Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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New York Banker and Chair
man of War Savings Com
mittee fJot to Have Min
ute's Rest Here.
Frank A. Vanderlip, president of
the National City Bank of New York
and chairman of the national war sav
ings committee, sent a message to
Ward M. Burgess Wednesday night
that he must have two hours rest
between talks in Omaha. He sent the
notification too late, however, as the
Omaha committee tinder the direction
of O, T. Eastman has scheduled him
a job for every minute of his time
while in the city.
.Mr. Vanderlip will arrive in Omaha
over the Xvorthwestern railroad at
11:35 o'clock this morning, will
speak at the Commercial club at noon,
meet with the Nebraska war savings
committee at 2 o'clock, speak at the
Brandeis theater at 4 o'clock, be en
tertained at u 6 o'clock dinner by the
Omaha Clearing House association,
speak at the Boyd theater at 8 o'clock
and leave Omaha at 10:55 o'clock over
the Burlington railroad.
Two of Mr. Vanderlip' Omaha
talks, those at the Brandeis and Boyd
theaters, will be open to the public.
No collection will be taken up and
no solicitation of funds will be made.
Accompanied by Wife.
Mrs. Vanderlip is. accompanying
her husband on his speaking tour
through the, west and will be with him
in Omaha. Colonel F. W. Fleming
of Kansas City, federal director of
war savings work in this district, will
also accompany him here.
Mr. Vanderlip and his party will
be met at the depot by a committee
headed by Mr. Burgess, state war
savings director. From the depot Mr.
Vanderlip and his party will go im
mediately to the Commercial club.
At 2 o'clock Mr. Vanderlip will
meet with the Nebraska war savings
committee and the county chairmen,
who have come in from over the
state. ' This meeting will last until
4 o'clock, when Mr, .Vanderlip will
speak at the Brandeis theater. Frank
11. Gaines will introduce Mr. Vander
lip at this meeting. -The entire lower
floor has been reserved at this meet
ing (or the Omaha teachers and out
state visitors. The balcony will be
open to the public.
The Omaha Clearing House associ
1 ation will give a dinner for Mr. Van.
derlip at 6 o'clock at the Omaha club.
Luther Drake will preside. This din
ner will be attended by Omaha and
state bankers and a few other invited
Open to Public.
At 8 o'clock Mr. . Vanderlip will
speak at the Boyd theater. There
will be no reserved seats at the meet
ing. .The entire house will be thrown
open to the public. W. F. Gurley will
introduce Mr. Vanderlip: at this
It is expected that at all of the
meetings Mr. Vanderlip will disquss
war saving work. It i understood
that he will endeavor to? show .that
the thrift created by the nation-wide
war savings movement is not only
necessary for winning the war, but
also for the, welfare pf the.wotld after
the war is over. Mr. Vanderlip, it is
said, will advocate the elimination of
, all labor that is not directly or indi
rectly necessary to the winning of the
war. He is expected to take up in his
addresses not only the importance of
savings, but explain the war savings
stamp plan that he, with Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo, worked out ii
order to raise ?.',0UU,UO0,lKO during
the' next year for war purposes.
While' in Omaha Mrs. Vanderlip
will be entertained by Mrs. ; Ward
Burgess and Mrs. Joseph Barker, On
account of Mrs. Vanderlip's request
thajt no elaborate entertainment be ar
ranged the only public gathering at
"which she will be a of honor
will be at a 4 o clock tea at the Ho
tel Fonteiicllc: which will be attended
by; women prominent, in Red Cross,
Liberty loan and war savings work
Mrs. Ward Burtess will entertain
Mrs. Vanderlip at a 6:JU o'clock din
ner at her home
Michelson Big Booster
i For the Thrift Stamps
C. F. F, Michelson, a letter carrier,
hat had some cards printed at his own
expense to boom the selling of thrift
and war saving stamps on his route.
The cards bear a verse of poetry com
posed by Michelson. and. the legend,
"America expect every citizen to do
hjs duty. Buy thrift stamps and get
behind the president. Hie il.itr. keen
hit floating. Remember Belgium and
France. Every stamp is a blow against
tlie kaiser and his kultur.'
I)on Anmndft Hi-ppni r U uralnn II cor
d at th I'nlvfinlty ot Nebraska to boont
th Rml Crow tirivi tor eurKlrul ArMnir.''.
Th Bd CroH roonu of tho university nru
open BVvfy day exctyt Vaiurilay fur tiiu
u of workcri.
Th Kngllfh flub met at th Alp:. M
Delta housa Saturday evening with Mls
Williamson and Auiluata and Ada Klliler,
Mlaa Aufuata Kthlrr read a atory wrltt n
by haraxlf entitled "The Minuter Stons a
Ml Pound ra a RubMiui !uy, "Uovu if
On a Neighbor."
A ot amatlpox haa been disouvn-d
at h atate farm, the tint caae to be re
ported on that campua. With one or two
raaea developtnr dally. University officials
are taking immediate meaaurea to provide
tor either the vaccination or the dully In
apestlon ot every one on tho campus.
-The a'fond week of backet ball rractln
atarted Monday ulth a p'Ppy practice !
efeil chiefly to lh principles of orlmmani.
'liie varaltywaa repreanted by Jackaoa,
Thompson and Koehter at forward. Munn
at Center, and Anthea and gpear at guard.
The lurgect and cleverest Issue ot Awgwatt,
the university Joke mavaalne. publlMhed this
year la number four, jurt off tho preaa. It
is a tlilrty-lx-pa.i number wlih real hu-inoj-
at 0 .r:-,'I.i8l K(on3 from f'.rn. to last.
Tli '-over r-iK bf rwle'nr Klrxch. faff
arils', t t,i;t-t "fwc llT.' k". Mkiwlng
lV- t I'tmpliM t!.rrri-j Kebrncita w;n
lii'rurxo la'S.i.:iy a'.tras'.lve.
ilfa lAiUi- Vcjail f the Oji artnieiit of
Kntfiijj litorniur lii. been r.k to ren-!
tb" o a cn-irl r '0 the Cnmbrlue HItory j
'.f i.i-rlct n Mtt'raturi'. tUlud by V. P.
Triit. John i-iii;IO'. Hmart P. Sh'.-rmr i,
. h J .-...i .r . k - ...111 1... '
it-'- vo )- a i I ll' T i' j.'Oim ii 'W
Mnthrd to fj - aa.brMuu Illiji.v of 1. 1 -
i-'jii W '. wi'.-.U ".ii - b.-a t.u :;';
J- 1$ ,c j; t A,
.& Clir'-irnue iin'itrani T-.j alaged at Hie
Toarj Women' Chrlyf.aa :t'wclt t!on
nt in tlii TtTr.pIo building Totsd;:y after-i.i6,-!.
,1'ith Hjilun prifiiinl. Luclllo Wlkox
a olio on "ChrUt.n,as Ulf.t."
j JJniversity of Nebraska j
j! ' Not8
Leading Members of
I if"r( ''3i.-.'' cjV - 1
Left to right: Admiral Benson,
Colonel E. M. House and General
Tasker H. Bliss, three of America's
representatives to the inter-allied war
Charges Brodegaard Company
With Using Similar Trade
Mark to Sell Its
The Victor Talking Machine com
pany of Camden, N. J., filed suit in
federal court Thursday against
Brodegaard Bros, company, operating
a jewelry store at Mxteentn -ana
Douglas streets. The plaintiff al
leges that the defendant is infringing
the plaintiff's trade mark and trade
name and misleading the public. "
The complaint states that Brode
gaard Bros, company is selling a
talking machine named the "Victo
ria;" that the name "Victoria"1 is
placed on the machine in the same po
sition as vthe name "Victor" on the
plaintiff's well-known machine and
that folders are printed in such a way
as to mislead the public into believ
ing that the, "Victoria" talking ma
chine is the "Victor."
Samples of the folders advertising
the machine are appended to the com
plaint. Jt is pointed out that one of
these folders shows a picture of a
man standing beside the "Victoria"
machine and holding in his hand a
"Victor" record, all of which, it is
alleged, is part of an intention to
mislead and deceive the public. A
photograph of the window at Six
tenth and' Douglas streets containing
the (display 01 the machine is also
appended, The window has a sign
reading f V Victoria talking machine,
I he takers advertising the machine
are printed in foreign languages, '
1 he petition is signed iy Lnaries
K. Haddon, vice president of the Vic
tor Talking Machine company. It
states also that the trade name, good
will, etc., of the Victor company "are
worth far more4han $1,000,000."
Damages are "asked from the de
fendant and an injunction preventing
the defendant from continuing to of
fer the "Victoria" machine for sale
under that name. ... , .
. 1 ,: - ...
Rock 'Island Service . ? r
.Flag Has 1,457 Stars
Up to December 1, 1.457 Rock Is
land employes had enlisted or called
into the national army. Of the
enlisted men Uie company of; some
200 had gone to France Jo work
on railroad reconstruction. These
men enlisted in this line. of work were
all practical mechanics from the sev
eral departments of the road, or train
men. V 1
In tlic Chicago headquarters of the
Rock Island there has been hung a
service flag on which there are 1,457
Cass County Brings Up
Two Trucks Full of Booze
Sheriff Quintin of Cass county
brought two truck loads of "booze'
from riattsmouth to the federal build
ing here Wednesday. It was that cap-
tured from two men who were passing
through I'lausmouth er.route from St.
Joseph to Omaha a few weeks ago.
They have been fined in state court
and bound over to the federal grand
jury on a charge of violation of the
Reed amendment. Ths liquor will be
turned over to Forts Omaha and
Crook' for tuedicinal use.
For a Corn-Peeling
Picnic, Ute "Gets-It"
Pain E. :?a at Once, Corn Juat Diet!
Do your cnrn-rlddin easily, with a tmile
the baiM!-eel way. Tha'a the "Get-lt"
may the only way your "corn or callue
eomea off complete n though it were Rind
to k'et f
Oont Trarel
Around the
World In torn Agony,
lae "fceta-It."
has cured more corns than ll
itlier remed'es combined. It'a ai sure as the
.....l.. fc, ... ..r . , t I w.. m
iwiiiiar, n.i m ott.n . 'inici. uneil 03 mil-
Hons. Don t take a chance with your feet,
you can t eliord to cxper:nent with un-
."li1" when you know "Rts-if
never I,,,.
i -' i"' """" y corn, or iaiio.
', , tylirh shoes or pumps if
' t wsnt ancail and dance Demrnd
1 ijci-ii -wi"" .uusmu'.r iwck on tne
swro. or u win be sent direct by k. Law -
r.n?e 4 Co.. Ch'.eago. III.
Bon in wmana anu recommended as the ' j , i ..j
k. w ui. Iidruar store. It is inexpensive and
j McConneU Drug- Co, Stores
U. S, War Mission
conference. The photograph is
first to arrive showing them in
British capital.
Rev. C. W. Savidge Quotes
From Bible to Shpw As
cendancy of the Holy
- ' . City,
Jerusalem was never intended to be
a Jewish nation is the opinion of Rev.
C. W. Savidge of the People's church,
but it shall be a nation of all the peo
ples of the earth; Mr. Savidge takes
this interpretation from three verses
of the Bible, which; predicts that it
shall conc to pass that 10 men shall
akc hold of the skirt of him that is a
Jew, saying "we will go with you for
we have heard that God is with you."
The verses to which Mr. Savidge
refers are the twenty-first, twenty
second and twenty-third verses of the
eighth Chapter of Zachariah:
21. And the inhabitants of one city
shall go to another spying, let us go
speedily to pray before the Lord and
to seek the Lord of hosts. I will go
22. Yea, and many people and
strong nations shall come to seek the
Lord of hosts in Jerusalem and to
pray before the Lord, i
23. Thus saith the lord of hosts;
in those days it shall come to pa,ss
that 10 men shall take hold of the
skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, we
will go with you. For we have heard
that God is with you.
MltS. JOHN TOWERS, 44 years
old, Thlrty-Bccond and K streets, died
Wednesday night. She its survived
bv her husband and seven children.
Funeral Bervices will be held Friday j
morning at 8:30 o'clock at thIrkln;
chapel, South Side, to hi. Mary s
church. Interment will be In St.
Mary's cemetery.
JOHX LARSON, 57 years old, died
in a hospital Wednesday night of can
cer of the stomach. He had been ill
several weeks. He. had made his home
at'312'i Woolworth avenue. Funeral
services will b heW at 2 o'clock Fri
day afternoon., at. Johnson &" Swan
sou's funeral jsarlor. Larson had no
relatives In this country.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. .
Follow the Judfment of thou
who know good photofrapha.
, Of Couraa. '-i ;'.
300 18th St, Smth.. Wead Bldf .
Juat Off Famam.
By Dr. Franklin MUa, the Croat Specialist,
Who Sends $2.SOvTrial Treatment
and New Book Free.
To prove the remarkable effects of his new
Special Personal Treatment for heart dis
ease, short breath, pain in side, shoulder or
arm, oppression, irregular pulse, palpitation,
smothering, puffing of ankles or dropsy
many are complicated with nerve, stomach,
bowel and rheumatic aymptoms Dr. Miles
will send to afflicted persons a Free
Treatment. Bad caaes usually soon relieved.
Many report cured after physiclana failed.
These treatments are the result of 80
years' extensive research and remarkable
success in treating various ailments of the
heart, nerves and stomach, which often com
plicate each case.
Send for Remarkable Testimonials.
So satisfactory are the results that he
wishes every aick peraon to test this famous
treatment at his expense. Afflicted persons
should avail 'themselves of this liberal offer
at once, as they may never again have such
an opportunity. Delays ore danserous. No
death come more suddenly than that from
heart disease.
Send for his Hfart Book and Two-Pound
F-ree Treatment. Describe your disease. Ad
dress Dr. Franklin Miles, Department HK
162 to 172 Franklin St., Elkhart. Ind.
You Can't Brush Or
Wash Out Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon : annly it at night when retir-
inp; use enough to moisten the scalp j
and ruo it in genuy wiw me linger
Do this tonight, wfd by morning, :
most it not all ol your oanarun win
i hp imno nml thrip nr four more an-
: i:..t: ...:u .,., tl,. Jieenl.u
lliiV will tuiiiLiictci. UU.'U I . V
, . . . t
and entirely destroy every single sign i
and trace Of It, no matter DOW mucfl
dandruff vou may have.
, .
1UU will linu, IVU i':nb n ivvinus;
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair wlil be fluffy
lustrous, glossy, silky and sort, aiv
, look and feel a hundred times bettei
You can get liquid arvon at an;
I never fails to do the work. Adv.
District Exemption Board
Convene After First of
Year to Hear
The clerks
board offices
in the local exemption
are preparing to send
out 17,000 questionaires to Omaha
registrants. Five per cent will be
mailed Saturday, and 5 per cent a
day will be mailed out for, 20 days.
There are approximately 18,000 regis
trants in the Omaha districts but it
is estimated that 1,000 have either
voluntarily enlisted or were called
into service by the boards.
The exemption officials of local
boards have arranged to have a num
ber of lawyers on hand, beginning
Monday, to assist and advise regis
trants who desire to claim exemp
tion, and the lawyers will continue on
the job untill all the registrants are
Wednesday the offices of the ex
emption boirds were invaded by great
hosts of registrants who were seek
ing ways and means of separating
themselves from the "unlucky
seventh" Nebraska, but the exemp
tion officials could not offer any ad
vice. The district exemption board is not
in session, and probably will not con
vene until after the first of the year
to pass on industrial and agricul
tural exemption claims, which auto
matically come tip from local ex
emption boards.
The officials are all at sea concern
ing the second draft call. It may
come any time, they say, and while
This Is the Ring
.Jewelry Christmas. Every 4xV' W y
tive in beauty and ele- JfM f H ffpf rTn Dli rdNlllil 4
gance, no matter what Wtm YlQ v A Ml IV ) Kl Mli sWWlfl. m w Mivtr VUt 1
the price. A gift from 'JKS9
greatest compliment. , llllffj ilTiantll jjV "bor"""7 1
peLntfhethf - ,WM
uar screws,, 'JV WJ J JJWfflW JWl I1 I ffl RK?fJfM
Scarf: Pin, Bracelet,;' , $3 ?J MrSMJ
Watch, Wrist WafcTi, 1 I (JT - -Spi ' I WWn llww
oChpm frlt?B ' jP
Among worth-while M 'VLljiPj . hIW7
gifts, a beautiful 7Mil&S Ofllr J ' MLjt
Genuine Diamond " . .W wMtt luitS
stands paramount. It :Ml3 ill k
is a gift that never WWkW ' WJll l JM WRIST ti K( V
grows old, that never MJr f S VlAb i f flf If I J&M WATCH pl.OU
Ti loses its original beauty, f l j WMl 1 a month
1; and increases; in, value 4sjL I Lfx ' " In nsii Lmr sCS
LIBERTY BONDS AT 1 05 --rsVV'v 1041 Whal very yun M wan'ts for cn-
. " MVfiiavaj ni ivn PSSs -g,: srmiK maa preaent Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest
in payment for any Of our merchan- ZVyJgSfj-, quality gold filled, plain polished: high grade Full
dise, or in settlement Of accounts. P j&- Jeweled movement, gilt dial; case and brace- tff C
szr let guaranteed 20 years; special at 9.J
Jt I .1(7
for a Christmas Present
TheLoftisPerfectionDiamond $50
T- 1 si si..i .
King leads all other gilts. It is
our great special and the most popular ring
ever designed. The extraordinary value we
are giving is thronging our store and keep
ing our buyers busy supplying the demand.
21 Jewel
16 Size
that wUl PASS
$2.50 Month
This (s an unparal
leled bargain in a 21
Jewel movement
Adjusted to temper
ature, isochronism
and five positions :
double strata gold
filled ease. Guaran
teed 25 years.
No. 223 Scarf
d: 1: j
a a 111, xiiiQ auuu
goia, filigree
work, bright
finish, cul
tured Pearl, 1
fine Diamond,
$1.50 Month
Y m
1 rij-r
no definite information can be given
out all preparations are being made
to take care of it.
Few Enlisted Men of the
Navy Want Commissions
Men who enlist in the navy are
permitted, under a law enacted a
number of years ago, to study and
work themselves up to become com
missioned officers if they study hard
enough and can pass the examination.
Very few enlisted men take ad
vantage of this wonderful oppor
tunity, however, and there's a rea
son. A seeker after knowledge who
invaded naval headquarters soon
learned to his satisfaction why en
listed men do not care to take the ex
amination. As a rule every enlisted man has
just so much vork to do aboard a
ship, consequently he does not have
much time to bend his back over a
book in a frantic effort to dig out the
technical side of the knowledge re
quired by a commissioned officer. In
about 10 years' service he is ready to
take the examination, but by that
time he had advanced and is pulling
down "big" money.
He analyzes everything down to its
logical conclusion and decides that he
will be better off if he holds his pres
ent position. It's like this: Suppose
a lad of 23 enlisls. In 10 years he
may be drawing a salary and per
quisites equivalent to $150 per month.
In another 10 years he can retire on
a pension of $75 per month. If he
takes the examination and passes he
will have to stick around 30 years
longer before he is placed on the re
tired list with a pension of $125 per
He figures thit at the age of 43,
with a monthly pension of $75, he
will be better fitted to grasp the op
portunities presented than he will be
to wait until he is 63 and have' a
monthly income of $125. In addition
he takes into consideration tfie mor
tality rate and learns that, according
to statistics, he may not live long
enough to get much enjoyment of his
$125 pension.
SHE Wants
Diamond Rings, Solitaire
Diamond Rings Loftis Solitaire
Diamond Cluster
Diamond La Vallieres
Diamond Ear Screws
Diamond Brooches
Diamond-set Cameo La Vallieres.
Diamond Lockets
Watches, Diamond-set, solid gold.
Watches, gold-filled
Wrist Watches, solid gold
Wrist Watches, gold-filled
Wafchea. solid gold
Bracelets,' solid gold
Signet Rings. Diamond-set
$10.00 Up
. 50.00 Up
. 10.00 Up
. 10.00 Up
. 7.00 Up
. 12.00 Up
. 10. 00 Up
. 29.00 Up
. 13.50 Up
. 26.50 Up
. 15.00 Up
. 26.00 Up
. 12.00 Up
. 8.00 Up
PearJ Beads, Diamond Clasp.
8.50 Up
Men' Faorits)
Men's Diamond
Ring, 6-prong
Tooth mounting,
14k solid
$1.85 A WEEK
Diamond and Watch Credit House
Main Floor, City National Bank Block 409 South 16th St, Corner 16th and Harney
Streets, Omaha Opposite Burgeaa-Naah Co. Department Store.
An Ideal Christmas Gift
Pianola, a player piano thai makes you a musician, even it
you don't know one note from another, for it gives you magic
fingers of air that you can control.
This subtle control that makes the keys responsive to
your very music thoughts sets the PIANOLA apart from all
other Player Pianos, and you should not be content with a
lesser player piano when the Real Pianola can be purchased
for only $495, and on terms to meet your convenience, with
a beautiful seat, scarf and selection of music.
Liberty Bonds accepted same as cash.
Schmoller & Rflueller
Faraam St.
Business es Boosted by
Handsomely Cased in Ring
Box. Ready for Presentation
Each Diamond is selected with special reference
to the widespread effect and brilliancy which
characterize all our Diamonds. The beautiful
6-prong 14k solid gold Loftis Perfection mount
ing is faultlessly symmetrical, embodying all the
lines of delicacy and beauty with the necessary
security and strength. Very extraordinary value
at $50.
yau TERMS pi
Diamond Rings, Solitaire $20.00 Up
Diamond Rings Round Belcher
7-Diamond Cluster 55.00 Up
Diamond Scarf Pins 8.00 Up
Diamond Studs 10.00 Up
Diamond Cuff Links 5.00 Up
Kmblem Rings 7.00 Up
Signet Rings, Diamond-set 10.00 Up
Watches, solid gold 22.50 Up
Watches, gold-filled 12.00 Up
Wrist Watches 10.00 Up
Cuff Links, solid gold 3.00 Up
Kmblem Charms, solid gold 5.00 Up
Cameo Scarf Pins, D,amond-set 9.50 Up
Cuff Link and Scarf Pin Sets 6.00 Up
Coat Chains, solid gold 4.50 Up
Vest Chains, solid gold 12.00 Up
LOFTIS Seven - Diamond
Cluster Ring
The Diamonds are
mounted to at to
look like one large
tingle ttone.
Marvelt of Beauty
at $50, $75, $100
and $125.
Credit Termt:
$1.25, $1.85, $2.50
and $3 per Week.
drop and
i line
Only H
How much of vyour
music-self can you; put
jito a player piano?
(Jpon that depends the
pleasure you
will get out
nf it TllA
A e .o 1 i a Ti
Company is U
the sole mak
er of the
. Exclusive ,
Piano Co.
Use of Bee Want Ads
1164 C a m e o
Brooch, pink and
white Shell
Cameo, fine solid
gold green gold
wreath border, 1
fine Diamond
pendant loop on
back and safety
$1.80 a Month
popularity of La Vallierps is
I unsurpassed by any other article
I of Jewelry. You can make no mis
take m selecting a handsome Dia
mond La Valliere for a Christmas
i 17 La Valliere, fine solid gold, open
work design, briirht finl.h r.nin. d...i
eultured Pearl, Aen me
uiamona; 15-inch .HI 111
$i.25A "MONTH .
Call or write for Catalog No. 903.
Open Every Evening
Until Christmas