths, finished in a wide variety of charming effects,, with lace or embroidery in sertions and ribbon run head ings; scores of exquisite styles from which to choose, at 95c, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 and $5.00. Extreme Values In Philippine Lingerie Dainty, exquisite creations, the handiwork of the Philippine women. Night Gowns $1.95 to $15.00 Sheerest batistes and nain sooks, exquisitely hand embroi dered and trimmed with cluny, filet and val laces. Envelope Chemiae $1.95 to $10.00 Batistes and nainsook, daint ily embroidered in new French designs. Burftss-Nuh Co. -Second Floor Drawers Almost Endless Selection 50c to $5 ONE of the largest and best selected assort ments we have ever offered. Made of nainsooks and long cloths with wide or narrow flounces, finished with val torchon or Swiss embroider ies. You'll find the values very exceptional, at 50c, 65c, 75c, 95c, $1.25, $1.50 to $5. Corset Covers Dainty New Creation 50c to $5 NSVER, to our knowledge, have we shown such a dainty and varied selection as offered in this sale Mon day. Made of fine batistes and nainsooks, combined with laces and embroideries, ribbons and headings. You'll find it a pleasure to choose from these, at 50c, 65c, 75c, 95c, $1.25 to $5.00. Petticoats Of Fasinating Loveliness 95c to $10 EXQUISITE to the ex treme, new straight ef fects with flounces trimmed with laces and embroidery, insertions se; on with ribbon run beadings and finished with embroidery and lace edges. There are scores of the very newest effects from which to choose, at 95c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95 to $10.00. Ml IWTUCI I Wit SHIMS) STtMP A Lesson On Thrift At the close of the Franco Prussian War, .France had to pay a billion dollars as war indem nity. The idea of baby bonds rentes, as they are called by the French was evolved, and the people of France could buy those little bonds at post offices al most everywhere and from the little savings of the French peo ple, France paid the indemnity and started her people on the road to thrift. England is doing the same fine thing now,, raising about 100 million dollars a week. Now, our Government has adopted the same idea, to raise war funds, by offering Thrift Stamps, at 25c It's a duty a necessity that every man, woman and child buy liberally of these baby bonds, and thereby not only help the Government in this great cause for democracy but at the same time help themselves by putting something aside, with the best possible security for the future. When you are in the store to morrow or the next day go to our Post Office and buy one or more of the Thrift Stamps at 25c. A Thrift card will be given you, upon which you paste the stamps. It holds 16, and they will cost you 16 times 25c, or $4.00. Then bring the filled Thrift card to us, and by adding 12c we will issue a U.VS. A. War Saving Certificate Keep this till January 1, 1923, and it becomes redeemable for $5.00. In other words, the Gov ernment has paid you (without fuss and worry or handing over interest) 4 interest compound ed quarterly, or, to be exact, 4.41, nearly, 4. Each month adds a cent to the final cash .payment when you tradeThrift Stamps for Saving Certificates total cost in Janu ary, ?4.iz; in reDruary, $4.13, and so on. Buy as-many Stamps Monday as you "ossiDJy can. Here's an Extreme Special in Silk Poplins Monday at $1.19 AVERY nice and heavy quality of silk poplin in pretty plain shades, such as nickel grey, taupe, Belgium blue, navy, brown, leather, tan, wisteria, old rose, green, dark green, lavender and black and white. All 36 inches wide. Not the cheap cotton looking, but with a very soft and high silky lustre. Very desirable for dresses, skirts and suits. Sale price Monday, $1.19 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.15 36-inch black chiffon taffeta for skirts and dresses, special at $1.15 yard. Black Satin Messaline, $1.25 36-inch black satin finish messalines, rich raven black, special at $1.25 a yard. Black Peau de Soie, $1.49 36-inch black peau de soie silk for dresses, skirts and such, a quality that will wear, special, $1.49 a yard. Black Satin Charmeuse, $1.95 36-inch black satin charmeuse, very pretty and soft, for a dressy gown. Special price, $1.95 yard. Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.69 Black chiffon taffeta, in a nice soft and heavy quality, 40 inches wide; special at $1.69 yard. ' Burgaas-Naah Co. Main Floor Remarkable Values in Wool Dress Goods for 1 -Piece Dresses at $1.50 A SPECIAL offering, indeed an opportunity to buy wool dress materials for less than present manufacturing cost The cor rect weight for one-piece dresses. Materials including French serge, epingle, Tuesah, Royals, etc., in a full line of colors. Plenty of navy blue, 42 to 50 inches wide; special, at $1.50 the yard. ' Burti-Nah Co. Mala Floor Timely- The Arrival of Beautiful Hy-Art Silk Petticoats at $3.85 Again we make our monthly offering of Beautiful Silk Petticoat Models as Ehown above. The January styles go on sale tomorrow. As usual, they are made of a splendid quality of soft taffeta silk, have the permanent "Justo Top" which requires no readjustment unless one changes to a larger and smaller corset and comes in the very latest colorings. All for $3.85, because we, in co-operation with other stores throughout the country, take all the petticoats made by the $3.85 Hy-Art factories. . In this way many thousands are made in only two styles at one time, effecting large manufacturing savings, which, added to the large savings in doing away with wholesaling expenses, permits us to offer such unusual values that they practically sell themselves. Burfeit-Naah Co. Down Stair. Star BEFORE The War Prices On Hair Goods Monday we will place on sale in our hair dressing parlors a line of switches at prices that existed before the great ad vance. Switches, $5.00 Natural wavy real hair switches, made in three sep arate stems, 22 inches long. Monday, at $5,00. Switches, $5.00 Natural drab or light brown hair switches, three separate stems, 18 or 20 inches long, sale price Monday, $5.00. Switches, $1.50 An exceptionally good line of three-stem switches in all shades. Transformations If your hair has become fad ed or thin, we would suggest a special transformation which will give you the natural de sired effect of a perfectly fash ioned head dress. Burgeia-Naah Co. Second Floor WOMEN'S 2-CLASP Chamoisette Gloves $1.00 to $1.25 We have just received a new shipment of extra fine quality, exceptionally good fitting chamoisette gloves, which are guaranteed washable. The col ors are white, grey, chamois pongee, beaver and black. We consider the values un usually good, and there are all sizes in the assortment, at $1.00 and $1.25 the pair. Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor You'll Appreciate These Low Prices On White Goods Here Monday COTTON took another big advance in price' the other day. .Eeally no one can guess when the top notch will be reached. But these white goods are priced for Monday on the costs of months ago the lowest probably that will be offered for a long, long time. Priacilla Nainsook, $2.50 a Bolt 36-inch fine sheer nainsook, for gowns and fine underwear. Put up in 10-yard lengths, boxed, a bolt, $2.50. Cinderella Nainsook, $3.50 a Bolt 89-inch sheer nainsook, made of fine sea island cotton so noted for its natural strength and wearing quality, boxed, 10 yards to a bolt, for $3.80. Novelty White Goods, 25c a Yard Thousands of yards of new sfyeer white goods, in checks, plaids, stripes and corded effects. A wonderful collection to choose from. At 25 yard. Hawaiian Cloth, 50c a Yard A new white goods with a shantung weave, water shed finish, for skirts and suits at 50c yard. Beach Cloth, at 25c a Yard 1 36-inch white beach cloth suiting for skirts middies, rompers, etc., at 25c yard. x Gabardine, at 40c a Yard 36-inch fine white garbardine skirting, snow white, beautiful fin ish, at 40c yard. Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Ask Mr. Foster Travel Information about your trip to the South land California, hotel accom modations, etc. There is no charge. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Balcony M The Mid-Winter Sale of oslin Underwear Monday in the Down Stairs Store Values That'll Not Be Duplicated This Season HERE are undermuslins at prices based on costs before the war. Thousands of dainty new undergarments in a wonderfully large range of selection values that suggest anticipation of present and future needs. , , Household Necessities for Cold Weather Perfection o i 1 heater;?, 4-quart font, guaranteed smokeless and odorless, $4.25. Genuite American waffls iron, No. 8 size, at $1.19. Cotton clothes line, 50-foot length, at 29c. Wash board, family size, 29c. Sad irons, Dover make, set of 3 irons, stands and handles, at $1.19. Dustbane sweeping compound, in tin container, large can, 19c. Extra heavy galvanized wash tubs, stationary wood handles, re inforced wringer attachments, No. 2 and 3 size, $2.19. Bench wringers, horseshoe brand, hardwood bench which holds two tubs with wringer in cen ter, extra wide, $5.50. , Crepe tissue toilet paper, , 8 rolls, 25c. Wood snow shovels, steel pro tected end, 49e. Electric irons,- nickel plated, full weight, element warranted for one year, $3.45. Ironing board with stand, rein forced with steel brace, stands rigid and firm, at $2.19. White enameled medicine cab inet, has mirror in door and two shelves, $1.39. White enameled bath stools, very well made, at $1.39. White enameled seamless oval dish pars. 15-quart size, at $1.19. White enameled Burgeai-Naah Co. Down Staira Store seamless com mode or slop jar with enameled cover, at $1.75. Window refrigerators, made of galvanized iron, $1.69. O Cedar oil mops, triangle shape, complete with polished han-, die, at 59c. O Cedar polish, 12-oz. size, 39c. 0 UR Soldiers' and Sailors' Shop . has been moved to the Third Floor at the landing of the ele vator. Here you will find every thing that the boys at the front or cantonment need and want, in wide and generous assort ments; service flags, service buttons, shaving outfits, swag ger sticks, French talking ma chine records, comfort kits, Red Cross kits, emergency kits, smoking sets, etc. Burf s-Nih Co. Third Floor Night Gowns 75c to $1.50 MADE of muslins and nain sooks, in kimono, V or high neck effects, trimmed with lace or embroidery. Envelope Chemise 25c to $1.25 MADE of good quality nain sook and muslins, prettily finished with lace and embroi deries. Combinations 65c to $1.25 NAINSOOKS and muslins, trimmed with laces or em broideries and finished with rib bon drawn beading. Corset Covers. 15c to, 75c MADE of sheer nainsooks and muslins, daintily trimmed with laces and embroidery inser tions. Petticoats 35c to $1.25 NAINSOOKS or batistes, in white or pink, with deep flounce of lace and embroidery. Drawers 15c to 75c MADE of good quality mus lins, several styles for se lection, trimmed with laces, em broidery and hemstitching. Burg tat -Na.h Co. Down Stalra Storo 0 MSf! "EVERYBODY STORE