18 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUKDAi, xnuvejmbkk 10, 1917. OMAHA LIYE -STOCK Demand Good for Cows and Heifers; Hogs Active and 3 5c Higher; Fat Lambs Higher. Omaha, Nov. I, 1UT. Receipt were: Cattle, Hoga. Sheep. Official Monday 14 MS 4.260 21.748 Official Tueadar 8.88S 4,245 23.244 Official Wdneday ... H.211 4.6TS 1S.17 Official Thumday .... , S.iSl ll.JJS Estimate Friday .... 6.308 3,000 i,S00 Five da ye this week. . 46.000 21.444 M.3" Kama dayi last week. . 49.763 13.46ft 77,25 Sam, davs 2 ks afCO.El.012 13.62 (7.127 Bame daya t wka. asro.Mi.m 24.02 in.6S0 Same daya 4 wka. ago. 46.770 21.321 7.f,3 Bama daya laat year.. 25. 332 8S,2)1 66,(69 Recelrta and dlepoaltlon of live atock at the I'nlon etock yarda. Omaha, Neb., for 24 boura ending at 3 o'clock yraterday: RECEIPTS. Catle. Hoga. Sheep. H'raea. C, V, A St. P. . 1 Missouri Pacific ..4 1 - .. fnlon Pacific .... 17 19 1 C. N. W., east.. 14 1 C. A N. W.. weat.. 2 13 3 C, St. P.. M. A O. 1 S 1 C, B. A Q., eait.. 2 C, B. A Q, weat.,125 I 1 C R. I. A P., eaat .. I C. R. I. A P., weat t 1 Illinois Central 1 11 , Total receipts ..221 42 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hoga 8h Morria A Co 2 301 8wlft and company 1.061 263 Cudahy Tacking company 973 3(5 1 Armour A Co 1,669 30 Schwarta A Co 57 J. W. Murphy 129 Lincoln Packing company 27 South Omaha Packing Co. 3 ... W. Vanaant company .... 26 ... Benton. Vanaant A Luah . 115 Hill A Hon 1 r. B. l.ewla 451 J. B. Root A Co log J. H. Bulla . . 2t Roaenatock Broa 104 ... T. O. Kellogg 129 Werthelmer A Preen .... 176 Sullivan Broa 13 Rolharhtld A Kerha 40 Mo. A Kannaa Calf Co.. 67 Chrlatla 7 Huffman 1 Baker. Jonea A Smith.. 176 Banner Broa 36 ... John Harvey 313 Dennla A Krancla 20 Jenaen A 1, unarm 75 Other buyera 74 ... 1, eep. Hi 712 Totala 7.7H 1.263 4,367 Cattle There waa a good sized cattle run on hand for a Friday, and the beef trade which waa not very active yeaterday opened alow, with a tendency toward eatler prlcea. Early aalea however, were moatly atcady with yeaterday. Demand continued good for all klnda of cowa and helfera. and h trade waa fairly active In both klllera and atockera at ateady flgurca. Stocker and feeder outlet waa rather good for a Friday, and while the market waa not aa active aa It might have been prlcea did not ahow much change. In othi-r worda It waa a moatly ateady market all around, though aa la common on a Friday the undertone waa a little draggy. Range beef la around 26c higher than a week ago, while thcra has been a ISQtOo upturn on the bulk of the atockera and feedera. Fat cowa and helfera of all klnda are telling moatly ISo higher than the low time laat Friday, and alrong to a little higher than at the high time ten daya ago. Veal calves havs held ateady all week, whlla atock salves which were In pretty good request Monday sad Tuesday arc closing very draggy. Quotation! en eattle: Prima heavy heevea, 31.O014.76; good to choice beeves, 114.000 , 15.00; fair to good beeves. 312.00013.(0; common to fair beeves, $7.00ll'.00; good 1 to cholcs yearllnga, IH O0iH.76; fair to good yearllnga, f 12.00014.00; common to fair yearllnga, 16.10011.00; prims heavy grass beevea, 013.00013, 10; food to choice grass beeves, 110.00011.50; fair to good grass beeves, .OO0lo.OO; common to fair grass beeves, 37.0003.60; good to choice helfera, 3t.OO0t.35; good to cholcs cowa, 37.7601.00; fair to good cows, 36. 3607. 60; common to fair cows. 35 0006.00; prims feeding steers, 310 60013 00; good to cholcs feedera, 33.(0010.36; fair to good feedera, 37.3603.26; common to fair feeders. 36.000 T.00; good to cholcs stackers, 33.6003 60; stock heifers, $6. 6003.00; stock cows, 36.00 07.26; stock calves, 16.00010.00; veal calras, I9.00O12.60; bulls, stags, etc, 36.(0 07.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Ar. Tr. No. A. Tr. 7(3 33 09 3 313 3 00 . 964 ( 21 10 333 I 76 I (0 11 343 10 00 .1060 10 71 14 611 11 26 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7(3 f 00 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. Jl 666 7 00 3 760 T 637 3 40 t: 6(3 I 76 160 40 23 161 1 40 COWS. I 60 36 13.. 11.. St. 4.. I.. 2 340 4 (40 3 10(0 4 1177 ((7 (17 6.1 ((3 1 1310 6 71 T 36 I ,. 133 3..V..... (30 ..."..... (03 4...;.... 303 1 093 33.V. 1133 ........ 1011 I 76 60 T 00 T 36 T 60 I 00 I (0 3.... 10.... 7.... I.... 7 40 7 76 3 10 ( 00 HEIFERS. .1041 00 , 7 (61 . 639 7 60 13 437 . 761 7 75 1000 10 00 . (It ( 00 1 1140 CALVES. 3.. 376 6 (0 1 1(0 11, S7 3 36 1 100 SOUTH DAKOTAi 13 cows... 1011 (60 10 steers. .1064 MONTANA. 30 cows.. .1060 3 20 COLORADO. 3 calves.. 447 7 6a 6 cows... 303 steers.. 7C3 3 36 NEBRASKA. 3 cslvea.. 2(3 3 00 6 stock's. 6(0 13 steers.. (71 16 10 cows. ..1033 WYOMING. 3 steers. .1270 13 00 ( steers. .1030 10 (6 4 cows... 140 3 00 It cows... 3(4 7 30 26 steers. .1117 10 46 Hogs There was a fairly liberal run of hogs hers today for a Friday and trade waa active from the start.. Both packers and shippers were buying hogs all ths way from 2(o to (So higher. Ths beat pries waa paid for good weights which changed handa at 311.06. A good clearance was made by 10 o'clock, with 20 cars of stock reported hack. Bulk of the aalss today moved from 311.06 to (16.15. Oood pigs passing ths test reached li. 00. I 60 7 (0 7 00 3 (0 I 00 I 06 I 76 7 75 7 76 No. Av. 32. .176 3. .243 64. .3(1 61.. 173 77. .240 ((..2(3 Sh. Pr. ... 14 40 140 14 6 14 76 14 16 14 (5 17 06 (0 40 (0 No. Av. 4S..1(( .314 .317 .30 41. 16. 31. 14. .317 Sh. Pr. ... 310 (0 140 10 70 40 14 30 70 16 (0 ... 17 00 47. .14 PIGS. Sheep Ths dsy's run of sheep and lambs waa rather light, with most of ths receipts constating of killers, few. If any, feeders being among them. The fat lamb market opened strong, packer buyera bidding In the beat offeringa early at prices 26030c higher then yeaterday. Ths beat fat lamba aold around 316.(0014.(0, top being 316.(5 for good westers lamba. Supplies of fat sheep were scarce. Ewes aelllng for (10.76 were nominally ateady, very few being here. Quotations on aheep and lamba: Lambs, fslr to choice, 314.00014.75; lambs, feeders, f 1( 60014.75; lambs, culls, (10.00016.(0; yearllnga. fair to choice, 314.60011.(0; year llnga, feeders, 311.00013.00; wethers, fair to choice, (11.(0013.(0; ewea, fair to choice, 33.2(010.76; owes, breeders, sll area, 310.(0 016.00; ewes, feeders, 37.60010.76; ewes, culls and canners, 36.0007.26. N'o. A vs. 144 native feeder lambs 60 71 cull lambs 64 172 8. D. feeding lambs (3 1(3 S. D. feeding lambs (( 61 8. D. feeding ewes S( Tr. 314 (0 13 00 It (0 1( 00 .3 (6 Bloin City Lire Stock Market. 8iouz City, la.. Nor. (.Cattle Receipt 1,000 bead; market ateady; beet steers, 37.00 016.00; fat cows and heifers, .OO0(.OO; rannera. 35.2(0(.2(; atockera and feeders, 17.00012.(0; calrea. 37.00011.(0; bulla, atags, etc.. 34.0003.00; feeding cows and heifers, 16.(003.00. Hogs Receipts, 4.600 head; market II to 20 cents higher; light, 316.46016.70; mixed, 114.61014.(0; heavy, (16.70 16.90; pigs. (17.(00 13.00; bulk. 314 (0014.(0. . ' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, COO head; market strong. St Joseph Lire Stock Market. 6t Joseph, Mo.. Not. 0. Cattle Receipts, 1,200 bead; steady; steers, 17.00013.00; cows and belters, 16.2(011.50; calves, 17.00 011.(0. Hog a Receipts. 1,000 head; market higher; JUp. (17.4A: bulk, 117.00017.40. - Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.300 headf higher; lamba, (II. 00016. 76; ewes, 15.00 11.04.. St. Louis Grain Market. 8t. Louis, Mo., Nov. (.Corn No. 2, 11.(2 4X1.(3; No.' white, new, 31.34; December, 11.23: May. 31.1J. GatSyNo. 2, (94 61c; No. 3 whltedHc. GRAIN AHDPRODUCE Receipts Light; Cash Corn in Good Demand, Government Report Indicates Poor Crop; Rye Sells Up. Omaha, November (, 1(17. Spot ariivala today wars very light, only 112 cars being reported, the bulk of which were wheat and oata, with 40 and (1 cara, respectively, while receipts of corn were 16 cara and those of rye four cara. Two cara of barley were alao on the Hat. Cash corn was In good demand, this ap plying only to old corn, but receipts were so few cara that theae were Insufficient to meet the needed requirement!!. Old corn continues to bring a much better price, these, aamplea aelllng today at a 306c advunce over yesterday's old corn aalea. Continued reports of soft corn are being received and advlcea from dlatrlcta riorthesBt of here are to the effect that much of the corn la molding on the atalks. The government crop report Isxued yeaterday indicates a poor crop aa to the quality of the corn In the northern and Central atatea, while the aouth la reported to have a good crop and a sur plua for ths first tlms since their eilst ence. No. 1 white sold at (2.12 and No. 2 yellow at 32.11 and No. 2 mixed at 31. 93 1.(6. No. 6 white and No. 6 yellow new aold at 31.(0. Oata contlnus to be In fairly active de mand and this cereal waa quoted- today from H0 4&C higher. Much of the oata be ing sold here of late sre going to the government, which, It la reported, hna taken on around 1,000,000 buahela In the laat two daya. Standard oata aold at (0c and the No. 3 white at one price, 6(fcc, and the No. 4 grade at imOllKe. Rye and barley arrlvala were very light and theae samples were cleaned up without sny trouble. Rye was quoted H ? Ic up and barley unchanged to 3c off, the feed grade aelllng lower. No. 3 rye sold st 31.70 H snd No. 3 rys at 31.70. No. 3 maltlnir bar ley brought tl. 1391. 14, while the No. 1 feed went at 31.12. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 406,000 buahela; corn, (6,000 huahele; oata. (26.000 buahela. Primary wheat receipts were 1.1 4.000 buahela and ahlpmenta (12,000 buahela, agalnat recelpta of 1,367.000 buahela and shipments of 1,117,000 buahela laat year. Primary corn recelpta were 356,000 bunh els and ahlpmenta 162,000 buahela, agalnat recelpta of 622.000 buahela and ahlpmenta of 276,000 buahela laat year. Primary oats recelpta were 1,262,000 bush els and ahlpmenta (17,000 buahela, agalnat recelpta of 669,000 buahela and ahlpmenta of 1,1 111,00 buahela laat year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 92 Mlnneapnlla 3a 5 Iuluth 104 Omaha 40 Kanaaa CI! 107 St. I,oula 62 Winnipeg 1,262 Theae aales were reported today; Wheat No. 1 dark hard winter: 2 32 19. No. 3 dark hard winter: 2 32.13. No. 4 dark hard winter: 1 car, 32 11 No. 2 hard winter: IH cara, 12.13. No. 6 hard winter: 1 car, 32.04. No. 3 hard winter: ( cara, (2,09. No. 4 hard winter: I car (smutty). (2,06. No. 3 yellow hard winter: 1V4 cara. 12.06. Hnmple yellow hard winter: 1 car, (1.96. No. 2 dark north ern spring: 1 car. (2.16. No. 1 northern aprlng: 3 cars, (2,15. No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, 32.12; 1 car (amutty), 32.10. No. 3 red aprlng: 1 car, f 2. 10. No. 2 aoft white: 1 car, 32.10. No. 3 durum: 4 cara. 32.12. No. 3 durum: ( care, (2 09. No. 2 amber durum: 1 car, 3216. No. 1 red durum: 1 car, 32.01. No. 3 red durum: 1 car (60 per cent amber), 32.05; 1 car, 32.02. No. 2 mixed common and red dtfrum: 2 cars (15 per cent aprlng), 32.lt, No. 3 mixed common and red durum: 1 car (13 Pr cent aprlng), (2.06. Sample hard win ter: 1 car (amutty), 32.00; 1 car (amutty), 11.10. No. 2 mixed hard red winter: 1 car (15 par cent aprlng), (2.11. No. 3 mixed hard red winter: 1 car (amutty, 8S per cent winter, 12 per cent durum V 32.06. Mixed train: 1 bulkhead (3 per cent rye). II 96. ' Hys No. 3: 3 cars, ll.TOHyNo. 3: 2 cara, $1.70. Barley No. 3: I car, $1.14; 1 car, $1.13 No. 4: 1 car, $1,15; 1 car, $1.13. No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1 12. Corn No. 1 white: 3-6 car, 32.13. No. white: 1 car (new at shipper's weights), 31.60, No. 3 yellow: H4 cara, $2.11. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 32.10, No. t yellow: 1 car (teatlng $.1(). (1.(0. No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, $1.16; 1 car. $1.(4; 1 car. $1.(3. No. 2 mixed: U car, (1(2. No. 6 jmtxed: 1 car (testing 21 10), $1 66. I Oats Stsndard: 2 cars, 60. No. 3 whits: 16 2-6 cars, (to; far, 6to. No. 4 white: 1 car, (94c; 1 car, to. Sample white: 1 car (wheat mixed), 40o; 1 car (barley mixed), ((4c; 1 car (barley and wheat mixed), 6(Ha. No. 4 mixed: . car, ((He. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 3 white. $2.1002.12; No. 2 yellow, $2.0(03.11; No 3 yellow, $2.0(03.10; No. 2 mixed, $1.9301.96; No. 3 mixed, 31. 1001. tl Oata: No. 3 white, 400600; standard, (94 060c; No. 3 white, 6t0 69io. Barley: Malting, $1.1101.23; No. 1 feed. (Oc0$l.l$. Rye: No. 2, $1,700 1.70H; No. 3, $1.69,01.70. Local range of optional NEW YORK STOCKS Substantial Support Accorded Market, With Material Re coverics From Former Frenzied Liquidation. 67 15 61 37 Oata. 263 cara. cars, Art. I Open. High"."! Low. CaeTJ ies." Cornl j T Deo. t It 1 It 116 1 15 114 May 1 Utf I 12V, U2J, 1 nM Ul Oata Dec. 67S J 87H 53 (7 Mr (94 6(64 69 6H Chicago .2-:3(t prlcea, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain brokera, (16 South !'lg"t'' street. Omaha: Art. I Open. High LowYClose. f7a (Corn. T 1 Jan. 1 14 1 15U llSti. 1 1H list, Dec. 1 17 1 18 1174 1 18 116 May 1134 114 113112 Oata. 1 Deo. I9V4 tl 69 H (9 69H May to 60 40 06 60 Pork, Jan. 44 70 46 30 44 32 44 10 44 70 Lard. Jan. 34 00 34 2$ 23 37 23 t( 23 16 May 23 67 33 67 23 (5 23 6( 23 (0 Rlhs, Jan. 23 $0 24 10 23 30 23 (3 23 77 May I 33 35 13 (( 23 60 23 60 23 42 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Government Report Showing Yield Smaller inaa sxpectea Boasts Corn Prices. Chicago, Nov. (. Corn prloes took an up. ward awlna todav. chief 1 r.,,i, k. government crop report showing that ths 1(17 yield was smaller than ths trsda had expected. Prices closed unsettled, 4 01o noi nigm-r, wun t'ecemner 11.16 and May (1.12. Oats finished 0o up. Provi sions roas IO 15c Notwithstanding that the riffloU! (..... on corn production exceeded any previous loiai. ms isci inai ins government s No vember estlmata had been reduced put ths bears at a dfaadvantav mnA Hmtti.t.4 slderabls buying. Dlacloaurs that fully 30 per cent or ins crop mis year had failed to reach maturity and that ths qaullty of ths corn crop aa a whole was tbs pooreat aver known, tended also to hoist values. On the nthep hanit knnul... (Kt h ment of new corn to the principal markets wss rapidly Increasing did a good deal to prevent advances from being well main. Introduced an element of uncertainty and' kepi eviivra rnar cautious. Oats ascended with corn, Influenced alao by recent liberal buying for the federal nv. ernment. .1 Big ahlpmenta of lard and meats lifted provlalona. Likelihood of augmented receipts of hoga next week though, led to something of a reaction In ths laat half of ths day. Caah Prlcea Corn: No. 3 yellow, $3.21 0 2.22; No. 3 yellow, 32.2003.22; No. 4 yel low, nominal., Oats: No. 3 white, (10 6lic Rye: No. 2, 31.77. Barley: 31.00 1.33. Seeds! Timothy, $6.0007.76; clover, $11.00024.00. Provlalona: Pork, nominal: lard, $27.1(027.26: ribs, nomtnal. Butter1 Market unchanged. K(ga Recelpta, 5,753 cases; market un changed. Potatoes Receipts, 25 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive, martlet higher; fowls, 150 19c; springs, 19c. BostoD Wool Market. Boaton, Nov. (.Ths Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow will say: "Another week of moderate but steady trading la reported through the wool trade hers, with prlcea uniformly firm and on medium and low grade woola, ahowlng a tendency higher. Ths altuatton at the mills ahows little change, machinery being well occupied with additional government orders being placed from time to time." Scoured basis: Texss fins 12 months, $1.CS 01.72; fins eight months, $1.6501.60. Cali fornia, northern, $1.7001.76; middle county, $1.6001.65; southsrn, $1.3501.40. Oregon, eaatern No. I ataple, $1.80; eastern clothing, $1.6001.(0; valley No. 1. $1.6001.66. Ter ritory fins staple, (1.1001.81; half blood combing, $1.7001.76; -blood combing, $1.4601.60; fins clothing, $1.(001.(6; fins medium clothing, $1. ((01.(0. Pulled extra, (1.6O0L(5; AA. $1.7001.(0; A supers, $1.(0 1.4(. r Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis. Nor. (. Flour Market un changed. Rye $1.7301.74. Barley (6c0$1.2(. Bran $31.60031.00. Corn No. 3 yellow. 32.2002 25. Oata No. 3 while. 56059c. Flaxseed $3.35 3.37 New York, Nov. 9 Substantial aupport, presumably from banking aources, waa ac corded today'a stork market, with many ma terial recoverlea from yesterday'a frenzied liquidation. I'callnK" were relatively light, faillnx almost a half million aharea under the lar(fe total of the prevtoua session, but the trend after the first hour was mainly upward. Liquidation eeomed to have exhausted It self and the bears covered more extensively than at any time In the past fortnight. Technical conditions seemed to favor the robound, albeit additional foreign advices were not wholly rean.suring. Today'a movement emhraced almost aa many ato ka aa that which featured yeater day a decline. There waa a good Inquiry for rails, over a acore of transportation ls aue, making Kross gains of 2 to 4 points. Steels, coppers and equipments also fig ured prominently at similar sdvancea snd shippings ssserted sll their usual inde pendence, manifesting pronounced strength at all times, murines and ateels were the sustaining faturee of the strong cloao, with Union Pacific and Heading. Specialties related to the war group averaged 1 to 4 point gains, but theae were susceptible to profit taking, although Bcth lothem Steel closed at a net advance of 2 and United Statea Steel ended 1 up at 91. Sales amounted to 816,000 shares. Greater weakness marked the exchange ratea on i'etrngrad and Rome, both falling to record discounts. International Issuea again constituted the depressing features of the bond list, al though domestic rails and Industrials slso lost ground. Liberty 4'a ruled at par, but ths 3's made a new low on the decline from 99.38 lo 99.26. Total sales, par value were (3,380,000. United States bonds old Issues were un changed on call. ui saics inn quotations on leading High. Low. Close. Hale 1 32 61 60 73 92 2,900 700 700 6,900 4.900 4,401) 4.200 300 4.400 500 6,900 9,300 61 49 39 4 38" 1 26' 63 26 34 stocks Am. Beet Sugar. , . 600 American Can 10,000 Am. Car K'ndry 8(10 Am. Locomotive... 6,100 Am. Smelt & Kef. 8.600 Am. Sugar Kef... 1,300 Am. Tel, & Tel. . Am. Y... L. & 8. . Anaconda Copper. . 14.200 Atchison 3,400 A. U. & W. I. H. 8. 2.700 llaltltnorn & uhlo. . II. & 8. Copper. . . . Csl. Petroleum Canadian Pacific. Central Leather... Chesapeake. & Ohio C. M. & St. P.... ' Mciigo A N. W. . . '.. It. 1. & P. ctfs. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel & Iron Corn Products Kef. Crucible Steel 10,200 Cuba Cane, Sugar.. 2,200 Llstlllera' Securllle Krlo General Klectrlc. (leneral Motors.... 18,200 (treat No. pfd 1.300 (treat No. Ore ctfa. 2,900 Illinois Central. . . . 400 Inspiration Copper. 2,700 Int. M. M. pfd.... 61,800 Inter. Nickel 3,400 Inter. I'a(fer 1,100 K. C. Southern... 300 Kennecott Copper. . 10,800 Louisville Nash. 600 113 Maxwell Motors.., 700 Mex. Petroleum.... 3.300 Miami Copper 2,100 Missouri Pacific... 6,000 Montana Power... 600 Nevada Copper.... 2,600 Now York Central. 2,000 N. Y N. II. & H . . J, 200 Norfolk & Western 700 102 Northern Pacific... 2,800 86 I'aclflo Mall Pennsylvania 6,600 48 Plttaburgh Coal fny Con, Copper., 6,800 Heading 33.100 Hep. Iron & Steel. 6,400 Shattu:k Arlx. Cop. 600 Southern Pacific... 4,400 Southern Hallway. . 3,200 Stuilelmker Corp. . . 3,800 Tcxae Company. . , Union Pacific U. S. Ind. Alcohol V. S. Stoel 70 31 69 49 71 89 70 81 61 49 72 1 6,f.OO 105 103 4 104 64 84 94 61 17 12 1.700 125 124 81 91 26 95 40 97 26 20 14 29 21 ft 76 27 22 (6 16 67 24 20 67 70 19 80 24 30 11 11 62 64 63 83 93 (2 60 61 16 16 10 11 133 134 60 (1 44 46 37 39 (3 94 18 37 37 31 31 24 26 51 62 25 26 33 33 H 124 124 76 77 90 90 23 24 94 95 38 40 94 95 26 26 19 20 13 14 28 29 112 112 20 20 74 74 25 26 20 21 64 65 16 16 66 66 22 22 101 102 83 84 22 47 47 8 20 20 63 66 68 70 18 19 78 80 24 24 35 36 136 134 8,400 112 109 111 3,000 108 104 106 229,900 92 90 91 V. R. Steel pfd 2.700 109 108 109 Utah Copper 7,100.76 73 74 Wahaah pfd. "B".. 800 ' 20 19 20 Western Union 79 Westlnghouse Elcc. 2,000 38 37 33 Total sales for the day, 815,000 shares, New York General Market. New York, Nov. 9. Flour Quiet; spring patents $1 0.S0 S 1 1.25 ; winter patents $10.65 ffi' $ 10.90 ; winter straights, $10.35010.60; Kanaaa atralghts, (11.1 jfu!11.40. Rye Flour Enaler; fair to good, $9. 650 9.80; cholcs to fancy, $9.80010.00; Juns spot and to arrive. Buckwheat Flour Strong; $6.25 per 100 pound sacks. Cornmeal Steady; fine whits and yellow $4.90 6.15; coarse, $6.10 05.16; kiln dried, $9.73. Rye Steady; No. 2 western, $1.85, a I. f. New York. Barley Quiet; feeding, $1.04; malting I1.20JM 33; California, $1.3501.40, c. L t. Now York Corn Spot eaay; new No. 2 yellow, $1.66 to arrive c I. f. New York and No. 1 mixed, $2.13 nominal c. I. f. New York. Oata Spot firmer; standard (7068o. Hay Strong; No. 1 31.6601.60; No. 2, $1.4501.50; No. 3, $1.3001.36; shipping, $1.20. Hops Quiet state medium to choice, 1917. 73f80c; 1916, nominal; Paclflo coast, 1917, 32036c; 1916, 20fl24c. Hides Firm; Bogota, 41c; Central Amer ica, 40c. Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweights No. 1, 61c; No. 2, 49c. Fork Unsettled; mess. $47.00047.60; fam ily, $49.00060.00; short clear, $48.00053.00. Lard Strong; middle west, $27.75028.00. Tallow Pull j city special loose, I60. Wool Firm; domestlo fleece, Ohio, 70o. Rice Firm: fancy head, 8c; blue rose. 808c. Butter Firm; receipts, 8,65( tubs; cream ery, higher than extras, 45046o; extraa (92 score). 44044o; firsts, 42044c; sec onds, 40O41c. Eggs Market steady; receipts, 1,542 caaea; freah gathered extraa. 50051c; extra firsts, 48049c; firsts, 44047c; seconds, 380 43c. Cheese Market firm; receipts, 2.638 boxes; state held specials, 23024c; stats whole milk flata, fresh specials, 23c; state, average run, 22022c. St. Louie Live Stock Market. St Louis, Mo., Nov. (. Cattle Receipts. 3,100 head; market steady; native beef steers, (8.00016.60; yearling steers and heif ers, $7.00017.00; cows, $5.00010.(6; stockers and feeders, $6.60011.60; Texaa quarantine steers, $6.76010.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00013.76; beef oows and hslfers, $6.00010.00; prime yearling; steers and helfors, $7.50010.00; native calves, $6.76 013.60. Hogs Receipts, 4.900 head: market high er; lights, $17.35017.66; pigs, $14.60017.00; mixed ana butchers, 317.40017.76: good heavy, $17.(5017.85; bulk of sales, $17,400 17.75. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 600 head; market stesdy; lambs, $13.00016.60; ewes, $10.00010.60; wethers, "$11.00012.25; can ners, $5.600$. 50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Nov, (. Cattle Receipts. 6,500 head; market ateady; prime fed ateera, $15.60014.75; dressed beef steers. (11.000 16.00; western steers, $8.60013.50; cows. $5.50010.25; heifers. $6.60011.50; stockers and- feedera, $7.00012.00; bulls, $6.0007.75; calves, $6.60012.60. Hogs Receipts, 2.600 head; market high er; bulk of aalea, $16.90017.26; heavy, $17.10 017.60; packers and butchers. $16.(5017.40; lights. (16.60017.16; pigs. (16.60016.75. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 600 head: market strong; lamba, $15.75016.65; year llnga, $13.00013.60; wethers, $11.00012.60; ewes, (9.50011.60. j Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago Nov. (.Cattle Receipts, 7.000 head; market, weak; native steers, $6,600 16.85; western steers, $5.76013.26; stockers and feedera. $5.60011.40; cows and hitters, $4 40011.60; calves. $6.75013.00. Hogs Receipts. 16,000 head; market. strong: bulk of aales, $10.80017.40; light. 316.36017.46; mixed, $16.40017.50; heavy. $16.40017.55; rough, $16.40016.60; pigs, $1X60016.25. Snoep and Lambs Receipts, 0,000 head; market, firm: wethers, (8.70012.(5; ewes. $7.(0011.26; lambs. $12.00016.65. Turpentine and Rosin, Savannah, (3s,, Nov, (.Turpentine Firm: 46c: sales. 103 bbls.: receipts. 240 tfbls.; shipments, 3(7 bbla; stock, 23.073 DDIS. Rosin Firm: sales. 331 hblg.: receipts. (64 bbla; shipments. 1,320 bbls.; stock. 76.- 389 bbla. Quote: B, P. E. F. O. H and I, 36.15; K, $6.60; M, $6.76; N, $7.60; WQ, $7.60; WW, $7.75. Foot Ball Games Today Evaporated Annies and Dried Fruits. New York, Nov. 9. Evaporated Apples k.-isirr; prim, lost 16c. Dried Fruits Prunes, strong and scarce. Apricots and. peaches, firm. Kalsina scsrce. WEST. At Madison Ohio State vs. Wisconsin. At Ann Arbor Cornell vs. Michigan. At L vans ton Michigan Aggies vs. North wee tern. At Lincoln Missouri vs. Nebraska. At Iowa City South Dakota vs. Iowa. At Ames Kanaaa Aggies vs. Ames. At Sioux City Notre Dame t. Mornlng alde. At Norman Kansas vs. Oklahoma. At Indianapolis Vt abash vs. I)e Panw. At St. Louis Marquette vs. Ht. Iiula I ni vemity. At Omaha North Dakota vs. (relghton. At Oberlin Weitern Rccerve va. Oberlin. At Cleveland Ohio Northern vs. Case. At Dee Moines Washington Cniversity vs. Drake. At Hillsdale Adrian va. Hillsdale. At Monmouth Ijike Forest vs. Mon mouth. At llloomlngton, HI. Bradley vs. Illinois TVeslryan. At Oeeorgetown Transylvania vs. George town. At Normal, HI. Eureka vs. Illinois State Normal. At Carbondale Eastern Illinois Normal vs. Southern Illinois Normal. At Emporia Falrmount vs. Emporia Normal. At Iwrence Warrenbnrg Normal va. Haskell. At Tulsa Denver I'nlveralty vs. Henry Kendall. At Austin Oklahoma A. & M., vs. Texaa. At Franklin Hanover va. Fr Min. At Chicago Rose Poly. va. He Paul. At St. Paul Mac Alester vs. St. Thomas. At Cedar Kaplda Simpson . Coe. At Delaware Ottcrbeln vs. Ohio Wes leyan. At Berea Muskingum vs. Baldwin-Wallace. At Athens Kenyon va. Ohio Fnlverslty. At Ornnvllle Akron vs. Denlson. At Richmond Wlttenburg va. F.arlham. At Alliance Miami vs. Mt. t'nlon. At Tiffin Heidelberg vs. Hiram. EAST. At Worcester Boston vs. Holy Cross. At Hamilton Colgate vs. Connecticut At New York Columbia va. Ilnhart. At Carlisle Dickinson vs. Franklin and Marshall. At Gettysburg Gettysburg vs. Mt. St. Mary's. At Buffalo Hamilton vs. I'nlveralty of Buffalo. At llaverford Haverford vs. Lebanon Valley. - At Baltimore Johns Hopkins vs. Western Maryland. " At Allentown Muhlenberg vs. Albright. At New York New York fnlverslty vs. Rhode Island State. At State College, Pa. Perm State vs. Le hl.il. At Exeter Phillips Exeter vs. Dartmouth Freshmen. At Hoboken Stevens va. Delaware. At Shsmokln Susquehanna vs. Vtllanova. Al Hwarthmore Lafayette vs. Sw&rth more. At Merlford Tnfts vs. Oalliy. At Schenectady Union va, Renssalner Poly. At Syracuse Syracuse vs. Bueknell. At Hartford Trinity vs. Amherst. At Weat Points Army vs. Carlisle In diana. I At Annapolis Navy va. Georgetown. At Boston Pennsylvania vs. Dartmouth. At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh vs. Washington and Jefferson. At Rochester Cniversity of Rochester vs. Wealryan. At Burlington Vermont vs. New Hamp shire State. At Williams town Williams vs. Mlddle bnry. At New Brnawlck Rutgers vs. Spring field Training School. At College Park, Md. Maryland State vs. St. Johns. At Princeton Frlneeton vs. Harvard Freshmen. BRADSTREET'S REVIEW OF TRADE. Main Propelling Influence Is Governmental Buying, Supplemented by Civilian Demand. New York, Nov. (. Bradstreet's tomorrow will say: 0 Most reports indicate that a large vol ume of business Is passing, while at the same time Industry Is active and collections are prompt, but withal, sentiment Is harried by adverse development by oversea, by dras tic liquidation of securities and various pro paganda to restrict consumption of food- atuffs aa well aa buying of nonessentials un favorably affect distribution by dealera. However, the main propelling Influence aa for aome time paat Is governmental buying supplemented of course by large civilian demand; especially in soll-austalned zones, in which regions neither world politics, nor depreciation in securtles deter relatively free buying of' essential articles. Indeed, merchants In some sections of the country, particularly In the west, southwest and south are not only antlclpatlnT spring re quirements but are reordering the fill broken stocks, back logs to trade being fur nished by realized good crops In the west and 29-cent cotton in the south. Buying for the holidays la In evidence, and in a general way retail trade has Improved, but in this respect reports tend to present Indications of conservative buying, probobly because of Inordinately high prices for the goods purveyed, increased taxes and higher rents. Capacity operations continue to char acter Industrial movements, there being, however, some swinging from the production of nonessential to the more urgently needed articles of war. J Bank clearings, $6,183,910,000. Coffee Market. New York. Nov. 0. The announcement that the Brailllan government had closed the port of Rio, caused some covering of scattered buying In tho market for coffee futures here today, but In the absence of details as to the cause of such action, or its duration, general business continued quiet. The opening was uncnangea id s points lower under scattering liquidation which miv have been connected with the unfa vorable political news from abroad. Decem ber sold off to 7.1to and May to 7.61c, later touching 7.63 and 7.66o on the rally. This bulge soomod to meet considerable realizing, but last prlcea were at practically the best showing a net advance of 1 to 4 points. Closing bids: December, 7.11c; January, 7.31e; March, 7.47c; May, 7.64c; Julx, 7.79c; September, 7.93c. ' Spot coffee was reported in fair demand with prices steady on the basla of 7c for Rto 7s, and 0o for Santos 4s. Very few fresh offers were reported in the cost and freight market, those received being un changed to slightly lower. The official cables showed a decline of 50 rels at Rio with Santos spots unchanged and futures unchanged to 25 rels lower. Omaha Hay Market. ntnta tieew market drassv: demand fair; prices unchanged. Choice uriona prairie nay, no. 1, 3, $10.6001'. (0. " No. 1 midland prairie hay, $19.60 to $20.60; No. 2 $15.60017.60. No. 1 lowland pratrte hay, $13.60015.60; No. 3, $11.60012.60; No. 3, $9.60010.50. Choice alfalfa, $28.60; No. 1, $25,600 36.60; standard, $23.60014.60; No. 2, $20.60 Oat straw, $7.6003.50; wheat straw, $7.00 08.00. Kansas City Grain Market. Kanaaa City, Mo., Nov. 9 Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.8001.95; No. 2 white, $1.9402.15; No. 2 yellow, $1.$S02.O1; December, $1.22; January, $1.16. Oats No. 2 white, (2c; No. 2 mixed, (1 61c. WESTERN TO FIGHT HEW LEAGUE MOVE Dickerson Loop to Battle for Territory Threatened by Re districting Process, Ac cording to President. Indianapolis, Ind., Kov. 9 The Western league of base ball clubs will right any movement for a third major league which provides for the Ameri CEfri association taking over any West cm league territory, according to E. W. Dickerson, president of the West ern league, who was here today on his way to Louisville to attend the meet ing next week of the National asso ciation, the governing body of minor league base ball. 'The talk of a third major league, considering present business condi tions is all hosh." said Mr. Dicker- son. "Instead of a new league, there is more likely to be a curtailing ot leagues. "The fact that the Western league Uie ihn camp, rights in the orotection of its territory that are enjoyed by the American association and other leagues covered by organized base ball seems to have been overlooked. The Western league will be in the field next year, stronger than ever." Creighton Team Is in Excellent Trim for Dakota Coach Mills' Blue and White squad will meet the Flickertails from North Dakota Saturday on Creighton held. With the two teams about evenly matched, a hotlv contested game is ex pected. The Creighton squad is in first class condition and Captain Mor gan confidently asserts that his team will decisively defeat the uakotans. Coach Mills has been working his charees strenuously all week, perfect ing .an interference, getting the aerial game down to a science, and learning new plays with which to launch a whirlwind attack against tne rucKer tails. "Haoov" Tones will be out of the line-up tomorrow on account of a sprained hand, and it looks as it cnar- ley Payne, the veteran guard, win not be able to play for the rest of the sea son because of his injured knee. To take the places of these two stellar performers Mills has Little and Ilealey, who have made excellent showings in previous contests. Berry will be at center tomorow, and Kolda and Morgan on the tackles. Walter Hull and "Spec" Campbell hold un disputed sway over the wing posi tions. Mullholland, Leahy and Harmon will start the game for Creighton in the backfield, while Morearty and Moonan will be on the sidelines ready to jump into the fray at the first opportunity. Trapshooters Award Recent Tourney to Chicago Club New York, Nov. 9. At the first ses sion of the Interstate Trapshooting association's annual meeting here to day, the grand American handicap tournament was awarded to the South Shore Country club, Chicago, where this big event was held last August. After considerable discussion it was deemed advisable not to hold the Pa cific coast, western, southern or east ern subsidiary tournaments this year. Insteady, a committee on development was appointed by President Kellar for the purpose of interesting members of sporting and country clubs through out the country in trapshooting. At each of the 40 state championship shoots a handicap event will be added and the amateur and professional championships of each state will be decided. In compliance with a request from the government, the nafnes of several amateur and professional trapshoot ers were forwarded, all of whom will serve as instructors at the traps which have been placed at several aviation schools and cantonments throughout the United States. It was announced that 86 traps are in operation at the various American camps now, and several more in France. During the season just completed 493 registered tournaments were held in the United States during which 6,175,848 clay targets were thrown from the traps. Western Golfers Nominate Officers for Re-election Chicago, Nov. 9. With the excep tion of T. B. Boyd of St. Louis, vice president, the present officers and board of directors of the Western Golf association have been nominated for re-election, it was announced tonight by Craft W. Higgins, assistant secre tary of the association. James H. Barnard of Glen View Country club Chicago, was nominated to succeed Mr. Boyd, who declined to accept office again, because of his connection with a government bureau. The election is to be held at the an nual meeting here in January. The ticket is headed by President Charles F. Thompson of Flossmoor Country club, Chicago. Four clubs have filed application for the western amateur championship tournament. They are the Blue Hills Country club of Kansas City, Mo., the Country club, of Detroit, Inverness Country club of Toledo and the Town and Country club of St. Paul. No ap plications have been received for the open championship. Cotner Outplays York College in State Grid Contest Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) Cotner university, located at Bethany, is a notch nearer to a Nebraska cham pionship among the secondary col leges as a result of its victory over York college here this afternoon, 19 to 0. Coach Wilmeth's pupils played rings around the visitors who put up a hard fight, but were against too fast a team. The Bull Dogs scored shortly after the opening of the second period when Halfback Knapple scooped up a fum ble and ran 30 yards for a touchdown. In the third period Cotner carried the ball within striking distance of the York goal and then Dixon shot a per fect forward pass to Havs, who was standing behind the York goal. Dixon took a forward pass in the fourth pe-1 riod in the center of the field and sprinted 50 yards for Cotner s final score. . . .4 The Cokner eleven rounds out its season next Friday when it plays Hastings. The Bull Dogs have won five straight victories. Stecher and Peters VI Clash Probably December 7 That Joe Steelier and Charlie Pe ters probably will meet in Omaha December 7 is word Jack Lewis, wrestling promoter, brings back from Dedge. Stecher is headed east, Lewis says, and has engagements which will con flict with this date, but the Dodge lad is now negotiating with Jack Coffey of Chicago, who is booking Joe in the east, and has asked Coffey to can cel all engagements which would in any way prevent the Omaha event. If Coffey finds it possible to cancel the engagement, Lewis says, Stecher and Peters will meet in Omaha. Hee Want Ads Produce Results. 1 m c v Cjl rrys oinari i uuiwear A woman's pride in dress is rudely shaken if her shoes fail to show that' winning grace and charm that all women seek so eagerly to get. Cor rect vogue in footwear was never so important a feature of stylish dress as right now, and as fash ion sways, it will be for a long time to come. The range for obtaining 'crrace and charm" in new footwear here i3 certainly unexcelled. 1 B I Specially Priced From $6.00 up i OS. a 55 F35 ii B is 3 cfif To Be Given Away FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 30TH At Ik Union Outfitting Go. Christmas Money for Our Customers and Visitors. In appreciation of the splendid and wonderful business that the buying public of Omaha and vi cinity have given us, and to the liberal way they have responded to our advertisements, enabling us to place in their homes the very best merchandise obtainable at the very lowest cost, we are going to give away $100 in gold. Call and We Will Explain How the Gold is to be Given Away. TWENTY PRIZES IN GOLD First Grand Prize, $20.00 in Gold. Next Three Prizes, $10.00 Each in Gold. Next Four Prizes, $3.00 Each in Gold. Next Twelve Prizes, $2.50 Each in Gold. ' V in GOLD J j"o ?0fc I r Pedettali In solid oak or mahogany fin ish. Our price, $1.10 Quality Dressers A splendid line to select from, in a large variety and range of patterns and finishes. You will be sur prised at the largeness of the values and the small ness of the prices. Priced, S9.75, 912.95, ' $17.50, $22.50, 827.50, 837.50 Chiffoniers Built of solid oak, five roomy drawers, our Z. $5.25 Make Your Own Terms. Stewart Phonographs Just like cut. Made of all metal ; plays any make or size of rec ord. Our low price, 00 nlysbi'CMh,'z5c Weekly. HOME OUTFITS Three Rooms Furnished Complete . , $79 7-cup Aluminum Perco lator and 1-lb. can gen uine Dutch' Boy Coffee. sar: $1.19 GOOD STOVES AT LOWER PRICES You will find it easy selecting your range or heater from our large stock. Hot Blast and Heaters, in a big assort ment, priced at 84.75. SQ.75. 88.95. 812.50. 817.50 and up i Ranges, fully guaranteed, priced at 829.50. 839.50. 4 15.00 and up Laundry Stoves Like cut, 2-hole size. Made of cast gray iron, Satur day, only V Rockers and Chairs tor the Living Room, Bedroom or Parlor An 'endless vanety of beautiful Rockers and Chairs. Many in solid woods, others upholstered in Morrocoline, Genuine Spanish Leather or Tap estries. Big values at little prices 82.50, 83.50, $4.75, 86.50, 88.50, 812.50, 817.50, 827.50 or The People's Store. m 3 g3 if S3 m IS P Id 9pposite Hotel Rome U KITS