THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1917. r Brief City News I'latinum Wedding Biota Edholm. Lighting Fixture Burgeu-Granden Co. ft He Boot Print It New Beacon Press. Metal Dies, Frewwork Jubilee Mf. Co. 33c Lonchron at Empress Garden. Dinner ?5e, Paxton Chocolate Shop, to 8. Isltlor Zlegler has moved his law of fices to 629 First National Bank build ing. Advertisement Federal Orrices Close at Noon All federal offices in Omaha will close at noon Wednesday jn celebration of Liberty day. Save' Fuel Have your windows and doors equipped with lliggln metal weather strips. The Higgin Mfg. Co., City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Douglas 4911. Taxi. Is Stolen A large Cadillac car belonging to the Merchants' Taxi company, 1506 Farnam street, was stolen from Twenty-sixth and Harney streets last night. Hofniann Goes to Chicago Emil L. Ilofmann, clerk in the city hall four and one-half years, left for Chicago last night to. make his home in the Illinois metropolis. Flies Bankruptcy Petition Julius Jeidel, who has been doing business as the North Side garage, filed a volun tary petition in federal court, asking to be adjudged a bankrupt. His debts are 2,012.05 and his assets are $250. Harry Wolf Incorporates The Harry A. Wolf company has Just filed articles of incorporation- to do a gen eral real estate and insurance busi ness. The company is incorporated for $500,000. Harry A. Wolf, Henry Monsky and Morris Levy are the in corporators, i EekerV Court Sold Eckert Court, the new apartment house near Thirty first and Jackson streets, has been sold to A. P. Hanchett for a consideration, Jisieu at iuv,vuu, mougn u is under stood a trade was involvedln the deal. The deed passed from E. E. Bennett, though F. P. Snowden also had an in terest In the property. Announcement The James Corr Electric company, who have the larg' ' est fixture -display in Omaha, are dis continuing the fixture business because they find it impossible to secure new goods on account of the scarcity of material. They have been installing fixtures in the better class of homes. Here Is a chance for someone to get real Dargains in fixtures. Adv. line Fireplace Goods at Sunderland'!. Fifield Bankruptcy Trustee Wants Mortgage Annulled A Charles H. Parley, trustee in bank ruptcy for Noris 'S. Fifield, filed suit in federal court against Abel Mills Fifield and the American Surety com pany. He asks that a mortgage given by the bankrupt in favor of Abel Mills Fifield be annulled. He charges the bankrupt gave this mortgage on his store in Monroe, Neb on May 28, 1917, knowing he was insolvent and therefore the mortgage constitutes an unlawful preference for Abel Mills Fi field over other creditors. Noris S. Fifield was adjudged a bankrupt Aug ust 6, 1917, He had been appointed guardian of Abel Mills Fifield, May 23. SOUTH SIDE BOY SCOUTS CHECK hallow PRANKS To Act as Deputy Police Offi cers to Aid in Keeping Order Among Small Boys. South Side Boy Scouts will assist members of the Omaha police depart ment in keeping order Hallowe'en.' night. Chief of Detectives Dempsey will administer the oath to the boys at a meeting Tuesday evening at their headquarters, 1 wenty-third and K treets. The boys will be eiven button showing that thev are actine ! as special police. - Ihe bouth Side Boy Scouts are active in securing subscriptions for tne Liberty loan, they have already turned in many subscriptions and are still working hard for more. The boys who turn in 10 Subscriptions win be awarded war medals. , "Scoutmasters are needed." said E E. Herman, deputy commissioner of the Boy bcouts and Young .Men s Christian association secretary on the South Side. "Doane Powell's cartoon in The Bee illustrated the scoutmaster shortage well. I wish we could get more men to take up the work for the boys are so enthusiastic and there is so much to be done. Program for the Week at Social Settiement House Tne following schedule has been planned by those in charge of the social settlement house, Twenty- nmtn ana y streets, fcouth Side: Monday, 3:45 to 5:00 Brownies in charge Of Miss Amy Johnson. Class In Knitting Miss Brown. ' Evening Gymnasium for boys and games for girls in charge of Maurice Howard and Messrs. Moore and Mennelly. Tuesday, S:45 to 6:00, Camp Fire Girls In cbasga of Mrs. Thoman smd Mrs. Trimble. Cooking Class Miss Carolyn Miller. Evening, Evening Supper Class Miss Irhia Gross. Boy Scouts (at school house) Mr. Her. hart. 7:00 to 8:00, Story Hour Miss Corr. Wednesday. 3:45 to 6:00. Bluebirds Mm. Jolly. Torch Making Maurice Howard. Evening Gymnasium and games for bovs and girls. Thursday, 3:45 to 6:00, Cooking Class Miss Isabel Oakley. Folk Dancing Miss Helen Reed. (Miss Rose Goldenberg will play for the dances.) Evening, Dressmaking tor Grown-UDs Mrs.- Betts. Debating Hour Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Ruff. -Friday. 3:45 to 6:00. Housekeeninr Mist. Atkins. Games Miss Corr. Physical Culture for Girls Miss Sterba. ' Gymnasium for boys. Saturday. 10:00 to 11:30. Sewing Class Mrs. Wernher. Miss Houston and Miss Sic. Donald. 7:00 t 1:00 P. M. Dancing for children. 1 Hour and :00 to U:00 uiicing fur .u Sunday, 3:00 to 4:J0, Story Music .Mrs. Mites Stamllsh. Evening, Glee Club and Singing Mrs. Ben Boyce. South Siue brevities Teamsters wanted. A. L. Bergnuist. Tel. South 62. Steam-heated apt. In Scargo blk. Four rooms. E. II. Bcniicr Co., D-8406. The ladles of the Christian church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Lee Neff, 4532 South Twenty-fifth street St. Martin's Woman's Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale at Twenty-fourth ami -N streets, Wedneslay, October 24. "THK HONOR SYSTEM." Now showing at the.Besse theater. The greatest nkture in age's. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Telephone South 900 and order a case of Oma or Lactonade, the healthful, refreshing Hume Beverages, delivered to your residence. Omaha Bevoruge Co. The Ladies' Aid society of the Grace Methodist church will be entertained at a kensington tea in the church parlors Thurs day afternoon, October !6. The Ladles' Aid society of the Wheeler Memorial church will hold a rummage sale at Twenty-fourth and O. streets, Friday, October 86. Anyone wishing to donate ar ticles call South 3022. Burglars entered the shoe repair shop of James Kunc, 3915 Q street. South Side, Sunday night by breaking a window in the rear of the building, and stole an electric motor and shoe leather valued at 150. The Women's club of the South Side are Interested In "Tho Honor System," which is being shown at the Bessie theater this week. They are using the message It teaches as the main theme in their discus sion on prison reform. D. C. Stickrath. 1702 tt Vinton street. who broke his leg In three places seven weeks ago, while the new Wagnew is getting along nicely and Is able to b- MRS. LITTLE SCORES USEjOF VACCINE Enemy of Compulsory Use of Serum Delivers Scathing Ad dress Before Gathering of Medical Men and Others. In protest against prevalent medical regulations concerning compulsory vaccination in all the large -cities of the United States, Mrs. Lora C. Lit tle, representing the Medical Freedom Educational committee, conducted a meeting in the assembly room of the City National bank building last night, which was attended by many medical men and opponents of vaccination. Mrs. Little voiced strong opinions of the evils and ill effects of compul sory vaccination and based her argu ments upon an investigation of thou sands of vaccine cases which resulted in death. Her only child died 22 years ago from the ill effects of vacci nation, and since then she has trav- , eled extensively, denouncing com pulsory medical treatment by city and state health boards. During the course of her remarks last night she said: Much Vaccine Infected. '"I am speaking against the crime of compulsory vaccination for the sake of humanity and for the safety of hu man lives, many of whom have suf fered from the effects of vaccination. Health boards have too much power installing machinery in ! in the decisions of compulsory opera lZTt1 9ns a,ld i: ?st cases of prevalent about on crutches. diseases only diagnose them and cx- Phresay Busing, south Side man, died pertinent 'on the patient, -by injecting Sunday at the home of his daughter In Lin- ,.,; , u. , coin at the age of 63 years. Funeral services v " yaiicui s uouy, will be held from Brewer's - chapel at 2 o'clock this' afternoon with burial In Laurel Hill cemetery. Rev. Robert Wheeler will officiate. Central High School Pupils And Teachers Buy Bonds Pupils and teachers of Central High school have subscribed $17,150 to the Liberty loan. The new subscriptions amount to $6750: the remainder was subscribed on the last loan, or through other organizations. Subscriptions are still being received. Captain Whiting of Fort Crook as sumed his duties yesterday as com mandant of cadets. He will start his school for cadet officers Thursday. Principal j. G. Masters has been ap pointed chairman of the committee of standardization of high school ad ministration of the National Associ ation of Secondary Schools. I he election cf omcers of the junior class will be held Wednesday. Miss Jessie Towne's senior English classes will present the trial scene from the Merchant of Venice. Daniel Long- well, Dorothy Grey, Robert Buching- "The root of our epidemics is due to infected vaccine.". , Dr. C. Rosewater Defends. Dr. Charles Rosewater, refuting sev eral of Mrs. Little's arguments, said: "You are trying to crucify the med ical profession, and we are helping toward the progress of the profession and health of mankind." Before leaving Omaha, Mrs. Little will give a lecture illustrated with stereopticon slides on the subject of vaccination. Young Man Is Killed When Car Jumps Track Y. Z. Walker, .117 Douglas street, switchman with a Union Pacific switch engine crew, was instantly killed yesterday afternoon when he was crushed between a box car and the walls of the Bemis Bag company building, Eleventh and Jackson streets, when the car jumped the track. His body was taken in charge by the Jackson Undertaking company. Walker is survived by his father. ham and Ilda Langdon will assume who was rooming with him at 2317 the principal roles. I Douglas street. iff -'' 17 ' HIT . ' . - ill PUKES SIM EVERYBODY STORE Tuesday, October. 23, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. Phone Douglas 137. HereVa RedllySerisational Offering of Smart New Serge Dresses As a result of a very spedial pur chase every dresg representing an , extreme reduction from the price at which they werd intended to sell Your Choice Wednesday-- rnO sav that the values arc reallv wonderful is to , X nlace it mildlv. New seme dresses inst the sort that women are asking for. The styles are of the most recent creation. " ; Redingote Models Coat Dress Effects Combinations of Satins and Serge, Beaded Models Straight Line Effects Plaited Tunics Brailed Models The colors are:. Navy, Brown, Taupe, Burgundy and Green, also Black. Burgess-Nash Co. ' Second Floor. Chinese President Mourns Loss of His Brilliant Wife (By AMvrlfttMi rrrtm.t Peking,' Oct. 22. President Feng Kwo-Chang was almost completely prostrated by the recent death of his wife. For two weeks he denied him self to all callers. He refused to have elaborate funeral ceremonies which would in any way savor of the mon archy. , Madame Feng's body still lies in state in the palace and it probably will be some weeks befcre burial, as floods in Chihli province have made it impossible to prepare a grave for her. ' Madame Feng played an important part in politics of China for the last five years. When Yuan Shi Kai be came president he engaged her as tu tor for his daughter.. She was Miss Chow, principal of the Girls' Normal school at Tien Tsin and was famous as a lecturer and advanced thinker and had acquired western ideas to a marked degree. Yuan Shi Kai fre quently consulted her on affairs of state and she became a very impor tant member of the president's house hold. . When Yuan Shi Kai designated General Feng Kwo-Cheng to take the post of military governor of Nan king he introduced the genera! to Miss Chow aiid suggested that she would make him a very desirable wife. A few months later they were mar rjed. Yuan Shi Kai gave the bride as a wedding present a beautiful sable coat which had been presented to him by an important Lama official. The coat had a long history and many Chinese believe that it carried bad . luck and was responsible for Madame Feng's death. Madame Feng came of a family of prominent officials in Kiangsu prov ince. She was only 37 yearj old. The president was more than twenty yearj her senior. BURGESS" 'EVERYBODYS STORE" Tuesday, October 23, 1917.' -STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY- -Phone DoufUs 137. Specially Priced Articles from the House Furnishing Department In the Down Stairs Store ' TTOUSEHOLD needs that every housewife is interested in. And she will be es pecially interested in these items, as they have all been very specially priced 'for Wednesday. , . . You will find in the. housefurnishing department in the Down Stairs Store, a most complete line of merchandise for the home. , Buck's Combination Stoves $85.00 For coal, wood or gas, made of cast iron and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Patent ar rangement which allows stove to bake perfectly with either coal or gas. Priced at $85.00 Buck's Cook Stove $19.50 Buck's Ranger cast iron cook stove with four hole top, 16 inch oven at , . $19.50 18 inch oven at...... .$27.50 Buck's Steel Range $37.50 Buck's steel range No. 8 size with 6 hole top, complete with warming closet, nickel plated, priced at $37.50 . Buck's Range at $38.00 Buck's cast iron range No. 8 size with 6 hole' i top, complete with warming closet, priced at $38.00 Perfection Oil Heaters $3.95 Perfection oil heaters, new 1917 models, smokeless and odorleBS, 4 quart font at $3.95 Stove Pipe 15c Blued steel stove pipes, fl inch size length, at 15c Ash cans made of heavily gal vaniz e d iron, heavy reinforced steel sides, priced at $2.95 Galvanized Iron Coal Hod with ' ' ' hood, 16-in., 65c, Buck's Round Oak Heater, . $6.95 : Buck's round Oak heater made of the best qual ity sheet, iron with heavy, cast base, first length of pipe furnished free. - ' No. 1 Enameled Roasters $1.59 Gray enameled covered roaster, seamless, first quali ty, large size, special at $1.59 N6..3 size at .$6.95 size at . i No. 5 size at ,......$10.95 Waffle Iron at 98c 'Ctst lron monkey, or laundry stoves priced at $3.95 Universal electric heater, com plete with detachable ' cord, at -$7.50 j , ; , " : Climax . wall " paper ' cleaner, special. at, 10c ;,r -v-"i Forest King axe with, handle, . 3 Mi to 4 lb: size, at 95c . Coal Scoop 69c Furnace scoops,"' good " quality " steel blade, handle, special at 69 ' . Sapolirt stove pipe enamel In a large can at 19 E.Z. liquid stoVe polish,! can,' 5c. '; Enameled Coffee Pots 49c ' Gray enam e 1 e d coffee pots, first, quality, 2 or 3 quart size, at 49c Enameled Kettle 59c First quality gray enameled seamless kettle with cover, 8 quart size, specially priced at 59c Gray enamel ed Berlin Ket tle with cover, first quality 8-qt. size, 69c. White enameled bath stools, well made,; special, at $1.50 Genuine American Waii-e Iron Made of cast iron, low frame, 98c. No. 8 size. f'- : Waffle ironsheavy cast alumi num with iron frame, No. 8 size, at $1.98 . Coffee Percolator $1.69 Aluminum coffee percolator, 8-cup size, special at $1.69. .Medicine Cabinets $1.50 . White enam eled medicine jcabinots with mirror door, 2 I1 shelves ' on in side, special at $1-50 Enameled Dish Pans 59c Sanitary glass rolling pins at 39c each. Glass canister wall cof fee mills, canister holds one pound of coffee, ad justable grinder, special at 49c. Bath brush, long curved handle priced at 39c. Triangle shape wall mop on spe cial sale for 39c Dust bane sweeping compound, large can at 15c. . Burf ess-Nub Co. Down 5tlr Store Japanned Drainer &T) Vrpmann'i ' Japanned Y sink. strainer, priced ' at 9c Cedar Oil Mops; 39c Cedar triangle oil mops, oiled ready for use; special at 39c. All white enameled dish pans, oval shapes, " seamless, priced at 59c . All white enameled seamless ob long pans, assorted size, choice 39c ; Imperial pure tissue toilet pa per, 1000 sheets to a roll, 3 rolls 25c . - . -, - -., Our China Section Is Also Well ; Prepared for a Special Sale Wednesday Decorated Semi Porcelain Breakfast Sets, $2.95 -: . ; . 31-piece decorated semi porcelain breakfast sets, plain, neat shapes, with pretty gold line decorations " r ' , .' " The Set at $2.95 i ' ' White semi porcelain cups and saucers, ovoid shape pan, 15c. White semi porcelain fruit saucers, fancy shape, each, 5c. White semi porcelain plates, fancy shapes Pie size, each, 7Vfcc. Supper size, each, 10c. Dinner size, . each, White semi porcelain platters, 8-inch size, 19c; 10-inch size, 35c. Brown glazed earthen tea pots, at 19c. Brown, earthen bowls, 7 and 8 inch sizes, 10c. Cut uiass table tumblers, thin lead blown blanks, with an assortment of cuttings to choose from, choice, each, 10c. ' Heisey Glass candy jars, with cover-colonial pattern, 69c. Heisey Goblets, colonial Glass pattern; each, 12c. White semi porcelain coupe soup plates, each, 10c. White semi porcelain bowls, each, 15c. . White semi porcelain bakers or oblong vegeta ble dishes, 7-inch ; size, 15c; 8-inch size, 20c. - Brown earthen casseroles, round I'l , . ; or oval shape, white lined with cover, 25c. Cut sugar and cream sets-- ' pretty shapes, 69c. cruets, Heisey , Glass . Vinegar colonial pattern, 29c. . ' Heisey Glass-handled nappies, colonial pattern, 29c. i, . . TV i