THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 241917. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $110 GIVEN AWAY T that's right 11.100 take I1.S50 equity new six room modern bungalow. 1 Owner ituck and must sell at far below eost SEWARD BROTHERS, IIS Brae dels Bollding. Douglaa 1149. NO CASH REQUIRED. Brand new oak finished bungalow. 3!, 850. Will sell for nothing down and $30 per month or will rent for 125. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO REALTORS. Douglaa 3110. ONE acre of ground In fruit, ( house, close to Central Park school, very cheap. W. H. GATES. Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1294 NEW, Modern, -room house) paved street) Harney car line. All oak. Will sell $360 down. Call D. S4!8 days nr Wat. TT. South. "NE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot: fine condition; live la one and rent the other. Prloe for both, 13.760. Very easy terms. No. I4S3 S. 80th St NORRIS 4 NOHR1S. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 Miscellaneous. l.UT me show you my" brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,850. Rea sonable terms. Call owner, Douglas 1782. W. FARNAM SMITH A Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 faraam 84. Doug. 1044 J. J. MULVIHILU Realtor. 800 Brandels Theater Bldg. R. 8. TRUMBULL. 308 1st Nat Bk. Bldg D 1734 EAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ply 4 TOUVO- DO-1ERTY. City Real Estate. fOu'JKlas 1671, 322 Brandels Theater. 1(7 i. WOLF, Realtor." Ware BlkT Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investment INVESTMENTS ALL GOOD $7,750 A two-apartment brick flat, exceptionally we.ll built, very close-in. The building alone today would cot $8,000 to build; rented cheaply to permanent tenants, $780 a year; $3,000 cash will handle. $10,500 Briek store, building, cor ner lot on 24th street, monthly ren tal $105. An ideal investment, per manent tenants; no trouble to han dle. Must have $5,000 cash. $14,000 Leavenworth street bus iness property, to one tenant, 5-year lease at $1,500. $5,000 cash will handle.. $15,000 Brick flats, northwest corner 2iA and Capitol avenue. Three apartments, 7 rooms each, Jay 7 per cent net. $15.000 Dodge street corner with improvements $135 per month, to ermanent tenants. ine rents are gnd improvements very good. is a close-lit corner bound to in value. $5,000 cash to ER & SPAIN (REALTORS) .; X)62. 919-20 City National. REAL ESTATE To Exchange BALE OH TRADE Euuity In good 160 ores. Halt Co., price 18.40 per acre; also good 160-acr in Lyman Co., South Da kota, price 117.60 per acre; want clear property, Missouri or Arkansas; can use good Jack and car on either; 1,766-acra Improved ranch In Cherry Co., Neb., for cash and terms; might take (3,600 In trade: pries 17-69 per acre; no bet ter In this part for, the money, Address no vaiynune, meo. . CITY PROPERTY FOR I LAND OR MERCHANDISE. 2 seven-room, all modern houses in very best repair, newly fainted and papered, first class location, paved streets, naar car, school and church. Pries for both, 111,000; mtg., 14,606; equity of 14,400, to exchange for cltyir section sand hill land or stock of general mdse. or groceries. Address Owner, P. O. Box 717, Omaha. 1300, 7 PER CENT stock, Id good Omaha corporation, to trade for Ford, lot or quity In acre. Harney 4612. ipw A LOt'ISTANA Lands. Nllsson. 423 Rose Bldg. 1 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. tO Acres Near Florence on Paved Road Just out of the city limits of Florence, about 7 miles from the Omaha postoffice. Owner has made a price of $400 per acre, If sold by December 1. Will make terms one-fourth cash. HABTIK 38 & HETDEN, ?614 Harney St. Phone Tyler CO. Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAIN $500 POWN AND $25 A MONTH 6-room house, modern except heat, with 1 ly, acres ef ground, facing on boulevard; I barn, chicken houses and ether neces sary buildings; close to school, not far from car line; priced at $4,000, which the Improvements are worth. See us at once. Payne Investment Company Realtors. 187 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. P. 1781.' VIVB very fins garden lots, closto oar line, close to school, just outside the city limits, where you do net have to pay elty taxes; an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or garden; the owner has moved to Cali fornia and says sell at onoe; price 102 ach; terms, 60c a week on each lot. Call Walnut 3460. today or In tfaa evening. WANT TO BENT OR BUT A feed lot far ahsep or oattle. On railroad, lq or near Omaha. Box 9020 Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. BUY At YOUR OWN PRICE. Call me tonight and make an appoint ment to see a lot. ' I will sell for about hi what lots adjoining It have been sold for. This lot Is only V) block to car and paved street; has good cement sidewalks to car line; city water and gas In the street; only S blocks to one of the largest new school houses In Omaha. This is In a restricted district and new homes, costing from 13,600 to 11,000, are built all around it I live H block from this lot, and could show It to you almost any time. Bmall eash payment, balance monthly. Telephone Walnut 3406. Miscellaneous. LA Had Garden Lots near car line, paved street. $125 to Slit. II down. Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE " TRACKAGE : 19x131, brick buildings, for eel or for rent, all or part. E. H. BBNNEB CO. D. I40. FINE site on B. A 11. R R., size 36x166; Can be bought cheap; terms, C. A. Grim roel. Phone Douglas 1615. REAL ESTATE WANTED VE CAN BELL or exchange your acre, age. Call up today, Mr. Browne. Doug. 7 II 19. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 111-14 City National WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to 1500 down. Call Osborne Realty Op- Tyler 491 701 Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell en Small cash payments; have-parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 41 Karbaeh Blk. V. 807. W ANTED Modern house with one or two acres, near Omaha or Council Bluffs. Corkin. 40I Capitol Ave. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY OMAHA REAL ESTATE. 11,600 at f pet. value of security. ..S4.000 32.200 at pet. value of security... ,6.300 3609 at pet. value of security.... 1.400 11,300 at t pet value of security.... 4,000 11.700 at I pet value of security.... 4,000 12,300 at ( pet. value of security,... 6,600 32.600 at I pot value of security.... 6.000 FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY NEBRASKA FARMS. 33.000 at ( pet value of seourlty 310,000 39.000 at ( pot. value of security.. 19,600 310,000 at ti pet value of security 26,000 33,200 at I pet value Of security,... 1,900 E. H. Lougee, Inc. 538 KEEUNE BLDG. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6V4 and t per cent Also first mort gages! on farms and Omaha real estate for aale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-413 Keeltne Bldg., 17th and Harney. FA KM and city loans, running from five to twenty years; Interest 6 per cent, 84 per cent and ( per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 11,200 MTOE. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at 19,000. Talmadge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. SHOPEN A CO.. PRIVATE MONEY. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for "mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING. LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. KCL CITY GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat. Bk, Bldg. LOANS, 5 Of MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. 10 ii3 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. TlOO to 310.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloks Investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C, O. CABLBERO, 3124 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. $85. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W H. THOMAS SON. Keelln Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. 340, I no., H. goods, totat cost, 33.60. 140, C mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, 32.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 481 Rose Bldg., 16th end Farnam. Ty. 666. .EGAU RATES LOANS 324.00 334f.OO or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2J95. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and Jewelry loans at Its and 24 per cent. W. C. Flatau; estob. 1892. 6th floor Rose-Securities Bldg. Tyler 960. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge D 6611 K 1891. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. HOMES FOR 100 FAMILIES. Several thousand acres, located ens to four miles from Crowley, Ordway, Sugar City and oeven miles from Rooky Ford, Colo.; main lines Missouri Pacific and Santa Fe. This land produces large yields alfalfa, corn, wheat, oats and barley. Cat tle and sheep feeding, dairying and hog raising very profitable. Tha 1917 crop un der the Twin Lakes system, alfalfa, about 38,600 acres; corn and other grain about 7,000 acres; sugar beets, 6,000 acres, and other Intensive and general farming. Spe cial Homeseckers' Excursion the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Soil sur vey report on this land by N. A. Bengtson of the University of Nebraska and Mis souri Paclflo booklets on this farming dis trict free. If you are looking for a home do not delay, but phone or see us at once for full Information and rates. Liberty bonds aocepted same as cash at 105. We own this land. Phono Tyler 2826. B. H. Talmage, Vies President. The TwTn Lakes Land and. Water Co., or H. R. Follmei Co.. 336 First Nat. Bank Bid.. Omaha. FOR SALE 483 acres level, black soli wheat land, near juiestmrg, evt zi-iv-io and s. w. J8-10-43. Good terms. Will F. (jledentopf, Owner, Council Bluffs, la. Colorado land for sale. 330-ACRE Improved Logan county, Colorado; one of the best wheat farma In northeaBt. am Colorado, slightly rolling, good soil, ell tillable. Price 327.60 per acre. John B. Phlpffen, 322 First Nat'l Bk. Bid. Omaha. Min-iesota Lands. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Get a farm home In rich corn and clover belt along new Soo Line, 60 miles St. Paul-Minneapolis; landseek ers all say, "I saw nothing better." You'll liks this wonderfully prosperous stock and -dairy region too; rich soils, hardwood timber, plenty rainfall, health ful climate, beautiful lakes, fins schsols, creameries everywhere. Prices 316 per acre and up. Improved or wild; easy terms. Map and list free. Baker. N. 117, St. Croix Falls. Wis. . Missouri Lands. ' SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 10 cash and 16 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full information. MUNGER, A-119. N. Y. .Life Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. GREAT bargains--36 down, $4. monthly. buys 40 acres gooa irun ana pounry mnu near town, southern. Missouri. Price only 3220. Address Pox 282, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. RANCH, 1,720-acrs combination grain and stock ranch, located In Cherry county on Nio brara river, six mile from railroad. 700 acres good evaj bench term land, 360 acres In cultivation, cropped thts.Vear to corn, wheat, oats, rys, millet, navy beans and potatoes. 160 acres Niobrara bottom, fart of which Is tha best of hay land, 09 acres good alfalfa land. Balance of ranch rolling to rough- pasture, all well grassed. Plenty of timber for fuel and fence posts as well as affording protection for stock during winter. ' Ranch watered by river. Bear creek and springs. Will run 260 head of cattle the year around. Improvements located In fine native grove in the valley and consist of six-room house, two barns, silo and other buildings. School house located on ranch. .This is a genuine bargain at SIS per acre. One-third cash and will carry bal ance to suit purchaser. This territory has never been boomed. By buying now you are gettfhg In at bed rock prices. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. x 845 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1160, KIMBALL COUNTY. lit acres ltt miles from Dlx, Kimball county; 316 acres can be farmed with a tractor; fine wheat land; west half sec. 3-14-64, Price 24 per acre; hi cash. WHITE A HOOVER, . Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. SEWING MACHINES Prices Slashed Greatest used Sewing Machine Bj.;-f:ainn ever offered by this House. SINGERS, WHITES, NEW HOMES, ' WHEELER & WILSON $7.50, $9, $10, $12.50, $14, $15 'and $18 If you need a Sewing Machine; come in and see what real bargains these are. EXTRA SPECIAL 10 Drop-Head Singer Machines. 7-draw-er, Drop Head, good as new. Not a mark on them; worth $50 each. Your choice for . $28.75. ' 100 new Ball Bearing White Machines for rent. MICKELS 15th and HARNEY. D. 16G2. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. WIDOW'S SACRIFICE EASTERN NEBRASKA No one to woYk her 800 acre farm; must tell; less than 200 miles west and north of Omaha, seven miles from railroad town, good house, large barn, well fenced and vatered; half could be culti vated, 125 acres in crop this vear. Cost the present owner $25 per acre. Will sell to the highest bidder on reasonable terms. W, B. CARPENTER, Austioneer, Room 300, 818 Walnut" St., Kansas City, Mo. SMALL Nebraaka farm on easy payments 5 aorea up. We farm the farm ws sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association. 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas nil. FOR SALE 126 acres, all level. In Repub lican valley; mile to achosl; 1 miles frora Alma, Harlan county, Nebraska. Ktx-room house, large barn. 6i acre, 44 cash. John W Shaffer, Alma, Neb. 65-ACRE farm for sale, 4-rooin house, barn and bay shed, corn crib, hog shed and other outbuildings, 6 miles south of Platlsmeuth, Neb. Write or call on A, Q. Bach Co., Plattsmouth, Neb, 40 ACRES Irrigated land, every aore first class; all fenced and In orop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price 14,000. Box 206, Oakland. Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. Canan, 310 McCagus Bldg., Omaha. fir florin Lands ' NEW JORDAN "VALLEY PROJECT. HEART OF THE RANGE. Get on the ground floor with 30 acres Irrigated land In connection with epen rang... .You can grow stock successfully and cheaply Exouraton Dec, 4. Send for bulletin. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Texas Lands. SEE! us for Texas land. We furnish cattle. You pay from profits. Thomas Olson, 40 Karbaeh Bldg. GOOD corn landvEast Texas, 326 an acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Wvominir Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 350 per a.. inciuuing (JHUi-up witter iihiiui, ncuir Levi & C. M. Rylander. 364 Omaha Nat'l. . Miscellaneous. 40 ACRES nice lakeshore, mile town, 160, 360 cash; 40 acres. It cleared, house, barn, 3600. 3200 cash. Tom) O. Mason, Cumberland,' Wis. RANCH bargains, all sices, good terms. A. A. Patiman, 301 Karpack Blk FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. . E. P. SNOWDEN SON, 423 S. 16th. Douglaa 1371. WA1 TBDt-3'0 acrea Pierce county. Neb, Owners only. tillable. Give good dst scrlptlon, price and terms, 301 Karbaeh Blk.. O taha. Neb. POULTRY AND PET STOCK OMAHA POULTRY ASS'N holds Us annual show at Auditorium No vember 2S to December t. DON'T M1S3 IT. Horses Live StockVehicles A TEAM of horses for sals cheap. Call Mr. Sam Noble, 1246 South 14th St Douglas 6995. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Margaret A. Clark and husband to Anna G. Brand, Newport avenue, 218 feet east of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 44x120 3 4209 Louis Schrelbman and wife to Etta Lltman, Twentieth street, 264 feet south of, Clark street, east side, 37x140. 1 Estcllo Marquette to Ida Peters, north east corner Twentieth and Sprague street, 60x120, and other property 1 Nellie IfcGratti and husband to Jos eph M. O'Hern, southwest corner Thirty-sixth and T street, 60x60.. 1200 Jennie M. Pinkerton and husband to Lillian C. Jacobs, Lafayette avenue, , 73 feet west of Forty-first street, north side, 25x150 3500 Belle Q. Evans and husband to Elma L. Cannan, Franklin street, 400 feet west of Thirty-eighth street, north side, 60x130, and other property.. 1000 Verna V. Sloan and husband to Barker Co., Fortyflfth avenue, 100 feet south of Maple street, west side, 60x126 1 Charles W. Martin and wife to Jacob Raduzlner, Newport avenue, 296 feet west of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 44x120 800 Omaha Hay Market. Receipts fair, demand good en all grades of prairie hay and alfalfa. Market firm and higher on all grades of prairie hay. Alfalfa continues steady. Hay Choice upland prairie 323.00; No. 1, 321.0022.00; Ni 2. 317.00018. 60; No. 3, 314.0016.00. ' Midland No, 1, 321.00023,03; No. t. 317. 00018. 50. Lowland No. 1, 316 00017.00; No. 3, 113.00014.00; No. 3, 311.6012.50. Alfalfa Choice, 331.00; No. I, 323,00 30.00. Standard $26. 00028.00; No. 2, 324.0025.00; No. 8, 321.00 22.00. 8trawT-Oat S9.60; wheat, 36.00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Any Kind of Killer Oattle Bring Good Price; Hogs Steady to 5o Higher; Feeder Lambs Active. Omaha, Nov. 33, 1917. Cattle, Hog. Sheep. Receipts wersi Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday , Estimate I'rlday , 31,343 3.413 .414 ...13,117 ..11.(33 ,.,",44 ,., 3.300 4,31 4.441 1,311 .13.338 13,164 16.317 1.330 Five days this week.. (3.1(4 33.307 41.763 Same days last week. .68,917 30,443 34,670 Pamo days 2 wks. ago,4,3 31.14 34,427 Fame days 3 wka. ago. 43.743 13.441 17.835 Same ilays 4 wks. eo.61,13 13.6S8 37,127 ame days last year.. 41,391 43,476 64,421 Receipts and disposition of live stock In the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 34 hours ending at t o'clock yeaterday: RECEIPTS-CARS. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. r M. 8(. P.... I 1 Wabash 11 . .. Union Paolde...... 44 6 ,. C. N, W., east., f 3 1.3 C, N. W., west,, li 31 t i C St, P., M. 4k O. X 1 N ., C, B. A Q., east.. 1 1 I C B. Q, west.. 31 11 1 3 C, B. I, 4 P.teast ., I Chicago Ut, West, .. 1 Total receipts... 103 34 13 3 DISPOSITION HKA P. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. MorHis & Co 336 630 Swift & Company. ... 1.376 1,317 248 Cudahy Packing C..l,t( 1,01 - 333 Armour Co 383 1.463 1,17 Schwarts A IV 13 .... J. W. Murphy 31 .... Lincoln Pausing Co.. I ., S. Omaha Packing Co. 37 .... Wilson Packing Co.. 321 ,, Kohr Packing Co.... 116 .... .... Cudahy, Denver, .... to Armour, lnver. 1,13V W. B. Vansant Co... 14 .... V. B. Lewis. 138 Hunslnxer A nver., 33 .... .... J. B. Root Co.... 73 J. H. Bulla 34 Kosenstock Bros 83 .... .... K. O. Kellogg 74 Werthelmor & Dogen. 744 .... Kills A Co 66 Sullivan Bros (7 Rothschild ft Krebs... S Mo. & Kan. Calf Co. 137 Christie ., 168 Higglns , t Huffman ,, 6 "V Mayors ., ,., 11 ,, Qlsssberg 18 .... .... Baker, Jones A Smith. 38 .... .... Banner Bros 64 .... John Harvey 186 Dennis A Francis..,.. 61 Jensen A Lungren... II .... Straw 8 Other buyers 1,470 .... 4,377 Totals 3,466 4,(11 10.J76 Cattle On anything In- the killer line the market was In unusually good shape for a Friday. Receipts of beef steers were light and the demand was fairly broad. Offerings movea eariy at ruiiy steady prices, ana butcher stock also sold rtedlly ' t gocd firm figures. The only cornfuds of any quality at all were one load of long year lings that sold at 318.26. No choice rang beevaa were here. The feeder trade was continuation of the alow lower affair sf tha last two or three days. Some good medium weight steers sold fairly early at about tha same prices that war paid yesterday, but on ins duik or me altering! it was a weag and draggy deal. Beef steers and the general run of butcher cattle ars fully steady for the week, and soma ef the choice cows are. If anything, little higher. Stock cows have been active all week and alsorcre selling a little better than they did a week ago. The general de cline In stockers and feeders the last three. nays amounts to luuy sua ana prices ars that much lower than last week's close. The greatest decline has been noted In the heavy high priced feeder which air as much as 76c lower, while good to choice medium weight steers have held up better than anything else. Quotations on cattla Prime heavy beeves. 114.60916.00; good to choice beeves. 313.63 yi4.(; fair to good beeves, 311.0013.00i common to fair beeves 87.00011,00; good to choloevyearllngs, f 14.00 16.00 ; fair to good yearlings, 413.00 14.00; common to fair yearlings, 3.6ell. 00; prim heavy grass beevss, $1 2.00 13.60 ; good ta choice grass beeves, ll0.004ill.E0; fair to good grass oeeves, sif.uiHa tu.uo; common to fair grass beeves, 17. oojf 8.40; , .good ta chola heifers, 8,003.36; good to choice, cows, 37.7ii8.36; fair to good cows, 34.3607.(01 oommon to fair cows, 86.2608.00; prim feeding stesrs, 312.OO013.vOi good U sholc feeders, 3.7611.76; fair to good feeders, 88.00&I.60; common to fair feeders, 36.000 7.061 good to choice stockers. 88.76010.60: stock heifers, 36.608.60; stock cows, 36. od 07.60; stock calves, 16.00010.40: veal calves 39.00H.tiO; bulls, stags, etc., 5.608.00. nepresentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No, Ar. Ft. 1 400 36 CO 2 710 37 00 26 664 8 00 S01 t 26 .1001 IS 66 22..,,..., S( 11 00 9 1166 11 60 18.. 133 17 73 17 1219 13 00 Hogs Receipts of hogs for a Friday wess liberal and on the early rounds Jrede was fairly active. Shippers took w begs early, but their purchsses were not as liberal as during- (ha early part ef the week. The trade all around was steady to ie hiffhP A Inn n til OA --. . .. I . Y. 1 1 , U - r- . w. , ..), w ,.., E. ,,11 u, willll WW bulk of the hogs moved at 817.7617.86, and toward the close of th market as sumed a somewhat easier ton and there werei still several loads unsold. Receipts of stock pigs were considerably heavier to day than yesterday and trad was slow. Representative sales: No, Av. h. Pr. No. Vv. eh. Pr. 47. .220 480 117 60 62. .248 120 817 66 8V..250 840 17 70 30. .307 140 17 76 42. ,297 110 17 80 66, .246 ISO 17 80 66. .861 40 17 83 60. .117 ... 170 PIGS. 33.. 17 ... 18 66 1S5..133 ... 10 (0 Sheep A light Friday's run ef sheen and lambs was her today, hardly enough stuff of any kind showing up to mak mar. ket. Killers of all kinds wore nominally steady, only on load changing hands on the early rounds at 316.86. There wer practically no fat sheep on th market, Trade In feeding lambs was active at prices that ruled about steady with yesterday's av erage, best handywelght kinds selling up to tis.uo. reeding sneep were scarce and nominally steady.. For theNveek fat lambs show a decline of 2660o under last week's close. Sheep have ruled about steady, with a slight advanoe .In th top price, 311.(0 be ing paia mis weeic. feeders ar about steady with last Friday, good western lambs of any good weight at all going at 117.760 18.26. Feeder yearlings for the weak hava brought 414.2014.26, with few lambs at 18. VII. Quotations en sheep and tambai Lamba. fair to chlce, I1C60O17.26; lambs, feeders, 317.01S.26 lambs, culls, 11 00016.00) yearlings, fair to choice, $11.10013.36; year lings, feeders, 112.00014.28; wethers, fair to cnoice, Jll.uu WIS.tu; ewes, fair to choice, 89.26011.60; ewes, breeders. 810.60016.60; ewes, feeders, 37.6010.36; awes, culls and cannerg, 36.0007.36, St. Louis JJt Stock Market. St. Louis. Nov. 23. Cattle Receint. 2.408 head; market, steady; native beef steer, 38.00016.00; yearling steers and heifers, 37.00016. 00; cows, 86.00911. 00: steckers and feeders, 36.SO0U.O4; Texas quarantine steers, $8.76010.60; fair to prime, southern beet steers, 3S.0DI2.76; beef cow and heifers, I6.0010.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.60010.00; native calves $5.76013.26. Hogs Receipts, ,(06 head: market. higher; lights, $17.60017.8$; pigs, $l.ts 17.50; mixed and butchers, $17.70018.00; good, heavy, $17.85018.06; bulk ef sales, $17.60018.00. sheen snd Lambs Receipts, 43 head: market, steady; lambs, $13.00017.(0:' swes. $10.00012.25; canners, $6.0008.(0. Chicago Live Stock aMrket, , Chicago, Nov. 23, Cattle Receipts. $.000 head; market, steady; native steers, $7.40 6f 5.0U: western steer. 36.10013.76: steckers and feeders 86.10011.36; cows and heifers, u.(iutpij.iu; calves, I7.00JP U.oo. Hogs Receipts, 26,000 head; market. firm; bulk of sales, 317.70013.00; light, $17.15018.00; mixed, $17.60018.10; heavy, $17.50018.05; rough, $17.(O017.((; pigs, $14.00017.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3.000 head; market, steady; wethers, $8.75012.30; ewes, $7.40011.40; lambs, $13.65017.85. filomr City live Mack Market, filoux City, la., Nov. 23. Cattle Re- celpts, 2,200; market steady; beef steers, $8.60 01(00; fat cows and heifers, $7,000 (.50; canners, $6.(003.50 stockers and feeders, $8.00012.50; calves, $7.60012.00; bulla, stirs, etc., $6.S0Q8.(0; feeding cows and heifers, 86.760. 86. Hogs Receipts, 7, 00; market lOc higher; light, $17.(0017.75; mixed, $17.70 & 17.85;- heavy. $17.80017.96; pigs, $17.$ 019.00; bulk, $17.66 017.90. ' Sheep Receipts, 3,600; market steady. ' S'ew York Sugar Market. ' New Yerk, Nov. 23. Sugar, raw, market steady; molasses, $8.02; centrifugal, $8.90; refined, market steady; fins granulated, $8-" GRAIN APPRODOCE New Corn Shows Increase in Quality; Oats Continue Strong; By and Barley in Demand. Omaha. November 23, 191". Arrivals of grata today totaled only127 car, with 43 cars of wheat, 34 Of oornT 39 of oala, I of rye and I oar ef barley. The bulk of the new corn effering re ceived here of late show a pUrlal Increase in quality, especially those from the south ern part et th state, a) while many of them grad around Ne. $ and No. 6. It Is only due to. seselv moisture which they contain, arid If moved quickly a,nd dried can be turned let a fairly geod merchantable article. Trad today was rather alow, but the greater part ef th offering War tventvalty disposed ef. Cor eaOnti strong, while the sales f nsw showed a slight Increase over yesterday's sales, local buyers taking most all of (he, while some ar being sold te farmsre who are here on the floor te buy a few ear for feeding purposes. No. while, new. sold at $1 36 and the No, $ yel low' at $l.T. 'while th Ne. grad ef yel low vera sold at $t.tO4.(0; No. I mixed sold at $1.4601(1 and (he No.. mixed t $146. . Oat continues te b Very strong and gold up 44 e to ltie ever yesterday' sales, the bulk bringing the extreme advance. Ele vator interests wsre good buyers,, much ef tills eeree) being bought for government us. Th standard grade sold at 11 H and the No. 3 whit at .Otfflc Rye and barley were In good demand to day, these samples being taken quite freely. Rye was up half-cent, while barley, was a little stronger. No. 3 rys sold at (1.74 and th No, 8 at $113 H- No. 1 maltlnn barley sold at 31. 8041. 31, while the No. 3 grade went at $1.87 01.38, Ne, 1 feed bar ley brought $1.20. Clearances werei Wheat and flour equal to 831.000 bushels: corn, none oats, 479,000 bushels, . Primary wheat receipts were (S9.68 bushels and shipments 387,000 bushels, sgalnst receipts of 1,1(000 bushels and shipments ef 1,133.00 bushels last year. ' Primary corn reoelnts wers 741,06 bush els ami shipments 189,000 husbels, against receipts of 1,0(9,000 bushels and shipment ef $64,000 bushels last year, Primary oats receipts were $44,60 bush sis and shipments 1,011, 006 bushsls, against receipts uf 738, 0Q( bushels and shipments of 731,000 bushels last mr. CARLOT RECEIPTS. ( , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Clflcs go 41 833 188 Minneapolis ,,,,, ,,.,,,,.$44 ,-, . ,., Puluth .39 Omaha , 4 ( 8 Kansas City It (4 61 St. Louts 76 (f Winnlpsg $7$ ,., Wheat No. 1, hard winter; S cars, 8J.U; No, $, hard winter, 4 cars, (2.13; 1 bulkhead, $313; No, 3, hard vlnter, i cars, $2.09; $ bulkhead, $2.00; No. 2, yellow hard winter, 3 cars, 32.08; No, 3, yellow hard winter, 1 car, $3.06; No. 8, dark hard winter, I car, $8.18 No, $, dark northern spring, I ear, $8.1$; No. 1 northern spring, 1 car, $3.1(; No, S, rsd spring. 1 oar, $3.07; Nq. $, mix ed oommon white, 1 car (smutty, 12 per cent spring, (8 par cent white). 2. 01; No. t, durum, $ cars, $3.13; 1 car (smutty) $3.11; No. S, umber durum, 1 car, $2.16; No. . amber durum, irs, $3.18; 1 car (smutty, $ per cent rye) $3.11. No. , mixed common red durum,, 1 ear (13 per cent, spring, 36 per cent durum), $2.11; No, f,. Silled com mon red durum, 1 car (8 per Vent hard red spring, 1$ per tent common sed dur um), $2.07, ' i Rye No. , cars, $I,N; No, . I cars, I 7$. . : Barley Ne. t, t ear, $1.31) 1 cay, $l.i No. 8, 1 car, $1.38; No. 1, feed. I car, $1.80; sample, 1 car (wheat n.lxed) , $1.24. Corn No. ( white, 1 cay $l.S8j No. ( yellow, 2 ear, 11.14 1 $- car, $17; Not yellow, 1 car, $1.6; 1 car, $1.46; 1 ear, $1 8481 I can, $1.40; No. i mired, 1 car, $1661-1 ear, $1.45; Ne. I mixed, 1 car, $1.45. . . Oats Standard. 1 ear, 71Uot No. -I white, ( oars, Ho; 1 ear, IQHei I ear, 70tto; ear 10) sample svhlte, I ears,; lOVia. Omaha Cash Price Corn! Nq. whits, new, 31 3501.88; No. I yellow, Hew, $8.1$ 02.20; No, I ysllow, nsw. 1.6(01.7; No. ( yellow, nsw, $1.4001.60; No. 8 mixed, new, $3.160$.lOtt! No. $ mixed, nsw, $1.40 01.48; No. 4 mixed, nsw, $1 4001 44, Oats: No. I white, new, 7107Ho: atandard, 7107ll4o; No. I whit, 7O071OI wo. 4 whit, new, tH07Ottc. Barley: Malting, $1.11 01.33; No. 1 tesd, $1.1501.16. Rye: Ne. 8, $1.18 Mi 0M4; No. 8, $l.$01.T$ty- Local range at options: Art. Open. 1 High. Low. Close, j YestT Corn. May 12$ 13$ 120 1 29 180 Oats. - , Dec 6 H 6 iH May f 66 6'i 6tt 66H Chicago ,3:8 prices, furnished Th Bm by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 816 South iilsteentn street, uinsnai Art Open. I High. Low, Close. Te. Oorn. Jan. Dsu, May Oats. Dss. May rork. Jan. Lard. Jan. May Ribs. Jan, May 1 81U 118 1 81 1J12?H 1 24 19 t 2414 I 18K lit 117 1 18 4 'AS 117 (3 (H 611$ 4$ 4V 24 88 4$ $0 24 (5 2$ 41 84 (7 24 60 (7 ($H 4$ 3 24 (0 24 40 24 76 24 37 4 10 43 i( 4 (2 84 43 (4 86 24 $7! 24 40 84 Til 84 85 24 72 24 37 24 t 84 65 CHICAGO OBAIN AND PBOVISIONS. New of No Maxlmatu Price on Oat Tends to Strengthen Market. Chicago, Nov, 88. Huge purchasing ef oats for government account, together with authoritative statements that ne maximum price on oats would be established, had strengthening effect today on the value of all Board of Trade commodities. Corn closed firm He te le net higher, oats up lo to 2o and provisions varying from tin changed to a rise of 8ic. For the third day lq succession oats Jumpod to new high record prices for the season. The broad demand which existed both for Immediate delivery and for future options as well waa ascribed directly to measures taken to supply ths ntfefls of tha various entente governments. Topmost prices of the day were reached after positive an nouncement had been made that there was no need or prospect of a maximum price be ing fixed. Meanwhile, country holders seemed sfrald to sell. Their chief reason appeared to be scarcity of ears, although (he government Is shortly expected to In orease the number of oars In the wsst to handle cereals, Including oats. Corn prices reflected the pronounced car shortags and the fact that unwelcome damp ness and mild temperatures prevailed. Strength of grain and- hogs lifted pro vision. Besides, the market was bulllshly affected by liberal shipments of packing bouse products. Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 8 yel low, $3.19; No. 4 yellow, $1.9002.00. Oats: No. I white, 71072a) standard, 7114 072 He Ryei No. 2, 31.7801.78. Barley: $1,100 1.40. Seeds: Timothy, $6.0007.(0; clover, $20.40026.00. Provisions: Pork; Nominal; lard,. $37.(50)7.(0; ribs, $$7.(0. Coffee Market. New York, Nov. 38 The market for coffee futures showsd rather a reactionary tendency today, particularly during the earlier trading. It seemed that reoent ad vances had been sufficient to bring out some realizing or a little trade selling and after opening at a decline of t to $ points, active months sold agj)ut 4 to 4 points net lowerr December touched $.$0c and May 7.26c, but at this level the market steadied on covering en reports of a steadier cost and freight situation. Ths eloss was net 1 point higher to 1 point lower. Closing bids: December, 6 8o; January, ( 96c; March, 7.13c; May, 7.29c; July, 7.47c; Sep tember, 7.65c. Spot coffee was unchanged with quota tions on the basis of 7 He for Rio and 914c for Santos 4s. Cost and freight offers were reported about 15 to 26 points abovs recent sales. Very few 4s are being offered. Santos 3s were reported diere at 3.16c and 8s and 4s at .10o, London credits. The official cables shewed en advance of 75 rels at Klo; Santos spots were (0 re Is and futures 25 rels higher. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. $8. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,000 head; market, steady; prime fed steers, $I6.5O01(.75; dressed beef steers $11.00015.00; western steers, $8,000 12.76; cows, 35.50J910.50; heifers, $6,600 12.00; stockers and feeders, $6.60011.50; bulls, $6.0007.75; calves, $6.60012.00. Hogsf Receipts, 9,000 hnad; market, steady; bulk of sales, $17.50017.76; heavy. $17 70017.86; packers and butchers, $17.(0 017.76; light. $17.2(017.(0; pigs, $14,250 17.26. Sheep- and Lamba Receipts, 1,000 bead; market, steady; lambs, $16.60017.35; year lings, 312.50til4.50; wethers, $11.50013.50: ewes, $10.60012.00. New York Cotton Market, New York Nov. 23. The cotton market today cloaed steady at a net advance of 1 to 37 point. NEW YORK STOCKS Backwardness of Sails, Despite Brotherhoods' Assurance Re garding Strikes, Stands Out Prominently. New Tork, Nor. 23. Backwardness of rails, deeplte assurances that strike will be called by th brotherhoods, wss the out standing feature of today'e moderate busi ness en th Stock axchange. Other shares were disposed after early hesitation, to sup plement sdvancea of ths midweek, but en countered occasional opposition. Foreign affairs were less In the fore ground, although another violent break la Italian exchange te a discount approaching 46 per sent created lncrrsd apprehension respecting the outoome of Impending events In that country, Trading waa accompanied by frequent In tervals of extreme dullness, but ths monot ony of ths session wss relieved by Inter mittent activity of pools In various spe cialties at gross gains of 8 te $ points. Stable Industrials, Including equipments of the war division, again fluctuated within restricted limits, but offered more resist ance to pressure, 1'nitsd States Steal, for example, mounting steadily lq the last hour t 8KV,, a net gain of ltt. Lackawanna Steel and Republlo Iron were unusually ac tive at extreme advances of $ and $14 point, respectively. Leathers, shippings and Western Union participated rather unevenly at gross gains of 1 te 4 points, but shsdsd toward tha otaae on realising sals In Marin preferred snd motur Issues. Sales amounted te (1$ shares. Call money wss et tie lowest rate of the week, declining from 31s to 2V per cent for loana over the week, end on forecasts of a favorable bank statement. Bonds were firm, but dull. Liberty 4 changed hand at (7.(8 to 98 and th 31 at 88.88 to 99.06. Total salea, par value, agKr"aated $.4,160,000. t ' Fnlted rttates bends, eld Issues, were un changed on cell. Number of sales and quotations en leading atocksi Salea. High, Low. Close. Am. tleet Sugar,; American Can,... Am. Car A Fndry. Am. l-peomotive.. . Am. S. A Refng.. Am. 8. A Kefng.. Am, Tel. A Tel... Am. Kino, L. A 8. 74 $,;0t) 35 34H 364 1,000 6Vi (41 66 1,600 46 (4H 85 S.00U 1444 1614 ?U 3.000 7614 18U 200 10414 108 Anaconda Copper. 6.400 6 68 (414 1 6214 53 86 Atchison 1,(00 K A. O. A W. I, S. I 2.000 100 (8 631i 171 18 Baltimore A Ohio. But(e A Sup. Cop. "1. Patroleum. . , ,. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather... Chesapeake A Ohio C M. A St. Paul. Chicago A N, W.. C. R. t A P. etfs. China Copper,.... tOO (844 704 17 MOO jsi (,300 68 138 ISIS (4 671 1.009 1.700 40 4.100 00 3,100 48 38 47 87 ( 18 41 34 88 (6 89 3 48 6!i 194k tltt 36 80 1A (11 (04 37 Colo. Fuel A Iron. Corn Prod. Refng. 18.100 30 (7 (9 $4 Crucible Steel.,..,. (,(A Cuba Cane Sugar. , .t Distillers' Seourlty. 6,100 Kris 3,80 1H 14 General Eleolrlo... 4. 80S 133 188 183 General Motors..,. 6,600 44 fit. Northern pfd. 700 33 Ot. N. Or etfs.... 13,100 38 H Illinois Csnlral Inspiration Copper, 1,300 44 Int. U. M. pfd..., 29,800 98 Inter. Nickel 1,40 97 Inter. Paper 200 21 K. C. Southern.... 1,200 18 Kennecott Copper.. 2.700 (31 Louis. A Nash 1800 11 Maxwell Motors.., (00 8( 3 (( $1 16H 8f 6 43 84 34 21 17 38 118 43 96 V -IV 83 $8 11$ 844 78 8 24 4ti fl2 27 83 17 88 84 (8 17 10 Mex. Petroleum... 2,00 73 Miami Copper , (00 (8 Missouri 1'aclfle... 1,60 34 H Montana Power..., 20 66 Nevada Copper..., 600 17 N. Y. Central 60S 71 N. Y N. H. A H. 1.209 27 (7 Norfolk A West... 90 108 Northern Pacific... 660 83 Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania 1,400 47. Pittsburgh Coal Kay Cop. Copper. 1.30 82, Reading 11,609 78 1 Rep. Jron A Steel. 88,(00 7(1 Shat, Arts. Cop 106 101 7 V 89 1- 46 41 '33 11 73 13 11 18 lt 84 40 Southern Pacific 700 Southern Railway.. 1,26$ Studslutker Corp.., 12,(00 88 84 33 Texaa Co 1,700 144 148 Union Pacific 3,300 116 116 144 U, U U. S. lnd. Alcohol. 8,809 114 110 ft 114 MH 18 1$ II. 8. Steel 126,000 0( 0$ It. 8. Steal pfd..,. 800 10 10 Utah Coper 1,10 1$ 18 Wabash pfd. "B". , Western Union.... 200 (3 (( Westings. Electric. 1.600 89 38 831, 38 Total sains for th day, $16,00$ sbsrss, New York Money Market. New York, Nov. 23. Mercantile paper, (0 per cent. Sterling exchange Commercial sixty-day bills on Links, $$.71; commercial sixty day bifts. $4.70; demand, $4.76; ca. bles, $4.7$ 1-18. ' Bar sllvsr 84. Mexican dollars, J4. Bonds Government, Irregular; railroad, firm. Tims loans Steady 1 sixty day, (0 per cent; 90 days, (0 per sent; l months, (0 per cent. Call money Easier; high, 8 per eent low, 3 per cent) ruling rata, 2 per pent! closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 8 per cent; Isst loan, 8 per cent, U. S. 2s reg.... 94 'lit. N. 1st 4s. (0 de couiipn... !. Cen. ref 4 79 TJ. B. 8s, rW-.,, I. Mer. Mar, 6s.. 93 do coupon ... ( K. C. 8. ref .. 76 IT. 8. Libs. 8s 99 U A N. un. 4s. 86 yU. 8. 4s rog.,,,104 M K.AT. Ist4s. 66 tdo coupon ...104 M. l'ao. gen. 4. (4 Am. For. Seo 6s 44Mont, P. 6s.,,, 88 Am.T.AT. clt. 63 8N. Y. C. deb. S 98 Anglo-French 6s 0N. Paclflo 4s.,.. 82 Armour A Co. 4s 85 N. Paclflo 3s.... (8 Atch. gen. 4s.... S8ttO. S. L. ref 4s.. 88 B. A O. cv.4s 71 P. T. A T. 6s,. (2 Beth. B. ref f..Pa. eon. 4s... 98 rC. Leather (a,. 95 Pa. gen. 4s,... 10 Con. Pao 1st;... 7 Reading gen. 4s. 86 C. A O-cv. 6s., 738t. L.S.P.adj.(l 69 C, B. Q. J. 4s(93H. Paclflo ov. 4s. (9 C..M.i3.P.ev.4 71S. Railway 6s.... tt C..R.AP.Ry.rrf.4s 2T. A P. 1st... 90 c. A n. ref 4 Vis TlhkV, Pacino 4s 8 O.AR.O. ref. 6s (0 IX S. Rubber (s. 76 D. C. 6s 1918..,, 90U. S. HI eel f.(. 9 Brie gen. 4s.... 40Wabash 1st ..J. 98 Oon. Eleo. 6s.... ( Bld. Offered, Boston Wool Market. Boston, Mass., Nov. 23. The Commercial Bulletin will ssy tomorrow: Trading In the local wool markot has been within restricted limits this week, although almost every kind of wool has besn In request. VaVVlVues keep very firm throughout th list. Manufaoturcrs report a greater percent g of machinery than ever engaged on mili tary contracts. Ths fall Wools are being purchased In the southwest at prices rang ing from 60o to 64n, Scoured basis: Texas fine, 12 months, $1.(801.72; fine, eight months, $1.65 01.60 California northern, $1.7001.76; middle county, $1,5(01.66; southern, $1.3501.40. Oregon: Esstern No. 1, staple, 31.80; eastern clothing $1.6001.60; valley No. 1, $1.(001.65. Territory, fins staple. $1.6001.8$; half blood, combing, $1.76 01.80; three-eighths blood, combing, $1.4601.60; fine clothing, $16O01.6i; fine medium, olothing, $1.6(0 1.80. Pulled extrs, $1.8001.85; AA, t).70l.8; A supers, $1.6001.(5. New York Metal Market. New York', Nov, 28. Metal exchange quotes tin nominal, 380.00. Lead Steady; spot, 36.37 bid. Spelter Quiet; spot !ast St. Louis de) livery, $7.7608.00. At London Copper, spot, 110; futures, 110; electrolytic, 126. Tin, spot, Ml ISsi futures, (361, 15s. Lead, spot, 30 10s; futures, 29, 10s; spelter, spot, 54 ; futures, 50. v New York Cotton Market New York, Nov. 23. Cotton futures operlbd steady; December, 38. (On; January, 28.30c; March, 28.06c; May, - 27.8Sc; July, 17.63c. . Cotton Spot, quiet; middling, 30.05c; ne sales. Cotton futures closed steady; December, 29.05c; January, 28.62c; March, 26.20c; May, 20.02c; July, 37.79c. Duluth Linseed Market. Duluth, Nov. 23. Linseed On track, $3.283.33; arrive, $9.16; arrive In November, $3.28; arrive on December 6, $3.19; November, $3.25 asked; Decem ber, 33.16 asked; May, $3.16 asked. Liverpool Cotton Market, Liverpool, Nov. 23. Cotton Spot quiet; prices Hteaily; middling, 22.16d: low mid dling, 21. Ud; good ordinary, 20.63d; ordi nary. 20.1 Id. Sales, 8.000 bales. Including 2,000 American. Receipts, 41,000 bales. London Money Market. London, Nov. 23. Silver Bar, 42 1(-I4d per ounce. Money 4 per cent Discount Rates Short bill, 4 per cent; three-month bills, 4 per cent. Kansas City F rod ore Market. Kansaa City, Nov, 2$. Butter. Kits and Poultry Market unchanged. U, S. MISSION Oil HEXTUPOFTRII Members of American Party; core Personal Triumphs With, British Colleagues; Im--pressed by Preparation, London, Nov. 23. Colonel E. M House authorised the following state ment to the British officials, press and public: "I have been imprc9se4 by the wonderful machinery you have cre ated here at the heart of your em pire to control your part of the war. You have given the world an ex ample of the efficiency of democracy which will be of lasting value. "We also are creating in Washing ton vast new machinery of gov frnmitnt frft hrtntr ttiir rmirre 4ft bear and we shall profit by what we have seen here. "It is inspiring to feel that our two organizations will work closely and frankly together in the cause of lib erty." The departure of the mission was made as quietly as its arrival a fort night agp, There was no ceremony, as comparatively few persons knew the time and place. Those who said farewell to the Americans included Foreign Secretary Balfour, Chief Justice Lord Reading and the Amer ican ambassador. Kaiser Approves Suffrage Bill. Amsterdam, Nov, ?3. A dispatch from Berlin says Emperor William, has approved bills for Prussian suf frage reforms and for changes in th composition of the upper houts of Parliament. The dispatch adds that the bills soon will be introduced in ine vici. BBADBTBEET'J BSVIICYT Of TOAD. Cheerful Fosllng Due $ SJaeeee ef Allied Arms Boosts Bnslneaa, New York, Nev, 88. Bradstreet'g tomor row will sayl More cheerful fsellng, probably born ef th reported successes ot th allied arras overseas, apparently completion et slock markot liquid tloa. heavy government buy ing, the return ot Liberty loan money lnto circulation, 3-csnt cotton, unrestricted order ing by th excellently situated surplus crop sons, reported high bank clearances and super-animated activity In must Industrial lines turning out essenUsls et war are (ac tor that easily eclipse any tagging tenden cies that prevail. In a number et llnse, and more especially In the esst, buying tor civil ian account perforce reflect a pause, Ihtt being largely due te the tact that th gov. ernment's want rscelv preference and part ly to (he apparent Inability of ordinary r, tall trade to enliven at a time when fendy' stuff are Inordinately high, whan varlouej campaigns to encourage economy are u&iir way, ana wnen, too, the ordmarjt toq in the etreet Is paying for Liberty bends la Installment, Howsvsr, the prodigious spend- -Ings ef th government quicken movements In general and render the observer prac tically oblivious to the snforoed prudenoe of the ordinary trader. Vet In the faoe ef con servatism normal wants are sufficient to make up a, relatively largo volume, and, significantly enough, part . of th West, southwest and most ef the south disclose the best trade movsmsnt and collection ever experienced, demand being for Immediate, as wsii a for distant delivery. There are no surplus stoclcs of manufacture; goods, and, as sunpllea of fuel, labor and railway can ar Insufficient, production cannot, very well he speeded up. It la true that th labor situation has Improved In spot, du to th cutting down of rlonessentlals, but this Im provement ts pot likely to be lasUng r sub stantial. r " Wetktt bank clearings, $$,$8,831,M$l New York Osnerul Market. New Tork, Nov. 83. riourulet; enrtng patents, $10.E610.H4; winter patsnta, $10.68 410.76; wlntor straights, tl4.S0eit.S0t Kan. sas straights, $11.0011.10. ' . Cornmeal Btoady; fin white and yellow, J40i(.J$; coarse, 6.18C64$; kilo dried Bye-Easy; No.' $ western, SUTw, e. t f., New York. ' i . Barley Steady; feeding, $1.0491.0$; mail ing, 3l.J0ffl.86; California, $.$61.40; o. t. f. New York. Corn Spot, firm; all offering withdrawn; new No. 3 yellow, $11814, . f. New York, shipment this week; Argentine, $3.0603.16, f. . b. cars, New York to arrive. Oats Strong, standard, 78p761. Hay Easier; No. 1, $1.60; No., $l,(0:No. 8, $1.40; shipping, $1.1601.86. Hops Ussy; state, msdlum te choice, 1317, 707c; mo, nominal. I'aclflo coast, 1817. 28033c; 1810, 18$23o. , Hides SUady; Bogota, 41c; Central Am erica, 40o. Leather Firm: hemlock sal overweights. No. 1, $lo; No. 2, 48o. , , Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $43.16; family, 864.0tf $6.08 ;, short clsar, $62.0449 67.00. Lard, firm; middle wsst, $28,200 88.30. Tallow Btrnnsi rltv nunl.l ales, ' , Wool rirm; domcstlo flesce, XX Wo and Pennsylvania, toe. , Butter Market firm; receipts, f.tll tubs; creamsry higher than ettrai, 4714 4J4T1; sstra (82 score), 4(ty46te; firsts, 430 44n; seconds, 4042o. , ' fresh gathersd eatras, (763c extra firsts, tt(6ci firsts, 60fy64o; seconds, 44Q46oi refrigerator specials murks, Insurance paid. $434He; firsts. 83tteS3tio. , Cheese Marks steady; receipts,- f.tST boxes; state whole milk flats, fresh spe cials, 23fto; stste whole milk flats, average' run, 33c. Poultry Dressed, market firm; chickens, 81 Mi 86c; fowls. n087He; turkiyg, 0 ' i ' St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Nev. 31. Cattle Receipts, !,. 16.00; cows and heifers, $6.26013.00: calves, ss (ififflin nn T Hogs Rccslpts, 4,(0$ head; market alow. DrosDscts stesdv; ton. Silas, tmv sales, $17.4617,66. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 1,800 head; market lower; lambs, $11.86lf.68; ewes. (.Wig. ll.DV. ' j Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlta. New York, Nov. 33. Bvaporated apple. Prunes, arrivals small, California, 8JlJi,c, unwu. Apncois, scarce; fancy, 20o, Peaches, scarce; standard, Ho; choice, HUOf ffcneV. IStZe HtBl-ia, loos rhuscstela, ?HBc; choice to fancy uon layers, Minneapolis Oral Market, Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 83. Flour Market unchanged. Barley $1.06 44 1,$3. Rye $1.7(01.77. - Bran 334.00 16.00. Corn No. 8 yellow, $2.0(02.1$. Oats No. 3 whits, 6814J64c Flaxseed 33 22 02.26. Turpentine and Bosln. Savannah. Ga.. Nov. J8. Turpentine Firm. 4Hc; sales, 388 bbls.l receipts, 221 bbls.; shipments, 277 bbls.; stocks, 88,36T bbls. . Rosin Firm: mIm R7a t,hl, ' S84 bbls.; shipments, 326 bbls.; stacks, . mil uuis. uniniions: ij, j,, rr, u, 6s,5; H 36.60; 1 $4.65; K. $8.60; M, $7.H; N. $7.65; WO. $7.63; WW, $7.75, bid. Chicago General Market. Chicago, Noy. 28. Butter Lower; cream ery, 86 45c. Eggs Firm; receipts, 4.01S eases; first. 46U tti)4Kn- nritinarv lrl alaawr..., .1 cases Included, 42 0 470. potatoes Receipts, 20 care; unchanged. Poultry Alive unsettled; fowls, 164) lttto; springs, l$o; turkeys, StQlto. . Kansas City Grain Market. Kansaa City,' Mo.. Nov. 28. Corn No. I. Lil. 8541. 6b No. $ whits. $2.06; No. 1 yeU ow,; December, 61.26); Jan uary, $1.52. Oats No. f white, 72 t", No. t mixed, 724J72V4C. Bt. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 23. Corn No. 2, 31.80; No. 20,-hite, $I.S791.SQ; Pocembrr, l.: i; Uxy. Il.UH HI. 20. Osts Mi. 2, I2ttG73Ma; Ne. S whit New York Dry Goods Market, New Uirk. Nov. IS. Drir Goods Cattnw goods and. yarns here today were extlve and strong, with rising prices. Well market were quiet The eilk trade was quiet. London Htoek Exchenge. London, Nov. 23. American securities wore firm on the stock exchange today, 4 t