Omaha Daily THE WEATHER Snow; Colder VOL. XLVII. NO. 150. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1917. . Ti.L .) nml otk'-t f TriDV Turn ruvTS COMMANDER RESCUED FROM LOST U. S. DESTROYER; " ITALIANS CHECK GERMANS IN MOUNTAIN PASSES; BRITISH ARREST HALIFAX DEATH SHIP SUR VIVORS Bee 7. 4 1 U-BOAT THAT SUNK DESTROYER SEEN; TAKES Only Forty-Four ofN110 or More Officers and Men Aboard Jacob Jones Known to Have Survived; German Diver Picks Up One Man and Carries Him Away ' . v BULLETIN. Washington Further reports from Vice Admrial Sims today began to unfold the story of the torpedoing of the de stroyer Jacob Jones, but did not lessen the toll of lives lost with the ship. Only 44 of J 01 or more officers and men are known to have survived, including one unidentified man picked up and carried off by the submarine that struck the blow. Today's re ports added to the list of dead Ensign Staunton F. Falk, of 4'inaha, Neb., a young officer, who died of exposure. Washington, Dec. 9. Lieutenant Commander David -Worth Bagley and Lieutenant Norman Scott were among the survivors rescued after the sinking of the American destroyer Jacob Jones, by a German submarine in the war zone Thursday night. The Navy department was so advised late tonight by4 Vice Admiral Sims. Admiral Sims' reports said that Commander Bagley and the five men saved with him got away in a motor boat and were picked up and landed uninjured at the Scilly islands. CIVTV.PTftHT MP.N MTSSTNO 0 These two officers, two warrant of ficers and two enlisted men were named in the admiral's dispatch as survivors in addition to the 37 previ ously reported saved. Wit is now established that the other four survivors reported, be sides Commander Bagley and Lieu tenant Scott were: Chief Boatswains Mate Clarence McBride, Syracuse, N. Y. Coxswain Ben Nunnery, Edgmoor, s. c. '.. , Chief .Electrician Lawrence G.J Kel- ley, address not given. U Supplied With Rafts. ' Th4 survivors of the Jones un-.., doubtedly owe their lives to the iott thought -of the Navy department mii having provided every destroyer sent abroad with a complement of life rafts sufficient for the entire crew. They are lashed on deck in such fash ion that they release themselves and cotne to the surface if the ship sinks. Destroyers cannot carry enough life boats for their complement without a'tlirsking the lire of their guns and tor- ff jbdo tubes. ' Apparently the Jones went down almost at once. . This was taken to mean that the torpedo had scored a fair hit amidships, possibly tearing the swift craft in two" when it exploded. If this is true there can be no ques tion that many of th.e crew died in the blast of the explosion or were car ried down with the shattered hull without a chance to escape. Officers here felt that such a fate was prefer able to hours of exposure- and final death from cold on life rafts. Navy officers and officials took pride in the fact thatj the Jacob Jones and its crew had written new honors into navy records before the vessel fell victim to an enemy torpedo. l Electrician Confesses - . He Started $200,000 Fire Chicago, Dec. 9. Federal authori ties announced last night than an electrician working in the" Jnited States general medical warehouse, which was destroyed by fire with a loss of $200,000 today, has confessed that he started the fire by 'accidental ly overturning a blow torch in a pile of shavings. Officials, who at first were inclined to believe the fire was due " to in cendiarism, said the confession elimi nated all chances of a German plot. Eleven Men Lost When - Tug Founders; Four Saved Atlanta Cky, X. J., Dec. 9. Eleven men are believed to have been lost when the tug Eugene Moran of the Moran Towing company, New York, foundered off the inlet at Atlantic w T.hy yesterday. Four men were saved . 1 1)y lifeguards. Weather Omaha Yesterday. Hour. ' Degree. Tfinperatarm at 5 a. m 5 S a. m. 6 7 a. m. 1 S a. m. ........ 2 9 a. m I 10 a. m 3 11 a. ra.. I li m. , i 1 p. m.......... 1 ! p. m 0 1 p. m 1 4 p. ra.. ........ 1 5 p. m. 2 6 p. m. . a . . . . a . 7 p., m. 3 Comparative Local lUeord X 1917 11 1115 114 Highest ynterflar Lowest today . . Mean temperatura 1 S 1 a 40 34 4 2 18 24 Precipitation 1 .00 .00 .02 Tmtwmtur and precipitation departarea , from the normal at umana ainco .-Marco isi, tnd romcared with the laat two Tears: Narmal temperature-. ............. ...30 DVicieney for the day 32 Total deficiency aince March 1, 117. ...304 Normal precipitation , 0.02 Inch v Kxcca for the day 0.1 J Inch Total rainfall aince March 1st, 21.(5 inchtsa Deficiency since March 1 .2 inchti i f Def lclency for cor. period, 1914. .12.6 lnchea A Veficiency for cor. perlofi.' 1J15.. l.Sllachei PRISONER OMAHA BOY DIES AS JACOB JONES SUM U-BOAT Ensign Stanton,-F.; Kalk, Grandson of General Stan .; . tonv fs DeadTrbm . , . v.. Exposure'. -: Secretary ;Daniels yesterday wired to Mrs. .Flora F. Kalk, who is visit ing here,' that her son. Ensiern Stan- ENSIGN STANTON KALK. ton F. Kalk,; who was well known in Omaha, had died from exposure in an open boat after the U. S. destroyer Jacob Jones had been sent to the bot tom by a submarine. The messasre read : "My heart goes out to you, in the deepest sympathy. Your brave son gave his life for his country and in your deep sorrow all the nation mourns with you." "JOSEPHUS DANIELS." The following messace was also re ceived by Mrs. Kalk from L. C. Pal mer of the naval bureau at Washing ton: -r . v - "The bureau deeply regrets to inform you that a report received states that your son, Ensign Stan ton F. Falk, died of exposure in cident to the sinking of the Jacob Jones." Ensign Kalk wa a grandson of -the l$ite General T. H. Stanton and his mother is now visiting at the home of T. F. Kennedy, 127 North Forty-sec ond street. Ensign Kalk received his appointment to Annapolis through a Nebraska congressman. This is the-first death Omaha has been called upon to mourn, from any of the many boys who have gone to the front. Sub Picks Up a Man. (By AMorlnted Preas.) Washington, Dec. 9. Vice AdmiraJ Sims cabled the Navy department to-r day 44 officers and men had been saved of the 1 '0 known to have been aboard the destroyer Jacob Jones, sunk Thursday by a German submar ine. He added to the list of deaA En sign Stanton F. Falk. who died from exposure, and to the' survivors an un identified man picked up by the sub marine after the destroyer went down. James McShane Critically 111.. The condition of James McShane, 1906 Chicago street, who has been very ill, was reported critical in the extreme last night. It was feared lie might not survive the night ill j$f 4 : I '0 r JEMpL OF . - i in i r iff uftNWAKBl KALE DIMES Russian Government in Procla mation Announces That Gen-1 eral Is in Revolt, Aided Imperialists. London, Dec. 9. A proclamation to the Russian .nation has been issued by the Russian government announc ing that "Kaledines and Korniloff, as sisted by the Imperialists and Consti tutional Democrats, have raised a re volt and declared war in the Don re gion against the people and the revo lution." The proclamation adds that "The Constitutional Democrats and Bour geoisie are supplying the revolting generals with scores of millions. Civil War Impends. General Kaledines, the Cossack leader, is at Novo.Tcherkask, where he is apparently awaiting events, ac cording to dispatches published by the Petrograd newspaper Den, says a semi-official Russian news agency dispatch from Petrograd, dated Sat urday. In all the other Don districts, according to this information, the power is in the hands of the Soldiers' and Workmen's and the Ukrainian authorities. "In the Soldiers' and Workmen's circles," continues the dispatch, "the opinion is '.eld that General Kale dines has prepared for an armed demonrtration. The government is taking the most vigorous measures to repel him." Report on Armistice. Petrograd, Saturday, Dec. 8. the Russian delegation .from the . front which took part in the armistic ne gotiations reported to the central ex cutive committee and the Soldiers' and Workmens council today. The Russians proposed, according tomembers of the delegation,..that the duration of the armistice bf &ix months, with three days' notice of the resumption of hostilities; the armi stice to embrace all fronts in all coun tries;, no troops to be transferred; Moort Sound and Moon Island to be evacuated by the Germans..' t ' German Proposals.' The Germans made the following counter proposals: The-armistice to last only 28 day. to embrace nly the Russian front; the transfer of units of less than one division to be permited; Moon Sound and islands to remain in German occupation; the Russian troops to be removed from the Mace donian and Fren'ch, fronts; Russian and Turkish troops. to evacuate Per sia. 4 ' : -The consideration of the report was postponed. ' Knights of Columbus War Camp Fund Reaches $176,1 91 Secretary W. C. Fraser of the state committee of the Knights of Colum bus camp fund has received reports in the last five days which bring the total subscriptions to the fund, in Nebraska, to $176,191.21. The total subscription in Omaha is $73,162.9n and the subsciiptions out side of 'Omaha $103,028.30. Among the subscriptions in Omaha in the last few days was one of $215.25, collected under the leade ship of Captain M. F. Dempsey, from members of the po lice. force. The campaign officially closed December 2, but outside towns have been reporting all week and a greit many remain to be-heard from. The total will undoubtedly exceed $200,000.00. The original sum to be raised was fixed at $75,000.00 and later raised to $150,000.00. ' Start Hearings to Fix Price of Print Paper Washington, Dec. 9. Hearings to assist the tederai trade commissions r ; . t . ri in nxing a just price ior news print paper will begin here January., to continue 10 days or until all inter ested persons have been heard. Motley Crowd Flees Ift Explosion Panic (By Associated Freas.) Montreal," Dec. 9. A graphic story ff the flight of surviving in habitants of Halifax after the ex plosion, is told by the Rev. George Adam, pastor of a Montreal Con gregational church, who arrived here tof'ay from Halifax. He was in a hotel there at the time of the explosion. "All that had been pictured and written of the fleeing Belgian refugees flashed across my mind as I, witnessed the stampede," he said. "The people had been warn ed by shouted instructions to pro ceed to the south of the town, as another explosion seemed immi nent. ' "Nuns, who had left the cloister ed 4uie. of their convents, old bed ridden women, carried along in sheets, half dressed mothers with babies wrapped in blankets, hurried past, blind men were being led by little boys. 1 was pathetic, too, to see the little girls clutching their cats and pet dogs, rush past, Chinamen, shaken out of their celestial calm, careened southward. Bluejackqts, firemen and sailors of all descriptions left their ships in the harbor and were making for safety. There were motors, too",' ind carts, and wagons, and per- mibulators n plenty in, this flow of frightened people." Where Italian Soldiers Stopped. Rush of Invaders EACH SU.Rt REPRtS&fT3 0 MlUft ..INOICKTM WMtNT fATTlt LINE. Having failed to pierce the. Italian line on tl.j lower Piave at ? di Piave (1), or to break through be tween Mount Grappa, (2) an4 the up per Piave; tjj? Austro-Germans started new driv' With 200,000 urtriaW troopi massejd on. the mountains, they hammered at the passes which lcattto ADMIRALTY TO COLLISION WHICH CAUSED AWFUL CANADIAN DISASTER Captain, Pilot and Crew of Norwegian Steamer Imo Held for Examination; Government Appropriates $1,000, 000 for Relief; Nonresidents and Curiosity Hunters Ordered From City. (By Aanoclatcd Preaa.) Halifax, Dec. 9. All the survivor of the Norwegian steamer Imo, which collided with the French munition ship Mont Blanc, were made prisoners by the British navel authori ties today. The Imo survivors were removed to a British cruiser and held for the admirality investigation of the collision, which begins tomorrow. The number in custody was not revealed.- Captain Lamedoc of the Mont Blac and Pilot Mackay which was bringing the vessel in when it was rammed by the Imo are to be placed under arrest, Acting Chief of Police Han rahan announced tonight Officers were sent out to get them and to hold them for the admirality hearing, Hanrahan said. CANADIAN RELIEF FUND. O Premier Robert L. Borden an nounced here tonight that a pre liminary appropriation of $1,000,000 had been made by the Canadian gov ernment for relief in Halifax. This fund will be placed at once in the hands of the citizens' finance commit tee. . All non-residents not engaged in re lief Work or here on business of ex treme emergency today were request ed by Mayor Martin to leave the city at once, because of the serious lack of accommodations and the shortage of food supplies. NON-RESIDENTS MUST LEAVE. In a second proclamation the mayor ruged persons not on relief missions to stay a.yay from Halifax for the iext two weeks. After reports from committees which are endeavoring to handle a situation almost beyond them, Mayor Martin issued this proclamation: "On account of the serious'lack of accommodations and scarcity of food supplies, all noir-residents'at present in the city not on relief work, or business of extreme Urgency, are re quested kindly to co-operate with the relief committee by leaving the city as soon as possible." The press associations also "were asked, to send out the announcement 6f the congested conditions to prevent a further inward rush of visitors. Hundreds have come here to seek missing friends and relatives and to look after the safety of those from whom no message had been received. Others were merely curiosity seek ers. '. Four thousand dead is the new esti mate of the ' superintendent of morgues. ' . Dredging parties working under the direction of naval authorities dragged ashore 200 bodies of sailors, soldiers and laborers recovered from the bot I .WMtRt TIN JkUSTRO- GERMA.N Divisions MtiMMSUi the Asiago plateau (3), the Astico val-J ley ana me oeiii commune. night announcement was made that the drive had been definitely check ed in the narrow passqg., Should the Italian line break here :'the' invaders .would nienjace Viccnxa and f tow there go straight across the" open plaint to Padua andVM?:!f13a'r,! 1 INVESTIGATE tom of the harbor. Another searching squad reported having found 40 bodies in the hulk of the Norwegian steamer Imo, which collided with the Mont Blanc. About 400 of the 1,000 bodies have been identified. ; . - PEOPLE STILL DAZED. -How this crash, not of itself ser ious, ripped open on the decks tanks of benzine that trickled down to the engine room and started a blaze that wrecked part of Halifax, never will be explained to the satisfaction of the people here, still dazed by the terror of the giant blast that came when tons of high explosive, sent a wild roar far out to sea, shook the very foundation of an area of two and one-half square miles, and stripped it bare. Some idea of the powerful havoc of the explosion was gained as the correspondent viewed scores of trees, burljr of trunk, that literally were snapped in two, 10 feet from the ground. Big brick structurer came down with smaller ones of frame, but it was in these modest dwellings that the greatest loss of life occurred. Steamer a Crumpled Mass. The steamer Mont plane; a name never to be forgotten here, lies across the stretch of water from the section it laid low, a crumpled blackened heap. Nearby, hard on the beach where it was driven by the explosion lies the crippled ' relief ship, and nearer still the Canadian cruiser Niobe stands with no apparant sign of damage. Fourteen hundred freight cars on the water front were burned to the b&e. All over this wide area the story is the same. There is a sloping lull that runs down to the water and at the top a church stands with every window gone, its walls tracked and (CvnUnned en P-a Two, Column One.jr DEADLY 1HRUST Al ASIAG0 PLAIN IS TURNED ASIDE . ... Defenders Hurl Huge Boulders Down Mountain Sides Upon Advancing Enemy and Enfilade Passes, With Withering Rifle andrtillery Fire, Compell ing Invaders to Fall Back. ' - , (By AaMwtAtvd ITts.) Italian Headquarters in Northern Italy, Saturday, Dec. 8, 6 P. M. The battle of Asiago is virtually suspended, with the enemy checked, if not defeated, in his main design of breaking through to the Brenta valley and the plain a few miles below, although he succeeded in advancing his lines a short distance when the Italians fell bask to new positions. These positions, guarding the Frenzela and Gadena passes, have successfully resisted all enemy efforts, and the Italians oh the steep heights on each side of the passes rain down artillery and rifle fire and release huge boulders every time the enemy forces try to get through. This has continued until the Italians seem reasonably as sured of holding the passes and compelling the enemy to look for another line bf approach. BLUFFS BOY LOST WITH DESTROYER SUMY U-BOAT Walter M6rrissette, $on Of Teacher at Iowa School for Deaf, Victim on Jacob : Jones. Walter Morrissette, 23 years old, one of. the crew of the Jacob jonfis, lost in the Atlarrtic Thursday, when torpedoed by a German U-boat, was serving' his second term in thaXInttcd States uavy. T He eiistedtth first lime Mkumana six years ago ana wnru nis period of service expired re-enlisted at once. lie was a small boy when lie first entered the service as a cook's as sistant, but rapidly passed through the evolutionary stages until lie hadJ reached the highest possible promo tion .at the -end of his first term. i He spent his youth in Council Bluffs and went through the grade schools here, but did not reach the high school until the lure of the navy called him away. His mother, Mrs.4 Carrie Morrissette, is teacher of do mestic science at the Iowa School for the Deaf, and has been a member, of the' school faculty for the last 25 years. ' Mrs. Morrissette was seen last night at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. R. Conboy, 2250 Avenue H. She had received a , telegram from the Navy department during the evening, announcing that' there , were 36 sur vivors, but their names were not all available at the time. The hope va9 expressed that her son was among them and she was told that she would be advised vby wire of his survival or death when the facts were ascertained. Mrs. Morrissette has one other son, a resident of Fort Dodge, la. Miss Marv Pool, a trained nurse, is her sister. Walter was married at Phil adelphia a year ago and his young wife is there now. . 'Reds9 Demand Allies State Full War Aims London, Dec' 9. The supreme moment of the Russian crisis has arrived. It is said that one effect of President Wilson's epochal message to congress has been to cause a suspension of the mad ar mistice scheme. In connection with this the Bolsheviki have sent an ultimatum to the allies demand ing that they restate their war aims. ' In connection with the seven-day armistice declared on the Russo German front, Leon Trotsky, in the official communication received at London, says: "The period of delay thus given, even in the existing disturbed con dition of international communi cations, is amply sufficient to af ford the allied governments oppor tunity to define their attitude toward the peace negotiations; that is, their willingness or refusal to participate in negotiations for an" armistice and peace. "In case of refusal they must de clare clearly and definitely be fore all mankind the aims for which the peoples of Europe may be called to shed their blood during the. fourth year of the war." There are rumors o internal de velopments of great importance. One is. to the effect that former Emperor Nicholas has succeeded in effecting his e:ape. Little has developed as to what action the moderate forces of the nation may be contemplating in combating the Bolsheviki measures, one of which is reported to be the impending re pudiation 'of all of Russia's foreign loans. - ? TROOP TRAINS SCATTERED. An exceptionally large air raid wa; carried out yesterday with a' fleet pi ISO airplanes, including Italian light and heavy squadrons. The huge fleet flew low, scattering more than 2,000 bombs, which caused extensivt dam age in the northern sector, where the enemy is assembling forces and sup plies. Troop trains were scattered, railway depots destroyed and muni tion supplies blown up. Large fires" marked the route of the raiders, indi eating the extent of the destruction. - . Brazil Tightens on - Treatment Germans Rio Janeiro, Dec 9. The Brazilian cabinet at a meeting last night de cided upon the following regulation's with regard to German subjects -in Brazil: ' " To prohibit all commercial: rela-' , tiotis, direct, or indirect between for eign nationals resident in Brszit and enemy subject in foreign- countries.- - To suspend the' exportation of all kinds of goods belonging to the en emy. -: .'; -V - ' v'- ' ' ' The authorities will be given spe cial powers to control enemy enter- prises and ,ta put an end to. such op erations, i . ' 1 To interne in concentration camps or elsewhere suspected enemy sub jects. - , To ancel ail public land contracts and concessions with due regard to the rights of settlers and proprietors already located. , V War Savings Stamp's Are On Sale, at Many Places Joseph Barker,5 chairman of the Omaha committee on wan savings , stamps, has established selling agen cies for war stamps at ' all the de partment stores, at nearlv all ' the drug stores and other . institutions where it is thought the stamps may be asked for. L. V. Nicholas of the L. V. Nicholas Oil company was granted permission to sell stamps at all his filling stations in : Omaha. Mr. Nicholas says that since agencies were established at the filing sta tions Friday he has sold more thati $300 worth of stamps. His salesmen at the various stations are boosting the sales of stamps each timea pa tron drives up to obtain gasoline for his car.' , ' , Postpone Hearings for 15, Per Cent Freight Raisv , Washington, Dec. 9. Hearing on western railroad applications for .15 per cent increase in freight rates, set for December 17, was indefinitely postponed yesterday by the Interstate Commerce commission at the request of the, tailroads. The c sons assigned by the rail roads for the postponement were the commission's recommendation for un ification of the railroads nd the un certainty of the government's future action. The pending demands of em ployes for wage increases and the fact that earnings for the entire year of 1917- soon will be available also M ere mentioned as reasons for delaying the hearing. ' Finnish Republic to( Hold Election January 15 Stockholm, Dec. 9. The proposal submitted the Finnish Landtag bv the senateVovides that Finland shall become a republic r with a president elected for a term' of six years, ac cording to advices reaching here from Helsingfors. The proposal provides that the first election shall be' held . January 13 and the president it to taK' oitice April 15. Until then the mier ts to act as- the head of public. "A British Refuse Release Of Imprisoned v London, Dec. 9. A n British government re lease Tchitcherin and Pi citizens under arrest i: Petrograd corresponde says he understands w thejiolsheviki headqua aay. The correspondent a: easiness of British cit: is increasing daily.