10 ' : .. . ... . - . 1 i J if what Dffvoi! LJL OU KNOW I CKUt I I Ol r YOO ET N &EO BE$trs TO fl MACtE 'WHAT CUME- ! ,! BRINGING 'T15U SdHlS J l-oTo- ' !jAM&Sl?J :f FATHER ' "'LVUJI I O "n.'-rl F ! ! LlJ rvSnl . , H, - frZ-fufi Copyright, HIT. International News J . 8rvlc, ED HANLON TO GET ST. JOE FRANCHISE Jack Holland Slated to Get the Gate, According to Dope ' That Trickles Out of Missouri. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 21 (Special) Despite the news that was serif forth, from Louisville, probabilities are strongly against the returft of Jack Holland as a permanent factor in St. Joseph base ball, and al though Holland is now here and is the owner of the local franchise it is a ten to one shot that when the 1918 season opens Ed Hanlon will be the owner and director of base ball in St. Joseph. - This .interesting bit of information comes direct from Hanlon and his plans for; re-entering this city have not been in the least changed. H: will be here the latter part of the week to confer with civic clubs and to learn just what can be done. Han lon is frankly desirous of returning to this city and has no hesitancy in saying so and he further says tha he does not intend returning to Sioux City. Tfiat the Western League circuit 5 to materially change in spite of the assurance of President Dicker son is also made certain. There is a bare chance that a deal may be arranged whereby Holland and Han lon will trade franchises, local mag nate going to Sioux City, and there is also according to this same infor mation a " better chance that the Western "will drop both Denver, and Sioux City and will enter Tulsa and Oklahoma City instead.' '. ; Stock Company Perhaps, Hanlon says that he is confident some deal will be made1 by which there is a change in ownership ' here and there is a chance that if Hanlon does not return here a stock company may be organized with Eddie Holly as manager. Holland leases the grounds but owqs the equipment at League park and this would have to be pur chased. The fans here care very lit tle who owns the team if they can be given good base ball, but they are anxious to have Hanlon return be cause they believe that is the sort he would furnish. Hanlon made money here during his 28-day stay, not much to be sure, but enough to make it seem considerable in view of his Sioux City venture and it is believed that starting the season here Hanlon rould re-establish Joe town as oneof the best base ball towns in the dountry, but the fans do not want in the same league with , towns of Hutchinson's size and will not support base ball in such a league.- The ideal circuit from a St. Joseph standpoint would be Omaha, Lincoln, Des ' Moines, St: Joseph, ,Topeka, Peoria, Sioux City and either Kock Island or Davenport; and that according to information re ceived today is exactly what may happen when the magnates meet in St. Joseph on December 9. In the meantime keep your ears open big news is likely to break at any mo ment. Mrs, George Edwards Wins Woman's Title Of Prettiest 'Mile Mrs. George Edwards won the woman's championship of the Pret tiest Mile Golf club Tuesday by de feating Mrs. A. M. Smith 1 up iu the Anal round of the club tournament. ' The game was hard-fought from start to finish. Mrs. Edwards-turned in a card of 90 for the 18, holes and Mrs. Smith a card of 91. Western Le'ague to Meet In Joetown Next Month Des Moines, la., Nov. 21. Whether the Western Base Ball league is to continue next season as a six or an eight-club circuit will be determined at a meeting in St. Joseph, Mo., next , month, preliminary to the annual . schedule meeting to be held here in January, it was said here today. Den ver and Sioux Lity are said to be tin certain of continuing in the league. Spauldings Want Game. The Spauldings want a game .for Sunday or Thanksgiving with any 20-pound team in the city, Mohawks and Auto Rows preferred. Call Red 4337 between 6 and 6:30. A; ! rmlrie Park Whist. An Interesting' wblst team at the Prairie Parle club Monday evening resulted In ("he lollowlnt aeore: . ' NORTH AND SOUTH. -, Elite and Martin........... Bruce and Lewla . ........ ....... Dryfu and Seannell. Wltton; and Burlc. ............. Abbott and Reynolds. ................. ' Kelson and Locke EAST AND WEST. . 847 241 J4S 241 (ears and Atktmon....... 23 Barton and Cowdry. ...... .......... Rowland and Gallup...,. Smith and Klluore. ................ . Torrtvon and Jennings J23 225 us 11 . Barns Destroyed by Fire. Fremont, Neb., Nov. 21. (Special Telegram.) Fife of unknown origin destroyed two barns, one containing . i i i i . i Toddy's Sport Calendar Hoilnr Arar-rlran Athlrtie anion t (tan rranclsco, for benefit of Red Crora. Battling Reddr T. Terry Martin, 1Z rounds, St Lawrence, Mum. three automobiles and -the other con- iderablc property, shortly after mid night. The barns were the property of Michael Dclaney and C. A. Morse. The automobiles were owned by Gar field Bruncr. The loss s estimated at $1,500 with insurance of $500. The authorities are investigating the cause, of the fire. Omaha Central, High Plans j For Basket Ball , schedule Basketball is beginning to be talked at Central High school. A tentative schedule has been drawn up, but the dates with Lincoln and Sioux City are the oifly ones any way certain. Omaha will probably play Lincoln in Omaha. January 26, and in Lincoln February 22. Sioux City will meet Omaha in Omaha, February 9 and in Sioux City March 1. Omaha's nrosDects for the comintr c4atn ora KtMrvVit f 9 v tar 1 1 T s-vin 0.aaS mi, IV 1511 la TVl.ll AJVgaill Smith and Konecky are still in school and there 13 an abundance of 'ma terial to fill the fifth position. Oma ha will play all the home games on the Young Men's Christian associa tion floor Saturday nights. Boost Post-Season U. of N. Game for Benefit Red Cross Denver, Nov. 21. Arrangements for a post-season game between the foot ball teams of the University of Nebraska and the University of Den ver, for the benefit of the Red Cross, were commenced today, according to announcement of Coach John r ike of the local institution. Tlx; athletic authorities of the Denver school have authorized the playing of a post-sea- sou game, ! ike said. December 1 or December 8 is the probable date, ac cording to the coach. Newman Grove Doubles Y. M. War Fund Allotment Newman Grove, Neb.. Nov. 21. (Special.) In the army Young Men's Christian association drive just held about $2,500 was gathered in and sent from this place. I wo teams of & men on each team, headed by E. H. Gerhart and Dr. Frink, were busy for two days and the allotment of $1,000 was oversubscribed about $1,500, Dr. Frink's tram winning out by a small margin. The contest was trood-nature;. one and the losine team, under the terms of the contest, is to pay $25 to the local Red Cross organization. High School Is to Play Norfolk on Home Field With the exception of the Lincoln game, the battle between the Oma- la Central Jiieh and Norfolk limn school Saturday promises to be the best played on the home gridiron this season. 1 his will be the last game played on the home field this season. . New Bank Authorized In Kendall County (From a Staft Correspondent) Lincoln. Nov. 21. (Special.) The Fanners' State bank of Bushnell, in Kimball county, was authorized by the state banking board today with a capital ot ?15,UIK. The olhcers. are James B. Sweatt. president; George L. Fogler, vice president,! and Kalph h.. Holmes, cashier. Farm Labor Bureau Ready to Aid Employers (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln. Nov. 21. (Special.) Par ties desiring to find married couples for arm work, would do well to get in touch with the state labor bureau. The bureau at the state house has several couples who are anxious to get on farms and who appear to have good qualifications. Verdict Against Railroad. Fremont Neb.. Nov. 21. (Soecial Telegram,) The supreme court has affirmed the Verdict of the Dodge county district court in the case of Mrs. E. Schneider Turner against the Canadian Pacific Railway company, in which the plaintiff was awarded a verdict for $1,928 for jewelry she lost while a passenger on a train of the defendent two years ago. Mrs. Turner is now a Red Cross nurse in France. The jewels disappeared from the suitcase of Mrs. Turner while traveling in Canada on her return from a trip to the coast. You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. Ask War Exemption for 288 Base Ball Players . Chicago, Nov. 21. Exemption for 288 ball players 18 fsorn each of the 16 clubs of the American and National leagues will be asked of the government, it was announced tonight by President Johnson of the American league, who declared that the high standard gf the game would be destroyed if the players were indiscriminately drafted fdr military service. . .. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1917. MONTH OF RACING FOR NEW ORLEANS Supreme Court Decision Put ting 0. E. on Oral Betting Makes, Annual Winter Meeting Possible. There will be more than sixty days of horse racing at New Orleans this winter without interference from the Louisiana authorities. The supreme court has just handed down an im portant ruling to the effect that oral betting and stakeholding are not vio lations of the Locke law, which passed several years ago for the pur pose of wiping out professional book making. Racing at New Orleans was revived in 1915 by the Business Men's asso ciation, which reopened the historic fair grounds. Joseph A. Murphy was at the head of this organization, which was permitted to run races in con nection with the individual system of betting. Stakeholders took charge of the business in the "Pahn Garden." where bettors congregated, with the result that the sport enjoyed much prosperity. Last winter, however, enemies of the sport got busy. They carried on a vigorous crusade against betting, with the result that one Edwin Aus tin was arrested, charged with operat ing a betting book. Austin made no memoranda of wagers accepted, but held the cash and written betting slips that were handed to him by speculators. He was convicted in one of the lower courts and jail sen tence was' imposed. Austin appealed to the , supreme courtwhich has or dered his discharge.' -v This rutins' clears the atmosphere after many weeks of apprehension. It paves the way for the opening of a new race track in Jefferson Parish, a suburb, early in December for a meeting that will cover about thirty days. Subsequently, the fair grounds I will resume, operations with a ses- - - . sion that will begin on New Year's day and end with the Mardi Oras fes tival. ; Would 'Train 100,000 Seamen on Shipboard Washington, Nov. 21. A plan for training nearly 100,000 seamen to man the merchant fleet 6f 1,600 vessels filled JoMin the governments snip uildmer orosrram was laid before the hinninsf board today by Henry How ard of Boston, in charge of the board's recruiting srevice. It contemplates the estabiisnment of schools on training ships. The shipping board is maintaining now eight schools for ships' officers and engineers and one for shipyard work ers. Thousands of Liberty Loan Subscribers Pay in Full Washington, Nov. 21. Liberty oan receiots from 18 per cent pay ment, due last Thursday, passed the billion dollar mark today and reach ed $1,250,000,000. although only $685, 000,000 of the $3,808.000000 subscrip tions accepted by the treasury was due. The large over-payment indi cates that many thousands of sub scribers paid in full. Total receipts from the second Liberty loan includ ing the first 2 per cent payments, now amount to $1,564,00,000. j Maximalist Government Declares Russia Out of war Pe trosrad. Nov. 21. The Russian Maximalist goevrnment has declared I Russia out of the war. according to information from German and Scandi navian sources. A dispatch to Copen hagen from Berlin says that the. be- ief is held m the oerman capital that the prospects for a peace of conciliation" are fax better . than previously. ' ' New Phase of the German War Propaganda Appears Bakersfield. Cal.. Nov.' 21. News papers purporting to be copies of the Edmonton Journal, giving an account of an alleged disastrous Zeppelin raid on Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, were circulated in Bakersfield today, due. it was believed, to a new phase ot German propaganda. Bavaria Prohibits Public Meetings for Lack of Fuel Paris. Kov. 21. All concerts, lec tures and public meetings in Munich, Bavaria, have been prohibited be tween December 1 and mid-February. ThU action is taken because of the fuel shortage, which is steadily be coming worse. v Anneal to the Austrian Empress to Save Venice Geneva, Nov. 21. The Austrian empress, in . reply to i; telegram sent to her by the Geneva Press as sociation asking her to take Venice and its treasures under her protec tion, says: .- " 1 v . "It is understood that an open town which makes n6 attempt to deferfd itself baa certainly the right to every indulgence. Nevertheless, the fate of Venice depends entirely upon the action of the Italian gov ernment" . i . r . Plans All Complete for Presbyterian Rally Tonight Plans are all compete for the Pres byterian rally, to be held in the First Presbyterinn church this afternoon and tonight. Rev. J. Wilber Chap man, moderator of the Presbyterian general assembly; Rev. John F. Car son, Brooklyn, and Rev. William H. Foulkes, Philadelphia, who are to be the leading speakers at the meeting at 8 o'clock tonight, lwil arrive early this morning. They will be met at the Union station upon their arrival at 7 o'clock by a committee, be es cprted to their hotel. At noon, at LJJ J. WILBER CHAPMAN. the University club they will be guests of a number of local Presby terians. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the dis tinguished .visitors will address a meeting of minsters at the First Presbyterian, church. At 6:16 there will be a banquet in the dining rooms of the First Presbyterian church, at- 1 tended by officers of the Presbyterian IS,.. IIULU Ifl UllIViLlil Wl lllll 1 IWdllllWimtt cnurches of the city. Followng this th wiu be field in the auditorium of the church. For the bg meeting, a large num ber of Presbyterians from out iu the state are expected. Something like 50 had arrived last night. Attorney General Reed Will Prosecute Hotels Attorney General Rccd and his as sistant, Alfred Munger, are in Omaha to institute injunction suits against "several hotels which it is alleged have been selling liquor contrary to the prohibition law. . Authority for this action comes from Governor Neville, who wHh the co-operation of City Prosecutor Mc Guire of Omaha has discovered enough evidence to warrant, the procedure, it is said. The governor has had secret serv ice agents working in Omaha for some time. Attorney General Reed is said to have autrtority-from the gov ernor to go the limit in prosecutionsJ and use all the powtr and resources of his department to enforce the law. Santa Won't ( Overtook "Sammies" An France Washington, Nov. 21. Reports to , the Postoffke department of the' amount of parcel post matter going to the American army in France in dicate Americans there will enjoy a bountiful Christmas. The depart ment announced tonight that it is practically certain that every pack age mailed before November 13 will reach its destination by Christma3 morning and possibly some mailed later will get there in time. v That extra room will pay your coal iinlrOlfn 1 toxdby appro- n ' ,prit for holi- H lj7jn djr dinneri. D rrtfyi Mora than a I if" U thirst quencher. B ijrr'i wholesome, tus- I ITiTiriMi taining. I. '''lwl Served where- lru" v - "Id- Order U LMIoH iiv.red- . E I ' Webster 221 ""1 bill. Rent it throuah a Bee Want Ad. I OLD CLUB TRICK IS REYIYEDJN GOTHAM Fistic Promoters Seek to Evade Law by Having Fans Sign Applications for Club Memberships. As professional boxing in New York has been put out of business, fistic promoters are devising ways and means to circumvent the law which makes boxing unlawful. ' Although the future appears dark, it is certain a number of boxing pro moters will attempt to hold bouts un-1 der the old club system in vogue be fore the rrawley law was enacted. At least two well known fistic m orcsarios vill make a test of the con stitutionality of the club system. It is he intention of the promoters in ques tion to attempt to hold at least one and possibly more important matches shortly. At a number of the clubs during the last two weeks fight fans have been requested to sign applications for membership in clubs and the response has. been most encouraging to the managers. One well known promoter said: "We'll go right ahead and hold bouts under the club system and if the authorities interfere we'll fight the case.to the limit." None of the promoters is so r!""--;-mistic as to believe the authorities will put the old pastime entirely ouc of commission. Hold Up Wheat to Coast So Corn May Be Moved Washington, Nov. 21. The tem porary halt in the movement of wheat to the seaboard was explained at the food administration today in a state ment saying that the railroads had stopped shipments for a time so that the corn may be moved. The food administration approved the action, it was said, inasmuch as there is enough wheat at the seaboard now to meet immediate needs. j Up1' 111 Only Strong men change their minds LITTLE TOM Tom Moore quality in a 5c size Rothenberg A Schloss, Kansas TDM 11 li w i ,n i I ' I I r- II 1 1 II III III! II I .JL i WOMAN DIPLOMAT ON BRITISH OMISSION American Wife of English Of ficer One Jo Confer With Germans Concerning Prisoners. (Correspondence ot The Associated Tress.) London, August 4. The first woman diplomatist to sit at a table of diplomatic negotiation,, according to the Daily Mail, is Mrs. Darley Liv ingstone, who was one of the six British official representatives at the Anglo-German conference at The Hague recently, to deal with ques- tions on prisoners of war, Mrs. Livingston is an American, married to a British officer, and has been a member and secretary of the government committee on the treat ment by the enemy of British prison ers since it was formed two years ago. In the early days of the -war Mrs. Livingstone used to do all the inter viewing of the sick and wounded pris oners which were returned periodi cally, and 'although this work is now done largely by a large staff of volun tary interviewing all escaped prison ers of war. Mrs. Livingstone, talking about her visit to The Hague, said: "People did seem surprised to find a woman i.mong tjie British represen tatives. I am sure I don't know why, because there is really nothing that 1 women are not doing in England to- aay, is merer l - naa no means oi telhng what the German represeiita-4 uvea L!iuuiii, uciauai, ui v.uuiow, v. didn't talk to each other not socially, ! I mean. Indeed, it would be quite impossible to give you .an adequate idea of the extreme formality of the proceedings. "I was there merely to assist Sit KODert lounger, our cnairman, witn informaticn which as secretary of the committee I naturally have at com mand. It was real hard work all the time, and both partfes were concerned solely with the welfare of the prison ers. Questions concerning them were the only ones discussed, and I think the agreements concluded will be found to be very satisfactory." Strong men make up their minds, but also, reserve the right to change them. For ex ample, a man may have been smoking too heavy cigars and too many of them. When such a man beconJfes con vinced, that for steady smoking, a cigar of milder taste will suit him better, he is strong enough to ad mit it. . His conversion to pleasant smok ing is quite likely to be effected by a cigar of the light-hearted type Tom Moore, for instance. MOO (HAVANA FILLED) C I GAR TEN CENTS LITTLE TOM 5S City. Local Trade Supplied by Branch House, WAR ON AUSTRIA GREAT ISSUE AT NEXT CONGRESS L Washington, Nov. 2L Whether the United States shall declare war against Germany 'asllies promises to be a subject of considerable discus sion at the next session of congress, said Senator Hitchcock, ranking mem ber of the foreign relations commit tee, upon his return today to Wash ington. In his opinion the question presents many complications and is one of, extreme delicacy as well as important in immediate future devel opments of the war. "A declaration of war against Austria-Hungary," said Senator Hitch cock, "might be construed as an en dorsement of tlaly's demands upon Austria. These include a demand for territory which virtually would de prive Austria of every seaport a fruitful situation for a future war. It is a question whether the United States would be willing to give such an endorsement." Senator Hitchcock said he antici pated that the coming session of con gress would be a long one and from observations during the recess he be lieves the public is giving whole hearted support to the war. New Army Detachment Nurses And Surgeons Go to Rpumania Washington, Nov. 2,. A detach ment of 100 army surgeons and sev eral nurses under Colonel D. McCaw of the regular army, lias been or ganized by Snrgeon General Gorgas for service in Rumania hospitals. The Rumanian government has been noti fied. This, is the first organization to be assigned to any foreign serv-, ice except French and British. Romans Lose One Ship. Rome, Nov. 21. Italian maine losses from submarine attacks dur ing the week ended November 18 were one large steamer sunk and an other steamer damaged by a tor pedo and afterwards towed into port, today's official announcement says. 0 J 1 1715 Doutjaa St, Omaha. BF- 1L ULW t