Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1917, Image 1

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    a, Daily
'Do Your Bit"
And Do It .
0 TrtlM. at HoHH.
hm Staadt. th. St
VOL. XLVII. NO. 156.
"- '
1 fjjr
Hoover Declares Spreckels' Balance Sheet Shows Up
Poorly Since Prices Are Regulated; Refutes Charge
That Administration Is at Fault in Shortage;
Lack of Transportation Responsible.
(Wy AsMM'lalrd 1'rcsn.)
Washington, Dec. 16 Charges mad by Claus Spreckels,
president of the Federal Sugar Refining company, before a sen
ate investigating committee that the food administration is re
sponsible for a sugar shortage, drew from Food Administrator
Hoover last night a vigorous attack on Mr. Spreckels. ,
, An open intimation is made by Mr.
( f loover that Mr. Spreckels testimony
was inspired by the fact that the food
administration cut profits in sugar
fit requires no proof from me,' said
Mr. Hoover, "to establish that Mr.
Spreckels, a leading sugar refiner, is
sore at the food administration and
would like to see it destroyed. I real
ize that Mr, Spreckels' balance sheet
will not look as good next year as
last, for refiners', profits have been
regulated. Furthermore, his balance
sheet would have looked better this
year if the price of last August had
not been reduced and held fast, in the
face of a partial shortage that prom
ised a. fair opportunity for 30-cent
sugar and much increased profits.
"Mr. Spreckelsthereforc, Iks reason
to feel badly.'Tlierc are other citizens
who will feel the same way, and no
doubt can entertain the public by
assaulting the ?ooK administration.
While many feel badiy, still the vast
majority of men andvomcn of our
business community and of our. fann
ers are sacrificing their profits daily
to the nation's necessities without
complaint, for many are sacrificing
more than their money their sons.
"We have had two mouths of par
tial sugaf shortage October and No
vember and will also have December
before rejict from the new crop. The
American people have had 500,000
tons of sugar iti these two iiionths
that is 70 per cent of normal supplies
in each), month, andjf cars are avail
able, they will have 70 per cent in De.
rember. Owing to lack of cars, the
shortage lias been most, awite in the
northeast and ab'ou -200 cars are' today
blocked from thatvregion.
Twice What Vrench Get.
. "This 70 per cent is twice the French
ration. In the meantime we have
given France; a goad i part of the 30
per cent and are proud of it. This
supply, to France was given deliberate
ly and the American people were told
of it at the time. We have' also agreed
to draw 10,000 tons for our friends in
Canada. ' I have yet to meet an Ameri
can citizen who would have had it
otherwise, t
"As to the food administration sha
ping the sources of supply the fact is
that all r.vailable supplies have been
brought here that ships and cars
could bring: and that it has already
been eaten is sufficient answer.
"Mr. Spreckels knows the bitterness
of the 10-vear fitrhts between nroduc-
ers and refiners between different re-1
liners and if he looks back over
the last three months he will observe
desire of many of these elements
td use the food administration as a
club to settle their long standing bit
terness. "If Mr. Spreckels will tell us where
there is any sugar today that ships
can be obtained to carry or cars can
be obtained to deliver, it will be de
livered at once with the same resolu
tion that we have requisitioned or dis
tributed over 60,000,000 pounds of era
, bargoed sugar since October 1. In
the meantime the 900,000 tons of
sugar iti Java is as remote as cheese
out ofth"e moon unless we wish to
take bread ships from ourwn sol
diers and the allies to provide our
selves with candy."
Electrician Killed.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Dec. 16. Special
. Telegram,) 11. B. Jones, local elec
, tticiaii, aged ,i0, married, w'ss killed
this evening by coming in contact
with a live virc
, The-Weather
n t
Fair Monday, warmer in east por
tions Monday.
Temperatures nt Uigaka Yeslr!y.
5 a. in It
a. m 14
7 a. ra 14
S a. m 1
a. in IS
W an- m 13
11 a. -n 2J
J - r,
1 p.. in.. "1
f p."m
S p. m
4 p. m
7 p. m
Comparative Local Record.
1917. 116. 1915. 1914.
nigbettyeaUrday .... 36' 42 S 9
J.oweat eterday .... 14 26 If 7
Mean temparatui, .. 25 34 tl 1
Precipitation 00 .00 ,14 .00
Temperature add preclpItaUon departures
from the normal at Omaha elnre March 1 :
Normal temperature 28
Tieflciency far the day 8
Total deflclcrity tiauo March 1 4,4
formal precipitation 13 inrb
Iefteien"y for tha lay 03 Inch'
Total rtinfall aim- Man-h 1 21.76 tiuhes
tficlency since March 1. 1917. - 7.06 Inches
-riclency for cor. period, 1916.. 12. S7 Inches
fletency for cor. period, 1915.. 1.8) Inches
Biow wo.
l A. VBLSH, Mottoroloiift
Mrs. G. W. Doane Appeals for
Aid for Worthy Poor Through
The Bee; Many Make
I "We must relieve the trenches at
home," remarked Mrs. G. W. Doane,
general secretary of the Associated
Charities, Saturday afternoon, when
she received a large package and
various smaller packages of clothing
audi shoes sent to The Bee office to
help' the worthy and needy. '
The large package was sent by
Mrs. S. O.oyce of Boelus, Neh., and
the other bundles were brought to
The Bee office by Omahans who
wished to promote the co-operative
Christmas work . o Tbe Bee and the
Associated Charities.
Send Checks for $10.
J. N. Cox of Exeter, Neb., and
Clara Hawley 6 'Omaha sent checks
for $10 each to The Bee office Satur-M
uay attetnoon, indicating mar tney
wished to hfclp needy ones during the
Christmas season.
Air. Cox wrote the following note:
"Omaha Bee: Please find my per
sonal check for $10 to be given where
it will hflp allevfatcvsuffering among
the pejor. child:.-u 6r, any- worthy
poor. 1 will in a day or so ,send a
package of clothifig also."1'
"What are some of the particular
needs?"- was asked1 of Mrs.' Doane.
."Shoes, stockings and mittens for
children. We have received many
calls for these articles. Wc can use
a few soft coal stoves. I mentioned
this several days ago, but we still
needa few more, and there are real
needs. Read this letter," she replied.
Letter from Widow.
The letter she' handed was from a
widow, who wrote:
"f do washing for. a living and try
ing toake care of four small chil
dren. Jt is hard to make ends meet,
and I am afraid it won't be much
Christmas for my children this year,
so 1 thought I would ask you to kind
ly send some things for the chil
dren." Mrs.' Doane stated that persons
who wish to send baskets of provi
sions to needy families for Christ
mas dinner may leave the articles at
the Associated ' Charities office, 519
Far nam building, Thirteenth and Far
n'am streets, and she will see that the
baskets are delivered to worthy fam
ilies in time for Christmas day.
Moifey ,and goods for Christmas re
lief work1 may be seut to the Asso
ciated Charities office or to The Bee
"Your help is, needed now," added
Mrs. Doane.
Two Nebraska Soldiers
- At Cody Die of Pneumonia
Camp Cody, N. M., Dec. 16. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The bodies of the
following soldiers who died in the
base hospital have been sent to
their homes: Private Eddie Lowry,
Company M. 134th infantry (Fifth
Nebraska infantry), who- died of
pneumonia. His father, ' Fillmore
Lowry, resides at Richards, Mo.
Private WUJard D. McGee. Com
pany C. 109th engineers, pneumonia.
Hi father. Crnest McGee, resides at
Fayette, Neb. v
Private Willard E. Harding, ma
chine gun company, 136th infantry,
pneumonia. His mother, Mrs. E. C.
Harding, resides at Watertown, S. D.
Jury May Decide
Boy Can
T .inmin
a Staff Correspondent.)
Dec. 16. (Special.)-
question whether a child 11 years of
age is of sufficient. knowledge, discre
tion and appreciation of danger so
that it may be held guilty of contrib
utory negligence is one for a jury to
determine, according to the Nebraska
supreme co'uH.
The case in controversy comes from
the Douglas county distfiet court on
an appeal by the Claar Transfer com
Bany of Omaha from a judgment of
V 's- - ... ...
Tears and Love Figure in Patiietic Human
Drama La&$bhged in Omaha Hospital
Superinti jV" and
Municipal Judge First Aid to
Cupid in lif e and Death
This is a hidden love story. It is
the history of how two men won the
same woman; and how Omaha's wel
fare superintendent, a municipal judge,
and a hospital served as nrsi ams 10
Cupid. 1
George married Martha, a northern
girl, 15 years ago. The first year they
were happy; the second, things were
a little different. Wnen tue seconu
baby arrived, George grew, restless
and longed for freer fields.
One day, he disappeared without ex
planation, leaving his wife and chil
dren destitute. For months, Martha
struggled bravely, although her spirit
was broken and she had no ability to
earn money. Finally, the remnants
of her pride urged her to try among
strangers. She must win. It meant
the lives of her little ones.
They came to Omaha where further
misfortunes befell thein during the
ensuing year. Starvation threatened
and the babies grew ill. Still, she
fought Avith allViere was of life left
in her. Then Charles discovered her.
He understood.
"I can always help you," he told
her. , '
Somehow, his words seemed pro
phetic, and she received him daily
with eyes full of dumb gratitude. The
children adored him. And she was
lonely! When he asked her to marry
him, she stood as one in a dream.
Nevertheless, she told him everything
and, thereafter, -they drifted into an
irregular relationship. Later they
moved into a reputable part of the
city where they lived as man and wife
.?- -
Tremendous Bombard ment
Continues Against Roman
Lines, With Berlin Claim-'
ing Small Success.
(By ASHoe luted Tress.)
The Italian front remains the only
major field of military operations -in
which there is more than local activ
ity on the-part of infantry. The Ital
ian line, although almost ccaselssly
assailed in the mountain regions, is
still intact and holding well except
for a small recession here and there,
forced at the cost of extremely heavy
casualties on the part of the Austro
Gerroan invaders.
Berlin claims the taking of more
than .3,000 prisoners in the fighting of
the last few days and the repulse of
Italian counter attacks on positions
won by the Teutons.
Few Local Thrusts.
The Franco-Belgian front is inac
tiveiexcent for local fighting, mostly
due to German thrusts here and there,
delivered with the seennnj intention
of keeping the Anglo-French com
mand guessing as to the enemy inten
tions. . '
In P. 'estine the British have scored
a farther advance northeas' of Jeru
salem. In making known the sinking of
two moit Norwegian steamers, the
Norwegian government announces
that 5,000 Norwegian sailors have
been lost durif the war. '
Two Airships Lost.
' Two airships of the non-rigid type
have been lost by the British, one of
which was sunk by a seaplane in the
North Sea, while on patrol duty and
tbr other being compeljed to descend
in Dutch territory because of engine
The British admiralty also an
nounces the sinking of a British de
stroyer through a collision, all but two
of those kon board being saved.
Berlin Gloats.
Berlin, Dec. IS. An official com
munication from general headquarters
making reference to the front of
Crown Prince Rupprecht in Flanderi
says : '
For over four weeks the British
-have discontinued tlieir attacks in
Flanders. Their violent offensive,
which had for its objective possession
of the Flanders coast and destruction
of our submarine bases, may, therefore,
be considered closed for the "present
Exercise Judgment
$2,000 obtained by Robert Rule for in
juries sustained his 11-year-old
son, who was hurt by being struck by
a truck driven by employes of the
transfer company.
Evidence m the case indicated that
the boy was riding a bicycle on the
wrong side of the street, but also that
the tructwas running above the speed
limit and that the driver was riot pay
ing attention to where he was driving,
consequently the court holds iris a
question for a jury to decide and
affirms the jwdgment of the lower
court Judge Sedgwick diiitnts.
for H years and won the respect of (
the community.
George Was Dead.
Once, during the early part of their
union, an indirect rumor reached
Martha that George was dead, and im
mediately, she and Charles utilized
every means to verify the report, but
without avail. With the coming of
children, they discussed their situation
repeatedly. ' What should they do?
Was it best to go on as they were?
Some unseen fore, swept them on
ward. They waited. ;
A few years ago, Martha obtained
evidence that .George died shortly
after deserting her. Again, the old
question confronted them. It had be
come a specter. Was it not possible
to remain as they were? It seemed
probable, because their reputations
were unquestioned. Their children at
tended good schools. Should theV
wreck innocent lives? .Never! None
but they knew the facts. They de
cided there should be. nothing but
happy days for their loved ones, and
again they drifted Both were ignor
ant concerning the legality of the com
mon law marriage, but that would not
have satished them.
A few weeks ago, Charles became
ill and was removed to a hospital.
Anxious days passed, and, then came
the doctor's verdict.
"He will not get well. There is
something depressing him. If tots
mind was freed of that, his last hours
would be easier.
Martha Forgets All. ;
Martha understood. She forgot heT
self. She forgot their children. She
knew what she must do. Oh! there
must be someone who could under
stand and Kelp her.
"Dear God," she prayed, as she
journeyed citywards, "send me to the
right one!"
She stopped at the city hall. Faster
and faster came her breath; and
Schumami'tleink8 Son
Enlists as Army Cook
New York, Dec. 16. Walter Scht-mann-Heinkson
of Mnie. Ernestine
Schumann-Heink, enlisted in the
army today as a cook of the fourth
class, after recruiting officers had
satisfied themselves that he was an
American citiiert. . He Js the fourth
son of the opera singer to enter tbe
army or navy. ,' : - ,
Sixty Carloads of,Fuel'Start
for Cleveland, Where 100,
z 000 Men Are Idle; To
Supply Homes First.
(By Awmfcisted Frew.) . . . ;
Washington, Dec. 16. Reports of
almobt nation-wide suffering due to
lack of coal stirred fuel administration
officials today to redoubled efforts to
release sunfilies held on tracks' by car
Orders rent forth to fuel admini
stration representatives in the middle
west to make every attempt to move
coal to points declared to be facing
roat famines. A. W. Thompson, chair
man of the operating committee of
eastern railroads, was called into con
ference by Fuel Administrator Gar
field for suggestions.
Tonight Dr. Garfidid named C. R.
Moriarity-of Cleveland, general di
rector of the Middle Western Coal
Shippers' Terminal Pool association,
and gave him full powers and 'au
thority to supervise transportation.
Mr. Moriarity will wfk with Homer
Johnson, federal fuel administrator for
Ohio, and V. K. Prudden, admini
strator for "Michigan.
After his conference with Dr. Gar
field Mr. Thompson said the situation
was serious, but that his committee
was making great progress towards
reli ving congestion in the Pittsburgh
terminal territory. The full effect of
the committee's efforts, he said, would
not become apparent for several day&
Coal for Cleveland.
Fuel Administrator Johnson re
ported from Cleveland tonight that he
had started 60 car loads of coat into
that city where 100,000 men were idle
today., .Mr. Johnson, who. has been
eiven full nowers in the matter of
distribution, said he would supply
householders first, even if it forced
industries to close down.
"If4he weather stays sever," he
teleprraohea, "my opinion is that all
industries, no matter how important.
except in case of vital importance for
keeping a plant warm or maintaining
refrigeration or sou':ethiug of that
sort, should give way to domestic
needs. , The, miners are not loadin
and the emergency will become graver
unless the weather moderates. My of
hce is distributing all the lake coal
available to domestic consumers and
-we are trying to make up a train load
for country distribution for the north
west part of the state."
Governor Asks Nebraskans
To Join Red Cross Society
(.Krom a Staff Correspondtnt )
Lincoln Dec. 16. (Special.) Gov
ernor Neville today issued a procla
mation calling upon Nebraskans to
make R4 wtck a success.
whiter grew her
ancl fijrf flf"
A little sob
Omaha's welfare superintendent
enlisted the co-operation of a munici
pal judge. He was told that secrecy
must be maintained. His assurances
were satisfying, whereupon Martha
and he hastened to the hospital.
When she knelt by the dying mau
and whispered to him, his face in
stantly reflected the joy that rilled
his soul. At last, he could bestow
upon the woman and children he loved
that priceless gift a name. The judge
cleared his throat and joined their
trembling hands. Unsteadily he put
the solemn questions.
"Until Death Us Do Part"
"Charles, do you take this woman
to be your lawlully wedded witef
your lawfully wedded husband!'
"I do." choked Martha.
"Until death do you part." sottly!
asked the judge.
Until death -repeated
do us part,"
and Martha to-
"I pronounce you man andwife."
Martha bent over Charles and their
lips met in a long kiss. The judge,
wielding his handkerchief, crossed to
a window, where Martha found him
a moment later.
"I can afford to pay for this," she
said. i
"I cail't afford to take it," returned
the judge, huskily.
An hour later, Charles died
transfigured the dead face.
What is it in the home fields that
smells so sweet? In the wind that
blows in one's face? The songbirds
the sunshine!
Martha and children soon will he
home in the north. There will be 110
more hardships for them no despair.
Charles guaranteed their future long
ago. He did more, lie gave them
golden memories.
. , i.
Invasion of England Hinted in
Recent Speech of Lloyds
George; Preparations for
.. Move Once Completed.
London, Dec. 16. (Special Cable
to. The Bee.) The' Evening Star to
day, ri its front jiage, suggests that
Premier Lloyd George', speech last
night hinted at ' an invasion of Eng
nd. The Star says:
"Lloyd George warned against new
contingencies against which precau
tions must be taken. The German at
tack on the west front is ruled out
because that possibility already has
been considered by the prime min
ister. Moreover, such an enterprise
lias been self-advertised.
"There remain two principal pro
jects: An onslaught on the Saloniki
armies and an attempted invasion of
England. As for an invasion of, -this
country, it is known that in the
autumn of 1I6 the headquarters
staff had i entiling in readiness for
the kaiser to press the button, but
ic didn't press it. The enterprise
could hardlv have success, in the
sense of establishing a permanent
Lfront on British sqil, but it might
seem to the kaiser worth sacriticmg
some tens of thousands of lighting
Johnny Kellher of 'Bears
Joins Forces of the Army
Denver. Colo.. Dec. 16. John-Kell
her, shortstop of the Denver team of
the Western league and tormerlyot
the Brooklyn Nationals, enlisted here
yesterday in tne army, mis nome is at
Brookline, Mass.
Greatest Bazar in
History Makes $100,000
Nevr York, Dec. 16. Herb Land,
described as the greatest bazar in
history, was opened in Grand
Central palace November 24 and
closed tonight. It was estimated
by John Moffat, executive chair
man, that the net receipts for th
, allied war charities which partici
pated will approximate $400,000.
The awrage daily attendance was
12,000. The final day of the bazar
was devoted to an auction sale of
$100,000 worthy of merchandise
which had been unpurchased.
Unmarried Farmers of Draft Age
Should Go Slow
Unmarried farmers, of draft ay: are
advised by the district exemption
board officials riot to be 'in too much
of a hurry to sell off their stock and
farm implements won receipt of a
notice from their local boards that
they have been placed in the first
"Failure to understand operation of
fhe draft system has lead many young
unmarried farmers to dispose of their
effects prematurely," said R. J.. Sut
ton of the office of the dib'tript ex
emption board. "If a single man, a
farmer, ha3 made no exemption claim
exceot on agricultural grounds lie is
automatically placed in Class 1 by the
local exemption boards in spite of his
exemption claim. They send him a
notice that he it in Class 1 and he
Red FfegimenU in Petrograd at the Time Were Adopting
Resolution to Send Him With Hi Family to
Strict Confinement at Kromtadt
or Peter andPaul.
London. Dec. 16. A diSDatch from Keuters, Umitec,
correspondent .ays that on Saturday about the time
it was reported former Emperor
ing: of the Ismaildvsky an Petrogradsky regiments was adopt
ing a resolution demanding the immediate removal .of the
former ruler "with Alice (Mix) and family" to Kronstadt or
to the St. Peter and St. Paul fortress for strict confinemen.
End of LongSensational Trial
Reached When Verdict of
"Not Guilty" Brought to
' ' Court Room.
Concord, N. C. Dec. 16.-Gaston
F. Means was, acquitted here today of
a charge of slaying Jirs. Maude A.
King, the wealthy New York and
Chicago widow. 3hh jury received
the case last night, but after 'two
hours deliberation announced a ver
dict would not be returned until to
day. v '
Mrs. King was killed at Blackwcld-
er Sprtng, a lonely spot in the coun
try near here, August 29. last, when
with Means and party of his friends
she had stopped on an automobile
drive to practice pistol shooting.
Means and the, woman were alone at
the time,' Captain W. S. Bingham and
Afton Means, a brother of Gaston
Means, having walked down the road
to shoot at rabbits.
A coroner's inquest accepted the
statement of Gaston Means that 6he
shot herself accidentally. It was not
until the woman's body was taken to
Chicaeo for burial that charges ot
foul olav were made. There the cf-
oner'a physician declared that the
wound m the back of the woman s
head could not have been self-
inflicted. .
Charged German Connections.
The investigation shifted to New
York, where Mrs. King had resided
for several years and where Means
had handled her business affairs and
a search of the apartments there of
Mrs. King anH her siste,r and Mr.
and Mrs. Gaston Means, disclosed,
accordinK to New York officials that
Means had misappropriated the, worn?
an' money, and also that he was con
nected with German agents..
Inherted Great Fortune.
Mrs. King had inherited approxi
mately $1,000,000 from her second
husband, the late Jautc9 C. King of
Chicago, and during the trial New
York and Chicago witnesses declared
nearly all of this sum had "vanished"
during the time Means was connected
with the woman's affairs. It also was
asserted Means was preparing to of
'fer for probate an alleged second will
of James C. King which would give
an additional $2,000,000 to Mrs. King.
Contended Loot of Money.
At his trial, the state contended
that Means had looted the woman a
fortune and killed her to escape an
accounting. The defense denied this
and offered evidence to show 4hat
Mrs. King appoved Means' specula
tions with her money.
Declares Loyal to United States.
Means said on the stand also that
he had investigated alleged neutrality
violations for German interests before
the United States broke relations with
Germany, but always loyal to his
country and turned over to officials
information he- thought of value to
this country.
in "Selling Out"
immediately infers that he is to be
drafted and begins disposing of his
property. But the fact is he may not
be drafted at all but may be ordered
to remain upon his farm by the draft
"When the local board places him
in Class 1 hts case automatically goes
up to the district xemptioa board at
Omahawithout any move on his part
The district exemption board in
vestigates the claim for exemptiqn on
agricultural grounds and gives the
final order whether he shall be drafted
or remain on his farm.
"A lfumber of yung farmers in
the first draft closed up their farms
and were afterward exempted by the
district board
Nicholas had escaped, a meet
The meetings of almost all units
of the Petrograd garrison have sided
with the peoples' commissioners anc
the soldiers' arid workmen's delegatet
against the constituent assembly in
the form originally issued. Three Cos- x
sack regiments quarters in Petrograd
have been ordered to send detach
ments against General Kaledines.
The lsvicstu, organ ol the soldiers
and workmen's delegates, says that
the maximalists, socialists and social
ist revolutionaries of the Right must
be classed with the Right parties and'
the counter revolutionaries.
Since the ejection of members of
the constitutent assembly from Tau
rida Palace by armed sailors, attempts
to meet there have been abandoned.
The Bolsheviki Red Guards broke up
a meeting for the defense of the con
stitutent assembly and made 40 ar- .
rests. Unruly scenes in the peasants'
congress have followed clashes be
tween the supporters and opponents
of the constitutent assembly.
The destruction of wine stores in
Petrograd continues, accompanied by
orgies and shooting.
Reds Gain Upper Hand.
Partial, if not complete, collapse of
the counter revolution in Russia is
indicated in an announcement from
the Petrograd official news agency,
which says thd Bolsheviki have cap
tured three important cities in the
Don Cossack territory and that Gen:
eral Kaledines, leader of', the Don
Cossacks, has been arrested, appar
ently by his own generals.
With General ' KornMoff . reported
defeated and wounded near Bielgorod .
and General Kaledines under arrest,
the only one left of the counter
rev6ltltionary triumvirate of military
leaders is General DutofL ; hetman of
the Ural Cossacks, who has been
operating in the province of Oren
burg. " I
Peace Proceedings Go Forward, j
The Russo-German peace negotia
tions are reported proceeding apace.
A German official announcement says
the conditions and draft of a treaty
have been formulated, the discussions
having been put over from Friday to
Saturday, however, as the Russian
delegates desired ,to obtain supple
mentary instructions from their gov-
eminent. Whether the word "treaty"
refers to a formal peace treaty or
merely to the armistice-agreement
thaf had been pending is not clear
from th German announcement.
This is the first intimation that the
Russian and German delegates have
carried ' their deliberations further
than the consideration of au
armistice, although a Petrograd dis
patch yesterday quoted Leou
Trotzky, Bolsheviki foreign minister,
o the effect that if an annistrice should
be signed the Russian delegates
would have the power to entcrvino
peace negotiations. '
U. S. to Train Men 'to
Man Merchant Vessels
Washington, Dec. 16. Completion
of plans for training 58,000 men to
man- merchant vessels under con
struction for the government "were
announced tonight by the shipping
board. The men will be schooled for
the most part aboard training ships
operating out of an - Atlantic port.
Two of the training vessels to ac
commodate 600 men, each already
have been selected and others will be
put into service as fast as they can
be obtained. Instruction will be by
able seamen.
The men will be recruited through
out the country and while in schooV
find clothing. Men without seafaring-
experience will be accepted.
"Suffs" Re-elect Mrs. Catt
To National Presidency ,
Washington, Dec 16. Business
sessions of the 49th annual conven
tion of the national American Wom
an Suffrage association, were brought
to a close here today with the re- v
election of Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt as president, and- of all other
officers and adoption of resolutions
pledging support to government ac
tivities directed to winning' the war.
Strong Plea fop State x
Railway Commissions'
Washington, Dec. 16. Representa
tives of state railway commissions
ere. heard again today before, the
congressional joint railroad commit
tee and all joined in objecting to anv.
system of regulation which did away
with the state commissiwJi.