Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 20

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H . - -
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-- III Hot'
nouseiceeping suggestion
Engagement Announced
.-' Paul Jordan, who is stationed at
vthe naval station, Washington, D. G,
c is home for a short visit with his
' Mrs. Arthur Truex, formerly Miss
OkJa., is visiting; her parents, Dr. and j
George Boyd has enlisted with the
Balloon squad and is stationed at Ft.
$ Omaha. ' . .
i Mrs. Ella Campbell is entertaining
I Mr. and Mrs. A. Fay of St Joe, Mo.
i Mrs. Henry Delzell is reported ill.
f1 William Boyd, James Mitchel and
Leonard Blessing and William Mul
' ally, well known young men who are
now at Ft. Logan. t
Mrs. James Baker is improved after
t her recent illness. .
? - Mr.Und Mrs. E. M. Aldnch have
' a new oaby boy at their home.
1 ft On Wednesday evening John Gard-
3ner enterUined a party at the home
of is parents. The evening was
JF spent with music and dancing fol
$ lowed by a dainty lunch. About
- t thirty guests were present
, f - Mrs. Jessie Caughey will spend the
wintergn California.
' Miss Thelma Peterson was given a
f very idclightful surprise party on
f Satur&y evening. The evening was
I spent with games and music .followed
1 by refreshments. About 25 guests
? were present. . .
1 Superior lodge, 193, Degree of
E Honor, met Wednesday at the Eagle
home and elected officers for the
I coming year.
The U. F. J. will meet at the home
f M the Misses Mona snd Eva Zieger
S fn Wednesday evening.
f The Qun Esthers society of the
': Grace M. E. church will meet Monday
-evening at the home of Miss Alta
?, 'Davis., , . ' ' .' ' -
The Epworth league girls of the
Grace Methodist church met at the
1 home of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Friday evening to make candy to
2' send Uo' the Methodist boys in the
5 ..trenches. .
S Thursday Mrs. Frank Howe enter-
tained the Kensington club a lunch-
T eon.
Friday afternoon Mrs. D. J. preen
1 .1 entertained the Dorcas club.. The
next meeting will be at the Social
! Settlement. Members present (were
i Mesdames Sroufe, Miller, Knight,
i Furnace, Green, Hankinson and Har
, I , land. . . 1 '
f , The U. F. J. club was entertained
at a theater party Wednesday 'even.
ing at the Brandeis. Those present
S were the Misses Ruth Johnson, Grace
Sutter, M A Zieger and Eva Zieger:
if , Messrs. Noml McClanahan, Harold
Kellogg, Alva McClasahan and Har-
old Mundt. ' , .
, The. Home Missionary society of
, V. Grate Methodist Episcopal "church
V wilfmeet Friday afternoon at the
J home of Mrs. Viola Randal. 2317 F
' . street Mrs. -A, Sachra wilti be the
. V assistant hostess. :-. . ) '
-, s Mrs. Jennie Morton of Smithshire,
' III., is here visiting old-time friends
' in South Omaha. . v
i Rev. Arthur Renwick of Topeka,
Kan:, is visiting at the home of Roy
: I Towle. ' ,.
lit. Mcy Snodgrass has enlisted
J . maH iam DM UfHA n i impn Ttl.
I. W I
; k ;tr Mr. W. B. Routte.
liius) ivi s - -
sv Cfr T sita urplr
Mrs, A. Daniels has gone to Flor
ida to spend the winter.
Miss Milna Bertram has returned
from South Dakota, where she spent
the summer. , ,' .
Keep Soldiers' Feet in Trim
So important to military efficiency
is the condition of the soldiers' feet
."that a division of the new national
army hat attached to it an automo
bile shoe repair unit, consisting of a
4 motor car and trailer, - carrying a
crew of six and all the leather stock
and machinery need;d to care for the
! footwear of the division. , J
Put red peppers in vinegar and bof
tJe discarded olive bottles are good
for the purpose and use with very
dry baked beans. '
, ?f ; n
a- 1 - ) a
VV '""'A' ',':", &
, , I (til
I "XT. .7A "I
There's a little boy, and he lives next door
And I hear him every night;
Telling his nurse of a big toy store, r j .
And laughing with keen delight,
She answers with stories of Christmas eve
Till the little lad is still,
Dreaming of lands of make-believe,
As children forever will.
And as I listen I close my eyes,
And wander back again
To the days when I was just his size,
And dreaming was not vain.
'Tis bedtime in the long ago, .
And on my daddy's knee,
I hear the tales all children know,
And they are new to me.
Of Santa Claus and reindeer, too ,
Of workshops filled with toys,
And of the things I must not do
To earn my Christmas joys.
And as I hear my daddy speak
Out of the past again,
There comes a dream' that I would seek,
Did I not know it vain.
James P. Sinnott.
mi table, where covers were laid for
the following guests:
Meuri. and Meadamas ,
J. h. fllford. Roy Pegeau,
H B. Sltlea ot K. A. Petreau,
Lincoln, P. W. Mlkerell,
Earl Buck, - W. M. Oilier.
Robert Trimble. H. S. Weller.
T. J. Donahue,
Mra. C. E. Ooodtn of Salt Lake City.
Prg. and Mesdamea
E. H. Bruenlns, F. 1. Anaon.
G. C. Henry,
Henri. Miwr.
Albert Kruf, George Wileon.
t Single-Thread Machine
Here is. a time-saving way of
threading up a single-thread sewing
machine: Break ,.the thread off at
the spool, leaving the machine
threaded up; tie the thread of the
new spool to the end that was broken
off and poll toward the needle; break
the old thread off, thread the new
through the needle, ' you are
ready to sew. Good Housekeeping.
Hey PAafo
An interesting announcement was
made during the last week, by Mr.
and Mrs. Frank H. Myers of the en
gagement of their daughter, Dorothy
.Vennebaker, to Lieutenant Marlon
Brando, son of E. E. Brando of this
:ity, who is stationed at Camp Lewis,
American Lakes, Wash.
Miss Myers is the first Ak-Sar-Ben
princess of this year's court to be
come Engaged. The future plans of
the young coup!e are indefinite. Lieu
tenant Brando expects to be ordered
abroad very soon and Miss Myers
will continue her nursing course until
his return. ' - " .' .
Lieutenant Brando has had some in
teresting ixfieriences while on duty at
Camp Lewis, American Lakes, Wash.
In one of his letters he tells of a re
ception given in honor of the Ameri
can officers at Victoria, Canada. Writ
ing of the trip and their entertainment
Lieutenant Brando says:
"The whole town turned out to meet
us, and after many rousing British
cheers, we were escorted to the Em
press hotel, which may be compared
to the Blackstone in Chicago, only
the architecture and furnishings are
typically English. A hotel like that
supported by Victoria, a little town
of 50,000, seems impossible. We went
to the parliament building to meet
the duke and duchess of Devonshire,
three mayors and other British-Canadian
officials. As bur names were
called we would front and center down
the red carpet, meet, front and center
out, while the people of Victoria
looked down from the balcony. Great
stuff! This letter might be entitled
'My First Brush With "Royalty.
"The first thing we noticed when we
got off the boat was the entire lack of
young men. That little town of Vic
toria has sent 14,000 men to the front. '
Everywhere you turned vou saw what j
they call returned men, men who i
have been wounded severely and are I
physically unfit for service at . the '
front. They say there is not a family ,
there that has not lost either a father, i
a brother, etc. That trip really I
brought the war home to us. The
women tip mere are wonaeriui,
thouahJ Nearly all of them have lost
someone, but they take it very bravely,
and philosophically.
Christmas Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff entertained
at the third annual Xmas dinner
dance at their home Saturday evening.
Patriotic decorations were used
thraughout the rooms and on the din-
CAMERAS! - Yes, we
have them for every
member of the family.
Brownies for- the chil
dren; Kodaks for the,
young people and father'
and mother, and Vest
Pocket Kodaks for the
soldier and sailor boys.
FROM the kindergarten days
up, there's wholesome'fun for
the children, and lasting joy for
all the family, in the Kodak and
Brownie pictures the children
make and Christmas day, with '
its home pictures, is an excellent
time to start (
'Coirie in and see our stock of
Kodaks and Brownies. There's
I no obligation.
The Robert Dempster Co.
1813 Farnam Street.
Branch: 308 South 15th St.
Christmas Selection
Should Start Now
, At this particular time our stocks
are at their best and the advantage
of making early Christmas selections
is beyond dispute. ,
Has a wonderful stock of the beau
tiful and artistic Jewelry, Precious v
Gems, Ivory, Leather and other v
- novelties at very moderate prices.
Making Jewelry to order our pro
. f ession. Select NOW. Delivered when
you want.
n inn YitiKULA n
n Breathes the Spirit oi Christmas jj
CI T) URGESS-NASH gives you the widest selection, the greatest D
D JLJ service. The only store in Omaha where you can compare p
-the Victrola with other talking machines. Shopping is "made a 0
0 pleasure, expert salespeople 'who know are here to advise and q
pi assist you in your selection. v pi
ItDoesMake a Difference Where You Buy g
Ci7D'7,ir,I7 as well as good mer-
v f-1 chindise is a necessity
if your purchase is to be of enduring
satisfaction. The Burgess-Nash Co. is
devoting itself to the greatest service to
the greatest number your future in
terests are our interests.
ia the basis of our.
after-dealings and ft
will be our point of contact with you.
Our service is of the kind that can only
be given by a house that has the consci
entious welfare of its customers at
The first of the trimmines for the
fall hats are quite simple. Fancy os
trich is used as banding and in small
nnmnrtnQ rnrWarfp fif nlaited cros-
rv...wuI I I T
grain ribbon find place on tailored
hats, while on the velours a novel
trimmine is narrow velvet
fashioned into flowers.
" Drop a cream peppermint in a cup
of hot water , and you have a sort of
after-dinner cordial which isn't open
to the objection of expense.
'ff GUIs on Credit
mi ill What Is mora acceptable or appropriate than a YvYvVsl
MilS II handnome Diamond as a Glt? ,
mlllS II A wrI,t watch for either lady or gentleman, or a
Hull handsome 12-slze watch iyr young mecu lullll
mH tt, Lavallleres, Bar Pins, beautiful . Sllifl
I I Diamond Ball Cluster Rings IJJj. '
lm we hare the handsdmesi' line you have seen. Manr 1 1 Hill
Ul beautiful gifts to select from. Come and secure rours. Ill il
nVAm Each article to be sold for a small payment down, llljljl
Kl and the balance in payments to suit. , Ifffl
' Mm We can take car of mall order accounts. Bead a ll
we5for our catalog-B llS I
Arnold B. Edmonston & Co. Ji
'X. Seeead Flewiy Roee-SeearttJea Bldg. . X if
W Telephone Tlr IM7. Vr -
NjD Vm Every Night TJBU1 Vfcr
National Fursfor Xmas
Gifts are Unexcelled
Thrift in Buying is
the National Keynofc
. Our Furs represent an Important Saving. Consider the
cost of a Cloth Garment then a National Fur Carment then
THE LIFE OF EACH and you will find our Fur Garments
much more Economical THAT'S THRIFT. v
1 ' ""a"."
All our Fur Pelts have been
carefully selected, perfectly
matched the workmanship the
very best. The linings, the de
tails, leave nothing to be 'desired.
U n 9 C Al '
mm t . rt . iiW
musnrat ioats m
Lynx, Fox, Mink JW.L
In Sets
; Pieces
Get our Furs,
our Prices and
get Thrifty; Satisfaction.
1931-9 Sonth 13th.
Is. J
National Fur & Tanning Company
Thone Tyler 120.
Christmas Gifts at Ope
Half to Orie-Third Saving
This Is year oppOTtanltj to give a Christmas
Oift worth-while, yet, at small cmt to yon.
Oar stock Include every possible need in the
home-furnishing line. We will an-anfe accom
modations to suit your conTenleiice. ' We make
a specialty of complete home outfits; also hotels
ana rooming houses.
Railroad fare to out-of-town buyers within
fifty miles of Omaha on purchaecs of fid or
iune nere peiore yon ouyi
Large, Handsome Overstuffed Boeker
Tphoistemt in Imperial Spanish leather; Jrns
full spring cushions; an' aa
Ideal Christmas Gift. Specially C(l VK
Rlren with erery purchase ef S5 or over, to the person
brinfinar this ad to our store, from now until Jmiuary X.
Sedallj- priced 75'
Rswtnr Cabinets
Telephone 8tands
Rmoksrs" stands ,
oursttes t&r
Card Tables i.8
Columbia Grafo-
nolas (I6.B0
Fs.ncT Rockers
Library Tables ..S4.66I
... 17.85
Mortis Chairs
Screens S1.8T
Children's Rockers. .48e
Kldale Cars , 80
Htgh Chairs $16
Tinker Toys 38e
Children's Toys an 4
Furniture, 10 discount.
Fins line of Rugs at.
Footstools $1,451 (Teat savlnf In price.
A vaeetal ralue la offered at S5.95.
Nickel trimmed, strongly eonstruct-
cd. and aat exceptional barsatnl
at S5.95. '
Half Price' Pale ea Cedar .Chests,!
as lew as BS.SS
It Does Make a Difference Where You Buy
Burgess-Wash Gompany
'everybody store
C0R.14 fc DODGE 513.
TEL. DOUG. 1317 ''
! 1520 Doaglas Street