THE. OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 28. 1917. 3-A AMERICAN TROOPS TAKE IIP "POSITIONS IN FIRST LINE TRENCHES ON FRENCH FRONT Red-haired Gunner Sends First Shell Screaming Into Teu ton Trenches; Missouri Mules Pull Guns Into Posi tions Behind American Infantry and United States Gets Into Fight for Democracy. tlontioued From I'age One.) drivers swathed in ponchos and with shrapnel helmets over their eyes, came up on the road beside a dark canal. There was a long line of these and then came some infantry rolling Kitchens, giving otf a savory odor ot , I 1 Ail passed in silence. Hie last gun carriage had sprawled on n the form ot4a soldier who had been taken ill and who was being held or. by two of his walking comrades. Corr.eUp in Darkness. Through another street paved with cobbles and its ides lined with gaunt skeletons of shell-wrecked houses, came the sound the tread of many hob nailed boots and in the darkness the dim form of men could be seen niarcli- "f. . J he cautious flash of an electric 'Cket lamp disclosed that they were American infantry t. packs on their backs, rifles slung on their shoulders, rain glistening on their helmets and coats, the wind "whipping the bottom of their coats around their legs, which were moving with machine-like precision. " The Americans swung down the street apparently as proud as though on dress parade, notwithstanding that they had marched miles from the bii- lets ,hcrc they had been since coin- inin motor trucks and railway from the i struction centers As the ranks passed, every now and t) en a soldier could be heard' whistling softly to himself, his nearby comrades listen ing si'entlyo sentimental and popu lar pieces. "Tipperary" Is Svifhd. Finally from the reir came the whistled strain of a tunc which ail knew, and frcm many places in the ADMIT HUGE WAR 5 MACHINE IS BEING GROUND TO PULP German Prisoners Arriving in French Camp Say Teuton Strength Ebbing; Shudder ing, Pitiful Sights. NEBRASKANS READY FOR WAR CAMPAIGN Hundreds of Speakers Cam. paign for Liberty Bonds,j&nd Will Now Turn Attention to Food Conservation. Lincoln, Oct. 27 (Special.) One hundred Nebraska cities and towns have organized branch of the "Jrour Mintite Men division of the United States Committee on Public Informa tion," the members of which are the secretary of state, secretary of 'war, secretary of the navy and George Creel, according to Prof. M. M. Fogg, director of the work. About 825 speakers areenlisted in the Nebraska "Four-Minute Men" army. Last week in the second Lib erty loan campaign they addressed meetings in 175 of the moving picture theaters of the state and made some .100 addresses to miscellaneous audi ences. Next week they will work in the food pledge campaign. Suing for Alleged Libel Arthur B. Nelson is suing William H. Hall and another Hall, whose first name he s.iys he does not know, for $10,000 in district court. Nelson alleges the Halls libeled him. ranks whistles and voices joined in The tune was "Tipperary." It lasted briefly, as an officer, turning, ordered "stop that noise!" As the Germans were nearby, much depended on approaching the scene quietly. The troops turned a corner and disappeared down an ink-tlack screened road. As a major standvg there listened he looked continuously at an illuminated watch di?l. He said: "The men from the other direction should now be entering the trenches. I have been standing here w?- ;ng to hear if the Germans discov..- the movement." He paused, listened and then continued: "Strafe" Fails to Develop. "There is no firing yet, although I expect it, for no doubt we are in for a 'strafe' if the 'bochc' knows we are going in." No "strafe" developed, although the Germans put over a few customary shells, hitting nothing. The troops entered the trenches safely, unit by unit, passing quickly ti the places assigned them. Quiet f "ss was essential, but the French welcome nonetheless, was heard and it was enthusiastic. Some Americans Kissed. Every American was shaken by the hand, some were hugged and even kissed on both cheeks, in the French custom. Some of the French troops were those who helped to train the Americans. The trenches were found to be muddy, but nevertheless, in a condition of excellent construction. Greetings being ove the Americans settled down and at daylight, uncrer low hung dripping clouds, they got their first view of the lines stretching away in the rolling terrain. It hasi rained daily since and the troops now are" covered with mud. Officers say they are certain the Ger mans know the Americans are oppo site them, but there has been no spe cial activity. One American battery observed and scattered 'a marching enemy group with shcllfirc. Completes Training Course. Washington, Oct. 27. Announce ment from General Pershing's head quarters that American troops were in the front line trenches in France marks the, beginning of the culminat ing phase of the training of the Amer ican war army. Neither Secctary Baker nor any War department officials would com ment upon the news from abroad. It was plainly indicated, however, that the movement was regarded simply as the final course in instruction and not the real initiation of participation by the United States troops in the war. American Front Elsewhere. The fact that a quiet sector of the French line has been selected for this final training work1 is evidence that the actual American front will be lo cated elsewhere. It has been the custom of the Brit ish army to harden their new units gradually to the shock of shell fire be fore making them responsible for the holding of any portion of the front. The section in which the American in fantry and artillery is at work is a finishing school focthe military edu cation of the men and particularly ot the trunners. and wlinf a nffiri-tit1v Reasoned force has Ibeen developer the Americans, will take over a por tion of the front. General Scott Goes to Front. Paris, Oct. 27. Major Genera! Hugh L. Scott, former chief of staff of the United States army, has arrived in France and gone to the front. After his retirement last month as chief of staff Major General Scott was made chief instruction officer of the new national army. He went to France to study operations on the western front and on his return will supervise the intensive training of the national army in trench warfare. . Burglars Take Shoes; Sneak Thief Lured By Diamonds i Frank Senerad rpnnrtfvl t nee mat nis store at l.'oO South Six teenth street was burglarized Friday night and 200 pairs of shoes, $14 in cash and a la rij' amount r.t n,,V and women's apparel stolen. ! 1 (lly Associated Tress. ) London, Oct. 27. Renter's corre spondent at British headquarters in Belgium in a dispatch received this eveni"g says: "The BavatiVns appear to be hear ing the brunt of the Flanders fighting and are evenly complaining that the Prussians arc sacrificing them. "The German barrage today was erratic, the shells flinging up columns of spray from patches of water. As a result the British casualties were light. "Most c'' the prisoners taken were poor and shuddering. The most in telligent of them were of the unani mous opinion that Germany has only a chance for a tolerable peace, but they feel that the winter will tell a terrible tale in the fatherland. They said they had been told that England was in as bad a plight as Germany in the matter of food, but they did not believe it. All the men agreed the invincible German military machine slowly was being pulverized." Pays With Fists Instead Of Cash, Sesto Fined $20 'wti're on the way to the peni tentiary," said Special Prosecutor Maguire to Tony Sesto, proprietor of a soft drink parlor, arraigned in po lice court on complaint of G. H. Croley, 4304 Camden avenue, charg ing him with assault and battery. Sesto was fined $20 and costs by Judge Madden. Croley, who. is a collector for the Collier Publishing company, called on Sesto for a payment due on a set of books, and according to his testi moncy instead of paying Sesto gave him a black eye. Sesto was in trouble a short time ago on a cliage of beating a woman. Germany to Increase Tax To Meet Interest On Loans Copenhagen, Oct. 27 The German government is considering the intro duction of new taxation measures at the December session of the Reich stag. Additional revenue is necessary to meet interest on the seventh and preceding war loans, part of which were paid from the proceeds of the loans themselves. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Beautiful? thatthe Vford The Lovelineit That Comet to the Complexion When Stuart' Cal cium Wafer Drive Away Pimple it Simply Marvelou. SEND FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. A sweet expression is made a Hundred times more enchantfhf? when the complexion is lovely. It takes but a few days to clear the skin ot pimples, blotches, liver spots, blackheads, muddy complexion and kin eruptions If you use Stuart's Caclu .1 Wafers. All of these troubles come rrom the blood and seek the skin as one of the natural outlets of the body. And if you supply your blood with the proper materials it will convert the body poisons into a harmless substance and pass off ill perspiration instead of ujrly accumu lations. Get a box of Stuart's Calcium Waf ers in any dniK store at BO cents. They will frive you what you want a perfect com plexion. If you wish to try them just send the coupon. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stuart Co., 422 Stuart Bldf., Marshall, Mich. Send me at once, by re turn mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Name Street C'ty State. Urn The Value of the X-Ray Diagnosis Dr. G. I. Shlpherd, .Manager. 'The many difficult and dangerous qases which come to the attention of dentists who are abreast of the times have made it necessary that the modern dental office be so equipped that the most careful diagnosis can be made. A complete X-Ray equipment is a natural sequence which eliminates all chances of doubt and guess work. It has become an indispensible unit' because scarcely a day passes but that it renders wonderful assistance in making the right diagnosis. By the X-Ray methods of diagnosis we can in a very few minutes dis pel every doubt and make it just as clear as day what to do. We have learned through our years of practice that it is an absolute impossibility to rely upon experience alone to decide in all cases what is right. The Film which reveals any hidden pus pockets or other diseased conditions of the teeth can eas ily be understood by the Layman. The blind abscess, the impacted tooth and other troubles all-show. rThe X-Ray diagnosis is but one of the many branches of our better service that makes for the general all-round satisfaction, which our patients are cer tain of. Please bear in mind that there is no charge attached to the X-Ray diagnosis. DaikuDoniisi 106 City Nat. Bank Bldf.. 16th and Harney 8U Omaha. Office Hour, 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. rhone Douglas 3429. Dr. R. YV. Bailey, Fre. Dr. G. D. Shipherd, Mgr. Bll ft & ROACHES, BED BUGS, U S SILVER BUGS AND OTHER VERMIN Exterminated With One Application NO RIDDANCE NO PAY B B B EXTERMINATOR COMPANY 673 Brandeii BIdg. OMAHA, NEB. Douglas 1370. ,7 . iXiA.r 1 T 'I J r ri fj i it ' t J' if . biandeis Stores New Velvet Costume Suits Most Stunning Styles of the Season These arc the ultra-smart suits the best we are showing this season luxurious and beautiful. Trimmed with finest of furs, in Marten, Lynx, Aus tralian Squirrel, Reaver and Hudson Seal. Colors are Amethyst, Brown. Pekin nine, Taupe, Beige and Black. $57.50 to $235.00 Velveteen Suits at $57.50 This model has knee length coat, pleated belt, butterfly collar and tight button trimmed sleeves. Large buckles back and front; shirred straight line skirt with pleated belt adds distinction to this model. " Other Velveteen Suits Range From $85.00 to $115.00. Second Floor Hallowe'en Wednesday. If you have the proper Place Cards, Invitations and acces sories, Hallowe'en parties can lie made one of the merriest of nil the year, not only for the younger generation, but for their elders as well. The Candy department offers some excel lent sujTKestions. Fancy Nut Cases for parties and dinners, each 5c, 10c, 15c. Fancy Horns, each 5c, 10c, and 15c. Mottoes, all styles, 12 in a lo., 60c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Hallowe'en Noise iMakers, each, 5c and 10c. Hlack Cats, each 5c and 10c. Pumpkins or Jack o'Lanterns, all sizes, 5c to $1.25. Hallowe'en Hats and Caps, a very fine assortment, 3c, 5c, and 10c. Main Floor, Pompeian Room FREE ART EXHIBIT "THE RED CROSS LETTER" A Celebrated $70,000 Painting By G. Albert Thompson The Most Pathetic Picture of the War will be exhibited here beginning Monday, October 29th, to Saturday, November 10th. A special enclosure has been constructed on the Second Floor, ad joining the Specialty Shop for Misses' and Small Women and ev eryone is invited to view this wonderful picture. FURS -Newest, Most Luxurious SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL would describe the Furs we are showing a display that is unusually select and of highest merit. Furs will advance in price materi ally, if the present indication of the wholesale market is any barometer therefore, these offerings give not only the opportunity to obtain choice pieces, but at very moderate prices as well. An investment in furs now is a REAL investment. FUR COATS of Hudson Seal, with self collar ' and cuffs, or trimmed with Marten. Lynx, Fox and various combinations. FUR CAPES, FUR STOLES, FUR SCARFS AND FUR MUFFS Of Kolinsky, Scotch Mole. Mink, Hudson Seal, Natural Muskrat and Rac coon, in all the newest styles. HUDSON SEAL COATS of se lected skins, 48 inches long. . . HUDSON SEAL COATS, large ucy size model, Marten trimmed. . . . $175 NATURAL MUSKRAT COAT, of dark selected skins; in rich, beautiful colors, large collar and cuffs; lined QQ throughout with brocaded silk. . . P0 Muffs and Scarfs Fox Muffs, in Poiret and Kamschatka color Fox Scarfs to match at the same price . . Moleskin Muffs, Moleskin Muffs, aja i drr canteen style ........ tp4y 10 $00 Second Floor Moleskin Stoles, (IflO Ct nr to match 10 $100 Rlack Lynx Muffs, nr mq large round shape. .. 10 pti Black Lynx Scarfs, both (hyjQ i. &rjr cape and animal effect. $4 o 10 p 1 0 Smart New Type Coats For Motoring, Street, Dress and Sports Wear These are particularly appropriate styles, embodying those fea tures which make them most desirable for motoring, street, dress oc casions and sports wear. Coats that are adaptable. New handsome Bolivias, Velours, Pom-Poms, Burella Cloth, Kerami, Velour du Nord, Peau de Pache and Baffin Seal. Beautiful linings, marvelous fur trimming, smart styles: all features which add to their extreme charm. Prices Are: $45-.00 $65.00 $75.00 to $125 66 AVIATION One of the extremely new features for motor wear is the Aviation Coat pictured in this advertisement. In lovely Burella Cloth, lined throughout with u contrasting shade of soft Ve lour. The collar or cape may be con verted into a hood that fits snuply around the head. An ideal, warm, comfortable coat. 4m' - 1 Ami W. y Hi, ' ' New Hat Hints For Formal Wear Leading Milliners in Chicago and New York have brought forth a wealth of new ideas in the past few days and they have been interpreted so well that we know you will be pleased to v them. Luxurious fabrics are ployed to harmonize with the velvet costunje a poem of color. Metallic brocades, com bined with fur, embroidered vel vets and satins also with fur. This is the newest of the new. see em- $18.00 to $35.00 Also a group of roll brimmed affairs showing the beauty of glossy fabrics combined with broadtail. $20.00 and Upward Sale of Our Model Hats The "Paris" Models, If You Please These are the hats that were obtained direct from Paris and are still in their original wooden boxes These hats cost a considerable sum to import more than we will ask for them, by far. In addition we are offering all our early New York models from such makers as Bendel, Joseph, Lishtenstein and Bruck-Weiss. . One Pr?e $16.50 Second Floor Handsome Dress Blouses $8.98 to $29.75 THESE ARE SIMPLY EXQUISITE in fart. wnrHo fail utterly to describe them there is an "air" about them that lends distinction and places them in a class by themselves "individual" is the word they are made with a separateness and oneness of style that defies duplication. Velvet and Satin, embroidered with Georgette. All the new Jtnit shades, such as Taupe, Beet Root, Plum, Brown, Beige, Navy,. Belgian Blue, Mole, Gray, also Flesh and White. Filet Lace Trimmed Models Irish Lace Trimmed Models Macre Lace Trimmed Models Second Floor Jit