Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Continues to Offer Most Remarkable Values in Underwear,
Domestics Linens, White Goods, Corsets, Etc. Share and Save
This has been the most successful White Sale ever held by this establishment-bid we pre:
'.pared liberally with broad and com-
prehenswe stocks, and that is why,' while this sale is entering its third week, that we
still have wonderful values to offer.
Linen Offerings in tjie Sale
All the odds and ends of Madeira, Cluny, Irish Crochet, Poiret
Venice Doilies - from our regular stock accumulated from our
recent sales, slightly soiled and mussed, but no imperfections.
6-inch Madeira, Cluny or Poiret
Venice Doilies, special, each,
at 19c
12-inch Size, Madeira Doilies,
special, each 39c and 75c
12-inch Size, Cluny Doilies, spe
cial, each 39c
EXTRA ! Oral Bread Tray Doil
ies, each 29c
$1.75 and $2.25 Fancy Linens,
each $1.50
This is a sample lot of lace lunch
cloths, 54-inch size, Renaissance
scarfs and tea cloths, in an as
sortment of patterns, choice,
each $1.50
Special Doilie Sets, $1.00
This set consists of four doilies
for the dresser, scalloped ends
with neat embroidered designs
in colors of pink, blue and yel
low; Monday, special, a set, $1
Table Damask, 59c
This is a linen finished, full
bleached Damask, 64 inches
wide, all very pretty patterns,
wearing qualities unexcelled, a
75c number, special, a yard, 59c
Padding, 30c Yard
The fleeced kind for your table
protection, 54 inches wide, a
yard 30c
Main Floor
White Goods in the January Sale
Fine Crisp Cluster Stripe White Voile, good quality, 36 inches
wide, a yard , 25c
36-inch White Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine, excellent for fine
undermuslins; January sale, a yard 38c
Remnants of White Dimities, checks, stripes, broken checks, etc.,
27 inches wide; January Eale, a yard 15c
40-inch Fine Quality White Voile, firm and soft, a splendid quality
for making curtains; January sale, a yard 19c
42-inch English Longcloth, fine, firm quality, pure white, con
tains no dressing; 12-yard bolts $3.49
Japanese Nainsook, soft and silky, for undermuslins, infants'
wear, slips, foundations, etc., 40 inches wide, 10-yard bolts, spe
cial 7 .... . $2.49
40-inch Imperial Nainsook, soft finish, a splendid-fabric for dainty
undermuslins, 12-yard bolts; January sale, a bolt $2.98
Imperial Longcloth, chamois finish, snow white, free from starch,
36 inches wide, 12-yard bolts; January sale, a bolt $2.75
Before "NEMO" Prices Advance
Every woman who wears the Nemo Wonderlift or Nemo
Self-Reducing Corset the two styles which are to advance in
price should choose one or more pairs here, while varieties
and sizes are complete. The makers of Nemo Corsets have
staved off this advance in price since the war began, but now,
rather than in any way impair the quality of Nemo Corsets,
they will very shortly advance prices.
The Nemo Wonderlift and the Nemo Self-Reducing
Corsets hare so many excylusive features that aid the
wearer in so many ways, that there is seldom a woman
who has once been properly fitted to a pair of these Cor
sets, who does not continue to wear them constantly.
i j ......
oausiacupn is guaranteea wnen you are fitted by one of our
corsetieres. The fitting of your corset is most important, for j
vmy a propeny imea corsei can give you Dotn comfort and tho
Mtsuiunouie uKuie unes. mis iiumg service is iree oi charge. s.
The Nemo Wonderlift
Nos. 553, 554, 555, 556, 557 and 558, CC fA
will be fG.OOjnow, at onljs. POUU
Third Floor
The Nemo Self-Reduqing Corset
Nos. 402, 403 and 405, will be $5.00, dJ fA
now, only . ,k tPftOU
Silk and Muslin Underwear in the January Sale
Skirts, Gowns and Envelopes, in a va- d1 ff
riety of styles, worth $1.50, at P 1 UU
A Beautiful Lot of Nice, Fresh Undermuslins, trim
med with fine val and filet laces and ribbon run.
Cut full and long, properly sized. Grouped to
gether in this lot will be found slip-over gowns,
envelopes, princess slips and skirts t 1 A e
v wi m.w, nv ...,.......... f a y m
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Camisoles in a large
variety of styles, with or without sleeve effects,
$1.50 values, special. qq
Crepe do Chine and Jersey Silk Under Garments,
envelopes, gowns, bloomers, vests and crimisoles.
Large variety of styles to select from. Garments
in this lot worth to $5.00, special jrj QE
Fine Dinnerware
January Clearance Sale
Begins Monday and continues until Saturday.
1,500 pieces of high grade dinner ware at less than
half price. New derby shape, uecorated with delicate
pink roses; silver gray back ground and gold band edge.
Baker's or Open Vegetable Dishes, choice, each, 39c
Covered .Vegetable Dishes, choice, each 98c
Cream Pitchers, choice, each 35c
Cups and Saucers, choice, each ,25c
' Platters, 8 and 10-inch, choice, each 45c
Platters, 12 and 14-inch, choice, each .,95c
Plates, 8 and 9-inch, choice, each 21c
Plates, 6 and 7-inch, choice, each j .15c ",
Fruit Dishes, choice, each , 10c
Gravy Boat and Stand, choice. 85c
Ice Cream Dishes, footed, choice, each ,25c
, Extra
,3313 dis
count on all
Bone China
Water Goblets and
high-footed Sherbet
Glasses. Swedish de
sign. Special, set
of six $2,50
Gold Band Goblets
or Sherbets, set of
six $1.98
x Extra
3313 dis
count on all
English Bed Warmers For sleeping porch or
automobile, each
French China Dinner Sets 100 pieces, beautifully deco
rated with delicate pink roses. Treated with coin gold,
made in Limoges, France. Special, (tOfi tf A
the set POV0J
Main Floor, Rear
Here you will
find the items of
exceptional inter
est which are be
ing offered right
now in this Big
Second Floor Ap
parel. Department.
Wearing Awmi
Quick action S
on your part will
assure you of S
substantial sav-
ings on just the !
wearables you
need right now jS
also Fur Coats-
beautiful 'gar-
merits at special S
prices. 5
Suits for Women, Misses and Small Women
Any Garment in Stock HALF PRICE
- Splendid assortment of superb stylesbetter get that suit
you have admired right now and PAY JUST HALF PRICE
FOR IT. We quote a few of the prices as examples :
$75.00 Suits, at $37.50. '
$65.00 Suits, at $32.50.
$49.00 Suits, at $24.50.
$35.00 Suits, at $17.50
$25.00 Suits, at $12.50
$19.00 Suits, $9.50.
Second Floor
Dresses for Women, Misses and Small Women
f From fascinating Dancing Frocks, to the smart tailored
Dresses for afternoon and street wear.
At $18.50 Values up to $35.00.
At $31.75 Values up to $59.00. '
At $21.75 Values up to $39.00.
At $14.75 Values up to $25.00.
A Sale of Hair Goods
20-inch Natural Wavy Switch , 9g
22-inch Natural Wavy Switch $1.25
26-inch Natural Wavy Switch $2.50
30-inch Natural Wavy Switch $4.98
We also.have-a new supply of all around Natural Wavy
Transformations, worth $4.00 to $5.00, in this salt,
at $2.00
Gray Switches, at reasonable prices.
Mothers, bring in your children and get the latest
ideas in children's hair bobbing.
"We have experts in hairdressing, manicuring, facial
'massage, electrolysis, scalp treatment, hair dyeing and
Second Floor
Coats for Women. Small Women and Misses
Beautiful garments, every one of them the best styles of
the season four groups at special prices that will save you
considerable money if you purchase now.
At $48.75 Values up to $69.00.
At $33.75 Values up to $50.00.
At $22.75 Values up to $39.00.
And a Special Group, at $16.75
Beautiful Fur Coats, 33
Under Regular
5 If you make up your mind quickly, you will be able to secure one of the su- S
S perb garments at a reduction of a full-33J3 from regular prices.
I Hudson Seal, Nutria, Natural Rat and 'Marmot Coats.
5 Second Floor EE
tin., ii n .."" 1
Domestics, Sheets, Pillow Cases,
Etc., Etc.
One of the broadest and most comprehensive stocks
of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Domestics, etc., in this vicinity
and prices that are truly remarkable.
"Brandeis" Special Sheets and Pillow Slips. Perfect
ly bleached, compares in count and weight with "Pep
perell." Unstamped.
(3xD9-inch bleached sheets, each 95c
72xD0-inch bleached sheets, each 95c
72x99-inch blenched sheets, each , ..$1.00
81x90-inch bleached sheets, each $1.10
81x99-inch bleached sheets, each . . , i $1.20
The "Fidelity" Bleached Sheets an) Pillow Cases. Nona
better for wear. Tho Defender Manufacturing Co.'s best grade,
72x90-inch "Fidelity" bleached sheets,, each $1.00
72x99-inch "Fidelity" bleached sheets, each ...$1.05
81x90-inch "Fidelity" bleached sheets, each $1.05
81x99-inch "Fidelity" blenched sheets, each $1.10
42x36-inch "Fidelity" bleached sheets, each 23c
45x36-inch "Fidelity" bleached sheets, each 24
Also These Special Offerings at the Lowest Prices
"Attica" Bleached Sheets,
fine quality bleached
sheets, 3-inch hems,
French seam in center,
each 75c
36-ihch Fine Bleached,
Soft Finish English Long
cloth, special, a yard, 14c
36-inch Satin Striped Mar
quisette, beautiful quality,
pure white, a yard... 15c
27.inch White Sheer Quality In
dia Linon, crisp and fairylike,
special, a yard 15e
36-inch Bleached Muslin Rem
nants, good grade, lengths to 10
yards, sale -price,,, a yard 8 He
36-inch Unbleached Muslin, off
the bolt, a yard ...10 He
White Oatins Flannel, good
grade "Amoskeag" brand, sale
price, a yard 18c
36-inch Dress Percale, light and
dark grounds, special sale, a
yard 15s
4!miimiiii!imwiimiimimimiimiiimmmmmimmm mmiiimiiic
Special Reductions
in Stamped Linens
WE HAVE GONE RIGHT through ,our
stock in this Art Embroidery Department and
reduced prices on special lots of these
Stamped Linens it will be greatly to your
advantage if you read every item of this an
nouncement carefully, and then come down
town bright and early v Monday morning to
share in this sale.
Stamped Lingerie, Linen and Turkish
Towels, Silk Crepe Gowns and Caps, Card
Table Covers, etc. Special lots at these very
special prices. '
Silk Crepe Gowns, made up,
were $1.75, now $1.19
Silk Crepe Caps, ,made up,
25c, now 15c
Cotton Crepe Gowns, made up,
were $1.00, now . . . . . . ,69c
Cotton Crepe Dressing Sacques,
were 50c, now 29e
Linen Card Table Covers, were
$1.25, now 75c
Linen Card Table Napkins, set
of four, were $1.00, now.. 69c
Cotton Card Table Covers,
hemstitched, were 75c, now, 39c
Japanese Lunch Sets, cloth and
napkins, were 75c, now. . . ,59e
AH Linen Oblong Tray Cloths,
each 7e, 10c and 25c
A Third
White Lawn Sacques, pink and
blue trimmed, were 75c, now
fct 59c
All Linen Centerpieces, 18-inch
Size, were 50c, now 29c
Jewel Cloth Shoe Pockets, wers
50c, now 29c
Jewel Cloth Tea Cloths, 40x40-
mch, were $2.25, now. . . .$1.59
Cross-stitch Centers, 36-inch,
were $1.00, now ' 59c
Women's and Children' Made
Aprons, each. .49c, 59c and 75c
Pillows, white and ecru colors
with backs, assorted patterns,
each 29c
' t
Special Selling Knitting Bags,
assorted patterns in Cretonnes,'
priced from 59c to $1.50
RUGS at Lowest Prices
Right Sizes and Colorings
You can make excellent selection from this fine
group of Rugs, and in addition, if you come here on
Monday, you can save the difference between the
regular and the special prices we have set on them.
9x12 ft. Seamless Wilton,
aRr.u: 160 00' $39.00
9x12 ft. Royal Wilton, Regular
J"50'. $49.00
9x12 ft. French Wilton, Regu- '
it'.,825: $65.00
Bigelow, Electra and Hartford Bussorah Rug,
Slightly Mismatched
9x12 feet size Rugs $27.50
8 feet 2-inch by 10 feet 6-inch' Rugs, $25.00
4 vf eet 6-inch by 6 feet 6-inch Axminster Rags,
regular $10.00, at $7.50
27x54-inch Axminster Rugs, regular $3.50,
at 7. $2.50
The range of colorings and designs are all that can
be desired and this offering gives you the opportunity
to get just the Rugs you want for your home at prices
well below those you expected to pay.
Third Floor
8 ft 3 in. x 10 ft fi in - Vlvof:
Rugs, Regular tf 1 Q AO
$25.00, at pl7,VO
9x12 ft. Velvet Ruprs, Regular
$32.50, fcOO OO
at .. PCO.70
8 ft. 3 in. x-10 ft. 6 in. French
Wilton, Regular A An
$80.00, at .... 4OU.UU
8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 In. Seamless Wilton Rugs,
Kegular 155.00, at
mmimvm "!,"l!'n''wwii!;;i'iiMi