Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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    Hmn r ft TT ft OTTTr ft V DUL1 . T . T VTT A T) V C 1Q1S " ' -
X . '
to Oar January Sal-ttrT
!iVlrl Values for Cash Is the Magnet Which Is Drawing Throngs of Eager Bayers
Great January .
Clearance Sale of Silks
- vThe crowd in our Daylight Silk Section the last four days has been
1 very gratifying and shows how the women of Omaha appreciate our ef
forts to sell dependable Silks at Low Cash Prices. Sale will continue un-
. " i i - J
til all odd pieces ana Droxen lines are cioseu.
Pieces of 36-inch Plain and
Novelty Dress Silks Including
, striped messaline, striped and
checked chiffon taffetas, all silk
crepe de chines, all silk georgette
crepes, silk poplin,- silk'' canton
crepes, novelty stripes satins, etc.;
$1.25 to $1.75 values. ' " QOp
Cash Price. . . . . . .
100 Piece of 36 and 40-Inch Plain
and Fancy Silks Including all silk
crepe de chine, silk poplin, mili
tary striped satins, print warp taf
fetas, colored chiffon taffeta, prin
cess dress satins, taffeta brocades,
rjekin silk stripes and satin striped
value. casn rnce.
taffeta, $1.50 to $2
50 Pieces of 40-Inch Plain Dress
Silk Including satin charmeuse,
crepe de meteor, crepe de chine,
crepe georgette and radium silks ;
beautiful qualities. Not all colors,
but a very good assortment. Worth
$2 and $2.50. P1 f Q
Cash Price.. t)1.4tO
Hundreds of Yards of Plain and
Fancy Silks In lengths of 2i2
yards up to full pieces, discontin
ued numbers to be closed out, in
cluding . Persian satins, , striped
Louisiennes, striped chiffon taf
fetas, tourist silks in stripes, silk
poplins, satin messalines, print
warp taffetas, white Jap silks, etc.
22 to 36 inches wide. A, great as
sortment of silk, worth Q
up to $1.25. Cash Price DOC
- . ' i ' ... ' j
Black Dress Silks, worth $1.50 and $1.75, Cash Price bargains Monday:
49.Tnrli Silk Ponlins" f I Hi X 36-In. Satin Duchess
M I K I Ammd t
40-In. Crepe de Chine
40-In. Georgette Crepes
36-In. Chiffon Taffetas
56-In. Satin Bengalines
36-In. Satin Messalines
El ll
IN THE ' - - J
Jewelry and Silverware Dept. I
75c-$1.00 Jewelry Novelties -In this lot we have in- I
eluded all of balance of our high grade Novelty. Jew-
elry and Beads. These are high grade Gold-Filled and
Gold Top, Sterling Silver and Platinoid, and consist of I
Brooches, Bar Pins, Circle Pins, Beads, Pendants, Cuff J
Links, Pin Sets, Cuff Link Sets, Scarf Pins, Cameos and
many others too numerous to mention QKn I
Cash Price. ........ OOL .
75c, $1.00 Regular Heavy Shef
field and Fine Mahogany Serv
ing Trays and Platters At
$1.75 to $3.95 Fine French Bev
eled Mirror In real and imitation-
Ebony, Rosewood, White
Enamel, Bird's-eye Maple, Tur
tle Ebony and Gold Enamel
long and short handles, fancy
round and Bonnet shapes, some
a little shop-worn. Our Cash
Price, . 95
75c to $1.50 Fine Bristle Hair
Brushes In many shapes and
sizes. Keep Clean and other
famous brands, all style woods
and fancy backs, Cash Pr. 30J
$5.00 German Silver Mesh Bags
In several styles and shapes.
Fine baby ring mesh, have re
versible new narrow frames
Cash Price $1.95
$1.25 Diamond Point Fountain
Pen Safety and self -filling
styles, chased rubber barrel,
solid gold pen. Cash Price, 75
$1.50 Men's Fine Collar Bags
In several fine leathers, brown
and black and tan colors. All
lined. Cash Price 80d
$1.25 Silver and Nickel Plated
Shaving Mugs With brush and
shaving powder,' sanitary glass
bowl. Cash Price . ..85J
$3 to $3.50 French Ivory Mir
ror With French beveled
glass, very heavy stock. Our
Cash Price .'. ..81.95
25c Jewelry Novelties Consist
ing of Brooches, Bar and Circle
Pins, Beads and many other
novelties. Cash Price, ea., 15J
- January Clearance
Sale of Dress Goods
All Odd Pieces and Broken Lines will be closed out this week.
We always feature regular lines of goods; no job lots or broken
lots are allowed to accumulate here. The prices are less than these
goods can be made. for today. Come early Monday and secure
first choice of these wonderful bargains. 7
$2.50 AH Wool Dress Goods 100 i $1.50 Dress Materials ZUU pieces
pieces of strictly all wool dress ma
terials in various weaves and col
ors; 50-inch all wool jersey cloths,
48-inch all wool French epingle,
52-in. Imperial serge, all wool ; 54
inch wool plaids in stylish colors
for separate skirts; $2 and $2.25
S!oeM:Ca:h...... 1.50
$1.75 All Wool Dress Goods 150
pieces of all wool French -poplin,
44-inch; all wool French serge, 56
inch; storm serge, 50-in.; English
mohair and Panama, 54-inch ;
French taffeta; odd pieces. Worth
$1.50 to $2.00. (Ji Off
Cash Price. . . :...JL.tdO
of wool dress goods, including
French serge3 and taffetas, storm
serges, fancy mohairs,- novelty
checks and stripes, fancy Scotch
suitine. French crepes, etc. Worth
up to $1.50. Cash
$3.50 Cloaking Novelties 25
pieces of 54-inch handsome coat
ings, in plaid effects, stripes and
fancy weaves, seal plush, etc.
Worth up to $3.50v (T- r A
Cash Price .$.tHJ
$1 Dress Goods 75 pieces of plain and fancy dress goods, including
fancy plaid suitings, black and white checked suitings, storm serges, all
wool challies (slightly imperfect)., wool crepes, fancy suitings, A Q
etc. Mohair, fancy striped spring suitings. Worth to $1 Cash Price
Cotton, Domestic Fabrics
I ; Annex Sales Room
Pillow Cases Regular sizes, Cash
,tPrice, each .15
I Sheets Heavy' linen finish, center
seams, size 76x90 inches, Cash Price,
oa.h at. .ftS
VWVMJ " m w m w w w - www-- - . w www -
. . t ti f n A r t
Sheets reppereu orana, eixyu size,
Cash -Price, each. $1.15
Sheetin--Unbleached, 86 inches wide
CashPrice, yard ...... 34 I
J Muslin -"Hope Standard" brand I
limit 20 yds., Cash Price, yd. . . .14tf
Cheese Cloth Curity Sanitary Bleach,
Cash Price, per yard. .......... .6
Flannel Belmont, 28-inch, bleached
shakes, Cash Price, yard ..15
Indigo Blue Calico American brand,
best quality,' Cash Price, yd. . VM
Curtain Fabrics Scrims, Etamine and
'.Lace Trim, Cash Price, yd. ... . .10
a v 1 1 i 1. - j
Percale in remnant lengins, iignc
and dark colors, Cash Price; yd. .15
Cbecked Suitings 36 inches wide
black and white checks, Cash Price,
per yard, at. .15
Plisse Crepe For underwear, 30 ins.
wide, Cash Price, yd. ... . . . . . . .15
India Linen White, 30 inches wide,
Cash Price, per yard, . ... .... .".154
I 1 I J 1 1 1 I 111 I
i I All Winter Suits '
I Most satisfying assortment
I of styles in the season's favor
I ed materials and colorings for
I selection, at , V
1 ' ' ""'
Extraordinary Assortments and Values in Our
January Sales of Women's Apparel .
Over 200 Stylish
In 3 Special Lots
50 Plush Coats, that for
merly sold at $25.00 and
$29.50. Choice ..$14.90
65 Plush Coats, that for
merly sold at $35.00 and
$39.50. Choice . .$22.90
45 Plush Coats, that sold
regularly to $45, $27.90
Special Showing
Advance' Styles
For Spring Wear
Several choice lots of the
new spring styles just re
ceived and will be on sale
Monday. Big assortment
of. classy designs, at
$19.50, $25, $35,
Hundreds for Selection,
Nearly 800 Nobby
At; Just Half
S An exceptional assort'
ment of styles in the sea
son's most popular fabrics
$25 Cloth Coats, $12.50
.$35 Cloth Coats, $17.50
45 Cloth Coats, $22.50
Others at equal reduc
tions. Majce selections
Women's & Misses' Sweaters
that sold at $3.50 and $4
over 100 in the lot on sale
choice,, at ... $1.95
Long Flannelette Kimonos
that sell regularly at $1.50,
to close, choice, 89 f
Hoover House Dresses
Pink or blue, great values, at
sale price .$1.95
Women's Bath Robes .
that sold regularly at $4, on ,
sale Monday, at.... $2.95
Many other specials Monday
La H I
l II IV i z
Linens and White Goods !
Main section
Pattern Cloths, Napkins, odd lengths of Table
Damask, soiled and mussed, dozens of special
items that cannot be replaced at twice the
present cost, all in this Clearance Sale, at
Substantial Price Reduction. - V ' ' .. '
White Novdty Embroidered Fbric-VoiIes,
Marquisettes and Organdies, lengths up to
20 yards, $1.50, $1.25 and 95c grades, Cash
Price, per yard .,68
Long- Clothe-In sealed, dust-proof packages,
lengths 5 to 8 yards, while the lot lasts, per
yard, at -18d
Nainsook 30-yard pieces, cut any quantity
desired. Cash Price, per yard 18
White Persian Lawn India Dimity and fine
India Linon, white or black, Cash Price per
yard, at . .... ........... . . ... ..18.
Scarfs and Muffs, at
Sweeping Price Reductions on
Clearance Sale Blankets
Jacquard Wool Napped Comfortables Plain
colors, silk bound and novel figured patterns,
slightly soiled, $3.50, $3.75 and $3.95 values,
Cash Price, at . ..$2.55
Plaid Cotton Blankets Heavy grades, mill
mistakes, Blankets that are perfect except ir
regular sizing, $2.75 Blankets, Cash Price,
per pair, at $1.75
Single Blankets Gray only, regulation navy
size, lofty, warm Blankets, ideal foT'use as
extra cover, slightly soiled, $2.65 and $2.75
Blankets, Our Cash Price, each. . . . . .$1.85
Ladies' Underwear
Remarkable Values la All Lines Monday
Ladies' and Children's Union Suits Worth
to $1.00, medium fleece, all sizes. Cash
Price, at '.......504
Silk and Wool Union Suits Low neck
sleeveless, ankle length, worth to $3.60.
Our Cash Price Monday ...$2.50
Ladies' Fin Ribbed Cotton Suits Low,
neck, sleeveless or short sleeve, $1.75 val
ues. Cash Price Monday. ........ .$1.25
Ladies' Heavy Outing Gowns Regular and
extra sizes, worth to $2.50. Cash Price
at, only ...$1.25.
Black Sateen Bloomers All sizes. Our .
Cash Price Monday 45
Children's Outing Sleepers All sizes. Our
Cash Price Monday ...654
Ladies' House D s Aprons Fancy stripes
and figures, worth to $1.78. Cash Price
at, only Sl.vy
' Notion Specials
75c Kasoo Children's Waists A very
practical and good waist, especially
good for 'regular" boys. Cash Price,
at only ......404
10c Ric-Rac and Novelty Braids
Not all sizes, slightly shopworn. Cash -
Price, per ball 244
25c to $1.00 Dress Shields and Bras
sieres Some slightly shopworn, many
styles. Our Cash Price 104
5c Eiin Maid Crochet Cotton All
wanted colors, size 12 only, per ball,
at only 3K4
75c Best Steel Scissors and Shears
All styles .and sizes. Cash Price, 454
35c Dressmaker's EveSharp Pins
: All sizes, heavily nickeled, M lb. in
box. Our Cash Price .204,
15c Best Silk Mercerised Shoe Laces
All lengths and the wanted shades.
Our Cash Price 7V44
10c Men's Cambric Collar Bands
All sizes, shrinkage allowed. Cash
Price, 7 for 304
Monday Specials
in Corset Section
2d Floor, Front Room
$2.00 Corsets In pink or white
medium low bust, long skirts,
all sizes. Cash Price. . .$1.00
$1.50 Corsets In white, me
dium bust, long skirts, four sup
porters; Cash price. .... .854
$1.50 and . $2.00 Brassieres
Odds and ends of best known
makes, plain and fancy gar
ments, Cash Price. ..... .954
; 50c Sanitary Aprons Our
Cash Price .......... i . .254
At Clearance Prices
50c Liquid Face Powder, white or
flesh, Our Cash Price. ... .354
50c Pazzoni, De Luxe, Lazell's and
many other popular brands of Face
powder, Our Cash Price. .354
25c Grave's Tooth Powder or Pastej
at 174
65c Pinaud's Hair Tonic, Eau de
Quinine, Our Cash Price. ... .504
15c Knox Tartar Tooth Powder, Our
Cash Price .104
35c bottle Rosewater and Glycerine,
Our Cash Price 204
39c bottle of Bay Rum or Witch
Hazel, Our Cash Price. ..... .254
25c bottle of Bay Rum or Witch Haz
el, Our Cash Price. 15
Big Clearance
Shoe Sale '
Mondar of ; Women's
Fine Shoes
Short Lines .That Will
Be Discontinued.
There are several lots of
these shoes that have
been selling: for $5, $6
and $7, with plain, and
fancy tops. Not all sizes
in each line, but you can
pick your size whether small or large
from the different lots. Cash Price . . .
n -m nil
. Big, Cash Savings in Our
January Sale of 'Furniture
' f Odd Pieces and Floor Samples at Big Reductions
127.50 China Closet, Jacobean twist leg. Cash Pr., 810.00
$49.50 China Closet, Circassian Walnut. Cash Pr., $25.00
$35.00 Mahogany. Finish Buffet Cash Price... -819.50
$35.00 Mahogany China Cabinet to match. Cash Price
each, at $10.50
$32.60 China Closet, William and Mary style. Cash Price,
each, at . . .819.00
$50.00 Mahogany . Dining Table,' 54-inch top, extends to 8
feet Cash Price. , , . , , , . .$27.50
$6.50 Mahogany Dining' Chairs," leather seat; we have a
complete set of 6 chairs. Cash Price. . ......... . . .$3.75
$54.50 Dining Table, 54-inch top, Circassian walnut. . .$25
$15.00 Music Cabinet, golden oak. Cash Price. . . . . .$9.00
$15.00 Mahogany, leather settee. Cash
Price, at $8.50
$25.00 Music Cabinet, mahogany. Cash
Price, at $17.50
One lot odd Pedestals, fumed or 'golden
oak. Cash Price. . . . .! , . . .$1.75
$10.00 Yerhis-Martin bed and springs
complete. Cash Price. ........ . .$6.50
$5.75 Vernis-Martin bed, full size. Cash
Price, at $4.00
$95.00 Extra large golden oak Dresser.
Cash Price, at....... $60.00
$75.00 extra large golden oak chiffonier.
Cash Price, at $45.00
$25.00 Dressing Tables, 3-mirror, mahog
any and oak. Cash Price, .t . . .$17.50
$55.00 Mahogany Twin Beds, Napoleon
style. Cash Price:... $30.00
$45.00 full size, mahogany, Napoleon
Beds. Cash Price.......... '..$30.00
$45.00 fumed oak Duofold Leather Dav
enport Cash Price. ....... . .$30.00
Two Odd Mirrors, oval, gilt frame
18x40 size, to fit over mantel; $10.00
value. Cash Price. , . . . .' $5.00
25 Off on All Ladies Desks. All Woods.
Three odd Tapestry Rockys, $26.50 to
$30.00 values. Cash Price. $18.00
$26.50 White Enameled Dressers. Cash
Price, at $17.50
$25.00 White Enameled Chiffonier. Cash
Price, at ., $15.00
$26.50 Enameled Princess Dresser. Cash
Price, at $17.50
Your choice of $30.00 odd 4-poster Beds,
in three-fourth or full sixe, walnut and
mahogany. ,Cash Price .$19.50
$260.00 Mahogany Suite, extra large
dresser, $85.00; Napoleon style bed, T4u;
chiffonier, $75; dressing table. $55. This
suite must be sold complete. Cash Price,
only . .$175.00
$29.50 Mahogany, Leather Settee. Ca'h
Price, at ......$15.00
, Highest Quality, Freshest Goods, and a Saving of 25 Per
, Cent to 50 Per Cent on the Cost of Living.
7' bars Cracker Jack Laundry
Soap ..25e
6 bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond
C Soap..... ......... .25c
3 lbs. California Brown Beans,
for .25c
4 lbs. Best Rolled White Break-
fast Oatmeal 25c
4 lbs. Best White or , Yellow
- Corn ileal'....... 25c
The best Domestic Macaroni or
Spaghetti, per pkg. . . . .7U
3 lbs. Fancy Carolina Japan
Rice n .........25c
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg...7He
38-os. jar Pure Apple Butter,
for ...25c
Large Bottle Picalilly, Celery
Relish or Minced Pickles,
bottle ........ 15c
Fancy stuffed or Queen Olives,
per bottle. .... .10e-15c-20c
16-oz. cans Condensed Milk,
per can .12c
No. 1 cans Pork and BeansJc
No. 2 cans Pork and Beans. 14c
No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar
Corn, Wax, -String, Green or
Lima Beans 14c
No. 2 cans Early June Peas 15c
No. 2 ft cans Tomatoes. ..15c
Dried Fruits for Your Puddings,
Pies and Cakes
', Fancy Loup Apples, per lb. 15c
i Choica California Prunes, per
; lb f.. ......... 12tfe
, Fancy Italian Prunes, lb.. 15c
' Fancy Muir Peaches, lb. ...15c
Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb. .15c
Fancy More Park Apricots, per
lb. ;25c
Fancy Golden Sultana Raisins,
L lb. ...15c
Fancy Seeded Raisins, pkg,
at 10c, 12 He
Fancy California Figs, pg.l2Hc
Fancy California Table Figs,
lb. 25c
California Cooking Figs, lb.l5e
For the Finest Teas and Coffees
Try Hayden's First
Our Famous Santos Coffee
the talk of Omaha, lb ...20c
Diamond H Blend, per lb. . .23c
Maraciabo Blend Coffee, lb. 25c
Ankola Blend Coffee, lb.. .30c
Choice Basket Fired an$ Sun
Dried Japan Tea, per lb. .40c
Fancy English Breakfast, Gun
powder or Sputer Leg Japan
Tea, per lb ...50c
Fancy . Flowery Sipped Ceylon
Tea per lb . ...60c
The best Tea Sittings, lb. . .20c
The best Ohio Potatoes, 15 lbs.
for 35c
Fancy Red Globe Onions, 3 lbs.
for 10c
Fancy Cabbage, per lb..3J5
Fancy Southern Shallots, Rad
ishes, Beets, Turnips, Carrots
or Endive, per bunch.... 5c
Large Soup bunches 4e
Old Beets, Carrots, -Turnips,
Parsnips, or Rutabagas, per
lb 2Hw
Fancy head Lettuce, head, 7c
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb.l2H
and .10c
3 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce. 10c
3 stalks Michigan Celery... 10c
Fancy Jonathan Apples, the
Best Fruit Grown for Fam
ily Use,-Per Box. ... .$1.75
January Clearing Sale
RUGS and
Left after a busy season! All the odd rugs
and drop patterns must go to make room
for new Spring goods. .
9x12 best 5-frame Body Brussels
Rugs, $42.00. Cash Price, $33.00
8-3x10-6 best 5-frame Body Brus
sels Rugs, $38. Cash Price $30.00
9x12 4000 Wilton Velvet Rugs,
$52; Cash Price. . . . ... .$41.00
8-3x10-6 6000 Wilton Velvet Rugs,
$45; Cash Price. .. .. .. .$38.00.
9x12 Palisade Velvet Rugs, $35;
Cash Price ........... .$27.00
8-3x10-6 Palisade Velvet Rugs, $30
Cash Price $23.00
9x12 10-wire Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, $28; Cash Price. . .$20.00
We are offering our full line of Fiber
Rugs. Special, at each.. $6 p to $10
We are showing our full line of Inlaid
Linoleum. Special Cash Price, $1 per sq.
yard up to, sq. yard ........... . $1.75
Let Us Estimate Your Shade Bill. Best
8-3x10-6 9-wire Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, $25; Cash Price. . .$17.00
7- 6x9 10-wire Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, $21 ; Cash Price. . .$15.98
6x9 10-wire Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, $16; Cash Price. . . $12.98
9x12 Smith's Axminster Rugs, $34
Cash Price .... ..... .$25.00
8- 3x10-6 Smith's Axminster Rugs, ,
$30; Cash Price. . . .... .$23.50
6x9 Smith's Colonial Velvet Rugs,
$21; Cash Price.: $14.95
8-4 Printed Linoleum, square yd.;.50d
16-4 best Printed Linoleum, sq. yd. 85
Best Oil Opaque Window Shades, 7. feet
long, 3 feet wide, complete, each.. . G3
Lace Curtain Rods, up from'10-35
Goods Furnished. Hanging Free of Cost
Q-Vof- M VI'" M IrV "mVsV" wtfwwUwyffwwwtHJ