Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Fuel Administrator Explains
Difference Which Consum
ers May Expect From
National Society to Give School
Children Opportunity to
Join in National
John L. Kennedy, federal fuel ad
ministrator for Nebraska, issued the
following statement concerning re
bates to coal consumers in the city
of Omaha.
"The rebate to be paid to the pur
chaser of coal, who has been charged
more than the government price, is
not the difference between the price
paid and the price established Decem
ber 19, 1917.
"It is the difference between the
price paid and the government price,
between October 1, 1917, and Decem
ber 19, 1917; based upon the 1915 aver
age gross margin of the dealer sell
ing the coal.
"That may be ascertained from his
books and from statements in the
hands of the Douglas county fuel
"The present prices are based upon
the average gross margins of all the
dt.ilers; so that they may all charge
trie same price lor a given kind of
Coal on a Cash Basis.
"The present prices are reasonable,
but close. They represent -economy
in management. Consumers should
"The dealers in many cases have to
pay cash for coal. They have a right
to expect cash from their customers.
Hy placing business on a cash basis,
the expense of bookkeeping, postage,
stationery and making collections is
reduced, and bad debts are eliminated."
Children's Tin Box Fund
Reaches Big Sum in Year
Mrs. Walter Page. 101 North Thirty-ninth
street, chairman of the chil
dren's tin box fund in Omaha, reports
that the fund reached ?27,584.10 dur
ing the first year of its existence. The
children's tin box fund started at
Bristol, R. I. On this first box was
written "Tor the' children in Bel
gium and northern France. Put in
3 cents. It will give a child one
Later several boxes were placed in
New England cities and finally the
movement grew until it is now repre
sented in almost every state in the
union. Boxes are placed in shops,
restaurants, hotels, homes, etc. No
begging appeals or requests for
money have ever been made by offi
cers of the fund. All donations are
J. C. Barrett Appointed
To City Planning Body
John C. Barrett, South Side lawyer,
has been .appointed member of the
city planning- commission to succeed
Everett Buckingham, whose resigna
tion has been accepted by the city
council. Mr. Buckingham has not had
the spare time necessary to give in
telligent attention to the work of the
commission. George B. Frinz was j
reappointed for tw years. j
The Junior Red Cross drive is the
j January feature of the national so
I ciety. The campaign to organize all
j the school children of the nation in
I the Red Cross society is scheduled to
according to Washington headquar
ters. Organization of the Nebraska cam
paign is now under way, preliminary
arrangements having been slightly de
layed on account of absence of Red
Cross officials from the city. School
children who took out $1 member
ships in the Christmas week cam
paign will automatically become mem
bers of the junior society, state offi
cials announce.
Edmonds to Capital.
T.' J. Edmonds of Cincinnati. Cen
tral division director for civilian re
lief, who spent Wednesday in Omaha,
has been called to Washington head
quarters. Prof. Gillan of the Univer
sity of Wisconsin, and Mr. Stillman
of Minneapolis will assume his work.
A new class for volunteer civilian
relief workers under Miss Verna El
singer started their course Wednes
day. The course has been cut to 16
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, state director of
woman's service for the Red Cross,
has gone on a six weeks' trip to Flor
ida. Miss ellie Calvin, surgical
dressings head, is also absent from
the city.
Traveling Agents of
Railroads Called In
As a result of the order that has
gone out, discontinuing the solicita
tion of railroad freight and passenger
traffic, traveling agents of all depart
ments of the roads are hurrying into
Agents of the Omaha roads are
practically all in and the men have
been called off the streets. Up to
this time the men connected with the
local roads have all been given em
ployment in the various departments
of the home offices, put onto- work
with which they are familiar.
Rail Superintendents
End Meeting in Omaha
General superintendents of Omaha
lines of railroads, in session here for
the purpose of suggesting methods
for the reduction of train service with
out impairing its efficiency and for the
purpose of aiding in carrying into ef
fect the orders of the government
relative to the pooling of business
equipment and terminal facilities,
have adjourned. Report has been
comp!etedand sent to Chicago, where
it will be presented at the meeting
of general managers, now in session.
The most wonderful White
Sale in many years extra
ordinary values.
Draieis stores .
Friday will be Thrift Day
for every woman who vis
its this Big Basement.
The Annual
In This Big
This is the most re
markable stock of
White Wear and
Fabrics we have ev
er assembled.
With price (oaring in
the wholesale market,
our price are lower
than thoie which pre
vailed elsewhere month
and month ago.
Begin Work on Central
Congregational Church
Preparations for erecting the new
Central Congregational church are
going on with the wrecking of the
house at Thirty-eighth and Harney
streets, where the church will be
erected. The contract has been let
and construction will proceed as the
weather permits. - This was formerly
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
"You shall remember our service
with Kratitude long after the price
is forgotten."
Heavleit Bridge
Work, per tooth,
Wonder Plate
worth $15 to $25,
$5, $8, $10
Best Silver Fill
ings 75c
Best 22-lc Gold
We please you or refund your money
14th and Famam 1324 Farnam St.
Phone Douglas 2872.
In Attending Clearance Sales, Come To
'S for Shoes
All the Budd Shoes Selected for Quick
Clearance Are Divided into
Two Huge Lots
for j-bout 600 Pair Black and 400 JL ;;
Pair Noveltie yrV
For 200 pair
fine Black and
about 700 pair
Handsome Novel
tie. Value up to
Remember Budd' is on the
second floor, where rent are
less than the street and
Budd' regular prices are way
lei than street store! These
present prices mean something.
10 OFF
A general discount on entire
ttock Not a pair reserved In
cluding fine Party Slipper, Chil
dren' Shoe This in spite of the
fact that prices are slowly but
surely going up.
16th and
St.. '
and Underwear
Women's White Cotton, Lightly
Fleeced Vest, in sizes 5 and 6;
to clean up,
each OiJC
Children' White Cotton Union
Suit, lightly fleeced, in EA
sizes 2 to 12 OUC
Children' Cotton Vests and Pants,
peeler colors, small sizes; 1 C
to clean up, each JLO
Women's White Fiber Silk Boot
Hose, seconds of 35c OC
quality, a pair aOC
Women's and Children's Handker
chiefs, slightly soiled, OJL
each O 2 C
3 for 10c
Men's White Cotton Handker
chiefs, slightly soiled, f
each OC
Dainty White Waists, of good ma
terials, many styles; embroidery
and lace trimmed and large, fancy
collars; regular $1.00 and $1.25
values, special, each, Qf"
at OO C
Ondermuslins at Bargain Prices
At 95c
Wonderful values at this price.
Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Petti
coats, Princess Slips, Silk and Satin
Camisoles. Dozens of styles many
different kinds of good white mate
rials in lace and embroidery trimmed.
At 65c
A large collection at this price.
SnlpnHiil nnwric Puff imitate Prinaua
Slips, Envelope Chemise, etc. Many
different styles.
At 45c, '
Women's fine white, fancy lace
and medallion trimmed Drawers.
Many different .styles. Wonderful
drawers at this low price.
At 47c
Women's very elaborately trimmed
Corset Covers, also Crepe de Chine
and Jap Silk Camisoles.
At 18c
Women's 25c, 29c and 3.rc Corset
Covers, fancy lace and embroidery
trimmed, all sizes and many different
At 27c
Misses' (17 to 20 years) extra
Rood quality Muslin Drawers, em
broidery and tuck trimmed.
At 48c
Women's Long Muslin Petticoats,
deep flounces with embroidery and
laro trimmings; splendid values at
this low price.
At 35c
Women's Embroidered Muslin Pet
ticoats, away under price.
At 29c
Women's Fancy Crepe Blouses, in
blue, pink and white. A wonderful
Girls' Underwear at Bargain Prices
12 for Girls' plain and fancy
trimmed Muslin Drawers, 4 to 12
17C for Girls' Muslin Princess
Slips, good quality, sizes 2 to 6
17C for Girls White Tennis
Flannel Drawers, well made, good
quality material; sizes to 10 years.
15c for Girls' White Tennis Flan
nel Body Waists, 2 to 12 years.
27C for Girls' Fancy Embroid
ered White Tennis Flannel Draw
ers, sizes up to 10 years.
55c for Girls' Muslin Night
Gowns, many different styles, ex
ceptional values, sizes up to 14
23C for Girls' White Tennis Flan
nel Petticoats, sizes up to 12 years.
19C for Girls' Muslin Petticoats,
with waist attached; good quality,
sizes 2 to 8 years.
20C for Girls' Muslin Night
Gowns, slip-over and V neck styles,
sizes up to 10 years.
linesties, Beady-Made S
All n e w
goods at re
mark ably
low prices.
A fine as
sortment of
A Fashionable
Corset in pink
and white
broche, 1 o w
top, long hip
with extra
wide front
steels and re
i n f o r c e d
across the
Corsets for Stout Figure, rein
forced at side, steels with pro
tector under wide front steel, me
dium low top, long d1 AO
over hip P
Corset made of good heavy mate
rial in pink and white, low and
S""". 69c
Corset that are guaranteed rust
proof, medium and low top, four
K 49c
Brassiere, embroidery and lace
trimmed, hook 9fl
in front &UC
Basement '
Ws, Slips, Muslins, Ete
The "Glen" Mill. Bleached Sheet
ing. fine, soft bleached sheeting
purchased specially for this great
est of all January sales; good qual
ity, soft finish, 9-4 width, 81 inches
wide, less than mill cost; sale
price, a yard 32c
Beautiful "American Beauty"
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Vone better. Made from the fin
est selected sheeting. Exceeds Pe
quot or Utica sheeting, which have
long been recognized standard grades
in all the wanted sizes, specially
priced for this sale only.
72x90-in., sale price, each $1.30
72x99-in., sale price, each. .. .$1.35
81x90-in., sale price, each $1.35
81x99-in., sale price, each $1.45
42x36-in., sale price, each 30c
45x36-in., sale price, each 32c
36-inch Unbleached Muslin, mill
shorts, good grade; special for this
January sale, a yard, at 8c
Brandeis Special Bleached Sheet
ing Extra heavy linen finish,
strong and durable, compares with
"Pepperell" or "Aurora" brands
in count and weight, outside of its
linen finish; special sale
9x4 width, 81 inches wide; special
sale, a yard 38c
At Prices Actually Below Mill Quotations
Genuine "Dallas" Bleached Sheetings, Sheets and Slips
Made from fine quality, soft finish, round thread cotton, thoroughly free from
dressing; and warranted to wear well. Well finished, sale price, needless to say, be
low mill cost.
Sheeting, 9-4 width, 81 inches wide, special sale, a yard .' 45c
Sheets and Pillow Slips
72x90-inch, special sale, each $1.15
72x99-inch, special sale, each $1.25
81x90-inch, special sale, each $1.30
81x99-inch, special sale, each $1.35
42x36-inch, special sale, each 28c
Beautiful "Bridal" Sheetings
The genuine "Bridal Bleached" Sheetings,
Sheets and Pillow Cases. Our foremost standard
Sheetings, etc., which are perfection for weight
and wearing qualities. The finest woven fabric
and the nearest approach to linen for weight,
wear and durability.
"Bridal" Sheetings
10-4 width, 90-inch, special sale, a yard.... 69c
9-4 width, 81-inch, special sale, a yard.... 59c
8-4 width, 72-inch, special sale, a yard 55c
"Bridal" Sheets and Slips
72x90 in., "Bridal" Sheets, special sale, ea., $1.35
81x90 in., "Bridal" Sheets, special sale, ea., $1.50
42x36-inch "Bridal" Slips, special sale, each. 35c
45x36-inch "Bridal" Slips, special sale, each. 38c
Famous "Bridal" Fabrics
Sheerest of all fine White Lingerie materials.
Nainsooks, Cambrics, Long Cloth, etc.
"Bridal" Nainsooks
No. 150 Nainsook, 36 in., special sale, yard, 19e
No 250 Nainsook, 36 in, special sale, yard, 21c
No. 350 Nainsook, 36 in., special sale, yard, 22c
No. 450 Nainsook, 36 in., special sale, yard, 24c
"Bridal" Long Cloths
No. 400 36-in. Long Cloth, special sale, yard, 19c
No 500 36-in. Long Cloth, special sale, yard, 21c
No. 750 36-in. Lohg Cloth, special sale, yard, 22c
No. 1000 36-in. Long Cloth, special sale, yard, 24c
No. 2000 36-in. Long Cloth, special sale, yard, 25c
Pillow Slipsi Extra Special!
Fairfax Bleached Pillow Slips,
soft finish, good grade, three-inch
hems, reaily for use, special sale
45x36-in. Bleached Slips, each, 15c
42x36-in. Bleached Slips, each, 14c
Fidelity Standard Grade, Extra
Heavy Linen Sheet and Slip
The genuine Fidelity linen finish
Sheets, thoroughly bleached and fin
ished neat. Three-inch hems, laun
dered and ironed. None better for
weight and wearing quality. Special
72x90-inch, sale price, each. .$1.00
72x09-inch, sale price, each. . . .$1.05
81x90-inch, sale price, each... $1.05
81x99-inch, sale price, each... $1.10
42x3(5-tnch, sale price, each... 23c
45x36-inch, sale price, each. . . . 24c
45x36-inch Bleached "Saranac"
Pillow Slip, fine soft finish, three
inch hems, ready for use; special
sale, each v14c
Bleached Muslin, direct from the
"Sayless Bleachery," mill shorts,
fine quality, 36-inch bleached
muslin, cambric, etc.; lengths to
15 yards, extra fine quality; pe
cial sale, a yard, at 7c
2,500 Yards of Scrim, plain and
fancy colored borders, sne- f
cial, a yard JC
One Big Table of Fancy Voiles,
pretty colored borders, white,'
cream and beige, worth 1 f
29c a yard special, a yard 17C
3,000 Yards of Marquisettes and
Fancy Swisses, 36 and 40 1 P
inches wide, special, yard IOC
4,000 Yards of Voile and Marqui
settes, plain and hemstitched.
worth up to 49c a yard. OC?
special at this sale, a yard muC
One Big Counter of Cretonne, in
a large assortment of pretty color
ings and designs, worth up to
59c a yard, special, a OC
yard 9J
35c Fancy Net, in a large assort
ment of pretty designs, f 7
special, a yard 1IW
650 Pair of Ruffled End Scrim
Curtain, 2V yards long. Off
special, a pair muC
$2.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains,
extra wide, all 2 and 3 yards
long; white, cream and d1 .4Q
beige, a pair P 1 47
$2.50 Lace Curtain, beautiful
new designs, 50 inches wide,
3 and 3'i yards long, d ilQ
a pair . . . . : V 1 e4"
750 Pair of Scrim Curtain, fancy
hemstitched borders and ruffled
ends; worth 75c a pair, or
special in this sale, a pair, OOC
White Goods at Wonderful Prices
Thousand of Yards of Fine
White Dress Fabrics, in a wide
range of beautiful patterns and
qualities. Small and large
plaids, embroidery designs,
cords, two-inch cluster stripes
and other pretty novelty de
signs; splendid assortment to
select from, 40 inches wide,
worth up to 75c, January sale
price, a yard, at 29
Thousands of yards of White Seed
Voile, fine crepe quality, 36 inches
wide, sold from the bolt, 29c val
ue; January sale, a yard. . . .19
Another Special Purchase for Our
January Sale, fine quality White
Shadow Striped Gabardine, wool
finish and a splendid weight for
dresses, middies, skirts, etc., 36
inches wide; 50c value; January
sale, a yard 25
27-inch White India Linen, good
weight, free from starch; 15c val
ue, January sale, a yard. . . 12
Full Bolt of 36-inch Plaid Batiste
and Corded Voile, lace stripe, fine
quality; 25c value, January sale,
a yard 15
Full Bolt of White Windsor
Crepe, best quality made, splen
did for undermuslins, children's
and infants' dresses, requires no
ironing, always 36 inches, 35c val
ue ; sale price, a yard .... 22
Remnants of White Windsor
Crepe, from l'-yard lengths to
7 yards, many to match, 28 inches,
25c value; sale price, a yard.l5
40-inch White Victoria Lawn, me
dium heavy, good quality, 20c val
ue; sale price, a yard 12
About 200 Bolts of White Voile,
very fine quality, made from
good combed yarns; can be used
for dresses, waists, slips and a
splendid quality for curtains, 40
inches wide, 25c value, January
sale, a yard 12J4i
No. 600 Imperial English Long
Cloth, 42 inches wide, 12-yard
bolts, a bolt $2.95
Extra Heavy White Pin Check
Pajama Cloth, 36 inches wide,
15c values, sale price, slightly
soiled, a yard . . . .5
The Linens in the Sale
Towel Ends, 2xzck Wonderful Low Price
Table Cloth, 79c
Table Cloths, 2 yards long, made
out of a very fine mercerized
Damask, in an assortment of pret
ty patterns, each 79c
$1.00 Towel, 69c
This lot consists of one of the fore
most American Towel Mills, slight
ly soiled and mill imperfections.
Double twisted thread, so-called
Jumbo size. Hemmed ends, extra
heavy quality, while the lot lasts,
each 69c
50c Padding, 29c
This is the heavy fleeced quality,
54 inches wide, to protect your
table, also suitable for ironing
pads; special, a yard 29c
$5.00 Spread, $3.25
These are Superior Satin Finish
Spreads, scalloped and cut corners.
All very attractive patterns, large
size, special, each $3.25
$3.00 Spreads, $2.25
This lot consists of crochet, satin
finish and Etamine spreads. Hem
med ends or scalloped, cut corners;
large size, each $2.25
12sc Toweling, 7 t4c
This is full bleached, the linen
finished kind, fancy borders, heavy
quality, soft and absorbent; per
yard 7 H c
Soys' Wear
Biggest Savings
of the Year
Boys' Suits, Mackinaws
and Overcoats, $3.95
Here are real good suits,
in neat mixture effects, all
made with full lined pants,
smart new model coats
some have two pair of pants.
Lots of good, warm mack
inaws and overcoats also
every garment at a big sav
ing. A Sale of Boys Sweaters,
at 95c
clere are odd and end lots of sweat
ers. Many worth double; QC
sizes 3 to 14 years JOC
Boys' Flannel Blouses,
at 65c
Worth regularly 85c. Colors are
gray, blue and army olive, ?C
all sizes DOC
Flannelette -Rompers and
Sleeping Garments, Very
Special at 65c
Rompers are in neat gray stripe
effects, sizes 2 to 8tyears. Sleepers
come in plain white and blue, pink
and white and pink stripes; sizes
1 to 10 years. Next season these
garments will be $1.00. Buy next
season's supply now, JC
mm 1