THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 21. 1917. M 7 A RURGESS.-NASH OMAHA- MA SERVICE 1 - Order by Mail, October 22 to 27 Sending Money Remittances may be made by PostoffiQe money order, Express money or der or Bank Draft. If cur rency is 'gent the letter should be registered. 1 and 2c stamps are accept ed for small amounts. Liberal Guarantee If you are not perfect ly satisfied in every way with your purchase, re turn it and we will re fund your money - no offer could be fairer or broader. ; ' Groc iet Bed Spreads Offered This Week at ; v .50 11 No. 1 25 Crochet . bed . spreads, hemmed, full bleached, , regular double size, assorted patterns at $1.50. No. 325 Hemmed saiin bed spreads, assorted Marseilles pat tens, lage double bed size at $3.25. f ; No. 150 Crochet bed spreads, snow white, full double bed size, scaHoped with cut-out corner, special sale, at $2.25. V No. 30- Fine satin Marseilles bed spreads large size, handsome assorted desgns, scalloped with cut-out corners,1 at $4.25. a . i Women's Union SUITS 75 c No. 10-U.S. -Women's Union Suits of white cotton fleece lin ed, high neck, long s 1 e e v es low neck and no sleeves; also' Dutch neck, .elbow sleeves and ankle length Sizes 34 to 38, at 75c ' Sizes 40 to 44, at $1.00 Here's a Big Corset Bargain at $1.25 No. 176-BN Strong, me dium bust' corsets with long skirts, free hip, dou ble boned made of firm coutil, wide embroidery trimmed, strong support ers, sizes 19 to 36, very special, at $1.25. - Brassieres, 25c SPECIAL Brassieres,' embroidery and lace trim- i.itieu, uuui uactt. aim iruin; sizes 34 to 46, special, 25c More Magazines for Less Money ! If You Act This Week , Seven Great Bargain Offers COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE 2 Years for $2.00 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. ,. .2 Years for $2.00 HEARST'S MAGAZINE.. 2 Years for $2.00 Youth Companion, New subscribers msy have 62 Issues of 1918, all re maining; 1917 weekly issues. The Companion Calendar for 1918. McCall'a Magazine (12 Fashion -Numbers') American , Magazine. . . . .$1.50 Woman's Home Companion.... 1.50 To one address Publisher's Price, $3.00 l6r Spech Price, $2.25 )ur Speci Price. f $2.fc0 You Savt 50 Centa Boys Life. McClure'a . . . .$1.50 hir Spec!) Price, Mag-atine .... 1.50 0 25 Ladiei' World.. l.WU T7. Vi Publisher's Price, $4.00 J " I You Savt .75. McClure'a Magazine $1.50 Ladie.' World... 1.00 Publisher's Price, $2.50 J )ur Specii Price, ,$2.00 You Sav 60 Cents Girls' Winter Coats for es 6 to 14 Years SftMo.-' 7250 Mothers "will appreciate this offering when they see the coats, made of all wool melton cloth, in brown or navy .blue, lined throughout, finished with belt. and pockets; all lsizes for girls 6 to 14 ye'ars. Very spe cial for this week at the price $5.95. How to Order Garments When ordering suits, coats, dresses or cloth skirts, write down the order number, size, color, descrip tion and prices, and, in addition, mention he fol lowing measurements:- - . ' s An a Pass the tape measure entirely BUSt MeaSUre around the bust over the fullest part in front and well up on the shoulder Wade in back. r 11 a 11 Measure entirelr around small 15 WaiSt meaSUre est part of the waUt over your C Ca if Cl,:Ji' Measure from' lower aide of front Of OKirt waUtlnd down to foot of skirt l 1 SPECIAL, NOTICE All garment in this sale bein of standard measurements, it will not be possible to fill orders on measurements out of regular proportions. To -Order Shoes It is necessary to state both size and Tidth qt else give us measure menus ui me iuui, uutiug inch measurements at ankle, " ' heel, instep and ball of foot -is in diagram, or an outline of the stockinged foot on paper, secured by drawing around it with, a pencil. v AKKU THIS PAGE of unusual values" in merchandise of the most seasonable and wanted sort is compiled especially for' your benefit for you who find it inconvenient to come to our store to benefit by the splendid savin g possibilities. v The offerings on this page are for this week only, October 22 to 27 inclusive, and orders post marked after 9 p. m. Saturday will not be accepted for filling. V WE PREPAY DELIVERY CHARGES ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY BY MAIL We Guarantee Prompt Delivery These Are the Season's ingest arid Best Goat alues TrlE material alone would in a regular way cost more than the price tasked this week. Send your order today. r , Women's Plush Goats at $15.95 No. 7320 Made of good quality plush, with Saltz lining, fitted style and J length. Black only. We consider them be long odds the season's best when at $15.95. . t Women's Cloth Coats at $12 50 , . . . , No. 7321 Fancy mixtures, Scotch tweeds,- desirable for automobile and general wear, loose fitting witli belt, large collar, very, special for this week at $12.50. i - t , Wool Dress Goods At 98c No. 002-M W o o 1 dress goods in plaids and checks, for dresses and skirts,, embracing- all the new color combinations, , in the stylish dark tones, 44 inches wide 98c yard. . French Serges, $1.75 No. 002-1 All wool French serges, for one-piece dresses, navy blue only, 42 inches wide, $1.75 a yard. Velour Coatings, $3.50 No. 002-2 Velour coatings, heavy quality, navy, brown, dark green, 'leather, bur-' gundy, plum, Copenhagen and black; 54 inches wide at $3.50 yardr Linen for , Embroidering IT'SLthe right time to start your embroidering work, for Christ mas gift giving, and "of course, you'll want pure linen1 of a good quality. The following prices are quoted on full bleached linens: No.'74-N 18 inches wide. . . .50c 20 inches wide. . . .55c 22r inches wide. .. .60c I ' 24 inches wide. .. .65c 27 inches wide. . . .75c 36 inches wide. .$1.00 45 inches wide. .$1.25 ' 54 inches wide. .$1.50 No. D-62 Ecru linen, in smooth, good heavy weight. 18-inch. . .50c 27-inch. .75e 20-inch... 55c 36-inch. . .$1.00 22-inch.. .60c 45-inch. . .$1.25 54-inch. . .$1.50 SILK POPLIN 98c , No. 001-1 Especially desirable for smart dresses, in pretty shades of navy, burgundy, green, gray, brown, plum, white, wisteria, Bel gian blue, red and black at 98c a yard. . f ' Dress Satin $1.49 No. 001-2 Satins are the cor. rect fabrics, shades of brown, gray, reseda green, navy blue, old rose, dark green, tan, Alice blue, Belgian blue, plum, wine, white or black, 36 inches wide, $1.49 a yard. Crepe de Chine $1.59 No. 001-3 All pure silk, black crepe de chine . for rich, dressy gowns and waists, 40 inches wide, $1.59 ayard. ) . EXTRA SPECIAL! - Women's SHbes at Less than Factory Price . for This Week - i V No. 23-X. They're the result of a big special' pur chase, including: Women's patent colt, button, cloth tip. Women's patent colt, ttutton, kid tip. - , Women s patent colt, lace, km toe; Women's dull kid, button, plain toe. Women's dull kid. button, with tip. Women's kid lace, plain toe, shotf vamp. s ' Note Be sure to state size and give foot measurements,- as shown elsewhere on this page. II l nv s-m wmm. CVERYSOOYS STORE" OMAHA NEBRASKA Insured Mail You take no risk in buying by mail from us because we in sure all packages sent by Par cel Post. Furthermore, if the purchase should not prove en-' tirely satisfactory when you re ceive it, return it and we will refund your money. Child's Mittens, 45c Warm, fleece lined! mittens, with leather' palm .and astrakrian back, brown and tan; very special this week at, 45c pair. -"fvX Women's All Wool Serge Skirts at $495 No. 7455 Made .of all wool' serge, with gathered back, wide belt stitched with silk tailored braid, two pockets also stitched with braid and trimmed with but tons. Navy or black, special this week, at $4.95. This Marabou Cape $2.95 No. 17-X Fluffy mara bou capes, . n e t n i n .W v a v A J VIA blVu'i aim ma- pKH combined, '"lM natural shades. s4$y ana DiacK. uan be worn with any color. Silk lined and finish ed with .ribbon ends. An ex tr e m e special this week $2.95. Wo mien! s Cotton Uose- 25c 'No. 10-W. H. Here's a most remarkable of fering of women's hose,' bought especially with ," the requirements of our out-of-town patrons in mind. Heavy black cot- 4mm .ii.M. 4i less foot, Mh yS i double arar- 'Km ter top s. We consid er them ex treme value this week, at 25c pair. Men's Automobile Glowsj, Very Special This Week alf i $2.85 V No. 1266 Men's auto gloves with gauntlet black leathesH faced. Balance of glove mcluuingj gauntlet of heavy gray wool cloth. A very desirable and durable auto, glove at .$2.85 a pair. , t No. 1267 Same style -as above, except kjiaki color,-.price, $2.85 a pair. V r No. 1268 Same as 1267, except wool lined. Price, $2.85 a pair. ' ' Everybody Is Knitting; , No. 114 Hollywood knit ting needles with sterling ends. Sizes 5 and 7 for Red Cross w6rk, 35c pair. No. 115 Steel knitting needles, all sizes, 5c each. No. 814-14-inch amber knitting needles, sizes 4-5, 7-9, at, 50c a pair. , -. No. 710 10-inch knitting needles, all sizes, 3& pair. , . . . , Khaki knitting yarn, at $1.00 a hank. Fleisher's knitting worsted, black, white, all shades and red, navy, green, brown, pink and blue, 50c a ball. ' - Men's 80 Wool Union Suits This Week for $3:50 No. 3736 "Richmond Mesco" union suits, 80 wool, blue, gray, closed crotch, extra Well made; special price, this week, $3.50. Union Suits, $2.50 Nbl 3780 Me dium weight merino union suits, regular and stout sizes up to 50. Special price, this week, $2.50. : !. "if' '