THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 14, 1917. POSTPONE PLEDGE CARD CAMPAIGN On Bequest of President Wilson rood Administration Waits for Completion of Lib. erty Bond Drive. Postponement of the food pledge card campaign is announced from the office of Food Administrator Wattles. The campaign is postponed for one week, and is now to take place the week of October 27 to November 4. The action was the result of a re quest from President Wilson to Fed eraUFooa Administrator Hoover, be cause the Liberty bond campaign is occupying so much attention at this time. President's Letter to Hoover. The president's letter follows: "The exigencies of the treasury have required setting the final week of the Liberty loan campaign during the periow of October 21 to 28. This I understand brings it into the same week us the food conservatio plcdg"! j campaign, it seems to me undes.r . able in the interest of both these capi- isi ",.::r3 mat l .a eaould occur, under ,ese circumstances, therefore I would be lc thcpledr. cam paign co-Id be dei...:i one week; tnat is, until Uctober 28 to Novem ber 4. In asking this alteration of the plans of yourself and your associ ations, I shoild like to take this oc , casion to impress upon them that I in no way underrate the importance ot their eitort It we are to su our allies with the necessary food and are to -reduce our own prices of foodstuffs during the coming winter, it can only be accomplished by the utmost self-denial and service on the part of all our people through the elimination of waste and by rigid economy tn tne .use ot tood, , "Therefore, I would be glad it you wouia convey to an ot our start ' throughout the country my feeling j of the prime importance of their ' plans and their work. I wish particu larly to express my great apprecia tion of the service which this addi jtional tax on their time will impose tipon the ma" thousand volunteers 'who have already deferred their own j concerns to public interest in this important work. .1 ask them not to allow this alteration in program to :J Wife of the President of Cuba Is an Ardent Red Cross Worker i 5. rt ' si w U tl K R dampen their fine enthusiasm, but : rather to redouble their energies' in 'their very great branch of national service,, urdia!ly and sincerely yours. 7- WOODROW WILSON.", SOUTH SIDE Packers to Meet at r Chicago Next Monday M. R. Murphy, manager, and R. E. Yocum of the v,udahy packing plant, South Side, will attend the meeting of the American Meat Packers in Chi cago Monday. "The question ot meat conservation Will be taken up, also many other mat ters, and it will be an important meet ing,1' said Mr. Murphy. , "All of the 'big packing plants in the .United States will be represented and ? the meeting will aim to help packers co operate with each other and with the government" , , Members of Live Stock Exchange Take Bonds Fifteen thousand dollars was sub scribed for Liberty bonds at a meet ing of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange Friday afternoon in the Ex change hali. The Live Stock exchange men responded liberally to the first Liberty loan and they have not failed to answer. the second call. A com plete canvass of the building will be made next week and, all business of fices in the Exchange building will be thi - t olicited. The folic wing persons were eai ' appointed lo head the committee in it charge of the Liberty bond loan drive I in tne Exchange building: E. P. p: Melady, William H. Woods, Sam Wertheimev and A. F.Stryker. Move Taps" Costs Leland Fifty Dollars and Costs fe hi 52 th mi i of , '! sd ai , t qij- o , tlX of, sat : tn; ; ? & t ? 5, i I'kWh pi VN i y W f7 A L Sol The most active worker and presi dent of the women's section of the Cuban Red Cross is Madame Mariana Seva de Menocal, wife of the presi dent of Cuba. She also is active in a campaign to raise funds for the American Red Cross. ' Madai.t Menocal is known as one . . .... ot tne most beautitul women in Latin America and is well known in New York and Washington society. Union Pacific Plans Bluffs Improvements To Cost Big Sum A new forty-stall roundhouse, ma chine shop, power plant and coaling station, freight trackage and other im provements at the Union Pacific ter minal in Council Bluffs, to the value of more than $2,000,000, are on the Union Pacific construction program for the coming year The trackage will occupy a lartre area south of the present Union Pa cific transfer yards which would necessitate the reclaiming of the swampjr lowlands in that district. Silt from the Missouri river was used in the reclamation of the shop yards and the same procedure is contemplated in this case. ' Details of the terminal work will be made public when Judge R. S. Lovett, chairman of the Union Pacific board, comes to Omaha next week. , 1 I i .... ! ' Next Draft Contingent u , Will Be ! Largely Negroes Eighty-five per cent vof the next contingent to Camp Funston from Omaha will be colored men. The previous contingents have been re stricted to whites leaving a large ma jority of the remaining men negroes. From the first and fifth districts which will send forty-eight and forty- live men respectively 11 is Denevea that the number wil run to a larger percentage than the average of the other districts. U.S. Airmen in Canada Move to Fort Worth Toronto, Ont., Oct. 13. The First iquadron, consisting of 250 cadets and mechanics of the United States fly ing corps, training in Canada, was preparing to leave here today for winter training camp, near Fort Worth, Tex. By December 1, it is expected that the remainder of the 1,000 United States flyers training in Canada and 3,400 Canadian cadets and mechanics will be in training at the Texas camp. Trapsfer;of the Canadians will begin as soon as the United States men have gone, Giving his wife a "love tap" cost J. nu kir ter . bin? O. Leland, colored, 4831 South Twen of ty-fourth , street, $50. The "gentle ' ga; tap" blackened the wife's eyes and lay bruited her face. Claudia Leland tes Sati tifled in South Side police court that I her husband knocked her down and hat that , he had a gun which he seemed for. ready to use. : - : " kcI Police Judge Fitzgerald ordered Le Ctt lanl to give his wife $25 so that she Co can go back toiler home in Kansas City; then he find htm $25 and costs. Stasia Cltr Oowlp. For Rant I and I room houi. South 101. WIm Eva Trin will ld th Lttthar Uafu. melln( Sunday vonlnf. ' Dr. Van Kourart bat moved Mi offlca to 4SISH South Tft-tnty-fourth. Tl. So. 141. Don't Endure c .Rheumatic Pain Ji Any kind of external ache i? ' relieved by Sloan' Liniment, For prompt relief from Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, or Lumbago, you can depend on Sloan's Liniment. The warming, soothing, counter-irritant effect is the quickest way to over eome the inflammation, swelling or stiffness. A few drops go right to the sort part, draw the blood from the congestion and remove the cause f the ache. . -.,vV- ; The great penetrating power' of Sloan's Liniment makes rubbing needless. It is easier and cleaner to ase than plasters or poultices. It loes not stain the skin or clog the pores. A bottle of Sloan's Liniment is all yon need for quick rest and re lief, from the pains of sprains, Druises, backache, stiffneck and most forms of rheumatic twinges. Gener ous site bottles at druggists every- vhere. 25c, 60c, $1.00. LUiOOX53GQL mm mm UTFIEt i The fire at our warehouse on Friday night wasl , a very disastrous one, and both warehouse and con tents seem to be pretty thoroughly demolished. Our f iye retail stores i are thoroughly stocked with goods and we always have many shipments of goods enroute and these will be arriving at the rate of four or five each day, so we shall, without doubt, be able to supply the demands of our customers with our usual promptness. ' The following shipments were enroute before the fire many of them overdue : ' Pharmaceuticals from E. R. Squibb & Sons, New York. Pompeian Olive Oil in five sizes from Pompeian Co., Balti- . , more, Md. Retinol Soap and Ointment from Resinol Co., Baltimore, Md. ' , , Sponges and Chamois from Nassau Sponge Co., Chicago, 111. ' Palmolive Soap from B. Jj, Johnson Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ' DeMiracle Depilatory from The DeMiracle Co, New York, , .; .N..Y. : - v3 ', :. ,;v . - ' , ; Falk Tobacco Co., Richmond, :Va.; Tpbacco Products. Pharmaceuticals from Parke Davis & Co., Kansas City, Mo. Chemicals from Merck A Co., St, Louis, Mo. Gauze and Surgical Supplies from Johnson & Johnson, ' ; New Brunswick, N J. ! ; " . . ' Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes from Seamless Rub ber Co., New HavenConn. Sal Hepat'ca. in 3 sires, rom Bristol Myers Co., Brook lyn, N. Y. - . . , ; ; ; . ; ; Carbdtia. in 3 sizes, from Carbona Products Co., Newark, 'h " . N J. . v J. ;, .t Pond's Extract and Pond's Creams, from Lamont Corliss - , ,4 Co., New York, N. Y. r . ' Bromo Seltier, in 4 sizes, from Emerson Drug Co., Bal timore, Md., . , Simplex Manicure goods, from Dr. Wm. C. Korony, Louis ville, Ky. Ten Eyck Cijrars, in 3 shapes, from Gene-Vall Cigar Co New York, N. Y. Vinol, from Chester Kent & Co., Boston, Mass. Adlerika, from the Adlerika Co., St Paul, Minn. Herbs, from John Schoenegan, New York, N. Y. French Preparations, from E. Fougera & Co., New York, . N. Y. ' v ' ' Tooth Paste and Pyorrhea Preparation, from Forhan & . f, Co. New York, N. Y. Photographic goods, from Ansco Co., Kansas City, Mo. Gillette B'ades a"d Razors, from Gillette Safety Razor ' Co., Boston, Mass. Pharmaceuticals, from H. K. Mulfjrd Co., Kansas City, Mo. . Pbarmaceut'cals, from Schieffelin & Co., New York, N. Y. Pharmaceuticals from Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, HI. Rexall Remedies, Candies and Toilet Articles, from- United, Drug Co. v Menthol Pencils and Inhalers and Manicure Goods, from S. H. Wetmore Co., New York, N. Y. v 1 Nail Buffers, Manicure Scissors, etc., from Holton & Ad ; ams, New York, N. Y. Orders are being placed with manufacturers for complete new lines of everything destroyed, and we shall be able to supply all wants of our customers without delay. V INTERSTATE FAIR IS WELLRECEIYED State Fair Members, Cattle Clubs and Omaha Entailers Endorse Proposed Show in Omaha. The Associated Retailers of Omaha have endorsed the proposed Omaha interstate .fair. At their monthly meeting the fair idea was thoroughly discussed and it was decided that it was worthy of the retailers' support and Secretary J. W. Metcalfe was au thorized to write a formal letter of endorsement. 'There was not a dissenting vote," said President Charles E. Black, "the decision was unanimous." "The retailers were glad to learn of the promised support of the Nebraska state fair." reported Secretary Met calfe, "and hope that a working agree- mem wun ine AK-aar-uen may De et- tectea by the interstate fair people. Charles Graff of Bancroft. Neb.. president of the Red Polled Cattle Club of America, recently wrote: "As a member of the State Board of Agri culture, I see no reason why an inter state fair could not be a success in Omaha; in fact, I feel, if worked out in the proper way. it should be a win ner. I thank you for the kind con sideration you have shown the state board members and your desire for a real spirit ot co-operation. i. K. Furcell of Broken Bovf. Neb another member of the state board. writes: "The management of the Ne braska state fair looks with favor upon tne organization of an interstate fair at Omaha, with dates to be approved by us, and I will be glad to aid m any way possible to hclo make the Omaha interstate fair th success I believe it will attaiq under the directorship of Messrs. Creigl.ton, Brandeis, Nash, Byrne, Johnson and other public spirited Omaha men who may join you." Wife of Bluffs Minister Killed in Fall From Car Mrs. Cora Crissman, wife of Rev. G. D. Crissman, 11, South First street, Council Bluffs, died at 1:30 this morn ing at St. Joseph's hospital from con cussion of the brain due to a severe fall received while alighting from a street car last night at Tenth and DourIss streets. The conductor of the car from which Mrs. Crissman fell, said that she had come to the rear platform when he told her the next stop was Tenth street. He said she either stepped or fell from the car while it was in motion. She was hurried to St. Joseph's hospital where Dr. Mullen rendered first aid. i Hartman Furniture Co. Buys Liberty Bonds Harry Fellheimer, manager of the Omaha Hartman store, has been ad vised by Leon Hartman that the Hart man company has purchased $150,000 worth of bonds of the second Liberty loan. Of this sum $100,000 worth of the bonds was pjrehased I by the in n store in Chicago, while $a0.000 worth was subscribed by the five branch establishments, $10,000 worth by each branch. Branches are m Omaha, Minneapolis, Milwaukee. St Josepa and Peoria. Scottsbluff Seeks a Carnegie Public Library Scottsbluff, Neb., Oct. 13.-(Spe-cial.) At a meeting of those inter ested in the securing of a Carnegie library the Scottsbluff Library board was organized Thursday evening, with H. L. Sams, president, and Mrs. I. B. Schrock. secretary tT 1 fi'r1 U ABOUT OUR BIG LACECURTAINPURCIIASE and th! VALUES We OFFER ALL Week and Until fits Enormous Stock Is RE DUCED to normal The shipment of Lace Cur- ains offered at the low prices found in our ad today fulfills a purchase contract-involving he saving of many thousand dollars to ourselves and our customers made at a time early in the present year be- ore mill prices went soar ing upward, due to causes pro duced by the war, which has affected all mill products in every character of merchan dise. We were fortunate in getting the shipment made at all. Now we are going to share his timely stroke of good for- une with our customers in giving to them such values as woiild seem inconsistent with he general trend of prices on dependable merchandise. , This is a Lace Curtain buy ing opportunity that you will harjdly see again for many years. More than 3,000 pairs of new, nifty fresh from the mills Lace Curtains, for every room and every window of your home. Let it be "Dress- up Window Week ' at your house. . Howard, Between 15th & 16th. , WITHOUT PARALLEL PRICES WRECKED! . TERMS SMASHED! YOU OUGHT TO BUY NOW! SETl A I ICE1 We purchased for spot cash Hayden's $100,000 stock DEAMU9i of Pianos, Player Pianos, Musical Instruments and Sheet Music at 33 cents on the dollar. This is your opportunity to save money. Our six floors are jammed to the doors with beautiful upright, grand, and player pianos of the best known makes that you can purchase at a saving of $200 to $300. KAYDEH B36S. ERTI3E STC&K CF PISS AT LESS THAS HALF PRICE P P L , I I r M R S 0 s HI s $175 $68 and . and Up V Up r. NEVER BEFORE A SALE UKE THIS Think of it 1 New and slightly used Pianos and Players, such as Knabe, Sohmer, Eatey, Everett, Mehlin, J. & C. Fischer, Schaef fer, Price & Teeple, Shoninger, Behr Bros., going at the lowest prices ever asked for standard instruments. You take no chances when you select one of these pianos. We assume all responsibility as regards the piano giving satisfaction or refund your money after one week's trial, HERE ARE A FEW OF THE OARQAIKS Oil SALE TOMORROW 1 $500 Practice Piano.... S 15 $250 Roiwood Upr....$ 58 $30O KohUr A Cku Upright ............g $450 ChicWinr Upr....$ 67 72 $350 Wegman Upright. ..174 $300 Emerson Upright. ..234 $450 J. & CFUcher Upr.S392 $800 Everett Grand S315 $500 Price & Teeple Pljrer 8312 $300 Sohm.r Upright... $ .83 $323 Cable Upright $ 94 $350 Price & Teeple Up. $115 $400 Sbeger Upright. .. .$110 $500 Chickering ....... S124 $325 Hamilton Upright.. $148 I.1AKE YOUR OWN TERMS FREE STOOL AND SCARF Quick action is necessary on your part, as these low prices and terms will move the stock quickly, and the very piano you want might he gone if you delay. ' EXTRA SPECIAL LATEST HITS Hawaiian Nights (Song) Only 23c Southern Nights (Waltz) Ukuleles Only $5.00. 500 Popular Songs, Only 5c per copy. Beautiful Upright and Grand Pianos for Rent $3.50 Per Month and Up. Rent Allowed J on Purchase Price. 4 1 PIANO COMPANY L4 1311-13 Farnam St Est 1859. Phone Doug. 1623. Nebraska's Oldest and Largest Music House. Omaha Neb. Fair List Prices" Sherman & McCdnnell Drug Co. j llUI111 V " Sg II L.1IH J.-. . n 1 : ... . . mm mm Fair Treatment Nebraska The Gateway to the Far West THE stops of transcontinental travel the Lewis and Clark exploration, the Astor traders, the Oregon, California, Mor mon and Pike's Peak trails all passed through the portals of your State. Goodrich has been the gateway through which the great scientific discoveries "and modern methods of rubber-making have reached the rubber industry and the world. You get the crowning triumph of Goodrich rubber manufacture in Goodrich Tires. 111 BLACK SAFETY TREA are vouched for by the roads of State Nation, as matchless fabric tires. and noi Goodrich Test Car Fleets have put road tests to them and THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY THE CITY OF GOODRICH, AKRON, OHIO Makers also of tb Famous Sflvertowa Cord Tiraa Local Address, 2034 Farnam Street , Phone Douglas 4334. 1 thereby establish certainty of service for you service founded on the strength of Goodrich's Unit-Mold, Unbroken-Cure tire body You get this test certainty only in "America's Tested Tires." Best in thp Long Run