THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1917. 11 FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Office and Desk Room. FINEST OFFICLS IN OMAHA. FIRST NATIONAL BANIC BLDO., FIRST TRUST CO.. AO E NTS. ROOM 400. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. it i FOR RENT AN IDEAL SUITE OF BACHELORS' QUARTERS FOR SIX YOUNG MEN. This suite, consisting of six rooms. Is srery beautifully furnished and Is in a high-class fireproof building In which there Is a cafe where excellent meals may be secured whenever desired. - As a place suitable In every way for six young bachelor . business men, who have accumulated books and other personal be longings and paraphernalia, there is noth- Ilng Its equal In Omaha, as will be seen by the following description: t The rooms of this suite open off a large private corridor there Is an Immense room which may be used as a library; still , another larger room which may be used '' as a living room both these rooms having fireplace and both opening Into n large 1 sun parlor which has windows on the Kast, South and West. On the opposite side of the corridor are three vary fine a Denrooms in wmcu uouuie or Lwin Deus, i whichever desired, will be placed. There are two bath rooms, both of which I have a tub and a shower, and in addition, this apartment has seven large clothes !. closets. In fact, If there is a group of six bachelors In this City who would like to find an Ideal suite of quarters at a very reasonable cost, here Is something that . is sure to satisfy. 4 Interested f -parties may Inspect this apartment at anytlme. For further Information address BOX 1603. OMAHA BEE. Furnished parlor and bed room with bath. For Rent An elegantly furnished par lor and bedroom with private bath In a modern fireprooof building. First-class cafe In building. Suitable for man and wife, or two men, tt or business man looking for a comfortable home. This is an unusual offer. Refer ences required. Address Box 8218. Omaha Bee. Houses. 6TRICTLY modern 8-room house furnished or unfurnished; hot water heat. 1014 S. 2Rth. I-ROOM, all-modern furnished house for rent, reasonable to reliable party. Call H. r.iM. 1 7-ROOM furnished house with garage. 426 N. 41st St. Call Tyler 2146-J. ROR RENT HOUSES West. SIX room house, partly modern for rent. 831 S. 21sf St. Reduced rent. Har. 2705. North. 6-ROOM house, all modern, $20, 2802 Maple. 5 room. $12.60; 2710 Seward St. 4-Room modern with barn, $12, 2639 Sew ard St. Douglas 2802. $13.00 5-R. COTTAGE, 2924 Burdette. $15.00 5-r. cottage, 2304 Fnjmklln. W. H. GATES, Omaha Naf Bk. Blag. l-ROOM modern . houae, partly furnished, $26.00. Webster 844. 4128 N. $7TH AVE. 6 rooms, $12. John N. I Frenser, Douglas 664. South. 2806 8. 34TH ST. 6 -room, strictly modern. Just being com plated, built-in buff ets, nicely finished in oak, with oak floors throughout; will dec orate to suit purchaser; price $3,600, $200 cash, balance 130 per month. C, O. CARLBERG, 810-813 Brandels Theater Bjrflg fl9 So. 24th Ave., rms. $27.60 809 So. 31st St., S rms 30.00 1504-06 Georgia Ave., 8 rms. 30.00 2408 St. Mary's Are., 8 rms 36.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room brick flat, nearly new strictly modern, S blocks south from city library. 1968 Jones St. 2912 Mason St.: strictly modern 6-room cot tage, newly papered and painted. Call Web. 2174. FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent. 609 So. 62nd. Phone Wal. 8779. Miscellaneous. 706 N. 30th St.. 1 rooms, mod.. $20. 2222 S, 31st St., 6 rms., mod-. Hanacom park district, $35. S814 Hamilton St, 6 rms., mod., $30. 911 N. 24th -St., 3d fir., 1 rms., mod. ex. heat, ll 17A A. P. TUKEY & SON, 620 First National Bank BIdg. Doug-. 802 ,4619 CAPITOL AVE., 9-r., all-mod.. $25.00. I 933 N. 24th. s-r.. mod. ex. heat. (16.50 2012 Bancroft, 4-r., mod. ex. ht., elec. It., 113.60. .'. 3322 Camden Ave., 6-r., 4 acre, $18.00. lOlf N. 18th, 4-r part mod., $9.00. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 721 VHAT HAVE VOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments? Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city. Want to deal direct with own ers, no agents. TBLEPHONE DOUGLAS 1016 CORNER brick flat, 6 large rooms, oak floors. Very fine flat, $26. 1802 N. 16th St, being corner 16th and Clark. - THOMAS W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1300. $502007 St. Mary's, 10 rooms, mod. brick. ?4o 1817 cap. Ave., 10 rooms, mod. 308167 Davenport, 8 rooms, mod. 10109 8. !8th, 4 rooms, water paid. RINGWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Bldg. $20 STRICTLT mod. 4-room flat on north 18th St.. practically walking distance: $13 nice, comfortable 5 -room cottage 8. 11th t water rent paid. Call Doug. 420. 6-ROOM nifty, mod. stucco house, $40 De sirable location, references. Om, Rental Exch., 713 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D, 3519 FOR RENT Houses 6 to 9 rooms, In all parts of the city. ALLEN A BARRETT, bis Bee, uouglaa 7768. Houses In all paits of the city. CREIOH. SONS & CO.. 608 Bee Bldg 6 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 211 N Uth St. Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY SKKVICE FREE Phone Douglas 2S8 for complete Hat of vacant bouse., and apart ments. Also for storage, movlag. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Matn Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN ND STORAGE! CO., 802 S. J 6th. Douglas 4168 Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4388 Jp pppn Express Co.. Moving . s. IXLjLjU packing and Btorsge. iim Farnam St. Web. 2748 Doug 6146 OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING Large van, two men, $1.50 per hour. MAGGARD'S STORAGE CO Doug '49 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. s FINE modern seven-room Dundee home with garajre, corner lot 60 and Davenport, large shade trees, everything In first class condition, price, $5.o6o. 203 Morrla Apts, 18th and Dodge Sts. 4 ROOMS, city (wdier. electrio lights. 2 large corner 'lot southwest of Hanscom park; $100 cash, balance monthly. Wal nue 3466. 16-ROOM house, well located, 4 blocks from 24th and Farnam, on easy terms, or will rent to responsible party. Owner at 3626 Dodge St. North. DOUBLE HOUSE. " LIKE NEW. LIVE IN PART. RENT PART. 2928 North 14th Avenue. A good 9-room house, east front, corner lot. full cement basement, 6 rooms and bath on first floor, 4 rooms with toilet and lavatory on second floor. House Is newly painted cn the exterior, redecorated and woodwork all reflnlshed on the Interior, making the house as good as new. Built about 2 years and built to accommodate 2 separate families or can he used by one family. An Ideal place for a railroad man and the best buy we know of for sale today. Price $3,950 and can arrange reasonable terms. II I ATT COMPANY, 245-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. ,1 The Coronado Apartments 22d and Capitol Ave. New, beautl.'ul 2-room apartments, with th'ee-room accommodations, now ready for occupancy. All apartments outside rooms and contain, built-in beds, dresser, refrigerator. Incinerator and other modern conveniences. Beautiful grounds; 8 minutes' walk from 16th and Farnam 8ts. Rent, $39.60 winter, $33.60 summer. BENSON & MYERS CO., (Realtors) 424 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. Doug. 746. ST. CLAIR. 24tb and Harney: 3 and 4-room apart msnts. Call Harney 647. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen. AA Ins Hrtn vitk s? , n a-. 1478. North. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK. CENTRAL ' 3 or 4 mi. apt. tile bath halls, steam heat, electric lighting; everything the best Tel. Red 4133. ;offlce 220 N. 23d St. NEW 6-room Ape. second floor, steam heat, nunc late, eJS.BU, API. , Maple LOUft, 1818 Maple St. Telephone Douglas 2802. 3 or -r. ateam-heatfd flats. Red 4S1 South. STEAM heated -act. In Scareo Blk. 4 rms. , E. H. Banner Co. D406. WANTED TO RENT We CAN rent your house at once. Irtfer state Realty Co., 913-14 City National. Douglas 2819. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WILL sell cheap two Boston bull outs fe male. 6066 Military Ave. AFTER looking at MINNB LUSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they hacked their luilement by buying lots. iv YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742, Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. Tyler 187, REAL ESTATE B'new Prpty DESIRABLE store rooms, modern front metal celling, steam heat. 614-616 So. 16th St.; else 32x60: can be subdivided: low rent. Conrad Touug, 323 Brandels Theater Bldg . Douglas 1671. YOUNG & DOHERTY, City Real Estate. Douglas 1571. 382 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE, or will consider trade on the following: 320-a. Imp. farm. Clay county. South Dakota: 320-a. Imp. farm Cedar county, Nebraska; 80-a. Imp. farm Audu bon county, Iowa; nearly new 6-room house. Omaha. Paul Peterson, 362-4 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Tel. D. 1280 or Wal. 3106. WE have a client who owns (40 aores In SHrqx county. Neb., represented as having no sand or rock and over 600 acres good farm land. Price $20 per acre. Will take a good residence in on this land. K. P. SNOWDKN A SON., 423 S. 16th St. Doug. 9371. FINE Lucas Co.. Ia. stock and grain farm for clear Canada land; owners answer with full description and price. W. J. Good, Charlton, Ia. REAL ESTATE Unimproved .West. Our Special Discount AND Clean-up Sale OK WEST FARNAM LOTS Begins today and continues for this week only. Those lots are within almost walking distance of the business center of the city; all are within one to three blocks of the West Farnam and Dundee car lines; and every lot has sewer, city water, sidewalks, gas, and shade Trees Paving now being done on most of the streets. Some of these splendid building lots will be sold as low as $345 $25 Cash Now Is the time to buy. Phone Douglas 6074. and let us show you these bargains. SHULER & CARY, (Realtors) 202-6 Keellne Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, 6 and ( per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-418 Keellne Bldg.. l?th and Harney. $1,200 MTO. bearing ( pet. semi-annually, (cored by property valued at $61,000. Tal-madgo-Luomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. fi" W. BINDER. Money on hsnd for mortagage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SHOP EN A CO.. PRIVATE MONET EDWARD F. Williams, real estate, rentals and Insurance. 803-4 Omaha Natlonul bank. $ToV to$TuTiitio MADE promptly. F. D Wead. Wead BJdg.. 18th and Farnam Sts MONET to loan on improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R. E. C. 1016 Omaha Nat'I 5 NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W, TGRAHAM, 604 HeeJIIdg MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. 0 916 Omar Nat. Bank Bldg. TY GARVIN BROS. O LOANS. Om. Nat. Bk Bldg LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. THOMAS A BON. Keellne Bllg LOW RATES C. G CARLBERO, 313 Bran dels Theater Bldg D. 66 Stocks and Bonds. i SIX per cent first mortgages secured by improved real estate located In Omaha. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keellne Building. OMAHA LIYE STOCK Cattle Prices Even With Last Week; Demand For Feed ers; Hog Prices Are of Oats Heavy. Omaha, October 2. 1HT. ' Receipts were: Cattle, Hots. Slieep. Kstlimit Monday 13,000 3.200 16.000 Same day last werk. . .14.361 S,S6 24.781 Same day 2 wks. ago. 14.144 3.378 St.701 Same day 3 wks. acu.. 14,667 2,J 18,7J Same day 4 wka. ago. .16. 640 1.878 36.228 Same day last year 16.S08 7.846 10.307 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'n Ion Stock, Omaha, Neb., for 84 hours ending at 3 oVIurk yesterday: RKOKIPTP OARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C, M. St. P... Missouri Pacific. . . I'nlon Pacific O. A N. V., east. O. - N. W., went O . St. P., M. o 0 . H. Q , cast. O, H. & Q, west. 0 It. I. A P , eaat . O., It. I. P., west Illinois Central. . . . Chicago Gt. West. . Total receipts. 3 1 127 8 140 3 1S4 14 4 3 3 . 461 I 11 1 7 4 60 1 69 68 GRAIN MDPRODOCB Cash Corn Takes Another Slump; Decline is Five to Eight Cents; Receipts Are Heavy. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & Bl.DO. ASSOCIATION. North. MiNNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near :4th St., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must bs sold. Call owner evenings, Walnut 70. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. All modern, oak finish, $300 down, bal ance monthly. This Is a bargain. See us at once. TRAVER BROTHERS. 819 First National Bank Bldg. NOBBY 6-R. mod. home, near 17th and Manderson; bargain for $3,800, and will take In lot or auto. F. D. Wead. 310 s. mtn NEAT North Omaha cottage, $1,860. Small payments. Phone Doug. 4268. South. ONE 6-room and one 4-room coUage, both on one lot; fine condit r.; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2483 8. 20tb St. NORRI3 & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4370 Miscellaneous. CLASSY BUNGALOW Five-room bungalow, classy outside and Inside.' Price $3,850; reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 643 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1723. FOR SALE One acre, 6-room modern bouse, two blocks from school and street car; 14.600, terms. S. S. & R. 13. Moht.romery. 213 City National. S SM'ITH W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1330 Farnam St Doug. 1061. R. S. TRUMBULL 1306 1st Nat: Bk. Bldg. D. 1T34. REAL ESTATE Investment - -- -' " 1 INVESTMENTS WORTHWHILE $6,500 Double frame flat, walking dis tance; rented at $60 per 'month. $8,000 Brick flat, extra well, built, 13 rooms; near Clarkson hospital; ranital val ue, $75 per month; right in line of develop ment. $8,500 Brick flats near Crelghton Col lege; always rented at $90 per month. $13,600 Brick' flats, close-in, three apartments of 8 rooms each. A high-class building, always occupied at $135 per month. Being sacrificed for quick sale; mortgage $7,600. $30,000 24th and DOUGLAS, 60x162 with improvements paying $1,800 a year. Ground alone worth the money. No ques tion about the future for this property. $30,000 Brick store building on 24th Street: high-class tenants at $3,000 a year. Ground, 80x132. $30.000 DOWN TOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY with full lot; brick Improve ments paying yearly rental of $2,658. This U Just two blocks from 16th and Howard and right In line of development; $8,000 cash will handle. - $60,000 High-class apartment house, close-in, showing net rental of $4,000 per year, being better than 10 per cent net on the equity. Would consider desirable smaller property as part payment. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors TWENTY ACRES JUST NORTH OF BENSON WELL IMPROVED $7,500 This lays nearly level. About IT acres farmed; 200 fruit trees; 6-room house good barn and new poultry bouse and hogs shed; one-third fenced hog-tight. Rea sonable terms can be arranged. Call Ty' ler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors. 1614 Harney street. Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure ana see GEORGE & CO.. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SHULER & CART. 204 Keellne. D. (074. South Side. STEAM HEATED Apt., in Scargo Blk., rms. E. H. Benner Co., Douglas 8406. Acreage. ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Good tract, fair Improvements. If Interested call in person lor Miner at Her Orand hotel. - CALDWELL ACRES. Our new acreage addition southwest of the Field club. Acres, half acres, quarter acres; easy teims. THE BYRON REED CO. Phone Douglas 297. 213 S. 17th St FIVE acres ' west' of Elmwood park, Ideal suburban home site; could be aubdlvided. There Is a real future to this. Let me show you. Telephone Walnut 8466. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO BUY Have a number of clients for houses and bungalows, ranging In price from $3,000 to $7,000. See me If you want to sell your home. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor), 200 uranaeis l neater amg. Phone Douglas 96. Douglas 3982. 81J-20 City National. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & BON. REALTORS. 620 First Nat'I Bank Bldg. FOR Investment or home see us first. In the real estate businfss over 30 years. Profit by our experience. ' McCague In vestment Co. WANT best 7-room frame residence that $9,000 will buy; must be north of Dodge and west of Forty-eight; fronting east or south; also best 6-room house In same district having same frontage, for $5,000. MARTIN INVESTMENT CO. Douglas 6691 HAVE splendid clear building lot, north part of city; would like to put in as first payment in 6 or 6-room modern home; state location of your property in answer ing. Box 8576, Omaha Bee. WANT farm for nearly new double brick flats on main thoroughfore, rented $70 a month; would like 80 acres, eastern Ne braska, improved. Box 8575, Omaha Bee WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $200 to. 1600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 486. 701 Oma. Nat. Hank Bldg. LISTING bouses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 411 Karbacn Blk. D. 3603. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years: Interest 6 per cent, (U per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1623 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The best 320-acre farm in the Red River Valley of Western Minnesota. This farm is well im proved and is situated two and a half miles from city of Crookston and one mile from the state experimental farm, on a graded and gravelled road. Has three feet of good black soil over a good sub-soil. Will raise thirty bushels of two dollar wheat, or two hundred and fifty bushels of potatoes per acre. Is well drained and good talfalfa land and will raise good corn of an early variety. Crookston is a town of about 15,000, has good schools and churches and two main lines of railroad. This farm is priced for a quick sale at $90 per acre. 'Good terms, and I. might take in some clear in come property. Answer quick if you want a real bargain. ' S. . MELCHERT, Bloomfield, Iowa. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. RANCHES 3,880 acres, Chase county, 3 miles to county seat, well fenced, plenty of run ning water. Price, $35.00 per aero; will take an eastern Neb. farm as part pay ment. 3,840 aores, solid body, well Improved, close to good town, Lincoln county; 700 acres cultivated, good fences; $12.00 per acre. Terms to suit. 1,080 a"resy Clarfleld county; two good sets of Improvements, well fenced, $ miles of Water front. Loup river, 400 aores cultivated, two miles to town. Price, $60,000. If these ranches are too large, I have all kinds of smaller ones tell me what you want, as I can without a doubt satisfy you. I A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbach Block, Omaha. Neb. 1,720 ACRES on Niobrara river, six miles from railroad town; 701) acres good, level farm land; ?50 acres In cultivation; 160 acres of Niobrara bottom, part of which Is the best of hay land; balance of ranh rolling to rough pasture; well graesed. River and Bear croek furnish an abun dance of stock water, plenty of timber for fuel and fence posts, as well as affording protection for stock. Improvements located in a fine native grove. In the valley and consist of 6-room house, two barns, silo and other ouiuyngs School house located on ranch. This Is a well-balanced ranch. Our price $15 per acre; easy terms. Kloke Investment Co., 34S Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Hogs. Sheep. 303 4C6 741 461 1.090 3SS 618 .... 14.466 VERY choice, level 400 acres Improved farm. 8 miles from Omaha. Price $260 per acre. Would rent to right man for three years, w. a. uiackweii, Harney lis 3618 Farnam St., Omaha. SMALL Nebraska farm on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm wa sell you The Hungerford Potato Orowers association, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 9371 FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required C. Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C. J. Canan. 310 McCague Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Cheap, my Improved 166-acre farm near Ponca, Neb., easy terms If desired. Address Dr. C. W. Glllln, 616 F. L. 4 T Bldg, Sioux City. Ia. A FIRST-CLASS 220-acre farm, 4Vt miles from Hartlngton, Neb. Well Improved and all good land, will sell or exchange See O. A. Kull. Oakland. Neb. Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project, Oregon, 44,000 acres irrigated land Free map. Next ex cursion November 6th. HARLE7 J. HOOKER. 940 First Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaba. Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND, Wyoming farinfl. He$iry Levi and C. M. Rylander, 864-6. Omaha National bank. Texas Lands. LANDS at fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands of South Texas, immediately adjacent fine mar ket. Farming and dairying demonstra tion under our direction. Only Improved lands offered for sale. If you want to own a farm, write for Booklet J, Agricul tural Dept., Chambor of Commerce, Hous ton, Texas. GOOD corn land, East Texas, $25 an acre; Get my free book. W 8. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Miscellaneous. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Get a farm home In rich corn and clover belt long new 800 line, 60 miles St. Paul-Minneapolis. Landseekers all say. "I saw nothing bet ter.'' You 11 like this wonderfully pros perous stock and- dairy region too. Rich sotls, hardwood timber, plenty rainfall, healthful climate, beautiful lakes, fine schools, creameries everywhere. Prices $16 per acre and up, Improved or wild; easy terms. Maps and List free, Baker, N 117, St. Croix Falls. Wis MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total cost, $3.60. $40, 6 mo., indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60 Smaller, large am'ts proportionate tats PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Morris Co 874 Swift Company ... .1.931 Cuohy Packing Co..l.4H9 Armour Co 1,262 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing t'o .. . 73 Wilson Packing Co.. 34 W. II. Vsnsnnt Co. . . . 19 Hill A Son 331 K. 11. Lewis 624 Hunalnger & Oliver. . . 8.1 J. 11. Root & Co 76 .1. H. Bulla Ill Burrows 1S3 Roscnstock Bros...... 876 F. G. Kellogg 251 Werthelmer & Degen. 35 Fill 35 Sullivan Bros 7H Rothschild A Kreba. . . M Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 1S6 Christie 5 Huffman .... 7 Roth SS Baker. Jones & Smith 371 Banner Bros 61 x John Harvey "10 Dennis & Francis 19 Jensen & Lungren.... 1"8 Pat O'Day 16 Other buyers 1.635 Totals 10,338 3.165 18,387 Cattle Cattl receipts were hanily as lalKii as dealers were expecting, some 12, OHO head being reported In up to noon, and the quality of the offerings was rather common all around. A few warmed up steers were offered, but the big bulk or the supply consisted of western rsngers on the near beef order. Compared with the close of last week showed no particular change. Any thing that the killers wanted or on which he feeder buyers came in competition sold fully as well as on Thurxlay ana Friday, while on the light weight ana common quality steers It was the usual catch as catch can trade, with the feeling rather wnik than otherwise. In rows and heifers there was a little more activity than a week ago, and for the most (tart last week's good advance In she stock was firmly held. Demand for stock cattls and feeding steers showed some Improvement over last week, and tho cattle that wore good enough to attract competition sold at stronger prices. On the ordinary light weight and off quality Btuff tho market was much the same as last week, very uneven and uncertain. Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves, $16.0016.6O; good to choice beeves, $14.00 15.00; fair to good beeves, $12.00913.60; common to fair beeves, $7.00011. 0ft; good to choice yearlings. $14.00016.50; fair to good yearlings, $13.00014.00; common to fair yearlings, $6.60011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $13. 00& 13.60; good to cholcs grass beeves, llO OOtfll 60; fr to good grain! beeves, $3.00 (ft 10.00; common to fair grass beeves, $7,0048.60; good to choice heifers, $7.6003.00; fair to good cows, $6.3607.60; common to fair rows, $5.0006.86; prime feeding steers, $10.50 0 18.00; good to cholcs feeders, $8.60(910.25; fair to good feeders, $7.3508.26; common to fair feeders, $6,000 7.00; good to choice stockers, $8.6001.10; stock heifers, 36.6OJH8.00; stock cowt, $6,000 7.60; stock calves, $6.00010.00; veal calves, $8.00012.60; bulla, stags, etc, $5.6007.50. Representative aales: No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. COWS. 3 880 $6 60 18 347 $5 60 6 830 65 6 333 7 60 NEBRASKA. 26 steers.. f26 8 00 2 steers. .1114 $ 60 (1 calves.. 831 8 86 Hogs The supply of hogs today was light, only a limited supply being on hand. Trade wan active from the beginning. Shippers wero buying a few, and packers were evi dently out to buy all they could get, and paid prices that were 150360 higher than last week's cJosn. A good clearance was made before 10 o'clock. Flva loads wers re ported back, anil buyers wsre still in the yards waiting for the late arrivals, the market closing stronger on Iste sales. The top was $16.30, with the bulk of the sales going at $16.1016.2. General quality was Just common. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av, 67. .270 140 $1 00 66. .814 7D..187 21. .312 38. .270 F.3..271 86.. 107 180 SO 13.. 81 Sheep off to 16 10 16 20 ... 16 30 PIGS. ... 16 00 26. .136 .. -Not enough fat lambs teat tho market. Bh. Pr. . .. $16 OS 16 16 16 26 70 16 were on Demand seemed to bo fairly good and tho feeling was atroiiKor, quotable top on fat lambs being 317. on. Fat ewes were active and 26o higher top being $10.50. Feeder lambs were about steady. Offerings were father common as a general thing, the few good ones that here Bellinir at $17.30017.36. Feeding ewes at $9.50 were steady with last week. A couplo of bunches of feeding yearlings brought $13.00 and one hand reached $13.35. CJuotatalons on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice. $16.00017.00; lambs, 100a- ers, $l6.&ooiv.ou; tamos, cune, u.u"w 16.26; yearlings, fair to Choice, ii.du(h 12.76: yearlings. feeders, $13.00013.26; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00012.60; ewes, fair to choice, 19.76010.50; ewes, breeders, all ages, $10.50il3.60; ewes, feeders, $7.60 010.26; ewes, culls and canners, LEOAL RATES LOANS $34.00 $210.00 or more Easy payments. Utmost privacy ?40 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2293. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DIAMONDS and Jewelry loans at 1V4 and 21, per cent. W. C. Flatau; entail. 1892, 6th floor Rose-Serurltles Bldg. Tyler 50. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths Harry Malashock, 1514 Dcdge. D. 6613. Est. 1891. Coffee Market. New York, Oct. 29. Coffee The atteiir tlon of the coffee trade seemed to be largely absorbed by the ocean frelKht situation and the reported scarcity of steamer room of fering In Brazil. At the same time, offers of coffee by sailing vessels were reported lower, while the news from Italy also served the bold buyers in check ami fluctuations were irregular. The opening in futures was unchanged to 2 points lower under liquida tion with March selling off to 7.30c and July to 7.64c during the early trading. Rallies followed on covering which carried March up to 7.35c and July Ui 7.70c with the market closing net 1 point lower to 3 points higher. October. 7.0lc; December, 7.11c; Jsnuary, 7.19c; March, 7.36c; May, 7.61o; July, 7.69c; September, 7.84e. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7. 8c; Santos 4s, 9'4c Offers by steamer from Braxll were scarce and hlpher with shippers asking 4c for Santos 4s. London credits, and 7.66e for Rio 7s. Rio 7s wiro offered at 7.15o by sale. The official cables reported no change In Brazilian markets except Santos futures were unchanged to 25 rnls higher. Chicago Live Htork Market. Chicago, Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts, 36,000 head; market weak; native steers, $8,760 17.00; western steers. $0.20013. 70; stockors and feeders, $6.00 11.50; cows and heifers, $6.00&12.10; calves, $8. 00015. 00. Hogs Receipts, 26,000; market strong. 20c above Saturday average; bulk of sales, $16,201916.66; light, $14.iiO016.5: mixed, $15.005016.76; heavy, $14 90fc 16.75; rough, 14.30016.15; pigs, $10.60014.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 24.000: mar ket steady; wethers, $8.75012.76; ewes, $7.76011.25; lambs. $12.26017.50. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 29. Corn No. t mixed, $1.1401.98; No. 3 white, $2.1603.11; No. 3 yellow, $2.0002.02; December. $1.18 Hi January, $1.16 U. Oats No. 2 white, 69iA59ic: No. 2 mixed, 68Hfj69c. London Cotton. ' Liverpool, Oct. 29. Cotton, spot In mod erate demand: prices unchanged; good middling. 20.92d; middling, 20.42; low middling. $19 92; good ordinary, $18.97; or dinary, 18.47. Sales, 4,000 bales. St, Loula Live Mock Market. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2. Cattle Receipts, 4.300 head; market steady; native beef steers, 8.0016.60; yearling steers and heif ers, $7.00016.00; coVs, $5.00010.66; stockers and feeders, $6.60 011.60; Texas quarantine steers, $6.X510.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00(&12.7; beef cows and heif ers. $6.(10 (a 10 .00 ; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7. D0g 10. 00; native calves, $6,500 14.76. jIol.B Receipt, 6.600 head; market, high er; lights, $15.76fi'16.40; pigs, $13 26015.00; mixed and butchers, $15.75016.66; good heavy, $10,66416.75; bulk of sales, $16,850 16. 76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.300 head; market, steady; lambs, $13.00016.60; ewes, $10.608111.25; wethers, $11.60012.60; can ners, $5.0008.50. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, Ia., Oct 29. Cattle Receipts, 7,600 head; market 10016c higher: beef steers, J8. 00015. 00; fat cows and heifers, $6.6009.00; canners, $6.2606.25; stockers and feeders, $7.60012.25; calves, $8,000 12.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.2507.60; feeding cows and helfera, $5.7608.60 Ilogs Receipts, 6,600 head; market 60 10c higher; light, I15.GO016.9O; mixed, $16.80016.00; bulk of sales, $15.80016.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady. Omaha. October 29, 1917 Continued heavy arrivals were In evi dence today, 273 cars being reported on hand. Wheat arrivals were Very liberal, with 95 cars, while receipts of corn were very light, only 42 cars showing up Oats receipts were very heavy, a total of 124 ears arriving In over Sunday. The greater part of the nheat samples were of the milling grades and watj diverted to the mills, while a few cars of durum went to store. Cash corn took a very severe slump, spot sales being made at a 608c decline. A few oars of white corn, however, sold st Saturday's price, while the bulk of all other urndes we'e disposed of at greatly reduced figures. The local demand for this article was fairly good and sellers disposed of their offerings quite readily. Throe cars of new corn were on the tables, ono of which graded No. 4 vllow, -vlth a mois ture test of 18.20 per cent, weighing 64t4 pounds, and another graded No. 6 mixed. containing 31 p' cent moisture and weigh ing JV pounds p.r bushel, while the other graded No. 6 mixed, with a moisture tost of S2.60 per cent, and welshed 62 pounds per bushel. No. 2 white sold at 3(iH0 3.10 and the No. 3 yellow at $1.17. No. 2 mixed sold at $193VI1.6 nmt a few cars of No. 3 mixed brought the some prices. Oats were til gom! demand at figures a fourth runt off, local elevator man being the lending buyers. No. 1 white sold 68o and the No. 2 at 6SVi088Vc, while the standard grade brought bc The bulk of the No. 3 went at 67 We and the No. 4 gnide at lii (ft'67'iic. Receipts of ryo and barley totaled five and seven cars, respectively, with a good loeal demand for both. Flgurce were about unchanged and practically all theso offer ings wero cleaned up. No. 3 rye sold at $1.73 and the No. 3 grade of malting bar ley at $1 24 and the No. 3 grade at $1.17. Sales of No 4 barley ranged from $1.10 to 1. IX and one car of No. 1 feed brought $1.14. Clearances were, wheat and flour equal 10 11s. uu ousneis. Primary receipts were 1,781.000 bushels. and shipments 496,000 bushels against re ceipts or 2,654.000 bushels, and shipment, of 1.182,000 bushels last yeur. Primary corn receipts were 321.000 bush els. and shipments 128,000 bushels against receipts of 403,000 bushels, and hliments 01 t.uo.uiiiT ousneis last year. Primary oats receipts were 3,377,000 bush els, and shipments 1,009,000 bushels against receipts of 1.693,000 bushels, and shipments 01 z,iii'u nuaneis last yesr CARLOT RECEIPTS. ' Wheat, Corn l nloago Minneapolis Duluth, Omaha Kansas City St. Loul NEW YORK STOCKS Good Feeling Created by Suc cess of Liberty Loan Quite Swept Away by Italian Disasters. Oats. . 61 64 380 .729 .118 . 15 42' m .174 46 73 . 84 61 $3 1189 cars, cars, cars, dark hard Theaa sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 durk hard winter: E $2,111. No. 2 dark bard winter: 3 $3.16. No. 3 dark hard winter: 3 $3.13; 1 car (smutty), $2.12. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $2.08. No I Winter: 6 cars, $2.15. No. 1 hsrd winter; 1 car (6 per cent rye), $2.13; 15 cars, $2.12. No. 3 hard winter: 3 cars, $2.09; 1 car (smutty), $! .07. No. 4 bsrd winter: 1 car (smultjl. $2.06. No. 3 yellow hard winter: 1 car, $2.08. No. 3 yellow hard winter: 1 car, $2.06. Sample hard winter: 1 car (smuttyf, $1.90. No. 1 northern soring: 1 car (7 per oent damaged), $2.16; 1 bulkhead. $2. la. No. I northern spring: 4 cars, $2.12; 1 car (smutty), $3.09. No. 3 northern spring: 3 cars. 12.09. No. I mixed red spring: 1 ear (66 per cent hard ref spring), $3.07. No. 3 dark northern spring: i cars (3.6 per cent damaged), $2.16. No. i red spring: 1 car (smutty), $3.50. No. 4 red sp.tng: 1 car (smutty), $2.01. -No. 1 du rum: 2 cars, $2.12. No. 1 red durum: 1 car, $3.08. No. 3 auber durum: 1 car. $2.16. Mixed common d red durum: 1 car (12 per cent hard red spring), $2.13. No. 6 dark hard -Inter: 3 cars (smutty), $3.06. No. 3 mixed hard red winter: 1 car (38 per rent hard red spring), $3 08. No. 4 mixed hard red winter: 1 car (35 per cent spring), $2.07. Nu. 8 mixed com mon and red durum: 1 car, $2.08. Rye No. 2: 4 3-6 cars, $1.7$, Barley No. 1: 1 car, $1.24. No. I: 1 car. $1.17. No. 4: 3-6 car, $1.18; 1 car, $1.16; 1-3 oar, $1.10. Nc. 1 feed:'! car, $1.14. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car (shippers weights), $2.10. No. 1 white: 1 car (ship per's weights), $2.10; 3-6 car. 33.09U: U car. $2.08 H- No. white: 1 car, $3.10; car, $3.08 H: 2-6 car, $2.00. No. t fellow: 14 cars, $1.97. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (new, ship per's weights), $1.90. No, 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.94. No. 3 mixed, 6 cars (shipper's weights), $1.96; 7 1-6 cars, $1.94; 1-1 ca, $1.94; 2-6 car, $1,934. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (shipper's weights), $1.15: 2 2-6 cars. $1.94; 1 car, $1,934. No- mixed: 1-1 car, $1.93. Oats No. 1 white: 2 cars, 58 Vc. No. I white: 1 car, 684c; 1 car, 58 14c. Standard: 7 cars, 67 lie No. 1 white: 16 3-1 cars, 17 4c; No. 4 whtts: 1 caf, 674c; 6 2-6 cars, 67 '4c. Sample white: 16 3-6 cars, 67c; 14' cars, (barley mixed), 67c. Omaha Cash Prices Corn; No. 3 white. $3.09402.10; No. 1 white, 12.0002. 10; No. yellow, $1.9601.97; No. 3 yellow, ll.aegp 1.97; No. 2 mixed, $1.98 401.94; No. 3 mixed, $1.93 4 01.94. Oats: No. 2 white, 68tt0584c; standard, 6748674c; No. 3 white, 67 'iff 67 4c; No. 4 white, 6705714c. Hurley: Malting, $1.1001.24; No. 1 leea, $1.0601.14. Rye: No. 2, $1.7101.72; No. 3, ll.7OM01.71tt. Chicago .2;30 prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha; Art. I Open, High, Low. Close. J Sat. Corn. .Jan. 1 164 1 164 1"4 1 16 116 Dec. 1 184 1 19 1174 1 18 118 May 1 138. 1 134 H24 1 U 1124 Oata. Dec. 8 4 68 4 67 68 ft 68 4 May 60 604 694 0 694 Pork. Oct 41 00 Jan. 41 06 41 20 40 80 40 90 40 15 Lard. Oct. 26 00 IS 00 24 86 34 87 24 87 Jan. 22 40 21 40 22 26 22 20 21 80 Ribs. Oct. 28 25 It 36 28 01 28 25 28 20 Jan. 22 25 21 25 22 06 23 07 22 10 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Ht. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo , Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts, 4,500 head; 10 to 15 cents higher: steers, $8.00J 14 60; cows end heifers, $5.00012.65; calves, $6.005i 10. CO. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head; market heavy; top, $16.40; bulk, $16.00016.20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market slow; lambs, $11.00017.25; ewes, $6.00010.50. New York Metal Market. New York, Out. 29. Metal exchange quotes tin strong, $63 25 bid. Lead Market firm; spot, $5.7006.00. Spelter Market dull, East St. Louis de livery, spot, $7.664 07.76. At London Spot .copper, 110: futures, 110; electrolytic, 126; spot tin, 260 10s; futures, 251. Spot lead, 30 10s, futures, 29 10?. Si-ot xpelter, 54; futures, 160, Kvaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, New Vork. Oct. 29. Evaporated Apples Dull; choice, 17c; prime, 164c Dried Frulta Prunes, scarce; Caltfornias, 8440134c; Oregons, 124014c. Apricots, firm; fancy, 20c. Peaches, firm; standard, 12c; choice, 124c; fancy, 134c. Raisins, strong; loose muscatels, 74 09c; choice to fancy, seeded. 104011c; seedless, lO01Oc; l.nrulon layer. $1 '' ..uitar Market Steady. New York, oct. 29. Sugar Raw, market hteady; centrifugal, 6.90c; molasses, 6.02c; feflml sugar, steady) cut loaf, 9.86c; crush ed, 9.60c; mould "A," 8.16c; cubes, 9.10c; XXXX powdered, 8.85c: powdered, 1.60c; fine granulated. 8.35c; diamond "A," 8.36c; confectioners, "A," 8.25c; No. 1. 8.20o Persistent Rains Lift Corn Market, Although derm an Successes Weaken, Chicago, Oct. 29. Porslstent rains that appeared to be rendering much corn unfit for food lifted the corn market today, al though some temporary weaknena resulted from ths Oerman Invasion of the north Italians plains. In the end prices were firm, ttc to 4c not higher, with December $1,184 and May $1,134 to $1.13V Oats gained ttW Vc. Tho finish In provisions varied from decline to a 01 Inc. At flrut corn traders did not seem dlsposud to attach any marked significance to the vlc- iHxliudet of the Italian armies. Wet westher delays to the movement of the new crop formed the Initial dominating Influence and brought ubout a moderate advance of values. Later, however, the fact that the Ilullan defeat had bearlshly affected the stink market had led to Homo Increase In selling pressure on corn. The consequent setback In prices here, however, failed to last and tho upward awing that ensued became pro nounced In the final hour, with attention directed mainly to evidence that not only delay, but damage to the quality of new corn was accompanying the prevailing wet weather. Oats merely duplicated the action of corn. Advances in the hog market, together with enlarged exports of bacon, gavo some strength to provisions. Chicago Cash prices: Corn No. 2 yellow, $2.08 02.10; No. 3 yel low, $2.07; No. 4 yellow, $2.05. Oats No. 3 white, 69 4 0 60c; standard, 69406OV,c. Rye No. 2, $1.7801.79. Barley $1.10(il. 34. Timothy $6.60 0 8.00. Clover $18.000 24.00. Pork Nomina 1. Lard $24.80026.00. Ribs $28.26028.50. Butter Market steady; creamery, 43c. Eggs Market higher: receipts, cases; firsts, 37088c; ordinary firsts, 260 364c; at mark, cases Included, 36037c. Potatoes Market lower; receipts, 70 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, $1 8602.06; same, sacks, $2.1502.20. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 134 017c; springs, 17 4c Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 29. Flour kct unchanged; In carload lots patents, $10.60 wood; first cloars, jute; second clears, $6.75 Jute. Rye $1.7601.77. Barley $1.0701.30. Bran $;iO.6O031.6O. Corn No. 3 yellow, $2.10J?2.12. Oats No. 3 white, 574 068c. Flax $3.1603.16. New Turk, Oct. 29 The better "feeling cr. ated In atock market clrrles last Sat urday by the successful flotation of the second Liberty loan was almost entirely swept aside today by the discouraging ad vices from Italy. At least these were cited as tho principal reason for the violent re action which ranged from 3 to 5 polntsiin potential Issues. i.ow jrernnlB Mr periods covering two to 15 vVar were established by high grade and minor rails, industrials and Inactive special ties. hIu local utilities, notably the trac. Hons Canadian Pnciflc and Union Pacific were the objects of renewed pressure, the for mer making an extreme decline of 6 to 1384- Other trans-continentals, grangers and coalers lost 3 to 8 points with barely more than nominal rallies. Industrials experienced equally severe re versals, active steels, coppers, equipment, motors, ols, tobaccos and sugars losing 1 to 7 4 points and many unclassified shares 2 'j 4. United States steel re-acted almost 4 points st Its worst and closed St 103 4, a net Insi of 3 V Marine preferred, last Saturday's spec tacular feature, was the only prominent stock to offer more than passive resistance to the lower trend, fluctuating between l04 and 1084, finishing at 102. a net de cline of I 4 points, other shippings reced ed 2 to 6 points with no substantial rally. Sabs amounted to 860,000 shares. Kxchangn on Italy reflected the reversal to the arms of that country and Russian government bonds weakened on the curb. Now Liberty fours were traded In for the first time t par to 100.02, the 3 4s showing less activity at 93.94 'n 99 96. The general bond 11' was heavy. Total sales, par value, aggregated $4,650.0110. United States bonds, old Issues, wero unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing storks; 'Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar.. 600 76 4 74 76 Am. Can 6,300 424 404 41 Am. Car St Found.. 1.000 664 6444 654 300 67 56 S 66 4 1,700 86 83 83 800 106 103 103 3.600 1.J00 68 93 4 Am. Locomotive Am. 8. ft R. ... Am. Sugar Ilef., Am. T. & T Am. Z . L. AS... Anaconda Copper Atchison a. o. a w. t. a. a. 14.300 104 Baltimore A Ohio 1,500 67 H. ft S. Copper. . . Cal. Petroleum . Canadian Pscirio. Central Leather . Ches. A Ohio C., M. A St. P.... (.. A N. W C. H. I. A P. ctfa. Chlno Copper . . . Colo. Fuel A Iron Corn Prod. Ref . . . Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane Sugar. Dlst. Securities .. Krle General F.lectrlc . General Motors . . Gt. Northern pfd. at No. Ore ctfs. Illinois Central ... 2.90(1 1U 1134 "1 400 164 14 14 1.000 34 300 134 30.400 144 7.800 78 61 6.400 300 1.300 90ft 2,200 46 994 314 44 584 30 7tt 314 37 164 6,800 1844 lit 19,000 92 864 600 100 98 900 38 17 63 62 93 91 994 100 66 66 10 194 13 13 1384 1384 70 70 49 90 11.600 13,600 4.400 9,700 13.600 46 4 99 20 H 41 36 384 64 29 16 16 lnp. Copper Int. M. M. pfd Int. Nickel Int. Paper K. C. Southern.... Kennecott Copper Louis. A Nash.... Maxwell Motors ,, Mex. Petroleum ., Miami Copper .... Missouri Paclfia ,. Montana Powsr . . Nevada Copper ... N. Y. Central .... N. Y.. N. H. A H... Nor. A West Northern Pacific ,. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania . . .. Pittsburgh Coal ., Ray Con. Cop Reading 46 99 10 42 17 28 4 19 16 16 130 7 96 4 37 190 44 .. 1.(00 46 ,,120,600 1064 100H 103 .. 1,900 38 IT 17 200 13 23 134 600 17 11 16 1.300 83 31 13 100 117 U7 117 400 31 11 114 6.200 86 83 1.600 11 11 1,90 17 36 1,800 1,700 1,400 18 71 184 II tm i 13 11 16 72 17 714 16 100 107 106 106 l. 200 t.OOO V.ioi 1,40 Sliatturk Arls. Cop.... Rep. Iron A Steel Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway. Studebaker Corp.. Texas Co Union Paclflo .... V. S. lnd. Alcohol 9,60 1,000 7,100 1,900 1,400 141 14.400 120 3,200 11 96 16 4 10 "t'l" 14H io' 88 17 tt 3 91 26 60 a 11 71 7TVi ! 164 tt 141 117 118 1114 114 13 16 60 46 12 73 30 78 84 16 17 141 8. Steal 8. Steel pfd... Utah Copper .... Wabash pfd "H" . Western Union . i West. Electrio 236,60 106 103 13 800 113 113 11IH 14.30 83 30 80'4 500 31 11 11 1,000 14 14 84 4,800 48 41 41 Total sales for the day, 680,000 shares. 38 4 7.615 -Mar-fancy $9.75 Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa.. Oct. 29. Turpentine: firm, 49 4 .(j "Bales, 165 bbls.; receipts, 342 bbls,; shipments, 61,3 bbls.; stock, 24,767 bbls. Rosin: firm; sales 330 bbls; receipts, 1.169 bbls; shipments, 1,063 bbls.; stocks, 79,886 Bbls. Quote: B. D, B, F, O, H, I. $8.10: K, $6. 17 4; M. $6.45; N, $7.26; WG. $7.46: WW. $7.60. New York Money Market. New Tork, Oct. - 19. Mercantile Paper 64 per cent. Sterling Sixty-day Dine, t.n; com mercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71 ; com mercial alxty-day hills, $4.70; demand, 4.71 cablea, $4,76 7-16. flllvor Har. S4c; Mexican aonans man, lionds Govsrnmeiit. steady; railroad. heavy. . . . Tlma Loans steady; sixty uaya, nj'' ner cent: ninety days, 64 08 P' c"11: six months, 6tt4f per Cent. Call Money Firm; high, 4 per cent; tow. per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent: closing bid, 84 per cent; offered at 4 per cent; last oan, 4 per cent .... it H tm. rea-... 968ilnt M. M. S... 91 V. B. 2s, coupon 96 K. C. 8. ret 6s. 7 U. S. 3s, reg... 9 'L. A N. un. 41. si 4 U S. 3b, coupon M.,tt.. 1. hi "is U. 8. 4s. reg... 106 Mo. Pao. gen, 4a 66 U. S. 4s, coupon 106 'Mont, Pow. 6s 90 Pan. 3o coupon 84 N. X. nop, es m A. F. 8. 6s 94 No. Pao. 4s 11 A. T. It T. Clt cs Tiro. rc Anglo-Fronch 6s 624 0. S. L. ref. 4s 85 Ar. A Co. 4 4s.. 6tt'r-ac. 1. s Atch. gen. 4s... 16 'Pa. Con. 4s. 99 B. A O. 4s 04 Pa. gen. 4s.. 91 ' Cen. Leather 6s. 64'ueaaing gen. ss Cen. Paclflo 1st. 81 B.L.aS.r. aaj. ea si C. A O. cv. 6s.. 80 So. Pao. cv. 6s.. 91 (T. H A Q. It. 4s 93 So. Pao. ref. 4s. 8 C MAStPgen 44s 174 80. RV- ' CRIAPacRy ref4s 67 T. A P. 1st 91 fi. A 8. ref. 4s 76 'union rac. e.. son D.AR. O. ref. 6s 63 Un. Pao. cv. 4 86 D. of C. 6s '31.. 93 U. S. Rubber 8s. 80 Erie gen. 4 62 U- 8- Btsel ai.,.100 Gen. Eleo. 6s.. 97tWabaeh lat ... G N. 1st 4s. 89 "west. un. :. C. ref. 4s.... 7lBld. tO"red. yw York General Market. New York, Oct. 19. Flour Dull ; spring patents,, $10.80011.45; winter P"n";; winter siraignu, tiv.- .-. Kansas straights', $11.16011.40. (-orn spot easy; No. 2 yellow, iJ.11; no. mixed, $3.16, c. i. f. Now York. Oats Spot quiet; standard, 6$0 asked. Hay Firmer; No. 1, $1.30; No. 3, $1,300 1.26; No. 2, $1.0601.10; shipping, iwoc. Hops Hteady; stato medium 10 cnoice 1917, 76083c; 1916 nominal; Paclflo coast. 1917, 35038c; 1916, 20025c. Hides Hteady; Bogota, 41c. and Pennsylvania, 70c. Leather Firm; Hemlock first, STc; oec onds, 65c. Pork unsettled; mess, $47.50048.60; fam ily $48.00049.00; short clear, $48.00061.00. Lard Firm; mlddlewest. $25.60021.60. TallowSteady; city special loose, 16c. Wool Strong; domestic fleece XX Ohio rose, 808c. Klce Htrnni?; fancy hea809c; blue rose, 84084c. Butter Market weak; receipts, 1,734 tubs; creamery, higher than extras, 46 46c; creamery extras (92 score), 45c; firsts, 430 44 4c; seconds, 414 042 4c. Ehkh Market irregular; receipts, 7,431 cases; fresh gathered extras, 46047c; extra firsts, 44046c; firsts. 40043c; seconds, 36 029c. Cheese Market unsettled; receipts, 3.400; state fresh specials. 2.1023 4c; state fresh, average run, 220224c. Poultry Dressed Market dull; chickens, 31036c; fowls, 180264c; turkeys, 243ao. Kansas t'lty Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. 29 Cattle Re ceipts, 20,000; market steady; prime fed steers, $15.600 16.75; dressed beef steers, fll.OO016.Otl: western steers, $8.00013.00; cows, $5.60010.00; helfurs, $6.60013.60; stockers and feedors. $7.00012.00; bulk, $6.00 07.76; calves. 30. 60013. 60. Wokh Receipts. 6,000; market higher J bulk, $15.90016.45; heavy, $18.25018.60; packers and butchers,, $15.90016.80; light, $15.76016.26; pigs, $14. 110015.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000; market steady; lambs, 16.25fi 16.90: yearlings, fll.OO011.3f; wethers, in.50?el2.60; ewes, $9.00011.00; Blockers and feeders, $7,000 17.00. New York Dry Goods Market. New York, Oct. 29. Colon foods and yarns here today were :;trong. buying of print cluth yarn goods was active. Burlaps ' were firm and knit goods for early spring delivery were offered from southern mills at advances. Wool goods were steady. FREE Map and Chart of Wyoming Oil Field Send for it - Thermopo is Oil Brokerage Co. Therroopolit Wyo.