THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. DECEMBER IS. l:r WHEELS OF DRAFT MACHINERY ARE GRINDING AWAY Registered Men Crowd Court House to Learn Details of Selective Conscription; Judges Assist Boards. Kegisirants desiring asM.-tancc snd advice fx m members ot the legal advisory bo.ird may apply at the curt house any day (except Sundays, Christmas and Xew Year) between the hours of 9 a. in. and 5 p. in. This service will be : free of charge. J lie exemption machinery v,i put in motion at 9 o'clock Monday morn-' ing. District Judges Troop,' Kedick and Day are assisting on the local board in the court house. Long be fore the time for the advisory board j i- convene a large numoer oi reg istrants were in waiting to consult the board and glean information concern ing the filling out of the qucstiouaires. Corporations Assist Employes. It is understood that large corpora tions which maintain their oui legal departments have volunteered to as sist tjic registrant who are. in their employ. Owing to the fact that regis trants are not familiar with the rules concerning them as set out in the. laws governing the selective conscrip tion act, the following epitome has befn made for their guidance: Officers and enlisted men of the National Guard, and National Guard Reserves, not drafted into the military service shall not he regarded as m the military service of the United States, although their organisation may hav been recognized by the militia bureau, unless such organiza tion li;tfcbeenl"spei ially designated by orders from the War department to be drafted into the military service of the United States. The above refers more specifically to the Seventh regiment, and all members of this unit who arc within the draft age arc registrants. They will receive a questionaire which must sbe filled out and returned to the ex emption board, consequently persons of the "Unlucky Seventh" arc not ex empt if they are of draft age. Have Ample Time. As soon as the War department designates any particular organisation for draft into the military service of the United States,' the adjutant gen eral of the state will be notilicd in ample time to protect members that organisation. On the first pa'je of the question aire under the stamp of the' local board in the upper left hand corner will be a date. This is the date of mailing ot tne quest lonanc to t lie registrant. The rules require that it be returned to the board within seven days from the date shown. If regis-: trant's order number or district mini-i her snould be nigli. lie will he among the last to receive his questionaire. The last of the qucstiouaires will not be mailed before January 5, 1918. These must be i chimed by January i Stephens Describes Work Of Red Cr;oss in France Congressman Dan Y. Stephens strove to impress upon ins big audi ence at the uoon luncheon at the Commercial club the importance of ' the great work the Red Cross nurses 1 I arc doing in the war in France, and ; i the great work the Young Women's i Christian association is doing. I The congressman, who has only ! recently returned from the war front i I iti France, gave some vivid pictures of j the conditions. "I can never find ' words to tell you what I think of a j Frenchman," he said. "I saw men O.S ears old in their helmets as privates in tiie French army; yes, men t5 years old who had laid down their work at I 1 home and had stepped into the tight- j I mg ranks, not because they had to. j but because they loved France." lie . said a French officer who took him over the battle field of the Manic, only 18 miles from Paris, said in an swer to the question why the Ger mans did not break through, "1 be lieve they didn't break through be cause God wouldn't let them." The congressman tol.l of a night air raid in London, and called atten tion to the coolness of the Fr.glih under tin's extraordinaiy condition. "I have long since conic to the con clusion thai nothing on earth can scare an Englishman," he said. Speaking of the hard work per formed by the Red Cross nurses, and the terrible strains under which they work and break down, he said: "The Young Women's Christian associa tion women, now soliciting for war work funds, are trying to station themselves in the field where they can do the most good to these thous- i ands of tired, w orn and broken down Red Cross women who are doing this remarkable work in the held." Me said he had witnessed the work of the Red Cross people and had become convinced that ho had never given nSilf enough to this cause. "1 said to myself," he said, "that as long as you do not give until it pinches you arc not giving enough." He speaks tonight at the Audi-torum. W Boxes of Pennies for, Kiddies Are Stolen The Child's Saving Institute and the Salvation Army will be short abount one pound of pennies in their Christmas fund this year, by reason of the fact that some villian stole the collection boxes of these two insti tutions at the Woodman cafeteria this morning. Tor some weeks the boxes have stood on the counter be side the cash register making their mute, appeal to the public to help these two worthy institutions to help humanity gather a little Christinas cheer. Then came the meanest man in the world, snatched 1he two boxes off the counter with several dollars' worth of ucnuics in them, and ran. O- r ( Store Open Daily Until 9 P.M. 6 Shopping Pays Then Christmas No time to delay now it means action on your part or some one that is near and dear to you is going to be neglected and then you will have vain regrets afterward LET CHRISTMAS AS USUAL be your trtogan and go right along each day and each hour until you have completed your list of gifts Christmas morning will then dawn for you with just thoughts of work well accomplished BUY IT RIGHT NOW. DON'T FAIL TO SEE , the immense Christmas .Tree on the Third Floor lighted with hundreds of electric bulbs in different colors and decorated with bells and festoons the biggest Christmas Tree you have ever seen in this part of the country decorated for Christmas. Perfumes And Toilet Waters We have a most wonder ful line of perfumes and toilet waters of all kinds all packed in neat attrac tive holiday packages. Prices range from . . . 25c to $2.00 Military Brushes, in leather ette cases $1.00 Ivory Sets . Comb tnd Brush . . .79c Ivory Powder Boxes Hair Receivers, each. . Ivory Mirrors Main Floor and . .39c $1.50 f I Mrs. Charles E. Gilbert Dies After Illness of Eight Weeks I S .mis. t. iiartcs v.. tjiibert, M vear.s i old, a resident of Omaha for 31 years, died Monday moruinir at her ! home, 2476 South Eighteenth street, after an illness of cir;lit weeks. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Lester, Arthur and Murriel; one daughter, Flossie, and her parents, Mr., and Mrs. C O. Hamilton, 51') f.ociist street. Funeral services -will h ; held at 10 o'clock Thursday morn ing at the residence. Interment will be made in Forest Fawn. Give Glove Bonds if you have any doubt about size or style desired. Main Floor Efig Btsk f For Everyone at Moderate Prices We have provided liberally for the immense Toy business that is coming here ev ery day and because of our foresight in contracting for these Toys months and months ago, we are able to give you a wider assortment at lower prices than would otherwise prevail. . 1 . 30-Inch Self-Steering Sled, with flexible runners, hard wood finished $1.00 Black Beauty Sleds, -T2 inches lonp, round spring runners, handsomely paint ed, special price $1.75 Girls' Steel Runner Sleds, prettily painted tops, L'S inches long 50c Metal Sol dier Sets, t khaki sol (1 i c r s with captain mounted on a horse, cannon and tent, complete 50c Kb T' White Enamel Fur niture, prettily dec orated in cretonne; Press ing Tables, Bureaus, Chiffon iers; special price, $2.00 Pianos, large as sortment, all sizes, from ... 50c to $25 White Enamel Doll Beds, gilt trimmed, woven wire springs, 2i inches long $1.50 Brass Trimmed Doll Beds, with mallress and pillow, 12 inches long 18c Folding Wire Cradles, 1 '! long Basement Doll inches . .15c Wicker boll Carriages, stand 2(5 inches high, rubber tired wheels, come in brown and natural; special price, $3.50 China Tea Sets, 8 pieces, prettily deco rated, a set 10c Ribbons. Neckwear. Boudoir Caps, Etc. Very dainty and beauti ful gift-suggestions from the Kibbon Department the gift that will be "dif ferent" and decidedly un usual will be most appre ciated. There are scores and scores of beautiful things ready for your choosing here. Ribbons Just Received a New Lot of Ribbons for Holi day trade, in light and dark grounds, fancy warp prints with beau tiful designs, yard. 25c Also 4-Inch and 4Va Inch Ribbon, in fancy warp prints, a yard, 19c Neckwear Ladies' Collar and Cuff Sets, there arc many styles to se lect from in satin, swiss, em broidered voile and net. Will make an acceptable gift at 50c to $1.69 Jabots, not only theprevail ing styles, but the coming styles call for th pretty lace Jabots. These range in prices from . . ,50c to $2.25 Scarfs Snuggle Scarf to wear un der coat; also can be used for the sleeveless sweat ers $1.98 Boudoir Caps Boudoir Caps make a pretty gift; a very dainty line, ex quisitely trimmed 59c to $1.69 The per?ons will he classified by the local boards immediately upon the return of the questionaire. if they are properly tilled out and the proper showing made. On page 5 is a list of J 87 employments. I liese houM be filled out. as it is important if a per-! smi ii rntlpft ti- nnltturv crrvirp llinMall the qo eminent place him in that par-1 ticular branch of work in which he I is best ipialitied to f-rvc. i Previous Exemptions Revoked. j MJ previous exemption.-- or certi ficates hae been revoked. Regis trants, except thrive who have actually been transported In the mobilisation ramps, will be required to tile the questionaire and be classified under the new rules and regulations. Mem-! Pacc-pnriPr Anpnts onH P.hipf D. C. Eldredge and Dean Ringer Considered for Board Delmar (". Eldredge, vice president a treasurer of the Harding Cream ery company, and J. Dean Ringer, South Side attorney, are being con sidered in connection w ill; l!oard of Education vacancies ' which will be caused by the resignation?, cf Chair man F.rnM and Vice Chairman Ery. V. E. Reed, at present chairman of I he board's, finance committee. piobahlv will succeed f the board. to the man.- up hers ot the legal adisory board will advise all registrants gratis relative to information and instructions of the questionaire. Extensions of time for filing the questionaire will be granted upon the proper showing to the local ex emption board to which the regis trant belongs. A letter stating the facts and cause of delay will be suffi cient if the letter reaches the board within the seven-day period. Where the registrant has claims on account of dependents it will be best to prepare the affidavit or showing in the questionaire under Scries X entitled "Dependency," on page 9. This should also be done even if a claim is made tor industrial exemp tion. Your employer, oi company, can al50 tile a claim for you. Any claim based upon industrial occupation may be signed by the head of a division or plant in which the registrant is actually em ploy ea in the case of, an enterprise whose busi ness extends into more than one state. Clerks Attend Conference lief If clerks I of the. j meet- ! Passenger agents and oi the passenger tiepan ! lines of the L iiiou i'acitic arc hug- with denerat Passenger Agent I fr ! n : c . ... :. .. . t .1... I ndsiiigci, nginnig inn insi now mi- war tax is to he applied to the passen cr business. i. E. I'issonnet, assist ant comptroller, is here from New York. Commerce High and South High to Clash Commerce Hiuh school basket ball team will plav South High Tuesday night at the South High gym. Com merce High is in line fettle after de flating1 Cential Furniture company team by a score of 8 to 7. Thursday night Commerce High meets Young Men's llchnew association. Dentists Visit Council, But Not to Obtain ''Pull"; A platoon of' dentists visited the j city council chamher Monday morn ing. Somebody suggested that they had gone there to obtain, a "pull" with the city commissioner':. But wdien Ur. F. F. Wliiteomb. speaking, for the Omaha Free Dental ispensary for Children, addressed commissioners, it v;i evident that the purpose of the dentists wa. to gel the commissioners to pull with them in promoting the best interests of the dental dispensary for which $5,000 was raised on a cold day of last week. Mayor Dahlman and Commission ers Kugel and Jardine will serve on a special committee to confer with these dentists at an early date. Trains Back on Schedule Time as Weather Warms Up With the return of warmer weather railroad trains are all back on sched ule time. The freight trains are swamped with business, many ship ments of perishable goods having been held back until the weather mod Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Disp rhe DO YOU WORK INDOORS!! Then you need a winter tonic to i keep up your blood-strength and fl nerve-force. For newly fifty year? physicians have prescribed COTT' EMULSION, New Men's Shoe Store t r r i t i ... i mmm m io ee upenea ioaay because it is a true food and an active tonic, easily digested and free from alcohol. If you are run down, if night finds you tired and sleep is not refreshing, by all means get Scoff's Emulsion today. You Meed IU Scott & Bcwtic. Bloomficld. X. T. 17-31 Another step forward in Omaha growth will be the opening, by George Burkman, Tuesday, December 18, of the Burkman Shoe company, at 207 South Fifteenth street. Mr. Burkman has for the past 14 j'ears been located at 122 South Fif teenth. This new store will handle only men's and boys' shoes of known duality Xo exnense has been spared to make this an up-to-the-uiinute shoe j s'.'-'te in every scnc. Ben M. Homan. one of the oldest shoe salesmen in Omaha in point of service, will have active charge of this new shop. The formal opening has been arranged for Tuesday and the management extends an invita tion to Omahans to attend. Bell-an.s Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails., 25c Jewelry, Leather Goods and Ivory For Gifts Fancy Leather Novelties and Toilet Sets From the Herman Scheuer Sample Lines At About Y2 Price Ingeroll Radiolile Wri.t Watchei, the midget size, guaranteed, in leather strap. These are scarce in fact, can be had nowhere else in town. We have only a limited quantity and cannot get any more for several months; special $4.50 Solid Gold Pendant, very pretty ami very heavy designs, on a fine gold filled chain, in nrat satin lined box. These are exceptional values. Sale price $1.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links, set with small chip diamonds, regular $r.()0 value, sale price $2.98 Genuine Cameo Lavalliers, real cameo set in a beau tiful pendant, mounted on the finest gold filled chain, put up in nice satin lined box, sale price. $2. 50 Genuine Cameo Brooches, very pretty gold filled mountings, in satin lined case; sale price. .. .$1.00 7-Piece Ladies' Set, one Comb, one Tooth Brush in case, one Perfume or Talcum bottle, one Soap box, one Mirror, one real Ebony Hair Brush, sale price $1.98 7-Piece Men's Set, as above, with Military Brush, sale price $1.98 15-Piece Ladies' Set, French ivory fittings, in a silk lined, solid leather case, a complete toilet and mani cure set, $22.00 value, sale price $10.98 Ladies' 11 -Piece Toilet and Manicure Set, ebony finish fittings, $(5.50 value, sale price $2.98 $5.00 Men's Set, ebony finish fittings, two Military Brushes, one Clothes Brush, one Soap box, one Comb, one Tooth Brush, in ease; sale price. . .$1.98 Men's Belt Buckles, the largest line of men's belt buckles and belts in Omaha; sterling silver and finest gold filled, $1 to $4 Also large assortment of solid gold men's belt buckles. Engraving Free. Two special hour sales for Tuesday that will bring i throngs right on the minute of the time specified if you want to share be sure an come early. From 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Women's Hosiery Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, double soles and toes and high spliced heels; black and white and all colors. Worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. 59c a Pair Main Floor From 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Ivory Sets From the Langsdorf Sample Lines About Y2 Price French Ivory 9-Piece Toilet Set, in satin lined leatherette case. One Comb, one Hair Brush, one Mirror, one Nail Pusher, two Salve Jars, one File, one Button Hook. Regular $14.00, sale price $6.98 French Ivory Two-Piece Como and Brush Set, in fancy leath erette ease, regular $5.00, sale price $2.69 French Ivory Military Brush Set, three pieces, two Brushes and one Comb, in neat satin lined leatherette case. Regular value $5.00, sale price. . ..$2.50 Silk Underwear Crepe de chine and washable satin Envelopes and Chemises. Many samples and surplus stock, prettily embroidered and lace trimmed. Worth up to $4.00. $1.35 Each Q Third Floor Handkerchiefs Thousands and Thousands Women's Embroidered Handkerchiefs, neatly em broidered in colors; 3 in fancy Christmas box. .25c Women's Handkerchiefs with Donegal hand work, real Irish embroidery; .'! in imported picture box. snowing scenes in Ireland, a box. Christmas Candy Specials A beautiful line of choice boxes filled with assorted chocolates. Lady Evelyn, 1-lb. box 29c Lady Mildred, Lady Gray and Silver Fox 1-lb. box, at 39c Twenty different varieties of beautiful boxrt. Chocolate Notigat, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Fruit and Nut, Chocolate Fruit Cordial, and many other good varieties, 1-lb. box 43c Special Boxes of Lady Helen Cherries 49c Milk Chocolate Brazil Nuts and Milk Chocolate Fruit and Nut, 1-lb. box 49c Our extra fine gold medal assorted Chocolate and Bon-Bon and California Fruits, packed in one pound boxes, at 60c Two-pound box $1.25 Three-pound box $2.00 Five-pound box $3.25 Choice Swiss Milk Chocolate Fruit, hard and nut centers, packed in boxes, at 60c and $1.00 Quality Waffles, assorted waffles, satin teas, as sorted butter cups, fresh cream mix, peanut and coeoanuL brittle, S vedii h mint kisses, chocolate drops and a large variety, a pound, at 25c Our higher grade of gloss candies, such as butter cups, marabone creams, sour, lemon balls, trilby cups, small mint kisses and Bunte's hard mix, a pound, at 39c Pure, Fresh, Delicious Hard Candies for the Children. American Mix, Mint Mix, Lemon and Orange Slices, .Starlight Kisses, Jap Mix, Cut Rock, Gooseberries, etc., etc., per lb 23c We are headquarters here for the purest and freshest Xmas candies for churches and schools. Pompeian Room 65c Men's Real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, plain, with 'i and Vi-ineh hemstitched borders; (5 in fancy Christmas box $1.50 Children's Handkerchiefs with colored initials and borders; 3 in Japanese box 15C Children's Handkerchiefs with dainty colored picot cdgeand colored embroidered initials, also others with birds in various colors and still others with hand embroidered Mother Goise rhyme pictures in colors; ." in dainty box 25c, 39c and 50c "Bretonne" Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs, with floral corner piece in dainty pastel colors, in sham rock, lawna and sheer Irish linens; also Madeira Handkerchiefs, made in Switzerland, with scalloped embroidered edges and dainty little conventional de. signs, each 35c Men's and Women's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, all widths of hemstitching, in plain or embroidered initials. These can be packed in fancy Christmas boxes of 4, '.2 and 1 dozen in a box. Each Hand kerchief, at 25c, 35c and 50c Narrow Hemstitched Handker chiefs, made of sheer sham rock, with a beautiful hand em broidered design in bright col ors in the corner; shown in about 100 different styles, very special, each i5c Ladies' and Children' Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, in fancy borders, hundreds of different styles; very special, each.. 10c Ladies' and Children's Hand kerchiefs, silk embroidered de sign in corner, with rolled edges and hemstitched; a great va riety of patterns, each 6t,c Ves' Silk Crepe Handker c.efs, with pretty colored de signs, plain and hemstitched. oach 25c Men's Fancy Irish Handker chiefs, made in Belfast, show- ng poiKa dots, strops nA hundreds of different 15c borders: designs, each Main Floor f ahother Invest IWAR SAVISGS J T J VamT loaav VV. A " r 'II i 0 . V l I f :HI.. W fa-I "V WW .aH lis Al t .1.1 I .1 11 ITI 13 ' . MS I.. Wi ll (Mil lllll ll'V t u ! I II lllll'.xfl. isWiHi Help Your Country Take Out Red Cross Membership Today m,' hi