6 A SOUTH SIDE LIQUOR TO RUB ON THE LEG OF HIS WIFE Defense of Stepaniz When Ar rested on Charge of Posses sion of Quantity of Alcohol. THL 0-,TAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 28, 1917. "My wife uses alcohol to rub on Iicr leg. She suffers from rheumatism," insisted John Stepanik, Thirty-second and B streets, in the South Side police court Friday raornnic in answer to the charge of illegal possession of liquor. Detectives Goss and Dworak raided Stepanik's place and found some alco hol and several packages of pint bot tles of whisky. Two packages of whisky were found in a folding bed. "I don't doubt but that your wife uses the alcohol," said City Prosecutor Anheuser, "but what about the whisky?" "Sixty days in jail," decided Police Judge Fitzgerald. Recently in police court Stepanik was found guilty of illegal sale of liquor. That case was appealed and he has also appealed from the last de cision. Ted Swick, 4508 South Twenty-seventh street, ysas fined $100 and costs Friday morning for illegal possession of liquor and he appealed. Swick and Andrew Nelson, .5639 S street, were arrested last Saturday night when De tectives Zaloudek and Fraud saw them unloading a gunny sack contain ing a keg of whisky from N'clson's automobile. Nelson said lie didsnot know what Swick had in the package. He was discharged. Swick told the court that he was moving from an old to a new home and that he was merely moving the "lawful amount prcmitted by law for personal use" ! hi, i place of residence. Rifles Pockets of Sleeping Victims; Makes $64 Haul P. L. Linn was robbed of $14, Joseph A. May lost $14, and Sidney lillcr was relieved of $2 when a thief entered their rooms in the Miller ho tel, 4925 South Twenty-sixth street, early Saturday morning, according to statements made to South Side police. J. H. Harrington, at the Commer cial hotel, 2310 M street, reported that $30 had been taken from his pockets while he was asleep, and Al Sullivan. Commercial hotel, reported the loss Of $4. Police believe the thefts were the work of one man, an experienced room thief. Colored Men Entertained at Commercial Club Colored men of Omaha selected to j serve with the national army were - 1, 'ivcn a iarcweii banquet and enter- j tamment at the Commercial club last n:','ht, together with the six colored officers who recently received com missions at the officers' reserve train ing camp. Following the banquet a musical program featured by the Capitol City (juartet was received with rousing en thusiasm. (jeneral John C. Cowin delivered a short address outlining the service rendered the union by colored soldiers (luring the civil war. When he saie "The soldiers of the United States are comrades; comrades all, regardless of race or color," the applause continued tor fully five minutes. liishop John Sharp Williams closet the speaking and said, "We are send ing you forth and our hearts go with you. Our final word to you is 'Good by boys and may God bless you.' We are proud of the colored officers who have received commissions from the officers' training camps and 1 know that you will prove just as efficient as they." The men go into service today. Booklet Shows New Work Along Milwaukee George 15. Haynes, general passen ger agent of the Milwaukee road, has published a twenty-page, profusely il lustrated booklet, "The King of the Kails, with illuminated ' cover and a large amount of reading matter, de-1 .scripti v : of that portion of the linos of the system operated through the along r i; e p Rocky mountains and t uhc coast. In the booklet, of which Mi. Hay nes is the author, there are numer ous half-page illustrations showin:; how the Milwaukee has overcome the natural obstacles and driven its lines into, through and over the great walls of granite. There are a series of pictures of locomotives, including the many types from N'o. 1, constructed and operated in 184S, up to the pres ent. Those of the present art the 'u;ge electric locomotives that arc hauling both freight and passenger trains over the mountains. i'( r,-.;.. ll:iir. IViinh.ru Orantrd. i. 't. 2. (Special TVlfk-ra: South Side Brevities Wanted Work by a colored lady. 8. S1SS. Steam-heated apt In Scargs bile Four rooraa. K. B. Banner Co., D-1404. Telephone South 100 and order a cane of Oma or Laotonade, the healthful, refreahlnc Home Beveragea, delivered to your realdence. Omaha Beverage Co. The thirteenth child, a boy, waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Iterate, 1811 V street, Thursday. All the children are living. Ev-rnle la a meat tnepector. Rev. Paul Veljkov, Oary. Ind.. la the new rector of the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Nlckolaa. Houth Hide. He succeeds Rev. l'etar O. Stlyachlvh, who leaves here next Hunday. Fred, the 1-year-old aon of Mr. and Mra, Fred Cleube, 1(40 Monroe street, died Thura day night after a abort lllneea. Arrange menta tor the funeral aervlcea will be an nounced later. Miss Caroline Vanek and Albln Welma were, married Wedneeday by Rev. Robert I. Wheeler Of the Wheeler Memorial Treaby. '.rlan church at ble residence. Th young .ouyle will make their home In Omaha. M. Loftua, agent for the Missouri Pacific, hat Issued a atatement at the South Omaha exchange that the ruling of the Internal revenue department la that charges on freight In transit at midnight October 11 muat ba paid to rarrlera on or before that Ute, regardless of credit arrangementa Olherwlee a war tax of 1 per cent will ap ply on tba shipment. Fir destroyed the home of Joaepb Sut. rynakl. Fiftieth and U streets, Friday after, noon. Tba realdence waa a ona-atory frame building. The tire waa atarted from an overheated atove. At the time that the houae took fire Mra. Sutcynikl waa vlaltlng a neighbor woman. There are no water malm In the vicinity and the firemen fought the flaraea with chemlcala. The building orta Insured tor $100. Chiropractic Health Talks IJ4n, I. ). in iTIRl i IP k rrt : i: 1 I'i r-'wni Krartte'l: Nebraska, Km in a A "' i, r riii'ni, i j. ; i. i cAili!i;iiniNillllil!llllllli .mmli mn i hi uiiuw&ffl gJaag .'g'gi ,l'ihlV;ilU!'IK-V.X U K LWM mX I 7f lyg pm 2? k ; " lit -aiPw m. It Boy Scouts Feast on Some Of the Beans Thsy Raised Scoutmaster V. S. Sheldon har vested three and or.e-half bushels of i:avy beans from the vacant lot that he planted with the help cf Troop 6, Toy Scouts. At their regular meet- g tnis week .Mr. Miciuon gave tne outs and scoutmaster a bean feast with trimmings dress. Scout Executive Eng the Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods com pany, in the office and ,!nde;a!e de partments, numbering 250. are mem bers of the club. Ct,,r.-t-i.. ifmninfin the fartorv em- fiiPC HallnwP'pn DanCS nlm- br entertained at lunch- IIW IfclWHW we. , J'lv; w - The Byrne-Hammer Social club! eon and an Orpheum theater party. gave a hallowe'en dance, the second Byrne-Hammer Club or a series oi winter uain.es, di im-, pin's Friday night. Persistent Advertising Is the Road The employes ot ; to Success FUMMITU A nd What It M eans to the Lady of the ti ouse 00D FTTRNTTURE develops a pride in personal appearance, habits of orderly healthfulness, and a womanly appreciation of the finer things of life that promote character and self reliance. Few women, indeed, are able to resist the appeal of the new patterns shown for the first time this season dainty, beautiful, artistic designs that carry with them the at mosphere of youth. If your daughter has yet to experience tne joy or a room iunusnea as attractively &3 her own demure self or if your own chamber lacks those appointments which contribute so much to the eentilitv of home, and its erin upon the hearts of the happy circle beneath its roof why postpone longer the pleasures of refurnishing? Never before has HART MAN'S been able to offer its patrons house furnishing equipment of greater value at more reason able prices. INTELLIGENT INVESTIGATION AND COMPARISON INVITED. S ccial Easy Month y Pchkii s Gladly A rarged cn Purthases -H Desired Thi.t IS hOPE "There is no hope whatever for recovery." This is often the verdict of some true minded health practitioner, when nil his knowledge and re sources hus ended in confessed failure of means at his command. People who think themselves doomed to an existence under the burden of a so-called "incurable" malady should investigate the science of Chiropractic. This health mode ia actually helping legions of people who, hav ing tried about everything else to no avail, have found the relief they so long desired and unsuccessfully sought. If you are free from prejudice of dogma, you are in position to investigate my methods fairly. Do not brood over the past nor live in dreams of the future that somehow perchance you may get well but act now and secure the blessings of Chiropractic Adjust ments. Investigation costs nothing and means health and happiness. Ad justments are ? 1.00 or 12 for $10. DR. BURHORN Chiropractor. (Palmer School Graduate) Cor. 16th and Farnam Streeta. 414-18-19 (Rote) Securitiea BIdg. Phone Douglas 5347. Lady Attendant. I Hot Water Each Morning 1 Puts Roses in Your Cheeks I . f ' ' V;''' '"I i! ' P J? lc Mi rfi To look one's best and feel one's best is to enjoy an inside bath each morning to flush from the system the previous day's waste, sour fermenta tions and poisonous toxins before it is absorbed into the blood. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incombustible ma terial in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave in the alimentary organs a certain amount of indigestible materia, which, if not eliminated, form tox ins and poisons which are then sucked into the blood through the very ducts which are intended to suck in only nourishment to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see youf skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising a glass of hot water with & teaspoon ful of limestone phos phate in it, which is a harmless means of washing the waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Girls and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or pallid complex ion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with headacres. bilious spells, acid stom ach or constipation should begin this ohosphated hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced re sults in one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water clean ses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and lime stone phosphate act on the inside organs. We must always consider that internal sanitation is vastly more important than outside clean liness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do. Women who desire to enhance the beauty of their complexion should just try this for a week and notice resulta. Advertisement. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED BEDROOM SUITE Splendid Imitation Circassian walnut finish, attractive period ornaments, special for this week, at $89 82 I.AROR SIZE DJiKHSKIt !lx42 Inch bane. 24x30 I n o h mirror only.... ve3U FUT.T, SIZE BED Dainty carvlng-s, hend-end GOInchea very special offer ;...i8.&9 sffiffre TRIPLICATE MIR ROR DRESSING TABLE lx22 Indies 'venter mir ror. 22x!S sWe mlr- ir i2..7J ROOMY CHIF FONIER 6 draw ers, 20x32-in. top, bevel plate mirror 18x22 t.O-i fifc 0 mi)MAL DESIGN CHIF FKROBE Imitation Cir cassian walnut finish. wardrobe aec. fitted witn eliding coat and trouaer hanger, at only $26.75 A SPLENDID ADAM PERIOD BEDROOM SUITE Elegant antique ivory finish, beaded decorated edges. Can Be Purchased Separately as Priced Below ATTRACT SVK BED IS SPLEN- ATTRACT IVE CHIFFONIER 17 x31-inch top lx 20 Inch French bevel plate mir- 0nVyat..v29.5. GENUINE B ARGAIN IN COMPLETE BRASS BED 'OMBINATION 3-lnch continu ous post brass bed, heavy fill ers, sanitary mattress, wire fabric spring, 1 pair of pillows, for this week's selling, at GENUINE QUARTER SAWED.--OAK Plank top dresser, ele- gantly grained and polished, full swell front, 4 roomy draw- I2J ers, neat turned legs, French bevel piate mirror, pattern shape, strongly butlt and fin ished golden. Our low fl or price only IveAd 01 I pi EH n 13 j siiiii. CD LJ 3 A SPLENDIDLY DESIGNED WILLIAM AND MARY BUFFET Built of seasoned solid oak, rich fumed finish, 2 center drawers, 1 lined for silverware, 2 cupboard and 1 full length drawer. French bevel mirror 30x 8 COO or inches. Special at..v00? msmm ' in., at. . SPLENDIDLY DESIGN ED DRESSER Top is 21x41 Ins., mirror 24x30 in., 4 roomy DIDLT ORNA MENTED, superb ly finished, full vazin.,ri$26.55 TRIPLIC ATB MIRROR DRESS ING tabl: Center mirror 14k 24 incies, swing ing: side mirror f Ia?0..".'!:$2ci65 A SIMMONS LIGHT WEIGHT METAL BED 2-inch posts, 10 heavy fillers, arge corner aps and mounts, Vernis Martin 'namel, guaran teed not to tar .ilsh, s p e c i al .'alue at only SI34S EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH GRADE 3-PIECE PULLMAN SUITE Consists of the famous Pullraanette, which is instantly converted from a davenport to a full size comfortable bed; 1 extra large armchair and rocker to match; finished fumed, entire set upholstered in high-grade Imitation Spanish leather. Special for this week the three pieces at $58.89 only A GRACEFUL MODEL EXTEN SION TABLE Correct Queen Ann design, built of selected American walnut, 54-inch top, shapely legs, sturdily built, a very handsome table. Must be seen to be appreciated, 75 WILLIAM AND MARY PERIOD DINING CHAIR Carefully built of American walnut, Spanish slip leather seat, for tfi 01 only JUe7l WILLLi. i AND MARY PERIOD EXTENSION TABLE Built of selected American walnut or genuine mahogany, elegantly finished. Top is 64 inches in diameter and can be extended to six feet when deeired. A quality table in every 1 CA respect Only H.rfV m Ja SPLENDID VALTTE IN A SOLID fefl OAK DRESSER Has heavy plank top. 38-ln. wide. 2 small drawers in top, 2 large drawers below, fitted tea wun wooa puns, t rencn oevei plate mirror set in neatly rounded frame, carefully constructed and splendid finished In aa tiO HI tolden. our price X9.HN ffl as AJM ELEGANT 60-INCH BUFFET Built of selected American walnut, or genuine mahogany, carefully con structed and finished. The kind of furniture that you never tire of. Ex actly like illustration and moderately priced at CHINA CABINET ILLUS TRATED IS MADE TO MATCH BUFFET SHOWN TO EXTREME RIGHT Is of laree size, removable and adjustable shelves, ar tistically designed stretch ers, neatly carved mould ing, quarter sawed oak, finished fumed. e.fi OQ IVtVO Just Push the Button and the Back Reclines mm si 1 m I 1 LiJ We Carry a Ccmple'e Stock of These World Famous Instruments In Every "ROYAL" EASY CHAIR Genuine quarter sawed oak and finished fumed or golden, finely upholstered in guaranteed Spanish imitation leather, back reclines to various positions by simply pushing button without leaving seat; special tale CM M Sf price, only 911iuu THE rAMOUPaxSr "COLE'S H OI BLAST HEATER Great est economlaer of fuel ever Invented, Just what you want to keep down the high coat of living, will burn anything and hold fire for a longe period than any other stove. We are exclusive agents for this marveloun stove and have them priced a low as rSSR yi.mu m iow I . ;J7sa I II 189 j $14.75 jjm COLOIBIA OUTFIT NO. T5 Mahogany, oak or satin walnut rase, cabinet holds 75 recorde, wonderful tone control, marvelous instrument in every way, this machine and It selections (8 double-disc records) 91.00 SS a Month After M Par. ,ize and Style Prices Ranging From $18.00 to 215 On YcurGra! n la It Yon Buy it at Hariman's GET THE FULL MEANING OF THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER Any size or style of genuine "Co lumbia Grafonola," acknowledged to be the world's best talking -machine, delivered to your home without 1 cent in advance. PAY CASH ONLY FOR THE RECORDS INCLUDED I N OUTFITS NO MONEY IN ADVANCE ON THE GRAFONOLA. THE COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA Makes your home twice aa Interestlna a it wu before. It adds the IrreaUtlble cherm of music to the comfortable coii neea of your room, there are very few poeseeelons which will be enloyeil hy all the familv so much aa the COM'MMA OnAFViNOI.A. It places at Tour lnetant disposal all the music of all the world, operae, popular, claealcal music, the worlda greatest Tocal and Instrumental aolotata. etc. Taken all In nil. the "Columbia" la an Instrument no real home should be without -81 ww-'wOur price, only. BLS $21.00 COLUMBIA OUTFIT NO. 15 Quartered oak or mahojany case, In tone, quality and conatructlon except for alee, ie a Columbia Grafonola In every way. Thla machine and eelectiona 44 double-dlso records, only (2 a Mont After 30 Daya. FREE Dai y Concerts Mus'c Room on yam Floor WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF COLUMPIA DOUBLE 1'ISC RECOnns I eelectione on eHch record. 75c and up. The very latest records are now on hand. You are cordially Invited to drop In and hear them. Use Your Credit H ARTM AN'8 WILL GI-ATLY TRUST YOU Just ccme in and seloct any Grafo nola. Use Hartman's heltiful credit freely, no Interest to pay. ELKO. 1' MAHOGANY FINISH LIBRARY TAm,K Strongly built, highly polished, top measures 45x2 inches, fitted with Toomy stationery drawer, built on colonial lines, a very artistic design atQ A and priced for this Sll Z.HII week at, only VrfUV tfr30rR "ACME REGENT" OAK HEATER Built with .square top and square base, heavy corru gated firebox, 8 piece nickel foot - rest, full ".ickel swing top, a guaranteed eater in every respect, spe- lally quoted at, only "vr-i FAMOUS "-COAL REGENT AND OAS MBINATION RANGE 2 ;ovm in 1. has 4 holes for gas and 4 for coal, large oven operated tar both. Seautifully trimmed doon of pur white porcelain, elaborately nickel trimmed throughout and iJiiy guaranteea atove ape any quoiea lor ia week, $65.00 AMZBICA'8 GREATEST HOME FTRSISHEKS TO ill 413-15-17 South 16th Street SOLID OAK KITCHEN CABINET Hoomy bane fitted with bread and cake box. utensil drawer cup board for pan ing flour hin, compartment, bin, 2 apice for thin week at TO JHL II' $10.89 ! E 1 1 1-54 , tup nan hit fcr-cTTTKi.ff jBVMI ' l rotmy chir, nmP$mLZM YA drawer., spc-l, BiMskxMm 0