if g -. J THE BEE : OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1917. linn i mmmtmammmmammmmmtmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmammmimamtamt ri 1 " ' " 11 a .MMBaaaaaggaBBnaaannnnnnnSSSSSSi 1 - MMMMMMMMMMMMBMMBMMBMMMMMMIMMMMMM" M-WHMMIUiIMi.hwal """"" Ik I MUCH EVIDENCE AGAINST THOSE HOARDING FOOD Attorney for Nebraska Admin istrator Will Decide What Action is to Be Taken Against Violators. Ed P. Smith, attorney for the Ne oraska food administration, is going over the evidence against a number of retail grocers in the state who have been selling sugar and other staple commodities in quantities greater than permitted by the federal food administration under the anti-hoarding provision. Some of the violations are said to be flagrant. One retailer in a town in the state is distributing hand bills over the town asking people to come in and get his prices on 100-pound lots of sugar', and is selling sugar in 100-pound sacks, though the govern ment's regulation is that anyone hav ing more than a 60-day supply of sugar or any other staple on hand is guilty of hoarding, the seller equally liable 'with the buyer. In another part of the state a firm , which has never done a grocery busi ness and whose business is entirely foreign to the handling of sugar,' has in some, unaccountable manner ob tained a large quantity of sugar, and is selling it out in 100-pound sacks. This case is also under investigation. Reports Are Numerous. The reports coming to the office of Food Administrator Wattles of violations of the rules are numerous, but have all been referred to Attorney Smith, who is preparing to give an opinion as to what action should be taken immediately against alleged guilty persons and concerns. - On account of the fact that the sugar situation has eased up some what, the food administration is now sanctioning sales of sugar up to 25 pounds to a single purchaser. Up to a week of two ago the dealers were urged not to sell more than $1 worth to any person at a time. Bakers Soon Will Have . To Standardize Loaf ' Omaha may ejrpect to get bread for 6 or 7 cents a pound after a while, 1 if the bakers here do as well as they havCdone in some cities throughout the country. Information contained in a government chart on wheat, flour and bread pricey of the coun try shows that, although millers of Minneapolis are now getting $10.50 a barrel for flour, bakers in some sec tions who are selling for cash, and make no deliveries, are able to put out a full pound loaf for from 6 to 7 cents. . ' ' These are the bakers who have standardised their loaf. , ' On December 10 all bakers throughout the country are required to standardize their loaf, as this is one of the requirements under the baker's license; Under this require ment bakers must ' after that date makes loaves of 16 ounces, 24 ounces, or multiples thereof, i ;,, s 4 Indian Dancer Thrills - - 1 - Quests at Jacobs' Hall Hop One hundred Fort Omaha soldiers danced at Jacobs' hall Thanksgiving ; night It was the second dance of the series that the women of Trinity Cathedral garish have arranged for the soldiers. , , At these dances the young women of the parish attend, making the func tions most successful and enjoyable. Dean and Mrs, Tancock . chaperone the young women, mothers of the girls assisting in the entertaining. The music is furnished by a high class orchestra and during intermission lunch is served. 'At the Thanksgiving night dance one of the most graceful soldiers on the floor was a lull-blooded Indian from Arizona." , : Community Singing at The Strand Saturday Community singine. led by Mrs. Samuel Footc, has been introduced into the children's movie matinees at the Strand theater Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The children sing pa triotic songs. Marguerite Clark in "Bab's Burglar" will be the showing tomorrow. The Muse will feature "Jack, the Giant Killer." The regular Friday night family program will be giveo at the Apollo, Lothrop, Hamilton and ' Suburban theaters tonight A , Mrs. Foote also led the singing at the free movie entertainments given by the Muse management this morn ing to inmates of all the charitable in stitution of the city. Five Wives File Petitions v For Divorce Jn Court Five completely dissatisfied wives have filed petitions for divorce from husbands who have failed to make good on the job. ; Bertha Rooney says Miles deserted hen Anna Lovera Porter alleges Wil liam never made good as a provider. Lillian V, McKenna says Frank abused her. Bertha C Schmidt, suing Roscoe, alleges cruelty. Minda Pickerel says " James has failed to support her in the manner to which she has been accustomed. Nebraska Boys to be Regaled By Home Folks In Far, West VNebraskans living in San Francisco will entertain Nebraska boys in the army and navy stationed in and near San Francisco Saturday of this week. They could not make .arrangements to entertain them Thanksgiving day, so they hare arranged for a big din .. ner and celebration at the Biltmore hotel Saturday, Katherine Hughes has telegraphed the information to the Commercial club of Omaha. Negro Lawyer Admitted To Practice In Federal Court Amos Potter Scruggs has received a certificate admitting him to practice in the federal court He was gradua ted from the law school of the Uni versity of Illinois in 1917 and was admitted to the Nebraska supreme court July 1, 1914. He is said to have been the first negro graduated from the lav department of the University Brute Stows " OpMimg oif T Good Gloves at Moderate Prices If we had not contracted for these women's gloves months and months ago as far back as a year ago and longer, we would not be able to sell them at the reasonable prices we are selling them for today. Our stocks are complete and ready for Christmas business. The prices we quote are more than attractive. . As an illustration we wish to quote : Woman' Two-Clatp Overteam Kid Glove, in white or black, also white with black backs. Gloves that would have to sell at $2.00 to d 1 ?C $2.25 if we bought them today. While they last, a pair. ... V eOO Woman's Ona-Clap, Full Piqua Kid Glove, in white or white with attrac tively stitched black backs, which would have to sell at $2.00 to $2.25 per pair if we bought them today. While our stock lasts,. 4 C a cair P I vO Woman's Two-Clatp Raal Kid Gloves, light or medium weight in black, white and tan, also white with black backs and tan with black backs, attractively stitched. Gloves that would have to sell at $2.60 per pair if we bought them today. While d0 AA our stock lasts, a pair Vv Woman' Guaranteed Wathable Kid - Glove, famous Perrin and Adler makes, livery pair guaranteed by the maker and by us. Come in Pearl White, Mastic,-Ivory, Gray, Tan and Black. Plain or with prettily stitched backs, a pair' , I ' . ' $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 anJ $2.75 Children's Gloves Our stock of Children's Gloves has never been more complete in Children's Lined and Unlined Kid Gloves, Kid Mittens, Gauntlets, Wool Gloves, Wool Mittens, etc. As espe cially attractive, we offer for Saturday: Children' Linad Kid Glove or Mitten, good, warm, durable Gloves, Jft, a pair ..-., OiJC If we bought these gloves today we would have to sell them at about 95c a pair. The quantity in this lot is limited. Mala Floor 1 Second Floor Beautiful Blouses Specially Priced for Saturday Our Blouses are "different," having been selected with much care for their individual characteristics, that are bo fas cinating. is ;; .. ; . A Blouse to suit the most critical for to morrow. . f Crept d Chine and Georgette Crepe Blouses-- gome are hand embroidered, others lace trimmed; some semi-tailored models, at $3.95 and $4.95 Dark suit shades also white and flesh. Animal Teddy Bears, Elephants, Dogs, Pigs and Rab bits all harmless, but perfectly love Blocks Building Blocks, Ani mal Blocks, A 1 p h a b et Blocks, hun dreds and hundreds o f them, in structive and entertaining. i ' This Is Santa Gli And The Biggest, Best, Jolliest I With tootiner of horns, beatirig of drums, whirr;: shouts and sounds, this Toyland will open Saturday. Santa Claus is making this his headquarters, ana Thousands and thousands of wonderful Toys i those that older boys and grown ups will be intensely We bought these Toys mc are able to offer them at prices1 would have to prevail if we;r.j them today we have exerted most complete display of 'Toys to offer them now at prices wl 111111 Schoen hut'a Toys. Pianos that play real mu sic, ranging in prices from SOc to $25.00. Automobiles Autos with electric lights and 'electric starter. Wagon Boiler bear ing coaster wagons, ex press wagons, wagons with iron wheels and waeons with , rubber tires, prices ranging from $1.00 to $10.00 Schoenhut' Humpty C i r e u Greatest show on earth; will do 10,000 tricks funniest toys ever shown; sold in sets, 75c to $25.00. Schoenhut' All Wood ' Doll, can be put in any life-like position. Made entirely o f wood and will never break and cause little ' heart aches; $1.50 to $7.50. l A Rocking Hortat All sizes and makes, at very reasonable prices. Iva' Mechanical Train and Electrical! Train, made and finished as nearly likes tne real trains as possible, aruj prices! range from $1.00 w $25,001 Hora a n d Wagons Some with real milk cans and a score or more of other styles; great range of prices, THE KEEPER OF THE DOOR. rrwsiiM DBix Leading New Novels "Major," by Ralph Connor. .$1.40 "Heart' Kingdom," by Maria' Thompson Daviess $1.35 "Hi Lat Bow," by Conan Doyle, at $1.35 "Kenny," by Leona D.. ... $1.35 'Those Who Walk in Darknati," by Perley Sheehan .$1.35 "Son of Tarcan." by Edgar Rice Books for Christmas Now Ready The Greatest Showing in Omaha 1 It 'comprises the best books of the Holiday Season of 1917, attractively displayed and arranged for easy chodsingGift Books, together; Children's Books,' to getherand .so on. , The Department has been greatly enlarged lor the Christmas selling. - ' 1 m PROMISE MMSSaNtNBIcnt Burroughs $1.35 Win of the Cardinal." bv Ber tha Crowell ; $1.35 "Gift Supreme," by General Allan England $1.35 Taulknar'. Folly," by Carolyn Wells $1.25 "Road to Undemanding," by El eanor Porter .$1.4(1 "Bar, Son of Kasan," by James Curwood $.35 "Hertalf, Himself and My.elf," by Ruth Sawyer ....... .$1.35 "Secret Witna," by George Gibbs 11.3 ! id a-irtr in. r. uv IKE HEART Of Some of the Late Novel Formerly Sold at $1.25 and $1.35, Now, Only 60c "Aunt Jana," by Jenette Lee. "Around Old Chester," by Mar garet Deland. "Anna of ATonlaa," by .L. M. Montgomery. "Angela's Buiinesi," by Henry S. Harrison. "Bat of Tartan," by Edgar Rice Burroughs. "Brom Eagle," by Baroness Or ezy. "Beyond the Frontier," by Ran dall Parrish. . "Cappy Riek.," by Peter Kyne. . "Cinderella Man," by Edward C. Carpenter. "Caa Firing," by Mary John ston. "DouMa Traitor," by Oppen- heim. . , Books on the War New Children's Books "Lor Prince of Oi," by Baum, at '.,,.;.. ....... ....... $1.35 "Happy lUP Day Through," by Bowman and Scott -..$1.50 "New Adventure of Alice," by John Poe ... . . ,l, . , - .... $1.50 "Animal Alphabet," by Sybil Rib- man ji.oo "Wonder Book of Fairy Tale," by Choate and Cprtis ..... .$2.00 "My Very Own Fairy -Tale.," by Gruelle . . . . dsG "Chummy Book," . .$1.50 "Prlnea and Pauper," III, by Franklin Booth .......... $2.50 ".W,X?.0 Wonderland," 111., by Jes sie Wilcos Smith .$2.00 "Dar Dar Daviess. It," .'by Maria R. "Toward the Goal," by Mrs. Humphrey Ward $1.25 Private Plat," by Harold R. Peat, ftt 1 .80 "Oyer the Top," by Arthur Guy Empey $1.50 Xand of Deepening Shadow," by Thomas Curtin $1.50 "My Four Year in Germany," by James W. Gerard $2.00 ''Student In Arm," by Donald Hankey , $1.50 "My Homo in Field of Mercy," by Prances Wilson Huard . . . .$1.35 "ChrUtina," by Alice Cholmonde- e? ..... $1.25 "Germany, the Next Republk," by Carl Ackeman ., $1.50 All In It." by Ivan Hav Bith. t $1.50 "On the Right of the Britl.h Line," ny captain Nobbs ........ $1.25 R Main Moor Beasts Burrougha Ivory Samples Ladies' Ivory Sets Of Ivory dll Also Leather And Qtl High Grade Sample ? h AT ONE-Hl Ladies'-J-piece Toilet Set. Comb, Brush and Oval Mirror, all .French Ivory in satin lined box; regular $7.50 value, sale price, at J2.98 . Other sets at all prices from $2.00 to $46.00, on sale at half price or less. : , , Frencll Ivory Toilet and Manicure Sets, and odd Ivory pieces. Jewel boxes, Hair Brushes, Mirrors, Clothes Brushes, Clocks, etc. Manicure Set, all French Ivory, 12 pieces; one Powder Box, one Hair Receiver, one Pin Tray, Two Salve Jars, one File, one Cut icle Knife, one Orange Stick, one Button. Hook, one Buffer, one Shoe Horn, one Corn Knife; regular Jtton t $4.60, sale price...... $1.98 Hundreds of other sets, in all combinations, worth $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 and up to $50.00, at about JS price. Men's Ivory Sets Two Ivory Military Brushes, one Clothes Brush, one Hat Brush, one Comb. ,"AU French Ivory, in a nice satin lined, fancy shape box; regular $6.60, sale price .... . ......,.,.......,.. . $2.98 They ares beautiful new goods, just that you can buy them at such a diet this opportunity. i - rV LeatherS Genuine Ebony Hair Brush, Tfeoth Bra Soap Box, Mirror, complete in case; re Men's Case, exactly as above, only wit! $4.00 value, at All French Ivory, including Comb, Brush, Ifd Scissors, Button Hook, File, Corn Knife, CBt Brush,1 Tooth Brush, in Ivory Tube; Hairpin Soap Box; 18 pieces in nice leather case; regu The Ideal Gift for Women A piece of furniture of which she will be prouda'household necessity that for a lifetime will be suggestive of the giver. It is a gift of taste and discrimination, one that cannot but be sincerely appreciated and that will give service and happi ness year after year. ' :; '; THE FREE SEWING MACHINE Til fm ial'1 III II. 'TTTTTl mm mm mi tit' I t Main Hoor, Rear J I ... rrr ' - s Guaranteed for life and insured for five years. Tlie finest of the high-grade machines.' Offered in handsome cabinet design's in a number of finishes. , $1.00 First Payment $1.00 Per Week. Specials for Saturday New Guaranteed Drop Head. Golden Oak Sewing Machines at $18.50, $22.50 and $25.00 We do hemstitching and picoting at moderate prices. Jewelry J Satui Ribbons and Neckwear RIBBONS FOR CHRISTMAS BAGS Every Woman Carries a Bag A beautiful line of Cretonne effects, Velour gold,and silver embroidered ribbons. Any of these can be combined to a most beautiful Christ mas bag also boxed gifts ready for mailing. Vanity Cases for the dresser and purse, dainty colorings, 29c, 35c 50c Ling aria Clasps, daintily decorated, each J .Baby Arm Garters in box with rose decorations, up from i . . Ribbon Camisoles, Slippers and Boudoir Caps. V, NECKWEAR-JABOTS . A Most Beautiful Lina of Lace Jabot, a most acceptable and useful gift, up from.... Collar and Cuff Set for serge dresses, in Tuxedo and large flat shade, hand embroidered, a set. . . , Boudoir Caps, a most wonderful creation in the dainty colorings, up from Georgette Collar, very special offering of dainty and ex-' tremely desirable Collars of the much-wanted Georgette. At a very low price, indeed. Take advantage nj" of it, each V. .' OOC Main Floor 35c 35c ..50c ..69c 59c Part of An Immense Stock$Vhich Ladies' Bracelet Watches Lady' Bracelet Watchsize 10 ligne, 20 year gold filled .case, either plain or en graved. 1-10 gold adjustable bracelet with a fine 7-jewel lever, nickel movement and absolutely, guaranteed. Begular $15.00, ?ale price ...$9.98 Lady' Solid Gold Bracalet Watch, 10-kt with solid gold bracelet, 15-jewel lever move ment, guaranteed. Regular 30.00 value, sale price J $19.00 Solid Gold Jewelry Solid Gold Cuff Link, set with genuine chip diamonds; regular $5.00 values, sale price, at ..$1.83 Genuine Cameo Little Finger Ring, in solid v uenuins yameo juiiue ringer IMff 5jT gold mounting; regular price $5.00, -sale price 41.9s Solid Gold Brooches, set with real pearls and opals. Some in beautiful hard enamels. These are wonderful and worth $5.00 And $6.00 regularly. Sale price 4. $2.3? others, worth $2.00 and 3.00, sale price, at , $1.00 Ladies Solid Gold Set Rings, heavy, beautiful designs, set with all colored semi-precious stones and pearls. Regular $3.50 and $5.00, sale price ,11.93 E e u v F 0 V! 3 Sweaters at Special Prices , A wonderful purchase enables us to offer these garments way below the present market values. Grouped together Will be found ladies' sweaters made of ilne quality Zephyr, Worsted, Angora and Fiber; choice...... ...$4.50 v Second floor. . ' , V . ...'".. ' Dainty Camisoles Camisoles in all the dainty styles so necessary for the sheer blouses styles and variety too numerous to mention, in Satin or Crepe de Chine, in white and flesh; all sizes, priced v i . $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $1.95 Third Floor Hosiery and I In both Hose and Under ea very complete and our price! n: Hoiiery for Outdoor Wear, in a heavy silk for all kinds of sport wear. These come in stripes, plaids and others with boot effect; a pair $2.00 and $2.50 Embroidered Hose, a nice lot in blue bird and butterflies and many other patterns... $1.50 and $1.75 Boot Silk Hoe at 75c, in all col ors, full fashioned H9b tops, double soles, heels and toes, splen did quality, a pair. 75c Main Floor Vt fi si ai V, d ta ai V. Si le a 1 imnui, . W ,