Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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A Sale of
. Gossard Corsets
Svfi V That Comes As An Agree
able Surprise
The unusually high prices that
prevail in the market today for
all corset materials, made it seem
almost impossible that a Sale
could be announced on any stand
ard make yet we were fortun
ate enough to be able to take ad
vantage of a market condition
that put us in possession of these
Corsets at a price that permits us
to sell them at the prices quoted
below :
$20.00 Goa8ard Co"et8 $ 1 2 .50
$ 1 6.50 Go,ard Cor8et, $ 1 0.00
$10.00 Gos8ard Co"et8'$ 6.67
$ 6.50 Go88ard Cor8et8 $ 4.33
$ 5.00 Go88ard Cor8et8' $ 3.50
$ 3.50Go88ardCor8et8$ 2.67
A Third and More
Our customers will appreciate thesev
unprecedented values of a make of
Corsets that is world-famed for cor
rectness of fit and finish. The new sil
houette in a mode that insures health
and offering a wearing service that is
worth all of the price you pay. THESE
ER'S COST. Only a limited quantity
make up your mind to shop early.
Don t Oversleep Saturday Morning
S Because there are so
many good sales that
5 will give you right good
chances to share and save.
New Records Are Being Made Each Day
to TMs Jamraairf WMt
Third Floor
mm i
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f i
Boys, Suits
With Two Pair of Pants
With double seats and knees,
too. assuring double the wear for
each pair.
Not a suit in the entire lot but
what is worth $8.50 and many
worth $10.50 and $12.50. Light
mixtures and heavy weight suits.
Dark mixtures or medium weight.
Four big tables of wonderful val
ues, sizes 6 to 17 years.
Boys' Mackinaws, $3.95 to $10
Plenty of them. All the new models and styles.
Plenty of rich plaids as well as plain colors. Sizes G
to 18 years.
Second Floor, Men's Building:
The stocks we purchased for this event were enormous, and so, despite the fact
that every day is establishing new selling records, we are able to quote for Saturday a
regrouping of this remarkable merchandise, at prices just as remarkable as those we
started the sale with.
The Cotton Underwear in the Sale
1 Q Worth today 25c. Corset Covers ami
At OCr Worth today 50c. Corset Covers and
0JC Brassieres.
At Crt- Worth today 65c. Marcella Drawers,
OvC daintily trimmed.
At C Worth today $1.00. (iowns, Knvcl-
opes and Skirts.
At d1 AA-Worth today $1.50. Gowns,
P X JJ gkirfc Envelopes and Princess
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Underwear
At QC Worth today $2.95 to $3.95.
J 1 VO Gowns, Skirts, Envelopes.
At '7Q Camisoles of Crepe de Chine, with
JJC Val and Filet Laces.
At J ff Camisoles of Wash Satin and
Vl.UU Crepe de Chine.
At dl QC Envelopes and Camisoles of Crepe.
Pl.70 de Chine.
The Filipino Hand
Embroidered Lingerie
Patterned after the' French Un-
def wear, and just as dainty and fine
as they can be, but at prices a third
to a half less than the French Lin-
At tfJO QC Envelopes and Camisoles of Crepe
de Chine.
Gowns, Envelopes and Skirts of
Crepo de Chine and Wash Satins.
Gowns, Envelopes
A and $ QC
PJ PUJ nnd skirts of
Crepe de Chine and Wash Sntin.
At QC Gowns, Envelopes and
P 1 .OO chemises.
At dJO QC Gowns, Envelopes and
$6. ZD Chemises.
At tfrO QC Gowns and Envelopes
three groups.
Third Floor
r ;
at $4.95
Wool - Fibre - Shetland
Here's a chance to get
that Sweater you want
ed, at a very low price.
Some with Brush Collars and
Cuffs, in rose, green, white,
red, purple, gray and shades of
All at One Price, each. .$4.95
Third Floor
Baby w ear at Extraordinary Prices
Fine Economies For Every Mother
No mother will overlook this chance to buy just what
she needs for baby's comfort and well-being, and at the
same time make a substantial saving the time is Saturday
morning at 8 :30 in this Third Floor Babywear Department
and the time for you to get here, in order to be sure of get
ting just what you want, is 8:30.
Infant' $1.50 Long and Short
Dreiiei, made of very fine nain
sook, trimmed with lace and em
broidery, at 79
Infants' 50c Long and Short Ger
trude Flannelette Skirts 29C
Infants' $1.00 to $1.50 Long or
Short Flannel Skirts, embroidery
trimmed, each, at 59c
$1.00 to $1.50 Fancy Pillow Slips,
very nicely embroidered, each,
at 45
Children's 75c Rompers and Creep
ers, made of percale, in all colors,
each, at 19
Infants' 75c to $1.00 Silk Bonnets,
in ribbon trimmed, made of silk
rep and crepe de chine 19
Infants' $1.00 Cashmere Kimonos
and Sacques, embroidered band
down the front 49
Infants' 50c Crochet Sacques,
at 35
Infants' 25c Wool Bootees,
slightly soiled, a pair 1QC
$1.00 Baby Blankets, white, blue
and pink G9
Infants' 29c Slips, made of cam
bric, at 1&&
Third Floor
Infants' Shoes, in black and black
and white tops, a pair 50
Infants' 25c Mittens, of wool,
slightly soiled, a pair 15
$2.50 to $2.95 Baby Buntings and
Bath Robes, pink and blue, SI. 79
Children's Gowns, made of nain
sook, trimmed with lace and em
broidery, each. . . -39 and 59;
Infants' 50c Outing Gowns and
Kimonos 290
$3.00 to $5.00 Fur Carriage Robes,
each $1.50
Children's 59c Drawers and Bloom
ers and Crepe Bloomers, each,
at 35
Women's High Grade Shoes
at $8.85
About 250 Pairs in This Lot
Champagne Kid, Orange Kid, Ivory Kid, and
Ivory Kid with White Buck Top Shoes. These are
$12.00 to $18.00 values, a pair $8.85
Most everv size in the lot.
About 200 Pairs of
Women's High Grade Shoes, at $4.95
Shoes That Formerly Sold From $6.00 to $8.85
In coal black kid. lace, gray kid vamp with
gray cloth top, ivory kid vamps with ivory cloth
top, field mouse gray with ivory cloth top, black
patent vamp with white eve cloth top. These have
turn and welt soles. Most every size in the lot.
Main Floor Rear
New Crisp Blouses
in The January White Sale
Very Unusual Offerings for Saturday
sale of dainty, new, crisp Blouses, at prices
which are extremely low.
Dainty Dimity and Voile Blouses, semi-tailored and lace trimmed models. $1 A A
Each MJX.vv
ZAR, high and low neck models, lace or embroidery trimmed, CO f)f)
Crepe de Chine or Georgette Crepe or Net
Blouses, very exceptional values; lace or em-
r7V - ! j .1 ... . 'il. Jll- m m
viyf.v--. urouiery irimmeo, some wun inns jjjJ ytj
'Hill .r'.'N. N
I ril ,
and fichus, each
Second Floor.
For Women, Small
Women and Misses
Come Early Saturday
and Make a Selection
Suits that are top-notch of style;
of the best of materials and fin
ished with all the nice atten
tion to details that you would
expect if you paid full prices
for them. Right up-to-the-minute
in every respect, and you
owe it to yourself to BUY A
THIS SAVING. They will be
just as good for Spring wear as
they are now. Here are ex
amples of the prices:
$75.00 Suits, at $37.50
$65.00 Suits, at $32.50
$49.00 Suits, at $24.50
$35.00 Suits, at $17.50
$25.00 Suits, at $12.50
$19.00 Suits, at $ 9.50
Don't make the mistake of putting off your
purchase with the idea of buying later the
very suit you have admired at regular price is
probably in this lot, and if you delay your
chance of getting this Suit will be gone.
Coats at Radical Reductions
In This January Offering
We have grouped together three lots for
your special consideration, and priced them in
this way:
At tf I O PA Kertey and Velour CoU many lined and
plOJU fur trimmed.
f At fC Pluth and Cloth Coatt eilk lined and
j. tJ warmly interlined many fur trimmed.
1 At I0 0 7E Pluih and Cloth Coat fancy and plain;
iPOOiu all new shades, many fur trimmed.
- Second Floor
Special Lot Girls, Coats. $5
Worth as High as $7.50 to $8.95
Pretty belted models
large collars and cuffs of
fur cloth, novelty cloth, fan
cy plush, corduroy, etc.
Coats for Small Tots
Ages 2 to 5, Worth $5.95 to $6.95
Special lot of dainty styles; high waist,
full skirt, black plush trimmed with Beaver
cloth collars and cuffs. Corduroys, vel
vets, etc.
Second Floor
Drugs and Toilet Needs
At Very Low Prices
You can buy liberally
Saturday and experience
your pocketbook.
S. S. S. For The Blood,
$1.00 size 79c
Epiom SalU, 1 11). package 8c
Sloan' Liniment, 25c size. 17c
Lyiol, $1.00 size 69c
Litterine, $1.00 size 79c
Boric Acid, Vi lb. box.... 15c
Rubber Sheeting, one yard
wide 39c
Hoipital Cotton, I lb. roll,
very special 39c
Pinaud't Eau de Quinine,
$1.00 size 79e
in this Drug Department on
but a very slight tax upon
Mme. Iibell't Exquisite
Face Powder, fjOc size .... 29c
Simplex Cuticule Remover,
'25c size 17c
Jap Rote Face Powder, 50c
size 29c
Two-Quart Hot Water
Bottle, $1.79 value... 98c
Essex Peroxide Soap, spe
cial, a cake 6c
Rubber Gloves, all sizes,
special 29c
Main Floor Rear
Hosiery Offerings for Saturday
Women' Fiber Silk Hoie, in all
colors and Mack ana wtiite;
seamless, hijjh spliced CC
heels and toes, a pair. . Owt
Women' Black and White Lisle
Hose, with double, heels and
toes, some with ribbed tops,
others with white soles, OP -
a pair adiJC
Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, in black
and white, fine quality, tfood
length, spliced heels
and t.ues. a nan-
Boys' and Girls' Hose, in medi
um and heavy weights, with
double knees, heels and OP -toes,
a pair awiJC
Skating Hose, in all wool, with
fancy stripes, the latest fad in
two styles, long with fancy
stripes in various colors, and
the golf short stocking with
fancy band, something real
nifty, a pair,
and do Cfi
The Latest Shoe and Evening
Shade in Pure Thread Silk
Hosiery, all sizes, lisle tops, re
inforced soles, heels and toes,
for women, a pair, d1 AA
Main Floor
Ladies' Highly Polished Skates, leather
back, all sizes, a pair $2.50
Boys' and Men's Cast Steel Screw Clamp,
Union Hardware Company Skates, sizes
from 8 to 12, a pair 75c
We are glad to be able to announce
that we have received a new shipment of
light, medium and dark gray and khaki
yarns for army and navy work.
Third Floor Art Embroidery Dept.
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