Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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PAGES 1 TO 10.
Omaha Daily Bee '
' VOL. XLVII NO. 125.
On Trains, it Hsttls,
Niwi Standi. Etc, t.
t- X I l II II M II II II llA
Ckicago Agricultural Extension Director Says It Will Re-
place tommerciausm in u we ui.uia
Cleramons Explains Provisions of Bill Giving
Nebraska Federal Aid for Schools.
1 "The last century has placed the emphasis on commercial
ism; the next century will emphasize humanity," said Prof.
Perry G. Holden, agricultural extension director, Chicago, in
his talk before the, Nebraska State Teachers' association at the
Auditorium yesterday. . '
Miss Tall of Baltimore Gives
State Pedagogues Some Epi
grams for Betterment of
Sphool System.
"We will teach corn, and hogs yes,
but not teach the boys and girls to
raise more hogs and more corn, but
teach these things which will enable
them to grow up to be better men and
women and more useful citizens."
Thes peaker said the business of the
teacher is to find the good in pupils
instead of seeking the bad to punish.
"Give me the teacher who is thinking
in terms of the boys and girls and L'll
6how you a great teacher. The teacher
who pours out her heart and soul in
the work of instructing and guiding
the young, cannot be paid too much;
the teacher who does not do this, and
who takes the attitude of 'Thank
heaven, only two weeks more of
school' you cannot afford to have her
at any price." ,
Professor Holden exhibited on the
table on the stage, everything from
a rope to a-sausage grinder; and from
an apple bag to a loaf of bread. ,
He exhibited the bread to show the
good bread which can be made by the
use of a large percentage of potato
starch. He exhibited the sausage
grinder to illustrate how the starch
can be extracted from small potatoes
which do not sell well on the market
"People talk a lot about conserva
tion," he said, "but they always want
the other fellow to do the conserving.
Jjo they won't buy small potatoes, The
grocer gave me these this morning,
lrralise-fli fine would"' buy them.
folks, listen',' there are 100,000,000
bushels of small potatoes in the
United States today, aftd they can be
made to take the place of 1,000.000
. bushels of wheat; and our boys and
girls in school can accomplish it by
learning how to extract this starch and
use it in flour."
He advocated that teachers be paid
more in the rural schools, so'that the
' teachers may become a part of the
community, and. advocated that a
home for the teacher be built beside
the school" house like a parsonage be
side a church.
Explains Federal Bill.
State Superintendent W. H. Clem
mons outlined the. provisions of the
Smith-Hughes bill whereby the fed
eral government will furnish a sum
of money for educational purposes
which in Nebraska will be $8,950 the
first year, providing the state will ap
propriate dollar for dollar to meet the
federal appropriation for the develop
ment and advancement of the
tranches of trades, industrial work,
lome economics and agriculture.
In" the business session, following
the program Superintendent 'F. F.
Gordon of Emerson introduced his pe
tition asking , that the teachers vote
nto their constitution a provision for
ikernating the annual convention be
ween Omaha and Lincoln. He said
i, there vere other petitions out in the
! judience and" lie sought to call them
inrwith their additional signatures,
nit nonecame. When his signatures
wore counted it was found he had
nly 103.- '
' TrueTestifies.
f. A, True, superintendent of the
Schuyler schools, arose when some
(Contlnued on Page Seven, Column One.)
75s at arf American training camp in France. The men got the hang of the pieces in short or
der and proved their fitness in their first battle with the Germans.
Troops Sent by Former Premier to Aid Provisional Gov
ernment Are Persuaded to Return to Front; Rebels
Increase in Numbers; Thirty Dead at
the Winter Palace.
The Weather
Nebraska Fair; cooler.
TemptTatarea at Omaha lMtprdaj.
Hour. ' Deg.
Temperaiurea at Omaha Yesterday. ,
. Hour. Dr.
S a. in.
A a. m,
7 a. in.
1 a, m.
a. m.
14 a. m.
11 a. m.
12 m 65
. 63
.. 70
. 70
. 9
. 65
, 63
. 63
. 61
1 P. ro
2 p. m
3 p. ra
4 p. m
6 p. m....
6 p. m....
7 p. m....,
t p. m....
ComparatiTe Local Record.
1H7. 1916. 1K15. 1914.
Hlsheat yeaterday. . .. 70 67 60 63
Lowkest yeaterday... E0 33 36 J5
Mean temperature.... 60 45 42 49
Precipitation T .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal: v
N'armal temperature 40
Excess for the day 20
Total deficlencyslnce March 1 338
Normal precipitation. 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day. . . . ; 04 inch ,
Total rainfall since March 1. . ; .21.24 inches
Deficiency since March 1 6.46 inches'
Deficiency for cor. period. 1(16.12.14 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. 1.46 Inches
Reports From Stations at 1 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- jRain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fait.
Cheyenne, clear 44 64 .00
Davenport, clear 64 64 .00
Denver, clear 62 64 .00
Des Moines, part cloudy. 66 58 .00
Dodge City, clear 60 72 .00
Lander, clear 42 5 .no
North Platte, clear i4 f,6 .00
Omaha, cudy I 70 T
Pueblo, dear i... 54 ti .(Mi
Rapid City, cloudy 54 60 .06
Salt Lake City, clear... ts 56 U0
KanU Fe, clear 46 5S .00
Sheridan, clear SO 60 .00
Sioux City, elear 64 62 .12
Valentine, part cloudy. 66 64 .00
"T" indicates trace of precipitation.
' h. A. WELSH. Meteorologist
''You can't teach efficiently unless
you have common sense" Lida Lee
Tall of Baltimore, speaking at Fri
day morning's general assembly of
the state teachers.
Miss Tall gave a thoughtful consid
eration of efficient supervision, con
sidering the superintendent's point of
view and the teacher's point of view.
She referred in plain language to a
lack of co-ordination which exist in
many instances between the grade
teachers and the supervisor. She
urged the teacher to look, upon super
wsicms a helpful agency rather than
mere inspection.
- Emphasizing the importance of the
grade teacher, she sajd: ''Wflat the
schools turn out is, after all, the
product of the grade teacher. Re
member that we have a part in shap
ing, the thought of the future. We
must socialize our ideas if the world
is to receive the benefit of our ideas.
Praise Is' Needed.
A few of Miss Tail's epigrammatic
statements' are given:
"Johnny will practice self-control
on promise of a piece of chocolate; a
good teacher will be more efficient
if told she has done a good piece of
"Patriotic education, is to the fore
this year and back of it all should be
efficient supervision.
"A look of happiness on a teacher's
face is a real factor in education.
"The function of the supervisor is
to improve the teaching act. Good
teaching" takes into consideration what
is going on inside of the child-mind;
good supervision .takes into considera
tion teacher and child.
Teacher Underpaid.
"A community bas a queer sort of
sympathy, for the teacher pities us,
as it were. They do not pity the law
yer nor the preacher. They say the
teacher is underpaid, and she is. If
wc can make the public respect us,
and stop pitying us, we have made a
case for education.
1 "If we are to have efficient super
vision, teachers must realize that su
pervision is their right, rather than a
burden imposed upon them; must
realize that supervision is a helping
process, rather than a.mere inspection.
"The best we can give is none too
good for our school children."
Miss Tall urged the teachers to dis
card a feeling of fear which frequently
overwhelms them when their work
may be compared with the work of
other teachers. "Remember," she said,
"the children in a factory district will
do just as well, according, to them
selves, as chydren of other districts."
Another Ball Josser to
Don the Naval Uniform
Boston, Nov. 9. Walter Maran
ville, shortstop of the Boston Na
tional league base ball team, visited
th navy yard yesterday and an
nounced he would enlist in the serv
ice. He will take his examinations
next week.
Ensign Condict Says Effort is
Made to Keep Down
Enlistments of
Omaha Bee In List of
Greatest Newspapers
Newport, R. I., Nov. 10. Five
thousand apprentice seamen and
landsmen at . the Naval Training
Station this week took a straw vote
as to the best newspaper published
in their respective States. The pa
pers selected were: '
"There is an organized, scheme on
foot about here to prevent enlistments
in the navy," said Ensign Condict at
the navy office Friday.
"We are discovering it every day.
There is a propaganda being put
forth to keep young men from join
ing the navy. All kinds of untrue and
ridiculous statements are being cir
culated about the navy, the object
being to induce young men to stay
"The most common one of these is
the statement that the naw is full
and - needs "noBTert 'ineny" mV"Tffr'
false. The navy is calling for 20,000
men this minute.: It has the new bat
tleships, all ready and all it needs is
men to handle the big guns and run
the ships.
Put in Trenches.
"Boys come in here and tell us the
strangest stories they have heard
One boy was told the other day that
if he joined the navy, as he wanted
to do, he. wotrld be taken out of it and
put at once in the trenches in trance,
There is no rivalry between the army
and navy., it is the Army and Navy for
ever and we do all we can to help
each other. But 'men are not trans
ferred from one branch to the other.
If a boy prefers the army and joins
it, he will stay there and it is the same
with the navy. Soldiers and sailors
are not shifted around regardless of
their choice.
Try to Influence Boy.
"One boy came to Omaha the other
day from a substation, on government
transportation. As soon as he got
into Omaha someone, who had per
haps trailed him, got hold of him and
put up arguments against his joining
the navy. - ,
"For two days the boy hesitated till
we got anxious and went in searali of
him. He had been persuaded the navy
was full and was going back Rome.
"It is hard to run down these ru
mors, they come third or fourth hand
to us. But certain peoplCare work
ing actively against the navy. Ger
many knows that men are needed in
the navy to convoy the troopsvacross.
Therefore efforts are being made to
stop enlistments." .
New Tork, Times,
Boston Globe,
Omaha Bee,
Hartford Courant,
Baltimore Bun,
Manchester (N. n.)
Providence Journal,
Chicago Tribune
Express (Maine)
Newark- News,
Philadelphia North
Columbia (3. C.)
f Star,
Rutland (Vt.) Her
ald, News Leader, (Va.)
Houston (Tex.)
New Observe
(N. C.)
Faro N. D.)
Cleveland Plain
Daily Observer,
Memphis Commer
1 clal Appeal,
Louisville Courtef
New Orleans Item,
Detroit News.
Minneapolis Journal
Jackson (Miss.)
St Louis Globe
Birmingham News,
Arkansas Oasette.
Wilmington (Del.)
Jacksonville Timea
Atlanta Journal.
Indianapolis (Ind.)
Des Moines Tribune
Kansas City Star,
News Times Dis
patch, (W. Va.)
Milwaukee Journal.
Germans Want to Know
When Britain Will Be Beat
Copenhagen, Nov. 9. Captain Per
sius, naval expert of the Berliner
Tageblatt, -notes growing impatience
among Germans with , the results of
the submarine campaign, registered in
a swelling flood of letters demanding
an answer to the question,' "When
shall we have England, bcatcnl" He
throws cold water on the optimists
and warns them against accepting as
reliable figures on destroyed tonnage,
including those apparently German,
and other statistical material.
Captain Persius says that with the
1917 harvest and the imports of grain
the food problem can scarcely become
a motive, for the next six months at
least, to make Great Britain inclined
to conclude peace.
Teachers Late; Must Stay After
School; They Sing "Aunt Dinah"
S. Toledo Sherry, government in
spector of Indian schools, arose in his
seat during the general meeting of
the state teachers Friday morning to
inquire what is the constitution of the
Nebraska State Teachers' association
between friends. . '
Miss Lida Lee Tall of Baltimore
was addressing the teachers when
Mr. Sherry obtained the privilege of
the floor to ask that the rules be sus
pended and tS00 belated teachers be
admitted to the Auditorium.
A rule of the association prohibits
admittance during a number of the
program. This morning's meeting had
been announced in various ways to
begin, at 9:30, but it was not called un
til 9:35 and 500 arrived after that
time, to remain outside until' Mr.
Sherry's persistence at the door over
came the guard. Once inside, the In
dian school inspector hastened to a
vantage point in the balcony and
straightway affected an entrance for
the 500 teachers who were late.
President Martha Powell of the as
sociation, declared that all who were
late should remain after school fifteen
Mae H. Schreiber of Boston, one of
the principal speakers before the as
sociation, was curious to know what
the teachers who were late would say
if 500 of their pupils were tardy at
Mr. Sherry was so happy in having
gained his point that he joined in
singmg the chorus of "Aunt Dinah's
Quilting Party" , the community
singing led by Thomas J; Kelly.
4 .
War Department Social Evil
Sleuth Finds Gate City So
Clean He Will Tarry
Only One Day.
Henry F. Burt of the War depart
ment commission on training camp
activities arrived in Omaha Friday
morning to open his campaign to min
imize social evils which tempt Uncle
Sam's soldiers in the encampments
near Omaha. J
"I .have had an investigator in
Omaha this week. lie is one of the
best in his line of work in the coun
try and I can say that Omaha is one
of the cleanest citiesi from a moral
standpoint, that we have visited. We
have found none better. This inves
tigator when I arrived told me he
found no street walkers nor open
houses of prostitution. He heard
there were a few places known as as
signation houses which have been re
ported to the chief of police," stated
Mr. Burt.
The government man said he found
it necessary to remain a week in Kan
sas City, but will be here only today.
He described conditions in Kansas
City as "very loose."
Praise ror Omaha, r ,
He was sincere in giving Omaha a
fine credit mark for moral cleanliness.
He does not wish to be understood
as savinc thrrp i nn immftralitv' iii
Omaha, but said he would report tfiat
as a metropolitan city he found. Oma-
U -I!. t t .L. A
nn uiiusuaiiy irec irum ine icnipia
tions he is removing from places near
encampments and forts.
This government man conferred
with Mayor Dahlman and Chief of
Police Dunn and was assured hearty
co-operation in attaining the end he is
"Secretary Baker has high ideals in
matters of oersonal nuritv.. We are
striving to furnish the soldiers in the
encampments with interesting and
healthy activities and to protect them
front evils' which experience has
showp reduces the efficiency of the
army, Mr. Burt added.
Prive Against Disease.
He stated that the War department
is making a determined drive against
certain infectious diseases which were
manifested to an alarming extent dur
ing the time the soldiers were at the
Mexican border.
"Worse than that," Mr. Burt re
Ihe commission on training camp
activities, created by the secretary of
war, in an official bulletin announced
the following law enforcement measures:
First Elimination of commercial
ized prostitution in the cantonment
zones. i
Second Repression of clandestine
Third Control of alcohol and
other aids of prostitution.
Fourth Combating of gambling,
use of drugs and other harmful prac
tice- - r AMsV-w '.
Secretary Stryker of Live
Stock Exchange Confident
Minimum Price on Hogs
Will Bring Returns.
"A careful review of the statement
made by Herbert Hoover, food com
missioner, and J. P. Cotton, chief of
the meat division of the food admin
istration, shows 'that it is the inten
tion of the department to do all in its
power to stabilize market conditions
and to protect the producer," says A.
F. Stryker, secretary and traffic man
ager of the South Omaha Live Stock
"Thev will soon have the ourchas-
ing power of all orders from. the army,
the navy tho alliesj the Belgian re
lief, tho Red Cross, and the neutral
countries. This power, together with
the rigid control they expect to exer
cise over the packing industries,
places ihm in a position where they
feel confident they can keep the mini
mum price on the average drove of
packers' hogs at Chicago at about
$15.50 or better. This refers to this
year's crop of hogs which will nat
urally be marketed in the near future,
while the hogs that will be farrowed
next spring and marketed next year
they will endeavor to see are bought
on a basis of" the cost of 13 bushels
of corn to 100 pounds of live hogs,"
added Mr. Stryker.
"The price of corn used in the feed
ing is to be arrived at by taking the
average cost of corn for each month
from the time the sows are bred until
the pigs are marketed, taking into
consideration the approximate amount
of corn consumed by every hog for
each month during the 12 months.
This puts the minimum price on hogs
for many months to come on a basis
that ought to insure the producer a
substantial profit regardless of the
price of corn during the coming
year- ... . . .
Mr. Hoover has announced that
he intention of fixing, directly
or indirectly; the price of cattle or
sheep. Therefore, we believe that
every stockman is fully justified in
enlarging his feeding and breeding
operations so far as his surroundings j
will permit. ,
Amsterdam, Nov. 9. The Rheinische Westfalischfl
Zeitung of Essen, Germany, publishes a Stockholm telegram
saying that Premier Kerensky has been arrested.
London, Nov. 9. A telegram reaching Amsterdam from,
a German source and forwarded by the Central News says the
Russian army oh the northern front has joined the Maximalists
and is marching on Petrograd.
(Br Associated Ftms.)
Petrograd, Nov. 9. At the Smolny Institute The Associ
ated Press was informed that two detachments of troops head
ed for Petrograd in response to an early appeal from former
Premier Kerensky were met outside the city by commissioners
and persuaded to return to the front. The correspondent also
was informed that the armies on the northern front had elected
a revolutionary committee which declared in support of the
congress. A delegation from the Eleventh army, which arrived
in Petrograd yesterday has joined the revolted garrison. -
Garfield Limits Coal
For Use of Electric Signs
".Washington, Nov. 9. ThT govf
ernment's first move towards elimi
nating nonessential industries to
save coal was made tonight in an
order by the fuel administrator
limiting the use of fuel for electric
display advertising to the hours
between 7:45 and 11 o'clock p. m.
A score of other industries will be
affected by similar orders that will
be issued as soon as a complete
classification is made.
Faced by the realization that coal
production cannot keep pace with
the present rate of consumption the
fuel administration is ready if nec
essary to guarantee supplies only
for domestic users and industries
either necessary in the conduct of
the war or vital to the public.
French and British Represen
tatives, Including Lloyd
George, Confer With ,
, King Emmanuel, v
Italian Army Heaiquarters.s
Thursday, Nov. 8. The conference
of British, French and Italian rep
resentatives has resulted in the crea
tion of a permanent inter-allied mili
tary committee. New leadership for
the Italian army has been provided.
General Cadorna, who has been in
supreme command of the Italian
army since the beginning of the war,
has been given a place on the new
Berlin, Nov. 9. -The Austrb-Ger-man
forces in northern Italy, over
coming the resistance of the Italian
rear guards, are advancing toward
the Piave river, the war office an
nounces. The communication follows:
"The Livenza river has been
crossed. The allied (Austro-German)
armies, overcoming the resistance of
the Italian rear guards, are advanc
ing ceaselessly in mountain roads and
on the plain, in driving snow and
pouring rain, toward the Piave."
(Bjr Associated Press.)
Italian Military Zone, Thursday,
Nov. 8. both British and French
troops arc going toward the front.
The French and British representa.
tives who have come to Italy had a
conference 6f two hours today wjth
King yictor Emmanuel. The mili
tary measures called for by the pres
ent situation were discussed in ac
tive and cordial collaboration. On
leaving the king the party' visited
French and British troops going to
ward the front, , '
In the Iparty are the British pre
mier, David Lloyd George; the
French premier, Paul Painleve; the;
Italian premier, Vittorio Orlando;
Lieutenant General Sir William Rob
ertson, chief of the imperial staff at
British army headquarters; Major
General Wilson, sub-chief, of the
British general staff; General Smuts,
formerly the British commander in
South Africa; the Italian foreign min
ister, Baron Sounino; the French
minister of missions abroad, Henry
Franklin Bouillon; General Foch,
chicf-of-staff of the French war min
istry, and their staffs.
Horrors! The Teachers Used Slang,
And in Their Literary Talk, Too
Miss Mac K. Schreiber. Boston,
and Dr. Albert Perry Brighani, Col
gate university, used slang expres
sions yesterday afternoon during their
talks before the literature section of
the Nebraska Slate Teachers' asso
ciation, in the auditorium of the
Young Mens Christian association.
I iss schreiber said Cut it out
Dr. Brigham said, "Up against it."
The Coleate university educator
excused himself on the plea that he
could not choose other words which
would better express his meanine.
The Boston woman offered no
apology for her slang.
Ihe meeting was well attended.
many standing during the program.
"English as a Training for Citizen
ship," was discussed by Superin
tendent Beverid$e, who was first
speaker. "It - is a self-evident
fact that English is valuable training
for citizenship. To be a good citizen
you must have a sound-thinking mind.
I believe that English is the most
valuable study of the curriculum," said
the Omaha superintendent. He re
ferred to citizenship as "The sum of
the worth-while qualities which xo
to make up the individual." He ex
plained his reference to English as
a study included spelling, reading and
study of literature.
Dr. Brigham urged that the style
makes the man and to gain a style
that is worth while one should read,
study and travel. Miss Schreiber
contended' that bad English in the
class room is due more to habit than
any other cause.
'When Johnny says, Tvdone it,' it
is not the fault of his English, but
it is a habit he has cultivated," said
Miss Schreiber, who spoke on the
siibjct. of "English Caught, Not
Taught,' -
A French officer, it Is reDorted. was
wounded during last night's action.
The losses of the workmen's and sol
diers' organization are said to be one t
sailor killed and several wounded.
The casualties among the defenders of
the Winter Palace are placed at about
30 killed and wounded.
"We plan to offer an immediate
armistice of three months, during
which elected representatives from all
nations and not the diplomats, are to
settle the questions of peace," said
Nikolai Lenine, the maximalist leader,
in a speech before the workmen's and .7
soldiers congress today.
- "We offer these teraitrttflmfc
added, "but wa are willing to consider
any proposals for peace' no matter
from , which side. We offer a Just
peace, but will not accept unjr "
terms." r ,
The municipal council has estab
lished a committee of public safety
composed of members of the mu
nicipality and deputies of the work
men's and soldiers' congress. The
peasants' and workmen's committee
also is holding itself at the disposal
of the population in, the event of ex
cesses being committed. The banks
are still closed, and many ehops have
not been reopened.
The newspapers appeared as usual
this morning with the exception of
the Bourse Gazette and the Rusky
Avolia. The offices of the latter have
been taken over by the soldiers'- and
workmen's delegates for the publi
cation ot their omoal organ, the
Rabotchaia Gazette, which was sup
pressed by Kerensky.
Petrograd, , Friday, Nov. 9.
Confirmation, was obtained tonight
that the former ministers of the pro
visional government who were ar- .
rested by the military revolutionary
committee have been incarcerated in
the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul.
The confirmation was given by the
commissioner in command of the ,
fortress, who received the Associated ;
Press correspondent and personally
explained to him the details regarding
the confinement of the ministers. .
The cabinet members, he said, were
all arrested at the Winter palace after
its surrender early this morning. They
were taken to the fortress, where
they were placed in solitary confine
ment, but are courteously treated. He 1
gave a list of those taken into cus
tody as follows:
Sixteen Imprisoned.
M. Maslov, minister of agriculture;
vM. I. Tercstchenko, minister of for
eign affairs; M. Nikitin, minister of
the interior; M. Liverevsy, minister of
ways and communications; M. Bern
atsky, minister of finance; M. Smir
noff, state controller; M. Malyanto
vitch, minister of justice; M. Gvoz
deff, minister of labor; A. I. Konova
loff, minister of trade and industries;
Admiral Verdervski, minister of
marine; M. Kishkin, minister of pub- .
Ik welfare; M. Nanikovsky, who sue- ;
ceeded General Verkhovski as min-
ister of war; M. Kartsheff, minister
of religion, and M. Tretyakoff, pres
ident of the ecumenical council.
In addition, Chief of Staff Bagra- j
tuni and many of his subordinates ;
were arrested. '
The commissioner said he did not
know the whereabouts of Premier
Kerensky. who had "run away.".
Marks of Struggle. ' ' !
Tctrograd. Nov. 9. The bullet
spattered Winter palace, vthe only
ocular sign of the remarkable trans
ference of power that has taken place
in Petrograd, drew tens of thousands
of curious among the populace to the
(Continued on Page Scron, Column One.) j
Ranlf Rnhhore Rot $1 Q HHO . 1
At Concord," Michigan
Jackson, Mich., Nov. 9. The Farm
ers' State bank in the village of Con
cord. JO miles south of here, was
wrecked by burglars early today. Th
bandits escaped with about $18,01
in cash, t-xplosions in the ban's'
trarteA .11.. t ,ll..H. t,... t1. ,mm
kept at bay by armed
the bank, leleg:
wires bad been
in two automobil