Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1918, Image 9

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    Friday, January 11, 1918-
-Phone Douglas 137
Here's Smporltainitt; News for Satairday from
Emrgess-Naslhio The Bi
.verybody9s Store
Clea raw ay of Women's Novelty
Boots at the Reduced Price of
final clearaway of the broken lines from our seasons selling:.
There are something like twelve styles,from which to choose.
O Including kids with fabric tops, black kids
are seldom, if ever, offered elsewhere. Very
special, $4.95.
Women's Black Kid Boots
Specially Reduced to, $3.25 i
ANOTHER extremely Bpeclal group of val
ues, including black kid boots, lace or
button style, welted soles and Louis heels, spe
cially priced, at $3.25 a pair.
In the Children's Section
We feature the most complete line of children's and big girls'
walking boots, in tan and black calf, also white buckskin. Lace or
button patterns.
Burgeas-NaA Co. Second Floor
Tastes Like More
That's the kind you get here
at Burgess-Nash. Cocoanut and
peanut brittle, special Satur
day, at 29c lb.
Caramels, fresh made, as
sorted flavors, at 33c lb.
Burgna-Naah Co. Main Floor
Stamp Out the
War With
War Saving Stamps
For Sato at Burgoaa-Naih Poatofflco.
Women's Two Clasp Chamoisette Gloves
Specially Priced at $1.00 and $1.25
ANEW arrival extra fine quality, exceptionally good fitting
chamoisette gloves, guaranteed washable, in white, gray, pongee,
beaver and black. We consider them extreme values, at $1.00 and
$1.25 a pair.
Burg eit-Nash Co. -Main Floor
I ET Burgess-Nash
Lai Dtvplnn Ynn
Develop Your Films
Leave your
jTt films where you
get prompt ser
1 l vice and high
n tjf? grad work-
(if jjlf Films left for
I T finishing before
ftV 12:30 will be
11 ready for deliv
VaJl ery at 11:80 the
next day.
Films left before 4:30 P. M.
ready for delivery next day be
fore 3:30.
Just to Remind You
It's Kodak Time
No. 0 Brownie camera, $1.75.
No. 2 Brownie camera, $2.50.
No. 2A Brownie camera, $3.50.
No. 8 Brownie camera, $4.50.
Folding pocket kodaks, $6.00
to $27.50.
Photo albums, special, at $1.35.
BurgMa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Our Annual
Sale of i
Presenting values of
an unusual nature, when
the cost of cotton is con
sidered. See Sunday morning
papers and windows for
A Remarkable Sale of
Women's Union Suits
For Saturday at About Half Price
IT'S the surplus stock of a big under
wear jobber, who, wishing to clean
up his stock, willingly accepted a big
price sacrifice.
We offer you the same great saving
opportunity. The sale includes wo
men's union suits, odd lots and dis
continued numbers; some with high
neck and long sleeves; others with low
.neck and sleeveless, or Dutch neck
and elbow sleeves.
There are air sizes in the offering,
but not every size in every style.
The suits are made of wool, part
wool and silk and wool garments
that represent some of the season's
best selling numbers.
The values are beyond question the
most remarkable of the season, a fact
you'll agree to when you see them.
BurgeM-Nash Co. Main Floor
Special Offering Saturday
New 'Bustle' HatsnJ New Poke Hats
Of Crepe, Satin and Combina
tions of Crepe and Straw
$5, $7.50, $10
CLEVER looking new models
in an exceptionally com
plete collection for immediate
and early spring wear; we rep
resent one of the hats in the ac
companying illustration.
A number of adaptations from much higher cost originals are also
featured. Brown seems to be the prevailing shade, while the color
ings include rose, taupe, gray, gold, cherry, putty, sand and also
black and white.
BuriM-Nah Co. Second Floor
Children's New Tub Dresses for
1918 Sizes 2 to 6 Years 75c
TJERE'S good news for mothers with little folks in the house who
I J- need new wash dresses. It's an opportunity to secure them at
less than the present cost of the material to say nothing of the mak
ing. Made of ginghams, chambrays and percales in plain colors, plaids,
stripes and checks, self or contrasting color trimmings, 75c each.
Burgoaa-Naih Co. Second Floor
Well Known Makes of Corsets in the
White Sale Specially Reduced $2.25
A LARGE assortment of well
known makes, including "C.
B.," "R. & G.," "La Victore," and
'Successo," "W. B.," etc. A model
for every figure, in low and medium
Lace back or front, sizes 19 to 36,
very specially reduced, to $2.25.
Corsets. Reduced to
A very special lot of corsets, including
"Mme. Irene," "Regalist," and "Successo."
Discontinued models, but they are good
styles and cannot be re-ordered at the old
prices. Sizes 23 to 36, specially reduced
to $3.85. '
Brassieres, 85c
Wide, heavy lace trimmed top and bot
tom, made of firm batiste. In different as
sortments of lace. Choice, at 85c
BurfeaNaah Co. Second Floor
A Radical Clearaway
of Women's and Misses1
Goats, Suits, Dresses,
Skirts and Furs
A Reduction of Fully
lz to
IT'S an unusual buying opportunity, and if you have
a coat, suit, dress, skirt or fur need, this is the
time to take advantage of it.
Although the selling of the past week has been
really sensational the response exceeding even our
greatest expectations there still remains a wonder
ful collection from which to make your selections.
There are coats for every occasion,
Suits for present or early spring wear,
Dresses for street, afternoon or party wear,
Skirts of the latest mid-season styles, and
Furs you can1 1 duplicate in the market at
a third more.
The styles are the season's very latest many of
which have not been in the house more than two or
three weeks.
Burf aaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
TOILET Articles,
Druggist's Sundries
Pebeco tooth paste 34c
Lilac Rose glycerine soap 9c
Large powder puff 10c
Colgates tooth paste 23c
4 oz. glycerine, bay rum and
rose water, 19c
Locust Blossom extract, 39c oz.
Simplex Cuticle remover 19e
Pinaud's Lilac toilet water, 75c
Djer Kiss face powder small
, 65c
Djer Kiss Vegetal $1.29
Ivory Manicure pieces 19c
Orchard White 29c
Nonspi 39c
Williams talcum powder 12c
1 lb. can lilac rose talcum 16c
Hinkles pills, bottle 16c
2 quart hot water bottle special
Sloans liniment 17c
Sal Hepatica small 25c
Lavors small 23c
Lavors medium 45c
Aspirin tablets, box of 8, 8c.
Aspirin tablets, box of 16, 16c
Aspirin tablets, box of 100, 89c
1 pint Hydroil, 50c
1 -quart Hydroil, 90c
1 lot toilet soap 5c cake
1 lot toilet soap 8c cake
Peroxide small size 10c
Peroxide, medium size, 20c
Rubber gloves, extra heavy, 49c
Buriea-Naa Co. Main Floor
For Saturday Only
Men's Good Winter
Specially Reduced to
IF we could show you these overcoats, so you could examine in your
own home or place of business, and see how great the values are,
there would be no need of this newspaper announcement, for you
would be here early in the morning, eager to make your selection.
And, it is dscidedly to your advantage to do so, whether you need
an overcoat now or not, for the styles are staple and conservative,
which means they will be good for next season and then, with the
price of woolen materials climbing out of sight, one will do well to
provide for the future.
The coats are made of the best Quality overcoatincr materials.
splendidly lined throughout, in blues, blacks, grays and mixtures;
made according to the rigid specifications of the
Burgess-Nash Standard
of quality, which means the best possible value offered anywhere
at ine regular price, dui a reaiiy sensational offering at the redueed
price for Saturday only. All sizes.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. ifwrtt Floor
It'll Probably be a Long Time Before You
Can Again Share in Such Remarkable Shirt
Values as These, Saturday at
THERE'S a reason for everything and here's the reason for
these very extreme shirt values. , ,
February first we expect to cnange our entire litte of
men's shirts will feature different brands. In fact, with
this new line we expect and will revolutionize the retail
selling of men's shirts in Omaha.
To accomplish this we must sell every shirt we
now have in stock, and Saturday will offer practic
. ally one-half of our present stock, including every-
tmng excepting tne nigner grade madras and silk
shirts, which we have reduced to the one price, $1.15,
for a quick disposal.
They are mostly neckband, stiff and soft cuff
Bhlrts, some collar attached, with soft cuffs, all 5-
Dutton coat styles.
The materials include woven madras, corded maadsr, crepe madras, mercerized shirt
ings, silk mixed, fine percales and a big assortment of other fabrics suitable for high
grade shirts.
It's the shirt buy opportunity of the season and you want to get in on it.
Burgou-Noili Co. Maai Floor
You've Seldom Ever Shared in Great
er Coat Values Than These in the
Down Stairs Store Saturday
Involving a Big Selection of the Season's
Smartest Styles at But a Fraction of the
Original Price
TOO much stress can not be brought to bear on the real im
portance of this most unusual offering. The coats are
all this season's latest styles in a wide range of selection,
made of all wool Scotch tweeds, mixtures, velours, burella
cloth and astrakhan.
Loose-fitting models, some belted all around, others belt
ed in front with loose back. Pockets, large cape collars
that can be buttoned up tight around the neck, als collars
trimmed with velvet.
The colors included are gray, navy, brown, also black.
We consider them the real bargain sensation of the year.
Children's Coats, $3.95
Made of chinchillas, fancy mixtures and coatings, in a
variety of models. Sizes 6 to 14. Your choice, $3.95.
BurrM'Nah Co. Cows Stain Store
everybody: store"