THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1917. 9 Brie) City News Root Print It Nw Beacon Prsa. For Xmas Everything electrical Burgess-Granden Co. Mrs. Conncll Improving Mrs. W. J. Connell is reported as improving at a hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Goes to Fort IiOgan Ralph Pick- rel. formerly an employs of Thomas Kilpa trick & Co., enlisted in the avia tion corps and has been sent to Fort logan, Colo. Knlists at Fort Omaha Wayne L. Moore, formerly connected with the M. E. Smith & Co. statistical depart ment, has enlisted in aviation camp at Fort Omaha. Callahan Undergoes Operation W. E. Callahan, president of the Calla han Construction company, who un derwent an operation at St Joseph hospital, is recovering rapidly. Trummer Bound Over Frank Trummer, alias "Monk Trummer," ar rested by detectives Wednesday, was bound over to district court Thursday morning. He is charged with receiv ing stolen property. Hookfolder a Bankrupt Lorain E. lonjranecker, 912 Hickory street, a hookfolder for the Omaha Printing company, filed a petition in bank ruptcy. His assets are $22 8 and his liabilities $368. Jury Panel Set Over The jury panel which was to have been called for service on January 7, 1918. in dis trict court and all cases stipulated for trial on that date, have been contin ued until January 21, 1918. Three. Granted Divorces James B. Garnsey ww granted a divorce from (Jrace Garnsey, but she was awarded $339 alimony. Mary Zvolunek was granted a decree from Henry, and Sarah LIgett was-freed from William. Limit of . Orders The muny coal department on Wednesday night re ceived orders at the South Side office to the limit of a supply of three cars of coal which are available for that territory. State Bank of Omaha, corner Six teenth and Harney streets, pays 4 per cent on time deposits. Three per cent tn savings accounts. ' All deposits In this bank are protected by the de positors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska, Adv. Benefit Flay "The Miller and His I Daughter," a benefit play, the proceeds of which will go to St. Adelbert's parish, will be given at the Catholic Sokol hall, 1245 South Thirteenth .street, Sunday, December 16. Music will be furnished by the Gate City band, under the direction of Joseph Pluhacek. Rome Miller Sue Rome Miller has filed suit against John Chadek, Joseph Vasco, sr., and Joseph Vasco, jr., for $1,150, alleged to be due for a month's rent of the Millard hotel. Miller alleges he leased the Millard to Chadek and that Chadek sub leased to the Vascos, who have failed to remit last month's rent IIND WHISKY PLANT IN ATTIC OF HOME . OF SAMUEL RIEKES The morals squad led by Sergeant Madsen, in co-operation with Special State Agents Buell and Mathwig, found nearly $1,000 worth of whisky hidden away in a semi-attic above a clothes closet in the home of Samuel Riekes, a junk dealer, 1544 North Nineteenth street, last night. Reikes was arrested and later released on bonds. Previous to the finding of the liquor the officers arrested Daveiieb, clerk at the Bee Hive pool hall, 820 Nortlj. Sixteenth street, and another person who gave his name and ad dress as R. J. Harris, 604 North Twenty-third street, and charged them with illegal sale and possession of intoxicating liquor. Dave' Licb was arrested following a sale of 24 pints of whisky for $50. The man, who gave his name as Har ris, is said to have gotten the whisky for Lieb and is charged with the il legal sde and possession of intoxi- . ' 1 V) . I. ...arA ..f.lCAl nil bonds. , , Officers A. C. and M. E. Ander son, Wade, Buell and Mathwig as sisted Sergeant Madsen in the raid. Twenty pints of whisky and five large jugs were confiscated by State Officers Euell and Mathwig yesterday ?' ernoon in the soft drink parlor of ;.att Jazynk, 4402 L street, and the proprietor was arrested and charged with the illegal possession of intoxi cating liquor. Mary Connors Attacks the Sunday Closing Ordinance "Selling groceries is( a work of necessity and charity," maintains Mary Connors in her petition for an injunction to prevent the enforcement of the Sunday ordinance, passed by the city council. "The pretended ordinance," the petition says, "affects more than 300 grocery and meat stores in Omalia ana is oppressive, unlawful, unreasonable, prejudiced and discriminates unjustly against the plaintiff and violates her constitu tional rights as a business woman," says the petition. She denies the au thority of the commissioners to enact or enforce such an ordinance. The plaintiif quotes the state law providing a fine tor working on Sun day, in which works of necessity and charity are excepted. She main tains that selling groceries certainly comes under the exceptions, adding that "it preserves the health and well being of the community, Sundays as well as week days." Besides, she charges that the candy slores, cigar stores, fruit stands and soda fountains are allowed to operate on Sun days under the ordinance closing the grocery store and meat markets. She asks that the city officials be restrain ed from closinz her store and prose cuting her under the ordinance. Wheatless and Meatless " Dinner for the Farmers The fifth annual meeting of the Elkhorn Farmers' institute, under the auspices of the Western Douglas Countv Agricultural 'society, will be held in Denker's hall, Elkhorn, Fri day. Henry C. Bull, president of the Western Douglas County Agri cultural society, will deliver the open ing address, and an expert from the universitv at Lincoln will talk on "Farm Management." In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the women's session, there will be a demonstration of wheatless and meat less menus. Tun Npw Hahles Asked To Brazil and Argentinaj Rio Janeiro, Dec 13. The West- fm Union Telegraph company, the newspapers report, has asked the gov- ernment for permission to lay two submarine cables. The first will run irom Rio Janeiro through Para, bra zil, to the Antilles, while the other 1 will be from Rio Janeiro to Argen tina by way of Santos and Lruguay. SOUTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE SENDS 22 POLISHRECRUITS Young Men Will Leave . This Afternoon for Buffalo on Way to France; Dinner at Ex change Building. r V Twenty-two recruits enlisted yes terday in the Polish army for service in France. They will leave Omaha this afternoon for Buffalo, N. Y., where they will mobilize previous to embarkation for France. They will fight in, France under the direction of the French and United States governments, but under the Polish nag for the independence of Poland. A farewell dinner will be tendered them Thursday at 2 p. m., in the spacious hall of the Exchange build ing. South Side. Patriotic speeches and entertain ment will be in evidence. Boys and Girls Plan For Vacation Work Many South Side High school stu dents will work in the stores and busi ness, and packing houses during the two weeks' Christmas vacation, which begins December 18. Most of the boys and many of the girls have pro cured situations where they can help out with the Christmas rush. They are willing to do their bit in relieving the labor shortage and this spirit ot helpfulness is fostered by E. Huwaldt, principal of the South Side school. More than half of the boys in the South Side High school work after school and Saturdays. James W. Formanek Dies After Eight Years' lltass James W. Formanek, 57 years old, died Tuesday at his home, 4fS bouui Nineteenth street. He had been in poor health for the last eightiyears. He has lived in South Omaha for the last 28 years. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon at the Korisko chapel to the Na tional Bohemian hall, Twenty-first and U streets. The Woodmen of the World, of which he was a member, will have charge of the services'. In terment will be in the Bohemian Na tional cemetery. He is survived by his widow, four daughters, Mrs. H. G. Welsh, Mrs. Charles Eberl, South Side; Mrs. L. W. Gogan and Mr;. E. J. . Connelly, both, of Lindsey, and one son, James, jr. Enlists to Do His Bit For the Government John Larkin, South Side business man, left Omaha Wednesday night for Fort Logan, Colo. He is con nected with the medical department of the United States regular army and expects soon to be given a commis sion in the embalmers' unit. He has been associated with ljis brother in the Larkin Bros, undertaking business. "I want to 'c d my bit' the best I can," said Larkin when he was asked about his plans. Manic City Gossip. fiteam-heated apt. In Scargo Blk. ; 4 rms., 125.00. E. II. Benner Co. D. 8406. E. VAKS Buys and nells Secondhand Furnltura and ' Clothing. Telephone South 2370. Telephone -South 900 and order a case of Oma or Lactonade, the healthful, refreshing Home Beverages, delivered to your resi dence. Omaha Beverage Co. i Acquitted of Assault. Sturgis, S. D., Dec. 13. (Special.) In Mead county circuit court in ses sion here the jury in the case of the state against Guy Devers after being out all night brought in verdict of not guilty. Devers was charged with assault upon the person of George McFarland with intent to kill. ' Beauty That Stands Wind and Weather Sturrt't Calcium Wafer Enrich the Bood to Give the Skin the Real Glow of Beauty. SEND FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. Let the wind blow. What do you care? Your blood enriched by the wonderful Stuart's Calcium Wafers drives away the pimples and blotches, the eczema and eruptions; the new, firm skin glows with the health that protects from wind and weather. These wafers contain no poisonousj drug oi any Kind, are penectiy Harm less and can be taken with absolute freedom, and they work almost like magic. Calcium sulfide, their princi pal ingredipnt, is the greatest blood cleanser known to science. No matter how bad your skin may be, Stuart's Calcium , Wafers wiil quickly work wonders with it. It's ?oodby to blackheads, pimples, acne, boils, rash, eczema and a dirty "filled up" complexion. You can get Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any drug store at 50 cents a box, and you will be pos itively delighted with their wonderful affect. For a free trial package use the :oupon below. 6112 Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 483 Stuart Bid., Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, by re turn mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafer. Name Street. .. City.... .State. Shop Early In the Day Ess-ta Com Vfie Cfiristmas Storefor&vevySodif Buy Another War Saving Stamp Thursday, December 13, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY Telephone Douglas 137. Practical Gift Suggestions for Friday in the DOWN STAI Ti as MEN'S Neckwear At 25c to 65c Men always appr e c i a t e neat, pretty neckwear, and we doubt if you could give anything that would be more accepta ble. Our line of men's neck wear is great ly varied, large, full shaped four-in-hands, mostly with satin slip bands, fancy and plain colors. Some are packed one in a box. Beautiful range of patterns and col orings, and exceptional values and very desirable for gift. Price range, 25c, 29c, 33 l3c, 50c and 65c. Bureas-Nash Co. Down Stair Store w ool Dress Goods 98c Yard A big lot of wool dress goods for skirts, dresses and suits, in a big line of plain colors, mix tures, stripes, plaids and checks, including a wide selection of the most wanted shades for this season's wear, widths 42 to 54 inches; very special Fri day at sale price. 98c a yard. Burftss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store E lectric Goods for Gifts Elec t r i c a 1 toaster!", at $2.75. Universal elec trical toasters, $5.00. Electric grills, oblong shape, $6.00. heating pads, Electrical $5.00. Electrical waffle irons, $10.00. Electrical curling iron and hair dryer, $5.00. Electrical percolators, every one guaranteed, 5-cup size, $10; 7-cup size, $10.50; 9 cup size, $11.00. Electrical washing machine, $55.00. Electrical vacuum sweeper, $30.00. Caloric electrical fireless cooker, $28.00. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store Embroidered Pil low Cases, 40c 45x36-inch bleached pillow cases, neatly embroidered; as sorted styles. i Initial Cases, 65c 45x36-inch fine muslin pillow cases, handsomely embroidered with script initial. Bed Sets, $3.75 1 sheet, 81x99-inch, and a pair of pillow cases, 45x36-inch, good quality and neatly em broidered; neatly boxed, at $3.75 set. Comfortables, $3.98 Each Beacon 70x80-ineh heavy, warm comfortables for couch throw or extra bed covering; assorted colors, at $3.98. Burfcess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora Children's Under wear at 39c An extra special offering for Friday. Boys' and girls' under wear in odd lots, including chil dren's part wool vests and pants. Boys' fleece-lined shirts and drawers. Girls fleece-lined vests and pants. Union Suits, $1.25 Women's union suits of white cotton, fleece-lined regular or extra sizes; high neck, low neck or Dutch neck and ankle length; specially priced for Friday at $1.25. Burf ess-Nash Co. Down Stalra Store There Could Not Be a More Practical Gift than One of These Warm Winter Co Specially Reduced for Friday at $6.95 and $12.95 THE result oT a very special purchase from a maker who wanted to clear his floors and willingly accepted a big nice sacrifice. Two groups: At $6.95 Including mixtures, Bur olla cloth, tweeds, velours and soft wool coatings. Large collars, belts and pockets; some trimmed with velvet, fur or self material. At $12.95 Soft mixtures, kerseys, fancy wools, velours and Taney velvets. Fur and self dimmed collars, trimmed with Keramie. Belts, pock ets and large buttons are also used as trimming. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store Two Big Groups of Novelty Jewelry at 10c and 19c Every piece is offered at a price way be low the original the result of a special purchase. Two groups: Af 1 ft deluding gold shell and sterling silver fll 1 Ul rings, enamel and gold filled pin sets, hat pins, patriotic pins, lingerie clasps, combs, bar rettes, etc. Pin sets, rings, coin purses, combs, barrettes, etc., at 19c. Burftss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Star. At 19c Clearaway of Trimmed Hats for Friday at 69c - Regardless of what the former price may have been we offer a clear away of smartly trimmed hats at 69c. The styles are the season's very latest, and there is no doubt but you will find just the style hat best suited to you. Very special at 69c. Buriess-Nash Co. Down Stairs 5 'or. J APANESE Blue Prints In a big line of patterns.. 36x36 inch, 50c each. 48x48 inch, $1.00 each. 54x54 inch, $1.25. 60x60 inch, at $1.50. 72x72 inch, at $1.75. 12x12 inch," at 75c &. dozen. Towels, $1 00 Dozen Heavy comb towel, white with red border; special for Friday only, at $1.00 dozen. Doilies, 12V2C Each 12-inch doilies, round or square, scalloped and embroi dered in colors, at l2Hc each. Centers, 19c Each Round center piees, ecru color, scalloped and embroi dered in colors, at 19c each. Bed Spreads, $1.98 Scalloped bedspreads with cut corners, crochet weaves, large size, special, $1.98 each.. Buriess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store A Sale of Women's Sample Nov elty High Lace Boots. at $4.45 A PRICE less than the A manufacturers' cost on sale Friday only. A great many styles to se lect from, and of course they are sample sizes 314 to 4 2. Every pair is the most ex treme value at $4.45. , Holiday Slippers for Men, Women and Children Women's kid boudoir slippers, all colors, for $1.65. Women's comfy slippers, all colors, for $1.45. Women's conlfy slippers, soft soles, for 95c. Men's comfy slippers, low cut, for $1.35. Men's comfy slippers, high cut, for $1.65. Children's felt slippers, felt soles, blue and red, 79c. Burfess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora Give Him Something in Furnishing Goods Christmas Tl TEN always appreciate gifts of this sort, and we know 1V1 of no place where you can make better selection than here in the down stairs store. Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 12V2c Embroidered initial, hemstitched, full sized handkerchiefs, in boxes or single. Trice, 12 Kc. Men's Boxed Suspenders, 25c Fancy silk webs, some soiled and shop worn carried over from last year; a ( iose-out price put on them of 25c. Men's Mufflers, 59c to $1.00. Men's reefer mufflers, splendid as sortment go6d patterns, in silk and mer cerized; most desirable for presents. Especially priced at 59c, 75c, and $1.00 Combination sets tie and muffler in box. Price 75c. Men's Gloves at $1.15 Men's lined astrachan gloves; a warm, durable glove, all sizes; a useful present. Price, $1.15. Men's Union Suits, $1.95 Derby ribbed form-fitting wool garments, all sizes; closed crotch; $1.65. One a little heavier and a bigger percentage of wool, $1.95. Burtess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store M AH0GANY Base Floor Lamps $15.75 Equ i p p e d with two pull chain sockets, cord and plug, silk shade in rose, blue, or gold, trimmed with fringe and braid; special at $15.75. Table Lamps $9.50 Single light, Japanese decorated base; choice of blue or gold shade. Special, $9.50. Candles, 10c Dozen Christmas tree candles, 10c a dozen. Candle Shades, 59c All colors, silk trimmed, with braid fringe, etc. 59c each. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora MEN'S Bath Robes $2.98 to $4.98 Here's a gitt suggestion well worth while give him a bath robe for Christ mas. For Friday we have a spe cial display and sale Of men's bath robes, seams piped; better ones have pockets, cuffs and edges finished with cord. Most of them have shawl collar. The color and pat tern selection is very ex tensive, and the price range is $2.98, $3.45 and $4.98. Burfsss.Nash Co. Down Stairs Store SILK Remnants at 98c Yard Give a waist, skirt or dress pattern for Christmas; very practical; and this sale of skirt lengths affords rare saving pos sibilities. The silks are 1 to S yard lengths; in widths, 86 to 40 inches, including plain and fancy silks, plaids, stripes and figures; in messalines, pop lins, taffetas, canton crepes, tub silks, etc. Burfsss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store w OMEN'S Leath- erette Gloves, 75c Two-clasp style, extra good quality; in white, black, gray and brown (washable), at 75c pair. Children's Gloves Boys' and girls' lined gloves and mittens, as trakhan tops, with jersey or leather pulm ; ex ceptional value, 39c. Chil d r e n s double wool mit tens, in black and colors, 29c Burgass-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store 3k CANCY Holiday Aprons 25c, 35c Dainty effects finished with lace, embroidery and ribbon, at 25c and 35c. Corduroy Robes, $1.95. Raglan, empire and kimono styles: coral, rose, wisteria, Copenhagen, pink and blue, at $1.95. Boudoir-Caps, 49c Wide assortment of dainty styles in silk lace net and rib bon, 49c. Camisoles, at $1.25 Crepe de chene or wash satin, lace trimmed; white and flesh, $1.25. Baby Shoes, 59c Soft soles, broken sizes; all colors and combinations of col ors, 59c. Burgeas.Nash Co. Down Stairs Store FANCY Goods Sam ples, Vfc Price The sample line of Morris, Mann & Reilly, importers, In cluding knitting bags, vanity cases, traveling cases, boudoir sets, fancy boxes, pin cushions, bag tops, powder boxes, etc., at half the price at which they were intended to sell. Fancy Boxes, 25c Pink and blue, hand dec orated, glove and handkerchief boxes, 25c each. Doily Rolls, 29c Size 27 inches, ribbon bows, all colors, 29c each. Embroidered Pieces Selection of hand-embroidered models, including CHIL DREN'S DRESSES, scarfs, pil low slips, center pieces, lunch sets, AT HALF USUAL PRICE. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store A Christmas Sale of Standard Ro tary Sewing Machines CAN you think, of anything more suitable for a Christmas present than a sewing machine? Whenever you compare he quality of the New Standard Rotary Sewing Machine with any other, the price will be second in your mind. Qual ity stands longer than price, but "Standard" Rotary quality stands forever. Make your sewing day more pleasant by using the mechanical marvel which has startled experts into exclaiming, "Simply wonderful!" Standard Rotary Sewing Machine, $42.50. . White sewing machine, used, $20.00. Howe sewing machine, new, $25.00. Singer sewing machine, used, $18.00. Terms: $1.00 down, $1.00 a week. Barrss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store i Practical and Useful Gifts From the House furnishing Section, Down Stairs Store . The home nut cracker will not crush the kernel; easy to operate, 39c. Nut sets, consists of nut cracker and 6 picks; set, 25c. Nut crackers, 10c. Nut pi "ks, 6 for 15c. Casserole, jolid brass frame, nickel plated, 8 m. earth en .nset, 1.95. tVearever aluminum sauce pans, 2 quart size, 69c. "Caloric fireless cookers, pure aluminum lined and aluminum utensils; each, $14.00. Landers, Frary & Clark's bread makers, 1 to 6-loaf .size, $2.69. Universal carving sets, stag handles; three-piece sets. $3.95. YVearevcr aluminum-covered roasters, with meat rack, $4.40. Cast aluminum fry wood handle, No. 8 02.39. pans, size, bowls. V5saiiBS made ' n-rrEr of ma- hj hogany, A lumi num per colators, 8 - c u p size, spe cial $1.19 Burgass-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store solid metal and hammer, $2.50. Guaranteed "Universal" pocket knives, 75c. Guaranteed "Universal" razor blade, made of best quality steel, $2.50. Universal lunch kits, with vacuum bottle, $3.25. Nickel-plated crumb tray and scraper; set, 75c Y