Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Brief City News
Hate Bool I'rlnt l New Vtucua Pre.v
For Xmns Everything electrical!
Burgess-Granden Co.
d . ...... . i . j . !
i i i.ii iiiituis mm iii mi in,
corner of Georgia n venue and Ioav en
worth, 5:30 Wednesday evening, Do
ceniber 19, plenxe call Harney or
Mrs. Harry Steele. Harney 607y.
Nickrrwoii Gt iinUl Watcli
I nited Stales Marshal Ilynn pre
sented ft handsome pold watch to
Chief Deputy Niekerann as a t'hrist
m.'is present, lie also gave frifts to hia
other deputies.
Kmlorso C'liamlirrlaiii Hill The
Commercial club has endorsed the
Chamberlain compulsory military
traininc bill in ennffresK, and has sent
its endorsement forward to the proper
authorities in Washington.
Given Widow's Tension Mrs Mary
!.H;il and daughter were cheered
when the ity cnun-'il granted the
f irmer a iduw'H pension on account
of the death f Captain John Mi llaie
if the South Side tire department.
State Bank of Oinalin, corner Six
teenth and Harney streets, pays 4 per
cent on time deposits. Three per cent
n savlnes accounts. All deposits In
this bank are protected by the de-
positors' guarantee fund of the state
jf Nebraska. Adv.
Conl Mlnrs Husy I'nion f.u itlc an -
nounces that the Ilo k Spnnps coal
mines are. beinp worked to capacity
ind that the presen toutput is in -v
eess of 100 carloads dailv. The aver
age daily output during November
was 90 carloads. Hut little of the
Hock Springs coal is getting as far
east as Nebraska. Most of it is con
sumed in Utah, Nevada, Idaho and
tin Flreplare Goode at SiinrirrlnndV
Franklin Mann Presented
With $00 Loving Cup
Franklin Mann found a $J00 loving
cup in his stocking this morning. The
employes of Omaha of the Northwes
tern Mutual Life Insurance company
made him a present of it. At brst the
employes had planned to celebrate the
1917 success of the agency by giving
Mr. Mann a big dinner. Because the
members of the force living out in the
state would not have been able to at
tend such a dinner, this idea was given
up. The money raised for the dinner
was then spent for a loving cup.
Mr. Fricke, leading agent of the
Omaha agency of the ocmpany. lias
already written more than $750,0(X)
worth of insurance this year, which
is one of .he best records ever made
by one agent in the life insurance
game in Nebraska.
Salvation Army Gives
Xmas Dinners to Poor
Three hundred needy fathers and
mothers lined up in front of the Sal
vation Army building, Seventeenth
and Davenport streets, at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon to get their sacks
filled with edibles for a big Christ
mas dinner.
Three hundred baskets laden with
15 different kinds of edibles were
given to the poor people. F.ach
basket contained potatoes, apples, a
chicken, canned vegetables, flour,
salt, sugar, buttermilk, milk, colTce,
bread and breakfast foods of oats,
corn flakes and wheat. Each basket
contained half a bushel of food and
was planned to furnish a fine dinner
for a good sized family.
Rob Xmas Feeds of 5,000
Quarts of Kentucky Whisky
Louisville, ' Ky., Dec. 24. FiTe
thousand quarts of Kentucky
whiskey, said to have been destined
.for Christmas consumption in "bone
dry" territory, much of it in Alabama
and Tennessee, is in possession of
the federal authorities in Louisville,
according to announcement today.
The seizures have resulted from ex
amination within the last few day
of suspicious packages carried by
travelers and of parcels at freight
depots in an effort to discover viola
tions of the Reed law.
The liquor is valued at approxi
mately $50,000,
Veteran Paxton Clerk Goes
To New Work in Iowa Town
Frank L. Ruble, clerk at the Paxton
hotel fo rthe last 17 years, goes to
Shenandoah, la., Wednesday, where
he will be in charge of the Dotov ho
tel, in which he is interested. When
a mere youngster, Mr. Ruble began
his hotel career as check boy at the
Paxton check stand. His sincerity and
pleasing way won him many promo
tions. He has had experience in prac
tically every part of hotel work.
"Hank" Moore, a hotel man of wide
experience, will succeed Mr. Ruble at
the desk at the Paxton hotel.
,m,- cm m cm cm cm cm cmfwyp
Xmas Does Not Interfere
With "Y. W." War Campaign
Festivities attending Christmas
time will not be allowed to interfere
with the activity of the Young Wo
men's Christian association war work
campaign. With $.10,000 already sub
scribed, the committee is out in solid
ranks again hustling for the other
$5,000. The goal set is $35,000, and the
committee hopes to have this by Fri
day. Friday noon all the committee
members, including the men's teams
,and the women's teams, will meet at
the Commercial club rooms to go
over the final returns, tabulate the
figures, and "go over the top."
J. Orkin Says Easterners
Compliment Omaha Spirit
Julius Orkin, Douglas street merch
ant, has just returned from a big
buying trip in the east. He reports
merchandise is short this year. Orkin
says that business conditions are bad
in the east, as compared with the
middle west, where prospects are bet
ter than ever for the coming year.
Eastern manufacturers gave high
compliments to the west and the city
of Omaha for maintaining business
conditions at normal during these
agitated times, Mr. Orkin said.
Volunteers of America
to uisiriDUie tsasxeis lomym
Mayor Dahlman and J. A. Mun
roe of the Union Pacific will distri
bute baskets of food to the poor for
the Volunteers of America at 8 o'clock
tonight at 114 North Fifteenth street.
TU... 1 A A k..L.l. I,...
piled high in the shape of a pyramid.
A Freak That Wa.
Snty-lx yean ago the director! of a
Bntl.h Itfs Insurance corporation received
an application (or a policy from a man
known to be a total abstainer from alcoholic
After consultation thy decided to charge
19 per rent more than the uaual premium
because "the applicant U of a thtn and
watery disposition and mentally cracked In
that he repudiates the ood :retun of
Cod as found in alcoholic drinks."
Today all Insurance compani'S prefer
'total abstainers to those who us ilccbMt'
rtf ink -Condon Chronicle..
North American Company Now
Owns Big Family Hostelry;
no Change in
Announcement was made trotii tiie
offices of the North American Hotel
company that the Hlackstone hotel,
Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets, lias
become the property of the North
American Hotel company. It was
formerly the property of the JUack
stone HoldlitK company, a Nebraska
John F. Lctton. president and gen
eral manager of the North American
Hotel company, iti making this an-
rotinccniciit, stated that this tratiMer
I of ownership has been mid.'r rontem-
j p'ation for some time, the Black-tone
I having been unrlff tlie management
0f tlie North American Hotel tom-
, several months oast.
Personnel Remains Same.
I he change fit ownership, states
Mr. Leeton, "will in no way effect the
present personnel oftbe Blackstone
management, which is at present un
der Mr, Rothery's personal supervis
ion," and he stated further that the
lan of up lating the Blackstone as a
residence i.otel will be continued jttst
as before the change ot ownership
The acquisition by the North Amer
ican Hotel company of the Black
stone Hotel, wlucli was completed a
little over a year ago, is a distinct
step forward in the remarkable
growth an, I progress which has been
made by that company during the last
few years.
Hotel buildings of the North Ameri
can Hotel company in operation, un
der construction, and upon which ar
chitects arc making plans, will when
completed involve an investment of
more than $.1,000,000.
Buildings Under Way.
Among tiie buildings under way for
the North American Hotel company
at the present time are a 10-story
building at drand Island, Neb.; a
seven-story hotel at Kearney, Neb.;
a six-story hotel at ScottsblulT, Ne.;
an-eight-story hotel at Norfolk, Ne.;
and a hotel at Ogallala, Neb.; a three
story hotel at Hampton, la ; a 10-
story hotel at Sioux ("it, la.; add a
five-story hotel at Ottawa, Kan. Sites
have been selected for a 10-story hotel
at Topeka. Kan., and a seven-story ho
tel at Kldorado, aKn.
The buildings at Kearney, drand
Island, Scott sbluff and Ogallala, in
Nebraska, at Hampton in Iowa, and at
Ottawa in Kansas, are sufficiently far
along so that plans are being made
to have these buildings open and in
operation early during the summer of
1918. The building at Norfolk, exca
vation fro which has recently begun,
and the hotel at Sioux City, upon
which excavation contract has been
let, will, according to present plans,
be completed later in tiie same year,
and at Eldorado and Topeka, Kan., it
is planned to start construtcion early
next spring.
Grizzly in Public Market
Window Drives Dog to Spasms
"Fritz," an alley dog of the down
town district, and a real dead grizzly
bear in front of the Public Market
held a first class show last Saturday
evening and entertained a great num
ber of the Omaha people.
The dead bvar was in display in
front of the market and was so posed
as to make him appear alive to a
canine. And so l-'ritz fell for the
pose. Immediately on seeing the mo
tionless animal he began to bark in
aggressive tones. The longer he
barked the madder he became.
A drop of blood fell from the mouth
of the bear, and then the vigilant dog
reached his climax of fury. By this
time such a crowd had gathered that
even the street cars could no longer
Child Three Years Old Left
At Home of Mrs. Anderson
Mystery surrounds the finding of a
three-year-old baby boy by Mrs. Hat
tie 'Anderson on the front porch of
her home, 2106 California street, Sun
day afternoon. According to neigh
bors, the child was left by a woman
apparently about 28 years old, who,
after depositing the child on the
porch, walked hurriedly away.
Mrs. Anderson said that she knows
to whom the child belongs, and that
the mother's first name is Florence.
The child was turned over to Proba
tion Officer Miller, who will investi
gate. Twenty Men Are Arrested Out
Of Soft Drink Establishment
Fete Zoroya, proprietor of a soft
drink place at 5224 South Twenty
eighth street, and 19 inmates were ar
rested Sunday afternoon, he being
charged with keeping and they with
being inmates of a disorderly house.
Five of the men are white, the others
are colored. Sergeant Shcahan. De
tectives Lepinski and Rinn. and Of
ficers Kobcy and Uaughman made the
A Merry f
jljs& Carpenter Paper m-pf I
eneral Manager Jeffers Says
Road Will Provide Trans
portation for
"The Union I'aciiic railroad can be
of great assistance at this time to the
homesteaders aloi.g its lines, espe
cially in the dry farming districts."
This is the announcement of W. M.
Jeffers, vice
president and general
I he 1 nion lViriiic rai rrtrul v. ill uivo I
employment to homesteaders in its
car hops and round-houses under
conditions that will enable them to
earn, during the balance of the sea
son, at b ast $V) a month.
"The employment which we have
to offer these men," said Mr. Jttfers,
"will make itp ossible for homestead
ers to replenish their funds during
the winter months -o they will have
additional cash with which to take up
their work in the spring.
"We will co-operate with them in
every way by giving them transporta
tion back to their homes should they
want tu go hack to keep a line ci
things at the farm.
"If these homesteaders will apply
to the .incut at the nearest station j
or to the mechanical department at
any district terminal, we will arrange
to find work for them to do at once.
We will see, of course, that they get
transportation to the joint where the
work is and home again when it is
necessary for them to return to their
"We believe this will help out ma
terially in aiding these homesteaders
to do their part in the work of the
war and they will also be doing a
work for the railroad which is essen
tial at this time."
Re-Enlists in Navy After
Completing Four Years
"None of the army life for mine,"
says Horace W. Cannon. "I've just
finished a four-year stretch in the
navy and I guess I'm good for an
other four years."
The first of this month Cannon
was honorably discharged after serv
ing four years as a fireman on the
battleship North Carolina, but be
fore the ink was drv on his discharge
t, ,...,i;.. .i i.;. :
, r:. I1:
granted shore leave for 28 days, and
went to Norfolk, Neb., to visit his
folks. On his way back to lloston
his brother, Carl. l years old, in
sisted on accompanying him as far as
Omaha to enlist. Roth of them
stopped off here today while Carl
went through the paces. Horace will
continue on to Koston to join his
Four other young men enlisted
Monday. They are: Joseph Worth,
Fmery, S. D.: Charles Kornschein.
Sioux (ity, la.. Alfred Jackson,
Worthington, Minn., and Bernard
Kothenberger, lieatrice. All the new
sailors were permitted to return to
their homes with the exception of
Rothenberger, w ho shipped in the elec
trical radio branch and was sent to
Rope Wild Steers in
Funston Celebration
Camp Funston, Kan., Dec. 24.
Roping of wild steers, riding events
ami other sports are scheduled for
Camp Funston's Christmas celebra
tion tomorrow.
Thousands of pounds of turkey,
many barrels of apples and other
delicacies will feature the dinner ami
the afternoon will be given over to
distribution of gifts from home.
Anglo-Americans Meet To
Standardize Screw Threads
Washington, Dec. 24. Secretary
Redfield announced today that he had
accepted an invitation from the Brit
ish ministry of munitions to appoint
delegates to an Anglo-American con
ference on standardization of screw
threads to be held in London early
next year.
ree Want Ads Bring Results.
Apply 8:30 A. M. Wednesday
1508-10 DOUGLAS ST.
Our photographs cost bo mor H iETlt- iJtDfiJ
than the ether kind. They are Vmir
better, too. I ()
Rinehart-Steffens i N
Of Course. n
N 300 18th St., South. Wead Bldf. 1 I 1
Just Oft Farnam. I I ! I
K w '" JI
lAKKi Kbu Lib!
"The war of the transgressor is
h;ird." acrordintr to six. members of
who arc playing at a local theater this
A little "nip" of In-er or wine i
relished with reat appreciation and
even is necessary, sometimes accord
in? t0 the w,.re arrC!!ted yes
tcrday and charged with illegal
session ot intoxicating liquor.
The happy bawd of players were
met at the Union station bv Sergeant
Murphy's troupe en masse upon their
armal on the Missouri Pacitic train
No. I'l.S from Kansas City.
All their personal baggage was
searched and wine and beer was dis
covered in suitcases belonging to Max
Hoffman, orchestra director in Ger
trude Hoffmann's Revue; John O'Neil.
musician; 11. J. Nelson and D. J.
Holtsclaw, electricians, and Charles
O IFara, xtage carpenter.
.Skce Gallagher, an actor, who ar
rived here with the theatrical troupe
to pass a few day, witfTliis sister who
lives here, also was arrested.
A trunk belonging to Mis Flora
LaFletir containing three quart bottles
of beer, was held at the police station
until late yesterday afternoon when
the owner claimed it and was booked
on tlie charge of unlawful possession
ot intoxicating liquor.
All were released on bonds.
"I am fond of a tumbler of w ine
champagne before retiring, and for
that reason I carried the liquor for
personal use," Max Hoffman told the
police. I
"If we thought we were coming into
a bone-dry state, you bet we wouldn't
have had the booze," said one of the
Officers who conducted the arrest
tinder Sergeant Murphy are; Wade,
A. C. Anderson, Chapman, Damato,
' 'ag. M. F. Anderson and E. Vanous.
Aleged Wife Beater Will
Spend Christmas in Jail
J. T. Fadden, alleged wife-beater,
will spend Christmas in jail. He was
sentenced to ID days in the work
house Monday by Acting Police
Judge Holmes. A policeman found
Mrs. Fadden wandering barefoot,
with only a coat over her night attire, I
in trout ot the I'addcn home, ,?85o
Leavenworth street, at 9 o'clock-
""" i
Sunday night. She said she was at-
'y husband
and forced
out of the house.
Soldiers Ignore Orders;
Go Home For Christmas
Macon, Ga., Dec. 24. Four hun
dred enlisted men at Camp Wheeler
have overridden orders and left for
home to spend Christmas without
permission. Many of them have been
apprehended and will be returned to
camp. Nearly 2'X) were abesent from
the 122nd infantry. Reing absent
without permission will mean a
sentence of from .50 to 90 days, de
pending on circumstances, court offi
cers say.
The Sale
$150 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, Wednesday, at. . .
$125 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs. Wednesday, at . .
$98 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, at
That sold at $15.00 and
$18.00. 200 of them in the
season's newest styles for
selection. Your choice,
Wednesday, CI OOO
1 m 1 t 11 1
II iilV ' t,
Officiate Seach Bolsheviki
Freighter in Pacific Port, Re-
puted to Carry Money to
Aid Friends
illy o'i(td Pr"..)
A Pacific J'ort, Dec. 24. The Rus
sian freighter S'nilka, Captain Boris
Dogal, which, unheralded, slipped into
the harbor here late Friday night di
rect from Vladivostok, is under Bol
sheviki control, it became known to
day. A number of the Shiika's sailors
were lratermzir.t! on the ducks today
with a party of alleged Industrial
Workers ut the World, 2! of whom
were arrested by federal officials and
held tor investigation. Among thote
taken into custody were 1.5 Russians.
None of the sailors was arrested.
Shortly after the vessel's arrival a
report was circulated to the effect that
she had brought a fund of $10t),o()0 in
gold tor the defense of several score
ot Industrial Workers of the World :
now awaiting trial at Chicago on con-!
spiracy charges. The United States j
district attorney here admitted he had
heard of the report rind early tr clay j
federal agents searched tlie vessel :
but found no gold, knowledge of I
which was denied by the captain and
To Search Again.
Another search will be made, when
the cargo of licorice root and beans
is discharged.
following out the Bolsheviki prin -
ciples, the Shilka, it was said, is really
under the command of a committee
This committee has the power to
overrule any order of Captain Dogal
at any time, bu. members of the crew
stated that this unique division of
authority had caused no trouble on
the voyage across the Pacific.
Members of the crew have been for
bidden to leave the vessel, and fifty
cadets from a naval training school,
wtrking in three relays under the
command of commissioned officers,
are guarding the ship from the dock.
Dennis New War Savings
Director For South Dakota
Sioux Falls,, S. D.. Dec. 24. Roger
T 7 S I ,11 .1
u uennts, a local oatiKer, louay an-,
nounced his acceptance of the ap-
pointment as war savings director tor
South Dakota, to succeed M. F. Pat
ton of Mitchell, who recently ten
dered his resignation to Secretary
First National Gives $500
More To K. of C. War Fund
The First National bank has in
creased its subscription to the
Knights of Columbus war fund from
$500 to $1,000. The bank originally
gave $500, but as a Christmas gift
doubled the amount. k
Event You Have Been Waiting For
Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 26th
and Misses' Cloth Coats and Suits
Include a wonderfully broad as
sortment of the Winter season's
best styles, materials and colore.
$15.00 Cloth Coats $7.50
$25.00 Cloth Coats $12.50
$39.00 Cloth Coats $19.50
$50.00 Cloth Coats $25.00
$00.00 Cloth Coats $34.50
$98.00 Cloth Coats $49.00
And All Other Cloth Coats
Just Half
All Fur Scarfs, Muffs and Sets V3 Off
$85 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs. Wednesday, at. .
$75 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, Wednesday, at . .
$65 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, at
Women's Silk Petticoats, all colors, worth $4.00 J9
and $5.00, Wednesday v V
Women's Long Silk Kimonos, worth $5.00 and flJO Q C
$6.00, Wednesday, at
Women's Knitted Hug-Me
Tights, $2.50 value, at
Pays Try Hoyden' a First It Payst
; Paxton & Gallagher Men Send
i Greetings Along With Sub-
stantial Christmas
The employes of Paxton
Gallagher who are in the service
Uncle Sam, were remembered with
Christmas presents and greetings
from officers of the firm and depart
ment heads.
With the presents sent to them
went complimentary messages from
the fficers. F.ach department head
wrote a special message to the men 1
from his department who are with j
the colors, telling them how thier i
present work is appreciated and how
their home-coming is looked forward
"We wish you all a very Merry
Christmr.s and that the time may not ;
be far distant when 'peace on earth, I
good will toward1 men,' will be a uni
versal and lasting peace. Mav God :
bless and protect every one of you
and hrmg you sately back, wrote
President Charles H." Pickens.
J. F. Ferguson, buyer, wrote:
"My dear Sammy: We hope you
will be back with us before net
Christinas. How nroud von will be
when you march past your friends
on the viaduct. Hoiv we shall cheer
: 0u! How we shall envy you!"
j "We know you will make good, for
i you always held up your end when
here," was the message of Secretary
i r. . Keogh.
Paul Gallagher, treasurer, wrote, i
"A Merry Christmas! You have my
heartiest wishes for a successful fu-
ture and safe return of you all to
vour friends. 'Call us up and ask for
Doyle.' " :
Dan Geiltis wrote a line ot poetry: ,
"While at home indulging in Yule-1
tide joys I
We extent! Christmas greetings to j
our dear soldier boys."
Others who sent Christmas greet- i
ings were R. K. Winkelman. li. F. j
Kimberly, F. E. Pearce, A, S. Wil- 1
Hams, H. Van Dahl, Edgar A. Doran, j
George Waterman, William H. Haas,
Paul N. Wiemer. P. J. Nestor. T. J. i
Prettyman, jr., Roger Holman and
George F. Wright. ;
q--. nt u0v Dnnct
i oOnS 01 lldly DOOSl
U. S. Savings Stamps
Ne wYork, Dec. 24. Eight hun
dred lodges of the Sons of Italy in
New Y'ork, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Massachusetts and New Jersey, have
pledged support to the thrift and war
savings stamps, campaign, it was an
nounced here tonight. The lodges
represent a membership of 100,000.
Each lodge will form a war savings
society, it was stated and each mem
ber has promised not only to buy
stamps, but to encourage his neigh
bors to do so.!
Offer choice from assortments
of clever styles second to none in
Omaha. Make selections early.
$15.00 Winter Suits $ 7.50
$25.00 Winter Suits $12.50
$39.0 OWinter Suits $19.50
$50.00 Winter Suits $25.00
$60.00 Winter Suits $34.50
$98.00 Winter Suits $49.00
You Pay Just Half Regular
Retail Prices.
$39 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, Wednesday, at .
$30 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs. Wednesday, at.
$25 Fur Sets, Scarfs or
Muffs, at
Women's Mandarin Vests,
worth $1.50, Wednesday
Federal Land Banks
Need a Few Millions
St. ran!. Minn., Dec. 24.-fnless
uemls the credit ot t.'
government to the amount oi ?-ov,-OfiO.OOO
to the federal land hanks, the
farmers of the country face absolute
need, according to a statement issued
today bv F. G. Quanime, president
of the Federal loan bank ot M. Paul.
Ditlicultv in disposing of bonds based
thp tarm rnortcaCS has resulted
.- inn
; in a lack ot money in the banks, Mr.
! Quanime said, stating that SIOO.OOU,
! 000 is needed at once to pay approved
loans, and the other ino,wu.ow to
provide a revolving fund to handle
loans during the war.
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
You wash your face and hands
daily, take a bath every day or so;
yet seldom think of the dirt your
outer garments constantly collect.
Dresher Brothers' sanitary clean
ing method not only kills all germ
material, but removes oil, dirt and
grease spots and restores the luster
of the garment. Why take chances
when our cleaning service costs so
little. You better call us instead
of calling a doctor.
Dresher Brothers
Dyer, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers
and Tailors.
2211-2217 Farnam Street.
Branch Offices:
Dresher, The Tailor, 1515 Farnam
Brandeis Stores, Pompeian Room.
Burgess-Nash Store, West End
Main Floor.
2216 Harney Street.
Our autos pass your home ev
day. Call Tyler o lf and ask them
to stop.
To Out-of-Town Customers: We
pay return charges.
Look for the
Omaha Label
On Your
1918 Calendars
M. F. Shafer &
IO Omaha's Only Calendar
3313 OFF
Made to sell at $6.00 and
$7.00, in Georgettes, Crepe
de Chines and Tub Silks,
all this season's newest
styles and colors. Wednes
day, your do ne
choice QO.VO