Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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-'-T me sbow you my brand nw itucoo
.V bungalow; finely flnlabed. excellent loci
' tion. A rl bcrftln at tS,N. ' R
sonabl tanni Call owner. Dnagla ITS.
for Sale.
7-room house, hot water heat, rnrae,
3.75. John J. Mulvlhlll. Realtor. J00
Brandel Theater Bid. Phone Doug. S.
Real aetata and (nauranca,
1330 r'arnam St. Don 10(4
V 106 let Nat Bk. Bide O 1734
REAL ESTATE B'ness Prpty
City Real EJite.
Douglas 1571. 321 Brindeli Theater
H. A. W U". Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist
In downtown bualneaa .propertjr .
ACRES level land. 1 mile from atatlon,
in Monona county. Iowa; will exchange tor
clear Omaha residence property. Oliver
Uptegrove, Onawa, Tt.
I'ltADE 6 room houa north, one block to
oar and school, tw6 blocks from Omaha
University; want modern improved acre
age. Box 94JO, Omaha Bee. .
WESTKRN LANDS. Nllsson, 422 Rosa Bids
REAL ESTATE Unimproved
. 1 1NNB LUSA -Nice lqt on Tltug Ave., near
iMth. St., can bo bought at a bargain;
this lot must be so.'U. Call owner eve
nings. Walnut 70.
J.AROE Oarden Lota near car line, paved
street. $125 to 3193. 31 down. Doug. (074
1VB HAVE several good reliable buyers for
6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with
$"00 to CiOO down. Call Osborne Realty
Co.. Tvler 498. 701 Oma. Nat Bank Bide.
SIX-RM. house on easy terms; must sell;
might consider auto. Ben. S7.
i lVK very fine garden low, close to car line,
close to school, just outside the ctty limits,
where you do not have to pay city taxes:
an Ideal placo to raise pigs, poultry or
garden; th owner has moved to Cali
fornia and says sell at once; prica $92
each; terms, 60c a week on each lot. Call
Walnut .,466 today or in the evening.
M One Acre South
: $450
$10 Down $10 a Month
Monthly payments Include interest. Lo
cated on 58th St., 4 blocks from car and
paved road. Just fine for poultry and gar-
1H14 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50.
REAL ESTATE Investment
10x132 ft., on Cuming St with two frame
stores, near 2 Id St..-, renting at $40.00
a month, at $4,000.00.
647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294.
Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages.
I, (H and per cent Also first mort
gagea on farms and Omaha real estate for
fc sale. J. H. Dumont A Co., 416-418 Keellne
Bldg.. 17th and Harney. '
THE Investor of Omaha will always find
us with a stock of ( per cent first mort
gages, secured by Omaha residence prop
erty or Nebraska farms.
533 Keellne Bldg.
2,600 M'TOB, bearing 6 pet. semi-annually;
secured by mortgage valued at $9,000,
Talmadge-Loomls Inv. Co7. W., O. W. Bldg.
One dollar starts an account.
. . H. W. BINDER. - ' -'
Money on hand for mortgags loan.
City National Bank Bldg.
W. T. ORAHAM, (04 Bee Bldg.
rqr CITY
On. Nat. Bk. Bldg.
YO i Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
' u'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l.
$100 to $10,000. MADE promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam 8ts.
MONEY to loan on Improved farms and
ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha.
dels Theater Bidg. D. 685.
' W. H. THOMAS & SON. Keellne Bldg.
MAKE those chickens lay! Feed them
Green Bone Grit. Freshly ground daily,
'26 to 100 lbs. Vamacka Casing Co., 37th
and M streets, S. Omaha, 8. 2634.
Colorado Lands.
Under the Twin Lakes & Water Co. sys
tem. Crops raised Include larg yields
of wheat, eats, corn, alfalfa, sugar
beets, eucumbens, potatoes squash, pump
kins, cantaloupes, melons, tomatoes, on
ions, apples and cherries. Cattle, sheep
and hog raising very profitable. Market
faellltleg admirable. Land one to four
miles from shipping stations. Beet sug
ar factory, alfalfa mills, pickling plsnts,
canning factory and creamery at Crow
ley aad Crdway, Colo. Electrle light
power and pure Olney Springs water may
. be obtained for farm uss. Churches, all
denominations, good schools and roads.
Writ us for special excvrslon rates,
prices and terms. Agents -ted. H.
R. FOLLMER CO., 936 First National
Bank Bldg., Omaha. Phone Tyler 2162.
Free Missouri Pacific booklet. ,
Iowa Lands.
315-ACRE farm In Fremont County. Iowa,
for sal" cheap and on reasonable terms by
the owner.
Farm Is located near Thurman, la., and
is in excellent condition, well Improved
and in excellent Shape. Two dwellings,
Improvements practically new.
32 Pearr St., CouneH Bluffs. la.
iJOOD LUCAS CO.. IOWA, grain farm for
clear Canadian wheat land; give full de
scription In first letter, with price. Owq
. era answer. ' .
WALTER J. GOQD. -Chariton,
Minnesota Lands.
WELL improvei 440-acra farm in Ottertail
County, Minn.; (food soli; close to town;
first-class farm. Will sell to anyone fi
nancially responsible at $76.00 per sere
i.nd take back mortgage (or entire pur
chase price for five years, I per cent
.Should sell at $160 In five years. 1
1023 PI' mouth Bldg..
Minneapolis. Minn.
Missouri Lands.
$10 cash and $1 monthly, no Interest or
taxes: highly productive land; close to
three hlg market. Write for photographs
and full Information. MUNGER. A-llt.
N T Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.
Nebraska Lands.
FOR SALE Q-Z Ranch, highly Improved
combination grain, and stock farm, 1,120
acres, 12 miles from Ord, all black soli
and clay sub-soli, right proportion of
plowed ground, pastures, alfalfa and wild
grass meadows, .2 houses, 3 large barns,
4 wells and cistern, farm scales, every
thing you want. No hog eolera, no hail
Price $46, easy terms. Possession March
1 If sold quick. A money maker. Buy it
W. W. Haskell, Ord. Neb.
SMALL Nebrsska farm on easy payments
6 acres op. We 'arm the farm we sell
you. The Hungsrford Potato Growers'
association. 16tb and Howard St., Omaha
Douglas 9271.
80 ACRES, nearly level, Improved, between
Oakland and West Point, Neb., at only
$1(0, oo eaa- terms. G. A. Kull, Oakland,
Neb. '
FOR SALE Best, large body high-grade.
(madtum-prtced land in Nebraska. Very
little money required. C. Bradley, Wol-
oacn. neu.
4s0 ACRES Kimball Co., beat wheat land,
unimproved, IJ5.00 per acre. Motor Rt
Box 34. N. Platte, Neb,
RANCHES of all alses and kinds, easy
terms. A. A. Patsman, 801 Karbach Blk.
LIST your lands for quick results with C
.J. Csnan. 31 McCague Bldg., Omaha,
Severe Weather Holds Down
Cattle Receipts, Prices Are
Steadj; Hog Prices 10
Cents Higher. '
Omaha, December 10, 117.
Receipts were: . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Estimate Monday .... 8.000 8,600 2,200
Same day last week.. .17.673 11.847 17,814
Pame day 2 weeks ago. 17,243
Same day 3 weeks ago. 81,648
Same day 4 weeks ago. 23,274
Same day last year. .. .11,353
?,233 16,040
8,413 6,414
6,168 6,793
11,336 10,202
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards, Omaha, lor .24 hours
ending at 3 p. m, yesterday:
. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'r's.
C. M. ft St P - 14
Missouri Paclfio .... l 1 .. .
Union Pacific 141 2 39 1
C. & N. W east .... 6 S 1 ..
C. A N. W., west .... 49 1 2 6
tt. St. P., M. & O. .... . I 59
C, B. & Q., east .... 1 10
C, B. ft Q., west .... 81 t S 2
C.. R. I. St P, east ..2
Illinois Central 3 - .. .. ..
Chicago Great West .. . 5 ., ..
Total receipt ......260 116 ' 48
. : , Cattle.
Morris & Company .. 815
Swift ft Co 1,277
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,078
Armour ft Co. .......1,131 .
I. W. Murphy ......... -
Lincoln Pack. Co. .....117
Wilson Pack. Co 76
W. B. Vaneant Co .. 32-
HiH & Son 2
F. B. Lewis .". 164
J. B. Root ft Co. ...... t
J. H. Bulla US
Resenstock r-os. .... 197
F. O. Kellog. . S5
Werthelmer ft Degen 73
Sullivan Bros. ...... 90
Rothschild & Krebs S7
M. ft K. Calf Co .... 34
Chriatis 27
Huffman 2
Roth !5
Banner Bros. ...... 34
John Harvey , 644
Dennis ft Francis .... 44
Jensen Lungren .. 10S
Ellis ft Co 39
Armour, Sioux City
Other buyers ........ 342
" Totats . . 6.689 6.994 8,936
Cattle Severe weather for several days
cut down the cattle- supply this morning, re
ceipts, which amounted to about 8,000 head,
being the smallest that have been here on
a Monday-t In month. Beef demand was
good and western steers started moving
early at fully steady price. Steady bids
were also made on natives right from the
start, but most of them were belng held
higher, .and no sales had been made up to
a rather late hour. The stocker and feeder
supply was comparatively small, but there
was not much demand, except tor a, few of
the good 200 to 1,000-pound steers and the
market was very slow at prices that ranged
from barely steady to unevenly lower.
Movement of fat cows and heifers started
early on a good strong basis and some- sell
er were quoting values higher than last
Quotations on guttle: Prime heavy beeves,
$13.6016.00; good to choice beeves, $12.50
13.60; fair to good: beeves. $10.60 12.60;
common to fair beeves, $7.006910.50; good to
choice yearlings, $14.001S.OO; fair to good
yearlings, $12.00313.60; common to fair
yearlings, $6.601100; prime heavy grass
beeves, $11.25013.00; good to choice grass
beeves, $1 0.00 11.25; fair to good grass
beeves, $S.7510.00; common to fair grass
beeves, $6.608.60; good to choice heifers,
$8.00010.60; good to choice cows, $8.00 (gi
9.60; fair to good cows, $6.2507. T6( common
to fair cows, $S.2S6.26; good to choice
feeders, $9.60011.00; fair to good feeders,
$8.009.50; common to fslr feeders, $6.00(9
7.00; good to choice stockers, $8.7510.0ft;
stock heifers, $6.6008.25; stock cows, $6.00
07.25; stock ealves, $tj. 00 10.00; veal
calve. $9.00012.60; bulls, stags, etc., $6.50
Representative sales: i
No. At. Pr. , No. A. Pr.
2 630 i7 23 29 793 $7 70
20 1317 12 60
Hogs There was a moderate. Monday's
run of hog today, and trade on the early
session was active. Both packers and ship
pers were buying their-hog at fully 10c
better prices than the general Saturday's
market, while In Some cases sales looked
16c higher. Toward the close, however, the
trade weakened and part of the advsnce
wa lost. The best price paid was $17.40,
Oregon Lands.
Gst on the ground floor with 80 acre
Irrigated land in. connection with open
rangv.. Ton can gtow stock successfully
and cheaply. Excursion Dec. IS. Send for
940 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha.
SEE us for Texas land. W furnish cattle.
Yon pay from profit. Thomas Olson. 407
Karbach Bldg.
GOOD corn land. East Texas, $26 an acre
. Get my free book.
W 8. FRANK. 201 Nevtll Block. Omaha
Wyoming Lands.
WHEATLAND Wyoming farm. $60 per a.,
including paid-up water right. Henry
T,vl ft C M Rylsnder. 364 Omsha Nst'l
Don't list your farm with na If yon want
to ke it.
431 8. ,15th. Daugls 1371.
Hore Live Stock Vehicle
THREE heavy draft horse for sale at Wil
low Spring Dist i'to and Flerc. noug
hts 1336.
Grown up folk know why he come
or stays away. If you have a little
money he i mors likely to com.
Are you going to run the risk of him
missing you? Take no chance and get
the money today. Let us give Santa
Claua your number. 1
For 26 year we have been doing this.
Easy payment.' Utmost privacy.
340 Paxton Bloek. Tel. Doug. 1298.
Organised by the Business Men of Omsha.
FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security
$40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60.
$40, ( mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $3.60
Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rat,
433 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam, Ty. (66.
W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1893.
Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry
MolMhnrk. 1614 rod(f. P. 6619 Est 1891.
Jacob G. Bennett and wife to Charles
A. Anderson and . wife, Fortieth
street 204 feet north of Ames ave
nue, west side, 100x127.. ........ ..$2,600
Carl A. Carlson and wife to the Byron
Reed company, Caetelar street. 118
-feet west of Twenty-third street,
south side, 40x103(8.., ' 1
Cora A. Totman to Fred Lsmm. et f .
- Clinton avenue, 150 feet north ' of
Allison, east side, 60x128. 1,700
Richard R. Evans and wife to Leon
, J.- Millard, lfty-thlrd street, 80 feet
south of Dodge street, west (Ida,
60.8x135 ..- 1,690
Rosy Cohn and husband to Anny Fore
man, southeast corner Twenty-seventh
and Blnney. 48.25x125 and 85x
'48.25 2,000
Oeorge W. Utendorfer to Loui Hill,
Twenty-fifth street. 72.64 feet north
of Blondo. west sids, 40.36x129 2,(00
Wilson T. Graham and wife to Hastings
ft Heyden. Ellison avenue, .229.4 feet
eaat of Thirty-ninth street, 122x142;
Jaynes street 244 feet west of Thirty-sixth
street, 122x146.3 ' 2
Fred D. Wead and wife to Jeannett
Foley, Corby street, 60 feet west of
Eighteenth street, south side, 30x
86S 700
Notice I hereby given that the Annual
Meeting of the Stockholder of The Banker
Reierve Life company of Omaha, Nebras
ka, will be held at its Home Office In the
City National bank building In said city
at 4 o'clock p. tn. en Wednexday, January 16,
1918, for the election of Director and the
transaction of such other business a may
properly come before it '
R. C. WAGNER, Secretary.
Omaha, Nebraska, December 7, 1917. v
Early sales of grain on the Omaha
Grain exchange were light during the
morning. Bidders for corn were offer
ing prices 3 to 10 cents lower than
those of Saturday. Sales were made at
around $1.371.40 a bushel. Receipts
were 62 carloads.
Oats were unchanged to one-half
cent up, celling at 7l?l4 cents a
bushel. The receipts were 49 carloads.
Wheat receipts were 21 carloads, all
going to the food administration.
or 6e higher than the top Saturday, while
the bulk of the hogs moved at $17.209
17.35. There were Mil! several late loads
reported back. Receipts of stock pigs were
rather light and there was nothing doing
tn that division. -
Representative sale:
No.Av. Sh. Pr. . No. Av. Sh. Pr.
68. .183 ... $17 30 41. .272 70 $17 26
77. .225 ... 17 30 78. .211 80 17 35
67. .280 ... 17 40 - ,
Sheep A very small run of sheep and
lambs was on th early market this morn
ing, with prospects for a fairly moderate
supply before the close. Little wa don on
the first rounds, both packer and feeder
buyers holding off for further arrival of
stock. Fnt lambs were rather scarce and
not very desirable. A few. odds and ends
changed hands at about steady prices. There
was a liberal supply of fat wethers, with a
firm undertone to the market generally.
They were not old by 10:30 o'clock. Feed
ers were kw, with apparently little de
mand at the outset. They were nominally
steady. Fat ewes looked steady with Fri
day's close.
Quotation on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
fair to cbofce, $14.50016.60; lambs, feed
ers, $15.60016.75: lambs, shorn, 11.60
13.60: lambs, culls $10.00615.00; yearlings,
fair to choice, $11.50913.25; yearlings, feed,
ers, 12.00CjM4.25; wethers, fair to choice,
$11.00012.50; ewes, fair to choice, $9,760
11.26; ewes, breeders, all agca, $10.5KU(.60;
ewes, feeders. $7.6010.60; ewes, cull and
csnnars, $6.007.25.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
304 fed lambs.... 76 It 40
8t. Louis l ive Stock Market.
St. Louis. Mo:, Dec. 10. Cattle Receipts,'
5,800 head; market higher; native beef
steers, $8.00015.00; yearling steers and heif
ers, $7.0014.60; rows. J5.00HJ U.Ot); stock
ers and feeders, $6,60411.00; Texas quar
antine steers, $tU6y 10.60; fair to prime
southern beef steers, 39.0013.76; Heef cows
and heifers, $6.00 10.00; prim yearling
steers and heifers, $7.5010.O0; native
calves, $5.7614.75.
Hogs Receipts, 6,90ft head; market high
er: lights, $17. 35017. 60; pigs. $14.6014.76:
nlxed and but. l.ers, $17.50$ 17.06; good
heavy, $17. 65 17.75 ; bulk, $17.35 4717.65.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.000 head;
market steady; Iambi, $13. 006 18. S5; ewes,
tl0.00i911.6Q; wethers, $11.00(g12.60; can
ners, $6.009.00.
Kama City Live Stock Market,
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 10. Cattle Re
ceipts, 18,000 head!' market steady; prima
fed steers, $14.00015.50; dressed beef steers,
$11.0013.5O; western steers, $9.00(913.00;
cows, $ii.0010.60; helttrs, $7.004j12.50;
stockers and feeders, $7.00tJ 11.00; bullb,
$6.0008.25; calves, $7.00013.00.
Hogs Receipts, 6,500 head; market high
er; bulk, $17.2519)17.60; .heavy, $17.364117.66;
packers and butchers, $17.80($17.50; light,
$17.10017.46; pigs, $15.00(8 18.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 bend:
lambs, $16.6016-16.60: yearlings, In.SOfri
13.75;, $11.60912.76; swes, $10.00tj
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Dec. 10. Cattle Receipts,
28,000 hettd; market, firm; nstlve steers,
$7.3615.60; western steers, $6.30013.70;
stocker and feeders, $6.1011.00; cows and
heifers, $5.0011.40; calves. $8.Ov15.00.
Hogs Receipts, $7,000 head; market,
strong; bulk, 1 17. 20 17.60 ; light, $16.76(9
17.66; mixed, $17.00 17.65; heavy, $16.9049
17.65; rough, $16.90917.15; pigs, $12,760
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 20,000 head;
market, firm; wethers, $8.80012.90; ewe,
$7.7511.60; lambs, $12.26016.85.
Sioux City Live Stock.
Sioux City, la,, Dec. 10. Cattle Receipts,
5,000 head; market steady to 16o lower;
beef steers, $8.00016.00; fat cows and heif
ers, $7.009.60; caners. $,5.6006.60; stock
ers and feeders, $7.00011.00; calves, $7,600
11.50 bulls, stags, etc.. $6.5000,00; feeding
cows and heifers, $6.0009.00. .
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market 60
to 10c higher; lights, $16.90017.16; mixed,
17.1517.25; heavy, $17.20017.25; pigs,
$16.00017.00; bulk, $17.16017.30.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head;
market steady.
" 11 1
St. Joseph Uv Stoek.
St, Joseph, Mo,, Deo. 10. Cattle Receipts,
6,000 bead; market steady; steers, $8,000
15.00; oows and heifer, $6.25013.00; calves,
Hogs Receipts, 3,500 head; market high
er; top, 117.45; bulk of sales, $17.2O17.40.
Sheep and LambB Receipts, 1.000 head;
market steady; lambs, $12.0018.50; ewes,
Coffee Market. ,
New York. Deo, 10. The coffee market
showed a steadier tone today. The llqulda.
tion which had developed toward the close
of last week appeared to have been pretty
well completed and utter opening six to
eight points higher late month Improved
another point or two on covering and cmt-
tered trade buying. July sold up to 7.MC
and September to 7.83o with the, market
closing at a net advance of six to 11. points.
December. 7.06a: January. 7.15c; March,
7.34c; May, 7.50c; July, 7.60c; September,
Spot coffee steady; Rio vs. c; Santos
4s, c.
Owing to the holiday there were no offi
cial Quotations from Braxll and very few.
offers were reported In the cost and freight
market, which was practically unchanged.
Cables reported clearances of 136,000 bags
from Santo for Europe during tn last
Evaporated Applesand Dried Fruit.
New York. Deo. 10. lEvaporated apples.
quiet; California, 16H017o; prim slate,
Prune Large else, scarce; Cahu, 84 0
13ttc; Oregona, 12fe014o.
Apricots Flrn; choice, 14H17c; fancy,
Peaches 8teady; standard, 10e; choice,
UUOHttc; fancy, 12Vi13o.
Raisins Firm: loose muscatel, !U)lc:
choice to fancy aeeded, lOViOHo; seedless,
910c; London layer, three crown $1.80.
' New York Sugar.
New York. Dec. 10. Sugar Raw, steady;
centrifugal, 6.70c; melauses, 1.82c. Refined,
steady and unchanged to 20 points lower;
cut loaf, 9.66cO 86c; crushed, 9.40c9.0c;
mould A, 8.66c08.86c; cubes, 8.90cO9.10c;
XXXX powdered, 8. 3 5c 8. 6 6c; powdered,
8.30cO$60c; fin granulated. I.16c08.35c:
riamond A, 8.15c8.36c; confectioners' A,
8.06cO3.36c; No. 1, $.00cO3.20c.
Omaha, Hay.
Hay Prairie: Chotee upland, $24; No. 1.
$22.09023.00; No. 3. $18.0001 60; No. 3.
$15.00016.00; No. .1 midland, $22,00023.00;
No. 2 midland, $18.0019.60; No. 1 lowland,
$17.00018. 0C; No. 2 lowland, $14.00016.00;
No. 8 lowland, $12.60013.50. ,
Alfalfa Choice, $31.00: No. I, $28.0
80.00; standard, $26.00028.00; No. 2, $34.00
025.00; No. 3, $21.00:j.OO.
Straw Oat, $8.60; wheat, $9.00.
New York Metal.
New York, Dee. 10. Metal exchange
quotes tin nominal, $86.00: lead, quiet; spot,
$6.2506.60; spelter, spot, East St. Louts de
livery, $7.60 07-76.
At London Spot copper, 110; futures,
110; electrolytic, il 25; spot tin, 296; fu
tures, 1283 10s; lead, spot, 30 10s; futures,
29 10s; spelter, spot, 64; futures, 50.
Cotton Market. '
New York, Dec. 10. Cotton Putures
opened steady; January, 28.60c; March,
28.2!c; May. 23.18c; July,- 17. 88c.
Cotton futurea closed steady; December,
29.61c; January, 28.89c; March, 28.64o;
May, 28.40c; July, IS. 11c; spot, quiet; mid
dling, 30.35c. '
Kansa City Produce.
Kansas City, Doc. 10. Butter Creamery,
42c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 28c; packing, 32c.
Eggs Firsts. 45c: seconds. Jiff 34c.
Poultry Hens, 19c; roosters, 15c; broil
ers, 24 25c.
Liverpool Cotton.
Liverpool. Dec. 10. Cotton Spot quiet;
prices easier; good middling, 22.62(1; mid
dling, 22.00d; low middling, 21.47d; good
ordinary,' 20.48d; ordinary, 19 5d; sale.
$.000 bale.
Dulnth Unseed.
Duluth, Minn., Dec. 10. Linseed On
track, $3.24 W 03.1414 : arrive, $3.27A; De
cember. $3.24V bid; May, $3.21 'j bid; July,
$3.1ft nominal.
New Terk Cotton Market.
New York. Dec. 10. The cotton market
today closed firm at a net advance of 11
to 42 points.
Arrivals Light; Cash Corn
Breaks and Trade is Slow;
Rye Firm; Barley Off
2 Cents.
Omaha. December 10, 1917.
Arrivals of grain over Sunday were com
paratively light with only 136 cars. Receipts
of wheat were 31 cars; oorn. 63 car; oats.
49 cars, and thes vt rye and barley 3 cars
Caalt corn wa considerably lower. Sale
were extremely slow In being made, but
several late transaction showed this cereal
to be generally 60 to lOo lower. Buyers
and seller were slow In determining th
worth of this article and as a result no
trading was done during the morning ses
sion. No. 4 mixed sold today at $1.31 and
$1.40, and No. 6 yellow at $13$ and $1.35.
and No. 6 mixed at $1.27 and $l.33H.
Oats were strong and held up well in th
face of the decline in corn. Spot quotations
were unchanged to a half cent higher, the
bulk of this cereal bringing the half cent
advance. Receipt were light and the de
mand alow, while export bid were practical
ly absent. Standard grade oats sold at
71 o and 72o and No. 4 while at Tin
and 720.
Rye held firm, while barley sold Up 2 to
lo. The demand for either arttole wa more
than aufflcient to take eare of the light
offerings, only two car of each arriving.
No, I rye sold at $1.74 M and the only sales
of barley Were of th sample grade and sold
at $1.35 and $1.29.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to eji.uou ou.; oat. 337.000 bu.
Primary wheat receipts were $89,000 bu.
and shipments 364.000 bu'., against receipts
of 1,013,000 bu. and shipment of 363.000 bu.
last year.
Primary corn receipt were 743,600 bu.
and shipments 349,000 bu., against receipts
of 1,474,000 bu. and shipments of 963.000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were 854,000 bu.
and shipments 1.063,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 1,299,000 bu. and shipments of
i.stts.oov ou. last year.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 11 no 131
Minneapolis 290 .. ,.
Duluth 83
Omaha ................ 11 : 4
Kansas Ctty 61 91 41
Rt. Louis 39 60 13
Winnipeg ,...428 ..
These salea were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $2.16.
No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, $3.12. No. 2 yel
low hard winter: 1 car, (2.08. No. 1 northern
spring: I cur, $2.16. No. 2 northern spring: 1
bulkhead, $2.12. No. 3 red spring; 1 car,
$2.10. No. I durum: 4 cars. $2.12.
Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.74 .
Hrlcy Sample: 1 car (wheat mixed),
$1.30; 1 car, $1.35.
Corn No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.SS. No. 5
yellow: 2 cars, $1.35; 4-5 car, $1.32; 2 cars,
$1.30. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.30; 1 car,
$1.37. No. 4 mixed: t car, $1.40; 3 cars,
$1.38; 3 cars. $1.37; 1 car, $1.35. No. 6
mixed: 6 cars, $1.33; 4 3-6 cars, $1.32; 1
car, $t.30; 1 car, $1.27. No. 6 mixed: 3
cars, $1.33H.
Oats Standard:! 1 car, 71c; 1 car, 7114c
No. 3 white! 1 cars, 72c;- 4 cars, 71fto;
1 car, 7114c; 1 car, 71c.
Omaha Cash Prices Corn : No. 4 yel
low, $1.3801.39; No. 6 yellow, $1.3001 37;
No. 6 yellow, $1.2701. 80: No. 4 mixed, $1.35
01.40; No. 6 mixed, $1.371. 33H. Oats:
Standard, 71 4 072c; No. 3 white. 71 0720.
Barley: No. 8, $1.88. Rye: No. 2, $1.7414;
No, 3, $1.7SH 01.74. '
Chicago 18:30 prices, furnished The Be
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker.
816 South Sixteenth (tract. Omaha;
Art, I Open. I High. Low. Close. IBst'y.
Jan. 1 10 t 30 1194 1 20 UO'4
Dec, 12414 1 2414 123 1 24 12414
May 1 18 1 19 111 1 19 116U
Dec. T9H US T014 1i 7114
May 69 7014 6914 7014 6914
Jan. 46 $0 4T SO 46 10 47 10 4$ 10
Jan. 24 40 24 OS 24 40 14 66 24 26
May It 67 24 17 24 62 24 65 24 32
Jan. 14 87 35 10 21 10 26 66 24 71
May II 06 II 17 25 02 26 25 24 96
Severe Cold Handicapping Transportation
Tends to Make Corn Average Higher.
Chicago, Deo, 10. Severe cold that ham
pered teaming from farm and also handi
capped the railways tended today to ma'.:e
the corn market average higher. Prices
closod unsettled, January Jl.204 te $1.30
and May $1.19, with the range a a whole
varying from 14 0 off to T4o advance, com
pared with Saturday' finish, Oata gained
114a to 114c and provision 30a to 6O0,
Corn trader gave first attetntlon to the
outlook that continued low temperatures
meant considerable Slowing up of the crop
movement, and furthermore implltd an In
crease of f jdlng d unand. On the resulting
bulge In prices, however, buying vas not of
an aggressive character and It wt 1 pointed
out that the prevailing oold weather was
fine for th I conditioning of corn. Some
thing of a setback followed owln- In part
to prospects that the embargo on shipments
to the east would lead in the near future
to a rapid action of stocks here. The fact,
though, that offerings were readily ab
sorbed In the late dealings evoked a fresh
rally a th session cam to an end
Oat paralleled the action of corn. Th
visible s-pply total showed a decld.d falling
off en account of large reduction at on
board points.
Scantiness In hog arrival gave strength
to provisions. Commission house purchased
to a moderate extent.
Chicago, Deo. 10. Butter Market high
er; creamery, 38 47140.
Eggs Market higher; reeelp'ls, 1,719
esses; firsts, 47 0 60c; ordinary firsts, 4SO
4614c; at mark, cases Included, 43049.
Potatoes Market higher; receipts, II
cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota,
bulk, I1.80OL80; Wisconsin, Michigan and
Minnesota, sacks, $1.8602.00.
Poultry Alive Market steady; fowls, 16
031c; springs, He.
New York General Market.
New York, Dec, 1 0. Flour Market
steady; spring patents, $10.66010.86; winter
patents, $10.60010.75; winter straights,
tl0.20O10.6Q; Kansas straights, $11,000
Corn meal Market ateady. fine white and
yellow, $4.6604.10; ooane, $4.7604.85; kiln
dried, $9.76.
Rye Market steady; Ne. 1 western, 11.10,
cost and freight New York.
Barley Market steady; feeding, I1.05O
1.16; malting, $1.1001 46; California, $1.46
01.60, c. 1. f.. New York.
Corn Spot, Irregular; kiln dried. No. 1
yellow, 11.6114, c 1. I, New York, 11-day
shipment; Argentina, 11.25 nominal, f. 0. b.
car. New York to arrive.
Oats Spot, strong: standard, !7G87V4fl.
Hay Market ateady; No. 1, $1. 4001.60;
No. 2, 11.30O1. 89; No. 1, ft.160t.35; ship
ping 10cO$1.00.
Hops Market quiet; stats medium te
choice, 1117, 60O6$c; 1911, nominal; Pacific
coast, 1917. I4 0 28e; 1918, 15018c.
Hides Market steady; Bogota, 41c; Cen
tral America, 40e.
Leather Market firm; hemlock sole over
weight, No. 1. 61c; No. 1. 49c.
Pork Market strong; mess, $52.60011.00;
family, $64.00T66.00; short clear, $84,000
Lard Market strong; middle west, 126.10
Tallow Market dull; city special, loose,
18c. ' " ' '
Wool Market firm; domestic fleece, Ohio
and Pennsylvania, 70c.
Rice Market firm; fancy head, 8 6 9c;
blue rose, 814 0814c.
Butter Market firm; receipts, 6,080 tubs;
creamery higher than extras. 4114O60r;
creamery extras (92 score), 4814 049c; firsts,
4314 0 48c; seconds, 40043c.
Eggs Market firm; reoelpts, 1,476 cases;
frcBh gathered extras, 68 059c; extra firsts,
66i 67c; firsts, 64055c; seconds, 50063c;
refrigerator special marks, 36017c; rofrlg
erator firsts. 3414046140. .
Cheese Market steady; receipts, 2,011
boxes; state fresh specials, 2803314c; state
average run, 2214023a.
Poultry Live Market unsettled; no
prices quoted; dressed, market steady;
chickens, 32036o; fowls, 1814028c; turkeys,
Minneapolis Gr)o.
Mlnneapoll. Minn., Dec. 10. lrfour Mar
ket unchanged; In carload lots, fancy pat
ents, $9.90 wood; first clears, $9.90 jute;
second clears, $6.00 Jute.
Barley $1.1601.4$.
Rye $1.8101.83.
Bran 339.60940.00.
Corn No. I yellow, $1.7501.30.
Oats No. 1 white, 7114 072140.
flax $3.14 14 03.16 14.
Kansa City Grain,
Kanss City, Dee. 10. Corn No. 3 mixed,
$1.6001.63; No. I white, II. 7001.78; No. 2
yellow, $1.75!. 80; December, 11.17; Jan
uary, 11.22.
Oats No. 1 whit, 7414c; No. I mixed,
St. Louis Grain.
St. Louis, Mo., Deo. 10. Com No. 2,
track, 11.1691.57; No. 1 white, $1.67; De
cember, 11.27; May, I1.19T4.
Osts No. 1 track, 7272o; No. 1 white.
Hesitancy and Irregularity
Dominate Market; Important
Shares Fluctuate Within
Two-Point Radius.
New York, Dec. 10. Stocks moved tn a
hesitant and Irregular manner today, to the
accompaniment of an Insignificant turnover.
Important shares fluctuated within a 2-polnt
radius, but a number of spoclaltlea fell
Amcrlcnn Tobncco mad an extreme de
cline of 21 points to 140 In connection
with the proposed Istue of an additional
$60,000,000 of treasury shares and some of
that company's former subaldlarlea broke
16 to 17 nolnts. '
Uncertainty marked the course of rails,
Pacifies and a few coaler registering gross
gains of 1 to 2 points, while St. raul pre
ferred and Atchison preferred touched new
mlnlmums and Atlantlo Coast line waa in
cluded among other Issue to repeat their
lowest quotations of recent year.
Steel were the sturdiest feature of th
Industrial nd equipment grout with mod
erate strength In coppers and shipping, but
profit tsklng effaced a lsrgs part of this
advantage at the cloae. Sale amounted to
Call money'a rls to 6 per rent and tem
porary withdrawal of time fund served as
an additional deterrent to speculative oper
ations. Weakness of French issues, virtually all
making lowest records since their flotation
In thla market, was the overahaduwlng fea
ture of the Bond markot. Liberty 4a at
97.1IO97.60 and the ma at 98.464798 90.
Total sales, par value, aggregated $4,166,000.
On call, old United States 4a lost 14 of X
per cent and the Panama 3a 3 per cent
Number of sales and quotations on lead
ing stocks; Sales. High. Low. Close,
Am. Beet Sugar 73
American Can 1.700 24H 34 M
Am. Car A K'mlry 1,600 6514 '44 6444
Am. Locomotive .. 600 51 '4 51 6014
Am. Smelt A Ref. . 500 7814 73 H 72'4
Am. Sugar Ref.... 400 96 954 96
Am. T. A T 3.700 10414 103 H 10314
Am. Z.. L. and 8.. 300 1!4 1314 1314
Anaconda Copper ,. 3,900 a 664 r.
Atchison 300 1314 83 81 4
AOAWI8SL.. 300 9614 93 94
Bait A Ohio 800 48 4714 47
B. and S. Copper.. 300 16 H 14 I6I4
Ca1. Petroleum .... 200 1114 1114 11
Canadian Pacific .. 2,600 1381 13114 Vi2
Ten. Leather 1,000 S 61 68
Chcs. Ohio 1,900 4l 4C'i 45;
C, M. A S. P 2.100 33 .1314 38
C. A N. W: 90
C R. I. P. ctfs 1814
Chlno Copper .... 800. 42 43 42
Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 800 42 41 43
Corn Products Ref. 5.900 29 58 28
Crucible Steel 2.00 62 53 63 H
Cuba. Cane Sugar.. 1.300 38 3714 27
Mstillcr's Sec 900 3844 3a i 33
Erie 2,100 Hk 16 14
Ciencral Klec 1,500 134 123 )83
(leneral Motors 1,400 87 85 86
(it. Northern ptd.. 200 84 89 89
nt. N. Ore ctfs.... 200 25 26 26
Illinois Central 93
Inspiration Cap.... 400 41 41 41
Int. M. M. pfd 20.100 93 91 91
Int. Nickel 600 26 26 26
Int. Paper ........ 1,400 24 24 23
K. C. Southern 17
Kennecott Copper 1,600 $1 11 11
Louisville A Nash 113
Maxwell Motor , 24
Mx. Petroleum.,.. 2,800 V' 74 74
Miami Copper .... 200 27 27 27
Missouri Paclfio .. 1,700 13 23 11
Montana' Power 61
Nevada Copper .... 400 11 17 17
N. Y. Central 1,800 68 17 67
Norfolk A West..., 300 84 84 84
Northern Pacific .. 200 84 84 84
Pacific Mall 800 26 24 26
Pennsylvania 7,100 41 44 44
Pittsburgh Coal 49
Ray Con. Copper.. 700 12 22 22
Reading 7,300 61 68 69
Rep. Iron A Steel.. 400 7614 74 74
Shattuck Arts. Cop 17
Southern Pacific... 80il 81 11 11
Southern Ry 1,500 24 14 24
Studebaker Corp... J, 100 42 42 42
Texas Co 1,700 131 131 134
Union Pacific 1,800 111 110 110
ir. 8. Ind. Alcohol., 1,100 110 J09 109
IT. 8. Steel 16,100 88 87 87
V. S. Steel pfd..., 1,600 107 106 106
Utah, Copper 3,300 78 77 77
Wabash pfd "B" 11
Western Union .... 100 78 78 77
Westlnghouse Elea 1,900 37 87 17
Total saleg for the day 180,000 share.
New York Money.
New Yirk, Deo. 10. Mercantile Paper
t06 per cent.
Sterling Exchange bills,
14.71: commercial sixty-day hills on banks,
$4.71 commercial sixty. day bills, 14.07)
demand, $4.761ii cables, $4,76 7-16.
Silver Bar, 86o; Mexican dollars, lie. 1
Bonds Government, Irregular: railroad,
Tim Loans Market strong; sixty day,
ninety day and six month. 1 per cent
Call Money Market strong; high, 8 per
csnt; low, 6 per cent; ruling rata, 6 per
rent! closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at
5 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent,
U. S. 2s, reg... 9614 at. No. 1st 4 16
do coupon ...flavin. Cen. r. 4 79
IT. 8. is, reg., 99 Int. M. it. 6s.. 91
do coupon .. 99 K. C. S. r. 6s 75
V. 8. Lib. 3s. 98.48L. A N. un. 4s.. 15
u. a. 48. reg..j(HHM K A T 1st 4 17
do coupon ..104H Mo. Pftc. g. 4., 64
Am. F. S. 6 .. 98 14 Mont. Power 688
A. T. A T. c. 6s 13 N. Y. C. d. 6s II U
Anglo-French 6s 88 No. Paclfla d. Is 13
Arm. A Co. 4 83 d 3s ...... 18
Atchison gen. 4 11 Or. S. L. r. 4 88
n. u. c to rac. t. a t, 6 11
Bath. Steel r. 6s 89Penn. con. 4s 98
Cen. Leath. Is., 94 do gen. 4.. 90
Can. Pao. 1st.. 7914 Reading fen. 4 13
C. A O. ov. Is.. 75M L A 8 F r Is 18
C B A Q j 4s 93 14 Ho. Pao. ev. 5a.. 89
CMtSPc 4s 7 014 So. Ry. 5 91
O R I A p r 4s 61 Tex A Pan. 1st 10
a A S. r. 4s 71 'Union Pacific 4 18
D. A R. O. r. 6s 64U. ft. Rubber 6 75
Dom. of Can 6sl4U. 8. Steel 1.. 17
i',rio gen. 4s..., iwaoasn 1st .... 95
den. Elec. 6 .,16 Bld.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah, Ga., Deo. 10. Turpentine Dull,
44 barrels; sales, none; receipt, III; ship
ments. Ill; stock, 14,909.
Rosin Firm; sales, 191 barrels! receipt.
1,179; shipments, 967) stock, 76,071.
Quote B, D, E. F, O. 11, I6.10OI.1I; 1,
16.16; K, $6.65; M. $7.00; N, $7.36; WO,
$7.60; WW, $7.60.
New York Dry Good Market.
New York, Deo. 10. Cotton good here
today were generally firm, but there were
soft, spots In staple wide print cloth.
Yarn were Heady and In fair demand,
Staple dress goods on cotton warps were in
better demand. Raw silk unchanged.
Stole to Get Funds to Trail
Con Men Who Bilked Him
St. Louis, Dec. 10. (Special Tete
gram.) John Hoffmann, a butcher on
Fairmont avenue, is held as an aliened
hotel thief. He confessed robberies
amounting to several thousand dol
lars, according to St. Louis police. He
pawned the loot for less than $100 and
used it" in trailing a gang that the
police say swindled him out of his
savings of $364.
He said a man in Omaha gave him
$6,000 to invest on a horse race. He
placed it with his own savings and
won $45,000, which was handed to
him, but taken away when he was un
able to cash a check for $6,000.
He returned later with cash, but the
men were gone. He stole property in
an Omaha hotel, trailed the men to
Kansas City, robbing hotels there, and
last week came to St. Louis, accord
ing to the police.
Government Operation of
Railroads Gains in Favor
Washington, Dec. 10. The idea
of government operation of the rail
roads as the way out of the present
transportation difficulties seemed to
be gaining favor today among most
of the officials upon whom President
Witson is depending for advice on the
subject. Those in touch with the situ
ation said they expected to see the
question decided this week.
There wa'a series of conferences
today among the railroad heads, who
want to try government fid before
government operation is resorted to.
The railroad men also conferred with
Senator Newlands, chairman of the
joint congressional committee, work
ing on the transportation problems.
Later Senator Newlands had an en
gagement with the president at the
White House.
Decides Certain Unions Not Le
gal Organizations and Ap
proves Injunction to Re
strain Picketing
Washington, Dec. 10. Right of em
ployers to prevent labor unions from
soliciting nonunion employes to join
the labor organizations was upheld to
day by the supreme court by a divided
vote of 6 to 3 in test cases against
the United Mine Workers of America
and the American Flint Class Work
ers' union.
Methods of the tabor organization
in attempting to unionize the "open
shop", workmen and bring about
strikes Were declared "unlawful" and
"malicious." Injunctions previously
given by Federal Judge Dayton in
West Virginia to prevent the union
activities were sustained.
The court admitted the right of
workmen to organize into unions for
lawful methods, but held that the em
ployersthe Hitchman Coal and Coke
company, and the Eagle Glass Manu
facturing company of West Virginia
were entitled to operate their plants
"open shop" and to protection and an
injunction against the labor unions
was ordered for that purpose.
, Injunctions were .approved, how
ever, by the supreme court to the
Hitchman Coal and Coke company
of West Virginia to restrain union
solicitation of their nonunion em
ployes who are under contract not to
join unions. Federal Judge Dayton
of West Virginia has granted such
The court, through Justice Pitney,
rejected union contentions that peace
able solicitation or "picketing" of em
ploVes having contracts not to join
unions does not violate constitutional
freedom of contract.
The supreme court, by its decision,
does not decide that the organizations
are illegal, but stamps certain prac
tices as illegal. The decision says the
court recognizes the right of the
miners to organize.
Tariff Commission Will ' ,
Make Special Report
, Washington, D. C Dec. 10. A spe
cial report on bargaining tariffs, com
mercial treaties and economic alli
ances to be used in framing America's
commercial policy to meet after-the-war
conditions is promised by the
tariff commission in its tint annual
report to congress, made public Sat
urday. The rnmmicBtrin ...I,;-!. A
gtn : i work last APri, announces
'"'" worKing on a revision and
codification of tariff laws, on a cata
logue of tariff information and on a
special survey of the chemical in
dustry to th, e task of preparing for the
readjustment after the war.
Bee Want-Ad. columns are the best
business producers you can use.
Skates and Sleds
For Live Boys
BOYS: , Here's a
chance for you to get
a sled or a pair of
skates,, by doing
a little work for
us after school.
Call at The Bee
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nearest you and
we will tell you
all about it.
Ten more little eirls
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I wonder will one of these little girls be you?
( f A
I Is r
I '"4 ' -r
I T r
m lV.JaMtliTftialllllLlll lyMIIJIIII. MM HUll I
Halifax. N. S.. Dec. lO.-Wholc-sale
arrests of German residents of
Halifax was begun by the police to
day. This action was taken under In
structions from the military authori
ties. Sixteen Germans were taken in cus
tody within a short time. Military
officers, after an inquiry, released a
few of them. The others are in the
county jail.
The authorities refused to disclose
whether they had obtained evidence
associating Germans with the ex
plosion. A number of citizens of
German birth heretofore have been
allowed full liberty with the excep
tion that they were required to re
port once a month.
Federal Protection of
Mothsrhood is Urged
Washington, Dec. 10. Federal pro
tection of motherhood through federal
grants similar to those made for agri
cultural extension is proposed in the
annuah report of the children's bureau
of the Department of Labor, made
public today.
The plan, which is the outgrowth of
five years' study of maternal mortality
showing that at least 15,000 women
die each year from causes connected
with child bearing, suggests that state
and federal authorities Combine to
make accessible for every mother the
care she needs for herself and her
The report shows a great lack of
facilities for caring for mothers in the
United States, particularly in the rural
sections. Here, the statements says,
women between the ages of 20 and 45
died at a rate nearly equal to men, al
though the male death rate is greater
than the female throughout life.
BernstorffVSon Married
to New Jersey Widow
Berlin, Saturday, pec. 8. (Via
London, Dec. 10.)--The marriage
here today of Count Christian Gun
thcr von Bernstorff, son of the for
mer ambassador to the United States,
and Mrs. Marguerite Vivian Burton
Thomason of Burlington, N. J., is re
ported by the Berlin newspapers.
Count Christian Gunther von Bern
storff is 26 years old. He visited the
United States with his father in 1911
and in June, 1913, he entered the of
fices of Speyer & Co., New York
bankers, as a junior clerk. He spent
about a year in' the banking house,
before entering the German diplo
matic service.
In February, 1915, the iron, cross
was conferred upon him and at Christ
mas time that year Count Christian
was reported ill in Berlin. ,
American Casualties. ' :
With Canadian Troops
Ottawa, Ontario, Dec. 10. Yester
day's casualty list includes the name
of E. J. Cunningham, Melbourne,
Wash., wounded.
i- 3
' . J
will be made h&nnv tUa waat
TEN DOLLS will be given free to
the ten ( little girls under 12
years of age that bring or mail us
the largest number of doll cou
pons cut out of The Bee, before 4
K M. Saturday, Dec. 15. This
coupon will be printed in every
edition of The Bee until then. Ask
everybody you know to save doll
coupons for you. You can win one
of these dollies if you really want
Jo. Will you try? We want every
little girl in Omaha and vicinity to
have one of these beautiful dolls.
t You can leave the coupons and
get your dolly at The Bee branch
office nearest you. ;
Ames Office, 4110 N. 24th St
Lake Office, 2516 N. 24th St"
Walnut Office, 819 N. 40th St
Park Office, 2615 Leavenworth
Vinton Office, 1715 Vinton St
South Side Office, 2318 N St
Council Bluffs Office, 14 N.'
Main St
Benson Office, Military At.
and Main Sr.