5 tor Hours Saturday! 8:00 A. M.to 9 P. M. -Burgess-Nash Store News for Saturday- Da Your Shoppinf Early in the Day. Phone Douglas 137. BURGESS-NASH "The Christmas Store for Everybody" Ready With Extensive Gift Assortments and All Are Most Moderately Priced Friday, Nov. 30, 1917,- Our First Clearaway Saturday of4J Women s Novelty Boots at $5.00 A MOST unusual and timely offering several hundred p?.rs of women's novelty boots broken size assort ments and short lines of the season's best sell ing styles greatly reduced in price for a quick clearaway. In every instance the price is less than le manufacturing cost and if your size is here you'll recognize this as the biggest shoe buying "snap" of the season at $5.00 a pair. Saturday is Children's Day in - Our Shoe Section The only store in Omaha where you will find the famous Educator shoes for children. The kind designed to let the feet grow as they should. Burgesi-Nash Co. Second Floor mm t YOUR Order for Christmas Cards should be given as early as pos sible to insure no disappointment later on. Our stock of samples is very extensive, featuring many new ideas shown this season for the first time. , The prices are most reasonable. Box Stationery, 39c v Highland plaid stationery, in Hue, white, grey or lavender,' stamped with stock, choice of styles for 39c a box. v Burfett-Natn Co. Main Floor TOCOANUT or Peanut v Brittle, 29c Lb. Send a pound or two to some boy in camp, he'll enjoy it and you'll feel the better for doing it Caramels, fresh made, of pure ingredients, at 33c lb. Burfia-Nah Co. Main Floor Wonjen's Pure Thread Silk Hose For Gifts or. Present Wear , 75c FULL fashioned pure thread silk boot hose, with "double garter tops, in black, white or colors, extreme values Saturday at 75c a pair. Women's Silk Lisle Hose, 50c Black or white silk lisle hose, full fashioned, full regular made foot, spe cial at 50c" a pair. Women's Thread Silk Hose, $1.50 Pure thread silk with double lisle garter top, full fashioned, black, white or colors, $1.50 a pair. Children's Silk Lisle Hose, 50c Extra fine quality, black or tan silk lisle, with double knee, full reg ular made foot, sizes 712 at 50c, sizes to 9 at 60c. Burgeas-Naah Co. Main Floor JEWELRY Always Acceptable Gifts And our stock of holiday jewel ry is very complete and affords a world of suggestions. Solid gold brooches, stone set or plain, at $1.50 and $1.95. 'Solid gold lingerie clasps, $1.95. Solid gold lavalliere, stone set, at $2.95. Sterling silver rhinestone bar pins, platinum designs, special, $1.75. Sterling silver belt buckles, one letter engraved free for $1.50. Sterling silver pencils, very spe cial at $1.50. Eight-day mahogany boudoir clocks for $5.95. Chiffon velvet "bags, black, brown, taupe or blue, for $5.95. A splendid selection of pearl beads in neck lengths, with solid gold clasps, at $1.50. Men's gold filled Waldemar chains, at $1.00. Burgeu-Nah Co. Main Floor 0 UR Soldiers' and Sailors' Shop is for the convenience of those who wish to send gifts to the boys at the various encampments. We have set apart a special sec tion on the Main Floor, where gifts for soldiers, sailors and marines may be purchased. . Burtn-Nah vCo. Main Floor EXTRA SPECIAL- , Your Choice of Any Trimmed Winter Hat in Our Second Floor Millinery Section Saturday Morning from 8:30 A. M. to 12 M. At OvC!A A N offering that comes but once in a' season it's the J final clearaway of the hats remaining from our won derful choice of the house sale. You'll find a range of selection unusually large, include ing: . ' ' Large Hats Small Hats Gold Hats Silver Hats $r ess Ha s Street Hats Charming creations, with a style certain to satisfy the most exacting tastes. No two alike. We advise an early selection, for the choicest are sure to be snapped up first. Special Showing Saturday Afternoon f Smart, New, Mid-Season Millinery Just in by express, in time for showing Saturday afternoon. A really fascinating display of the newest mid-season creations for present wear. Hats of satin combination. Models and styles that will please the most fastidious taste, and moderately priced, too. Burgesa-Nash Co. Second Floor HANDKERCHIEFS For Gifts These sensible,' convenient, sure-to-please gifts were never more appropriate than this Christ mas. Spend money, for things that will not be wasted. If you insist on linen handker chiefs, they are here aplenty in multitudes of styles; but you'll be amazed and delighted to see what handsome handkerchiefs have been created out of cotton. Women's initial handkerchiefs, sheer lawn, embroidery in white or colors, 6 for 75c Women's jlain linen . handker chiefs, very special at 12 Women's handkerchiefs, doz en in a box, plain white or colored,, embroidery in the coriws, 59c a box. w Fine sheer Swiss handkerchiefs, plain, white or colored, embroid ery in corners, special 39c a box. Dainty colored or white hand kerchiefs, 3 in a box, at 25c a box. Burfeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor THE Children's Book Store On the third floor provides, an swers to many questions. For in stance, there's the-r X "Prince and the Pauper," a spe cially illustrated edition of Mark Twain's delightful historical ro mance, at $2.50. "Story" of the Present War," told for children; 4 volumes at 75c each. - "The Real Mother Goose pop ular editions with colored illustra tions, $1.50. Burgess bed-time stories. 50c. The Kewpie Primer at 50c. Home fun, everything to do you can imagine, $1.50. Every boy's book of hobbies, $1.50.' Stories Children love, at $1.25. Mother West Winds stories, $1. Burgeu-Nah Co. Third Floor Gloves for Christmas or Immediate Wear fdr Women and Children. NEW French gloves for street or dress wear in a variety of colors, new taupe grey and moleskin, tans, pearl, French greys. Mastic and butter shades; also black and white with beautiful embroidered backs. Wash leather gloves, splendid for wear and guaranteed to wash, $2 and $2.5tf pair. Chamoisette gloves in black, white and grey, $1.00 and $1.50. Double silk gloves and silk gloves with chamoisette linitig at $1.50 pair. Children's wool mittens in a va riety of colors, 29c, 35c and 50c pair. Children's fleece lined gloves; also fleece lined mittens with astrakhan back and leather palm, 39c and 45c nair. Burgea.-Nash Co.- -Main Floor w OMEN'S Union Suits at $1.50 Medium weight with low neck and sleeveless or dutch neck, ankle length, sizes 34, 36 and 38 at $1.50 Union Suits, 75c For children, ages 2 to 12 years, fine quality cotton fleece lined, at 75c. Vests and Pants, 39c Children's cotton fleece lined vests or pants, size 20, 22, 24 and 26, special at 39c each, V Women's Vests Plain or fancy bodice vests, with or without tapes. Prices range from 39c to $1.00. . BurgoM-Naah Co. Main Floor CANCY Ribbons r at 25c . Beautiful new fancy ribbons for l fancy work, Btnps, piaias ana floral effects, on light and dark grounds, 25c a yard. Silk Ribbons, at 35c Wide sash and hair bow moire ribbons, plain and with satin edge, splendid assortment of shades, at, 35c a yard. Narrow Satin Ribbon, Sc Narrow fancy satin dotted taf feta ribbon, 1 to 2 inches wide; white, pink, blue, lavender, yellow and cardinal, at 5c a yard. Christmas Ribbons No. 1 Holly red ribbon, 10-yard bolt, for 10c. No. 1 Holly pattern satin rib bon, 5-yard "bolt, for 10c. ' Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor EXTRA SPECIAL A Most Important Sale or WOMEN'S DRESSES At $18.50 IMPORTANT from every view point, th,e most notable dress of fering, of the entire season, afford ing a price advantage that was im possible earlier. - There are dresses for every winter occasion, every one a real-'find."' Dresses of taffetas and georget'e. Dresses of satin and georgette. Dresses of fine taffeta silk. Dresses for afternoon ors reet wear. Dresses of ailored Serge. The trimmings are beads and embroidery with the newest ideas in tunic effects. There's a score or more very at tractive models from which to make selection in a range of the most fav ored colorings. It's really the dress occasion of the season. Burgeia-Naah Co. Second Floor ' Shim Great Happiness Santa Claus Is Here WE had no idea the dear old fellow could come so early, but' he's here, and my, how glad we all were to see him, and THE TOYS he brought along. Say, yoi just ought to ee them. ,Why when he came he just took learly the whole fourth floor. It's just full f toys toys for you little girls and boys, 'jut they're fine, all new and shiny and bright. He certainly is a grand old fellov. Have mamma or papa bring you down Saturday and see them. Dolls and games' and engines and horses. Oh, so many things we couldn't begin to name them all. OH, YES- he says to tell you to be sure to come and shake hands and let him know exactly whatyou want, so that he can have every thing ready for Christmas. Remember he's on our fourth floor. A few specials: - All kinds of dolls, prices from 25c to $15.00. Dozens and dozens of games, 5c to $5.00. Toy trains, all kinds, 15c to $35.00. Cabs for the dolls, 65c to $12.50. Burgeti-Nash Co. Fourth Floor OVE Yes, These Burgess-Nash RCOA1 at $25.00 Are the Biggest Values in Town at Anywhere Near the Price AND if you will go in Saturday and looK through the line there is no doubt but that you will say so yourself. Every garment possesses all the points there are to an overcoat thor ough satisfaction with the way it fits, the way it's made and the way it , looks and wears, splendidly tailored throughout made to conform with the rigid requirements of the w which means the best possible at the price. In style and fabrics everything that is new is represented. The tailoring shows the master touch of Ameri ca's greatest designers. t " Altogether these overcoats prove for themselves that they are the best values in town at the price. We have your size prove it yourself. ' And When It Comes ot MEN'S SUITS at $25.00 You Cannot Puplicate the Values Study, if you wish, descriptions of new fabrics, new weaves, new effects, new ideas Theh come and find them all literally built into Burgess-Nash Suits. We can afford to emphasize almost to the point of "bragging" in advertising such merchandise, smart styles, all the desired weaves, all the best style features and the price is but $25.00. x , . ; Men's Smoking or House Coats-An Extensive Showing at $3.50 to $30.00 Where is the man who does not love to get into a comfortable house coat after din ner and enjoy his cigar and evening paper. Our showing of house or smoking 'coats is very extensive, embracing a wide range of styles, patterns and materials. Newest shades and solid colors. . - ' Burfea&Naah Co. Fourth Floor.' ' I ANEW HAT For You For $3.00 f Just the sort of hat that will please you, Men's Soft Hats with that rough finish so much in de mand. The styles are trooper, pinch square and drop ' P. r ft w n. nnnrif turn down and flat brim; bound or raw edge with plain, fancy pugga ree and whip cord bands. Wide, medium and narrow; full leather sWeats, all sizes at $3.00. Caps, 50c to $2.00 Brighton or golf caps, with large full crown and large visor. A Fur Caps, $5 to $25 Burgea.-Naah Co Fourth Floor Men's Shoes You'll Find Them on the Fourth Floor WHERE . only the best grade' of men's footwear is shown. We are the exclusive selling agents for the James A. Bannister fine shoes for jmen $8 to $11. Men's Shoes at $5.00 Men's black calfskin, blucher . cut, heavy single soles, $5. Men's gun metal calf skin, English 4ast, heavy single soles, at $5.00. Men's Shoes at $6.00 to $8.00 Brown c.lf.kin . . . j k u, t0 Fu -T Rum calfskin I Foo , Si T 'iTl- $6.00 to $8.00 Black kidtkin .... I BurgeM-Nath Co. Fourth Floor its A Featuring a Mast Attractive Display of Men's Holiday Neckwear for Saturday m HE silks and designs are more artistic and more beautiful than ever before. Embrac- X mg a wide range oi prices. Certain to sausiy ine most cnucai puyer. Special groups: Men's Neckwear at 50c GROUP 1 Tubulars and cut and sewed four-in-hands, also large, full cut, flowing end scarfs in a wide range of patterns, blacks included, price, 50c. " Men's Neckwear at 65c GROUP 2 A very large, extra size four-in-hand scarf, figured and striped, in pleasing colorings, at 65c. v 'Men's Neckwear at $1.00 GROUP 3 The popular price and covering the largest range of patterns and colorings. Mostly cut straight with cloth, giving the greatest possible wear, price, $1.00. Men's Muffler Sets, $2.00 to $4.50 Khaki colored wool muffler with black regulation four-in-hand tie; another combination which includes muffler, silk handkerchief and tie in a' box ready to deliver. Any part of the combination will be sold sep arate, price $2.00 to $4.50. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs at 17c to 50c Plain and initialed, good quality, pure linen, bought one year ago and sold on a basis of a year ago price wholesale; full size, hemstitched and with initials, priced at 17c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Men's Chamoise Gloves, $1.50 and $2.00 Gloves that are made in the U. S. A. "Founds" Chamoise Gloves for men. Priced at $1.50 and $2.0(a Men's to A .00 Other qualities in cut and sewed silks, knitted crochet pure silk scarfs, all with satin slip bands, individual boxes for gift giving if want edprices, $1.50 to $4.00. Men's Bath Robes at $2.98 to $37.50 Big Christmas assortment at very attractive prices. All seams tiped, edges, pockets and cuffs corded. Blanket tailored robe3, borders at bottom of robes, made of fine wool blankets; also silk robes, satin lined and those that the silk is so heavy that they need no lining. Priced from $2.98 to a & $37.50. Men's Shirts for Present Wear or Gifts The "Ideal" and Star brand which guarantees shirt satisfaction,' ; late arrivals complete our assortment. Both stiff cuffs, and the soft turn back cuff, moderately priced at $150 $2.00 and $2.50 up to$8.50. Barfe.i-Naah Co. Main Floor, Juat Intlde tha Harney Straet Door. WW rvn (J.i'A5lUF VM II I f - - 1 TVI im mm Vfie Cfivistmas Siorefor&veriBodtf 13 e f.