Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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its membership ;
. - . I
All Cards V(ill.Be Dated From
January 1 ; Omahan's Sug-
. gestion of Button to be .- I
Carried Out. x ';!
Every man. woman and child in
Douglas county is now a prospect ftfrj
, a new membership in the Omaha
chapter of the Red Cross, under 'a
new ruling of the national organiza-1
;ion, which, will hereafter .date aH
cards from January lf to be' good- for
"the calendar year. All Red Cross
'members will be asked to allow the
, unexpired portion of t-fteir member
ship, which was dated to expire in
May 6r Jure,, to lapse, and 4 buy a
Christina membership goodNfor the
year 1918.
S. S. Caldwell ami W. A. Shaw,
l members of the locaLpampaign com-
mittee, ..will come into national
prominence , in Red Cross circles
through the adoption of the" button
suggested". by -thenl, which will-. be
worn universally by. Red Cross mem-
, bers of' 1918. ,;;The new emblem will
. have a white,? background, with the
' red cross in the center, holly tied
at the bottom of the cross, with a
red Vibbon, andJ918 woven through
the hollv wreath.
. . Davison Liked Button.
Henry f Davison, during his re
cent visit to Omaha, .w as so taken
with the design of the new emblem
that he exacted a promise from Gould
Djetz tlvat he would take the design
to Chicago, where it -might be offi
cially acted upon by the Red Cross,
heads. Mr. Davison is chairman of
, tfhc war council of the national organ
ization. - '
"This campaign, is not being car
.ried on so much for the money as it is
A Vor tne niora' support that will come
fjrom a membership of 15,000,000 in
tlie United States" declared Henry
Doorly, gefteral chairman of the cam
paign. "It is not only the dollar that
the Red Cross wants, but it is the
moral and other' support that it will
get from these new members. This
' ', point should be emphasized when the
'. -member is, signed up. It -.should be
explained,, to the members ' that ' at
; this crisis of the affairs of the nation
it is necessary that every individual
carry somt of the burden for our sol
diers, our sailors and our allies."
Douglas "County's quota is 40,000.
The head ' qf-every home will be
asked tobuy";a $2 membership for"
himself so that the Red Cross Maga
zine may be received in every family.
They will also be solicited, to buy a
$t membership for each member of
the household, including children and
A servants. ; . ' '? ..
The membership wilr entitle the
purchaser to a . service flag, with a
.large red cross in the center, to be
tumor an' the window orSn the mem
ber's place of business. Small crosses
-.will be furnished for additional mem-j
bers in the same family or busitiess. 'j
Rnntlpnripr fiivpn Final -v"
" . Punch by Federal Judge i
Attempts ' 'to smuggle liquor intcrf
the dry state of Nebraska are meet
in with much discouraeement. .The
following five men were fined ?LO0 by.'
Federal Jtldge .Woodrough Tuesday
for .bringing liquor into the state:
Charles Ferguson, A.'.'L. Loucke, L.
E. Gasler, Tom Adams, and V. C.
Wagnetf--' The first three had bceu
fined $100 each in police court for
having the' "booze" in their posses
sion. The other two had forfeited
bonds of $100 in. police court.
The .following four Wfcre takeu in
charge by the , federal authorities
Tuesday, after having been dealt w ith
hv state authorities r !Tohn Pratt, II.
T. -Clark, Sherman 'Shuiberg and
Imup. Kr.irv. Tlrr. first three named
were piloting" a heavily , laden auto-j
...skllu ftl n( "hic7f" frniu Missouri ,
v IIIVUIIV V. ... - ......
toward' Omaha rwhen, tjiey. were cap
tured by the Plaltsmouth constable.
Shinberg paid a fine of $300 there.
Ffiry was arrested while bringing"
heavily ladeivi,.;automobile load of
whisky "across" the Dougla? Vgtrcct
( bridge. ' . , - '
, Peter Mehrens in Hands ':
Of Law on Theft Charge
Peter-Mehrens, well known Omaha
socialists was arraigned in-police court
charged with the theft f eight pounds"
4 of freshWat from Haydcn; Brothers
on November 24. " , ,
Until that .date Mehrens had been
1 operating- a restaurant in the hard
ware department of Hayden's store.
Joseph Hayden testified that the de-
fendant had been seen, taking meat
at various times before, and that a
s watch had been set for him. A num-
hereof employes corroborated,, his
statements. '
Mehrens denied the charge and prtf-
AtirnA civir:il witnesses. '
' Judg8Madden took the case. udder I
aaviseniciu uum iuu) mumm,,.
Mehrens was arrested Monday by
the federal authorities charged with
violating the espionage act. He was
released under $5,000 bond for a pre
liminary. hearing Saturday.
Funeral of Irvin Medlar,
Victim of Gas, Wednesday
Funeral services for Irvih Frank
Medlar", Central High school, student
it who died Monday from effects of gas
f poisoning, will be held at the family
' residence, 3327 Harney Street this
if ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. In
terment will be in Forest Lawn cem
' etery. ? - . . -, ' '
aw ataariiMgcmwiiim iiiwi m,
J 1
In This
Surely you
will want
share of new
and bright
things for
C h ristmas,
and t h i s
store, with
its complete stocks of hun
dreds .and hundreds of
dainty things stands ready
to" cater to- His rfighness,
th , Baby, with gifts at
moderate ppces.
Sweaters, Sweater
Sets, Caps, Hoods,
Comb and Brush Sets;
Hot Water - Bottles,
Bibs, Fur Carriage
Robes, Quilted Car- '
riage Boots, Baby
Baskets, Bassinettes
and scores arid scores
of other things.
Baby Bonnets
In a great variety of
styles, materials and dain
ty colorings.
Second Floor
Dram es Stores
A Wonderful Christmas Store of Worth-While Gifts &
With Modest Prices Prevailing Jin All Stocks-The
keynote here this Christmas Season is MODEST PRICING. S
despite, the fact that much of the merchandise we are showing j
has advanced time and time again since we bought it. Foreseeing ft
this rapid increase in prices, we purchased months ano! months ago , f&
-and in addition to securing to ourselves the surety of delivery on j
time, we are thus enabled to quote to our customers prices very Jf
much lower than would prevail if we had to go into the open' mar-
ket to buy these things today. $
So ypu are able to purchase here from full end complete stocks of - ' &
i carefully chosen merchandise at prices which are decidedly modest. -
For Cifts
Crepe dChine and Satin, with
lace -trimming, in flesh and
$1.35, $1.50, $1.75 to $3.95
Dainty! lingerie makes a par
ticularly pleasing gift and we
hatfe a most complete selection
to choose from. .
Claus Is Here in Toy land
And Wants to See Every Boy and Girl
fle wants to shake hands with every one of the little folk and
tell them how glad he is to see them. r
He has brought hundreds and hundreds of wonderful Toys ,
with him and they are all ready for little eyes to feast upon.
, Dolls The Biggest Family You Ever Saw
Dolls that are great and Dolls that are small,"
Dolls that are short and Dolls that are tall,
Dolls that are dressed up to go for a walk
' ' And Dolls that are almost ready to talk.
Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 to $10.00
- L--liJHt
Trains, key-wind and elec
trical; we-carry the lead
ing lines, noted for their,
similarity to' the real
trains. American Flyer
Trains, with an engine
guaranteed for six months
-prices, $1.00, $1.50, $2,
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00,
$4.50 to 25.00.
Automobiles, the most com
plete line we have ever car
ried. Buicks, Willys-Knight,
Packard and all the lead
ing makes. Your little boy's
Christmas will com
plete without one of these
wonderful Autos that go
swiftly about; 5.00, $7.50,
$10.00, $15.00 to .$50.00
i .p,
white rfn
amel Beds,
Dv r e s sers,
B ureaus,
W r'iting
etc. Enough
to furnish
any awe "
girls' room at a very modest
50c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.50 to $15.00 each
-. Basement '
A y tt
Alphabet Blocks and
' Building Blocks of every
'description, including the
Peglock blocks that are
held together, not with
nails or screws, but with
wooden pegs and they
stay built; 1.25, $2.50,
$4.00 and $8.00.'
Easel Black Baards
With designs for draw- '
ing. Hardwood finish,
four feet high. . . .75c
Blackboards with
scrolls containing many
designs, and desk com
bined ,$1.25 to $3.00
A Very Remarkable
Display '
' Every good kind of
Handkerchief you will
find in this immense stock
and best of all, in every
instance the prices are
very much less than you
would reasonably expect
to pay.
Longfellow Initialed Handker
chiefs, sheer linen, colored or
white letters, each. . . . .".25c
Fine Sheer Linen with tiny
block letters, three for.. 50
Plain Linen with the tiny 1-16-inch
hem, are very popular this
season. Exceptional values are
offered at, per dozen, $2.00
Women's One-Corner Embroid
ered Shamrock Lawn Handker
chiefs, in white and colored ef
fects, pucked three and six as
sorted patterns In fancy pic
tured box; regular 75c values,
special, for Wednesday, a box,
at ...,59d
Men's Soft Finished Japonette
initialed handkerchiefs, with 1
inch hem and large . silk em
broidered initial; each.,.15i
Men's Linen, With Embroidered
Initials, packed in neat -dozen
boxes. AJjox, at 81.50,
82.00 and . .$3.0ff
Women's Fancy Wreathed In
itial Handkerchiefs, packed 3
assorted fancy patterns in fan
cy picture box, very appropriate
for gifts; others ask 60e for
them, a box 39
Women's Pure Irish Linen and
Shamrock Lawn, Hand and Ma
chin One-Corner Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, in white and
colored effects; a large assort
ment of patterns, regular 25c
values, special, 1 for $1.00.
each .. .15d
Men's Plain Linen Handker
chiefs, of good quality, remark
able at the price, per dozen
S3.00, 84.00 and $6.00
'4 Main Floor -
"We are jiot neglecting -anything
to make your satisfaction
permanent." - ..
V - bridge I Best S,r Fill-
' Work, per taotb,. I :"r-
Wonder Plates
worth $13 to $25,
$5, $8,$ia
We please you or refund your money.
14th and Farnam-i-1324 Faraaai St
Best 22 k Cold
Crowns .
. $4.00
A Very
Furs" for a
C h r i.s,t m a s
present,' 'x -
presses a very
fine sentiment -as
weir as be-
ing partidtilar
ly pleasing to
''the recipient.
Try buying
Furs for your
,w i f e for ,
Christmas and
you will see
how well you
have chosen
and bless this
We have a fine stock of excel
lent "Furs at moderate price?. ,
; ' Fur Sets, $19.00 fo $198.00
- Rich, lustrous fur sets, in combination Scarfs and
Muffs. Red Fox, Blue Fox, Gray F.ok, Jap Mink,
Northern Mink, Kolinsky, Beaver, Skunk, Raccoon,
Natural Lynx.'Blue Lynx, Wolf, etc.
Separate Muffs, $5.00 to $98.00 ?
-To match the Collar of your-new Winter Coat or
Suit. Mink, Skunk, Mole, Raccoon, udsom Seal,
Beaver, Wolf , Fox,' Opossum, iliver Mink, etc. '
Fbx Scarfs, $10.00 to $69.00
Red, Gray, Cross, Taupe, Blue, White, etc. Made
in the full animal pelt and. the satin lined animal
Every Fur Piece has theBrandeis Guarantee Be-'
hind it. . . Second Floor .
& For
W Christmas
- V
Rich in color and
beautiful in texture, f
these Pefticoats will
fill t?ut one or more
v,on your gift list
. veiy satisfactorily..
CMl TJoffiAAoftf in PDreionct SillfR. Satins. JprSPVS. ?
etc., with' ruffles, flouncings, shirrings and pleating.
All colors and designs, in florals, plaid and change
able effects as well as plain colors. ' , ; ..
, Prices, $3.50 to $10.00 V-
,".'- r Second Floor i:'t, t - '-V -
The Christmas Art Embroidery
Brims With Beautiful Suggestions
It. m a never endincr arrav of "m-etties" that irreets
the eye when one journeys to the Art Embroidery De-
'n.manf Vdoo rlova and heat nf nil "nret.fl'ps" that
are practical as well as good to look upon. All prices
are extremely moderate. . . '
Little Fitted Work BaskeU,
made of imported Chintz, fit
ted with all sewing needs and
little pockets. 4 Also some with
solid colors and lined appropri
ately, with silk cord, each, $1.00
Humpty-Dumpty Pin Cushions,
in heart shapes with Humpty
Dumpty head. Colors are blue,
pink; .rose and gold satin. Each,
at .'. . t.SOc
OLittle Vanity Bags, made of sat
in, with mirror bottom and
trimmed with narrow ribbon at
top and gold tinsel with a lit
tle floral decoration. These
come in pink, blue, old rose,
etc., each 75c
Rainproof Knitting Baf . Here's
a new knitting bag made of un
breakable enamel leather, lined
with sateen and enamel cov
ered handles. These are the
craze in the east. , $1.25
Neck Tie Racks, daintily dec
orated wood t'e holders with
seven pegs across the lower, bar
to hold the ties. This makes a
very acceptable gift $1.00
Silk Sister Sewing Set, a paint
ed novelty for holding four
spools of thread. Comes com
plete with four spools of silk
thread; each .$1.75
v Incense Pots, Quaint Japanese
patterns, like the sacred duck.
Prices from the smaller size at
85c and $1.00 up to the larger
size. '
Inlaid Cloisonne on Brass with
the Dragon Emblem and Chin
ese figures. Prices, $6.50, $8.50,
$12.00 and $14.00
'. Third Floor
Telephone Screens, wire frame
covered with silk skirt and "Dol
ly Varden" dolly head at the
top and the skirt falls over the
frame effectively concealing the
telephone stand. Complete $5.00
Or' the frame to be mad, up,
each' ......... ...... . $3.50
Desk Sets, in white ivory, ma
hogany, cretonne and silk bro
cadeconsisting of from 6 to 8
pieces. A very desirable holiday
gift. Prices from $3.50 to $15
The Cuteypup is Here. He car
ries the inscription "Nobody
Loves Me." .This is a carved
image of a famous bull terrier,
Hand Embroidered Table Scarfs
beautifully decorated with
floral and fancy designs, em
broidered in heavy silk. These
come in oblong and the new cut
out square shapes. Prices from
$8.50 to $25.00
Sewing Baskets madeof woven
grass and reed-with heavy quilt1
ed sateen lining, in beautiful
colors, at 42.50, $3.00, $3.75,
$4.50, $5.00 and .$6.00
Shaving Paper Cases, hand em
broidered cases in dainty little
floral designs on- fine rep silk.
Complete with paper. . . . .65c
1918 Calendars on Pingo Craft
stands. All different kinds of
designs -Topsy, Dutch Girl,
Golf Boy. Suffragette, etc., 35c
California Burl Red Wood, a
beautiful finished wood like a
piece of adamant shown here in
little flower holders, ash receiv
ers, placques, knife handles, etc.
This is a very beautifully dec
orated wood.
ffiraei Opera
with the
., i ....
is like an open, book to ybu.
You may enjoy the best
operas that the modern day ,
world has produced and enjoy
the greatest music of all times
right in your own home you'
will have an intimate knowl
edge of Grand Opera with a
. Victor Victrola in Your Home
, . ..... , ... .,
We irivite you to stop in our Sound Proof Parlors
and permit us to play for you the best Operatic Music
and you will fully appreciate what it means to have
an intimate knowledge of Grand Opera.
Mail order for Records or Vic
trolas will have prompt attention.
Main Floor, Pompeian Room
irfS . TP)
1 I'
Rugs Make a Practical Gift
. And Women Will Appreciate Them
Anything, that goes to make comfort for the home will always
he a gift that'will be appreciated so you will not be .taking any
chancete if you buy a Rug or two especially when stocks are
broad and well chosen and prices are moderate.
Tapestry Brussels, 912 fet. S18.75
Axminsters, 9x12 feet... !. $34.00
Wiltons, 9x12 feet, special $3000 to $80.00
...-s. i,; -Theic Specials for "Wednesday ' .
V- Axminster Rugs, 912 Met. : .$25.00
, Axminster Rugs, 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, $22.50
Cashmere Wiltons, 36x72 inches. . $ 5.50
.Axminsters, 27x54 inches1: r $ . 2.50
.. ....
Third Floor
Santa might bring
you, none coma oe..
more beautiful
"THE FREE"; Sewing Machine
- The machine that is guaranteed for life and insured
for five years. $1.00 down, $1.00 per week.
Specials for This Week: w.
$60.00 'New Home $45.00 : 1r
$58.00 Floor Sample $40.00 x . '.. '
Drop Head, Golden Oak ..$25.00
Drop Head, Golden Oak.., ...$22.50 -
Drop Head, Golden Oak $18.50
These machines are guaranteed to you for ten years.
We are, headquarters for Needles and Supplies
for All Makes 4f Machines. V
Hemstitching and Picoting neatly done at moder
' ate prices. . - ' .
',. Main Floor, Rear
1 i . . ...... . .. i i i- . i .... .
E : . .-,jr,.,. n.n.nnwiti.1.'iii.Mii"wni mm ww. 'nnTi":!'iir,i-tfiaamn cuWMI'rw'WWliWtsns
f hone usoiiu oi. -