THt lEE: OMAHA. iSAil'KlAY. Uhlh.UHhK '--, 1JU MAFT BOARDS ARESWAMPED Huadreds of Questionnaires Are Being Returned Incor rectly Filled in; Means Answering Again. i -"ar. bcan.l of the several divi--v i.t greater Omaha are swamped w.'.'.i wort:, and the tnembers are "diking day and tiight to keep up. !:i addition to mailing out the 5 per e:i! of the total number of ques :oi.naires daily, hundreds of ques tionnaires are now being returned. H.u'h (juesti'innaire must be inspected airt iiiilv to m'c that all questions have hee'i au?weteJ correctly, and in many instances it is necessary to no tify the registrant that he must go either through the whole process .iga'in or correct the questionnaire, k-Mre it can be filed for classifica tion. Orders in the form of lengthy and complicated bulletins are received and probably within an hour are counter manded by telegraphic orders from Lincoln, and, as one member of the hoards expressed himself, no one knows where they arc at. Great flocks oi registrants of a foreign extraction are now appearing before the various boards with in terpretors to assist in tilling out the questionnaires. The legal advisors are the busiest men on the job. In ad dition to giving advice they also have to act in the capacity of clerk in fill ing out the questionnaires, as many of the registrants are poor penmen. The district board is a regular bu reau of information. Scores of reg istrants troop in there asking all kinds of information relative to en listing or filling out their question naires, and Chief Clerk Sutton and his assistants are kept on the jump from early morning until late at night. Washington Will Probe Conditions at Funston An immediate investigation of con ditions at Camp Funston will be or dered by Senator Hitchcock, accord ing to advices from Washington. The alleged deplorable conditions at the big national army cantonment were given wide publicity in Omaha by an exclusive story in The Bee, in which Mrs. A. H. McConnell, an Oma ha mother, made a scathing arraign ment of the treatment of the sol diers. The Washington investigation will be based on the; statements of Gen eral Gorgas. who charged unsanitary conditions at Funston. "Statements in the report of Gen eral Gorgas must be amplified and explained before the senate commit tee, and if such conditions exist we shall attempt to find out why the camp was located in such a notorious ly unhealthy place." said Senator Hitchcock. Harding Cream Company Service Flag Has 22 Stars The Harding Cream company serv ice tlag has 22 stars in it, which rep resents enlistments from the Omaha plant and at Council Bluffs, la. This dues not take into consideration men working in plants in other cities or anents who are scattered about throughout small towns in four or five states adjacent to Omaha. Volunteers of America Receive Many Appeals The Volunteers of America have re ceived a greater number of applica-1 tions for Christmas dinners from the I i poor of greater Omaha than was an ticipated. Major and Mrs. MeCor mick, in charge of this work, are de-! termined to give every worthy per-1 son who applies for a-basket a din-1 tier on Christmas eve. Contributions will be received at j the Volunteers of America. 114 North I Fifteenth street. The chimnevs on j the street corners can be patronized by those who desire. One Injured When Auto Crashes Into Street Car Eddie Burdish, 1481 Finkney street, was injured Friday afternoon when an automobile, which lie was driving, collided with a otreet car at Twenty fourth and Binney streets. The auto mobile was demolished and the street car partly wrecked. Retailers to Hold Joint j Sessions Here Next Month The Federation of Nebraska Re tailers and the Retailers' Conservation council will hold joint meetings dur ing part of their sessions in Omaha January 21-24. Headquarters will be at the Hotel Fontenelle. Oh risimas Is 9? AT THE Morris & Co. Help Men To Buy Thrift Stamps Plans were put into effect Thursday , at Morris & Co. packing plant wdiere- ; by every employe will be given every facility to purchase war savings stamps. I F. E. Ames, manager, and C. B. Spanglcr. superintendent of Che com pany, will the plan to even employe and it is expected that every one of the employes will soon own thrift cards. I More than $500 worth of the stamps were disposed of yesterday soon after the plan was made known. Each fore man of the company will carry the savings stamps, so that men um!er them may purchase them at any time. Mid-Term Grads Who Will j Enter the High Schools The following Eighth B mid-term graduates will enter the public high schools at the beginning of the sec ond semester on January 28: Central High school, 17.i; High School of Commerce, 171; South High school, 80. Union Depot Displays 100 Per Cent Red Cross Flag ! J. W. Adams, superintendent of the ; Union depot, hung a 100 per cent Red : Cross flag in the passenger station ; Friday morning. There are hundreds of employes in the Union depot and each of then, subscribed to the Red Cross. I Sherman & IMonnell 5 Rexall Drug Stores. We are glad to announce to all the old friends and customer that our warehouse at 509-11 South 12th is completely restored and is now being rapidly filled with an entirely new stock of the 125,000 articles we handle. Come today, tomorrow, and all the days before Christmas, to any one of our 5 conveniently located stores. You will find them Bright and Busy, and filled with an attractive assortment of articles which are always acceptable as Christmas remembrances. CANDIES (By the box and bulk), about 100 kinds, prices and sizes. CIGARS (By the box), nearly 100 brands and sizes. PERFUMES An endless as sortment in bulk and in bottles. TOBACCOS All the brands, as used by patriots, pencil pushers, movie heroes and baseball magnates. COMFORT . KITS For sol diers and civilians at moderate prices. BRUSHES Cloth, hair, tooth, nail, shoe and sham poo, prices neglible. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Farnam N. E. Cor. 19th and Farnam Streets. Streets. Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Far. West End Pharmacy, 49th and nam Streets. Dodge Streets. Smokers9 VSs Articles Cigars, Tobacco Products We Pay Postage on All Mail Orders The Natural Christmas Gift for Men Following is a list of high grade well known brands of cigars, that are smoked and appre ciated by the man that knows a good cigar. IMPORTED CIGARS Hoyo De Monterrey 30 each La Carolina La Corona, 3 sizes 20d 30d 50 each Partagas, 2 sizes Romeo and Juliet, 2 sizes -20 30 each I H. Uphiann 30 each 20d 30 each 30d each Clear Havana and Domestic Cigars FONTENELLE Made in Bond. This Is the largest selling Clea K. Garcia it Bros. 8 sizes, 10c each to 3 for 50c Garcia & Vtga 6 sires, 10c pach to 3 for S(lc Huron He Kalb 2 sizes, IOc each to 2 for :i5c La InlfKrlilad 4 sizes, lite each to 25c I'anrlio Arango 6 sizes, IOc each to 25c IWnron, made in bond. . 6 sizes, 10c each to 15c Gonsalea & Sanchei. . . . 4 sizes, IOc each to 15c Admiration 6 sizes, IOc each to 3 for 50c Saramita 4 sizes, 6c each to 2 for 25c La Asora 4 sizes, 5c each to 2 for 25r Joan De Foca, In bond. 10 sizes, 5c each to 25c Tom Moore 3 sizes, IOc each to 2 for 25c Garcia Superior 5 sizes, 5c each to 2 for 25c 15 sizes, 5 to 25 each, r Havana Cigar in Omaha, Mozart, the mild smoke. 3 sizes, IOc each to 2 for S5e Virginia Lee fi sizes, 10c each to I5e rrrferencla fl sizes, 5c each to 2 for 25c Horveater 3 sizes, 5c each to 2 for 25e Morial, 1st over the top. 5 sizes. 5c each to 2 for 25e Chancellor 4 sizes, 5c ear h to 2 for 25c Vnlkarle 10 sizes, 5c each to 3 for 50c Klngsilale 6 sizes, IOc each to 3 for 50c Vega Del Rey 6 sizes, 5c each to 15c IlrlrUeliurg S sizes, 10c each to 15c El Paxo, made In 1 size only. 2 for 23c Nerccdea 3 sizes, IOc each El Rol Tan 5 sizes, 5c each to 13c LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED WHEN PURCHASED BY THE BOX. Many other brands too nuraerous to mention at popular prices. We also carry a complete line of 5c, 6c and 7c cigars in a large variety of packings. Complete line of Tobacco Products in Holiday Packings. Finest and most complete assortments of Pipes. Cigar Holders, Cigarette Holders, Pouches, Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases, Humidors for cigars and cigarettes and smokers' articles in the city. Large variety of Box Candies, O'Brien's, Lowney'a and other popular brands at popular prices. at Any of the Well Known BARKALOW STORES Rose Bid?, S. E. forner 16th and Farnam. Nllinjrton Hotel Cigar Stand. (rain Exchange Rlrlz 1903 Harney. Lobby Omaha Nat. Bank Bids;. Cigar Stand. Hotel Fontenelle. Cigar Stands. SU Sooth 10th, Opposite Union Depot. At our W orld-Herald Bldg. Store, 1501 Farnam, we have all women clerks, making this the popular store for women shoppers. ' ' Christmas Furnishings Big Stocks Best Makes iolO W the last shopping day but one be- jggg fore Christmas, you will want to con serve your time and energy and make straight for the store where you are sure your money will go farthest and buy biggest value. This is the store with the stocks the stocks of those things which you will be best pleased to buy in such wide' assortment that you will have no trouble in ob taining just what you want at just the expenditure, or even less than you expected to pay. Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Pajamas, Sweater Coats and Shirts QILK SHIRTS O At $4.95 to $12.50 These Silk Shirts were each select ed for some particular mark of merit and represent, individually, the best Shirts that your money will buy. The quality of the silk is superb they are made in a most excellent manner and you have choice from the best of de signs and colorings. Men's Shirts $2.00 Hundreds of new pat terns, especially selected for Christmas, in fine qual ity Madras, Satin Striped Soisettes and Oxford weaves. Men's Shirts $1.50 In neat patterns; made of Percales and Madras and very special values at this price; sizes 14 to 17. ftlECKWEAR A! At 5Uc to $6.V$ r The widest assortment of the best colorings and designs and the best materials as well. At $2.50 and $4.00 Novelties in French Taffetas and English Bro cades all hand made. Italian Silk Neckwear at $1.50 , This is a beautiful line of Neckwear and one of the best values in this entire Christmas stock. A remarkable assortment of designs and beautiful colorings and would sell ordinarily at $2.00 and $2.50. rK i At $1.00 More than 3,000 Scarfs of Imported Swiss Brocades and Persian effects. At 50c and 75c A large assortment o f Holiday Neckwear, in well chosen patterns and colorings. GLOVES $1.39 to $15 a Pair We direct special attention to our dis play of Street Gloves, in tan leather and gray suede, at, a pair $1.39 Other grades of Men's Street Gloves, at ... . .$2.25, $2.50, $8.00 and $3.50 Wool Lined Gloves, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00 Fur Lined Gloves, at $3.98, $7.50 and $10.00 Pair Automobile Gauntlets $2, $6, $7.50, $9 and $13 HOSIERY 50c to $2.25 a Pair This is a practical Gift that never fails and is a reminder of the giver for months and months afterward neatly boxed, ready for the presentation. Men's Silk Hose,' in black and plain colors, 65c, $1.00 and $1.50 a Pair Men'sSilkHose, with clocks, at. .$1.00 and $1.25 a Pair Men's Novelty Silk Hose, at . .$2.15 and $2.50 a Pair Men's Silk Hose, in excel lent assortment, at. . . .50c MEN'S ROBES $5.00 to $39.00 Fine quality Bath and Lounging Robes, in neat patterns with subdued colorings, also bright patterns for those who prefer them. At $5.95 to $10.00 we are show ing a remarkable stock. CWEATER COATS O $4.95 to $12.50 Fine quality, Mori's Wool and Worsted Sweat er Coats, V-neck or ruff-neck styles, plain weaves or rope stitch; a very fine Christmas jrift to any man. Silk Pajamas, $10 Splendid quality Tub and Crepe Silk Ta jamas, in white and solid colors, with hand some self-stripes of satin; in blue, tan, pink and heliotrope. AH made with round side openings, collarless and fastened with pearl buttons. Other Pa jama, of different materials, $1.50 to $6.50. Men's Caps Men's Genuine Alaska Seal and French Seal Caps $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 Stetson Hat, feature style, silk lined, select quality, at .$4.00 and $5.00 3X Beaver, at $8.00 and $10.00 Special: Borsalino Hats. Why pay $6.00 and $7.00 for Borsalino Hats when you can buy them at Brandeis Stores, at $4.50 and $5.00 Men'. Arcade Men's Hats Christmas Slippers For Men One of the most comfortable as well as most pleasing gifts you can present to a man is a pair of slippers. We have selected our stock with extreme care, choosing only the beat styles and makes. The prices on all are extremely moderate and the range for choice is very wide. Felt Comfy Slippers, Livingston style, in navy blue, black, brown and wine. $2.25 Felt Slippers, with leather soles and heels, Hylo style, in brown, gray and wine, at .2.75 Felt "Comfy" Slippers, Everett style, in navy blue and oxford gray $1.95 Felt Slippers, leather soles and heels, Ev erett style, in black only, at SI. 50 Romeos, in black and tan $2.45 and $2.95 Felt Slippers, with leather soles and heels, Opera style, in black and oxford gray, at $2.00 Everetts, in black and tan $2.45 and $2.95 Operas, in black and tan $2.45 and $2.95 Operas, in red, gray and green Morocco, at $3.95 Operas, in tan alligator -$3.95 Main Floor, Men's Store SartSchaffnerJ Clothes This Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx offers you the best of all Overcoats and Suits in such a wide ranu of fabrics and styles that every man's preference is immedi ately satisfied. Ride Up on the Moving Stairway to the Second Floor. The Red Cross Button Has a Meaning. What Does It Mean? The Red Cross Button Is a Badge of Patriotism. Are You a Patriot? Store Open Until 9 P.M.