THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1017. KhAL I A i fc -Unimprovea Miscellaneous. t"AKU Garden Loia near car line. iua ' , street. 4126 to (Mb. 61 down. Ooug. .4 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. Acreage. OMAHA LIVE STOCK i Cattle 25 to 50 Cents Higher; Hogs 5 to 10 Cents Up; for Week Fat Lambs Are 25 j to 50 Cents Lower. OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY HVli very tine garden bus. close to tar lint, ; close to school, just the city limits, j where you do not have to ay city taxes, I Receipts were: an Ideal place to ralso pigs, poultry or Official Monday , garden; the owner has moved to Call- 'ff:cl-il Tuesday fornla and say sell at ODce; pries J92 otficial Wednesday eaih; terms. aOc a week on each lot. ''uoiai i nuiMiaj W,,Inut 3466 today or In the evmiik'. REAL ESTATE WANTED W'K ARK SPECIALIZING ACKKAiIK tract in and around Omaha. Have wait ing clients to buy or exchange. Lit oiir now. We will inspect at once. Let us Bet to It early. INTERSTATE REALTY CO. S. H. BROWNE. MGR. 91 3-14 City Nat. Onus I'M;' WB HAVE several good reliable buyer for j and (room house and bungalows with 1300 to 2500 down. Call Osborm- Realty Co.. Tyler 196. 701 Oina. Nat Hank Bid. like exclusive listings on a lew but ku low and houses Irom $3. 500 to C. A. Grimmcl. S4U Orn. Nat. I3k. Bid. Kst imato Friday Omaba, Pee. Jl, 1917. Cattle. Hoc. Sheer . . . 8.715 9,13' 23,090 . . . 7.469 9,9:9 . .. 6.489 11 Mfi ... 4,246 4,60 . . . 1.700 7.000 Corn on the Omaha market took an upturn and sold at an advance of 2 to 8 cents a bushel over the prices of Thursday. Trices ranged from $1.25 to $1.60, the grade governing. The demand was good. Receipts were 72 carloads. Oats were off '4!i tent a bushel, selling at 76(T77, rents. Receipts GRAIN AHDPRODUCE Cash Corn Holds Its Strength; Selling 2 to 5 Cents Higher; Oats Weaken; Rye Off. oases; fresh gathered extras. SO, Title; extra j firsts, is4..9c; firsts, 66,3-571-; seconds, o.'tf 56c. Cheese Market Irregular: receipt, i. I T ho,cs; state whole milk flats, fresh apcelsl, 23 81 23 . Mat- avenue run. -lie. Poultry Ahe market firm: .hi, -Ken 54c, fr l. 26 S'2xe; turkey. See- Pressed: Irregular, elm kens. ;3y S.'-c: fowls, 2.'.'f 2Sr; tin K- s. SSTJe. 36.951 i;.ist were 40 carloads. 1U.38S ' S.000 Wheat receipts were 42 carload. Five days this- meek 28,619 79,461 Sairo' days last w-k.35,80, 54,166 47.190 Same days J xvks. ago 60,361 47,664 72,SS Smi- days S wks. ao 39.133 40,917 49.30 Same days 4 xvks. ago 69,290 S3 SO, 8.82 S.,m. days last y.-ar ..30,.-3 77,924 44,4:0 K.-oeip's and disposition of live stock at ;h" l'n:on Stock yanls. Omaha, Neb, lor .'4 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. vester dav. RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. lira's. loo cuii 7o n 75 : ;.; Idaho lambs 76 15 40 99 led lamb 71 16 16 1 951 fed lambs 76 IS 60 1 4.; fed lambs 61 15 6 j 157 fed ewe lambs . .... 72 15 oe I 47 Idaho yeaillngs wethers 103 i: 50 ! !S1 Idaho ewes 119 10 60 FINANCIAL i-. m. & St. p : j : .Missouri Pacific .... 1 Priioii Pa.jftc 13 Jl 3 C. N. W ., east .1,. I 1 C. 4 N. W , west . . 13 .11 . . 4 C, St. P., M. & O. 1 1 C , B. & Q , tast .16 4 4 (' . H. A- y , west .21 .. C , It. I, & P.. east o i C . It I & P., w est. . . 1 Illinois Central : I Total receipts . .99 8S 13 4 DISPOSITION. Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS i 6. 6 and 6 per cent. Aleo first mort- !M,rr. r JkJL andJH.rn.V; ; THE Investors of Omaha will always tind I Schwartz Co us with a stock of t per oent first mnrt- - I w. Murphy gage, secured by Omaha residence prop- , Lincoln Packing Co.. erty or Nebraska farma. Armour Co., St. Paul E. H. LOt'dER INC., Wilson Cattle. lings. Sheep. 2x3 474 410 335 189 1 -'SO 1.336 1.311! 113 663 l'iis 576 1.893 653 63S Keellne Pldg. 1M IOKNDS (K 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account OMXHA TjOAN HLIHJ. ASSOCIATION . IL V "HINDER. Money on hand lor mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldp. NO DELAY" IN CLOSING "TO .iN& W.JT. CRAHAJI. 604 Bee Bldg 5C cIty uarvin brosT O LOANS Qui Nat. Bk. Bldg. "('' ilCNEY HARRISON & MORTON. jO 910 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. OUAH4 HOMES EAST NEB " FARMS" lKKF.FE R. K. CO.,01fijinahaNal'l. J lOU t"o$fo7o6o MaIiK promptly F 1). Wead, Wead Bldg.. lMh and Farnam Sts MONET to loan on Improved larin and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha i7dw"RATES C. O. CARLBl:'Rarsl3Bran." del Theater Bids. D. fi5 Ifi Cii 1 33 171 9 4 45 1 lo 51 :ia :.i;i l LOANS (IN CITY PROPERTY. W H. THOMAS SON. Keellne Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. CORN" AN D "cotton I and. Cheap, easy terms, S. E. Arkansas. Ex cursions 1ft and 3d Tuesdays. Free liter ature. W. S. Frank. 301 Neville Blk Omaha. Louisiana Lands. !UY A LOUISIANA FARM, NOW. Am offering great bargains In Louisi ana alluvial lands; buy before big ad vance, which la a certainty; have small or big tracts; write me what you want. Woodcock. Rave.nwood, La. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and 15 monthly, no Interest or taie; highly productive land; clo to three big market. Write lor photograph and lull Information MVNGER. A-119. N Y Life Bldg . Kansas City. Mo ;im:.'T BARGAINS 15 down, 15 monthly, buys I" a-'ps Rood fruit and poultry land, nar town, southern Missouri. Price only 'L'L'O. Address Box 2S2, Springfield. Mo. Nebraska Larjds. 1.730. aero combination grain and stock ranch, located in Cherry county on Nio brara river, six miles from railroad: 700 aeif-a pood level bench farm land : ("udahy, Sioux City. . . j F. H. Lewis j J. V. Root Co Rosenstoek Bros I F. G. Kellogg I Werthelmer & Degon. Sullivan Bros Rothschild & Krebs. . I Mo. At Kan. Call Co.. Glassberg I John Harvey I Jensen AV Lmigren . . . j Pat o'Day VI her buyers I Totals L'.DIl 7.025 0.122 Cattle With prospect for rather mod- , crate runa next we. k on account ol the holiday Tuesday, buyers all took hold ol today's light supply in jiood shape, ami I everything in the killer line was cleaned I up in good season at fully steady prices, while feeders were stronger if anything Tha best native beeves here brought $11.85.' I Corn feds are selling from 25c to in most casts 40;i50c higher than a week ano, but butcher slock, is largely 60c higher than tlio low time Tuesday, or 2540o above last week Tnls means that prices on lat cows and heifers are not far from where Ihey were at the high time 10 days ago. Since W'dnesday stovkcr and feeder prices have b. n moviuc up rapidly, and sale are largely 50c higher for the week. Quotation on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, I12.,i014.00: good to choice beeves. I f 11.60012.60; fair to good heei ee, 19.60 11.50; common to fair beeves, 17.009.50; good to choice yearlings, S13.0OA.14.0O; fair to good yearlings, $to,50i -13.00; common to lair yearlings, $6.6oT(. 10.50; good 10 cholco grass beeves, tlO.OO(2ll.Z5: lair to good grass beeve, J8.7610.00; common to fair grass bocve. $6.60318. 60; good to choice heifers, tS.00(r?10 60; good to choice cows, J7.75'!-9.00; fair to good cow. 19.604? 7.60; common to (air cow, $0.60 6.40; good to choice feeder, J9. 60 10.60; lair to good feeders, $b 0009.60; common to fair feed ers. $6.00 fjj 7.00; good to choice atockera, ts.50fc-J.24; stock hellers, ti.S08.25; stock cows, $S.(iO7.26; Jock calves, $6.00'ij IO.00; veal calves, $9.00013.75; bulls, stags, etc., $. 00&S.50. Representatives tales: BL'EF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. -'" 13 $6 90 61 St. IkiuIs live Muck Market. St. Louis, Dec, 31 Cattle Receipt. J.soo head; market, higher; native atear. $V09$ 1425; yearling steer and hellers, $7 00 31 16 60; cow. $5 OOdfll.OO; stockcr end feed ers. $6.60011.00; Teia fiuarantln steers, $6.75)0.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00$ 1 2 75 . beef cows and heifers. $6.0010.00; prime yearling steer snd heif ers, $7.60lOOO; native calves, t6. 76(J1S 00. Hogs Receipts, 7. 300 hesd; market, high er; lights. $16 15! 10 46; pigs, $18.7616.26; mixed and butchers, tl$ 16'4 1 $.66 : good heavy, $l.S0tf 16 SO; bulk of tales, $16.16$) 16 60. Sheep and Lambs Receipt. t,300 head; market, steady, lambs, $1 3 00 W 16.25; ewes, tl0.00ffll.60; wethers. Jll.ooef 12 50. can ners. IS.00C9O0. Kansas City tin Stock Market. Kansa City. Dec. Jl Cattle Receipts. 3,00a head; market, strong: prime fed steers, $1 2.8 0 4f 1 4.90 ; dressed beef steers, $11.00813,60; western steels, S 754110.60; cow s. IS.tOiff 9.10; heifers. $6 Of) tjp lO.fin ; stockers and feeders, $7.00(ff to. 00, bulls, $6 ooijf S.0O; calves, tS.Oetif 13.00, Hogs Receipts. d.OOo head; market, higher; bulk of sales, $16.76014.40; heavy, $16.2016.50; packers and butchers, $I6.60W 16.45; light, $15. 50 16.30, pigs, $13.50,, 15.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4.000 head; market, steady: lambs, $15.00ftf 1 5.75 ; year lings, $13.00W l-.&O; welhers, $ 1 1.00 13.60 : ewes, $9.00$11 65. ' rtnn Chicago live stuck Market. Chicago, Dee! 31. Cattle Receipts, head; market steady; native steers, $7.26 r 14 35; western steers, tii.aoft 1 2.75; stock ers and feeders. $6 25 'if 10 20; cows and heifers, $S.10f 11.30: calves, to.flng 16.50. Hogs Receipts, 2:;, lino h-ad; market strong; bulk of sales, $is.injj 16 60; light. $16.301(1.66; mixed. l 6.90r,f 1 6 70 ; heavy. $I5.903?16.70; rough. $ 1 5.90 41 1 6. 05 ; pig $11.26814.60. Sheep and Lambs lloceipts, 9. 000 hea market weak; welhers, $9.fl0 1 3.00 ; ewes, tn.OOSf 11.80; lambs. $12 .afliu 16. :r.. Sioux ( It v Live Stock. Sioux City, Dec. 21 Cattk Receipts. 1. 2"0 head; market steady; beef steers. $7.50 13 00; fat cows and heifers, $6.509,15; eanners, tii. 0051.6 25 : canners and feeders. $7.oo 10 00; calves, ST.OOtit 11.50; bulls, stags, etc., $6.50itf 9.00; feeding cows and h-ifers, t5.75-JfS.0O. Hogs Receipts. 4.000 head: market 10c higher; light, $15 xndMC.lo; mixed. $! 16.25; heavy. $1 0 20 o 16.40 ; plirs, jnOOJf 15.25; bulk of sales. $16 107-16.30 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3n0 head: market steady. rU, Joseph Live SltM'k. St. Joseph, Dee. 21. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; market strong; steers. (8.0014.00: cows and heifers, $5.5013.75; clves, $7.00 014. 00. Hogs Receipts. 1.500 hesd; market higher; top, $16.40; built of sales, J15.90W 16.30. Sheep and T.ambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady; lambs, $12.00$ 13.50; ewes, tsiinj? 1 1.50. 50 751 7 60 8 53 8 35 77S 8 75 1032 10 60 Hogs There was Av. Pr. 676 $7 40 4 MS 8 00 19 742 8 60 12 900 9 60 20 1119 11 00 very liberal run of hog here lor a Friday and trado opened acres in cultivation, cropped this year U, , Th, ma,0.lty o -,,, ,.ul(.'d 6o ,;'; corn, wheat, oats, rye, millet, navy beans A faw ' 0 ana potatoes; loo acres ixiorjrara nottom, part of which is the besl of hay land. 100 acres good alfalfa land. Balance ol ran -h rolling to rough pasture, all well srrasse-1. Plenty of timber for fuel and few on the early rounds were steady. j Trade was fairly active, but toward the middle of the forenoon there was a tend ency to weaken. The top price today was $16.35, 5c over the best price paid yester day. feo-e posts as well as affording protection : ' . "' " """ mova for -tock during winter. Ranch watered ," ,,6! 16 JP', ,A. fairly good clearance was i.iouo dictum ji o '-10CK. irauo generally i.s ,i'!)10c higher. Representative sale: by e!: ice springs. Will j it! the year around. ! . lfear cr head of 1 1 :ci'c cmf-nts loc ated in fine native grove ,, :l;.j alley and constat of six-room ho ise, two barna, silo and other buildings. School house located on ranch. 'Ilv.s Is a genuine bargain at $15 per .1- re. One-third cash and will can) bal ance to euit purchaser. Thl territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are getting In at bed ro !; prices KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY. OMAHA. NEB. a 15 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldp. D. 1160. FARM RENTERS ATTENTION IT yon have fi.eoo rash and cm pay t'.'.OtiO to $1,000 more March 1st, come nd see us. We have for ealo an ini- No. Av. Sh. T'r. No. Av. Rh. 70. .182 70 $16 Oil 69. .35: 220 70. .176 ... 1615 IS. .208 . . . 6O..2S0 ... 16 26 7 4.. 328 ... 58. .223 160 16 30 PIGS. 15. . 37 ... 16 75 Pr. 16 20 16 30 Sheep. -A light supply of thetD and Iambs was here today, by far the lightest ol thu week. Trade was correspondingly ac tive although offerings on the whole were ol the plain to common class. Heavy in between fat lambs sold readily at prices that looked about steady with yesterday. j Best medium lambs sold up to $16 40, heavy I going all the way from $14 36 j to $16.25. There was nothing choice here. Fat. ewes were very scarce, but two small bunches belnr on nffur vthl.h u-nm Qt proved farm cf about 30 acres close to i 10.50. or about xte.rtv Th,. ..r. .ni. Omaha and 1U miles from railroad tovvn:;l )(,w feeder here which wer nomlnlly black loam soil with clay sub-soli and steady. For the week prices look Kener. 25ia,50o lower on most fat lamb of very productive. price $12a per acre: esy terms, own your in farm and btop paying rent. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 4(i-11 Keelin- Bldg. Phone COO. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 6 acres up. Wo 'arm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association. and Howard Sts., Omaba Douglas 9371 220 ACRES. Lincoln Co.. Neb., a bargain. JOHN J. MULVIHILL, REALTOR. y 200 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone Douglas 96. 120 ACRES, 8 miles northwest of Blair; new house, largo barn, fenced und other im provements; worth $200 per acre: will si II lor less. Call Red 3256, or 619 Bee Bldg. AO ACRES, nearly level, improved, between Oakland and West Point, N 0., at only $190, on easy terms. G. A. Kail, Oakland, Neb. WH EATLAND Wyoming' farina". $50pera including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A CMRylander. 354 Omaha Nat'l. RANCHES of alT sizes an, f "kinds."" easy terms. A. A. Patzman. 301 Karbach Blk. fe rings. Fat sheep are stronger than last Friday. Quotations on sheep and jHmbs: Lambs, handyweight, $15.6016.00; Jambs, heavy weight. $11,11016.50; lambs, feeders, $14.00 SiDi.oii; lambs, shorn, $11.5014.00; lambs, culls, $10.00(3 15.01); yearlings, fair to choice, $11.6013.25: yearlings, feeders, (13.00 01 14.25; wethers, fir to choice, $ 1 1 .00 t( 1 2. 50 ; ewes, fair to hojee. $9.7511.25; ewes, breeders, all ages, $1 0.50 1 6.50 ; ewes, feed ers, $7.50(1! 10.50; ewes, 1 ulU and canners, $5 009 7.26. Representative sales: 794 Idaho lambs 80 15 2f MONEY TO LOAN LIST your lands for quick results with C ,T. Csnan. 310 McCague Bldg. Omaha Oj-egon Lands. NEW JORDAN "VALLEY" PROJECT. HEART OF THE RANGE. Get on the ground floor with 80 acre Irrigated land In connection with open rang.. You can grow stock successfully and cheaply. Ex.ursicn Dec. IS. Send lor bulletin. HARLET 3. HOOKER, 40 lt Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Texas. SEE us iorTexa land. WluVnrnTaTfle" You pay from profits Tbonia Olson. 407 Karbach Bldg Miscellaneous. FARMS FOR SALE IN THE SANTEE INDIAN RESERVATION. Best of soil for alfalfa, corn and small grains. Seventy-live mile from Sioux City. Iowa. Prices only 60 per cent to 60 per cent of adjacent larms of same character and quality. No such bargain elsewhere in the corn belt, no commissions, we own these larms. WOODS BROS. A STEWART. 'J9 P ' ''no0'". -NeK ' 'HJKKAR MSjNilssorr4 22 Rose Bldg" FARM LAND WANTED MONEY MONEY MONE X IS SANTA CLAL'8 COMING TO YOUR HOUSE'.' Grown up folks know why he coinea or stays away. If you have a little money he is more likely to come. Are you going to run the risk of him missin you? Take no chance and get the money today. Let us give Santa Claus your number. For 26 years we have been doing this. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. 3295. organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, plnos and note security (40, 6 mo., H. good, total coal. (3.50. (40, 6 mo , Indorsed notes, total cost, (2.60 Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg . 16th and Farnam. Ty. 68 LO A N8 UN UIA MuNI)8 A NDj EW ELli"Y AT 1 PCT SMALLER LOANS 2 PCX. W. C. PLATA L', EST. 1692. TH FLOOR (ROSE) SECURITIES. TY. 95 dia m o n d a n d je w k'l i tf loan a Lowest rates Private loan booth. Hrry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 661 Est H91 Nov York Money. New York, Dec. 21. Mercantile Paper 1 5'r 1.' 61i per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. $4.71',;; commercial sixty-day hills on banks, j $4.71; commercial slxtylay bills, $4.7054;' demand, $4.ia'; cables, $4,76 7-16. Silver Bar, 86r,e: Mexican dollar.", 6810. Bonds Government, lirm; railroad, strong. Time Loans Market strong; sixty days, ninety day and six months, 6"i per cent. Call Money Market strong; high, 6 per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent: closing big. !i per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent. I'. S. 2s, rog... 96Mi0t. No. 1st 4'4s 87tJ do coupon ... 96I4III. Cen. r. 4s... 76M U. S. 3s, reg.. 99 Int. M. M. 6s... 90 do coupon ... 99 K. C. 8. r. 6.. 76 '-4 U. S Lib. 3H. 98 26L. & N. un. 4.. 84 U. S. 4s, rtg..l03.M K T 1st 4s 66fc do coupon ...103 Mo. Pue. gen. 4s. il Am. F. S. 6s... 94 Mont. Power 6s. 86 A. T. T. c. 5 llN. Y. C. d. 6s... 88 Anglo-French 6 67 No. Pari. 4s 83 Arm. fe Co, 4l,s 80Vi do 3 67 Atchison gen. 4 67 Or. S. L. r. 4s.. 82 B. & O. c. 4H. 70iPac. T. & T. 5s91 Beth. Strel r. 6 87 Penn. con. 44s.. 95 & Cen. Leather 6. 92 do gen. 4 86 Cen. Pac. 1st... 7S'iReadlng gen. 4s. 81 C. O. c. 6s 128 L A S F ft 6s 66 C, B. ft Q. J. 4s DIH80. Pac. c. 6s... C. M & S Pc 4V4t 66tPo. Ry. 6s . 90 'i C. R. I. & P. r. 4s 604jTex. Pac. 1st S4U C. & S. r. 4'is. 68 minion Pacific ... 87 D. & R. G. r. 6s 47 U. S. Rubber 6k.. 7 6 '4 Dom. of ('an. 6s 88 V. S. Steel 6s. Erie gen. 4s 48 'Wabash Isl .. Gen. Bloc. 5p 95 'Bid. f Asked Omaha, De. 3t, Hit. Arrival of all r1n today totaled 167 cars, with 4$ wheat. 73 corn, 40 cat, 4 rye and 9 cr of barley. Cash corn upheld its strength today, mak ing a very substantial advanc, spot sale ranging all the way from Sc to 6c over those of yesterday. Trade during the fore noon session was Mghl. but toward noon sample changed hands mor freely. Fle ator Interests were good, buyer and thtir demand quit active. Sellers, however, wer inclined to hold their offerings lor better prices. No 4 white sold at $1.46 and No. 4 yellow at $1 41 and (I 49, and th 4 grade of mixed at $144. No. 6 white brought $1 40 and $1 4J, and the No. 5 yellow 1 .:: and $1 44. One car of No 3 yellow com tnarrd. d $1 60. Oats weakened slightly, selling off ', to Se. Receipts were light, and the de mand sufficient to take care of the light offerings. Much of this article has been bought of late for export la gulf ports and considerable of It has gone to the gov ernment. No 2 w hile sold at 77 V and the standard grade at 77c nnd 77',c ami No. 3 white at ;7c No. 4 white oats brought 7c, while the sample, grade went at 76t,c. Rye was off a half cent and barley firm, with a ready demand for either article, local buyer consuming these offerings nulls readily. No. 1 rye sold at $1 lis and No, 1 and 3 grades at $1 75. No. 4 barley brought $1 44. and the No. 1 feed, $1 43. Three crs of rejected barley were dis posed ol it $1.S. Clearances ware: Vhet snd Hour equal to 676,000 btl ; oats. 448,0 0 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 602,000 bu snd shipments 477, 000 bu . against receipts of 507.000 bu. and shipment of 431,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 670.000 hu. and shipments $06. 000 bu., sgslnst receipts of 763.000 bu. and shipments of 443.000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 710.000 bushels and shipments 598.000 bn.. against receipt, of 498,000 bu. and shipment of 471,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS Wheat. Corn ( hlcago 9 Minneapolis 263 Duluth 43 ' 'ma ha 42 Kansas City 35 St. Louis vj Winnipeg 404 These sale were reported (oday: Wheat No 1 dark hard wlnlir: 1 car, $2 19. No 1 hard winter: 3 cars. $2 16. No 2 hard winter: 5 cars, $2.12. No. 1 red dur a,1; um: 1 ear, $2.08. No 2 amber durum: 4 cars, $:.!; 1 car (16 per cent hrrt red spring). 12 16, Uve N. I: 1 rare. $1 16. No. 2; I cr, I $1 75. No. S: 1 car. $1.76. I Darby No 4: 1 oir. $1 44. No 1 feed j 1 ear. $1 43. Rejected. 3 car, (1.38 I Oats No. 2 white: 2 car. 77'ic. Stand j and: 1 car, 77'4c; 3 cars, 77c. No 8 white. 7 cars. 77c. N.i. 4 white: 2 car. 76;c. Sam- pie w hite; 5 cars, 76 "40. Oat and barley: I i '".. 7 7c. , Corn No. 4 white: I ear. $1.46. No. 5 I white: 3 cars, (1.42; 23 6 cars. $1 40. No. 6 1 white: 1 car, $1.30. Sample white: 1 car. SI 35; 1 ear, 96c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. $1 60 No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.49; 1 car, $1.48; 6 3-n cars, $1.47 No. I yellow: 12-6 crs, $1 44: 2 cars, $1.39; 2 car. 11.17; ($-6 care, $1.S6. No. 6 yellow: 2 cars, $1.32: 2 8-5 cars, $1.30 No. 4 mixed: 1 ear. $1.44. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.3S. No. 6 mixed: 2 2-5 cars, $1.26. Sample mixed: 1 c-r, (18 per cent damaged), $1 05; 1 car. $1.00. Omaha Cash Prices; Corn: N'n 4 white: $1.46. No. 6 white: $1. 40m' 1.42. No. 6 white: $1.30. Sample white: (1.360146. No. 2 yellow: $160. No. 4 yellow: (1.47iffL48. No. 6 vellow: $1 8601.44. No. 6 yellow: $1,300 1:2. No. 4 mixed: (1.44 No. 6 mixed: $1.38 10? 1 40 No. 4 mixer) $1.26 Sample mixed: $1 "Offf l 06. Oat: No. 2 white: 77V,c. Stan dard: 77W77'-ic. No. 9 white: 77c. No. 4 while: 76c. Sample: 76,ye. Barley: No. 4: $144. No. 1 feed: $1 13. Rejected: $1.36. Rye: No. 2: $1.75. No 3: $1.75 Local range of options: "Art. j""open. I High. I Low7" CloseT'fye" i 17$ 60 63 Oats lot 94 92 '4 llrndstreet's Review of Trado. New York, Dec. 21, Bradstreet' tomor row will ay: Increasingly Important governmental re quirements, quickened retail trade, due to cold weather and holiday buying, difficulty In operating leading Industrial plants, ow ing to scarcity of fuel and better than seasonal distribution by wholesale dealers, rs well as Jobbers, the trends In the latter respect having been carried along by activ ity at seoomdary" market as distinguished from movement at the so-called primary centers, where trade has reer-d'-d present the chief eharastt ristic of this week's reports. In dustry is strenuously trying to fill govern ment orders, in the face numerous handi caps flowing from shortage of car, lack "f fuel. Insufficient supplies and inclement weather. At the sanoi time the season lor Inventorying as well as the continuous shitt ing from non-essential outputs has resulted in a degree of o,uiet In industries that are not favored with war orders. Ol course, holiday buying has enlarged all retail trade and cold weather and deep snow have stimulated demand lor heavy weight wear ing apparel and footwear. Withal reierva tion must be made In regard to th trend of ChrlslmaH trade, reports regarding which lack uniformity. Indited, some section dis close a record butiness and buying ol high grades of 111. -rchanidiHe, but on the whole a spirit of economy seems to dominate, and though the final rush may bring the turn over up to a high level, it la likely that numerous markets will show losses from last Corn. May Oat. Doc. May 1 20 77 12 1 :o 77 72 120 I 20 77 77 72'i 72 120 771 72', Chicago 12:30 prices, lurnlihed The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: " A f, I Close. High. Lo"wT Close, Yes'y Corn. I I Jan. 1 26 1 26 l24'i 1 24'4125 Dec 1 27 1 27t,;l264. 1 27Vi127 May 1 23V 1 23Vm 1 22V123ti Oats. Dec. 78 7314 768i 7SS! 7S May I 73, 74'i, 73 73 V 74',, Pork. I I Jan. i 45 96 46 (2 46 96 46 20 45 76 May ! 46 57 45 80 46 67 46 80 45 30 Lard. I Jan. I 24 25 24 41, 24 26 24 45 24 15 May 24 60 24 67 24 60 24 66 24 37 Rib. Jan. j 24 56 24 0 24 62 24 77 24 4! CHICAGO GRAIN ANI PROVISIONS. Corn Price Take Downward Swing In Ubieties ol Stimulus from Fast. Chicago, Dec. 21. Corn prices took dow-nward swing today, owing largely to report that th lifting of the railroad em bargo east of Chicago had failed to stimu late shipping demand. The market closed unsettled, 14c to 1'i.e, net lower, with Jan uary (1.24H to $1.24, and May, $1.224 to (1.22V Oat finished. c to 2c down, but provisions up 27c to 50c Most trader regarded a bearish reaction In th corn market a a practical certainty after yesterday' extraordinary upturn. Spe cific grounds, too, for selling pressure were soon apparent, notably advice that east ern roads had been ordered to return to the west a total of 17,000 empty box car, and that 2,700 of the cars had been de livered In the last three days. Clear, cold weather likely to Improve the quality of the crop tended also to ease off the market. The greatest handicap for the hulls, how ever, jiroved to be disappointment, which Increased as the day wore on that no sub stantial expansion of eastern demand re sulted from the cancelling of the railroad embargo between hero and the board. Oat like corn were bearlshly nffectd In the absence of stimulus from the at. Strength in th hog market lifted pro vision. Packer bought. Corn No. 2 yellow, nomlnl; No. 3 yel-p-w, nominal; No. 4 yellow. (1.62 Wl 67. Oats No. 3 white, 71 0 79 "4 c; standard. 79W79H,C. Rye No. 2. $1.$3. Barley (1. 4110 1.61. Heed Timothy, $5.0007,50; lover, $20.00026.00. Provisions Pork, nominal; lard, $24.75; ribs, $24.00024.60. New York General Market. New York. Dee. 2 1. Flour Quiet; year. Weekly bunk clearings, $6,424,578,000. 1 spring patents, 110.25011.26; winter pat ents, (10.600 10.7B; winter straight. io.m FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E P. SNOWDEN SON. 42$ 8 16th Dnugls 9371 Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR BALE Fine 6-month-old Shetland pony. Joe Vomarka, 2223 S St, Phone Bo 2634. So. Sid-. Omaha, N-l, POULTRY AND PET STOCK 'i IU:EE . xtepuonaily .(....-. liii.ii-lno Mie covy drakfs, radj for s; ri:,g .service; als-. falling order for limited numb, r of sc tir.g ol eggs from a pen cf jitUe wlnnli; I .Mr' Cornish. GEO. A. WILSON, i Walnut 11H 6611 Harney St. txHOROUGHP,lli:i, Alrdale pups, 4 week - old. Call Webster 1357 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Louis J. Jiatti and wife, et ai , to Jay S. Hawley, southwest corner Twenty fifth avenue and Newport street, 42x120 t 696 Elsie O. Thomas and husband to Rob ert Dempster, Harney street, 295 feet west, of Thirty-fifth street, south Side, 9x100 1 Grant A. Benson and wife to Hora- s B. Sarson. Izard street, 300 feet west of Fiftieth street, south side, 60x135 6,200 A. H. hi, and wife to Stella Lttile, Twenty-foui th street, 270 feet south of Florence boulevard, cast lde, 44x105 1 Margaret h K. Krostrup and husband to Herluf J Knudsen, Hamilton (reet, 60 feet wist of Thirty-first street, north side, 60x12$ 3,500 Harold W, Graham to Lllli H. Oelger, Jjicust street, 280 leet wet of Twenty-second street, south aid. 40xl4GH 2,200 Byron Reed company to Paul D. Thomas. Izard street. 94.2 feet east of Nin-t. until street, south side. 51 feet 11) inches ,y 78 feet 2,300 Paul D. Thomas to Harry A. Tukey, Izarl street, 131 feet east of X;n- 'e- i tlx street, south side, 7x7-, 0,000 l-.n:-s S Geigtr and wife to Harry A Tuk . southwest eornr eight eenth ai d Izard streets. 48x66 3,400 l-is'-s Cohn and wife to Harry A. Tuky, southeast corner Nineteenth and Ixard streets, 68x76 4,600 Barker company to John Anderson, Marey street, 88 feet west of Forty second street, north side, 44x108.... (60 Coffee Market. New York, Dec. 21. Coffee The market for coffee futures was more active today but orders seemed to be pretty well divided and the price movement wa narrow. Price opened at a decline of 1 to 2 point under scattered realising, attracted by the recent advance, and there also seemed te be some trad" selling during the day, par ticularly from New Orleans sources. A s larger business was reporled in the cost and freight market lata yesterday, this was attributed to hedging, off-rings were ab sorbed by further Liverpool buying, how ever, nd the market closed net, one point higher to one point lower. March fluctuat ed between 7.50c and 7.48c, and September between 7.95c and 7.91o. December and January dosed 7.30c; March, 7.49c; May, 7.64o; July, 7.79u; September, 7.4c; Oc tober, 8.01c. Spot coffee was reported in better demand, with prices firm at 7c for Rio 7 and 9c for Santo 4s. It I reported that aales were made In the cost and freight market late yesterday ol Santos 3s at 9.60c; 3s and 4i at 9.50c and 4 at .30c; also ol Vic toria 7s and 8s at 7 33c, steamer shipment, London credits. According to private ad vice, th" French government la buying in Brazil at S.l.'c for Santos 4s, 1. o. b. The official i. abbs showed no change In Brazilian market.--, except Santos futures, which were imohanger to 25 reis lower. Rio exchange was l-32d lower. fir 10 50; Kansa straights, (10.6501110. Corn Spot, Bteady; No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.7$, c. I. 1., New York, 10 days' shipment; Argentine, $2.20; 1. o. b. car, New York, to arrive. Oat Spot, steady; 79 c. Hay Firm; No. 1, $1 4001 46; No. 1, $1 36; No. 3, 11.30; shipping, 95c01.OO. Hops Essy; state medium to choice, 1917, 62067c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 23 057c; 19)0, 16&19C. Hides (Julet, Bogota, 41c; Central Amer ica, 40c. Leather Firm: hemlock sole overweight, No 1, r,lc; No. 2, 49''. Provision Pork, unsettled; mess, $62.60 063.00: family, $54.00066.00; short clear, t64 00069.00. Lard, firmer; middle west, $26.20026.30. Wool Firm; domestio fleece, XX Ohio and Pennsylvania, 70c. Rice Steady; fancy head, (09c; blue rose, 8c. Butter Market teady; receipt, 6.464 tub; creamery, higher than extra, 60 '4 0 61c; extra SS (core) 60c; firsts, 44 0 49c; eeond. 410 43c. Eggs Market unsettled: receipt. 3,233 Oman Hay Market. Receipt fair, demand quiet on medium grade of prairie hy; market teady, with price unchanged on both alfalfa and prairie hay. Prairie Hay Cholc upland, $24.00; No 1. (22.00023.00; No. 2. $1100019.00: No. t. $15.00016.00. Midland: No. 1. $22.00tfc 2J00; No 2. tlS.n091.00. Lowland: No. 1. $17.00018.00; No. 2. $14.00 0 15.OU; No S, $l2.50'o 13.50 Straw Oat. (9.60; wheat. $9.00. Alfalfa Choice. $31.00; No. 1, $2J.00jrt 30.00; standard, $26.00028 00; No. 2, 24.000 25 00; No. 3. $21.00023.00. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Tec. 21. Butter Creamery. 43c; firsts, 41'c; seconds, 3i'nc; packing. 34c. Eggs First, 46e; second, $O0Ilc. Poultry Hen, 21c; roosters, lie: broiler, 24025c. Daily Food Prices The revised food )rice list for Douglas county, given out by the food administration, follows: Sugar, per pound, cent. Flour (Nehraka No. 1 Ptcnt), 24 pound lack, (1.60; 48-pound sack, (2.90; (Nebraska No. 2 Patent), 24-pound sack, $1.45, 48-pound sack. $2.60. Potatoes (Nebraska), best No. 1, 3 cent pound; No. 2, 1 cent pound. Butter (per pound), creamery No. 1, 62 cents; creamery No. 2, 49 cents. Eggs (per doien), best No. 1 storage. 44 cent. Rice (In hulk, per pound), No. 1, 11 cents; No. 2, 10 cents; No. 3, 8 1-". cents. Rye f'aur. 24-pound sack, $1.40. Oatmeal (In bulk, per pound). 6 cents. Bresd (United States standard loaf, wrapp d), 16-oune loaf. 9 cents: 24 ounce loaf, 13 cents; 32-nunce loaf, 17 cnts; 48-ounce loaf. 25 cents. Note: The price are lor cash over th countr. An additional charge may be made lor delivery or eredlt. 4Mll 4.K.NKRAL MIRKKT. Live Poultry Springs, all eliea, 18o; hens, ill sWrs,c; old cox, 14o; turkey. No 1, $-11' an. I up. 26f; duck. F. F, 1st, 17c; geese. F. V. fat, 16c; fiiln. each. S6c. Dressed Poulfv No 1 stock Turkeys. dry picked: milh' toms and hens. ,11c. o'd torn. 2lo . docks. :cc: g. ce. Is.-; eld cox. 16c. Butter 30c. Fresh -ittv case. M0 15. "-Ice for this week are a follows; Beef Cuts Rib,: No 1, 24c: No. 2. 52c; No 3. lie Loins: No 1. 29e; No 2, 26lc; No. 5 15c. (bucks: No. t, DV. No. 2, 15c; No, ::. 13c Rounds- No. l.:oc: No 2, lsc; No 3. 13V Plates- No. 1. 14c; No :. 1;ic. No 3. 12c. Celery-- California Mammoth, fresh, trim med dally, excellent stock, well bleached, dol. $1. Oysters Chspeske standsrds. $1.7$ per gallon: Chesapesk elect. per gallon, IS lt: northern standsrds, per gallon. $3 46; north ern selects, per gallon. $2 90; New York ,, iw.i- enllon tx- hluo nolnts nsr 100. i $1 '.'5; large shells, per 100. $1.60; cotults. i per 100. $176. FishFresh fro.-n: Halibut, roast froien. per lb.. 2l'c, salmon red. icast froien, per lb. 22c; pink per lb.. 20c; black cod sable fish, coast fro.'.en. per lb. He; blsck bass, order sUe. per lb.. 2sc: large or smsll. per lb. 23c: trout, per lb.. 22c; whlteflsh, medi um, per lb. 16c: large per lb.. 20e; pike. No. 1. per lb , 16c; pickerel, dressed, per lb. U'c; round, per lb. lie: ealflih. mlt. per lb. 17c; orapple. medium, per lb.. 12c; tileflsh. per 1h , lie; yellow ring perch, per lb. 16o, bufflo, per lb., 13c; carp, per lb, lie: ling cod. per lb, ltc: flounder, per In.. 12c; western red snapper, per lb.. Joe; smelt, per lb. 15c; whit rcrch, per lb, lie. rrogs Louisiana black bulls, per do? : Jumbo. $3.76; large, $2 26; medium. $1 .76 Fish Fresh caught: Halibut, per lb., J3c; salmon, per lb. 22c: black cod aabl llh, per lb.. 4c; black bss. order all, per lb, 30c: large or small, per lb., 25; catfish, order Ue snd laige, per lb , 23c; small, per lb. 21c. crapples. lb, 16c; order sl'.'.e and large, pe. lb.. IS and 20c; buffalo, per lb.. 14c. enrp. per lb.. 12c; red snspper. per th.. 16c; haddock, per lb. 13c; cod, per lb. 15 and IV; flounders, per lb, 14c; smelts, per lb.. 15c: Spanish mackerel, per lb., 20c. Boston Wool Review, Boston, Dec. 21 The Commercial Bui let In will say tomorrow In spite of the latest government regula tion with regard to foreign wool, which will give the government an option on sll Im ported wool contracted for aflor December 15 and the threat of congressional action to control prices, the wool market has been moderately active on mill account th last week and pi Ices hne generally held firm. Manufacturers find all the orders Ihey want to lake as a rule end the sale of heavy weight overcoatlnns for next year has been sufficient to cause a withdrawal of these goods from the market. NEW YORK STOCKS WsOiYiYG OF CATTLE AND HOGS URGED BY 1.W.W.S Signs of Collapse of Peace Negotiations Between Russia and Central Powers Tend to Strengthen Market. New Tork, De, statement that al next government lural nnd dectde.t'. :i collapse of tie trtei'ti Kti-sla and 21. The authorltatlvo I report, concerning the loan re merelv conlee . premature and siens (1f peace to-Hot ia t ions be the pew.-rs con tributed to - to. k iiuuiv f Prices aft. 1 1 n 1 t.i lot V ; leading i.-mh tti,- further sli ns'ili to. I. n. r lie- pretltnitcirv p.-i .Uaio-d 3 to 3 points s. with greater k'.ilns the 1'hlrago Produce. Chicago. Dec. 21 Butter Market un settled, creamery. 39049c. Egg-- Market lower; receipt. 6.J42 cases; firsts, 47e: ordinary firsts, 421! 45c; t mark, cases lii. -hob. I. 40(j40c; refrlgerattr firsts. :i;.:i4 t,:;i;c. Potatoes Market higher: receipts, 12 cars; Wisconsin. Michigan and Minnesota, hulk. $1 . 7 ." ui 1.90; Wisconsin, Michigan und Minne sota, sacks. $1 Si.iji 1 90 Poultry Alive Market unchanged. New otk Stocks. New York, Dec 21. Higher quotations were registered In the last hour, but further profit taking In rails and steels wa again In evidence. The closing wa strong. Liberty 4 sold at (7.0$ to (7 and the 3 at 98 34 Us 98.10. Technical condition Influenced the further strength of the tock mrket tody, the short interest covering extensively on th" more hopeful foreign and domestic advices Sales approximated 600.000 shares. F.viipomted Apples mid Dried Frusta. New York. Dec. 21 Evaporated Apples Quiet; California, 15 017c; prim tate. I 5 till 1 5 c. Dried Fruits Prune. dull; California, 8ii'12o; Oregon. 13014c. Apricot, dull; choice, 17c; fancy, 18c. Peaches, dull; standard, 11 c; ehnh e, 12c. Raisins, dull; loose muscntel. 909c; choice to fancy seeded, S'401Oc; seedless. 901Oc; Lon don layers, Ihree-crown, $1.80. Turpentine and llosln, Ssvannsh. Oa., Dee. 21 Turpentine, quiet; 45e; sales, none; receipts, 190 bbls.; shipment. 284 bbls.; lock. 26,621 bbls. Rosin, firm; sales, 973 bbls ; receipts, 1,233 bbls ; shipments, 1.839 bbls : stock, $9,366 bbls. Quote: B, D. E. $6.1506.1714; F, O, H, I, $6.17; K. $8 6606.76; M. $7 00; N ,$7 JO; WO, $7.60; WW, $7.76. KnustM ICly t.rnln. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 21. Corn No. t mixed, $1.6401.65; No. 2 while. $1.6S(cfl.70; No. 3 yellow, $1 6801.70; December. $1.28; Janiury, (1.26 01 .26 Oats No. 2 while, 7S80c, No i mixed, 78079O. New York Metal. New York, D. c. 21 Metal exchange quotes lead firm: spot, $6 70 hid; spelter, firmer; East St. Louis, spot, $7.50 bid. At London Copper, spot, 110; future, 110; electrolytic, 125; tin, spot, $08 I0; future. 299 10s; lead. pot. 30 10s; fu ture, 29 10; spelter, pot, 64; futures, 160. New York Dry ool Market. Nw York, Dec. 21. Cotton good lieie to day were firm and quiet. The only con cession reported were on a few construc tions of print cloth, Sheetings and rills were firm snd fine goods quiet. Wool markets were quiet and unsettled. St. Iiuls Grain. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21 Corn No. 2 track. $1 65; No. 2 white, $1.69, December, $1.27; May. $1.23 asked. oats No. 2 track, 80c, No. 1 white, 80 0 80 c. Minneapolis Grain. Mlnneiiiolls. Dec. 21. --Flour Market un changed. Barley: $13001.57: rye, (1.8.10 1 81, bran. $39.000 39.60; corn. No. 3 yel low, $1 fff. f 1 .7(1 ; oats. No. 3 white, 76077c; flax, $3. 44 03.47. London Money. London, Den. 34. Bar Sliver 43d per ounce. Money 4 per cent. Discount Hats Short bills, 4 per cent; three-month bills, 4 per cenf. New York sugar. N'.-w- York. I'ec. 21. Sugar Raw. si. ady; new Cuban, centrifugal. ( govern loent price), 5.92e; molasses, nominal. Refined, steady; finu granulated, 8 1508.36c. New York 4 otton. New York, Doc. 21. Cot ton-- Future opened steady; December, 30 5nc ),d; Jan uary, 29 60c; March, 29.20c; May, 28.84c; July, 28 61c, Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool. Deo. 21.-4'otton Spot, slow; prices steady; good middling, 22 Hid; mid dling, 22 3ld; low middling, 21 7ad. Sales, 2,0('0 babs. New York CoHon. New York, Dee. 21. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling upland, 31.10c, futures cloned steady; December, 30.60c; January. 29 61c; March, 28.99c; May, 28.63c; July, 28.30. Duluth Mnseed. Duluth, Minn., Dec. 21 Llnser.i On track, ,;.460!.68; arrive-, $3.32; arrive In December, $3.46; December, $3.46 bid; May, $3 29 asked. ' New York Cotton Market New York, Dec. 21 The cotton market today cloud easy at a net decline of four to 27 points. Tancocks Entertain Again For Soldiers From Forts A large numlxT of officers and sol diers were guests Thursday iiilit at a danee given by Dean and Mrs. Tan cock and members of Trinity cathe dral at Jacobs hall. A large Christ mas tree had been prepared. I'a triotic songs and Christmas carols were sung. Coffee and sandwiches were served. This is the third dance given for the soldie.s. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Tuesday, Janu ary 15, 1918, to stockholders of rec ord at the close of business on Mon day, December 31, 1917. G. D. MILNE, Treasurer. lod of amou In the vsrled list of specialties. T- . hm.-al con. II tions also were P.-'lj ful. shorts at un i -eling latb-i intently on the incieasmg s. atvlty of off.-rlns. Kails and the more r.-presentatii e in dustrials m.nel t.. huh-'st b-wN In t lie afternoon, bill shaded a point or more to wards the end. t be erial m no b rout zing with the dol I til t announcement Hist ac tion on the railroad situation is to be postponed until after the holidays. Sales 650. ooo shares. Willi the many laige ftiianctiil operations now under wsy, Ihe marks! continued very firm, all call money loans holding al 6 per rent. Time rst.-s were steady st 5 to 6 for mixed collateral, but In point of fact funds were almost unobtainable, except for the shorter maturities. Exchange (n France. Russia. Spain moved more tu favor of those countries, roubles being In fair demand (or the first time in weeks. All the foreign bonds augmented yoster. day' gains, some by 2 io 4 per cent Do mestic Issues also displayed firmer Un (Uncles. Liberty 4'a sold al 97 10 to 97 end the 3 at 98.30 to S 1 Total bond sles pr value amounted to $5.375.O0ii. Itnlied States old coupon Is rose per cent on sale, other Issue, remaining St. Loins, Mo., Dec. 21. Heads of scvrral railroads here have instruc tions today from the food administra tion at Washington to warn farmers and stock growers of the southwest against an alleged Industrial Workers ol tlic World propaganda involving a i wholesale poisoning of cattle and hogs - in this section of the country. The ' go eminent, so the food adiuinistra ; Hon declares, has been informed that j the Industrial Workers of the World ! planned this destruction as a reprisal ! lor the federal prosecution of it-. ! members. unehniiKed on Number of s Ihe leading sto call lies lis: and rang, ol price of Amir, licet Sugar. American Can Amer. C a- F . . . Amur. Locomotive. Amer S ,x l Amer. Sugar lief., Amer. T. .v. T. . . . Am. r , . 1. S. . Anaconda Copper . Atchison A., G. .V W 1 S. L. list. A- Ohio Butte & Sup Cop., ('a I. Petroleum . . . Canadian pacific . Central Leather .. Che. Ohio Chi , Mil. St. P. Chi. Ai N W 0, 11. I A P., cU Chlno Copper ... ('(111. K. A I Corn Product Rcf. Crucible Stoel Cuba Cane Sugar.. Distiller's Sec Erie General Electric .. General Motors . . (it. No. pfd (It. No. Ore etfs. Illinois Central . Inspiration ('opper int. M M. pfd . I ii I cr 1 1 ii 1 1. . n ;i 1 Nickel Internal. Paper .. K. C. Soul hem .. Kennecott Copper . Louis. A- Nash ... Maxwell Motors .. Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Missouri Pacific .. Montana Power . . . Nevada Copper . . . New York Cent nil. N. Y N. H. A H . . Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific . Pacific Mall Pacific Til A Tel.. Pennsy Ivanla Pittsburgh Coal .. Ray Cons. Copper. . Resiling Ilepublln I. k H.. Sh&ttuek Arl. Cop Southern Pacific . Southern Ry Htudebaker Corp. Texas Co Union Pacific II. 8. Ind. Alcohol II, S. SI eel 11. H. S 1 pfd. Utah Copper . . Wabash pfd "It Western Union . Westing. Elec. Low, 66 33 61 48 68 91 9 12 61 95 40 13 10 65,000 130 128 34.000 69 66 4S 38 86 17 I 5.000 ; 2,000 1 6,000 19,000 77,000 4,000 40,000 1,000 171.000 22,"00 61.000 41,00(1 10.000 3.000 High 66 36 63 60 71 96 99 13 66 78 99 41 15 1(1 6,000 2,000 6,000 9,000 42 .17 86 17 11,000 66,000 1.6.000 23,000 92.000 83.000 73,000 122 109. 000 91 :;o, iioo .8; I .,,10111 I 59.IIHO 7l,O"0 2.1 6, 00 II 2tl.lillll 2,000 3. nun i:.iioo 33 29 49 H 14 t ' 4 :(', 21 16 30 33 28 47 26 32 13 120 88 80 23 85 .19 77', 26 23 16 29 106 6,0ll0 1118', 6,0011 2.1 22 65,000 72 69 Close. 66 34 00 49 70 94 11 &) 'ey 77 97 40', 11 1 0 129 58 4 3 37 .86 .16 38 l 32 28 48 26 13 122 911 81 ', '.'I 86 39 78 26 23 16 g n 105 21 71 16,0110 2,1100 14.000 38.000 7,000 6.000 13,000 2.100 67.010 23 60 I 6 64 29 96 78 17 43 '-a 60 16 6 3 r, 27 96 77 17 41 67 72 15 77 29 4$ 6n 16 6.1 27 96 -v 22 I 7 41 37S 20 OS 78 15 7$ 21 44 2I.HO0 20 17 7,000 68 107.000 74 20.00(1 15', 67,000 78 7,000 22 139,000 46 91,000 121 117 123 91.000 104 103 104 70.000 110 107 109 1,780,000 14 81 Hj 83 ,. 24.000 104 102 103 . 85,000 76 73 74 . 4.000 18 18 18 . 9,000 79 78 78 . 33,000 36 36 36 Total aalea for the day, 650,000 shares. You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a liee Want Ad. Last Survivor of the Alamo Massacre Has Passed Away San Antonio, Tex., Dec. Jl. En rique Esparsa, the last survivor of the Alamo, is dead. When on March 0, 18,)6, Santa Ana stormed, in the final and siirces.sful assault, the chapel where a handful of Americans fought to their death, surrounded by piles of Mexican dead, the victors found a group of Mexican women in a barri caded section of the front of the build ing. Among them was an S-ycar-old lad, Enrique Esparsa, who died at his home here last night aged 89. The Alamo was a mission, or con vent church, built by Franciscan mis sionaries in what is now San Antonio. Tex., in 1720 and after 179.? used oc casionally as a fort. In 1836 during the war for Texan independence, a small company of Texans and Amer icans, among whom were Colonel David Crocket, ColoneJ James Bowie and Colonel W. H. Travis, were be sieged there by the Mexican army under Santa Ana. After bombard ing the place for 11 days it was car ried by storm and the defenders killed, some of them after surren4$Vr ing. The only Mirvivors were three Mexican women, two children and a negro boy. Espara was one of thesr children. Conscription is Beaten At Australian Polls Sydney. Australia, Thursday, Dec. 20.-l'nless the soldier vote on the various fronts, which has not yet been counted, offsets the vote in Australia, the government's conscription scheme has been defeated in a referendum by a majority of about 150,000. This is believed to be hardly likely, however, on account of the heavy vole against conscription in New South Wales, which gave a majority of 115,000 against the proposal. Those favorable to conscription were surprised by tlie result in Victoria, which reversed last year's favorable vote by giving a ma jority of 1,500 against conscription his year. Kansas Produce and Live Stock Make Records Topeka, Kan., Dec. 21. The value of farm agricultural products of Kan sas in 1917 amounts to $507,225,000, nearly $1.51,000,000 more than the state's next best record of 1914, and exceeding the value of crops in 1916 by $1.56,037,000. according to the final summary of farm products and live stock of the state for 1917, Issued here today by the State Board of Agricul ture. The value of live stock on the farms is placed at $352,665,000. the greatest ever reported, and exceeding the best previous year, 1916, by $11,-644,000. Skates and Sleds For Live Boys BOYS: Here's a chance for you to get a sled or a pair of skates, by doing a little work for us after school. Call at The Bee branch office nearest you and we will tell you all about it. WW. -:. -w w, t sa - BMW ' a- I I "fCT- "I -HflWWlHSr iS WTT " to 4 15 k j" ieX t m DOLL COUPON i7 I J'-", k l Wi f' i'l v 1 TEN DOLLS will be given free to the ten little girls under 12 years of age that bring or mail ua the largest number of doll cou pons cut out of The Bee, before 4 T. M. Saturday, Dec. 22. This coupon will be printed in every edition of The Bee until then. Ask everybody you know to save doll coupons for you. You can win one of these dollies if you really want to. Will you try? We want every little girl in Omaha and vicinity to have one of these beautiful dolls. You can leave the coupons and fret your dolly at The Bee branch office nearest you. Ames Office. 4110 N. 24th St. : Lake Office,' 2516: N. 24th, St Walnut Office. 819 N. 40th St Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth St Vinton Office, 17J5 Vinton St South Side Office, 2318 N St Council Binffa Office, 14 N. Main St Benson Office, Military Ave. and Mam St