Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1917, Image 1

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, rair ,1
Platte County Man Punished
For Addressing Obscene Mes
sage to School Teacher
WhoSolicited Pledge.
Fredrick Hild of Leigh, Platte
county, kissed the flag of the United
States at Lincoln under coercion of
the Nebraska State Council of De
fense the other day.
When Hild w as "asked by a school
boy to sign a food pledge "card, Hild
took the card from the lad and on the
back of the card scribbled an ob
scene message to the boy's school
The defense council learned of it
and promptly- called Hild to account
jfith the result that Hild was com
pi lled to kiss the flag.
Miss Gladys R. Tenbrink, teacher
in the school at Leigh, is the person
who received the obscene letter from
Hild. She sent the children of the
school out to solicit the homes of
the town for signatures to the foodJ
pledge, card. Hild took the; card
offered' him by a pupil, turned it over,
and on the back of it wrote the
teacher a note in which he scorned
the government in obscene language.
Begs for Mercy
The card was turned over to the
State Council of Defense. Hild was
arrested and brought before the State
Council. He was thoroughly cowed,
trembled before the authorities and
begged for mercy. . v.
Attorney General Reed-examined
jHild. ; His case is considered a seri
ous one. Vice Chairman Coupland
of the State Council of Defense says
the man rendered hirrjself liable in
several ways by behaving as he did.
"We are not sure yet as to his citi
zenship", he said. If he proves to
be an alien it puts a serious phase
upon the question."
The authorities made Hild apolo
gize to the teacher by letter and twice
.' kiss vthe. flag,,, .JMrv Cpttpfcmdrtays.
the man,wuT be "prosecuted under
the state law by Attorney General
Reed, and will doubtless be fined or
tent to jail for what he has done.
Paris, Nov, 20. A German sub
"frmarine was destroyed at the tjme the
French steamship Medie, with a
cargo of munitions,was torpedoed in
the western Mediterranean on Sep
tember 23, with a loss of 250 lives,
says a dispatch from Algiers to the
Journal. ' The iiner Biskra was pro
ceeding with a convoy of French and
British steamers, among which was
the Medie, leading the, line. The
Medie was torpedoed without warn
ing before it was able to bring its
guns to bear on the submarine.
Apparently thinking that the ships
were not armed, the submarine com
mander1 brought his boat slowly to
the surface. The Biskra immediately
opened fire at a distance of two miles.
The second shot struck the submarine
forward and low. An explosion fol
lowed. The submarine's stern shot
lp. The U-boat plunged to destruc
tion before the Medie disappeared.
National Grange Elects Officers
St. Louis Mo., Nov. 20. Oliver
Wilson of Peoria, 111., today was re
elected president of the National
Grange, Patrons of Husbandry.
Among other officers chosen were:
Assistant steward, John Morris, Gol
den, Colo., and chaplain, V. E. Deal,
Nampa, Idaho.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair; warmer.
TrmppRtiires at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. De.
6 a.
6 a.
1 a.
8 a.
9 a.
10 a.
11 a.
m. . .
m. . .
m. . .
ra. . .
m.. .
... 43
... 61
... 63
... 67
... ii
1 p. m . .
2 p. in..
3 p. m . .
4 p. m..
5 pm..
6 p. ni..
7 p. m . .
8 p. m . .
Comparative Toral Record.
1917. 1916. 1913. 1H.
'Highest yesterday. . . . 68 46 45 ".55
Lowest yesterday 42 29 35 16
Mean temperature. .. . 65 38 40 36
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 35
Kxcess for the day 19
Total deficiency sinqe Marchl.... ..231
Normal precipitation 03 inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .21.30 inches
Dofllcency since March 1 6.83 Inches
Oeflclency for cor. period. 1916. .12.19 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915.. 1.38 Inches
Reports From Stations at 1 P. SI. .
Station and Slate Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather 7 p. m. et.
Cheyenne, clear......... 62 64
Javenport, clear....... 64 62
Denver, clear 60 to
Des Moines, pt. cloudy.. 68 "4 '
Dodge City, clear 68 79
Lander, cloudy 40 48
North Platte, clear 48 8
Offaha, Pt- cloudy 60 6.
Ai.hlo, dear 6S 72
iCpid City, cloudy.... 60 68
Kst Lake City, clear... 40 -4
Santa Fe, clear 46 68
Sheridan, cloudy........ 60 , 70 -
Sioux City, clear 64 62
Valentine, pt. cloudy... 60 SS
i a. welsh, Meieorrfiotirt. -1
London, Nov. 20. Serious rioting
took place in Berlin Sunday, accord
ing to dispatches received by the
wireless press and the Exchange Tel
egraph company from Amsterdam,
The message to the Exchange Tel
egraph company says that the fight
ing betwen the mob and the police
wa- fierce and that there waj a heavy
casualty list, as the police nised their'
firearms. '
The wireless press says the mili
tary and police were called upon to
oppose, the progress of the inde
pendent socialist demonstrators. In
the riotous sc enes which followed,
the police were i' Jrcred to fire with
their rifleand revolver :s and lhe or
ganizer of the ,tncetiri,g responded
with,irearms and knivrs.
Tfe German press, j the dispatches
sa- have been for' ridden to publish
etails of the affrr ,.y. No newspapers
!ave arrived in Amsterdam
erlin. I
New Committee Appointed by
Kennedy Meets at Com
mercial Club to Hear
of Plans.
Sixteen prominent Omahans serv
ing on the Douglas county fuel ad
ministration committee were told at
noon at the Commercial club by John
L. Kennedy that they are expected to
serve as volunteers and to subscribe
to an oath to support the constitution
of the United States.
They will serve in the capacity of
representatives of the government.
Mr. Kennedy, federal fuel adminis
trator for Nebraska, told members of
the county administration that he is
registersdarvike service-- as a volun
tcr." ;. ..J.:, ,
Mr., Kennedy met the committee at
luncheon and gave them an outline of
the work which lies ahead. He ex
plained that there is no fixed schedule
of coal rates at present, but rates
would be worked out when all condi
tions have been analyzed. '
Will Have an Office.
A central office will be opened in
the Brandeis theater building and the
committee will meet from time to
One of the members asked what the
relation of the fuel experts who are
in this field will have to the com
mittee. , '
"You will obtain information from
them and they, in turn will come to
you for information," replied Mr.
Kennedy, who added that the com
mittee will have to do with the dis
tribution as well as the price of coatf
He stated that there is a waste of
effort in hauling coal from yards not
the nearest, to points of delivery. In
establishing the rates for Omaha, he
said, delivery zonesv may be es
tablished and the allowance for
cartage based on the distance from
the nearest, coal yard.
Premium Coal.
Another matter referred to was
"premium coal," being that which
was contracted for 'prior to October
1; under which conditions the coal
may be disposed of according to con
tract, but the merits of the contract
must be passed on by the state fuel
Round Up I. W. W.s.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 20. A
round-up of Industrial Workers of the
World in the oil fields of Kansas is
to be made immediately, Fred Robert
son, district attorney for Kansas, an
nounced late today. More than 50
alleged Industrial Workers of the
World were arrested in the Butler
county oil fields today, it was an
nounced. Britishers Give Their
Women Municipal Suffrage
London, Nov. 20. The House of
Commons today unanimously de
cided to extend the municipal fran
chise to women on the same terms
as they now have the parliamentary
Experts From East
Kennedy Fix
Left to Right; Raymond Richards,
1 " -
YVCV . k r'7.v
Kaledines, Holding Master
Hand Through Domination of
Coal and Bread, Headed
for Varonez.
(By Associated Frees.)
Washington,' Nov. 20. No ship
ments of supplies will be permitted to
go from the United States to Russia
until the situation in that country
clears. The American government,
before allowing the export of goods
already on the docks, wants to know
in .whose hands they win fall on their
If the Bolshcviki gain control and
pursue their program calling for
peatpe with Germany, the embargo will
be permanent.
The provisional Russian govern
ment was given credits amounting
in all to $.125,000,000, -of which $191,
I 000,000 already has been advanced.
Much of this money has been spent
for supplies now awaiting shipment
and the Russians have been given
Vessels for its transport.. Shipments
will be held up by denial of bunker
coat to the ships.
Thomas D. Jones, vice chairman
of the war trade board, called at the
White House today and conferred
with President Wilson. No statement
was forthcoming, but it was believed
the Kussian situation was discussed.
Headed for Varonez.
The State department today hal no
additional dispatches from Ambassa
dor Francis, at Petrograd, but unof
ficial messages coming from Sweden
were that: General Kaledinas, Het
,man of the Don Cossacks, who held
the master hand in Russia through
domination of the country's coal and
bread ' supply in the Don Cossack
region, was .marching witn an army
on, Varonez, 00 miles south of. Mos
'cow. ..
The only official dispatch reaching
the State department today from Rus
sia announced that John K Stevens,
bead of the American Railway com-
missionTc nssra,' naci leit-jreirjigraa
tor, Vladivostok in connection witn
his workof . rehabjliuting the Rus
sian railway system.
Bob Paymaster of $15,000.
' Cleveland. O..- Nov. 20.The Van
k Dora Iron works paymaster was held
up m the omce ot the plant nere at
5 o'clock this evening and robbed of
the company's payroll," amounting to
$15,060. . - . .
Washington, Nov. 20. Capture of
1,200 Austnans who crossed the Piave
river is announced in a message from
General Diaz, the Italian commander
in-chief, to his army, received today
by cable.
Paris, Nov. 20. The Germans
made an attack last night on a front
of one kilometer in the Verdun sec
tor north of Cauriere wood. They
succeeded in penetrating the French
advanced positions over a small ex
tent of this front, says tc day's official
statement, but subsequently were ex
pelled for the most part. t
Rome, Nov. 20. The struggle be
tween the Austro-Germans and the
Italians at Monte Tomba and Monte
Mont enera, in the mountainous
region of northern Italy continues, it
was officially announced today by the
Italian War department. The invad
ing forces were driven back four
times when they attempted to take
the Italian positions on the Mon-
f enera spur.
Another Story by Germans.
Berlin, (Via London); Nov. 20.
Strong Italian counter-attacks against
positions captured on . the northern
slope,of Monte Tomba, on the moun
tain front near the upper Piave, were
unsuccessful, the war office an
nounces. Heavy firing continues in
this sector. ,
to Assist
Qoal Prices Here
John L. Kennedy, II. L. Landric,
Washington, Nov. 20. Sinking of
the American destroyer Chatiucey in
collision in the war zone early yster-
day morning, with a probable loss of
21 lives, was announced today by the
Navy department.
At Your Service, Mr
rand Total for Second Day
of Campaign Now Is $54,
443; State Figures
. Good.
Immediate erection, equipment and
maintenance of recreation buijdings at
Fort Omaha, Fort Crook and Fort
Robinson by the Knights of Columbus
was announced Tuesday night. These
forts db not have a sufficient number
of men to come within the scope of
the work done by the national organi
zation, so must be erected independ
ently of that body.
Local su5scnptions for the Knights
of Columbus war fund drive now total
$54,443 and the officers of the Omaha
council intend to strive for a fund of
$75,000 before the campaign closes.
Children Turn in Pennies,
Among the subscriptions at St.
Cecilia's parish were three of $l apiece
from Dorothy, Mary and Robert
Fraser, children of W. C. F. Fraser,
who is secretary of the state campaign
committee and grand knight of the
Omaha council of the Knights of Co
lumbus. Their subscriptions were
mad'e from nickels and pennies saved.
Reports from other parts of the
state are' very gratifying. Each Cath
olic narish in the state of Nebraska
was apportioned a definite amount to
raise. Greeley, Neb., reports fJ ,100
out of $1,500 the first day of its tani
paign; Stanton and Wisncr report
over one-half of their quota the first
day of the campaign, and Albion and
Petersburg have notified the head
quarters that they will far exceed tlicir
quotas from indications of the first
day's work.
British Take 9T6
Germans in Africa
London, Nov. 20. The British
official report concerning operations
in Africa says: "Continuing the pur
suit on the Makonde plateau we oc
cupied Lutshemi on Saturday in the
face of considerable opposition and
took rifles. On Sunday we occupied
a large enemy camp northwest of
the Kitangari mission station, cap
turing 976 Germans and Askaris.
The remainder of the enemy has
been driven into the Kitangari val
ley. "Near Mandebi, 38 miles south
west of Liwale, the Anglo-Belgian,
force was engaged on Thursday
and Friday with the enemy,' who
was endeavoring to break south
ward from Mahenge.
"Exclusive of the enemy losses
at Mandebi, 798 Germans have been
killed or captured by our various
columns since November 1."
No further details were given in a
brief report to the department from
N ice Admiral Sims. The Chauncry
was a small, old-type boat of 420 tons.
According to Secretary of the Navy
Daniels she was on patrol duty in
foreign waters.
. Implement Dealer
$500,000 IS GIFT
Total Figures to Date Show
That State is Only to
Double Its Appor-
The grand total of Nebraska's mag
nificent gift to Young Men's Christian
association , war work has mounted to
$500,000. This is twice as much as
Nebraska's apportionment of $250,000.
Though many states exceeded their
apportionments, Nebraska is the, only
one that doubled it.
The total may go even a few thou
sands aboVe the 'half million mark.
"The estimate of half a million is
conservative," said D. Burr Jones,
state campaign manager. "Our total
tabulation for the state up to Tuesday
npon is $481,378. This counts Omaha
at $116,000, whereas Omaha is sure to
go above $125,000. Additional sums
will come from all other districts."
Boys of the state contributed $21,
600. which is included in the totals,
"Of the 12,000 high school boys in
the state more than one-fourth con
tributed," said P. U. McKec, in
charge of this work. "We will reach
(Continued on Fate Two, Column Two.)
Head of Young Judea Clubs to
Organize Seven Circles in Omaha
David Schnecberg of New York,
executive secretary for the Young
Judea clubs of the country, will arrive
in Omaha Thursday morning to per
fect the organizations of seven local
circles and to give a series of ad
dresses. Mr. Schneebcrg will meet the
local leaders at the home of Miss
Bcrnicc Solig that evening and will
address a council meeting at the
synagogue at Nineteenth and Burt at
8:30 o'clock. He speaks at the regular
Friday evening services and a recep
tion has been arranged in his honor
for Saturday evening by all the Young
Judeas, after which lie will talk to the
leaders on "Leadership."
He will speak three times on Sun
day; in the morning at the .Hebrew
schools; in the afternoon at a joint
meeting of all the circles and in the
evening, to the parents of the children,
who range from 94o 17 in age. This
meeting will be held in the Young
Men's Hebrew association club rooms
in the Paxtou block. N
.The seven Omaha circles are the
Y'oung Judea Juniors, Flowers of
Zion, Young Knights of Zion. Young
Maccabeans, Fairies of Zion, Hatchiali
and Builders of Zion, a South Side
organization. Miss Bernice Solig, Miss
Sarah Minkin, Miss Anna Farbcr.
Henry Solig and Judah Wolfson arc
active iu the movement.
Austro-Germans Reported to Have Transferred Von Bue
low's Army to Italy and Launched Troops From
Eastern Front Into Desperate Drive Before
Allied Reinforcements Appear.
(By Associated Press.)
Italy's armies are holding firmly at the point at present!
most vital to the preservation of the Piave river line.
The Austro German attempts with heavy masses of troops
to drive southward along the west bank of the Piave from
Quero and thus outflank the lower river front, have been
Seven Maximilist Commission
ers Resign Their Pests, Re
fusing to Submit to "Po
litical Terrorism."
retrograd, Monday. Nov. 19.
Seven commissioners appointed by
the Maximalist government to man
age various departments have re
signed their posts in protest against
the "methods of political terrorism"
by whichthey allege the Bolshcviki
seek to maintain themselves in of
fice. v"We are of the opinion," they as
sert in the declaration announcing
their retirement, ("thatile nccssa.ry
form of - so'cialistic. governnltnt by
parties' if that participated ,m by the
congress of workmen' and "soldier j'
delegates.". , 1 v i :. ,y
They Jo not .wish to follow the
lines chosen by the Bolsheviki, which,
they, assert, "lead to alienating the
proletariat element from politieal life
and lead to the creation of an impos
sible regimewhich means the destruc
tion of the revolution and the coun
try." Among the commissioners quitting
their osts were those in charge of
trade, industry, interior, supplies and
press. The labor commissioner
joined in the protest, but retained his
post. '
Washington, Nov. .20. Unofficial
dispatches reaching the Slate depart
(Contlnued on Far Two, Column Three.)
j-,oncion, wov. u. I he missing
boat troni the American steamship
Rochester, which was sept to the bot
tom by. a German submarine Novem
ber 2, has just landed at a port in Ire
land, the British admiralty announced'
today. J. he boat contained five meu,
the only survivors from the original
boat's crew of 12.
Hope had been abandoned for the
second officer and 11 other men in a
boat from the Rochester, who at the
time of the arrival of the five survi
vors in Ireland had been missing for
18 days. -Vice Admiral Sims cabled
the Navy departmcnf on Saturday
that these men had been given up as
The landing of the five men re
duces the Rochester's death roll from
19 to 14. Four men died of exposurq
in another boat. Two were killed by
the explosion of the torpedo and one
was drowned.
ZOaviaf Schhee'betg
is.' ' t't
V 7 - ' -it"
9 checked by the heroic resistance of
the Italian troops at the Monte Tom-ba-Monte
Monfenera line.
German Pressure Strong.
The Austro-Germans are exerting
very strong pressure here and are re
ported to have brought up Austrian
troops from the eastern front and to
have transferred General von Bne'-S
low's army to this sector Apparently
the Anglo-French reinforcements
have not reached the Italian fighting
zone, and from Italian headquarters
it is announced that these troops
could be used between the Piave and
the Brenta, where the pressure of the
invaders is strongest. .
Around Asiago the Italians have
checked the Germans and have been
successful in offensive operations. De
feated in strong efforts to cross the
Piave between Vidor and the Adriatic
sea, the Austro-Germans have ceased
their attempts. The artillery fire
along the river, however, is very vio
lent. Big Guns Busy.
On the western, front the infantry
activity has increased somewhat. The
British -hare made a- slight advance
northwest? of, I'asschcndacle and have
repulsed German attacks at other
points In, the1 Ypres salient. In the
region of Chaiime wood, on the right 1
bank of the Meuse, northeast of Ver
dun, he French have-made an appre
ciable advance, inflicting losses on the
Germans. .
In the American sector the artil
lery 'firing continues very active and
there have been further clashes be
tween American and German patrols.
An American soldier has been killed
in a fight in No Man's land.
Premier Kerensky is reported to be
at Luga, 90 miles south of Petrograd,
where two army corps loyal to the
committee for the salvation of the
revolution, which' is opposed to the
Bolsheviki, are stationed. The Bol
shcviki now hold the upper hand in
Petrograd. Moscow and other large
cities, but it is indicated that the ques
tion of food supplies how overshad
ows the political situation. Tele
grams received in London show that
the food problem is most pressing
and that the menace of famine has
brought about a cessation of hostili
ties between the opposing factions, at
least for the moment.
U. S. Fixes Basic Prices
' For By-Product Coke
Washington, Nov. 20. Basic prices
for by-product coke were fixed by
the fuel administration today as fol
lows: Run of ovens, $6; selected foundry,
$7; crushed over one inch size, $6.50,
Prices for bee hive coke already have
been, announced.
The prices fixed are per short ton
f. o. b. cars at the plant where man
ufactured. They apply to car lots
sold to consumers or to dealers for
wagon delivery. No commissions
may b added by jobbers or other
, The maximum price of gas coke
sold for industrial or metallurgical
use is fixed at fhe price established
for the corresponding grade of by
product coke. Gas coke for jiouse-
noia use must be sold at tne prices
fixed for anthracite coal in the same
French Deputies Give Vote
Of Confidence to Premier
' Tan's, Nov. 20. The Chamber of
Deputies this evening gave a vote of
confidence to M. Clcmenceait, the
new premier. 418 to 65.
What Have You
that has outlived its, use
fulness to you and yet has
some value? ,
. Turn to the Swappers
column now and see the
many offers to trade that
are listed there. If you can
not find anything that you
can Use fix up a three-line
ad of your own.
You will be surprised at
the many things that will
be offered to you.
Swappers' column rates
are: ,- ... -
25c for a 3-line adv. for 3
days and 3c for each answer
you receive. ; y , i , h
! 'I