Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1917, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha potofiee aa aeeoBd-elast matter.
Pttm. U.N
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Sea Circulatloa UpuucL
She Aanelated Prtej. of waiea. The Bea U a mmtm. Is mtaiWtlt
entitled to tea ass for mrnWleMloa of til am dlspotahat eretUwd
ts tx or aot otherwise credited la tklt paper tad tin tM lanei sews
ttbiUwd hereto. All rlibie at pobheeuoa af our special OivMcbm
an tin narnl
Remit by draft, express or portal order. Onty I-oont tttmv taken In
atrMB of ontu ooooenis, Personal check, eui ta Oateke aad
Ml art exefcane. aot accepted.
Osuhe The Bot Bnlldlne. OtlctfO Fasphfi Cu ButkUne,
Boula Omaha 2311 N St. !fw Twk 1M flfta Art.
Coenell Bluffi 14 N. Mala St. St Unit Kcw B'k of Comftttrot
itooola UtUt Building. Waahlnttoami 0 St.
iddreet eonumuileaUoni relating to Don tad editorial Bitter to
Oataha Bet. Editorial Department.
X-58,059 Daily Sunday, 51,752
Avartfo timilatlea for the wtnnth subscribed aad sworn to by Dwliht
WMiean, Circulation Utntier.
Subscribers leaving the city tboulo) have The Bte aaatled
to them. Address chanted aa oftta aa retjueeted.
One more submarine wins the freedom of the
bottom of the sea.
It is fairly clear from the returns that the
socialists carried Petrograd.
Record attendance at the teachers' meeting in
Omaha is another way of applauding the wisdom
of the selection.
Having arranged the stage and financed the
scenery, Berlin and Vienna can view the Petro
grad performance with paternal good will.
A bnmper crop of corn, potatoes, buckwheat,
tobacco and side dishes to match 1 Democracy
marches on to victory without a wrinkle on its
School problems are always with us, in time
of war as well as in time of peace, and every help
toward their solution is a real contribution to
' Emperor Karl distributed a large assortment
of royal decorations among the war leaders.
Strange to say, the distribution failed to ease the
pangs of a famishing populace, '
Douglas county - taxpayers are spending a
whole lot of money for surfacing in certain county
rooms and they would like to be sure of getting
their money's worth but are they?
Nebraska's corn crop stands second in quality
and sixth in quantity per acre. If King Corn
hopes to keep his crown on straight more atten
tion to business and less hilarity is in order.
Prof. Brigbam of Colgate prophesies a sudden
collapse of (he war within a year. Here's hoping
the professor knows. Meanwhile national wisdom
urges bending every energy to press Rome the
Though there is no moratorium established by
law,, no court wjll permit its machinery to be
used to take advantage of a man who has ac
cepted the summons to serve the country against
its enemies. I
General Leonard Wood has been repeating in
Boston some of the plain truths he told us during
his recent visit to Omaha, The truth, and the
whole truth, is what is needed to spur our people
everywhere to do the jobxonfronting us.
' Nicolai Lenine, the Bolshevik! leader, who has
projected himself to the center of, the Petrograd
stage,' stands forth as an ultra-radical enemy of
capitalism. Woe to the Russian who, has a few
rubfes on the side. Safety lies in dividing at once,
else the Bolshevik! will take the tail with the hide.
High school fraternities find few admirers out
side the ranks. Teachers of experience condemn
them as utterly useless and a positive detriment
to the sahoots and the members. With' such tes
timony to shape action school authorities need
not hesitate in applying the remedy..
It cannot be too often repeated that this great
world war is going to 'be won, not under the
sea or in the air, but on the ground, much as su
premacy In air and water may count for the ulti
mate victory. The reason Is that the fighters on
terra firraa are the only ones that can make gains
and hold them. ,
I Government Against Itself
The Outlook
' One of the most powerful organizations under
mining the authority of the United States govern
ment is the United States government itself.. At
time when the secret servide and the Department
of Justice are suppressing seditious or treasonable
newspapers the government is circulating free,
without postage or other charge, pamphlets which
.it has printed itself, attacking its own war activi
ties. This is tragedy and comedy combined. Was
there ever a more ludicrous illustration of the
folly of .carrying the principle of free speech to
a false and extreme conclusion?
We refer, of course, to the speeches of Sena
tor La Fpllette. A dispatch to the New York
Sun from Washington is out authority for saying
- that Senator La Follette has ordered from the
government printing office 300,000 copies of his
speeches attacking Uie war revenue act and im
plying the failure of the Liberty "loan and that
under iiis franking privilege he is circulating these
speeches broadcast through the country.' The
Sun dispatch says; "The tremendous orders, placed
.by Senator La Follette at the government print
' fng office have seriously interfered with other
- important work there. In order to get out the
300,000 copies the senate folding and mailing
- room has been obliged to work day and night
Congress has passed a postage taw which is
going to make it very difficult for the Outlook to
circulate articles among its readers supporting
- the government and backing the Liberty loan.
It has done this because it says the Postoffice de
partment does not pay expenses. At the same
time it permits a seditious senator to mail with-
, out charge speeches attacking the government
We do not understand the justice of such a pro-
' Ceeding. ; . ' . . ' , .
; Now, while a censorship cannot be invoked to
cure such a stupid and intolerable evil, there is
. a simple cure which can be easily applied.
Repeal the franking privilege; issue to each
member of congress a certain number of postage
stamps, for his use in his own mail; cease dis-
tributing-public documents free; put them in all
ptfblic libraries for consultation by the public;
display a list of them at all post-offices and let
the private citizen who wants one or. more of
theaTpurchase them, at cost of paper and mail
ing, by ordering them of his postmaster.
. ' .,
liberty According to Lenine.
Nikolai Lenine, German sympathizer and agent
of the kaiser, is now prescribing liberty for the
proletariat, not of Russia alone, but for the
fvorld. That the precious . boon may reach tht
plain people unadulterated, Lenine is having all
who might possibly divert his plans safely locked
in the Fortress of Peter and Paul as fast as he
can catch them. None who has borne 'authority
or undertaken to assist in direction of Russia's
affairs is safe from this new arbiter of human
rights. He is neither Robespierre nor Danton,
nor Marat; nor has he as yet developed a Barere,
but the first act of the farce of 1789, that between
the Girondists and the Mountain, has been played,
and perhaps the entre-acte of the Terror awaits.
The cast of the Paris company easily may be du
plicated in Petrograd, even to Fouquier-Tinnville,
and the whole comedy be deluged in blood. Ma
dame de Staele's pathetic remark rings as true
today as then. Many crimes are committed in the
name of liberty and Lenine's bids fair to list
among the greatest.
Petrograd is not Russia, any more than Paris
was France when the mob ruled there. Windy
declaration of platitudes will not support any
government. Soon or late the present madness
will exhaust itself and a new Russia will arise
from the confusion into which the country has
been plunged. Patience must be observed, for, as
The Bee stated last week, liberty must be thrust
on a large part of the Russian people, but in time
they will be free from the thralldom of ignorance
as well as the despotism of the aristocracy.
A Place to Call a Halt.
Our attention has been called to the fact that
the case of the notorious Arthur Hauser, the fiend
ish degenerate convicted on a murder charge in
Douglas county, has been appealed to the su
preme court and that in this procedure to open
the prison doors to this brute the moving factor
is our public defender. In other words, after
making a showing- of indigence to secure the
service of an attorney paid out of the public
treasury and having been accorded a fair hearing
and nevertheless convicted, the county is being put
to additional expense to undo the conviction and
that by an official drawing his salary from the
public pocket. '
Agajnst this flagrant abuse we enter protest
We concede to every criminal, no" matter how
mean, the full protection of the law and the bene
fit of every opportunity to secure justice, but we
see no merit in the proposition that the county
shall itself go to great expense to convict a social
outlaw and then to further expense to sethim
loose upon the community again. The public de
fender may make answer that in this appeal he
is not acting" as a public officer, but is retained
and paid by friends or relatives of the 'convict,
and that nothing in the law prohibits him from
taking money for appealing cases which he has
been assigned to defend in the first instance on
oath that the prisoner is unable to hire counsel
His answer; however, would be a quibble and an
excuse if permissible tinder the law the law
should be changed as soon as possible. The sal
ary attached "to the office of public defender, we
feel sure7, would never have been doubled, as it
was by the last legislature, if there was any no
tion that the postion was to be used either by ap
peals based on technicalities or misused to rake
In fees in addition to the liberal stipend fixed by
statute. These questionable practices should be
stopped before they go any further.
. Sweeping the Sea Lanes for Commerce.
. Reports of loss to shipping through U-boat
operations for the last week show a great de
cline, both in number of vessels and total tonnage
destroyed. The total damage reported by the
allied nations is the lowest for any seven-day pe
riod since the unrestricted operation of the sub
marines was commenced by Germany in Febru
ary. The conclusion may be drawn from this
that the, destroyers are dfiing the work set for
them. It is, of course, imprudent at this time to
make public the character of operations or the
number of U-boats taken or sunk, but the steady
decline in the losses sustained by merchant ship
ping is gratifying proof that the sea lanes are
being swept for commerce. The danger is not
over, but is greatly les'sened, and the fact is of
tremendous importance to the United States,
which is so busily engaged in transporting men
and munitions to the other vslde of the Atlantic.
The failure of the Gerrqan campaign at sea is
made absolutely the defeat of the submersible.
"Blessings" of the War.
Mr. Wattles finds among the "blessings" of
the war the extension of collective bargaining
and the cessation of speculation , in foods. Of
course, each of these is a desirable step forward,
but they are minor beneficences compared with
what other philosophers predict. First of all,
mankind must give some heed to the enormous
destruction wrought by war. The waste of man
hood and, wealth is incalculably great and the
want and misery entailed irretrievably stupefying.
If any good is found to proceed from the awful
conflict it will come because man's nature aspires
and his resilience of soul will let l)im bring forth
benefit from any dreadful affliction.
Great changes are being wrought as man Is
tried in this flame of tribulation. Morally and ma
terially the race has been affected broadly and
deeply by the war, but to what extent even the
wisest cannot with accuracy predict Social and
political systems have been stirred to the bottom
and economic practices have undergone such
modification as amounts almost to establishing
new customs in trade. AU this1 haa shaken Off
already much that was unworthy or outworn and
makes sure that other ways of doing things must
be adopted. None expect to return to the things
we have left behind, even so short a distance as
that which separates W17 from 1914.
What will happen to the world when it set
tles down to peaceful endeavor again may scarcely
be outlined.'but some things are assured. Democ
racy will be established more firmly than ever,
a fuller and freer life for the nations as well as
the individuals will come and much of the com
plexity of life, incident to persistence of ancient
convention, will probably disappear, giving way
to simpler methods and producing better results.
All of this could have been accomplished with
out resort to any such debauch of forces as that
through which the world is passing. War is not
necessary to accelerate growth or stimulate ex
pansion, but if any good finally results from the
conEict man will be that much ahead.
A present to the schools of $6,500 would be
hailed with delight as a piece of great generosity.
Yet that in substance is the amount by which the
Omaha schools are richer through the rescinding
of the order for a special election in response to
public sentiment voiced by The Bee. Just an
other measure of public service which aa out
spoken newspaper can render.
Social Hygine and the War
What the Cities Have Done
By Frederic J. Haskin
Washington, Nov. 7. The success of the gov
ernment campaign for the eradication of com
mercial vice from the environments of training
camps has been primarily the success of sundry
American cities and towns in cleaning up this
community evil. As no reform can progress ahead
of public opinion, the success of this movement
shows that public opinion in American communi
ties is aware that the cause of social hygiene has
only to be lifted above the petty complications of
local politics and made a matter of national need
to receive the earnest support both of the people
and of their officials.
Furthermore, a more frank and wholesome
public attitude toward the subject of social hy
giene is being developed; people are learning to
look upon the vice problem as primarily one of
health. Of course, it is also a moral and social
problem, but the tendency to so regard it is apt
to obscure the great primary purpose of eradicat
ing some of the most destructive diseases to which
man is subject.
The way in which officials are supporting the
government in its hygienic campaign is illustrated
by the experience of the chief legal representative
of the Commission on Training Camp Activities
in a small southwestern town where soldiers have
been stationed ever since the beginning of the
Mexican border trouble, and which is near one of
the training camps. This town had a dispropor
tionately large segregated district, conducted
openly, brilliantly illuminated by arc lights, and
nightly thronged by soldiers. Bootlegging was a
thriving business, in- spite of the fact that the
state was dry, and soldiers were found to be act
ing as agents for the bootleggers. One afternoon
was spent in getting evidence. The legal agent
purchased two quarts of whisky at $4 a quart,
through soldiers. Ie obtained positive evidence
that one of the city councilmen was operating a
combined blind tiger and house of prostitution,
and found a reliable witness to testify that the
chief of police had refused to act against another
such proprietor on the ground that "he is a friend
of mine.
With this evidence he went before the city
council, accompanied by the commander of the
local military establishment. Both he and the
commander asstfted the city council that unless
conditions were improved, the camp would be
moved. The city council at once went into execu'
tive session, demanded the resignation of the of'
fending chief of police and councilman, and passed
a series of ordinances, which have subsequently
been used as models, abolishing the segregated
district and making the business of selling liquor
extremely dangerous The reform of this town
was literally accomplished in one afternoon, and
it was a thorough and sincere job.
The commission does not labor under the de
lusion that when the segregated district of a town
has been closed, all vice has thereby been elimi
nated. On the contrary, it recognizes that this is
only the first step. Almost invariably commercial
vice will then pass into a second phase.lin which
the women walk the streets and make use of
sundry cheap hotels and rooming houses. These
are easily located and closed. A third phase is
then reached, in which automobiles become the
standard means of carrying on the business. This
is more difficult to handle, but in all of the towns
where this phase has developed much has been
accomplished 'by ordinances heavily penalizing
the drivers who engage in this traffic. It is perhaps
never wholly eliminated, but the number of ex
posures to disease is reduced by 80 or 90 per cent
Many examples might be given of the prompt
co-operation of city officials in the hygienic work
The most important success of the commission to
date has been the closing, by ordinance just about
to become effective, of the segregated district in
a great southern city. This segregated district
was one of the last large onesS-emaining in the
United States. It was provided by a very old city
ordinance and strongly supported by local politi
cal influence. More than 1,000 women live in this
district, which was the size of a small village. It
acted as a headquarters and source of supply for
commercialized vice in six states. A representa
tive of the government was told at many points
hundreds of miles distant, that if he could close
the district in this city he would have broken the
back of vice throughout she southwest
Accordingly he visited the mayor of this city
and told him that the ordinance by which the
district was authorized would have to be repealed,
and the United States government would see that
it was really abolished. The mayor said he could
not believe that the government really wished to
abolish the segregated district under his adminis
tration, and he telegraphed the United States
senators from his state to see the secretary of the
navy about the matter and to make an appoint
ment with that official for him. The secretary of
the navy not only informed this obdurate mayor
that the government was earnestly determined to
abolish the industry of prostitution in his city, but
also that unless the ordinance authorizing it was
at once repealed, the mayor and his administration
would be put publicly in the position of opposing
a great patriotic measure. He was shown a letter
which the secretary of the navy had written to
the governor of his state, expressing the opinion
that the closing of this district was absolutely
necessary to the efficiency of the American navy.
So the ordinance was repealed, and the govern
ment is determined that its repeal shall be effec
tive, t . '
Publicity has in fact been proved by the com
mission to be the most effective weapon of re
form, which prbves that the attitude of the public
is the all-important thmg. This work of social
hygiene on the part of American cities, under the
supervision of the American government, is un
doubtedly the greatest single step toward the con
quest of venereal diseases that has ever been taken
in this" country. There can be little doubt but
that these American communities will make this
reform a permanent one, and that the spirit of
civic rivalry, which is so strong in this country,
will lead to .its rapid spread.
Food Profiteering
-New York Tribune
The food regulation law which congress passed
put legal restraints on the big middleman the
operators on a vast scale who had made them
selves the most conspicuous examples of the evils
of profiteering. These men have bowed to the
new law because there was nothing'else for them
to do. But congress, feeling that it would be
comparatively easy to control the middleman,
and might be highly difficult as well as unpopular
to attempt to control the producers and the small
retailers, shiftily decided to leave these last two
groups under bo restraint beyond an appeal to
their sense of-patriotism and community servijee.
What is;the result? The producer and the re
tailer, so far as they retain their freedom of ac
tion, are still all for profiteering. For years they
have seen the big middleman absorb the bulk of
the profit on food distribution. They now view
his elimination with glee, and hope to 'divide be
tween them the share which was formerly his.
They would be hardly human, if they didn't yield
to this temptation, so 'long as the law puts no
obstacles in their way other than their public
spirit and self-restraint, v -
Mr. Hoover says that retailers are charging
artificial prices for flour, sugar, potatoes and
other .necessaries of life, and that many pro
ducers are hoarding crops. It is manifest that
these practices will continue, for the small busi
ness man as well as the big business man, the
farmer as well as the food speculator, has been
taught for generations to think that business
sagacity requires him to hold his output for'the
highest attainable price and to extract the largest
possible profit in a spirit of thanksgiving.
The people of the big cities, who-are in closest
contact with the retailer, see clearly, if congress
did not see it that the profiteer on a small scale
may collect plunder just as effectually as the big
food speculator. The retailers have had the habit
of laying all extortionate prices at the door of
the big middleman and posing as joint victims
with the public of the big middleman's capacity.
We see now what the petty handler is ready to
ia when haea th chanc. '
Right In the Spotlight
Foremost among the Freabyterian
leaders who art to gather In Sfc Louis
today for a centennial celebration of
the first Presbyterian church west of
the Mississippi Is the Rev. Dr. William
H. Roberts of Philadelphia, who Is to
be the chief speaker at the centennial
exercises. For a Quarter of a century
Dr. Roberts haa been the atated cleric
of the Presbyterian general assembly,
and in 1908 he was honored with elec
tion as moderator. A Welshman b
birth, he accompanied his family to
America in early youth and was
educated at the College of the City of
New York. For several years he was
assistant librarian of the Library of
Congress. Then he decided to study
for the ministry and entered Prince
ton seminary. After serving in one
pastorate he returned to the seminary
as librarian. Later he waa made a
professor In Lane seminary, Cincin
nati. Since 1893 he has devoted all his
time to his duties as stated clerk of the
general assembly.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Panic and riots in Antwerp as re
sult of deportation of Belgians to Ger
many. Russians and Roumanians at
tacked Danubr bridge after driving
Von Mackensen 25 miles.
Serbian army recaptured the last
height dominating Coma Valley and
the road to Monaatlr.
I -r-ifaVV
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
Several ladies of the Trinity parish
held a fair at the residence of Mrs.
Boyd, 1908 Davenport street, at which
a number of fancy goods were disposed
The amount of wild game being
shipped Into this market is larger than
has been known in many years.
The Omaha Horseshoers Union, No.
19, gave their annual ball at Cunning
ham's hall. One hundred and fifty
couples were present.
Orpha C. Dlnsmore, Mary F. Akin,
Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Mary E. Groff,
Jennie R. Dor, Mrs. Alma E. E. Keitji,
Ada W. Burlington, and Ada Trepper
Walker, filed articles of incorporation
with the county clerk of a board of
charities for the city of Omaha. ,
Chief of Police Seavey went to Ilin
coln to hear the argument as to the
validity of his Incumbency as said of
ficial. Mr. Joseph Nelken left for the east
on a business trip.
Dr. John Grant, of the United States
army, and family leave Omaha for
Springfield, Mass., where he Is to be
stationed at the national armory.
This Day in History.
1691 Philip Ludwell became gov
ernor of South Carolina.
1728 Oliver Goldsmith, - famous
writer and poet, born in Longford,
Ireland. Died In London, April 3,
1775 United States Marine Corps
established by act of congress.
1792 Samuel Nelson, who had a
long career as associate Justice of the
supreme court of the United States,
born at Hebron, N. Y. Died at Coop
erstown, N. Y December 13, 1873.
1832 Rear Admiral Bancroft
Gherardi, United States navy, who
commanded the "Pdrt Royal," in the.
battle of Mobile Bay, born at Jackson,
La. Died at Stratford, Conn., Decem
ber 10, 1903. i
1864 Great banquet in Boston in
honor of Captain Wlnslow of the
1910 President Taft sailed from
Charleston, S. C, for an inspection of
the Panama Canal.
1914 German raider Emden driven
ashore and burned by Australian
cruiser Sydney. ,
1916 Italian steamer Ancona tor
pedoed and sunk by Australn subma
rine. The Day We Celebrate.
Judge George A. Day of the district
court.. is 58 years old today.
Martin L. Kimmel, attorney, Is cele
brating his 33d birthday.
Rear Admiral Ridley McLean, Judge
advocate general of the navy,born in
Tennessee, 45 years ago today.
Charles Richard, of the medical
corps, United States army, recently
promoted to the rank of brigadier gen
eral, born In New York, 63 years ago
Frank L. McVey, the new president
of the University of Kentucky, born
at Wilmington, Ohio, 48 years ago to
day, i
Dr. Henry Van Dyko, poet, philos
opher, and late minister to the Nether
lands, born at Germantown, Pa., 66
years ago today.
Donald B. MacMillan, who has at
tained wide fame as an Arctic ex
plorer, born at Provincetown, Mass.,
43 years ago today. ,
Winston Churchill, one of the most
noted of American novelists, born In
St Louis, 46 years ago today.
Dr. Edmond C. Sanford, president
of Clark college, born at Oakland,
Cal., 68 years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Today is the 142d birthday ol th&
marine corps, the oldest branch of the
United Statesvmllltary establishment
Notable speakers will be heard to
day at the annual Pennsylvania Day
celebration at Pennsylvania State
The National Farm and Live Stock
show, for which preparations have
been making for nearly a year, will
be opened in New Orleans today.
Pursuant to the appeal of President
Wilson, the mayors of many cities of
the United States have designated to
day and tomorrow aa Armenian
Syrian relief days.
Storyette of the Day. ,
' As he dislikes motor-cars, a country
squire always kept good horses. Re
cently he bought a handsome mare
and a few days later asked his groom
what he thought of the new arrival.
"She's a fine looking animal, sir."
replied the man, "but I'm afraid she's
a bit touchy."
"Why do you think so?" questioned
the squire.
"She doesn't seem to take to no
one, air. She can't bear me to go into
her box to groom her."
"Oh, she'll settle down In a tew
days," the squire reassured him.
Everything's strange " to her, you
know. I don't think there's much
wrong with her temper."
"Nor didn't I -at first sir," replied
the groom. "But you see, she's kicked
me out o that there box twice already,
and, when you come to think of it
that's very convlncln'." Argonaut
Jonta ttld that It wai wrong to invoke,
And just aa bad to chew;
Tobacc0 waa a polsonoua thine
Which all menjahould taboo.
He roared.. hla hoyi In Sunday achool;
Ho kept 'em in the narrow path;
And It they rolled a clgaret
It aurely ralaed hla wrath.
But alnco the boyi hare gone to war
Fa Jonea haa changed hla mind; ,
Ho saya to let them amoko or chew
If they are o Inclined. (
Bo aende them "makln'a" by the tiound,
In tin box and In poke;
Be aaya that It may help the boye
Ta make the kaiser smoke.
Pope Gives Experience.
York, Neb., Nov. 7. To the Editor
of The Beat As my friends have come
back with their rebuttals in the debate
on farming, prices, wages, etc., that
gives me the right to answer. And
with the grace and patience of the
editor I will close the argument if not
the debate.
Mr. W. Wilhelms of Brunlng, Neb.,
says that I am "fair enough to a cer
tain extent" in my letter, but was
badly mistaken when I figured an In
come of $11.95 per day for man and
team raising corn at 11.15 per bushel
(which I had Just read was to be the
price). But I see by the papers that
the price is still $1.75 per bushel,
which Is 60 cents more per bushel,
which would make our 12 bushels
bring $21 tor raising his two-thirds of
that half acre. Now deduct even 10
cents per bushel for the shucking of
the 18 H bushels (that is, rent and all).
It would be $1.85, which, taken from
$21, leaves $19.15 for his day's work,
instead of $11.95 at $1.15 per bushel,
as I gave it, and I am not mistaken
Now this wise man says that I had
forgotten that they had to invest a
good many dollars in horses, harness
and implements. I forgot nothihg of
the kind; if I want to team I must
have the same investments as it takes
to do what I laid out for him. I Just
figured what a good man 'with two
good horses, a stirring plow, a culti
vator, a harrow and planter and with
that give his ground a plowing, three
harrowlngs, and three cultivatings,
and that Is as much as is customary.
But I take my team and equipment
out and work for $4 per day, no more,
and the difference between that and
his $19.15 is Just that much profit on
his day's work over and above my
wages, while his feed and living costs
less than half of what mine are, or
else he is to blame for he raises his,
or ought to, at one quarter to one half
of what I pay him for it and then a
producer of living crying of its high
cost is sure the limit
Then he says he would like to see
a gang such as me farm for them
selves. Bless your life, little child, I
farmed when it meant real work and
little pay, and five years like any five
in the last twenty put in as I put them
in at one-half what you are getting
now would have made me a good
home clear and that is not boast or
mistake either. I did not farm with
my mouth.
Then that man Hoare of Monroe,
Neb., gets funny. Now, I have not
time or space to quote him at length
and then reply. But would much like
to. He may call his brother farmer
of the letter box a falsifier and then
be can tell him he has rats in his
garret and can insinuate the same to
me. ButTsay, babe, you seem to have
never learned that such statements
are not argument yet they indicate a
class that is useless to argue with, as
you could not tell a mere statement
from a statement of fact , as your
article proves. Now, I will correct
Just a few and then give some facts
of which I have proof.
You say that when I said huskers j
got 8 cents when corn was 10 to is,
was pure poppycock (a lie you mean).
Another misstatement I saw Z3 and
8, and mean what I say. ' (I don't
claim you paid it), but I did and hav
ing kept a diary then and very care-'
fully, too, I would not give that old
book for the memory of 6ven Judges,
and I think those experiences have a
pretty good way of sticking to ones
memory. Now.' I will not argue with
you more than to give you some of
my own experiences without any not
air or false statements. I had one
drowned out one hot wind burnout
but I d)d not have to ever replant or
plant over on account of poor seed
nor for any reasons and as to whether
I farmed or scratched my landlord
said the two crops I raised on his
farm were the best ones raised for
him in 14 years, xand he had one
dozen farms. Some proof.
Hera are some Azures for you. Ones
year, sod ground, 55 acres of wheat, 14
acres of oats, la ol corn, sz.bu ror
hired help, next year 60 corn, zo
wheat, 20 oats, $8.50 for help. Next
drowned out two weeks before harv
est. Next, 60 acres corn, 60 acres
oats, 10" of wheat 10 of flax, 70 hay,
$41 for help. Next year, 73 corn, tu
oats, 6 of Wheat, 20 of flax; 60 of hay,
$57 for heia. Listen, I paid out $14.60
for corn picking at 3 cents per bushel
and trave dinner. Was sick eieht
days during, shucking time or wouiai
naveHHckea 73 acres aione. 1 Degan
at noon October 17, finished January
3. I was In town that year as fol
lows: April 4, July 13, October 31,
January 4. sold 485 bushels of corn
that day for 14 cents, -most of the
rest at 13, some lower. Others who
sold later got 11, 10, 9. Paid $235 for
six-foot cut binder, wood frme, no
weight trucks, no road trucks, or
bundle carrier. $20 for an eight-foot
stiff wood harrow and $85 for a
planter and checkrower and $32 for
a little light wood-wheeled cultivator.
How do you like that for a picnic bill
of fare? And then Just think how
easy you can set aside these facts Just
by saying they are not so.
A Possible Beason.
"Beanboroogh alwaya looks oa the
bright side of things."
"Well, the other day I went with hlra,
to buy a pair of shoes. He didn't try them
on at the itore, and when ho got home bo
found that a nail waa sticking right up
through the heel' on one."
"Did he take them back!"
"Not much. He said that he supposed
ths nail was put there intentionally to keep
the foot from sliding forward In the shoe."
Harper's Magazine.
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Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which youxwill please send me,
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