THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY. DECEMBER 17. 191V. Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Words to the Line.) K Ad Takei for le Than Two Line I .oral. CASH WITH ORDER o rr line j time tc per line..;; or more conanutiie li-scrttuua ( II A RLE c per line 1 time So per line.. 3 or more cons-cu:e insertions c per line 30 consecuflh e Insertions .SITUATIONS WA.NTLD. lie per Hue cr week CARD OF THANKS AM) FINERAL .VOTIllS IPC per line cn-h In.-erti'ju (Minimum charge :.u -. ,n ) Ont-of-Town Kate. Cah Wilb Order (Count M Word lo l ine) Financial Help Wanted Agents Wanted Business Cham cs ( 1 2c per line 1 lime ?c pr line 3 or more ooi.secuti-. e Insertions ( 9c per line 1 time , - pT 1 : i. e or more ; consecutive In, rttons All Other Classification! VSE THE TELEPHONE If j ou ca:mo! con venlently bring or send In jour v-snt ad. Ask for Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good sen Ice a when delivering your want ail at this office. rRONE TVLKK HMMI WANT All COLUMNS U.osn r.VENINO i:niTIONS M MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Kates i.n Application PTILS JFUNERAL CTICES. 1 CRONIN- Rev. .1. 'cnilali, ag' yt-nrs, afli-r j three weeks' lilne's. Kem.'iics will lie in j elate at the Hcaf.-y & vfc.v i ha pet i Twenty-sixth and l":irnam umil Monday I morning. I'eembr I. 1.1" Monday after roo:i, the body will Ik. .'-Iiilitped to to Lincoln cathedral where sotfiun hiah ma will take place Tuesday morning. Hi. brother, the Rev. li J. Ctuiiiu of U'smor Neb, will be In charge of funeral ariiing mnta. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER Independent fndertcrs 2 4 fell,, r. . .w U. L. DODDER CO. Funeral Dircciors. F. L. 1'er., Mgr. 2:d and Cuming Sis. Phone Douglas- 677. 'to ambulance. HUL&E & RIEPEN undertakers and eiu- balmera. 701 S. Ith. Douglas 122. JOHN A. OENTLEm'aN, underlakeraiid' amblamer. 2"!24 Leavenworth. I). Hir.'i FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, vo are In position to deliver flower at abort notice anywhere In the United state or Canada, lies & ftwoboda, Florist. Fontenella Florists. LEE L. LARMON 114 Douglas St Do glas 8244. LARGEST assortment of frenli flowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FAR NAM. PARKER FLOWER HHOP. 4 11 P. 16. JJ. Jl 0 2 THE FERNERY. Kij S. jt'li St. D. Wt. ROGERS, Flor'-t. 319 H. lth. D. 34UD BATH. National Florist. 104 Farnam St. A. DONAQHUE. zz Harney, boiig. 100L LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA CpU:.'CIL BLUFFS STRF ".T RAILW..Y COMPANY. Persona having lost some artl would do well to"-!! u, the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway eompa." lo ascertain whether tWcy left t In Hi treet car. Many article each day are turned In and the (.company la anxious to restore them, to thn rightful owners. J-' YOU lose anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover It If found , by an honest person. If you find auy thlng of value the honest way la to ad vertise for the owner. LOST A BEAUTIFUL KING. 1HKARAT DIAMOND KING SET IN PLATINUM, BETWEEN 16TH AND ISTH ON HARNEY ST. CALL DOUG. 40(6. 71EWAKI) OF jlOO.fiO. LOUT Paper money in purse Friday, by working girl shopping at F.ramlels Re ward. Phone Harney 3901. LOST Silk knitting bag containing pack age, on Hanacom Park car. Liberal re- warrf T'hmiM tClnroneA 4114 l.t.mi a Miring jet oeuas; rcwuru. vveu. 3664. LOST Blnok Lynx muff Wednesday even ing. Reward. Harney 472. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. THESE ARE REAL FURNITURE BARGAINS. One glance at them will show you there la no nilatak about It. Read and act. Drcssem. many styles, $9 75: 111.50, 113.75 I'.uffels, big variety. 110 50; 114.7. V Ilockera. unequalled values, 12.35: tJ.guA I'aw nporta, bargains, lilt. 75; 122 75. Heating stoves, all kinds. I5.C5: 17.90. a AVe will arrange accommodations tu suit your convenience. Railroad fure free lo uut-of-town buyer wlthtn filly' miles of Omaha on purchases of 110 of more. STATE FURNITURE CO., Doug. 1317. Cor. I4tli niwl Doilge Sis. OUR CHRiST'MXs'HALU;." Mahogany candlesticks, elect, lamps, duofolds, chairs snd ts Idea. ' chiffoniers, aultcaacs, bags und trunks, china closets, rugs THE LOYAL FURNITURE CO. 213 N. 16th St. Douglas 4177. BARGAINS IN STOV ES AND FURNITURE Bds. springs, mattress.-, bed-ling of all kinds, tables, chairs, dim and eablnets, rugs and linoleum. is:i9.l17 N. V4th St. Webster 1607. Open till 9 p. m. OMAHA PILLOW Co. liaiher muttnssvs made from our own feathers. summer and wlnte.r sides; cost - and last longer than cotton or hair beds. Phone us for sample. 19n7 Cuming Douglas 2IH7 TlUU.iC SAL-":,-FRliiA V." DHic! 21, lDI'i a.doien woolen blankets, dlalies and hotel furnishings of the Nicholas Hotel ut Htapleton. Ne b. CALL K. U. HTKI H'irNmN. HIGH-CLASS MERCIIANDISII. Auctioneer. Licensed and bonded I'l'.on 4I7J. COMPLETE furnishings lor o-founi cot tage, piano Included, 1250 cash. 2206 Grand Ave. HUSH right duwu and get your shlTrefiiTi kind of furniture at eaerlfice. 609 N. mm. GAS STOVE, used only k wcks, good as new. Call llsrney ,:10I. FOR SALE C-iuplete set of furniture for s rooms; also Vlrtrula, Call Doug. 7S94. Pianos and Musical fnstrut ients. HAWAIIAN GUITARS Francis Potter. 2.14 Stanford hotel r- Sewing Machines. sewing Machines W rent, repair, sell needle and part of all Sewing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE Co. ISth and Homey Sts. Doug. H'62. Typewriters and Supplies. ' J-'OH RENT Remlngtonf Monarcli and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhenj Rental appll on purchase. Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth and Douglas streets. TYP EWKIT KKSsoid, re"ntTTTiTi'""ri-1 mTtvT Rent an Oliver 3 months for Si. Central Typewriter Exchange. 19i Farnam. Guaranteed "Typewriter. 910 and up. VVrTie for llet. .Midland Tip. Co.. I4u Doilg.-. Store and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. We ou. Mil and make desks, safes, showcas-s. helving etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Doia;. D 2724 SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade thoe articles of furniture, cloth .ng, personal belonging-, etc., that you have no nerd of. Get something you can use. Special rate for' ads In Swappers column 25c fer a 3-llne adv. 3 dj and 3c per aflawer for all letter recelvrd. Businees ads regular rate ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner in good work ing order; will trade for kitchen cabinet, rug or what have you? Box S. C. 301. Bee. VI LL swap my 2i Victor records, im ludina many recent numbers; would like Icathei chair or other furulturc. Address Box S. C. 294. Be- A' ILL make a trade for my Gibso-i man dolin: prefer fura or other articles 1 $20 value.. Address Jiox S. C. 292, Oinahu Bee 10 TRADE 4 karat diamond ring, Tlffan, setting; will takj other Jewelry or .huji cal Instruments. Addrs Box j 93. Bee. HY Cameo Lavslllere, suitable for fine Christmas gift: I will swap for furs or auk. . Address Box 8. C. 297, Bee. SWAPPERS COLUMN HAVE OAK FLAT-TOP DESK Like new , want filing ishinct in good condition. Addr m Jinx S. 0.. 29, Be. I'll. MS de clnpei), 10c a roll, one-day arv. P e. Ease Kodak Studio1, Neville F.Ik.. I6th anil llnrnev. NEW $;', l-L-ll tirade l. g.i r. 1 fh'i' K'iri for Vii'ior S r. mnnl-a lie.-. u iloub'e l-ar- Vietrola. Box WANTED TO BUY T L1 J Lr T VJ re ileal Kuaranid. J ja J 1 il O ivr your u;i BUtiff, f- rr.ii!, fhns, rug, too!, trunk, or auit ( a1"', 1 will iiij an'! iny brst pri-. Doug. DESKS DESKS DESKS I N. w ill ks. trad'. .1 t. used desks, bought, "old and Hoed. U'ft; Krnam. D. 6146. AT Tl rT nTUTVn and shoes. pat the! HIGHEST PRICES! DIAMONDS 4 S. loth St. SOL HKK'JMAN A- CO HOoKS bought. Klcscr.Loyaf llocrBldg. ' " ' " A WWII lUPrurMTC I PEPSI A N Af-irora Mitcns fft ale; make ! beautiful Xinas presents. :.;0; N. "Ilh. , Coif.x ;;r,. I Accordeon Pleating. AC-'i 'ItOEoN. aid... tnlft-, eunburet, box pleaUng. (oerrl butttns, all als and styles; hemmilt'Vng, plcot edging, ej -let cut work, bil'topholes, pennants. II'CAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 3'iOJifiS Brown Ublg. lounla 19S6. ! VAX ARM AN I'reys IM.vitmg" aiid Button Cn . -,:u;.7 Piijt.iii P.Hi, Hougins 3109. baths. CENTRAL Ha ili Insliti'e; i b-clrk hnd Alain baths. iiidesaga of nil kinds, expert at tciHbitits. litOti Harney, ouglaM 7097. ' I MASSEI SK Imths. : I cli;t. Mips alke-. ntanlcuring, physical 2-M Neville Blk, Tub bulbs, manicuring iii Naviile "block Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAWV.iS!., THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. I'akpin Mlt. hell (,., .Tin anil Martha Sis. , " Caroenters'and Contractors:" LKKSARD fc SON. LDVI Cuming. Ty. 16:;.'. Xmas and New Year Cards. XMAS and New Year Greeting Cards, latest designs, 25 per doz. up. Special atten tion to mull orders, Bfniidels Card Print lug Dept. Dancing Academy. T)n T iivo School. Popular Ballroom -UUAC dances Class Monday Eve. 111 S. 18(hPhoneWalnut 1037. KEEP Dancing Academy, private lesson. elsses for adults and children. D. 7860. Dressmaking. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam. DRESSMAKING by the day. Harney 4688. Dressmaking. Mis Hiurily, Doug. 7910. Detectives. SUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.) "W Get Results." C29 World-Herald Bldg., Paul Sutton, Mgr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 900 First Nat. Ilk. Bldg. Phono Tyler 2510. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Nevlll Blk. Evidence secured In nil case.' Tyler 1136. 6." D. JOLLY, T'.i-I Faxron."K7dTl367 Chiropractors. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Chiropodist. Carrie j'. Hurford. 62o" Paxloii Blk. It. 4587" Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. 921 W, O. W. Bldg. DR. TEFFT. Iho well known Omaha deu tlst, has moved to 403 Brandet Bldg. Tuft a Dent. Km.. 308 Rose Bldg. P. 2186. Fixtures and Wiring. DURKIN Electric washing machines, electric Iron and reading lamp. 2223 Cuming St. Dong. 2519. Historical Costumes. The largest stock of theatrical and masque rade, costume In the country for rent or sale. Theo. Lleben A Son. 1514 Howard. Household Specialties. C. V. ADAMS, 623 S. nth." i)."s6l. Under new management, Wo want to oe old friend and meet new. Open Sat. evening. Your credit Is good. Agents wanted. Insurance. NATIO.VL AU ro.MOlllLE INSURANCE CO. 913-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2819. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding of All Metal. . H W. LEVERING, ,109 8. 12th St. D. 3678. Jewelry. DF A MOMfis We ""y hnl Pric w,lh UliWUKJlUO privilege to buy back at small prnfit. GHOSH, 402 N. ItlthJSt. l7 RS EN j L V KL R HTO R K. "i t) 4 V N. 1 6th St. .Phone Red 3527. Lowest cash price. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on lies ins. columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber snd Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Masseurs. MISS ItAlt I'l.K I'T. mssHeuae at the Central Hath Institute, l.'.orf Harney. Doug. 7097. M ISM I i . iL L A N I . 2333" N vule-B7dgTl 6th and llarney sts. Osteopaths. DR. MAHEL WESSON, 614 III a n. I, -Is Bldg. Office PhoniO yb-r 29HII. Res., Harney 4741. Min. J. P. Mustek, sulphur, sli-ani und euca lyptus baths 202-3 Rose Bldg. Ty. 2363. Piano Tuning and Repairing. Ill Cl'CHER. C1IAS. II.. 190V Harney. , Doug. 6019. Expert tunliu; und repairing. Piano rebuilt and leflmsbed. .Estimate free. W. K. l;tlbi-y, pluno tuner. Douglas 9297. Pianos for Rent. 3;t :.u i- A llospo Co , 1513 Douglas. Printing and Office Supplies. Waiei-a- Kiu nhnri Prg. Co.. 4:4 S. I3lh Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., 613 ilrnntteis illdg. Dougla 6691. STl'RGES " S lTitGES;. u. S. ami foreign patents niul trademark. 330 Bee Bldg. Removal. . W. ilnlaiid. pays., sur, 615(Bi-e Bldg. Trusses. VI. ECo" COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W 0 Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney St. Safes SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Delight Safe Co. Tailors. DbMirloji. P. 1... 2I6"s7,2"o'tii. Tailor. P. 242." Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL GOWNS, full dreaa t.utts for rent. 206 N. 17th John Feldman. D. 3138. Towel Supplies. Oliiohs Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Voice Culture. Albert llabeisiro Basso cautante. teacher of singing, technique and repertoire. Stu dio 4.; Securities B'dg. Tyler 2467-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING annoumeiiienls and printing. Douglas Printing Co Tel Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES A REAL BARGAIN Must sell before C hristmas, bankrupt i Moek ot all kinds ot hatdware, 111 cliulinis' manicure set. carving set, cnaniclwai e, s- inc very good fcalei, thousand pairs of Harney & Berry nickelpiated ice skates ;"t 50c and tip; also 300 pairs balNieariug roller skates, at 1308 N. .Mill. WA.VI ED --PROFESSIONS OF ALL KINDS. BIG DOINGS ON CARNIVAL IN OMA-11-A; CLEAN. LEGITIMATE I). VICES ONL. : WILL CONSIDER DEMONSTRA TIONS ON ADVERTISING BOOTHS. REASONABLE RATES AND PATRON AGE GUARANTEED. CALL DOUW. 2522. A GOOD opportunity for parties wishing to change bu-lness or position, sure returns and safe Inv estnient. Will take your pres ent busln st cash valuation.. Wheelock Rl-I-A-Woriii Co., U'19 West 7th St., Sioux City. 1.1. A NO. 1 DRUG store for sale; clean, up-to-date stock and fixtures, live town, 1,400 population. South central Nebraska. Part ner drafted. Priced for quick sale. Lock box 35. Palmer. Neb. MOTION picture machtno (new and re built., theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 103 S. 14'.h St. BUSINESS CHANCES JEWEI.RT STORE FOR SALE. Only Jewelry and optical atore In Ne braska town of 800. Nearetcompetl tlon 20 mile. Good farming community. IlnrT 311, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Drug itore. Will sell on easy terms to right , pirty or exchange for western Nebraska land or amall acreage close to good town. Writ owner, I. A. Peterson. Venango. Neb. FOR BALK 1st rlaa millinery stock and fixtures; excellent location; good paying business; very nicely furnished parlora. Tall Web. 644. SLIGHTLY ud Powers Ha moving picture machine. Swanskin &. Nolan Supply Co., Uct s. 14th. DRUG STORE and fixtures for sale. ;,v00 ow n-r gone to war; osfabllshed 190; sales Jjjooo yearly. I,ock Box To. Palmer, Neb. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re- j bulit, all makes; supplies. Wejtera Sup-j ply co. 201 Nari bm. i WANTED a partner with a fall Harney 5949 before 9 llttla money. i. m. ! IjOWTJ SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1126 : W. O. W. Bldg. T.ed !:. ; FOR SALE Good atock groceries, doing i good busineEi. Address Box 3iC, Falls Clt Neb. TO GET In or out of business call on : GANG EST AD, 24 Be Bldg. Doug. 347". ; BUSINESSES furnTshecTalid' svlT KiCiitiiita' F V. Knlct. Bee Bldg. Omah. Neb. ' SITUATIONS WANTED Maltj WANTED Position by registered phar maclt, age 26 year. 10 years experience. Good habits and . Kefs. At present em-plo-yed. Box Y 30, Omaha Bee. IHSliYVASHlNG by colored "man. Harney &f,4n. Female. WANTED Position as elevator lady D. ' WASHING and iruniiijfand liour.1 cleaning Tyler 29ST. Col. girl wants position; good cook. D. 9004. Col. girl wants chambermaid pos. Web. 1722. Washing & Ironing done at home. Wal. 22t9. I Laundyand DayJVVork J LAUNDRY and liousecieanlng by the day: I satisfaction given. Webster 3530. ! DAY work, col. woman. Call after 6 p. m. Web. 6206. Col. womsri wanta cooking-or clean, W, 21. FifiR a good woman for day work. W. C972. WASHING and lace curtains done. Ty. 11 44. COLORED woman want day work. D. 6907. WHITE woman wants day work. Web. (i93. PLAIN & fsnry clothes laundered Web. 4 25 3. KX. col. lady want day work. Web. D22. Col. woman want bundle washing. Web. 1712 DAY work, exp. colore lady. Web. 7487. DAY work and bundle washing Web. 1727. DAY WORK WANTED Webster 2327. DAY work wanted. Harney 6690. NUK3INQ by day, week or nr. call S. 1268. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 2533. WANTED Day work. Call Webster 4842. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. IF you are qualified and want a baik po sltlon, consult us. Out of town banks are calling on us dally for bookkeeper, atenographers and posting machine op eratora. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY 1 424 yirat Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTEL LABORERS! .WAGES, 36C. PER HOUR. APPLY WITHERSPOON ENGLER CO., CHICAGO & N. W. ELEVATOR CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WANTED FREIGHT HANDLERS. APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. UNION STATION. WANTED 26 .men for yarding stock and general work around yard. 15 men for eonf reto construction work, all winter Job for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Storlt Yard olde. LABOIIRKS WANTED MEN TO WORK IN YARD AND UNLOAD COAL. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMPANY, 20th and Hickory St. WANTED Man for Janitor service part time, at 2212 Harney St. Mut under stand firing boilers. Phone Tyler 3394. WANTED Auto top and carriage trimmers. Harrington-Puck Auto Top Co.. Sioux Clty, Jh. LEARN barber trad, low late now. (,'all ir errlte Barber College. 1124 Ooiigls Ht Salesrrien and Solicitors. Fl VE COM PTOM ETI?R Adding and Calculating Machine Salesmen Needed At Oncd Young men between 24 and 35, with experience in selling, account ing or auditing preferred. Salary or salary and-commission. Eight weeks' thorough training course in selling and machine op eration given with pay. Call ' Monday at our Local Offices. 502-3-4 McCague Bldg., 15th ant! Dodge Sts.." Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co. Trade Schools. MEN Learn barbering. flying aviation me cltnnlcs; wa - prepare you and the army , needs these tradesmen badly; you can make big money. Write or call for cat alog. Moler system of colleges, 110 South 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rate. Call or write. 1402 Dodge. ' TRl-CITV BAR3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In lx weeks, no book; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. 2814 N. 30th St.. Omihi, Neb. "AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2069 V mam Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAM DRIVERS GOOD WAGES SUNDERLAND BROS. COMPANY 24th and Belt Line. 21st and Pacific. 42d and Izard. wanted one tirst-ciass automobile me- hanlc. Apply to C. D. Brown, 1310 Jackson St. Miscellaneous. TEAMS OR TRUCKS) TO HAUL COAL. SUNDERLAND BROTHERS COMTANY. 20th snd Hickory Sts. 4'.'d and I.-.ard Sts 24th snd Belt Line. ATTENTION, "farmera. It you want h-Ip Bluff Cily Employ- .ve can supply ou. ment Bureau. 916S W Brodwr. P. 481 MEN wanted 011 ice fl-ld. Carter lake. Take East Omaha car. Start Sunday. Omh Ice & Cold Storage Co. FREEshi pniin tiTao ut bduTl J. A pply "ili" S lOtt- HELP WANTED Wale and Female. WANTED Immediately; names, men, wom en, wishing to become government clerks. $75 month. Box Y 264. Omaha Bee. GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical work; nieu-women wanted; $!0 per month: list free. Franklin Institute Dept. 337 K. Rcheter. N WANTED Lobby porter, maids, bus boy and kltcbea men. Henshaw Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. A MAN'S WORK :' 'he local branch of a national rubber concern is to be given to seme. oung woman experienced In selling or with ability to handle peoplewho can write clean-cut business letters, and who really wants a position with a future. Sell ua our servlc s in your letter of application. Box 907O. Omaha Bee. IF you are qualified and want a bank po- ' sitlon, consult us. Out of town banks I are calling on us dally for bookkeepers, stenographers and posting machine op- era tors. , THE CHARLES E. WALTER CO. 1;4 First Nan Bank, Bldg. Omaha. W A.NTEIj: i Ily mnufacturlng concern, young lady I to answer 'plionc. Splendid opportunity I for advancenient. Slalo age and salary ! expected. Box No. 962m, Omaha He. I Professions and Trades. WANTI-f) GIRLS KIRKENDAL.L & CO., i ". r. CORNER OF 11TII AND HARNEY. APPLY ' SECOND FLOOR. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladle to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancenient, good wages. A sal ary I paid while learning Parent desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially Invited lo accompany the applicant. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas Sl WOMAN" of middle age wishes ""ft place as housekeeper, capable of taking complete charge. Walnut 29H3. LEARN barber-trade. 1 402Dodg98L Household and Domestic. WANTED Neat competent white girl for general housework; good home; good wages and permanent position; 3 in family. 1805 Lothrop, Webster 678. A YOUNG girl to assist in housework and help take care of 2 boys, age 6 and 8. Homelike place and pleasant surroundings. Good wages; permanent posl'n. Wal. 3647. COMPETENT girl fir general housework. No laundry work, best wages. 3316 Burt St. Phone H. 1026. WANTED A girl to assist with house- work, no washing or cooking. Wal. 1176. WANTED Oirl about 16 years old to care for baby 2 years old. Har. 2168. Miscellaneous. WANTED 25 YOUNG LADIES. to work In Indoor carnival town; good wages. Must bo neat. booths. In Apply at once. JACK. SHERMAN, 6J4 Paxton Blk. WANTED Three capable women of pleas-' ing personality and good address over 25 years of age who through force of circumstances find It necessary to earn their own living and who would be In terested In earning '20 a Week and over. Teaching, nursing or other experience preferred, but not absolutely essential. Call Monday between 10:30 and 11 o'clock ut the Castle hotel and ask for Mr. Wheeling. WANTED 20 experienced power sewing machine girl at once; piece work: guai antee given. Omaha Auto Top Co., 70! So. 15th st. EDUCATIONAL Van Sunt School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890- FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL S0TJ1 AND FARNAM. Special low rates to permanent guest. Hotel Neville f0Zln.cZl 16th & Dodge IT omtphon' ,n CLAREMONT INN. 17th and J-.cksoh. Transient guests, 31 a day. Permanent guests. 35 week. Doug. 2735. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to find the room you doslro among these ads call at The Bee office lor a Room List. Gives complete description of vacant rooms in all parls of the city. New lists issued every week. MOLiERN furnished rooms at the Sunshine apartments, equipped for Itght housekeep ing; hot and cold wnter. For men only. Low rate. Office. 60S N. 17th St. FOR ONE CHI TWo Gentlemen, attrac tive warm and modern room, with con genial couple. Excellent location, Web ster 1632. LARGE MODERN warm front room, priv ate fa. . Ily, close In. Suitable for two or three; centlemen preferred. Dougl . 8367505 So. 25th Ave. COZY room, near car line, walking distance froni business center. Ideal winter home for one or two. Across street from Brow nell Hall. References. Douglas 6713.' WARM and comfortable room, furnace heat, give breakfast and night dinner. On car ltnc. PhojieVaL3L21,4028 Seward St. 2 MODERN, weil-heated furnished rooms on car line. 1314 Park Ave. H. 436". ROOM and board if desired in frivato fam ily, Farnam line, references required. Wal nut 1204 312m California, ,2 or 3 furnished room modern with heat on 1st floor. Har. 4001. STEAM- HE A f ED room$ 2wk.. a "lioTpT! with kitchen!, Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffa 1 Housekeeping Rooms. 2 PLEASANT rooms for light housekeeping, 1 block north of lUnscom Park. Harr-ey 6949. Board and Room. EXCELLENT location, walking distance; 36.60 per week: home baking; board, $5 00. 2543 Capitol Ave. Phone Douglas 734 f. FRONT rooms, cozy and comfortable; walk ing distance; man and wife or gentleman; will furnish meals-. 2580 llarney St. TWO beautiful south rooms, conncctlnK bath, wlh board; walking dlsstance; rei- erences required. 118 S. 2nth Ave. j PLEASANT front room with private family; I board If desired. Suitable for one or two i lentlemcn. Webster 2720.- COZY R'lOM: All modern, private family, I home privileges, liar. 6240; 3613 Jones St. Rocms Wanted. j MARRIED COUPLE desire board and room i w ith con. ectlng bath, with private fam- . ! Ily, living within walking distance of i shopping district, and who have no other ! boarders. Box 96'-7, Ornnl Ornnha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. WELL-FUKMSHEO house In West Far nam district Call Harvey 166 or H 174.V ty2 s 30th. 6 rooms. Garvin Brothers. Hunicy 4351 1 FOR RENT HOUSES North. 4128 NORTH SsTII ST JOHN N. F'KENZEIl. rooms. $12. Douglas 654. South. $15 NICE 4-room flat, modern except heat; water paid. 1413 Vinton St. Call Colfax 36"0 and Douglas 79. 3019 PACIFIC St. s rooms, modern ..$40 GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. Red 553. Evenings. Walnu 1103. Miscellaneous. FREE RENT TO JAN. 1. 2619 Capitol Ave. 9-r:, rill mod. flat, $25. 2414 Maple St.. 6-r. all mod i $22. v. 953 N. 21th, 6-r.. all mod. ex. ht., $16.50. 3322 Camden Ave.. 5-r . 4 acre, $11. RASP BROS. 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721. BUNGALOW, strictly nioiP-rn. 5 rooms; , vacant Jan. 1, $2. Will also sell the fur niture. 2206 Grand Ave. W. i55. Col. 107; FOR RENT HOUSES noisEs anii cottages. PARTLY .MODERN. r, R ;.f. M:iha st T-U. ."."I N'o-tli 4M St MobKRN EXCEPT HEAT. 7-r:. ! I North ;Tth St .-!. 13r9 Caliform- St STRICTLY .MoUERN. r-R. 4;,;;; Franklin st -lt. :;3 Park Ave -K. jS'ii North 17th St 7-R. 24 South Z-'.il St -R. iu9 South ;oth Ave -r. e:i south i nt ii sj . 50.00 . 35.00 . S5.00 . 40.00 , 45 00 , 35.00 , 40.00 65.00 65.00 -T!. 112 North 4tth St 9- R. 2610 Dewey Av- SR. 3716 r.fncoln Hlv.l 8-R. 147-North :: 1st St S-Ii. 1306 South "5th Ave FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. i n 3IU North 24th St I K. 6M4 South t'h St 10- R. 7fl.". South 73111 St HEATED APARTMENTS. 112. ;o H.oO 40.00 STOECKER. S23 South 2ltli St :;, Apt. no. 15 j .00 PORTER A S VrWELL. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 5013. otrices wltlj ilome Bui!d--rs. ; GVD 6 rot "oom, nearly new, modern house for tier n:o. 2739 Caldwell. V). 1S05. HOUSES in all parts of the citv. j CRE1GH. SONS & CO.. 5l)8 Be Bldg j PAY your r.nt only to Shopcn & Co. ! Realtors. Pouj 422S. i FOR RENT AP.RTMENTS West. - 1'AIRVIEW. IN DUNDEE. Beautiful new 4-r. apt., with C-r ac commodations, has 4 largo rooms with additional dr-aslng room which has In-a-Door beda and built-in chiffonier; juat completed; ono of the best locations in Dundee; north, east and south exposure; large balcony; apt. No. 10 vact; Janitor can show you this today. Located 706 N. 60th, 1ipt 1 blork to car and stores; 360. HASTINGS 11 E Y DEN, 1614 Harney St THE DEWEY" No. 1,",, only available apartment in this building, consisting of 3 rooms, with 2 ant1 new nil c,',"mo " rrat'llcall' ?"r' apt., new, all outside rooms, vcrv r in ce. !01 Dewey. Call janitor llarney "l945. fori appointment today. $35 sum., $12.50 win-i ter. i HASTINGS & HE YD EN, 1614 llarney St. i MOVE TO THE nAilLTON'ireTiroTi"r i right down-town; plenty of heat; one to six roonis-rfasnnahle. D. 1472 FOR RENT MODERN 5 ROOM APART MENTS CN 27TII ST. HALF BLOCK FROM CA KLINE. PRICE REASONABLE PHONE HARNEY 4997 FOR APPOINT MENT. REFERENCES EXCHANGED. WALKING DISTANCE 339.50. 3 rooms and bath in Hollywood, up-to-date and modern, high class location, heat hot water. Janitor service, etc. Three ex posures on third floor. References re quired. Douglas 3140. North. 4-ROOM new semi-basement apt. with heat 322.50. 1815 Maple St. D. 2802. South. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists In Apartment Management. FOR RENT SUBURBAN FOR RENT, ACREAGE Have 6 acres, well Improved, 2 miles- north of Benson, will rent to a reliable, experienced "family man;" have soma stock, horse, imple ments, etc., on place; references required. Call Doug. 2819 or Walnut 3902. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. MODERN store and basement: 624 S. 16tb St.: $70. Nebraska and Wyoming Invet nier.t Co.. 322 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. TWO modern stores near P. O., low rent. G. P. Stetblns, 1610 Chicago. STORE room, Sun Theat- r Bldg. World Realty, Realtors. D. 634 Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. $20 per month und up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ftlRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 600 FOR RENT Desk room with or without gas. Filing cases and telephone. Ample space 429 Railway Exchange building. MOVING AND STORAGE .GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOVSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY SEltViCE FREE Phone Douglas 28S for complete list of vacant bouses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Export services: prompt attention. Voui ; movtng, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. j 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate lociced rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80,6 S. 16tll. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call, Tyler 230 or Douglas 4:138 J. C. REED r, r.xpress Co.. Moving Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam pit Web 2748. Doug 6146 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. ATTRACTIVE cor. C-r., home, oak finish; strictly mod. 2 hlks. to llarney car, $3,700. F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18th St. North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 300 dlf- terenc ouyers aeciaea mat u was tne oet i pro position on the market and tbey I backed their Judgment by buying lot. I IF YOU will come out today you will i understand why the other are buying. ' rU ADI LT-C 7 HI A OTI K1 ' 1 -i? A I v , ; ; ?.4rL2.taLLP?J:-B.ld?:T.lrll ! NEW, Modern 6-room house; paved street;! Harney ear line. All oak. Will sell $250 down. Call D. 3618 days or Wal. ST7 South. HOME INCOME INVESMENT. 9. E. corner, 34th and Arbor Sis., two fine, modern houses. One is 6 rooms, oak finished, fire place, etc. The other ts S rooms, rented to good tenant for $32.50 Ground. 108x132. room for more houses or apartments. Exceptional proposition. See owner. Harney 131 1. ONE 6-room and one 4-rooin cottage, both on one lot: fine condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,750. Very easy Horns. No. '2483 8. 20th St. NORR13 & NORRIS. 40 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 Miscellaneous. LET me abow you my brand new stucco bungalow; flatly finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3. Sou. Rea sonable terms. Call owner. DoiibIs 1722. FOR SALE. 7-room house, hot water heat, grrage, $3,750. John J. Mulvihill. Realtor. 200 Brandels Theater Bid. Phone Doug. 96 W. FATtNAiTSMlTirACcu Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St.. Doug. 1064 rs7tr1Tmbull. 306 lt Nst Bk Bldg D 1734 REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'pty YOUNG & DO'IERTY. City Real E.aic, Dougla 157 1. 322 Brandels Theater H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist in downtown business pronertv REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR .""ALE OR EXCHANGE $120,000 Omaha 1 K blork. stores und apart ments; income about fl.100 a month; will exchange for l.-.uil of equal value: ean leal . .-ar. R. s. Trumbull, 1205 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 75. WASTER NJLA Ms7"NI Iwwii. 42 2JtoaeBld T REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. LARGE Garden l.ois near ear line, paved rftreet.JMj:. to $I9". SI dow.i Pouar i74 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Ayeage. rIVE very fine garden close 10 var line, closo to school, just outside the city limits, w heYe you do not have to pay city taxes: 1111 ideal placo to raise pigs, pcultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cali fornia nnd savs sell at once: price 392 each; trrms. 60c a week on each lot. Call Walnut lf6 today or in the evening. t . REAL ESTATE WANTED ; WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for 1 a and ti-room house and bungalow with . $l"."0l 1300 to CoOO down. Call Osborne P.ealty . 10.00 ' Co.. Tyler 19C. 701 Oma. Nat Pank Bldg. HAVE calls for Dundee homes and would '.,.;! like exclusive listings on a few bunga- --- lows and houses from 13,600 to 112,000. $21 00 ' C- A' Cirlmm:1. ii9 Om,vNat. BU. Bldg. . 30. on 1 I FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. THE investors of Omaha will alway find u with a stock of 6 per cent first mort gages, secured by Omaha residence prop erty or Nebraska farms. L H. LOUGEE, INC., 6S8 Keellne Bldg. Jl.600 MTG., bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at 15.500. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. II. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. 5 C.TY LOAXS. GARVIN BROS.. '6m. -Nat. Bk. Bldg. 5 MONEY HARRISON i MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMsT o'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 10IS Omaha Nat'l. $100 to 310.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and i ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. I LOWRATES C. gTvTaIrlBERG. 312 Bran I dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. II. THOMAS & SOJj, Keeline Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. !, CORN ANl COTTON LAND. Cheap, easy terms, S. E. Arkansas. Ex curslons 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Free liter- I ature. W. S. Frank. 201 Nfvllle Bllt.. ! Omaha. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE-50 acres, irrld land, half i .n . . J.. l......... mile from school and fcostoffiee. at Ant lers. Colorado. Trice $3,000; $1,000 rash, balance easy terms. J. Burke, Route 7. Box 71. York. Neb. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 310 cash and 35 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land: close to three big market. Write for photograph and full Information. HUNGER. A-119. N Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. FOR SALE Holt county. Mo., farm. 2 miles good town, Improved: 30 acres fall wheat: no waste land. Price $116 per acre if sld soon. Easy terms. Address Lock Box 161. Humboldt, Neb. Nebraska Lands. LOOK HERE! 640-acre stock farm, 7 miles from Ma son City In Custer county. Runs 200 head of cattle, good soil, raises all kinds of crops, 110 acres under cultivation, 190 more tillable: especially good for alfalfa. Price only $37 per acre. Extra good terms. Write owner, L. C. Crandall, 60s First Natl, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE. Have lot of extra good land for sale, raw land, from 115 to $32 per acre; from $50t to one-half cash; Improved land ai $i;.50 to $35, from $3,000 to 38,000 down, balance long time at 6 per cent. Write me for particular B. TV. DOMINA. KIMBALL, NEB. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payment 6 acres up. We 'arm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growera' association. 16th and Howard St., Omaha. Douglas 9371. SO ACRES, nearly level, Improved, between Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only 3190. on eas- terms. G. A. Kull, Oakland, Neb. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A. A. Patzman, 301 Karbach Blk. LIST your lands for quick reaulta with C I Canan. 310 McCague Bide.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. NEW JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF Tlin RANGE. Get on the ground floor with 80 acrei irrigated land In connection with open range. You can grow atock successfully and cheaply. Excursion Dec. 18. Send for bulletin. HARLEY X HOOKER. 940 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. Texas. ! SEE us for Texas land. We furnish cattle. 1 You pay from profits. Tbomaa Olaon, 407 Karbach Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with u It you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON, 423 S. 15th. Douglas 9371. ' AUTOMOBILES Bargains in Used Cars 1917 Ford Sedan" $650 1917 Ford Touring Car 333 1917 Ford Roadster 325 1917 Maxwell Touring Car 585 1917 Maxwell Roadster 375 1916 Overland Model "83" 365 1916 Chevrolet 295 1916 Buick '. .' 285 1916 Oakland Six 485 1916 Ford Touring Car 225 1915 Ford Roadster , . 195 Mitchell closed car. a bargain. All above cars will bo demonstrated to your entire satisfaction, and payments If desired. M. C. Meeks OMAHA GARAGE, 20th and Hcrney Sts. Phones Tyler 655. Douglas 8108. STANDARD MOTOR CO. One 2-ton Republic truck. I Good condition: $600. 2020 Farnam St. Carl Changstrom. j ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne- orasKa service oarage QUALITY USED CARS. StudebaRer-Wiaon, Inc. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harney S71. Farnam at 25th Ave. WANTED-FOK SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS: quick action; no delay. Auto Eg. change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. OAKLAND sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2200 Farnam St. JARGAINS la used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. llarney 414. GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing and work guaranteed. Douglas 7652. 1109 Douglas St. FORD Touring car fo sale; 1917 model; good shape. Inquire Rome. Hotel, L. J. Dunne. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. 3508. USED CAR DEPT. WILLYS--OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St. Doug. 3292-L. FOR SALE, Hudson isVper-SJx Sedan, run only a few hundred miles. Will soil right. Box Y 314. Omaha j;-e. A FEW 1918 Ford touring earn. One used 1917 Ford touring. 4001 S. 24th St. So. 4360. , t BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED? Ever ready Battery Station. 1206 Farnam. 1915 7-PASSENGER Paigo Touring car; fine shape. Bargain. Harney 5AIL I NEW 1917 Ford, $375. Doug. 2246. Auto livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lOo a mile, 35c- per hour, minimum charge. tExcept Sunday and holidays.) FORD LIVERY Co.. Douglas "iC$. 1314 Howard St. T. J. HANSEN and P. W. Jacobus, for mer proprietors of the Crosstown garage will open the Cuming garage, December If. at 24th and Cuming streets. CaW; Ted at Walnut 2580 for Information. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. TFE1FFER AUTO & CAR RIAGE WKS. 2523 Leavenworth. Ty. 701. Starters and Generators Repaired. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six moriths. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE- CO., 2212 Harney St. Tyler 3394. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 216 S. 19th St. Do'lglis 6489. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHO.V;: HARNEY 2901 for auto repairing. ! DELAY & REAL. W. Farnam Garage, 3527 I S r.rnum V..W nncn tll.-a ..-t-,1 ' ' $100 reward for magneto we can t repau. I bone broken, her tare and lip'bail''. Colls repaired. Bs ysdorf er 2 1 0 N lth. cllf aj,j hack wrenched edwarps. e s.. : .v mhspivb: The Red Cross 'rummage sale v ster 1102. For best results with repair:.. .. . 5 , work consult us. ! the armory is attra;ting large crowd- RADIAT114 repair work, all work guaran- i a"d hundreds ot ahiahlc article v t-c.i. TrSwvcr Auto Co , iJi 0 Farnam st. j many of them practical!,- ii good AUTOMOBILES Tires and. Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES- 4 I ce Without Old Tires. 30x3, 17.70; 30i3Vi, J8.60; 32x3. Iin.05: 33x4. 112.25; 34x 313.00; 3Sx4Vi. 315.30. Good slightly used tire at verv low prices. Auto radiator, lampi and windshields repaired. Boylan Auto Radiator Co., 1514 Davenport St. Phone D. 2H. "BILT-NU" tires, guaranteed 3,500 miles. ave money. Vulcanizing and retreading Auto and radltor repairing. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE AND AUTO WORKS, 1819-21 Cumtng St. Tyler 917. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES New 30x3 Firestone, $7.90; Ford tubes. 32. New 30x3 4 Non Skid Firestone. $13.00. KAIMAN'S TIRE SHOP. 1721 CUMING TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2 in 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, HOS'a Jackson. Agts. vanted. Omaha, Nli. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES. G. & G. Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 241. Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. BUY Lea puncture-proof pneumatic urea ami eliminate your tire troubles. Towell Sup ply Co. 2051 Farnam St Motorcycles and nJ Bicycles N motorcycles' H A K L E Y - DAVIDSON Bargains In used machines. Victor H Koos. The Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. MEDICAL war SUFFER? Latest and most scientific treat ment for all diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 513-521 Rose Bdi;. Ex amination and consultation free. He i curing thousands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dangerous, if you can't call, write. Hours: 9 a. in to 5 p. m.; 7:30 to 9:30 evenings. Sunday by appointment. DR. E. R. TARRY 210. BEE BLDG PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarryjcures piles, fistula ami other rectal diseases wlthot surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on, rec tal disease and testimonials. RUPTURE successfully trcatd without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 306 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN, Ozone Generators rented to the afflicted. 112 S. 26th. Tel. Harney 5677. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-J114 Dodge St. EXPERT piano tuning, cleaning and reg ulating, $2. Work guaranteed. Box 9572. Omaha Bee. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1038. 702 s. 24tli. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1569 MINNIE NAGLE, massaeuse, steam electric baths. 228 Neville Blk. D. and 7381. LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl curlng. 518 Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk, Red 2727. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St., room 3, Phone Douglas 8751. VAPOR and tub bath. Massages of ah kinds. Rm. 3. 404 N. 16th. Doug. 7046. IMMANUEL private maternity home. Best care. ;60i Bristol. Webster 2908. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. asm st. Phone Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone iougias ti3is. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th E. BROTT. Massage. 702 S. 18th. D. 9S2K Manicuring and mass.. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. FURNACEScleaned. 31. Central Tin Shop. POULTRY AND PET STOCK THREE exceptionally twod Phlliplno Mus covy drakes, ready fof spring service: alse taking orders for a limited number of set tings of eggs from a pen of prize winning Dark Cornish. - GEO. A. WILSON", Walnut 1111, 6511 Harney St MONEY TO LOAN MONEY - MONEY MONEY IS SANTA CLAUS COMING TO TOUR HOUSE? Grown up folks know why he come or stays away. If j-ou have a little money ha is more likely to come. Are you going to run the risk of him missing you? Take no chance and get .the money today. Let us give Santa Claus your number. For 26 years we have been doing this. Easy payments. Utmost privacy. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxton Block. Tel. Douc. 2295. Organized by the Business Mcrf of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as pecurity. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, S3.50. $40, 6 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 33 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. DIAMOND AND J E W E LR Y LOANS Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1314 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT 1 PCT SMALLER LOANS 2 FCT. W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. 6TII FLOOR (ROSE) SECURITIES TY 95 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Poultry Live: Spring, all sizes. lStc; hens, all sizes, 18 '4c; old cocks, 14c; turkeys. 8-lb. each and up, 24c; ducks, f. f , fat. 16c: geese, f. f., fat, 15c; guineas, each, u5c; pigeons, per doz., 85c. Dressed: Turkeys, dry picked, 8-lb. each and up.. No. 1 vouni; toms and hens, 30c; old toms, 25c; No. :', 18c; ducks, No. 1, 20c; No. 2, 15c; gees-. No. 1, 18c; cocks,-15c. Butter 30c. Fresh Eggs (By express), ctue. -in.15. Prices for this week are as follows: No. 1 rHis. 2414c: No. 2 ribs, 22e: No. :: ribs. 13'sc; No. 1 loins. 29'.ic: No. 2 loin.-. 26'ie; No. 3 loins. 144c; No. 1 chu.-l; 16t5c; No. 2 chucks, I t'ic: No. 3 chuck: . 12c; No. 1 rounds, 20c; No. 2 rounds. 17 No. 3 roundss. 13c; No. 1 plates. HUc; No 2 plates, 13ic; No. :; plats. 114c." Celery California Mammoth, fresh, trim med daily, excellent strck. well bleached, doz-. .31. Oysters Chesapeake stnt.dards. $1.75 per gallon; Chesapeake selects, per gallon, $2.15: northern standards, per gallon, $2.45: north ern selects, per gallon. $2.90; New Tor', counts, per gallon, $3: blue points, per 100. $1.25; large shells, per 100, SI. 60; cotuiir! per ino. $1.75. Fish Fresh frozen: Halibut, const froze,., per lb., 20c; salmon, red. coast frozen, pr c lb.. 22c; pink per lb., 20c; black cod sablo fish, coast frozen, per ly.. He; black bass, order size, per lb.. 28c; large or small, per lb., 22c; trout, per lb.. 22c; whitefish. medi tiHj, per lb., 16c; largo per lb.. 20c; pi),,-, N. l.;per lb., 16c; pickerel, dressed, per lb.. 12c; round, per lb.. 11c; catfish, small, per IB.. 17c; crappie, medium, per lb., 12c. tlleflsli. per lb., .lie; yellow- rim,- perch, pc, lb.. 16o; buffalo, per Hi.. 12c; carp, per II-. Hcfcltng cod. per lb.. lJc; flounij rs. per lb.. 12c; western red snapper, per lb.. 10c: smelts, per lb.. 15c; while p-rcli, per lb lie ', ' - Fncgs Lou!s:cna Wad; bulls, p-r do-'.: Jumbo, tiMi large. $2.25: medium, 31. 75 Fish Fresh caught: Halibut, n-r lb. I salmon, per lb.. 22c; bla.-'.; cod sable Tisli. j per lb., 14c; black bass, order iif, per lb.. I 30c: large or small, per lb., ;jC: caifisii jvinier size and large, per lb.. 23c; small, p.-r lib. 21c; crappies. Vi lb., 15c; order si..- and large., pec lb.. IS and 2uc: buffalo. i. r ib.. 14c, carp. pr lb.. U'c; red snapper, p-1 lb.. 16c; haddock, per lb., ir.e: cod. per In. 13 and 18c; flounders, per il.. !c; -ni.l' . per lb., 15c; Spanish mackerel, per lb.. 2" Woman Trampled by Horse And Seriously Injured Retl Oak, la., Dec. 14. (Special. Mrs. Orin Chabot of West town ship is recovering at the Red Oak hospital from an accident in which siie was seriously injured last week. j when a horse which she was holdinpr Decamc scareG and knocked iitr down. Her right check bone wa crushed. Iter note hrnlren the run 1 . . ,, , 1 "CI "'OUlii cruslien 111. ail Her lip- I 1.... 1 I ,t uti iceui iiroKcu loose, ner collar