THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1917. 11 REAL INSTATE IMPROVED FARM ANDRANCH LANDS FARM AND RANCH LANDS South. Choice Field Club Home Price Only $6,500 Klght rooms and bath, all oak and white enamel finish; sleeping poreh and sun room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, special plumbing, full brick foundation; built two years. This Is a real bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO., "01 Om. Xafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 491. Texas Lands. Texas Lands. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. ( rooms just In th course of comple tion, furnace, built buffet, full cement basement, sun parlor on second floor, close to car line, located near 33rd and Fred erick St. Price 13,600; 1200 down, bal ance terms to good party. Here Is your chance to get a home easy. Just like pay ing rent. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. ONE 6-room and one 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live in one and rnt the other. Price for both, 13,760. Very easy terms. No. S433 8. 10th Bt, NORMS A NORMS, 100 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. JE00 Down $25 A Month TWO LARGE LOTS Just listed, a 6-room house, modern ex cept beat, near 4Jd and Seward Sts., block from car line. 2 blocks to school. All kinds of garden space. Priced at snap, $3,650. Payne Investment Company (Realtors). 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. LET me show yon my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $$.850. Rea sonable terms. Call owner, Douglas 1733. W. FARNAM SMITH A Co.. Real Estate and Insurance, 1330 Karnam 8t. Doug. 1064 J. J, MULVIHILL, Realtor, 300 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 96. R. S. TRUMBULL, .306 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. REAL ESTATE Investment BRICK FLATS, $8,800 If sold within the next five days we can offer a double brick flat of 8 rooms each, very well built and thoroughly modern, located Just two blocks from the Rome Hotel. Rented chaply at 180.00 a month to permanent tenants. This Is a bargain and worth Immediate Investigation. Mort gage 14,000, 6 per cent; balance cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) . Dougla $9(2. $19-20 City National. INVESTMENT 69. t ft. on 24th near Harney St., with S5 ft. extending to 24th Ave., brick build ing renting for $1,680 a year. Investor cannot lost and possibilities of growth are great in this strategic location. 'f Harrison & Morton, Realtors. 916 Omaha Vat. P. An Exceptional Offer The Lasater-Miller Co. of Falfurrias, Texas, are owners of 360,000 acres of the finest land in Texas for dairying, fruit raising, truck gardening. We are divid ing this great tract into smaller farms and making the price and terms so easy that it should all be sold within the next few months. We will sell you any number of acres at $40 per acre and arrange terms to suit your means. ' We will stock your farm with Hereford cattle and let you pay for them from their own earnings. "(No interest). Mr. Lasater's Jerseys won all first prizes at Waterloo, la. Come down and see this prosperous country. Land adjoining ours is selling at $250 to $500 per acre. For full particulars and date of excursions phone or write Thomas Olson 407-8 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 6514. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Big Run of Cattle With Demand Good; Hog Trade Active; Feeder Lambs Up a Quarter. Omaha, November 13, HIT. Receipts ware: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 53. 174 6.168 6.793 Estimate Tuesday ....11,600 6.600 ,100 LANDS at fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas, Immediately adjacent fine mar ket Farming and dairying demonstra tion under our direction. Only Improved lands offered for sale. If you want to own a farm, write for Booklet J, Agricul tural Dept., Chamber of Commerce. Hous ton. Tex. GOOD corn land, East Texas, KB an acre. Get my free book. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block, Omaha. Montana Lands. MONJANA state land sale in December, the largest lot of the best whet land ever offered. For particulars write to Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and 85 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full information. MUNGER, A-119, N. T. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. FOR free booklet, with prices on beautiful Bates and Cass county Improved fertile farms, address J. W. Hendrickson, Box 114, AdrhMi. Mo. GREAT bargains $5 down, 15 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri Price only 1220. Address Box 292, Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. 3-STORY BRICK Building about 60x138 on lot 155x133. When remodeled Into modern day light building would be fine for LACNDRY, PRINTING or MANUFAC TURING where trackage Is not necessary. Priced so that cost would be at leaat 40 per cent leas than e. new building of same size. McCAGCB INVESTMENT CO. SEE U3 FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY A SON, . REALTORS, 620 First Nat Bank Bldg: REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE 99x132, brick buildings; part of which can be used for storage or automobiles or stable or rspalr shop. For sale or for rent; all or part. E. H. Benner Co. D. 6406. FINE site on B. M. R. R.. ! 96x165; can be bought cheap. Terms. C. A. Grlmmel, Phone Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WILL TRADE. Big corner lot 150x144. An Ideal apart ment bouse site, located on 21st St, south of. Harney St; paving on both streets In and paid for. Will trade for a good 7- room ljouse in West Farnam or Field Club district ! Phone Harney 2689. 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good 2-story brick building In eastern Nebraska town, about 12,600 farm im provements and repairs. Building 25,000. Want good, hard land. v f. WALKER A Co.. Keellne Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WELL BUILT, well finished l-r. house, barn, chicken house and run. two lots, grass, trees, fruit; in Blue Springs, Neb.; two depots, adjoining Wymore, railroad Juno tion; clear; $1,200. Write owner, 46J0 Beward St., umana. PASS. Velie and some cash In exchange for well-located,- clear lot Douglas jstv or Colfax 4193. WANTED Mortgages, income property or mdse.; stocks In exchange for Iowa or S. D. land. E. A. Lucey. Storm Lake, la. LOUISIANA Lands. Nilsson. 422 Rose Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. FAIRACRES TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD DUNDEE HOME Have nearly 1 acres on Dodge road In Falracres; will exchange for good home In Dundee. Let us hear what you have. HIATT COMPANY, 243-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60 A NEW Dundee home, Just completed, six room, stucco, with tile roof, sleeping porch, tastily decorated and oak and white enamel finish, tiled bathroom, buffet and many other built-in features, east front and In restricted district. Phone Doug las 6074. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. . Before buying be sure and see Hastings & Heyden, (Realtors), 902 City National Bank Bldg. HOMES tnd home sites In Dundee. SHULER & CARY. 204 Keellne. P. 60T4. FOR SALE 240 -acre farm six miles from Clarke. About 150 acres under plow, balance grass. Including about 20 acres of alfalfa. Extra fine large Improvements. Fins level heavy black soli. $110 per acre takes It. Good terms. ISO-acre farm 1 mile from Clarke, mile front Platte river. Fine Improve ments. About 80 acres farm land, balance alfalfa and pasture. $160 per acre. Good terms. Farms as good as this one are scarce. Look It over; It will speak for itself. 160 acres unimproved, mile from darks, about 90 acres grass land; cuts 1 tons hay to acre, balance beat of farm land. $116 per acre. Good terms. A real bargain. ' 120 acres, 6 miles from Clarks, unim proved, about 90 acres farm land, balance hayland. This la an extra good piece of land, will raise anything you plant. At $86 per acre it is some buy. P. W. CRAWFORD, Clarks, Neb. Phone 136. 1,720 ACRES on Niobrara river, six miles from railroad town; 700 acres gvod, level farm land; 250 acres In cultivation; 160 acres of Niobrara bottom, part of which Is the best of hay land; balance of ranch rolling to rough pasture, well grassed. River and Bear creek furnish an abun dance of stock water, plenty of timber for fuel and fence post), aa well as affording protection for stock. Improvements located in a fine native grove in th valley and consist of 6-room bouse, two barns, silo and other buildings, i School house located on ranch. This is a well-balanced ranch. Our price $1$ per acre; easy terms. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., 846 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg., Omaha. SMALL) Nebraska farm on easy payments 5 acres up. we farm wio farm we sell you. The Hungerford Totato Growers' association, 15th and Howard Sts., Omaba. ' Douglas 9371. 40 ACRES Irrigated land, every acre first class; all fenced and In crop. Will deal for a new clear residence. Price $4,000. Box 206, Oakland, Neb. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty YOUNG 4 DOHERTY. City Real Estate, Douglas 157t. 323 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us it you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON, 423 S. 16th. Douglas 9371. WAITED 2'0 acres Pierce county. Neb. Owners only. tillable. Give good de scription, price and terms. 301 Karbach Blk., O taha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40, 6 mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LEGAL RATES LOANS $24.00 $240.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2296. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and Jewelry loans at 1 and 2 per cent. W. C. Flatau; estab. 1892. 6th floor Rose-Securltlea Bldg. Tyler 950. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge.D. 6619. Bs. 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mabel M. Douglas and husband to John F. Bartels. Jackson street, 114.7 feet west of Fifty-third ave nue, south side, 50x121 $ 1,100 unton Rogers Estate company to Frank W. Matteson et al, trustee, Jones street, 66 feet east of Elev enth street, south side, 66x132 12,600 Charles Smith to F. J. House, Grant street, 275 feet west of Thirty fourth street, north side, 47x113 ... 2,000 Columbian Investment company to Mrs. Anna P. Kinney, HlckWy street, 100 feet east of Fifty-flret street, north side, 60x13 ........ 300 James H. Connolly and wife to Stew art J. Danskln, . -Twenty-eighth t street, 100 feet north of Poppleton avenue, east side, 60x150 1 Marie Barnett and husband to Anna Cravens, Crown Point avenue, 150 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 56x132 '1,300 Sophia A. Smith et al to Antonio Pir rucello. northwest corner Eighth and Pierce streets, 66x182 4,000 J. W. Phelps and wife to John A. Byrne, Burt street, 66.6 feet east of Twenty-fifth avenue, north side, 66.6x162, undivided 100 Francis Phelps and wife et al to John A. Byrne, Burt street, 66,5 feet east of Twenty-fifth avenue, north side, 66.6x162, undivided 900 Edmunds Earle Klpltnger and wife to Dasie S. Eaton, Dodge street, 193 feet west of Forty-second street, soutjh side, 48x122 4,500 Irenaeus Shulnr and wife et al to Elma Spauldlng, Forty-second street, 140 feet north of California street, west side. 40x126 725 LIST your lands for quick, results with C. J. Canan, 310 McCague, Bldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project, Oregon, 44.000 acres Irrigated land. Free map and bul letin. Next excursion November 20th. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. BEAUTIFUL ACRE HOME, Located one block south Benson High school, two blocks to car. fine, all modern new house, land lies level on top of hill, fenced with steel fence; very cheap terms; owned by widow who must sell. S. S. & R; E. MONTGOMERY, 211 City National Blk. Miscellaneous. 200-FOOT frontage, three-fourths of an acre, lor 608. Terms $25 cash, $15 per month. Tel. Walnut I486. Acreage. ONE CHOICE ACRE HIGH AND SIGHTLY , One Block To Car Line 5750 $10 Down, $10 Month This acre Is real rich soil, sloping west and fronting north. Is located In a new growing addition In whioh there are a number of new homes planned for next year. A Catholic church and school Is being built now; a grocery store Is very close at hand and but 6c fare to town. Act quickly buy now and prepare for next year. 4 Call Tyler 50 and ask to be shown this piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, , (Realtors) '14 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. CALDWELL ACRES. Our new acreage addition southwest of Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter acres; easy terms. THE BYRON REED CO. Fhone Douglas 27. 212 So. 17th St. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty- years; Interest 5 per cent, 6 per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1623, Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION. $6,000 MTGE. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $14,600. Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. - Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SIX per cent first mortgages secured by Improved real estate located in Omaha. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 688 Keellne Bldg. SHOPEN & CO., PRIVATE MONEY. $1,200 MTGE. bearing 6 pot semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $4,600. Tal-madge-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING 'LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. C CI CITY LOANS. GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 5C7 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. O 916 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran- dels Theater Bldg D. 686 LOANS Ol CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS SON. Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Oma. Nat. Bank Bldg HAVE 6-passenger Buick ami 80 ft. vacant on Leavenworth St. clear, to apply ss first payment on a 5 or 6 room modern house. What have youi Box 887, Omaha Bee. LISTING houses to. rent or sell on small cash pavments; have parlies waiting. Western .Seal r.stat'i. 412 Karbach Blk. D. 3607. St. Louis Lire Stock Market. St. Louis, Nov. 13. Cattle RecelptM, 700 head, market higher. Native beef steers, $8.00 16.00; yearling steers and heifers, $7.0016.00; cows. $5.00tl.00; stockera and feeders. $8.601K50; Texas quarantine steers, $7.50 10.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.0012.7I; beef cows and heifers, $6.00Q10.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.6010.00; native calves $5.76ffll.75. Hogs Receipts 6,600 head, market high er. Lights, I17.2517.60; pigs, $14. 60$ 16.75; mixed and butchers, $17.3617.60; good heavy, 1 7. 60 1 7.7 S ; bulk, $17.2501 17.65. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,200 head, market steady. Lambs, $13.00 16.75; ewes, $10.0010.50; wethers, $11.00012.25; can ners, 6.608.60. Kansas City Ur( Stock Market. Kansas City, Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head, market stedy. Prime fed steers, $15.5016.76; dressed beef steers, $11.0016.00; western steers, $8.00013.00; cows, $5.4010.00; heifers, $6.5oil2.00; stockers and feeders, $7.0011.50; bulls, $6.007.75; calves,"$6.6012.00. Hogg Receipts, 10,000 head, higher. Bulk, $17.2017.60; heavy, $17.40 17.70; packers and butchers, $17.2017.70; light, $17.00 17.40; pigs, $16.754717.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $,009 head, market higher. Lambs, $19.00017.00; year lings, $12.0013.60; wethers, $11.00 12.S0 ; ewes,. $9.60ll.oO. Sioux City Live tSock Market. Sioux City, la.. Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $8.00 16.00; fat cows and heifers. $6.6009.00: Scanners, $5.256.25; stockers and feeders,; calves, 7. 50011. 60; bulls, stags etc., $6.00)8.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6. 60(58.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market 15 26o higher; light, $16.7517.10; mixed, $lt.9017.15; heavy, $17.0017.35; pigs, $17.0018.26; bulk of sales, $16.90017.15. Sheep nd Lambs Receipts, 260 bead; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts 3,600 head; market higher; steers, $8.00 14.04; cows and heifers, $5.25013.60; calves $6,0012.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; market high er top, $17.60; mulk of sales, $17.35fi17.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,600 head; market strong; lambs, $12.00 17.00; ewes, $6.004111.26. Metal Market. New York, Nov. 13. Metals Tin strong, $71.00 bid. Lead firm; apot, $6.30 bid. Spelter firm; East St. Louis delivery, spot. $7.76.00. At London: Spot copper, 110; futures, 110; electrolytic, 125; spot tin, 273 15s; future, 273; lead, spot, 80 10s; futures, 29 10s; spelter, spot, 54; futures, 60. New York Dry Goods Market New York, Nov. 13. Cotton goods here today were firm with heavy goods active. Yarns were firm. Men's wear Is growing scarcer. Raw silk was easy and quiet. Ex port demand was steady hut sales re stricted by scarcity of stock goods and dif ficulties In arranging shipments. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City, . Nov. 1$. Corn No. f mixed, $1.982.02; No. 2 white. $2.102.20; No. 2 yellow, $1.97 3.06; December, $1.26; January, $1.20. Oats No. 2 white, (6G$(c; No. 2 mixed, 63m 65c. St. Louis Grain Market. Bt. Louis. Nov. 13 Corn No. 2, $1.66; No. 2 white, $1.901.91; December, $1.24; May, $1.17'4. Oals No. 2, 6$G4c; No. 2 white, Two days this week 56,774 10.75 15.S93 Same days last week.. 23, 640 8, 505 67,972 Same days 2 weeks ao25,63i 4.837 87.683 Same days 3 weeks ago!7.500' 7.279 6T.692 Same days 4 weeks ago33,629 8.070 6S.654 Same days last year.. 18. 335 20,95$ 26.279 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, for twenty, four hours ending at $ p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogi Sheep. Horses. C M. St. P $4 Wabash 7 t . , . Union Parlflc 101 14 4 1 C. A N. W east 4 C. N. W.. west 129 31 17 2 C, St. P.. M. & 0....614 3 C, B. Q , east 4 3 3 C, B. & Q.. west S33 12 8 C, R. I. P.. east 9 It 1 C R. I. A P., west. . . 1 2 1 Illinois Central 3 2 Chicago Great West.. 3 2 Totals 510 100 . 44 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 264 Swift & Company... 90 994 1,223 Cudahy Packing Co. 1,753 854 1,804 Armour & Co 1,422 1.089 216 Schwarts A Co !20 .... J. W. Murphy 1,649 .... Lincoln Packing Co. 21 So. Omaha Pack. Co. 24 Wilson 211 Armour, Denver .... SSf Swift, Kansas City.. 67 W. B. Vansant Co.. 213 ' Benton Vansant & L. 314 Hill A Son. 141 F. B. Lewis 476 Huston Co 1 .... .... J. B. Root & Co.... 16S J. H. Bulla !19 L. F. Husi 34 Rownstock Bros 812 .... F. O. Kellogg.. 341 Werthelmer & Degen 62S .... .... Ellis A Co 113 Lehmer Bros 161 .... .... Rothschild 68 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. 228 Chrlstl 23 Hlgglns 16 Huffman 66 .... .... Roth 43 Meyers 43 .... .... Olassberg 3 .... .... Baker, Jones A S... 182 Banner Bros 61 .... .... John Harvey 1,002 .... .... Jensen & Lungren.. 261 .... .... Rothcblld 68 .... .... Other buyers 3.477 .... 4.046 Totals 14,058 E.864 8.447 Pr. $7 00 9 50 Cattle There was another liberal cattle run here today, but with common stuff mak ing up a big share of the offerings and the demand tor good cattle broad deslrsble steers of all kinds opened out fairly active and at least steady. Scarcity of good cat tle was especially noticeable in the beeves and packers paid steady prices for desirable steers right from the start Feeder buyers again had big orders for medium weight and fleshy cattle of all kinds and also for the good quality light stockers and calves and on these It was a good active trade at prices that were steady to. If anything, stronger. Good fleshy feeders sold up as high as $12.50. Common killing steers and light common stockers and feeder were ai'Mn tlow and had a lower tendency. Cow r .J heifer supply waa large and buyers unforced further declines on butcher stock t.' all kinds, early sales being weak at 10o lo,r than yesterday, or lEo to mostly 25o lower than last week. Stock cows and heifers opened! steady. Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $15.00016.00; good to choice beeves, $14.00016.00; fair to good beeves, $12.00018.60; common to fair beeves, $7.00 011.00; good to chelce yearlings, $14.00 16.00; fair to good yearlings, $12.0014.00; common to fair yearlings, $6.60ll.00; prime heavy grass beeves. $12.00011.60: rood to choice grass beeves, $10.0011.60; fair iu aooa grass oesves, ia.oulo.oo; com mon to fair grass beeves. 97.0008.60! rnnd to choice heifers. 98.0009.35; good to cnoice cows, 7.ii9.?5; fair to good cows, $6.507.75; common to fair cows, $5,600 (.25; prime feeding steers, $11.60 18.00; good to chotoe feeders. 19.0011.2IS- fair good feeders, $7.608.75; common to fair leeoera, i.ou7.0D; good to choice stock era, $8.60010.00; stock heifers, $6.6008.00; took cows, $t.007.26; stock calves, $6 00 10.00; veal calves, $9.00012.60; bulls, tags, etc., $6.60S.OO. ' Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. io. A v. Pr. No. Av. 706 $6 85 32 610 2i- 734 8 60 11 815 2J7....... $43 9 65 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 62 10 10 ' COWS. 1 690 S 60 5 904 8 951 6 00 16 904 7 785 6 75 7 1260 HEIFERS. t 700 6 50 4 797 3 545 t 25 BULLS. 1 1400 7 25 1 .1490 2 1435 7 75 CALVES. 1 $80 9 00 t 280 11 $0 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3 743 8 25 .16 748 10 982 10 00 14 1070 WYOMING. 28 heifers. 860 9 40 68 steers.. 868 e steers.. 870 9 00 14 steers.. 900 steers. .1161 10 60 31 feeders.1179 13 steers.. 888 9 75 COLORADO. E cows... 862 6 85 9 feeders. 832 6 steers.. 98$ 9 00 50 cows.. .1004 58 cows... 918 7 25 24 feeders. 961 107 cows. .1030 8 90 BOUTH DAKOTA. 11 steers.. 830 9 26 15 stock's. 62$ T y'rllngs. 322 7 75 t cows... 893 17 steers. .1264 10 (6 9 y'llngs. 316 18 feeders. 108J 10 40 21 feeders.1090 1 bull... .1810 7 26 WESTERNS. A. H. Beldler Wyo. ( 921 6 75 6 steers.. 801 J. W. Wilson, Jr. Wyo. 12 COWS... 866 7 00 49 cows... 885 VE. II. Fessender Wyo. 1045 7 76 10 steers.. 633 13 calves.. 167 12 00 8 feeders. 915 ( cows.. .1010 8 00 17 cows... 746 7 cows... 866 6 60 Hogs There was another liberal run of hogs on hand this morning, and both ship per and packer trade waa active from the start. On the early rounds trade was around 10c higher, getting stronger as the market progressed, and closing 26c higher, with a few sales that looked 36a higher. Everything sold In good season. Five or six loads were reported back, and buyers were still In the yards waiting for late ar rivals. The best price was paid for heavy butchers that sold at $17.40, while the bulk of the offerings moved, at $17.00 17.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 46. .251 ... $17 00 62. .267 260 $17 05 46. .218 400 .17 10 64. .325 80 IT 15 79. .235 ... 17 20 44. .292 280 17 25 30..808 ... 17 20 60. .296 210 17 40 . PIGS. 22. .149 17 15 Sheep Another 'light run of sheep and lambs was here today. Trade In all grades of stuff was active and stronger, most of the best offerings going early. Feeder Umbs nav another upturn of 16c, the best offer ings selling up to J 17.1 6 0 1 7. 25. There were few feeding ewes on the market, but were nominally higher. Fat lambs again found an active trade at prices fully 15c, higher than yesterday's average. Choice killers vere In good demand and brought around $16.8016.86. Supply of fat ewes was rather limited. Trade was strong If any thing on 'fat ewes, the lamb prices quoted being strong to 25c higher. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.00 17.00; lambs, feeders, $15.5017.60; lambs, culls, $10.00 15.60; yearlings, fair to choice. $10.6012.60; year lings, feeders, $12.00 13.00; wethers, fair to choice. $11.0012.60; ewes, fair to choice, $9. 2611. 00; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.60015.00; ewes, feeders, $7.60 011.(0; ewes, culls and canners, $5.00 7.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 10 native buck lambs 105 $15 00 211 South Dakota Iambs 69 16 (0 94 South Dakota lambs 48 16 10 118 native feeding ewes 104 9 26 74 native ewes 112 10 50 ( 75 7 (0 t 40 10 20 11 00 9 85 11 7$ 9 40 7 96 10 10 7 25 7 26 t 76 10 60 8 76 7 60 8 (0 10 26 6 76 Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago, Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head; market, no tone given; native steers, $6.8616.60; western steers, $6.861$,40; stockers and feeders, $5.6611.26: cows and heifers, $4. 60011.66; calves, $6.76013.25. Hoge Receipts, 24,000 head; market strong: bulk of sales, $12.76017.(0; lights, $16.9017.60; mixed, $16.9017.70; heavy, 116.90O17.70: rough, $16.90017.10; pigs, $13.5617.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14.000 head; market steady; wethers. In. 7041 J. 86; ewes, l7.50itH1.25; lambs, $12.00016.65. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Only Ninety-five Cars Report ed on Omaha Market; Every thing Offered Finds Buyer; Prices Strong. Omaha, Nov. IS. 1917. Spot arrivals of grain today were un usually light, only 96 cars being reported on hand, the bulk of these being wheat and oats, with 37 and 38 cars respectively, while receipts of corn were very few, 18 cars of this cereal showing, and 2 cars of rye. nuslneas on the exchange today was very light, due to such light receipts and prac tically everything offered found a buyer. Klevator and commission men were kept busy, however, showing members of the Nebraska Farmer Co-Operatlv Grain and Live Stock State commission around and acquainting those who are not thoroughly familiar with the federal wheat grades and rules which were put Into effect since their last meeting, a topic a general Interest to everyone. Several of these members re port that husking is being delayed In the hopes of curing the new corn a little at least but that present weather conditions are unfavorable, voider weather being needed to bring about this effect. Sales of spot corn today were few, the old still commanding a good figure and sell Ing up several cents, while new corn was quoted, possibly Sc to 6c lower. No. 3 mixed old sold at $3.00 and $3.01. and No. 6 yellow new at $1.40. and aampla yellow new at! 91 10 and $1.13 and No. ( mixed new at $1.25 and sample mixed at $1.10. One car of sample mixed In heating condi tion brought a round dollar. The amount of moisture conlent In these cars ranged fram 21.20 per cent to 26 per cent Oats continue to be a strong feature on the market, this cereal advancing another half cent today. The local and export In qulry was fairly good and these samples were, disposed of quite freely. No. 2 whits sold at tio and 6S4o and the standard grade at 630 and 63c. while the No. 3 grade went at (3c and 3Ho. Rye was up a cent and barley lo to 3c. with a continued good demand for either article. No. 3 rye sold at $1.72 and No. 3 malting barley at $1.17 and $1.28 and No 4 barley at $1.15 and $1.16, the sample of this cereal being carried over from yes terday. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 482.000 bushels; oats, 66,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 1,107. 000 bushels and shipments 631,000 bushels, agsinst receipts of 1,819,000 bushels and shipments of 1,061,000 bushels last year. Primary corn reoelpts were 475,000 bush els and shipments 157,009 bushels, against receipts of 686,000 bushels and shipments of 350,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,070,008 bush els and shipments (97,000 bushels, against receipts of 924,000 bushels and shipments of 833,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 136 221 367 Minneapolis 367 Puluth 164 Omaha 97 19 39 Kansas City 133 43 33 St. Loula 44 (1 26 Winnipeg 1,229 These sales were reported today! . Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car. $2.1$. No. 2 hard winter: 4 cars, $2.1. No. $ hard winter: 6 cars, $1.09. No. 4 hard win ter: 1 car (4 per cent rye), $2.07. No. S hard winter: 1 car, $2.0$. No. 1 yellow hard winter: 2 cars, $2.06. No. 1 northern spring: 1 cars, $2.12. No. I mixed hard red win ter: 1 car, (11 per eent spring., (( per cent hard winter), $2.08. No. 6 mixed hard red spring: 1 ear (4.1 per cent rye, 70 per eent hard red spring, 10 per eent red winter), $2.02. Mixed grain: 1 car (7 per cent rye), $2.00. Ry No. 1: 1 ear, $1.72. Uarlev No. 1: 3-5 car. $1.23: 1 car, $1.17',; 1 car, $1.17. No. 4: 1 car, $1.16; 1 car. 11.16. Corn: No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.01; 1 ear, (2. No. ( mixed: 2-6 car (11.80 teat), $1.26; 1 car, $1.26. Sample mixed: 1 car (21 test), $1.10; 1 car (testing), $1. No. I yellow: 2-6 car (21.10 test), $1.40. Sample yellow: 1 car (34.20 test), $1.12: 1 car (2 test), $1.10. Oats No. 1 whiter 1 ear, (SHo; 1 car. 68Uc. Standard: V, ear. (Slio;' 2 can, (3tto. No. 3 white: 1 car. 63Ho; 1-6 car, (3He; $ cars, (3c. No. 4 white: 1 car, (3Ue; (6 cars, 63c; 1 car, (2c. Sample white; 1 cars, 6264 c. Cash Prices Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.16 1.17; No. 1 mixed, $3.O02.01. Oats No. 1 white, iivaiivr; standard, as o36 No. 1 white, (3(IHc; No. 4 white, (2 6314c. Barley Malting, $1.141.2$; No. 1 feed, 961.12. Rye No. 2, $1.71 Vi (9123; No. 3, $1.7101.71. Local range of options: Art Openi High. Low.) Close. Yest Corn. I I I I Dee. 1 II 1 16 111 t II 111 May 1 II 1 11 113 1 11 I'll Oats. Dec. $3 II It (1 (I May 63 63 (3 63 (3 Omaha GtnncsAX makkxt. Live Poultry Broilers, IS lo 1 pounds. In separate coop, per pound, 10c; broiler, over 2 pounds. In separate coop, per pound, 17c; hens, over 4 pounds, per pound, 17c; hens, under 4 pounds. 14c; old rooster and tags, per pound, 14c; geese, full feathered, fat per pound, 12c; ducks, full feathered, fat. par pound, 16c; turkeys, any lse over 8 pounds, fat per pound, 22c; less than I pounds, halt price: capons, over I pounds, per pound, 24c; thereunder worth no more than large soft springs ami hens; guineas, each, any site, 25c; squaba. homers, 14 to II ounces each, per doien. $3.50; squabs, homers. 12 to 14 ounces each, per dosen, $2.60; squaba. homers, 10 to 12 ounces each, per dosen, $2.00; squabs, homers. ( ounces each, per dosen. $1.60: squaba, homers, un der 8 ounces each, per dosen, $0c; pigeons, per dosen, $1.00. Butter J6Hc. Fresh Eggs (By express), case. 119.1$. Prices for this week are as follows: Oysters King Cole, northern standards, one gal. cans, per gal., $2.46; large cans, 6s: small cans, 38c; King Cole, Northern Selects, one-gal. cans, per gal., $2.90; large cans. 66c; small cans, 45c; King Cole, New York Counts, per gal., $3; large cans, 70e; small cans. 60c; King Cole, Chesapeake Standards, per gal.. $1.76; large cans, 42c; small cans. 38c. King Cole. Chesapeake Selects, per gal., $2.15; large cans. 48c; small cans. 32c. Cotnlts, per 100, $1.75. wue roints. per 100, $1.35; large shell per 100. $1.60. Celery Mammoth Western, per doien, 90c Whale Meat Per lb le. Flah, Fresh Caught. Per Lb. Halibut, di rect from coast by express, 38c; salmon, red. 2tc; pink, ISo. Black cod sable fish, 4c; catfish, o. 8. and large. 23c; small. 21c. 'lack bass, O. 8.. 28c; medium. 3!e. Trout No. 1. lie. Whlteflsh. large, 11a Pike. round or dressed, ISc TIcKerel, dressed. I4c. crapplea, medium. 14c; O. 8. end large. IRS 20c. Buffalo, genuine Rd., 13c; buffalo, carp rd , 10c. Herring, 11c; sunflsh, )0c; ted snspper. 16c; native mackerel. 22c; haddock. 16c; cod. eastern, llmilo; flound ers. 14c; weakfish, sea trout. 20c. Fresh froten: Halibut, coast frosen. 10ft. Sal mon, red, coast frosen, 20c. Black cod sa ble fish, coast frosen, 14c; catfish, small, a bargain. 15c. Black bass. O. 8.. Iftc: me dium. 32a Trout, No. 1, lOo. Whlteflsh, medium. He; large, 20c. Pike, No. 1. dressed, lc. Pickerel, dressed, 12c. Crap- pies. meiiium, 12c; small. 10c Buffalo, genuine rd . 12c; huffalo. carp rd.. Ic. Llna cod, lie; Karacuda, headless, 14c. Flound ers, IJc; western red snapper, 10c. Smelts, 13c. Kippered snlmon, 10-lb. bankets, $2.(0. Kippered cod or grayflih, l lb. baskets, (2.20. Smoked whit (lake fish), 10-lbs.. $2.10. Frogs Louisiana black bulls, per dosen: Jumbo, $3.26; large, $1.76; medium, $1.75. Wholesale price of beef cuts: No. 1 ribs. t3Me; No. 2 ribs, 21c; No. 3 ribs, lie. No. 1 loins, 28He: No. 1 loins, tlo; No. I loins. 17c; No. 1 chucks, 164c; No. t chucks, 14 Wc; No. 3 chucks. 13c: No. 1 rounds. 20Hc; No. I rounds. 174c: No. 1 rounds. 18V,e; No. 1 plates, 14Wc; No. I plates. 13 He; No. 1 pistes. 13c Fruit and vegetable price furnished by uiunssx rruu company: Trult Oranges: 100a, 24. 160s, $3 61 bog; 126s. 281s, $4 00 boii 150. 260a, $4 21 oox; us. 300. 116. 14.50 box. Lemons: Golden Mowl, 110. $1.50 box: Silver Cord u st.os oox. Oraprrult: Florida, $6. 46s, 16s, $6.60 box; 64s, 64s, 10s, $6.00 bog Pears: Winter Nellie, $1.50 box; Buerr ClarglOu, $2.75 box; Buerre D Anjous. $3 00 box; Colorado Heifers, $2.25 box; Kelfurs, bushels, $1.60 bog; Kelfers, 10 bushel lots, $1.40 box. Grapes: Tokay. $1.60 crate; Emperors. $4.36 keg; Concords, lo basket. Apples: Jonathan, extra fancy, $3.01 box; Jonathans, 176. smaller, $1.76 box; Jonathans, fancy, 16s box leas; Grimes' Golden, all alaea. $2.26 box; Grimes' Golden Ills, smaller. $2.7$ box; Grimes' Golden, 104s. larger. $1.00 box: Grimes' Oolden. fancy, 26 box less; Jonathans, barrels, $5 00 ddi.; otnsr varieties, barrel, $4.00 bbl. Banana, $2.26 to $4.00 bunch. Can ta loupe noneyaew. li no crate. Vegetables Onlonsi SDanlsh. 11.26 crate large crates, $6.66) orste; red, yellow, $Ho lb. Cabbage, lo- lb.; 1.000 lots, 1140 lb.) ton lot. 140.00 ton. Cucumber, $1,60 to $1.00 dosen. Lettuce, head. 9 On to $1.00 doxen; leaf, 40o dosen. Celery: Kalamasoo, vie aozen: jumbo. 8 00 Cosen. Beets, car rota, turnip and parsnips, lo lb. Radishes, i'io aoien. uarllo, 16o lb, Bquaah. 1 lb. nuianagas. zo id. Dellcscles Freeh era meat Pr gal. $1.00: fresh hard erabs. large, per dos. 12.76; fresh acallops, par gal.. 11.10) fresh cooked Leadles shrimps, $2.00; fresh peeled shrimp, per gal.. $2.26; shad roe, per pair, 60o; roe shad, each, $lo; blue points, per iuv, si. id; uotuns. 11.76; turtle meat. lb. 10c; grass frog legs, per do., 860; jumbo frog legs, per dos., $3:00; large frog legs, per ao.,; medium frog leg, per do.. II 71. Nuts Cocanut:t Backs, 17.10; doaen. $1.00. Peanut: No. 1, raw, lb., 11 He; No 1, roasted, lb., Ho; Jumbo, raw, lb., 13Ho; Jumbo, roasted, lb., l$ttoi aiioa, can, 13.00. walnuts, lb.. 14a. Peanut No. 1 raw, imo lb,! No. 1 roasted, imo lb.; Jumbo, raw, H14o lb. Jumbo, roasted, 11 4o lb.; salted, $2.00 eaa. walnut, arrival, 1440 lb. Chicago 2:30 price, furnished The Be by Logan a Bryan, atoek and grain broker, 111 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art I Open. High. Low. Close. Test. Corn. I t Jan. 1 17 1 18 HlVi I )U 117i Dec. 1 31 1 21 120 1 21 120 May 116 1 17H 114 117 116 Oat. Dec. 13 64 12 14 61 May 14 (4 (3 14 63 Pork. Jan. 45 75 45 90 46 10 45 71 41 17 Lard. Jan. 24 51 24 70 24 40 14 17 21 17 Rib. Jan. 24 40 24 45 24 22 24 42 24 25 May 24 00 24 10 23 90 14 00 21 95 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Falling Off la Blot and Rural Cenilgnmenti Rally Corn Market. Chicago. Nov. It. Falling off In riot and In notices of rural consignment did a good deal to rally the corn market from weakness thst waa associated with Wall street declines. Corn closed strong, Ho to 114 c net higher, with December 11.11 and May $1.11 1.17. Oat gained o to lc and provisions 10 cents to 11 cent. Bear had the advantage In the corn market until the last hour of th session. Setbacks to value of securities t New New York appeared to be responsible for much of the soiling here, but absence of any Immediate prospect of seasonable cold weather acted as something of an offset, besides, considerable hesitancy developed about pressing the bear aide In the face of a government minimum on hog prices and the consequent likelihood on hop prices demand for corn to feed on farms. Ds creaslng supplies made shorts yet more uneasy toward the last of the day, and no great amount of buying was nseded to lift the market briskly at tne nnian. Demand from house with seaboard con nectlons put strength Into oats, although at first weakness prevailed, vwtng to tne tem norarv bearish action of corn. A bnlra In hog quotations hoisted provis ions. Reallslnj sales followed, but had no lnntlnr effect. Cash Prices Corn:' NO. 2 yellow, $2.28; No. I yellow, $2.26; No. 4 yellow nominal, Oats: No. 3 white, 64S'68c; standard, 6ifijS5fco. Rye: No. 2, $1.78. Barley; $1.101.14. Seeds: Timothy, $6.007.60; clover. $20.00026.00. Provisions: Pork nominal; lard, $2T.10Z7.40; hbds nominal, New Tork General Market. New York,N Nov. 13 Flour Steady; snrinc patents. $I0.80fl11.26: winter patents, $10.66010.90; winter straights, $10.1610.60; Kanaas straights. $11.16011.40. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. $9.669.80; choice to fancy. $9.8610.00. Buckwheat flour, firmer; $8. 2606.60 per 100 lbs. Cornmeal, steady; firm; while and yellow, $4.90e.i5; Kiin drled, $9.76. Cum Spot unsettled; new No. 2 yellow, 11.66ft 2,00, according to shipment cost and freight, New York; new No. 3 mixed. $1.52, December, shipment cost and freight. New York. Oats Spot, firmer; standard. 71 071V. Hay Strong; No. 1 $l.801.90; No. 2, $1.661.75; No. 8, $1 50 1.60; (hipping, $1.3001.40. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 1917, 70 80c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 32035c; 1916, 20024c. Hides Steady; Bogota, lc; Central America. 40c. v Leather Firm ; hemlock sole overweights, No. 1, 61c; No. 2. 49c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess, $47.00 47.60; family, $64.00; short clear, $48.00 62.00. Lard, firm: middle west, $27. 9028. 00. Tallow Steady; city special, loose, 17c. Wool Firm; domestic fleece, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 70c. Rice Firm; fancy head, 8"i9c; blue rose, 88c. Butter Market, steady; receipts, 7,103 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 46 45c; creamery extra (91 score), 44c; firms, 42044c; seconds. 4041e. Eggs Irregular; receipts, 7,984 cases; fresh gathered extras, 61012c; extra firsts, 4960c; firsts, 4648c; seconds, !945o. Cheese Market steady; receipt. 1,(89 boxes'; state fresh special, 21c; average run, 2222c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; prices unchanged. Vew Tork Cotton Market. New York, Nov, 13. The cotton market closed today barely steady at a net advance of 6 points on December, but generally 2 to II points lower. Coffee Market. New York, Nov. 1$. Report that on of the prominent BraslllaB steamship line womn discontinue tts European aervlce, ap peared to create rather a more opllmlstle view of prospect for ocean room between Braxll and this country in coffee here to day. There was also some selling on report of more numerous firm offers of Santo and after opening' at a decline of 1 to I roints, futures eased off with the close showing a net loss of I to 11 point. There was scattered trade Ding as well a liquidation on the decline to T.03o for December and 7.48o for May and the busi ness lnoluded considerableswitchings from December to later months. Closing bids: December, 7.06c: January, 7.14c; March, 7.41c; May, 7.49c; July, 7.66c; September, 7.8lo. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, ,7v Baato 4a, lo. Th cost of freight market was Irregular, but showed little change on the average, although offer war more plenti ful. Santo 4a were offered at t.l5o to 1.40c, and Rio 7s. at 7.65c, London credit, atiam er shipment!. Th official cables reported! no change In the Rio market, Santo spots were 60 rets lower and future 1$ to 10 rel lower, . Chicago Provision Market, Chicago, Nov.' It. Butter Market high er; creamery, 38 44c. Eggs Market higher; reoelpts, 1,131 oases; firsts, 4444o; ordinary firsts, 40 41c; at mark, cases Included, 194)o. Potatoes Market lower; receipts. 41 ear; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, (1. 7602.00; Wisconsin, Mlohtgan and Min nesota, sacks, $2.1 0 (jP 1.10. Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls, 17 21c; springs, 20c. Kvaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, Nov. 11. Evaporated Apples Dull and easy; choice, 10c; prime, 14 15c. Prunes Firm owning to lack of offers; Callfornlas, !llc; Orogons, 1314o. Apricots, firm owing to lack of offers: fancy, 20c, Peaches, firm owing to lack of offers; standard, 12c; choice. 12c; fancy, 1114c. Ralslns-r-FIrm owning to lack of offers; choice to fancy seeded, 10 lie; seedless, 1010c; London layers, $1.10. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Nov,' 1$, Turpentine Firm, 46c; ssles. none; receipts, 468 barrels; shipments, 116 barrels; stock, 22,761 barrels. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,416 barrels; receipts, 1,682 barrels; shipments, 1,266 barrels; stock, 76,822. barrels. Quote: B, D, E F, O, $6.10; H. I $6.11; K. $8.46; M, $6.70; N, (7.45; WO, $7.55; WW $7.70. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Nov. 1$. Flour Unchanged. Kye $1.78191.79. Barley98c$1.27. Bran J31.WO32.60. Corn No. 3 yellow, $2.202.2G. Oats No. 2 white. 6364c. Flaxseed $3. 40W3.42. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Nov. IS. Cotton 8pot, In fair Inquiry, prices firm; good meddling. 23.47d; middling, 21. 95d; low middling, 21.42(1; good ordinary, 20.42d; ordinary, ll,92d; sales, 26,000 bales. American Linseed Dividend. New York, Nov. 13. The American Lin seed company today declared a dividend on the preferred stock of 7 per cent, payable quarterly. This compares with a disburse ment of 3 per cent for last year. London Money Market. London, Nov. 13. Silver Bar, 48 d pel ounce. Money 4 per cent. Discount Rates 8hort bills, 4 per cerrti three-month bills, 4 per cent New York Cotton Market. New York, Nov. 18. Cotton Futures opened stesdy; December, 27.96c; Jsnuary, 27.22c; March, 26.68c; May, 26.40c; July, 26.06c. , New York Sugar Market. New York, Nov. 13. Sugar Raw, market steady; centrifugal, 1.90c; molasses, 8.02c; refined sugar, steady; fin granulated. 1.36c. Duluth Linseed Market. Duluth. Nov. 13. Linseed On track, $3.4103.41; arrive, $3.31; November, $3.3$ bid; December, $3.36 asked; May, $3.21. Kansas City Frovlilon Market. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 13. Butter, eggs and poultry, market unchanged NEW YORK STOCKS British Premier's Address and Baker's Warning of Changes in War Induce Further Selling. New Tork. Nov, 13. Foreign conditions brought fresh disturbances to the atock market today. Further selling was Induced by the British premier a Paris ad dree and Secretary Baker's warning that strategic changes In th conduct of the war m7 result from th Russian revolution. Added reason for concern was furnished by the weakness of rails. Canadian Pa cific falling 3 points to the new minimum of 130 and St. Paul making a new low record at 36. both rallying moderately later. Trading became listless after th first hour, the total of 610.000 share be ing the lightest turn over of recent days. There was a moderate revival of activity In the last hour, but the heaviness ef Marine preferred acted as a deterrent tn Improvement elsewhere, the list closing wttb a preponderance of losses. Nothing In the day's operation war ranted specific comment, all the leader moving In 1 or I point limits. United State Steel selling up to 13 and down to 91, closing at 92, off of. a point Other Industrials and speculative Issues generally denoted the Immediate view or caprice of the professional element. Money and foreign exchange market re flected the apathy of the stock list Time loans were slightly easier and call money kept In the narrow groove of 2 to 4 per cent on a diminishing' Inquiry. Remit tances to Petrograd and Rome were un changed from yesterday' rally. Liberty Issues featured th heavy Bond market the 4s recording a new minimum at 99.94 to 99.80, while the ! were fairly active at 99.31 to 99.26. Total sale, par value, aggregated $3,- 226.000. united States boDds, old Issues, were un changed on call. Number of sales and quotation on leading stocks: Sale. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar 70 American Can $.300 34 33 32 Am. Car ft F'ndry (00 61 (1 12 Am. Locomotive... 1.400 61 50 60 Am. Smelt. )tef. 4,800 74 72 72 Am. Sugar Ref... 800 94 92 92 Am. Tel. A Tel 1,000 107 107 107 Am. Z.. L. A 8 11 Anaconda Copper.. 9.100 11 $4 11 Atchison 1.200 II 14 14 A. O. & W. t. H. S. 7.100 It 94 15 Baltimore A Ohio. 600 11 11 11 B. & 8. Copper... 300 II 16 II Cal. Petroleum.... 1,200 11 11 11 Canadian Pacific 15.100 133 130 131 Central Leather... 1.60 (3 11 12 Chesapeake A Ohio 2,300 47 47 47 C. M. ft St. P..., (,300 17 31 31 Chicago A N. W It C. R. I. A P. ctfs. 1,100 19 11 19 Chlno Copper 100 17. It 17 Colo. Fuel A Iron. 100 31 $3 11 Corn Product Ref. 4,300 16 16 16 Cruclsle Steel $.900 14 It 61 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 2,400 II 17 11 Distillers' Securities 1,700 14 11 11 Erie '. 1.800 II 14 14 General Electric... 1,700 HI 114 125 General Motor 17,100 11 71 92 Great No. pfd 200 92 91 92 Great No. Ore ctfs. 400 16 14 24 Illinois Central.... 300 96 94 93 Inspiration Copper. 1,600 41 40 41 Int. M. M. pfd.... 11,800 96 91 91 Inter. Nickel 1,800 17 17 27 Inter. Psper 400 II II 10 K. C, Southern... 900 16 II 16 Kennecott Copper. , (.100 II 11 10 Louisville 4k Nash Ill Maxwell Motors... 400 11 II 11 Mex. Petroleum... $,100 71 74 74 Miami Copper.... too 17 17 27 Missouri. Pacific.,. 1,400 11 11 21 Montana Power .u. ,.' 17 Nevada Copper.... to 17 14 11 New York Central. 1.000 11 61 It N. Y., N. H. A H.. 1,600 11 21 11 Norfolk ft Western 400 104 161 102 Northern Pacific. 1,100' IT II 11 Pacific Mall.. ,. ..... 11 Pacific Tel. A Tel ... II Pennsylvania 1,700 41, 47 47 Pittsburgh Coal 41 Ray Con. Copper... 1.000 11 11 11 Reading .......... 23,100 11 47 (7 Rep. Iron A Steel. 1,200 71 70 70 Shattuck Aria. Cop. 11 Southern Pacific... 1,900 11 11 11 Southern Railway.. 1.100 16 24 14 Studebaker Corp... (.000 11 31 81 Texas Company..,. 1,000 131 131 131 Union Paclflo - 7,600 111 111 111 V. S. Ind. Alcohol. ...... ..... 101 IT. S. Steel 116,100 91 11 tl II, ft Steel pfd 1,100 101 101 101 Utah Copper 1,700 71 74 71 Wabash pfd. "B'. 200 10 20 20 Western Union...,. 90 Westinghous Else. I.I0O 11 II 31 Total sales for th day, $10,000 share. New Tork Money Market, New York, Nov, 13. Mencantlle Paper $ per cent Sterling Sixty day, $4.71; commercial sixty-day bill on banks, $4.71; commercial Ixty-day bill, $4.70; demand, $4.76, oables, $4.76. v Silver Bar, tlo; Mexican dollar. Ho. Bonds Government ateady; railroad, heavy. Time Loans Easier; sixty days, ll per eent; ninety day, 1! per cent; gig month, 5 6 per cent Call Money Steady; high, 4 per cent; low, 1 per ; toenruling rate, 4 per eent; oloalng bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent IT. S. Is, reg... 96 at. No, 1st 4.. $1 do coupon.... 96 I. C. rsf. 4s... 71 U. S, 3s, reg... 99 Int M. M. Is... 2 do coupon.... 99 K. C. So. ref. W 77 V. S. Lib. !..ll.30aL. A N. un, 4.. 11 IT. a 4s, reg... 106 M.,K.AT.lst 4a. 17 do coupon. . ..101 Mo. Pa, gen. 4. 61 Am. F. Boo. I. 93 Mont Power Is., to Am. T. A T. e. 6 11 N. T. C. deb. I. II Anglo-French I. 90 No. Pacific 4.. II Armour 4.... 14 do I 61 Ateh. gen. 41.... It Or 8. I rsf. 4 It B. A O. or. 4. 7lPae. T. 4k T. I., tl Beth. St. ref. I. llPenn. eon, 4. 91 Cent. Leather I. 11 da gen. 4.., 10 Cent Paclflo 1st 71 Reading (en. 4. IS R. A O. ev. 6s.. v 71St.L.8, It C, B. A Q. Jt. 4 It So. Pae. ev. 6s... It C.,M.&8t.P.c.4 7l8o. Railway &.. 92 CR.I t-P.ref.4. 6$ Tes. Pao. 1st. tl C. 8. ref. 4a 73 "Union Pad. 4. $$ D. A R. Q. r. I 10 V. B. Rubber I.. 71 Dom. of C. I, '11 90 U. S. Steel l.. 91 Erie gen. 4 41 "Wabash 1st... 96 Gen. BUctrlo I, tt 'Bid. "Aaked. Starving Cattle ' Are to be Rushed Out From Texas Tens of thousands of range cattli on the drouth-stricken ranges 01 parts of Texas and New Mexico art to be moved into adjacent states foi better pasture at once by the federal food administration, acting jointly with the federal commission on cai service. The government for this purpose has requisitioned 3,225- cars from the various railroads for this service at once. The cattle will be moved into parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana and into the better grazing belts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Of all the roads asked to furnish these cars not one refusal has yet been recorded. State Food Administrator Wattles of Nebraska, discussing this new move, said: "While this requistion ing of cars may work a little tempo rary hardship on sections of the country having fat stock to ship for immediate slaughter, it is absolutely necessary at this time to move this starving stock to the better pastures for the preservation of the meat sup ply of the nationv" Western Nebraska Gets Another Touch of Winter . According to the morning reports to the railroads, Wyoming and the extreme .estem portion of Nebraska got another touch of winter Monday night. A number of the stations re ported snow flurries, with slightly warmer Tuesday morning. Helps Organize Schools To Assist in War WorR Mrs. Franklin Shotwell, 3223 Pop pleton avenue, has taken up the work of organizing the public schools to assist in the war work fund. The school children have adopted this motto in connection with the woriu "No piecing until peace,"