Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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oAidelaide Kennerl
Ella' Fleishman-
ome ficbnomic&
Edited bv Irma. 3(. Gross
Lesson III Thanksgiving Leftovers.
The day after Thanksgiving, mother
said to Harriet Ruth: "Wouldn't you
like to Nhelp with lunch, and make
some good things out of what we
nave lett trom vosterdav s dinner?
"What can I make?" said Harriet
Kuth, all interest at once. '
'Let's see," said mother, "we have
some turkey and dressing left, and
some gravy. There isn't much; these
, couldn't be, when there were so many
of us. We have just the tougher
pieces ot the bird lelt, the drumsticks
and one wing. Look through my
recipe card catalogue for luncheon
This is the card that Harriet Ruth
found: t .
Luncheon Macaroni.
OoofWI macaroni. Gravy or Tomato
Vooki&, chopped meat, Sauce.
Masoning. Buttered crumbs.
Arrange the macaroni, meat and
seasoning in layers in a greased bak
ing dish, pour the gravy dr sauce
over, cover with buttered crumbs, and
bke in a moderate oven 25 minutes.
Harriet Ruth looked very puzzled
after reading the card.. "It doesn't
tell you how much to take, or any
thing, I can't make that. And it
doesn't say anything about dressing
at all." -
Her mother smiled. "I'm initiating
you into the mysteries of real cook
ing today, daughter. To use left
overs successfully you 'must stir in
judgment.' Today we haven't much
turkey, so we'll use turkey and dress
ing as one layer. For the four of us,
use 1 1-3 c. macarqni, measured be
fore cooking."
"How do I cook the macaroni?"
"Have a large kettle of boiling salt
ed water ready, and scatter the brok
en jfiacaroni slowly into the water.
Stir with a fork if the macaroni sticks
to the bottom. Set the cover of the
kettle partly on. If the kettle is un
covered more heat is needed, but if
the kettle is covered tightly the wa
HolidayGoodies Found
Now I n ttie Omaha Markets
Good things that are in demand for
the holiday season are pouring upon
the Omaha markets. Not only are
fruits and vegetables of local growing
plentiful, but many things from dis
tant places are here. '
Cluster raisins and pulledaig8 and
Inioc in fiiiir-. Kavac ore hrA . .Tfov'1
are the very finest, fancy specimens
grown. The boxes are extremely at
tractive. The cluster raisins come
also in metal boxes. These are -imported
and are nearly the size of
Nuts, both shelled and unshelled,
of splendid quality are plentiful.
Oranges are much more plentiful
than they were a week ago. The sea
son has advanced farther and the
oranges are both bigger and riper.
Apples in great variety are here.
Most of them are brought the long
journey from the northwest Pacific
coast. They are chiefly Winesaps,
Johnathans, Rome Beauties.v Grimes
Golden and Staymans. Prices range
from $1.75 upward for a bushel box.
Bananas are used in many ways
at the holiday season. They are
plentiful in the Omaha markets, but
arc considerably higher in price fhan
thefr were formerly. The. finer and
ls!rV sizes cost as high as 30 cents
a dozen. Even at this price bananas
are economical food.
Both celery and cranberries, mdis
pensible adjuncts of the festive "board,
are abundant. Cranberries sell aronnd
12ji cents a quart and are of the high
est quality.
California grapes are still abundant
and cheap, selling at 10 cents a pound
or 45 cents for a seven-pound basket.
The price of potatoes still continues
Watchful Waiting
Week after week a growing number
of homes watch for this sort of an
advertisement to tell them what
their Sunday Special dessert is.
This week it's
and dealers in
tinriR who serve
will be
For Groceries and Meats Trade at the
Choice Sirloin Steak, lb.. 20c
Choice Porterhouse Steak, lb 20c
Choice Round Steak, lb 20c
Beef Tenderloin, lb. 25c
Boneless Rib Roast. Ib 22ae
Choice Pot'Roast, lb 15c and 17Vie
Choice Rump Roast, lb nyac
Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, lb....22VsC
Regular 85c Coffee, per lb 28c
All Brands of Creamery Batter, lb.. 45c
Peanut Butter, made while you wait
per lb., at f. 25c
Bulk Oatmeal. 4 lbs. for 25c
Michigan Celery, per stalk ,.5c
Wa serve Home Made Hot Soup from 11 to 2 o'clock every day, per bowl. .Be
All country orders promptly attended to Largest mail order bouse in the middle west.
U. S. Food Administration, License G-27634. .
ter boils over very easily. When the
macaroni is done, about IS minutes,
drain the water into a bowl and pour
cofd water over, the macaroni to keep
it from sticking together. We can
save the water from the macaroni to
use for soup making." 1 !
"What seasoning shall I use, moth
er? Have we any green pepper?".
- "Yes, I think' there is part of one
left from the salad yesterday. Use
that, with some finely" minced onion
and parsley. We won't need any more,
than that, for the gravy and dressing
are bpth well seasoned. To be sure
we'll need salt."
"And how do I butter the crumbs,
mother? Just put dabs of butter on
them?" '
"No, a better way is to melt one-
sixth as much butter as you have
crumbs, and stir the crumbs around
in the melted fat. Use one-fourttLcup
of crumbs and two teaspoons of but
ter, level." ' ,
"I think I can do it all now, mother.
But it won't take very long. Isn't
there something else I can do?"
"You are ambitious this morning.
There is another job you. might try.
I have some few cranberries left, just
about enough for Sunday dinner.
Would you like to make some cran
berry sauce?"
"That would be fun.-' They. are so
pretty and red." .
"All right get my recipe for un
strained cranberry sauce.
Unstrained Cranberry Sauce.
3 c. cranberries. hi C water. .
1 e. sugar.
Wash cranberries, put all ingred
ients together and bring to a boil.
Cover the kettle and boil 10 minutes
over a low flame.
"My, that's a nice, easy recipe, said
Harriet Ruth, "I can do that all by
myself, without any "Explanation.
Shall I do that first, and then start
the macaroni?"
"I think that would be a stood ar
rangement," said mother. "Then the
luncheon macaroni should be just
done at noon if you work steadily.''
to hold down around 40 and 43,cents
a peck. Other staple vegetables have
not changed much in price or supply.
A few casaba melons are here to
tickle the palatesof epicures.
They Never Strike
There is one class of laborers who
never strike' and seldom complain.
They get up at 5 o'clock in the morn
ing and never get back to bed' until
10 or 11 o'clock at nights they work
without ceasing the whole of that
time, and receive no other emolument
than food and the plainest kind of
clothing; they understand something
of every branch of economy and
labor, from finance to cooking;
though harassed by a hundred re
sponsibilities, though driven and wor
ried, though reproached and looked.
down upon, they never revolt and
thy cannot organize for their own
protection. Ntt even sickness re
leases thern from their posts. No
sacrifice is deemed too great for
them to make, and no incomoetencv
in any branch of their woiik is ex
cused. No essays, books or poems
are written in tribute to their stead
fastness. They die in the harness
and are supplanted as quickly as -may
be. These are the, housekeeping
wives of laboring men. -.
Andrew Carnegie, the well-known
manufacturer and benefactor, al
though born in Scotland, has done'
much for America. On January. 28,
1902, he founded Carnegie Institute
1 1 7 T- - ,
at vvasningion, u. i.., an institution
for the encouragement oj investiga
tion, research and discovery," for the
advancement of- knowledge and the
improvement of mankind. '
scores of prominent local ; t
e Cream w
Ice Creams
glad to supply it.
Veal Kidney Roast, lb 25c
Veal Breast, with pocket for dressing,
per lb., at .15c
Pork Loin Roast, per lb 24tc'
Lean Pork Chops, lb 25c
Lamb Legs, per lb ..25c
Lamb Chops, per lb... ....25c
Iceberg Lettuce, per head , ...10c
Campbell's or Kamo Soup, can 10c
Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti, per
pkg., at ,. . .10c
Aunt Jemima's or Teko Pancake Flour,
2 pkgs. for 25c
Beets, Carrots, Parsnips,.. Cabbage or
Potatoes, lb., at ......3c
tub i i dock wesT
WheriiMtt Shopping
Shopped half a day for YOU. AndN Oh ! the'
secrets there are to be revealed. Today we
t J . . have tfie mysteries of the "L D." : : .
- - - Adelaide Kennerly.
NEW YORK learned lo -conserve
space long before it knew any-
thing about ways and means
I of conserving food. In Man
hattan, where millions of people must
live the Island is but 10 blocks wide
and 200 blocks 4ong even the wealthy
could not spread themselves- over
ground, 1 If they ?wanted room they
went'up- in the air. v Consequently the
masses, and the classes, except the
Vair5 Astorbilts, managed with small
space. " -.'.
Apartments in large cities started
a fashion which is rapidly spreading
to all parts of the country. They are
being built in Omaha. And let there
be no misgivings . about this as rap
idly as they are completed they will
be occupied. " .,
Why? -
a Because the servant problem is
driving families into smaller quarters
to relieve womemof laborious work
yi'hich brings wrinkles to their faces
and kinks in their dispositions.
Foreseeing this change, manufac-
Making Love by Dictaphone
Found to Be Satisfactory
. : By Private E.U.Smith
Letters are so unsatisfactory we
have all foun that out from time
to time. When people are wide apart
and missing each other badly, no let
ter ever written will seem anything
but a poor Substitute for the spoken
words, the tones of, voice of the ab
sent one.
One young couple have, found a
much better way to bridge the way
from "over there" to over here than
writing, and are probably blazing a
way that hundreds will follow.
Private Everojt Harding Smith of
Philadelphia, is 4 member of the Ca
nadian expeditionary force and was
wounded in the taking of Viihy
Ridge. Back in Toronto there is a
girl who is going' to marry him when
he has done his bit. Her father makes
considerable use of the dictaphone.
and before Smith went off to the war
he promised the girl that he would
send her a record made by himself
the first chance he got. . Now he is in
a hospital near London, and sending
off messages regnlarly, and receiving
the same kind in-return. ,
"You'd think it pught to be the eas
iest thing in the world, writing a letr
ter in. this, way," he said, "but . it's
curious liow much soonel" yotf use up
what you have to say when you .talk
it (even when you're speaking to your
girl), than you do when .writing-in
the ordinary way. But, gee! it's great,
for I can recognize her rojee just the
second the record starts, '.and she can
mine, and it beats a letter simply hol
low. Sometimes, when I've kind eff
got to the end of my tether in the
way of telling her things, and still
have a bit of record to fill. up, I do
it in funny ways. The . first tir; I
did 'this stunt, I,remembcrr" I'd been
to see tho revue, Flving Colors' it
the' London Hippodrome, and the
principal song made a greatnit with
me. No, I can't remember now what
the song was. I've heard so many
since.i But -1 told my , girl that I'd
just heard a peach of a song, and that
I'd wind up -the record by singing
her the chorus, and I did." And, be
lieve me, it came out fine. I. didn't
know that I was that much of a
singer. And it tickled the 'one and
only,' .too." . . . . . .
Saturday Specials at
the Mew Public Market
These Prices Will Prevail at the Empress Market
-i ; ; ':'. 113 South 16th Street.
Pig Pork Loins, per pound 21 y2c
1917 Milk-Fed Spring Chickens, per pound 22c
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb. . ,.22ie
Steer Round Steak, lb. .'. . . ,22',c
Steer- Sirloin Steak, lb ... . ........ ', 20c
Steer Pot Roast, lb. , . . . .H'ic and 20c
Steer Boiling Beef, lb ...... .13 ,c
Steer. Shoulder . Steak,' lb. . J ..... .Is'jc
Steer Rib Roast, Ib 17Vie
Pig Pork Roast, lb.. -24V,c
Pig Pork Butts, lb 26,c
Young Veal Roast, Ib .17V,c
Young Veal Chops, lb 19,c
Young Veal Stew, Ib. 12V-e
Sunkist Flour. 48-Ib. sack. ...... .$2.80
Sugar, il lbs. for.... .....$1.00
Bulk Oatmeal, 4 lbs. far 25c
Carnation or Pet Milk, 2 for. 2Sc
Best Rice, S lbs. for 25c
Oil Sardines. 4 cans for. '. 25c
Fancy White Navy Beans, per lb.... 15c
Post Toasties, per package.... 10c
Fancy Jonathan Apples, bu. box.,. $1.65 I
Fancy White Potatoes, 15 lbs. to peck, I
per peck, at . .
35c I
Fancy Elgin Butternut Butter, lb.. .45c Fancy Cream Cheese, per lb......
Fresh pountry Butter, in 2-lb. rolls,-per Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb......
lb., at 42 Vic I. N .
Sunshine Takoma Biscuits, 2 pkgs.. 13c
Fresh. Baked Ginger Snaps, lb...... 12c
Do not fail to visit the most sanitary delicatessen
department the talk 6f the city. Our stock of salads)
dressings and roast meats is the most delicious to be
found. .. , - ' ' .
"Morning Hour," a pleasing cup, lb., 20c
Publie Market Special, a Coffee of sur
prising merit, per lb 25c
Maht Floor First Nat'l. Bank Building
turers have constructed furniture, the
like of which has never made its'ap
pearance before. For the sole pur
pose of helping women to solve the
"space conservation" problem I
shopped a half day in the leading fur
niture stores.
Here is just one of the things 1
found. w
"Library-Dine." ,
-And I take my hat off to the man
who designed it. I want one. I must
have one. Don't know where I shall
put it, but I feel as though I could
not live without a "Library-Dine."
''Library-Dines" have every . ap-
pearance of a solid, serviceable library
table. There are drawer, and knob
trimmings they come in all styles
Books for
Omaha Public Library
The Bee Will Collect
The Omaha public library has es
tablished library distributing stations
at Fort Omaha and Fort Cook and
has arranged a system of deliveries
whereby the men at these two army
posts may also have ready use of
the main library.
Many books arc wanted at these
two deposit stations. Good stories
are preferred books of adventures,
sea stones, cieiecuve stories, espc-
ciallv humorous ones. Such authorsNJ
as Kipling, Doyle, McCutcheon, O.fM streets; the nearest Bee office, or
IT- 1 t . 1 f M. . 1 j U. H.n.Hrs rnli,i n
Henry, Hopkinson Smith, Stockton
Bindloss, Tarkington, have been
found popular with men.. Books on
Ancient Mirrors Are
Coming Into Vogue Again;
Trerigji Mirrors This Time
Trench .mirrors are coining into
style now, but they are not very new.
Etruscan ladies usjed to have metal
mirrors in, their vanity boxes before
Rome was put on the map.
The reason they did was that it was
inconvenient to carry pools abdut in
vanity boxes, and looking into pools
was the, standard, way of, seeing how
you had done vour hair in those 'days.
Nice, clear, limpid, still, greenish,
private poois were Kepi in every
luxurious dressing room, and the
classic ladies bent over them to watch
the effect of their fragrant cosmetics.
' Recently, in excavations 'in Italy,
articles. have been found that corre
spond to those found in Egypt and
Assyria, artd that were evidently used
as toilet, articles by the ladles. There
are-vanity cases much like the ones
that are carried today. They were
attached to long slender chains that
fastened to the girdle at the ladies'
waists, and. contained sweet scented
.pomades. -Each had a little lighly
burnished copper mirror. ' . .
It is a notable find, because the
things are in a state of splendid
preservation, and are present in great
number ,and variety.
Did you ever know that Chrisini'as
day was sometimes called "the day of
new clothes," from an old French
custom of giving new cloaks in that
day, to . those who belonged to the
court. ,
No. 1 Mutton Legs, Ib
Choice Mutton Chops, lb 22ic
Choioe Mutton Roast, Ib .,..16',c
Choice Mutton Stew, 8 lbs. for 25c
No. 1 Extra Lean- Skinned Hams, per
lb., at , i,...23',c
Extra L?an Regular HaVns, lb. .1 ... .27Vtc
Morris' Supreme Skinned Hems, per ).',
at ...,29',c
California Picnic Hams, lb.. 24 'je
Armour Shield Extra LeaH Bacon, per
lb., at 4ty,c
No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 37C
15c quality Peas, per can..... 12c
15c quality Corn, per can ..12c
15c quality Tomatoes, per. can. .... ,12c
Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti, three
packages for 25c
Lighthouse Cleanser, 6 cans for..,.. 25c
Diamond C Soap, 7 bars for. ...... .26c
Large California Prunes,, per lb.... 45c
Seedless Raisins, per lb 15c
Sunkist weet Oranges, per (lozenf.30c
Fancy CeleW 5c and 10c
Large Grapefruit, each ......
, 23c
, .33c
Assorted Sunshine Cakes, lb..
Liberty Cup, old crop mellow Coffre.
per lb., at 30c
Hotel Blend,- ancxceptional value, per
Ib, at ...... 'TT..., 35c
nun lan 1
and finishes, from very. modest prices
on up as high as vou can afford to go.
' Presto! .
There is, an automatic catch under
the table top. Press it, the top lifts
and, presto!- there you have a dining
table, 45x45 inches, in the "spot where,
stood a decent looking library table.
26x45, btit a few seconds before.
These. "Library-Dines" are shown
in all leading furniture stores and
their ranse in price' is sufficiently
wide to suit every purse.
If your apartment is small it helps
to furnish bQth living room and din
ing room in one. .
, Young couples, small families, and
bachelor girls, will find an "L.-D." a
real comfort. .
But the editor is calling "copy" and
we are learning conservationJof space
since white paper is so' scarce. I
found out oodles of secrets. Some
of them will be revealed in my next
Fix this "L-D" well in your memory
for it is to serve many purposes in
furnishing our tiny apartments in fu
ture articles.
All ris;ht!. All right! Mr. Editor. T
am coining.!
the Soldiers
in Co-dperation With
and Distribute' Them.
the war, popular travel, history and
biography, all are in great demand.
Technical books on aviation, wireless
telegraphy, submarines, automobiles,
signaling, are wanted for study.
Omaha 'people have given gener
ously of their books, but many more
are needed. There should be no idle
books on our shelves jt this time.
Send the books you wish to donate
to the Omaha public library, Harney
and Nineteenth streets; the South
Side branch library, Twenty-third and
the nearest library deposit statu.,' as
Bee Offices.
Ames rfice, 4110 North Twenty
fourth street.
Lake office, 2516 North Twenty
fourth street. ;
Walnut office, 819 North Fortieth
street. " J -
Park office, 2615 Leavenworth""
Vinton office, 1715 Vinton street.
South Side office," 2318 N street.
Benson office Military avenue and
Main. ;
Deposit Stations. : '
Beranek & Sous, 1402 South Six
teenth street. . ,; ' . .". :
Sprague's Benson Pharmacy, 5905
Kearney Pharmacy, Thirty-second
; ad: Arbor streets. .
Marsh Pharmacy, Twentieth and
-Lake streets.. , '
Walkers Store, 4510 North lwen-ty-fourth
street. .
Lucke ;Drug company, 3524 'Leav
enworth. .-'.".' (
While fruit : pies are baking they
may be prevented from boiling over
Dy acting one tabiesnoontui ot corn
starch to the fruit. The sugar,' fruit
and cornstarch should be heated be
fore adding the crust. . ,
Cast YOU
Sam Pita
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. -Keep
Horlick's Always on Hand
duick Lunch: Home or Office
Sh Safe
phe Choice
.jk I T"e c!?0'ce young, smooth, white
i thin skins the choice of firm, fine
w grained, sweet, tender meat the, ,
' Y choice of expert supervision, so care
J V ful that only one ham in
f ten survives the test.' yv
And finally, the choice of
t the best tables. Jpl '
? f I That's Puritan
; V j J "The Taste Tells"
I'Jp f JT The Cudahy Packing Co. m '1
" W0W & I If your dealer F. W. CON RON WTtWWV - J
gggfgf 11 f ooein t handle 1321 Jones St., Bp LCTfrf $3
JSwdr if Puritan, phona , Om.ha. fff M-tAi 1
Jk&Sl I I Puritan Hams and Bacon are smoked v. " W-iS3? ' '-
mot J V. dally in onr . Omnia plant, insuring a y3S "vJB
" r fTTTTI"" I MMT"'II rTiraijn ra.jiii.-ai ii ,
: . 7" T :T . V . - r .-- -- ----- . - - ." m--,----
- Small Furs
The approval of the holiday season
is giving fresh impetus to the liiovc
hicnt of neckpieces, many' of which
arc in animal shape, while others1 are
in small collar effects, says the Dry
Goods Economist.
1 Foxes lead, btit are very scarce. In
some cases wolf is being used as a
substitute for fox, though other.skins
are employed when suitable. ' ,
There ii a growing demand for
VtI;; y JM wan
I A , . . mmm I
War Declared on High Prices
SO per eent Navlnts and Highest tjuallly brings the erowds. Trlcei good all -week.
Milk Kel (liU-kena llVie lllml quarters Mutton , HHo
Round. Plrlnln or I'ortrrhoua tholes lleef Boll, Ib .-
Mtraka, at ...HH Fajr I)rha i
Oysters, quart 4e Veal or Mntton C'hopa lVe
Fancy tieese 10H Vore quarters Mutton V4
ISc can Lima ncna....9e Eggs, doscn 5 large Totatoes, perk ,.Oe
15o can Haked Means.. 0Ve Huturlne, lb. tie Large Onions, peck... .80e
15c can Uakrtl Deans.. 10 Tall ran Salmon ....HHe OranRes. docien le
5o can Ti-as 1H 'ry Praclies. lb. 10e Celery, bunch Be
!0o ran l'oas ......1'.4 l'runrs. lb 10o Lettuce, bunch ........00
!0o can Corn lSVie Ho can Hominy 1e Gold Hell, warranted
Mo can Tomatot-s ,.11'e Quart Jars Olives. .. ,17V Hour, at ..,.51.71
:5c can Prra 14e JOc Kumfurd B. Pow..lo KrHmor's Cream, best
t&c can Peaches He :5c Calumet B. Pow.,e flour made IS.7B
ibo can Plum ...14c Largo pkg. rncake bars Soap ........
JOc can I)lackberrlM..10 Flour, at lOe Kla Crackers, lb....lSVo
JOo can Kidney Beans . 10e Quaker Oats, pltg.. K. .Iflo Olngrr Snaps, Ib lHe
10e pgk. Macaroni.... 70 Kancy Cooklrs, pkg.i.,. Mepf nsts, Ib lJ4e
10c. kg. Spaghetti. .life Knmo Coups, can lie Salt Pork, Ib S6Vc
10c pkg. Com Flakes. 7He Bawtey, better than S. C. Hacon, lb. ....a,33V
15o pkg. Mspse Klakes7',4 lard, at , . . . v 28o Liver, Ib. JOe
Ho can Pumpkin 0 Small ean Milk ..' He Sausage, lb. .lfte
SOc ran Luna Flsh..,.10e Tall can Milk He Neck nones, Ib H
Creamery Butter 45o Crlsco, can S 30 can Cocoa .1
Mall Orders Filled at Same Price. Urgest Vut Price Mnll Order Grocery and
Meat Market la the State. Write for Price l.'st. j j . '
11$ North 10th St., OppNroMofflce. H J Phone, IKiugtn J 1089.
t'aoh and Joy Debt and Worry.
Stretch Your Dollars
By Trading t th)
V now operate aver 40 stores. You get the benefit of anr economic sys
tem, from Producer to Consumer direct.
Tomatoes, new pack No. fcan..14e
Tomatoes, new pack. No. -can 17o
Corn, -Splendid Grade, new pack, ,
aan 12a
Corn by the case .$S.7t
Hooslor Belle Tork and IJcans '
i prr ean
Large can Hominy
mlependent, a regular SSc
grade, 1-lb. fiber ran
Trp brand Cocoa, ',4.1b. can. . . . .site
Cabbage, lb., t',r 100 lbs 11.98
Onions, Rod Mlobe, 1414 lbs 4Jc
Beans, Michigan Hanil 1'lcked,
Ib. at '...ISHe
Teanut Burrer, per glass Be
Tip Baking Powder, Ib.-ran . . . . 15o
Makea prize winning bakings.
, Kno Corn flyrup, li-lb. can.. ..I4
Over 800 prices lower than other-
Thoss living near 150 East Broadway. Council Bluffs, should visit our New
Store No. 48 at that address. It's another; Economy branch. Watch us growl
We will Opea Another Store soon at 89th and Leavenworth Street.
I II '
muffs, principally in furs to match the
neckpieces already made; up? Shapes
vary from small, semiround to. flat
animal models of various sizes with
the head overlapping. '" ; r '
l Vl!'ia i!:!irr aiH.iiiieiiaiiiir'li'rWSjl
- .- r
Storage Is
jThan Reni j.
And our Fir Proof Wars-
' house affords a fafe place to . f
'I store your household goods,.
l .
etc. , .-',.
Omaha Van
& Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163.
606 South 16th St.
Cmaha ,
Lincoln .
Council Bluft
Price mnglng frr.m 1.75 to U.1S.
You should set; theaa at the
stores. They are Rome lleauty,
Stnyman, tVlnesap, Jonathans and
KnroCorp Syrup. 10 lbs.,.. 7
Crystal White Syrup, 1 lbs 82n
Flour,' Economy, 4S-lb. sack
Flour, Tip, nothing better milled,
4s-lb. anck ....12.0(1
Tlour. Gold Medal. 4S-lb. sack..SX.80
Corn flesl, fi-lb. sack ,,.1e
Apple Butter, II ounces. .J4e
Salmon, Red Alaska, tall can.... iflo
Salmon, Sockeye, 1-lb. can.,,,,.SX
Seedless Rulslns, 10-ox. pkg...,. JOe '
Farina, a fine breakfast food,
per package ,.l(k)
KrlHp Corn Flakes, pipe .....Re
Arab Chief Dates, pkg, 0c i for tin
Royal Cocoanut, pkg .........7o