THE BEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1917. Nebraska G0UPLANH TELLS OF DEFENSE BOARD Vice Chairman Describes Ac tivities of Members and Tells 'of Many. Donations in - " Way of Service. Lincoln, Nov. 26. To the Editor of The Bee: The recent publicity given to the financial transactions connected with the running of- the Nebraska State Council of Defense makes this an opportune time to let the citizens of Nebraska know some of the inner workings of the council affairs. There seems to have been a mis understanding as Mo just what the council has done and is doing with the funds placed at its disposal by the last legislature. It became very apparent to the officers -of the coun cil, after its organization, that the funds voted would have to be verv carefully husbanded and supplemented by outside effort and contributions. The writer? at the request, of the governor and the council promised to sif.Jiis entire timeand service to the.state just as long as he was able physically to do it, and for six months it has been 1ny privilege sotb do. Keep Books Under Survey, Th fiprsnnnpl nf tin. -nnt-il liqra in the same spirit and with the same appreciation of patriotic privilege done the same and the monev the in. dividual members are permitted under the law to receive, has not been taken and we have in this way most gladly augmented the tunds which is so badly needed tor the work which the council or necessity, at the request of the na tional government, is undertaking. . The writer was olaced hv the rmm. cil in especial charge of its funds and very early after the council's organi zation, the governor's executive clerk, Anton Sagl, undertook for the council the financial scrutiny of every item of expense. - He has kept the books of tne comncl and performed this serv ica- ?ratuitouslv. . fio avoid the accumulation of deficit m me operation ot the council s activities, as permitted by la(fr the councl has called to ts assistance almost every department of the state's machnery and m addition to this the state university, through Chancellor --wery and many of his aides on th nown town campus, together with uean liurnett, Prof. Pugslev. Prof. mirr, and a number of others out at tie state farm, has contributed tnrough its departments and machin cry, many thousands of dollars of valuable service and assistance. Activities of Board. As the work of the council enlarges, . on account of the demands made upon it for service by the national govern ment, it oecomes more and more necessary foe it to rely upon such sAvicrs and co-operation as I have juV .indicated. Thousands upon ttiou- sanas ot letters have been printed by these departments of state and the university and mailed out; necessary investigations have been conducted bv mem, ah or wnicn nas Deen a loyal and direct contribution- to the efforts or tne state council. i he citizenship- of the state has loyally responded both in money con-tributions-and personal service, Sev eral dollars were contributed by out side organizations to help make ef fective the winter wheat seed cam paign wnich the council has carried on. The officers of the several rmm. ties, notably the sheriffs and county attorneys, nave rendered valuable service to the council free of charge. - Ihe quarters that tl?e state council ocupy, a suite of frve rooms in the Traternity building, have been main tained free of charge, by, one of Lincoln's loyal citizens, Mr. Sharp pf the traction company. Nearly all t furniture in the offices has been Contributed by persons desirous of Riding the government. v In faery if it had not been for such co-operation and generosity as I have referred to, the council's expenses would have keen more than double what they fcave been. ; Auto Service Free. The clerical force of the council Jias ben splendidly assisted by out side . help. Thousands of letters have been addressed, prepare, and mailed by such organizations as the Camp Fire girls, the girls of the Orthopedic hospital and of commer cial organizations who have lovally and gladly made such contributions. Tabulations of various data, necessi tating a number ot days work, at a tion of the citizenship of Nebraska to this organization which is an arm of the central organization, the National Council of Defense in Washington. Red Cross Night at Osmond Realizes Big Sum for Cause Osmond, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.) Friday, November 23, was Red Cross night in Osmond. The new town hall was dedicated by an enter tainment, bazar and basket social, all of the proceeds, $317.35 going to the Ked Cross. Pledsre cards were dis tributed and signed by those in the audience, and $130 was subscribed for each month of the next vear. bearin ning December, 1917, or about $1,600 to buy the material for the work room tor the. Ladies auxiliary of, the Osmond Red Cross. v tirne, have been made for the conn ciFby universityprofessors and state officers, and this has been done in hours after the usual day's routine. The automobile service of the council has largely been a contri bution by outside help. In the or ganization of county councils Chan cellor Avery and many others, at their own expense, have provided this service. The tour-minute service which has been under the charge of Prof. M. M. Fogg, hs done an amazing amount of work to which the council has jjot contributed one cent Just re cently the national council has re quested the state council to complete a co-ordinated speakers' bureau, which will have under its direction the patriotic and publicity campaign the government wishes carried on in the state. Helping Win War. , Theauthorities of the universty are permitting Prof. Fogg, who has been nominated by the council as dictfctor of this special work, to .un dertake it. This is a department of great importance aitd these services are given free. Much of the work that has been accomplished by the council could not have been done if it had not been for such splendid contributions, both of money and service, which have been placed at the disposal of the council so gen erously and loyally by those thus contributing. ' To help make Nebraska efficient ind to enable it to render its maxi mum amount' of help to the great national endeavor, is the work the council is called upon to perform. To me the privilege and joy of being permitted to contribute to help make Ajnerica efficient and triumph ant in this war, is beyond any pe cuniary recompense and I feel very sure that that spirit also dominates my colleague member of the coun cil. I think that I can assure the people-of Nebraska that the moneys which have been placed at the disposal- of the stsfte council will be wise"r and judiciously expended and that none of it will go as a contribu tion to a selfish motive of personal sain. I ask for the loyal co-opera- Victims of Automobile Accident Are Recovering! Tecumseh, Neb., Nov. 26. (Spe till.) Edward Goosman, his wife 12-year-old daughter. Calhe. and year-old son, Carl, victims of an au toobile accident, will recover. The Goosman family lives south of St I it .' rw t .uary m mis county. 1 nev were driving over a bridge over the drain age ditch, near St. Mary. Mr. Goos man -did not notice a cave-in of abon six feet in length at the end of tlve Driage ana arope into it. ihe car turned twice and one-half over and alighted unside down. Aurora Woman's Poultry Die From Poisoned Wate Aurora, Neb., Nov. 26. (SpeciaO- Mrs. Alex McDougall has reported to County Attorney Whitney that she has lost more than 100 chickens and all of her geese under circumstances indicating , that they have been poisoned. The dead chickens and geese drank from a trouch shortly be fore dying. The McDougall yard was strewn with dead birds shortly after they had been turned out and had drunk from this particular troueh Mrs. McDougall believes he waer had been deliberately poisoned. Firemen and Machinists x Needed in War Service (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.) The State Council of Defense is calling attention to the demand for firemen for the United States narv Free transportation to naval stations will be given upon application at 500 Paxt'on Block, Omaha. 'It is said that 7,000 more firemen and 100,000 ap prentice seamen are wanted to win the war. They will be made into ex pert machinest and gas engine men Cleveland, O., Nov. 26. Three night watchmen were found bound and gagged in the vault at the Hig bee company store early, this morn ing, where they had been locked by four safe blowers who had broken into the strong box and escaped with a rich haul. 1 According to statements made by officials ot the company, the sate blowers got between $5,000 and $10, 000 in cash and stole $10,000 worth of merchandise, including jewelry and furs. The watchmen, when released, were almost suffocated, but were re vived." They said the cracksmen gained en trance to the building by posing as United States secret service men looking for German soies who were ttreported to have plotted to set fire to the building. - Civil War Vets Drill in Johnson County Home Guard Tecumseh, Neb.. Nov. 25. (Soe- cial.) Nearly all the members of Heckathorn Post, No. 47. Grand Army of the Republic, have joined tne Johnson county home Guards. ine vets get m line tor drill and man age to keep up, and to keep step, in good shape. Some of them are en thusiastic in their boasts of what thev are going to do before the war is over. Tecumseh Boy Recovering From Aircraft Fall Injuries , Tecumseh. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Soe- cial.) Mrs. R. E. Aitken of Tecum seh has received a letter from her son, Oscar F. Aitken. who is in the aviation department of the armv..sta tioned at Pensacola, Fla., saying he has just left the hospital after being were several weeks. Young Aitken, who was among the first of the John son county boys to enlist in the army. He fell from an aeroplane last Sep tember. ' Food Administrator Names Johnson County Chairman Tecumseh, Neb., Nov. 25. (Spe cial.) Gurdon W. , Wattles, state food admin istraor. has named Walter P. Campbell of Tecumseh as chair man of the committee to have charge oi me worK in jonnson county. State Fuel Administrator John L. Kennedy has selected Joseph S. Arnup of this city to head the com mitee in the county to fake charge of he fuel siuation. Johnson County Doubles , Call for Y. M. C. A. Fund Tecumseh. Neb.. Nov. 25. (Soe- cial.) Johnson county more than doubled the call for the Young Men's Christian association funds. The minimum xasked was $1,200 and the maximum $3,000. At last accounts the fund had reached $6,698.50 and funds were still coming in. Spring Creek precinct donated $2,035.55. which is two thirds of the maximum amount requested. Marriane Licenses Issued To Two Couples at York York. Neb.. Nov. 26. fSoecal.W Marriage licenses were issuad yester day" to Arthupr W. Hanson and Miss Edith L. Woodside, both of York. and to William Stindt of Wallace and Miss Millie bmit ot McCool. -4 Killed in Fall Off Waeon, Sturgis, S. D., Nov. 26. (Special Telegram.) Otto Sommerland met with an accident near his home south of Edson, which resulted in his death when, the tongue of his wagon came down and he was jerked out of the vehicle, striking on his head. Aurora Couple Divorced. Aurora, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special.) Mrs. Dora K. Finch was granted a divorce from Roy D. Finch by Judge Corcoran. HARTMAN WARDROBE TRUNKS $25 up Then trunki em body tht but faa- I tares of trunk! construction, in-1 eluding padded in aidea, which pre vent the hangers I irom falling, and I lift topa. The I compartm ent ' ef wrinkle all clothing- is ready to wear at the end of the trip. , Freling & Steinle Omaha's Beat Baggage Builder 1803 Farnam St. We Like Small Repair Joba. CLEVELAND SAFE - BLOWERS GET HAUL Bobbers Bind and Gag Night Watchmen; Gain Entrance by Posing as Secret Service -Agents. Several Tons of Hay Lost In Fire Which Destroys Barn Beatrice, Neb. Nov. 26. (Special.) The barn on the Mrs. E. G. Rath burn farm, near Ellis, was- destroyed by fire 'yesterday afternoon, together with its contents, six tons of hay, 160 bushels of oats and corn. Four head of horses in the barn were taken out. The fire sctarted in the haymow from an unknown cause. The loss is placed at $1,200, partially covered by' insurance. Funeral services for the, late Mrs. Laura Lawrence were held this after noon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Rev. C. F. ' Stevens of the Christian church afficiated. She was the wife of Assistant Postmaster J. G. Lawrence. Interment was in Evergreen Home cemetery. Ihe high school athletic board has arranged to have the Grand Island and Beatrice High school foot ball game played here in the forenoon of Thanksgiving day in order to give those who wish an opportunity to attend the Syracuse-Nebraska foot ball game in the afternoon "at Lincoln. Edward Dolen, farmer living north west of Beatrice, was, in the city yes terday and stated that he had husked part of his coin crop, which yielded between 40 and 50 buhels to the acre. He says some of the corn is too green to crib, andi urges farmers to let it remain in the hid untiliit becomes thoroughly matured. ' ' . Red Cross Auction Fx ible. Fremont, Neb., Nov. 26. (Special Telegram.) The Red Cross auction sale netted $408, articles affered be ing donated by merchants and other citizens. A carriage and set of har ness, costing si.uuu when new, soio for $97.50. Pies, live poultry and canned fruit, put up by high school students, were included in the lists of articlesc offered for sale. Why I Believe in fluxated Iron k Strength-Builder for the Nation By E. SAUER, M. D. Probably no remedy has ever met with such phenomenal success s has Nuxated Iron. It is conservatively estimated that over three million people annually are tak ing it in this country alone. It has been hicrhlv endorsed and used by Former United States Senators and (Members of Congress ; Physicians who have been eonnectea win well-known hospitals have 'prescribed and recommended it: Monsiegneur Nannini, a prominent Catholic Clergyman, recommends it to all members of the Catholic Church. Former Health Commissioner Wm. K. Kerr of Chicago says it ought to be used in every hospital and prescribed by every physician. Sarah Bernhardt "the Divine Sarah," the world's most noted actress, has ordered a large quantity sent to the French soldiers to help give them strength, power and en durance. Dr. A. J. Newman. late Police Surgeon of the City of Chicago, and former House Sur geon Jafferson Park Hospital. Chicago, says Nuxated Iron has proven through his own tests of it to excel any preparation he has ever used for creating red blood, building ud the nerves, strengthening the muscles and correcting digestive disorders. Dr. H. B. Vail, medical examiner and late of the Baltimore and Columbus Hospitals, says: "A physician is often more likely to let himself get run-down from overwork than neoDle of any other class and the fact that I. took Nuxated Iron to build my self up after serious case of nervous ex haustion is the best proof of my confidence in its' strength-giving power. The effects were apparent after a few days and within three weeks it had virtually revitallud my whole system and put me in a superb phy sical condition." If you are not strong or well, yon owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after nfeals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. NOTE Nuxated Iron, which hit hami. tisM hv former Members of the TTulted 8tats Henate and House of BeDresent&tiraa and other uromlnent tieonla wiin gucn surprising results, ana wnien is pre srrlhfd and recommended above by physicians In such a sreat variety of cases, ts not a patent medi cine nor secret remedy, but one which Is well known to aruggist ana whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by eminent physicians everywhere. Un like the older inorganic iron products, it is easily awirnllated, does not Injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach : on the contrary, It la a mnn potent remedy in nearly all rnnns or ln dlgwtion as well as for nervous, run-down condi tions. The manufacturers hare such sreat confi dence in 'lixtMl Imn that thpv nftr tn fnrfal, $100 to any charitable Institution If they cannot take sny man or woman under 60 who larks iron and In crease their stretiKth 100 per cent or over In 'four weens nine, provided tney nave no serious ornanjn trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and endur ance in ten days' time. It ts dispensed by all good druggists. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards Ohve Tablets are a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets-the substi tute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive-colorea tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't Injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. .They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its-place. Most headaches, "dullness' and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and "heavy." Note how they "dear" clouded brain and how they "perk op" the spirits. 10c and 25c a box. AU druggists 3tore Closed AH Day Thanksgiving: biandeis Stores Shop Early and Avoid the Rush A Dress Sale of Unequalled Values . B"as"assssssBsaBs M(V,HMBMiaiiaaaaataasiaiBsaaaMBBBaaaaaaBsiaaisa..... for Tuesday Manufacturers Surplus Stock Offered at Extremely Low Prices 'Every Model a New, Authentic Version of the Season's Latest Styles About 500 Dresses in All Velvets Jerseys Satins and Tricotines Georgettes Serges Crepe Meteors it Gowns for Afternoon, Theater Wear, Street, Busi ness and Travel Frocks. All lovely shades, Taupe, Plum, Snuff Brown, Russian Green, Copenhagen and Navy Blues, Tan and Black. Model Values to $59, at $33.75 Model Values to $45, at $23.75 Ladies', Misses' and small Women's sizes 16 to 44. '"4 Second Floor For Thanksgiving China and Cut Glass English Bone China Tea Sets, 24 pieces. . .. . .$25.00 Cut Glass Candy Comports, 5-inch, each. ...... ,75c 2i Discount On Our Entire Line of English Bone China Bouillon Cups Casseroles, 8-inch, nickel plated frame, each 98c Cut Glass Wines, Cocktails, Cordials, the dozen, $2.50 Cups and Saucers, plain white, the dozen $1.98 Main Floor, Rear Roasters and Carving Sets Make ready for that Thanksgiving fowl with a good roaster and a good carving set. The Lisk Self-Basting' Roaster i,s real economy. It insures thorough' 1 roasting and it holds all the flavor which gets away when you use an open roasting pan or cheap roaster. With the Lisk you can use the cheaper cuts of meat, which would dry up in an open roaster. Lisk Roasters Size 17xllx63i, for eight-pound roast $2.65 Size 19xllx8i4 for twelve-pound roast $2.85 Size 19i2xl2i2x8i2, for sixteen-pound roast. .$3.25 Beautiful Genuine "Universal" Carving Set, 8-inch, highly finished steel hlade of the highest quality steel known to the cutler'slart, and white ivoroy fl9 OC handles. Per set ip&.0 Baiement Specials In Candies, Nuts, Etc. Great Variety of Candy, Nuts, Candied Fruits, and. Frozen Desserts for Thanksgiving AsiorUd Cream Patties, mint, wintergreen, clove, cinnamon and chocolate, a pound 29c A Large Variety of Fresh, Crisp Salted Nuts: Almond, a pound 90c and $1.00 Salted Pecans, a pound '. $1.20 Salted Cashew Nuts, a pound $1.00 Salted Filberts, a pound 75c Jumbo Salted Peanuts, a pound 40c Fresh Crystalized Candy Ginger, a pound 75c Delicious California Glace Fruits and Cherries, a pound.... 75c Special Glace Fruits, nut. and maroom, a pound 80c Cream Dipped Brazil Nuts, vanilla flavor, special, a pound.. 49c Special Frozen Desserts Plum Puddingy Frozen Eggnog, Nes selrhode Pudding and Tutti-Frutti Cream, Cranberry Ice, for your Turkey Dinner. Delicious Fruit Cake, a box 65c Roast Turkey Candy Boxes, each. .'. . .5c, 10c and 25c Turkey Gobblers, each . . , 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 All Kinds of Cases for Candies and Nuts. Pompeian Room Santa Claus Is Coming Saturday Dear old Santa Claus will be here in person and will welcome, the young people with a little gift. Boys and girls, be sure to come and see the jolly old fellow. In Brandeis Toy Department, next Saturday, don't forget. See the wonderful lot of beautiful toys thatwe have gathered together for you. We have hunted all over America for Christmas things for the young folks, so our Toy Department is larger than ever and we have al most any kind of a toy you could wish for. Santa wants you to come, sure. i . Specials In Notions For Tuesday's Selling San-Silk, all colors, 6 spools 25c O. N. T. and "American Maid" Crochet Cotton, 3 spools ..25c Fast Colored Wash Edging, a bolt. 10c Knitting Needles, a pair ,10c 9-Yard Bolts of Bias Tape, a bolt .10c Machine Needles, all kinds, artube ,10c Shell Hairpins, good quality, 6 for 5c Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, a pair. . .10c Side and Back Combs, a pair , 10c Bow Holders for the Hair, each. . . . I0c Large Cabinets of Wire Hair Pins, each ...... ,Y. . 5c Stocking Feet, all sizes, black only, two pairs. . . . .25c Crochet Ball Holders, two for ...,25c Fancy Frilled Silk Elastic, a yard 39c and 50c 0 Main Floor , i F ,