THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1917. Nebraska HOWARD HARD HIT BY "LUCKY 7THS" FATEr, Congressman Stephens to Tell of NEBRASKA LOANS War on French Front as He Saw It OUT 10 MILLIONS ' OF SCHOOL FUNDS NEBRASKA SUPREME j COURT DECISIONS: Affl! Formerly Declared Thought of Governor's Job Made Him "Shudder;" "Political Pi rate" Put Kink in Neville. The big week of the Red Cross drive starts this morning and one ot the biggest cards will be staged to night, when Congressman Dan V. Stephens will appear at the Audi torium. Not only will he tell of the war as viewed from the trenches, but he will describe what it means to be on the tiring lino. At the Auditorium tonight the Fortv-first United States Intantiv .From a Staff , VrrospondenO from Fm Crook wj1, ,v ,hf moolii. Ncl... Dec. 16.-(Spcc al.V JMs js rccognizC(1 as 0Ile oj While many people are sorry that j t,JC bfSt ,)an-s jn thc scrvice of ,he ...vcrnor Neville has been deprived Unj(ed S(atcs tt0vermlUMlt aild th I1 t ,e P"v'lcp .? Spmg to war a conyert 1at ,t iye tonj llt m lie head of the Lucky eventh. at ,)e frfe of cost Q a wQ ylsjt t;c ca-t lor some time to come, bccaue ,Kjtoriunl ; things which have come up lately. x. i '.. 0,j.i,c. r, . . i lit ILV till vi i jl v. ere is someone else who has been i Stephens will be one of the lit ui-t as Hard as t lie governor dy the orders of the War department. That man is Lieutenant Governor Howard. Lieutenant Governor Howard ad mitted at the time Governor Neville announced he would resign as gov ernor to accent thc colonelcy of the Seventh regiment, that the proposi- best things heard in Omaha m a long time. Like the band concert, this is free. The idea in having these two great drawing cards at this time is to create an interest in 'Ked Cross work and give it an impetus. The talk by Congressman Stephens promises to be a real treat. Me will be able to bring thc war right home ion ot King governor maue i.n r the pcop,c Accompanying a con-Q gressional party, bewailed trom New liulder." However, as time passed i:id an opportunity was given him to play governor for" a week while the real governor was in Washington, he showed how "shuddering" the pros nects were bv promptly, commission- - i - ! DAN V. STEPHENS. I Opinions and Rulings Handed Down in Various Cases Heard by State High Tribunal. U'vonv a Siatf ijy rrsivmi-.'tit. Lincoln, Dec. lo. Special.) Nebraska has loaned out as imest ment ot it permanent school ami other funds the mat little sum of $10, 242.N7.iS, according to the semi-an-mill report of State Auditor V. 11. Smith, filed with thc governor yes terday. The funds arc invested as follows: Pormaitont school fund .3MM 01 renimnont uti'. ersiiy ' I ,11 ,.. I .. , I'acilic Railroad company. McGirr, ('. I I ,,,, .iainM Chicago, Iiiur lington & (Juiin v companv. Ucered And remanded. I'arnott, ll'.S4 Nicholas against Chicago & Northwestern Kailuud 'company. At liimed. Mitnir. t . ll5'M -NKrhcelv against Tiumbull. AH'iiiiicd. Martin, U. lOoJO- l'ion against Af iittned. r.iniott. t . l1.,'.' liiid-cs, Hove - Co.. against 1 1. mon k Kexeied unless plaintiff tile lt'inittiti ot $lM within JH days; I'lhctwisc allirined. .Mctiin, ('. l''(i-'4 - Sil ei forb against Connecti cut hire Insurance loinpanv of Hart lord. Ivcversed and i cniandcd. Mar- AprlouHural roll-so Normal miin ni.-nt liOSSt'V ImMlliMl.i! illilu :,4:i: roini i,si:.s3;.ni j For the period beginning June L 1917, and ending November 0, W17. warrants were issued by State Audi tor Smith amounting to $.?.JM,tH).ll, ; according to hid semi-annual report j lilcl with !:ie governor yesterday. Oi tin- nnii-iimt $.?.047.(i'4.t'2 had been i presented for navmcnt and cashed. ( ing February A recapitulation of the report made November .50, 1917, shows thc fol lowing: Out.-itatnllntr. May SI, 1917. XVarrmus tMiei XVarrants palil HaliiH.'o l'ollowing are recent decisions haiuVd down by the supicir.e com I of the state of Nebraska: J01o4 Heller against Wicsner Zander again.-t I'hicago t'v li'tn K.ulioad lOninailv. Kc- itlM - - - .. i . . . i i i i i ....... I ' inrn.-ituT I:mii.irv I'MS- nnor . to veisru ami icm.mui u. .11.0011. v. serve briefs bv December 1, 1917. I tin I advanced 1 p)(, and set for hearing at session com- 1 Nortliwi l'Jti"4 - Kilmer against 1'inni-il Martin, t . 19S1J-W. 1'. Krown ev Sons against pi,,;;. Lvdick agamsi am. Af- Israclsou. ! SSJ.0Sll.4S :i.-:;.4.i! '.!. 11 a 17 1 r.; York, landed somewhere in France, visited Paris and from there journeyed to the war zone. During his stay of several days in thc war zone, Congressman Stephens broke bread with thc officers and men of the allied nations Rabbits Plentiful Near Town of Stella, Neb. ing Governor Neville as colonel of i the Seventh. Since that time h? has shuddered almost contmua.iy aim can,p and on the leld of baUk, and now that the prospect of being gov-J t,,us at ,-,rst haldi learnc(i what is emor appears to have gone glimmer- j bfi done all alo, thc wc?u rn front iu I'atuaM. - v w rC now lie American oovs are pouring shot and shell over into thc camps of the soldiers of the kaiser. During the stay of Congressman out and charges politics as being at the bottom or" the vhole proposition, thus giving the average citizen the right to say a few things also if he wishes. In the i.-sue of his paper last Fri day Lieutenant Governor Howard re- r. l" '"""V "? . . . I fl-rom a Staff Correspondent.) It was conceived m the patriotic Lincol, 1)cc. 16. (Special.) Uni- impuisc 01 ail young governor ; ... rpn.ova, i,rouE,hf a .jitlr echo through thc supreme court conccrn- Supreme Court Decides Property Valuation Case Stephens in thc war zone, he wit nessed days of fierce lighting. He saw the aeroplanes ot the allies battling with those ot the Germans and upon! Mella "cb Dec !(. (Special. 1 occasions saw the immense, tanks RO i Kabbits are most plentiful this season I into battle, clearing the way that thel,fi c-.-m m he in healthful condition. He saw them in ' advance of thc infantry might not be i fn,iiir where bows and men impeded. , ;avi. time to hunt, rabbit meat often Being an eloquent orator and hav-jfornls a i,jg part of the meals, and ing been in close touch with the warsonle thriftv housewives arc putting and having watched the progress otjn ,atv brine their surplus, keeping battles, it is predicted that thc con- j ,,cm t'ic 5anie as brine-cured pork, gressman will deliver an address that j j ie SM0W 0 tl,c last two w eeks has will be of unusual interest. j forced the rabbits from the open brush heap to tight for his country and the flag. It was chloroformed by a political pirate. No shame attaches to Keith Neville in the death of the Seventh regiment. He gave it all the ardor that a loving heart and a patriotic de sirc.could bring to bear. But all his efforts availed not. Thc power of a dread messenger from an evil corner of tradition's most evil political hell was superior to our young governor's sincere love of country and his sin cere Jesire to do his part in the de fense of the flag." People in Lincoln are wondering who the "political pirate" is who Governor Howard charges is respon sible for the condition which brought the "dread messenger from an evil corner of tradition's most evil politi cal hell." Some believe that they can guess correctly the first time trying and that he refers to a certajp senator from the banks jf the Missouri along the eastern border of Nebraska, and that it all indicates that .Mr. Howard feels that he has "shuddered" just about as long as he can "shudder" without shaking off something which will be interesting and that from now on "every little shudder will have a meaning all its own.'' As the string which was hitched to the governor's resignation gradually tightens as the resignation is appar ently being pulled back, it is no won der that the Columbus editor, who had the gubernatorial job almost within his grasp, sees political pirates , and visions of political hell swarming around with a prospect of long con tinued "shuddering." McFarland Draws Generous Fee From Callahan Estate (From a SHaff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Dec. 16. (Special.) After long, long, waiting, Attorney J. M. McFarland of Omaha, will receive a nice little attorney fee of $6,000 trom the estate of James Callahan. Thc case is' interesting from the fact that Callahan was one of the men accused many years ago of complicity in the kidnapping of Fid- ward Ludahy, young son of the South Omaha packer. McFarland was at torney for Callahan .and was suc cessful in having him acquitted, not only on the abduction charge, but also on a charge of perjury growing out of the first trial. Callahan had promised the attor ney that he would pay him from his share in his father's estate. The father was alive at the time, dying later, as also did the son. The administrator of the estate made several defenses, one of which was that as the agreement was not in writing and related to real estate, it came within the statute of fraud. The supreme court in its opinion favorable to McFarland, says that thc agreement merely fixed the time of payment and does not fall within thc statute cited. ing valuation of property condemned on thc land set out for campus exten sion. ' The Hoard of Regents under con demnation proceedings valued a lot 50x50 feet containing a seven-room partially modern cottage at $2,'i.)0. Thc owner; Jacob Mohler, appealed to the district court of Lancaster county and the jury awarded damages here last night. Three bundl ed peo-! pic attended. The articles sold, which! were donated, ranged trom a ton of stock lood to a pair of Rclgian hares. Organized last summer by Mrs. 'Y. W. Wright and Mrs. t harlcs Green, Sammy's Girls are a society of pa triotic girls from It) to l.i years old. 100 Men Join Home Guard at Wausa, Neb. making hunter's fields to the them good targets for the gun. Urges Production of Pork As BigFactor m the War Stella, Neb., Dec. 16 - SpecialA J. O. Shroycr, residing west of Stella, member of the "pork production" committee from this district, com prising Richardson, Pawnee, Neinaha and Johnson counties, addressed a opera nousc. Attorney P. II. Peterson presided c frtt-n l 11 ,i .1 uiiinmn i'i m- iiiiiMMK dial 111- for $2,.'o0. Mohler appealed, and the , lroducei, 1)r. W. II. Mullen and Mayor V. H. Harm 'of Mloomtield, supreme court affirmed thc judgment of the lower court, holding that in convenience of moving and the fact the owner might some time get more on a voluntary sale and purchase cuts no figure. Old-Time Log House Is Destroyed by Fire Stockville, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.) The home of Lee Douchey was burned this morning at 3 o'clock and is a complete loss. This was a ce,dar log house built in 1874, part of the logs being hauled from McPhe.rson by his father. Icrome Douchey, one of the pioneers. His' her of the lecture course at the opera Wausa, .cii., Dec. K.- (.Special.) i large audience ot larmers at a meet-' A patriotic rally was held at the city i ing of the County Protective asso-! ciation in 1 alls ( it y. I "If you love your country," said Mr. Shroycr, "raise hogs for pork will plav a very minortant par: m winning .the war." Ogallala Red Cross Workers Send Shipment son, Lee, is one ot the large ranch men ot Frontier county and lives three miles south of Stockville. Sammy's Girls of Hebron Raise Red Cross Funds Hebron, Neb., Dee. 16. (Special.) Sammy's Girls, of Hebron raised $90 for thc Red Cross at a big box supper and auction in the opera house who were the speakers. Mayor Harm gave a thoughtful patriotic address which received the rapt attention of! his audience. Dr. Mullen delivered a' stirring address winch gleamed with! Ogallala, Neb, Dec. 16. (Special enthusiastic patriotism and received j Telegram.) Thc knitting division of the heartiest applause. ,he Ogallala chapter and auxiliaries At the conclusion of the speaking 0f t),e Rcd Cross have shipped a sec a home guard organization was cf- j oiitl box of knitted garments, which tectcd. About 100 men joined and contained r15 sweaters, 29 pairs of were sworn in. sockSi jj pa;rs 0f wrjstlcts. four hel- " " I mets and three scarfs, making a to- War Savings in Valley. tal of 25 sweaters, 41 pairs of socks, Valley. Neb., Dec. 16.--(Special ) i" f,airs of wristlets, nine helmets and Robert- I. T'iiw-li ,rave fi, t-i,;,-,i .,,! seven scarfs. Richardson Men Eilist. Stella, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) Six young men went from Richardson county to enlist in the navy at Omaha, this week, as the result of the work of Recruiting Officer 1!. A. Price at Fails City. Thevarc: Edwin F. Stal der and Cecil F". Duryca of Dawson, Kdward J. Sheehan of Seward, Herbert Marr, Roy Conscr and D. V. Meinser from Falls I lty. house last night. J I is subject w as 'Slutting Gears. M. A. Sams, superintendent of schools, and 'J'. F. Green of the Farm ers' State bank, who have recently joined the four-.minute men of the state, outlined the plans of thc war savings campaign ami urged ; hearty co-operation of every citizen in push ing the sale of thrift stamps and war savings certificate stamps. Northwestern Railroad companv. Motion and stipulation allowed; uile day extended to December 1. I'M 7; cause continued to session commeue- 18. I'M 8. 19765 State ex rcl. County of Douglas against Smith. Motion and .stipulation allowed; cause continued to session commencing December , 1917. j 19771 Ycach against Love. Stipula i tiou allowed; cause continued to ses- sion commencing January 7. 191N. ! 19785 -Jcr.kins against Dial. Stipu lation allowed; cause continued to ses sion commencing January 7, 1918. 19047 Henderson, administratrix, against Union Pacific Railroad com pany. Mandate ordered to issue iu stanter. Whiteonih against State. Motion and stipulation allowed; de fendant in error given until Decem ber 29, FM7, to serve briefs. 20280 I laner against grand lodge, Ancient Order of I'nited Workmen. Stipulation allowed: appellee given until December 15, 1917, to serve an swer briefs. Cause continued to ses sion of court commencing January 7, 1918. The following opinions weic tiled: 196(H) City Trust company against Douglas countv. Reversed and re manded with directions to allow de ductions of value of mortgaee ami shares of stock. Lctton, J. 1 lamer, )., not sitting. 19o65 McCague Investment com pany against Metropolitan water dis trict of city of Omaha. Affirmed. Cornish, I. Sedgwick. J.. not sitting. l84-'Valdo against Loikard. Af firmed; Rose, J. Lctton, J., dissent- 19089 Haxcl against Maxci. Al firmcd. Sedgwick, J. 19706 McUillough against St. Ed ward F.lcctric company. Affirmed. Sedgwick, T. 19708-Railcy against Hurlt. Af firmed. Dean, J. Lctton and Sedg wick. JJ., not sitting. 19737 Tynon against Missouri Pacific Ralroad company. Reversed and remanded. Hamer, J. Sedgwick, J., not sitting. Rose, J., not partici pating in decision. 20957 State ex rel. Calling against ';.Sniitli. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J, 202(12 tavey against Keigle. Re versed and dismissed. Sedgwick, J. 20221 Grobe against Crownovcr. Affirmed. Morrissey, C. J. The following cases affirmed with out opinions: 18849 Yates against Martin. Sedg wick, I., not silting. 1968'8-Luff against Nieklas. 19721 Moore against Kansas City Casualty company. Sedgwick, J., not sitting. The following cases disposed of bv the commission : 1958 Turner against Canadian ! Affirmed, l'an iott. i . I 197(14- Mevens against Cheatham. i Affirmed. Pairiott. C. I l''755-Njcliols ag.iin-t citv ot Columbus. Allirined. Marlin. C. I 19738 - Hank of Penson against Gordon. Kecrscd and remanded. Martin. C. Nebraska Will Have Plenty of Seed Corn Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 1c - It proper ni'Mhods of selection and cue are im mediately followed out Nebraska will hae plenty of seed corn for in own needs next ear, jiccording to experts of the Nebiaska experiment station. In order to dctetmine the serious ness o the situation the 1 ollcge ot Agricultui c has completed a series of tests of samples ul corn from vari.nis sections of the slate. It has been as certained that sonic coin in almost cery field will grow, but that careful selection and testing will he necessary. FA1RBURY CHILD BURNS TO DEATH; MOTHER ABSENT lairbury, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.) iona Uarnhart, i years old, w as burned to death 'today while her mother was away visiting friends. The family lives at Fndicott. six miles southeast of here. The mother says she left the little girl alone in the house while she went across thc street. It is supposed she attempted to put a chunk of wood in thc cook stoe a i I'd caught fire. Her screams attracted her mother, who returned to find the child enveloped in flames. The little girl was frightfully burned and died in a few hours. Mrs. Uarnhart was also seriously burned and she may die. The family came to Fndicott from Auburn four or five years ago. The father is aTa hot er. Three Families Each Give Three Sons to Country Hebron. Neb.. Dec. 15. (Special.) Three families in Hebron have each given three of their sons for the serv ice of their country. The family of 1. S. llartmaii has three boys in the navy. The family ot V. T. Tripp has three boys who have enlisted, two in thc navy and one in the army. Three of Jacob Franen's boys have also entered into the service of their country. Thieves Break Into Car On Tracks at Beatrice licatrite, Neb , Dec. Id. (Special.) Thieves broke into a P.iii lington car last night at Wytnorc and rto)c a quantity of llour and foodstuffs. lUoodliounils from this city were put on the trail of the rascals, who trav eled in a wagon. The officers have certain parlies under iisnpieiou no arrests have been made. Two Nebraska Boys Die Of Pneumonia & Cody Camp CVdy. N. M Dec. 16. (Spe cial Telegram.) Pneumonia caused the deaths in the base hospital here of Private Edwrd Heney, Fifth Ne braska infantry, from Weeping Water, Neb., and Private Guy R. Burke, Com paiy F. 109th Engineers, from Falls City, Neb. Their bodies are being sent home for burial. hut News Notes of Craig-. ' Craig, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special) A box social held at thc high school building last Thursday night in the interest of thc Red Cross netted $210. The Ljiristmas membership drive for the Red Cross is in full swing at Craig awl meeting with big success. mm Lincoln Red Cross Wins Membership Honors: (From a Staff Correspondent) I Lincoln, Dec. 16. (Special.) The members of the Lincoln branch of the j Red Cross society are feeling exceed- ingly jubilant just now from the fact I that from a report published from the ' national headquarters of the so'ciety, Lincoln stands third in point ot mini- bers, thc largest society being in Cii- , cago, thc second largest in Detroit j and the third in Lincoln. One day last week 1,000 women be- longing to the bandage circle depart- i ment alone, were working at head- ! quarters in the Mas'onic temple, 600 j of them working during thc day and i 400 more at night, getting thc stuff ' ready for the soldier boys. j Soldier' Home yotf. I Grand Island, Neb.. Dec. 16. State En- i singer MarU of Lincoln, nu'le an Inspec- 1 tion at Burkctt Friday. goHnir over thc work in general, lie returned Friday even- I ml. ! Thc. supplien fr the new oven, vhich were j "rd-red the forepart of July, have jut ar- rivert. This is another example of the- delay iii shipping nt the present time. Mr. Mitchell is reported as tKlnR some what improved today, and is able to bo about again. Dr. Tutt Is happy a train, having recovered tun medicine case which he Inst whie re turning to Burkett from Grand Island. The member at Burkett wish every man, woman and child were as well provided for :is far as the comforta and necessities of life are concerned, aa the old Boldlera at Burkett. Mrs. Parr and daughter, who have been visiting at Bnrkett with the formrr's father, .Mr. Hewitt, for the last several days, ex- i to leave today for thir homo at Plain " Neb. X'TO vath"r has been reported as far south as St. Louis, Mo., so that the ineni-M-r-hip at Burkett se no reason f"r com Mlaiuing of IS bciow csrericiiced Thursday riMirnin". .Mr. Barnes, who ha" been 1!! for th" Ia"t n-rlv with an au.vk of thc rri-p iio.1. :.iU'h lillprovr.l, and r r-n- l t;ii,. ; ';. in-s trip to Karn y i ,i i h n:o- fi ture. providing th1 WiOhT i ill r.i.l Th - i 1 1 :in y fri'-nds of Mr. Sfori. .oi' X'i. 1. will much T-lr. -' d to i'arn th;il -he is greatly improved from Iit r-cetit I'lifss and vas ahle Thurrla;.- to sit op in ii-r easy ihtvir f-T th'; crater .n "f 'iii? da;. Fast trains on convenient schedules arrive Englewood Union Station (63d St.) and La Salle Station-most convenient locations in Chicago connecting with limited trains for all Eastern territory. The &The LOFTIS BROS. & CO. When thc price of a box of candy will secure a beautiful and lasting gift, why make a trifling present? Our store is filled vith beautiful diamond- set solid -gold and platinum jewelry, Watches. Bracelet Watches, etc., etc. just the things you would wish to se- WE ACCEPT LIBERTY BONDS AT 105 lect as tokens of your regard for friends and loved ones. Concentrate your Christmas shopping where you can have everything charged in one ac count. The credit courtesies of ourhouseareyours.Ourstore is the solution for puzzled gift-buyers. Shop early in day. IN PAYMENT FOR ANY OF OUR MERCHAN DISE, OR IN SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. 1173 -La Valliere, fine rol id gold Filigree work, bright finish, three fine Diamonds DIAMOND SCARF PIN The Young Man's Favorite No. 4 Men's Dia mond Itinar, G J'romr Tooth, mounting Ilk solid gold Ito- man or pol ished finish . $1.65 Week. I GIVE A . mond. Pink and VVf.ii J f . JIT 'Sf, M. I white Shell Cameo. fflrW Wrf I",' A I iyfv.' . UOl I border, hand carved. .1? Vf"; Ml w mm- tT ' V'i II $25!- "'5512 rri $2.5O.Mon,h I V.20 . Mo,h asm JZ lkVX;JU I n A $66 His Gift-a Watch $J20 ( Lrnvps 8:08 . m. daily. Have dinner on the train arrive LaSalle Station, Chicago in the lioort of the business district ready for the day no lime lost. Carries sleeping ear for Tri-Cilies-pied until 7 ;00 a. m. -may be oc6u- Low round trip tickets to points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Caro lina anil to Havana, Cuba,on Kale daily, with long limits and liberal stop overs. Automatic Block Signils Finest Modjrn All-Steel Equipment Absolute Saiety Write, idione or call at Rock Iclnnd Travel Iluroau for TiekrlM. nMervation.-., information. J. S. McNALLY, Dlv. Pan. Agent Phone Dout. 428 411 South 15th St., Railway Exchange Bldg. DOLL COUPON MONTH 188 Bracelet Watch. Full Jewel I.cver Movement: fine gold-filled Octagon shape case, bright finish, plain or engraved: truar mteed 20 years; new ptyle ribbon Ki'aee- let. Can be furnished with gold filled link Ilracelet if preferred.. Term. $2.70 a Month. $27 The Loftis Perfection $50 Diamond Ring No. C59 loads all othnr gifts. It is the most popular ring ever designed. Kach and every diamond is selected with special reference to the widespread effect and bril liancy which characterize all our Diamonds. This beautiful G-prong 14k solid gold mounting is faultlessly symmetrical, embodying all thc lines of delicacy and beauty with the necessary security and strength. NO. 352 Caes are double stock gold filled, warranted for 2'i years, either polished or beautifully engraved Elgin or Waltham movements. Price TERMS: $1.20 A MONTH $12 OT bros&co: fSTl. 185 fl THE OLD RELIABLE, ORIGINAL Diamond and Watch Credit House Main Floor, Cily National Bank Block 400 South 16th St.. Comer 16th and Harney i'lrtet, Omaha Opposite Burgcts-Nash Co. Department Store. PHONE DOUGLAS M44 and OUR SALESMAN WILL CALL Call or writ for. Catalog No. 903v Open Night and Day Until Christina rpEN DOLLS will be given free to i- the ten little girls under 12 years of age that bring or mail us the largest number of doll cou pons cut out of The Bee, before 4 P. M. Saturday, Dec. 22. This coupon will be printed in every edition of Thc Bee until then. Ask everybody you know to save doll coupons for you. You can win one of these dollies if you really want to. Will you try? We want every little girl in Omaha and vicinity to have one of these beautiful dolls. You can leave the coupons and get your dolly at The Bee branch office nearest you. Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St. Lake Office, 251C N. 24th St Walnut Office. 819 N. 40th St Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth St. Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St. South Side Office, 2318 N St Council Bl'iffs Office, 14 N. Main St. Benson Office, Military Ave. and Mam bt. J: