Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 6

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    Vomen's Shoes
Reduced Prices
43 Different Styles for Fall
A very unusual thing to offer stich Shoes
as these at reduced prices, but there is
good reason these lots have accumulated
from recent sales, and while there are not
all sizes in each lot, you will find all sizes
in the collection. ,
In order to keep our stocks complete In size ranges,
it is necessary to clear away from time to time the odd
lots which accumulate as these have done and so to,
make new owners for them quickly we have put these
little prices upon them. There are
Brown Kid Gray Kid J Black Calf
Tan Russia Calf Ivory Kid African Brown Calf
Black Kid Bronze Kid Patent Leather
Lace and button styles and every kind of heel.
Shoes that were marked $9.00 to $12.00,
Shoes that were marked $5.50 to $7.50,
Children Shoes, l$l .98, $2.48, $2.98
Made with black' kid vamps, black cloth tops, button
styles, patent tip toes and good oak soles.
Sizs6to8 $1.98
Sizes 8 to 11 ...! ... $2.48
Sizes lli2 to 2 ....v...;. $2.98
Main Floor, Rear '
v Hosiery Offerings
of Exceptional Interest
The most complete stocks of all the wanted Hosiery,
at prices which clearly prove the supremacy of this store
, in its wonderful buying power. 4 X
Women' Pure Thread Silk Boot Hose, in all colors, full
fashioned, lisle tops, reinforced soles, heels 75 C
and toes, at ...............................
Women's Fiber Silk Seamless, all shades, also CO -
black and' white, spliced heels and toes, at. rJ'
Women's Fancy Striped and Lace Boots, in $1.25 '
high colors, at .......... . . . . ? ...... ... .T: ;
Motor Hose, for comfort, and a most complete line of
woolen and fine cashmere, at prices QQq to $2,75
from ........................ ,
Children's Hose, in white and black, fine cibbed, OR,
double heels and toes, good quality, at .... ... .
Boys' Hose, splendid weight, double feet, in fast 35c.
black, at 3 for $1.00. ort pair, at
Main Floor
. ' r
Books on Military Training'
- All books on the, subject of Military Training may be se
cured in our Book Department. Special care has been taken
in selecting these books so that only the latest and officially
prescribed editions are on sale.
Among the leading books In demand at present, are:
Infantry Drill Regulations, U.
S. Army . . , 75
Field Service Regulations, U.
S. Army j......75d
Plattsburg Manual . . . $2.00
Manual of Military Training,
by Major Moss...... $2.25
Officer's Manual, by Major'
Moss .. $2.50
Army Paper Work, by Major
Moss ............ ..$2.00
Junior Plattsburg Manual,
at ...$1.50
Fundamentals of Military
Service, by Captain An
drews ....... '...;.. $1.50
Manual for Court Martial, U.
S.Army ...... $1.10
Mala Floor
Bin.n il.niM Ixti. iei!i
Lm Saaiaea nriaa du
This fine r V utistelteAUYakijl
Tooth Paste,
a tube, 18c
' Drugs and Toilet Articles
atYery Low Prices Y
l-lb. bottle Peroxide of Hydrogen, at. .......... . .23c
Sloan's liniment, 25c size, at. 17c
Nature's Remedy Tabs, 50c size, at ............... 29c
Lysol Antiseptic,"$1.00 size, at. .....69c
Mentholatum, 50c size, at. ...... . . . ........ .....29c
Listerine, 50c size bottle, at i 3c
Walnut Hair Stain, 60c size, at . . i ................ 39c
Sodium Phosphate, 4-oz. bottle for. 33c
Keep Clean Hair Brush. This brush sells regularly V
for $1.00;' special for Saturday's selling, at. ...... .69c
Graves' Tooth Powder, 25c size, at ...... . . . ...... 16c
Non Spi, 50c size, at .33c
Djer Kiss Face Powder, 60c size, at. .49c
Pinaud's Eau De Quinine, 75c size, at .49c
Williams' Shaving Cream, 25c tube, at... ..16c
Locust Blossom, White Rose or Sweet Pe Perfume,
regularly 50c the ounce, at 29c
Hospital Cotton, l-lb. rolls, special, at...,. 29c
Mary Garden Talcum Powder, special, at. ....... . .49c
Lilac Rose Talcum Powder, l-lb. can, special, at. . . .16c
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, at. .....14c
Djer Kiss Vegetal, very special, at .89c
Rubber. Gloves, regular 59c value, at .....29c
Lilac .Rose Soap, special, the cake, at 7c
Kirk Olive Soap, special, the cake, at 6c
Kirk Juvenile Soap, Special, the cake, at 7c
'i'Vi ' Melorose- . Face
DAINTY ; Power, 50c size,
f ATJittra 42c t
I V"" - fi Ul.VTt" TN. Melorose Route.
. SZJ KOe R17.P. 42c
Malm Floor
Stirring News in Thes
TFhe lupreme f uitlale'pt tine
Every good style
that Fashion has fav
ored for thiS Fall
scores and scores of
200 Suits in this sale
exclusive s styles
and the best value
quoted hi many sea
sons at this price.
A Marvelous Price is Made Possible in This Sale
Because of an Extraordinary Purchase by Opr New York Representative.
Twenty-five dollars for Suits that are fashioned in the latest modes
and well tailored and finished in every detail is little short of sensa-
tional in a season when all kinds of materials are higher than they
have been for years.
Come here with very high expectations,
for we have seldom seen better value" at this
price and you will be agreeably surprised at
the purchases you can make in this sale. An
almost endless assortment and every style
right up tp the minute.
1 Do Not Underestimate This Wonderful Opportunity
The Chance to Share and Save Considerable is Yours Now.
Materials are Broadcloths,, Silvertone, Tricotine, Velours,
Poplins and Men's Wear Serges.
Trimmed with Hudson Seal, Taupe, Coney, silk stitching,
braiding, variety of buttons, etc
Stylet Made in plain tailored and belted models, with wide
. variations of pockets and the beautiful new ''butterfly" collar.
Colors are Green, Nut Brown, Beet Root, Blue, Taupe and
black. '; t '
All at $25.00 Each
Second Floor
For Women
1,000 G
Bought From N
A very special purchase
concession, enables us to qu
markedly below the figures
bought in the regular way. t
ket, that anyone who reads
a need, will surely hasten t
but future needs as well.
Women's Union Suits, silk to
cuff knee, reinforced under
If bought today, would sell
Women' Wool and Part Wo
elbow sleeves ; high neck, lo
sleeveless, and ankle length
If bought today, would sell
Women's Fine Cotton Union
sleeves; high neck, long ale
If bought today, would sell
Women's Union Suits, plain
neck, elbow sleeves and hig
length ; if bought today vvoul
Misses' and Children's Vest
lined, very nice quality; if b
sell for 50c, at.. ,.
Children's Union Suits, of fi
with light fleecing; if bough
for 75c, special, at
Missies' and Boys Union Sui
fine and heavy ribbed, jfl
years ; if bought today, woul
for $1.00 and $1.25, at...
Boys' Union Suits, good, hea
years, with light fleecing; if
sell for $1.00, at i .
Misses' and Children's "Man
Fall wear, medium weight,
$1.00 qualities, at . .
Women's "Munsing" Union
early Fall wear, sleeveless, t
knee, all sizes, seconds of th
quality, at i.
"Kayser" Plain Lisle and Sil
bodies, regular and extra siz
cial for M OC 51 fc
Women's Silk and Wool n
"well known "Munsing" an(l
less, long and elbow sleejre
length, special, at j .
Saturday Night
Chicken Dinner
. Served From S to 8:30 1
P. M.
Special Musical Enter
Green Room
Beautiful DRESSES for Fall
From $19.75 to $65i00
that unmistakable yet intangible and wholly fascinat
ing charm that every woman seeks is here, embodied
in these garments. - v
These Dresses are fashioned in Velvet'
eens, Tricotine, Jersey, Serge, Duvetyne, etc.
v Street and Afternoon Frocks in Fashion's
every fancy. Bustle effects, tunic effects,
apron effects, Redingote and perfectly, plain
tailored braided styles.
A Dress for each and every occasion is to
be' found in this Specialty Shop for Misses
and Small Women- and a Dress that has an
unmistakably" distinguished air. '
Second Floor Specialty Shop for MUe and Small Women
Girls' Dainty Frocks in Variety
For School and Dress-Up Wear
! THIS SPECIALTY SHOP for Girls is showing the most complete
assortment of the crettiest stvles for the younger generation. ' ,
' ' One Dress of Blue Serge that buttons over the shoulder, and
has a yoke that is piped with old blue flannel and right across
the front, between the box pleats, are tiny stars, done in blue
wool beautifully tailored, and such fascinating models that
VVogue" quotes this dress as one of the most likeable for girls
shown this season.
Sizes in this style range, from 6 to 14 years. '
- Popular Priced Dresses of Goocl Serges
Shown in all colors and a variety of. good styles. These are suit
able for girls from. 6 to 14 years of age. J5Q0 to $8.95
Coats In Great Variety
The Most Complete Stock Anywhere
We have received in the past few days scores and scores of Coats
suitable for girts up to 16 years of age and covering that period when
the growing girl is hard to fit $8.95 l $25.00
Middy StirU for School Girls
Pleated Middy Skirts on Waists, all wool Eft lo $5 00
serges, at , . . ........ . . . . .
Second Floor v . .
Baby wear atExtr
In a Sale Every Mo
We made such extremely fortunate
from well known makers that now we ar
low. .Consider the fact that Blankets ar
other m'anuf actures, containing wool, sil.
a true estimate ofthe real bargains to be o
just of4hose articles which Baby requires
These purchases were made month
we are able to quote , figures that woul
the open market and purchase today.
We have made arrangements for the best o
surely come to the Third Floor Baby Wear De
this added preparation, we would advise you t
The items we mention are just a fe
' and in every instance prices are extrem
Children' Bath Robe, of .Beacon Blankets, as
sorted colors, regular $1.00 values, special, for this
sale ..Got
Baby Blanket, plain white, or white with pink
and blue figures, Beacon make, Eiderdown and
some in combination cotton and 'wool; values
' S1.B0 to $2.00, very special for this sale, at 79c
Infant' Kimono, beautifully embroidered borders, also a few
short Sacques and Nightingales, embroidered with dainty sprays; values
75c to $1.25, very special for this sale, at... 591
Infants' White and Colored Flannelette Kimono, in dainty colored bof-H
ders (embroidered), and attractive designs, values 60c, special,Tf
this sale, at .29
Infant' Colored Velvet and Plush Bonnet, grouped in two lots, special,
for this sale ..... : v 39 nd 89
Infant' Hand Embroidered and Hand Sewed Dreue. either scalloped or
featherstitched hems, regular $3.00 values, spceial, for this sale, $1.98
Infant' Romper and Creepers, in ginghams and chambrays, values 75e,
special, for this sale , 49
n O